HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-28; City Council; 8786-1; Police Issues Kelly Elementary School Subcommittee.. Cl) 00 s:: 'M µ Cl) Cl) 13 C) Cl) µ µ •r-1 ~ 0 CJ M Cl) .::: µ M ::, . 1M Cl) s:: M 0 0 •r-1 1M µ <11 ~ "'d 0 s:: r-1 Q) 'cl ~ 0 0 CJ µ ,l) M "'d Cl) "'d ::, s:: s:: <11 'M µ µ S:: M 0 0 CJ A. Cl) Cll M ~ ~ i:: E! Cl) Cl) ::, µ O' •r-i QI Cl) Cl) ,n .a ::., E-l Cl) \:) 00 I 00 N I 0 r-1 .. z 0 ti < ...I 0 z ::, 0 0 AB#?'lf'.4 -!!J_ MTG.10-28-86 JITLE: DEPT._P_OL __ REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE CITYr.,..L.l~~- -POLICE ISSUES AT OR NEAR KELLY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY Mutt:~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Direct Police Chief to coordinate the efforts of county health department, local landowners and planning and building official in aggressively enforcing laws relating to health, sanitation,zoning, building and safety . 2. Request that NCTD consider relocating bus stops currently located on El Camino Real at Kelly Drive. 3. Approve "No Stopping" signs be posted at the west side of El Camino Real, both north and south of Kelly Drive. 4. Adopt Resolution_m.Lrequesting INS/Border Patrol to fund and staff a North County office. 5. Autho,,.ize the Mayor to send a letter to all North Cotinty cities requesting support for establishing a North County office of INS/Border Patrol. 6. Adopt Resolution~ requesting economic relief from the federal government to lessen the impact of the undocumented aliens on local governmentt. 7. Authorize the Mayor to send a letter requesting the support of the National League of Cities, California League of Cities and the California State Association of Counties requesting of economic and physical relief from the federal government. 8. Consider desirability, cost and timing of hiring of any additional police personnel ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 14, 1986, the City Council appointed a Council sub-committee, composed of Council Membe~ Lewis and Kulchin, two citizens and the Police Chief, to review and make recommendations of issues raised by citizens relating to 11 illegal aliens" and other problems at or near Kelly Elementary School. The sub-committee met on October 17, 1986. During the first meeting, it was decided that a Hispanic would be added to the sub-committee and that several follow-up meetings would be held. Also decided were actions to be recommended to the full Council at the Council meeting on October 28, 1986, The Police Chief was directed to prepare a report on these recommend~~ions as well as a cost analysis and utilization plan for additional police personnel, FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct cost to the City for recommendation numbers one through seven. The fiscal impact of recomme~dation number eight ranges from $10,276 for one additional traffic officer for the remainder of the year to $114,548 for five new personnel. The annualized costs would range from $2,252 for one new traffic officer to $164,596 for all five new positions. This represents net expenses after deducting revenues. The Finance Director indicates the current contingency fund is $1,138,940. EXHIBITS: 1. Reco11V11endation -~ouncil Sub-committee on Pol ice Issues at Kelly Elementary School. 2. Cost Analysis and Utilization Plan for additional personnel 3. Re~.olution No. i'fn.rJ I . 4. Resolution No. P-Y~:l.. 5. Citizens Requested Actions -Ron Lovick. ., OCTOBER 23, 1986 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: POLICE CHIEF RECOMMENDATION -COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE ON POLICE ISSUES AT KELLY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Council Sub-committee on Police Issues at Kelly School met on Friday, October 17, 1986. The sub-committee consisted of Vice Mayor Claude (Bud) Lewis, Council Member Ann Kulchin, citizen Victoria Gubelmann, citizen Ronald Lovick, San Diego County Chief Administrator Office Project Manager Augie Bareno, Police Captain Robert Vales (staff resource person) and me. Thi~ report is the summary of the meeting and the resultant direction given to staff. The sub-committee first raised the issue that a Hispanic should be participating in any future meetings. Gloria Carranza was brought up and I was directed to invite her to the next meeting scheduled October 30, 3:00 P.M. After the initial discussion, the sub-committee identified the following areas of concern: 1. The congragation of 11 illegal aliens" along El Camino Real, Kelly Drive and Park Drive and interfacing of children going to and from school and these individuals along the streets. 2. 11 Illegal aliens" living in sub-standard living quarters in the field areas surrounding Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the agricultural areas in that part of the city. 3. Unhealthy and unsanitary conditions caused by the sub-standard living conditions. 4. NCTD bus stops on both sides of El Camino Real at Kelly School causing safety problems. The stop on the east side of the street causes safety problems due to children crossing the street unattended and the stop on the west side being an intert,ce location with illegal aliens standin~ on the corner trying to be picked up for work. 5. The City Council should take a leadership role in dealing with the major issue of immigration and its impact within Carlsbad. 6. The final area of concern identified was the committee's concern that tne current level of police officer staffing is not adequate to deliver the kinds and level of service desired by the citizens, especially in the areas of traffic and special problems. Upon completion of discussing the major issues previously identified, the sub- convnittee made the following recommendations and directed the Police Chief to report the following recommendations to the City Council on October 28, 1986. 1. A resolution shouid be adopted asking the federal government to establish a North County INS-Border Patrol office and provide the necessary funds and staffing to deal with the immigration problems now being experienced in North County. 2. Contact should be made with the land owners to solicit their participation in cleaning up the sub-standard living and unsanitary conditions and that this cleanup be repeated as often as necessary. Suggested time frames for repetitive efforts is every three to six months. 3. Direct City's Chief Cod2 tnforcement Officer to make routine inspections and cite for sub-sta~dard buildings, health and safety code violations and other violations that relate to planning, zoning and building issues. 4. Request the San Diego County Health Department make periodic inspections of the areas of concern and vigorously enforce health standards. 5. Request the North County Transit District to consider relocating the bus stops currently located on El Camino Real at Kelly Drive to El Camino Real and Tamarack. This will allow for children being dropped off by the bus to be crossed safely by the crossing guard who is assigned at Tamarack and El c~mino Real and secondly will take away the interface of youngst&rs catching the bus or getting off the bus in the area where 11 illegal aliens 11 are congregating to be picked up for work by potential employers. 6. Approve ''No Stopping" signs on the west ~ide of El Camino Real, both north and south of Kelly Drive. 7. Authorize the Mayor to send a letter requesting support by the National League of Cities, California League of Cities and the California State Association of Counties. encouraging and requesting the federal government to provide economic and physical relief to the cities! counties and states most severly impacted by the immigration problem. This should include requesting more monies to be spent in the areas of social welfare as well as federal law enforcement responsibilities. 8. Authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the cities of Oceanside, Escondido, Vista, San Marcos, Encinitas, Solana BP.ach, Del Mar and San Diego County requesting their support to ~ncour&ge and request that the federal government prov·ide economic and physical relief to cities, counties and states most severly affected by the immigration problem. 9. The Chief of Police provide a cost analysis and utilization plan should the City Council wish to add additional sworn staff to the police department. (See attached Cost Analysis and Utilization Plan.) No further recommendations were made and ti1e meeting was adjourned. The next meeti g-wil~~eld on October 30, at 3:00 P.M. 411&~~ INCENT '?'JIMNO Police Chief.-/ / ' _,,,.,, VDJ:d~ COST ANALYSIS AND UTILIZATION PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL The Council Sub-committee requested the Chief of Police to deve 1 op a cost analysis and utilization plan for additional sworn police personnel as discussed by the sub-committee. This plan recognizes that all of the problems identified will not necessarily go away or even be completely manageable as their origin is greater and more complex than Carlsbad alone. Secondly, this plan takes into consideration dealing with the concerns expressed at the October 14, 1986 Counci1 meeting and the police department 1 s 1986 updated 11 Long Range Plan 11 • This plan is prepared as a response to thf: sub-committee 1 s request of how additional resources would be deployed or utilized, how much would it cost and what impact would these resources have on the overall program of the police department. In the following matrix the resources are costed out in the order of implementation. Secondly, some of the personnel generate revenues due to the specific activity in which they are involved. It is therefore a budgeted expense and a net real expense expressed. The net rea 1 expense is actual cost after deducting revenues. / ' Resource (By Priority) *On~ Traffic Officer ** $23,376 Salary/Benefits $11,000 Equipment, etc. $34,376 Total --• .a-_..,,4._. -~,,..,. ,.,, ____ ------------.... COST ANALYSIS AND UTILIZATION MATRIX Cost (First Six Months) $34,376 Budget Expense $10,376 Net Real Expense 1986-87 Running Total $34,376 $10,376 ,. Future Annualized Expenses Running Total $50,252 $ 2,252 - Officer would be tempora~~1y assigned to Kelly Drive, El Camino Real and surrounding area to deal with current problems and other areas experienc, ,g problems. Remainder of time officer, officer would be assigned to traffic re$µonsibilities and special events throughout the city. J *One Traffic Officer ** $23,376 Salary/Benefits $11,000 Equipment, etc. $34,376 Same as above. One Field Sergeant (Patrol) ** $28,044 Salary/Benefits $1,000 Equipment, etc. $29,044 Total $34,376 Budget Expense $20,376 $29,044 Budget Expense $29,044 $68,752 $20,752 $97,796 $49,796 $100,504 $ 4,504 $157,092 $ 61,092 Sergeant would be utilized to improve field superv1s1on of officers. This person would better able to guarantee assignee t officers working where they belong and utilizing appropriate methods to deliver desired service. • ·' l~o Police Off=-ers (Initially patrol) ** $46,752 Salary/Benefit3 $18,000 Equipment, etc. $64,752 $64,752 Budget Expense $64,752 $162}. 548 $114,548 $260,596 $164,596 Officers would be assigned a~ a special enforcement team working on specifically identified problems or enforcement efforts. At the onset, these efforts would~~ to deal with immigration related problems as identified by the sub-committee, then reassigned when free to vice and narcotic control, directed special enforcement such as burglary suppression, auto theft, prostitution and smuggling. This team would be eventually reassigned under the investigation division supervision once current prob1_ems were resol_ved to rnanas.:able levels. *Revenue generator.1lff~s2etting some of the cost of officer to City ~*Salary and benefits are based on six months (i.e. full year salary and benefits number should be doubled). l I I I: i -~ l l I Cost Analysis and Utilization Plan for Additional Personnel The plan fits directly into the long range plans that the police department has worked under and updated for the past several years. The current estimated population is approximately 52,300. The long range plan indicates the department would have 1.30 officers per 1,000 population. The additional staff shown is currently scheduled to be part of the 1987-88 budget request. Another factor being considered is that the first eight months of 1986 has also shown a 11.3% increase in called-for services over the same period in 1985. Two nptions the Council may wish to consider are implementation of all or part of the listed additions or delaying all or portions to a later time after further study. The delay could be of short term or a~ long as the 1987-88 budget adoption. In either event, the time lag for actually seeing new officers in the field will be approximately six to nine months after approval. The current overtime budget has been increased to deal with the immediate problem and therefore these problems should be manageable on thd short term. The plan described deals with a lurger term approach. This report is intended to provide what the committee asked to be done and should not be interpreted as a formal request. 7 l 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNif. REQUESTING ECONOMIC RELIEF FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO LESSEN THE IMPACT OF UNDOCUMENTED ALI ENS ON THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve 6 as follows: 7 1. That the impact of undocumented aliens on taxpayers and local 8 government is economically excessive; 9 2. That the Federal Government is responsible for the immigration 10 policies and laws of the United States; 11 3. That the Congress of the United States provide legislation giving 12 relief to local governments in the form of increased financial aid to lessen 13 the burden caused by medical, housing and other social welfare costs, as 14 well as additional manpower and facilities to deal more effectively with 15 the enforcement of immigration laws. 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 17 of the City of Car 1 sbad held on the day of , 1986 by ------ 18 the following vote to wit: 19 AYES: 20 NOES: 21 ABSENT: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) MARY H. CASLER, Mayor l 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING ESTABLISHMENT OF A U.S. BORDER PATROL OFFICE IN NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 6 resolve as follows: 7 1. That the population of undocumented aliens in North San Diego 8 County has reached a level where it is adversely affecting the health, 9 welfare and safety of the citizens of the City of Carlsbad and other 10 North San Diego County cities; ll 2. That enforcement of the immigration laws is the respon~ibility 12 of the U.S. Border Patrol: 13 3. That the U.S. Border Patrol does not presently maintain a permanent 14 presence in North San Diego County; 15 4. That a permanent office of the U.S. Border Patrol be established 16 in North San Diego County assigned exclusively to enforcement of the 17 inmigration laws in North San Diego County. 18 II 19 II 20 II 21 II 22 II 23 II 24 II 25 II 26 II 27 II 28 f I .. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -~ 11 l 12 I r I ( 13 i ' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the day of , 1986, by ------- the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) MARY H. CASLER, Mayor Jo I ~ We are here tonight to address ourselves to a specific s~gment of the ali~n popul•tion; that segment which is committing crimes and breaking the laws of our community. We are asking ~ou to give our Police and Fire Departments a clear mand•te to aggressively enforce the laws of our land, and to offer you, specific actions that can be taken D.2!!!. to make our community a safer place for all law •biding people living here. AGRESSIVELY ENFORCE OUR LAWS: Loitering on streets and lands Trespassing on public & private property Drinking in Public -Health & Safety codes Fire Cooes Littering on streets No Stepping Zones PROVIDE TOOLS TO IMPLEMENT THE LAWS: Form • Special EnPorcement Bureau consisting of 3 to 5 officers, with it's first assignment being this problem. Purchase additional Off-Road Equipment, including a short base 4x4 vehicle and two off-road motorcycles. Give our officers specific training in laws being violated, and a short course in street Spanish. -Provide the necessary holding Facilities. Direct the County Health Department to imp~ove the basic health conditions of our alien population, which will provid~ a healthy environment for all. Involve the land owners in the area to fence, post, and clear their lands. Hire a Security Quard to patrol an are~ of up to 3 miles around Kelly School. Improve the tralfic flow around Kelly and increase the number of Marked Crosswalks. Federal law provides for the reimbur;ement of costs associated with illegal aliens to local governments. The results ol the Border Patrol's activities today, shows that our Police and Fire departments can solve the problems facing our city, if you will give them the impetus., direction, equipment and ~esources thev need. ) { Gloria Carranza 2896 Brentwood Court Carlsbad, California 92008 October 28, 1986 Mayor Mary Casler and Members of the Carlsbad City Council: I respectfully ask you as members of the Carlsbad City Council not to take action on seven of the eight recommendations of the "Council Sub-Committee regarding police issues at or near Kelly Elementary School," until additional input can be received that will be more representative of the entire Carlsbad community. Regarding the recommendation to "consider desirability, cost and timing of hiring of any additional police personnel", if Police Chief Jimno feels that additional police and safety personnel are needed at the school, I certainly can support his professional decision on this matter. After all, we are all working for a safe and enjoyable community. Nevertheless, regarding the other seven recommendations, I feel we should avoid simple solutions to such complex problems. We are addressing very sensitive issues and thoughtful consideration should be given to each of them. A task force, comprised of public health professionals, churches, schools, law enforcement agencies, local growers and land owners, small businesses, parents, members of the Hispanic community, etc. should be formed to study the issues, compile accurate data, and maka recommendations that address the needs of the entirra Carlsbad community. I too would like to see the City Council take a leadership role in dealing with the major issua of immigration and its impact within the Carlsbad community, but I would hope that good judgement would prevail and that humanitarian solutions are found to everyone's benefit. Sincerely, .!-J~~- fai~ri a Carra cc: Police Chief Vincent Jimno ,,