HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-28; City Council; 8798; Carlsbad Airport Business Center\o co
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Specific Plan area from the provisions of Chapter 21.90 of t
Carlsbad Municipal Code. The southern 187 acres are exempt
under this Chapter.
The Planning Commission approved this project by a vote of 5 For additional details, see the attached staff report.
NOTE: The developer has appealed the added conditions
recommended by the Planning Commission. Their arguments arc detailed in letter to Mayor Casler, dated October 15, 1986
(attached). The developer is requesting deletion of the following conditions: Item dll-Requires all public improven as a condition of building permit; Item #12-Requiring sidewz on both sides of Loker and El Fuerte Streets; Item #14-That graded areas be hydroseeded.
Traffic Impact Fee
Bridge & Thoroughfare District
Development Zone Citywide Facilities Plan
Required Required 1/
Exempt (187 ac)
__ 0 LOCATION mp .< 1- c
I, i
/.- -
City of Garlsbad 2
r SF
0 0 +\ I* I
for approval of a specific plan for a 38 - lot
previously approved industrial subdivision on 187 B
located on the north side of Palomar Airport Road,
mile east of El Camino Real in the P-M zone.
That the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the Notic
Prior Compliance isued by the Planning Director and ADOPT
Resolution No. 2609, recommending APPROVAL of SP-200 to the
Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions
contained therein.
The proposed 187-acre Specific Plan is part of a larger
property, formerly called Carlsbad Oaks, which encompasses
approximately 600 acres. The 187-acre Specific Plan area,
(called Area A) located adjacent to the north side of Palom(
Airport Road, has been completely graded as part of an old
approved subdivision map (CT 74-21). In 1974, when the
original tentative map was approved, Specific Plans were no
required for those areas located within the Airport Influeni
Zone. Today, Specific Plans are required before developmei
plans can be processed. Thus, the primary reason for this
Specific Plan is to allow development on the lots created b
74-21 in compliance with current PM (Planned Industrial) 21
The remaining 400 + acres (future Area B) will be included
and will constitute a major amendment to SP-200 when
development plans are formulated for that area. A zone ch
for future Area B is presently in process in the Planning
Department. One aspect of the zone change is the designati
the large riparian area along Agua Hedionda Creek as Open S
with appropriate buffers. Staff's workload has not allowe
time for adequate field work to determine the open space
boundaries. The applicant already has sold lots in Area
needs the mechanism, i.e. a Specific Plan approval, to begi
processing Planned Industrial Permits. Therefore, staff a
the applicant have agreed to process the plan for Area A no
amend it later with standards applicable to Area B.
0 0 t- $
As mentioned earlier, the entire 187-acre parcel has been
graded, and improvements for water, sewer, streets, and drai
facilities are currently underway. Improvements are heing n
along Palomar Airport Road and a northerly extension of ~l
Fuerte Road is being constructed to the limits of the
subdivision map.
General Plan designations on the site include P-I (Planned
Industrial) and OS (Open Space) in small areas along El Fuer
zoning for Area A is PM. The Specific Plan basically
adheres to the standards of the PM Zone. It also sets the
driveway locations of the lots so that appropriate spacing i
provided along the internal loop street and cul de sacs.
Planning Issues
1) Does the Specific Plan address the impacts created by t
proximity to Palomar Aiport?
2) Are the development standards in the Specific Plan adec
to ensure the development of a quality business park?
3) Will the Specific Plan provide sufficient buffering bet
future industrial development and the Agua Hedionda Cre
Open Space corridor.
The subject property is located within a special treatment a
designated by the General Plan as the Aiport Influence area.
Development within this area must be processed in conjunctia
with a .specific plan . The proposed Specific Plan (SP-200)
a joint effort by the developer and City staff. The specifi
plan is designed to provide specific locations for various 1
uses , development standards tailored to the characteristics
the site, public facilities requirements, architectural
guidelines and mitigation measures designed to reduce or
eliminate project impacts on the environment.
The project site (Area A) lies within the normal Flight
Activity Zone of Palomar Airport, Essentially, this zone
identifies areas where problems could occur, i.e. crashes,
within the normal flight patterns. Area A lies beneath
the eastern landing approach to the runway. Only a small
portion falls within the future 60-65 CNEL noise contours,
although it is obvious that the area will experience single
, event noise impacts from eastern bound landing aircraft. Th
e 0 ., I\
permitted land uses in the PM Zone, i.e. office buildings,
manufacturing plants, and other related business and commerc
facilities, are compatible uses in the immediate vicinity of
airport. No uses will be allowed which involve assemblies o
large groups of people, i.e. a movie theater. The height
limit has been restricted to 35 feet unless the PM Zone is
changed to allow taller structures. Because Area A will not
experience constant, high noise levels, mitigation measures
are not necessary for assuring internal noise levels of fut
The development standards provided in the specific plan are
comparable if not more restrictive than those of the PM Zone
Adequate setbacks, landscaping, and parking will be provided
Architectural guidelines for future buildings located on lot
next to Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street will ensur
aesthetically pleasing buildings along the major roadways.
proposed document will help to ensure a high quality busines
Area A has provided a considerable buffer between the future
industrial lots and Agua Hedionda Creek, which is in future
B and is designated Open Space on the General Plan. The
Specific Plan, as currently proposed, includes the approved
tentative and final maps for the 187 acres which front on Pz
Airport Road. The closest distance from the edge of the
approved development to the edge of the riparian woodlands :
approximately 400 feet. The Environmental Impact Report (E
prepared for Area B in 1981 lists specific mitigation measu
for the preservation of the riparian area, which will be
incorporated into the plan for Area B.
In summary, the Specific Plan addresses the project's locat
near the airport, it provides standards which will contribu
a quality business park, and adequate buffers will be provil
between future industrial development and the Agua Hedionda
Creek Open Space corridor. Therefore, staff recommends
approval of SP-200 for the Carlsbad Airport Business Center
The Planning Director has determined that the environmental
effects of the project described above have already been
considered in conjunction with previously certified environ
documents, and therefore, no additional environmental revie
be required and a Notice of Determination will be filed.
Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance was issued on Augu
I. 1 m -,
1) Planning Commission Resolution Number 2609
2) City Council Ordinance No. , Exhibit 'A", datec
September 8, 1986
3) Location Map
4) Background Data Sheet
5) Disclosure Form
6 ) Environmental Document
7) SANDAG Letter, dated August 26, 1986
8) Carlsbad Airport Business Center Specific Plan (SP-200
9) Exhibits "B" and "C", dated September 8, 1986
dated September 8, 1986
* * ..
I. 1
APPLICANT: Carlsbad Airport Business Center
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Specific Plan for development standards for exist
CT 74-21 located north side of Palomar Airport Road, 1/2 mile east of
~l Camino Real.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1-38, inclusive, of Carlsbad Tract No 74-21, in tk
City of Carlsbad, county of San Diego, State of California, according to
thereof No. 10372., filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diet
County, April 13, 1982.
APN: 209-081-01 through 22, 209-082-01 through 07, 209-083-01 through 09
Acres 187 Proposed No. of Lots/Units 38 already approved.
Land Use Designation P-I, OS
Density Allowed N/A Density Proposed N/A
Existing Zone PM Proposed Zone PM
Surrounding zoning and Land Use:
Zoning Land Use
Site PM undeveloped
North PC undeveloped
South County undeveloped/agriculture
East C-2 Carlsbad Raceway
West OS undeveloped
School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's
Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated September 10, 1986
Negative Declaration, issued
__. E.I.R. Certified, dated
Other, Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance, dated August 23, 198
4f +fear .,he infowtr +hat fktllw info-fiw ; required, you will b SO Q -&-
ou ~.-VU =-I---- I-- --- . -- -- ----
APPLICANT: -T .mu- ia comorat ion )
Nme (individual, partnership, Joint ventwe, corpration, s
3575 Kenyon Street, San Dieqo, CA. 92110
BwhOS8 AddXeS8
(619) 223-1663
Telephoao NIlmhr
3575 Kenyon Stredet. San Dieqo, CA. 92110
BuSh.S8 Address
(619) 223-1663 TelephOn8 Numkr
TICOR Title Insurance Under
MEMBERS: Holding Agreement #409 , acalifornia Corporation rsarpe *(individual, partner, joint Haram Acwreu
ventura , corpra tion, sy-cation)
c/o 3575 Kenyon St.
P- ?Ez%zbr ess
Tehpfion. slumbar ~19) '19 6081 Telephone NrrPbat
mmJ C m an
c/o 3575 Kenyon St.
San Diego, CA. 92110
liae Horn* Address
3isiness Address
(619) 438-2636 . Ttie$or.a N-er Te lephnc :;uziber
T 61 G INVESTMENTS, INC., a California Corporation
3575 Kenyon St.
San Dieqo, CA. 92110
Telephone: (619) 223-1663
(Attach more sheets if necessary)
f/we dockze ucder Benalty of perjury that the infornation contained ii
closure is t,qe and correct and that it will remain true and correct ai
relied upon as btiq true and correct until amended.
TLG MEN-, A pIi ant
BY .-g
Agent, OAner. Partner
n-.-1 T( Trhann Pre-sider
0 0 .,
I* \
Citp of (1Carl~fiab
Please Take Notice:
The Planning Department has determined that the environmental effects
of the project described below have already been considered in
conjunction with previously certified environmental documents and,
therefore, no additional environmental review will be required and a
notice of determination will be filed.
Project Title: Carlsbad Airport Business Center.
Project Location: North side of Palomar Airport Road, onequarter
mile east of El Camino Real.
Project Description: Specific Plan for 187 acre approved tentative
and final map for industrial uses. specific Plan will address
development standards and is required because the property is located
within the airport influence area.
Justification for this determination is on file in the Planning
Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA, Comments from the
public are invited.
Department within ten ( IO) days of date of publication.
Please submit comments in writing to the Planning
Dated: August 23, 1986
Case No: SP-200 Planning Director
Applicant: Carlsbad Airport Business Center
Publish Date: August 23, 1986
PC 1
0 8% >
ft, Sa Diego
Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza
1200 Third Avenue
San Diego, California 92101
(619) 236-5300
Nancy Rollman
Associate Planner
City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm
Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989
Dear Ms. Rollman:
SANDAG staff, as staff of the Airport Land Use Commission, has received your letter relative to the Carlsbad Airport Business Center. We have the following
comments, which have not been reviewed by the Board of Directors.
The cited Specific Plan (page 10) indicates that, "Various ... building heights ...
will be allowed as a result of the mixed land uses and prevailing topography." This
must be considered a change in land use from the General Plan which was
approved as being in conformance with the Palomar Airport Comprehensive Lanc
Use Plan (CLUP) in 1983. At that time, the height limit for industrial building:
was 35 feet (average). Anything above that limit should be reviewed to assurf
conformance with the CLUP.
The new CLUP (under review) recognizes the new ILS approach of 50:1, whicl
intersects the ground in the subdivision under consideration. Due to the obstruc
tion, FAA has established a 34:l approach from the east (to runway 24). The 34:
approach cannot be obstructed without causing a change in approach to the air
port. The current (35 foot) height limit appears to meet the ILS requirements a
34:l. However, "various ... building heights" could jeopardize this approach.
Therefore, we urge that a specific height limit be set along the ILS approac
limiting heights of buildings (and landscaping) to 35 feet, with no appurtenances o
the buildings allowed to exceed that height for any parcel exceeding 400 fee
elevation within one mile of the airport. An alternative could be formulated tha
would be more precise. However, the present wording of the Specific Plan i
insufficient to assure protection along the ILS, even though that may be the inten
of the wording.
Please advise us of the wording to be selected. The current wording, if ur
changed, will require staff to take the Specific Plan to the Board of Director
acting as the Airport Land Use Commission.
Specific Plan for Carlsbad Airport Business Center
MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Me National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Vista and County of San Die:
ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS. California Department of Transportation, U.S Department of Defense and Tijuana/
$ -, 3 0 0
Thank you for forwarding the proposed Specific Plan for our review.
Sincerely, $" Q--P-
JA KKOERPER Special Projects Director
cc: Rick Severson
,. 0 0
Prepared by:
Carlsbad Planning Department -
Carlsbad Engineering Department
Rick Engineering Company
September 8, 1986
e 0 .\ I. t
E -
I. INTRODUCTION..........................~.............
A. Purpose...... ...................................
B. Location.........................................
C. Background ......................................
D. General Plan and Zoning. ........................
F. General Provisions..............................
E. Legal Description. ..............................
11. LAND USE, CIRCULATION AND PHASING...................
A. General Development Concept .....................
B. Statistical Summary.............................
C. Circulation.....................................
D. Phasing .........................................
111. PERMITTED USES......................................
A. Performance Standards...........................
B. Primary Uses....................................
C. Auxiliary Uses..................................
D. CCkR'S..........................................
A. Parking .........................................
C. Landscaping .....................................
D. Signs and Graphic Requirements. .................
.E. Architectural Guidelines. .......................
B. Building Setbacks...............................
F. Employee Eating Areas......,....................
G. Site Coverage...................................
H. Building Height .................................
I. Storage Areas...................................
J. Metal Structures................................
K. Bike Lanes......................................
M. Nuisances.......................................
0. Performance Standards...........................
L. Telephone and Electrical Services. ..............
N. screening of Equipment ..........................
V. MITIGATION MEASURES.................................
e 0 ..
1 1
A. Purpose:
This Specific Plan is intended to be a tool to implem
the goals and policies of the General Plan. The Speci
Plan is required due to the project's location within
airport influence area. The Specific Plan establishe
set of standards for approval of future discretion
actions for projects located within its boundaries
Approval of the Specific Plan does not guarantee apprc
of future projects. This Specific Plan shall be knowr
the Carlsbad Airport Business Center Specific Plan wt
encompasses a total of 605 acres, formerly known
Carlsbad Oaks.
For the purpose of the Specific Plan process, the pro
has been divided into two parts; the southern sec
known hereafter as Area A and the northern section,
hereafter as Area B. The southerly portion of
property contains 187 acres. A tentative map a
subsequent final map have been approved and reco
Public improvements, as required by the tentative map
currently underway.
The northerly section contains approximately 417 a
no detailed planning or engineering studies have '
performed on this parcel.
This first chapter of the Specific Plan will pr
general information on the 605 acres. The remaind
the Specific Plan will focus entirely upon the sot
187 acres of the property, known as Area A. The Spc
Plan will be amended to include a more detailed disci
of the northerly portion of the property. Because (
time commitments of staff and the desire to continuc
the planning efforts on the southerly portion o
property in a timely fashion, the split of the Spc
Plan into two parts has been determined to be thc
mechanism to allow the planning functions to continu
timely manner.
The purpose of this Specfic Plan is to provide for
design, development and operation of a light indus'
complex within the City of Carlsbad. The land-use
and development regulations will insure an indust
development that conforms to community goals and v
and the protection of adjacent land uses from unfava
8 0 .. >, 1
This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to the provit
of California Government Code Sections 65450 et seq.
the Land-Use Element of the City of Carlsbad General I
The area covered by this plan is included within
Palomar Airport Special Treatment Area specified ir
General Plan and, therefore, this plan is also pre
according to the special treatment-area require
established by the City's General Plan. A specific
is required for this project because of the parti
requirements of the special treatment area. This Spe
Plan establishes detailed regulations, conditions
programs for development within the area spec
B. Location:
The Carlsbad Airport Business Center is located on a
acre parcel north of Palomar Airport Road, one-qa
mile east of El Camino Real. Carlsbad Raceway is IC
Approximately a half-mile east of the project site c
north side of Palomar Airport Road. Immediately nort
west of the proposed project is the Dawson Los
Canyon Reserve. This sensitive area is part 0:
University of California Natural Land and Water Resc
System and is used by the university for scientifi
educational purposes. The property to the we:
proposed for the Faraday Industrial Park.
Agua Hedionda Creek and its southern fork cross the
riparian woodlands consisting of oaks, willow and syi
trees will be retained in Area €3. Care will be tal
the alignment of Faraday Avenue to minimize the imp:
the riparian habitat.
The site topography can be characterized as rolling
covered hills with several eroded hillsides cont
gullies in the northern two-thirds of the property
southern one-third consists of two large plateaus.
area and is primarily contained in Area B. A
C. Background:
In 1981, a General Plan Amendment was approved
modified the Land-Use Element to reflect 282 ac
industrial and 135 acres of open space in the are
was shown as residential in the Valle Verde F
Community, making it compatible with the existi]
acres of existing planned industrial along Palomar I!
A major factor in the deliberations on the Genera
Amendment was the property's location in relation tc
non-residential uses and Palomar Airport. Industrii
and open-space corridors were determined to be th
appropriate use for this area.
e e .\
I. I
A Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 74-21) and subseq
Final Subdivision Map over the southerly 187 acres
already been approved by the City. Grading has
completed on this area. Improvements for water, SE
streets and drainage facilities are currently underwal
D. General Plan and zoning:
The entire property is currently designated under
major general plan land-use classifications. Four hur
seventy-one acres are shown as planned industrial wit1
remaining 135 acres shown as open space.
The open-space corridor is generally located along
Agua Hedionda Creek, south of Faraday Avenue. An1
large area of open space is located in the nort'
portion of the project adjacent to Dawson Los Monos C
Reserve. This area possesses considerable biolol
significance as one of the few remaining undist
riparian woodland systems in Southern California. Fu
discussions on the large open space area in the nor
portion of the 605-acre site will be a part of the f
amendment to the Specific Plan.
Planned industrial and open-space land-use designa
surround the property on the south, west and east s
A specific plan for the Faraday Industrial Park
submitted in February of 1985, abutting this proper
the west.
In terms of zoning, the southerly 187 acres is zon
(Planned Industrial). The northerly 417 acres is zor
(Planned Community). A zone change to PM (PI
Industrial) and Os (Open Space) for the norther1
acres will be necessary to bring the property
conformity with the Land-Use Element of the General E
E. Legal Description:
Lots 1 through 38, inclusive, of CARLSBAD TRACT NO. '
in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, St;
California, according to Map thereof No. 10372, fil
the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego C
April 13, 1982.
F. General Provisions:
1) The applicant shall comply with all provisions
Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.90.030(g) (
Management System).
2) Before this project is reviewed by the City Co
the applicant shall execute the agreement to p
fees for facilities and improvements as requi:
the Growth Management System and any other agl
required by Municipal Code Section 21.90.030(g),
* e ., t. I
3) As a condition of obtaining a planned indust
permit or building permit under Title 21 of
Carlsbad Municipal Code, the subdivider shall e
into a contract with the City whereby the subdir
covenants on behalf of the subdivider and subdivii
successors in interest to the following:
a) Not opposing and consenting to the formation
bridge and major throughfare district in the
of this project.
b) Payment of the bridge and major throughfare
for the area of the district in which
development is located.
c) Payment of the adopted traffic impact fee fo
appropriate area of the City in effect at the
the building permits are received.
4) If any condition for construction of any F
improvements or facilities, or the payment of any
in lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or im
by law on this project are challenged, this apy
shall be suspended as provided in Government
Section 65913.5. If any such condition is detei
to be invalid this approval shall be invalid 1
the City Council determines that the project wj
the condition complies with all requirements of 1
5) Unless noted, approval of this document doe:
excuse compliance with all other applicable
ordinances in effect at the time building permit
6) General Notes:
a) Except as specified in this plan, the requir,
of the PM zone and all other applicable prov
of the zoning, subdivision, grading and bu
codes (and any amendments thereto) of the C
Carlsbad shall apply.
b) Where minor questions arise regarding int
tation of this Specific Plan, the P1
Director shall resolve them in a manner cons
with the Municipal Code, adopted City plai
city policy. Such decisions by the P1
Director may be appealed to the P1
Commission and the City Council.
c) The developer or property owners' assoc
shall be responsible for maintaining all fil
cut slopes adjacent to public streets a
special landscape areas as outlined in this
* e .I
1. 9
A. General Development Concept:
This Specific Plan is a planned industrial develo!
which will consist of several different uses SUC
industrial, research and development, office and re1
commercial uses. The approved subdivision map for A
consists of 38 lots ranging in size from 2.97 acre
8.63 acres. Access will be provided from El Fuerte S
and Loker Avenue along Palomar Airport Road. The int
circulation consists of a loop street with cul-de-
There will be no vehicular access from either Pa
Airport Road or El Fuerte Street. The driveway loca
(Exhibit 2) have been designed to be compatible wit1
approved grading and improvement plans.
The building sites and parking lots will be extens
landscaped, along with special landscape treatmer
dsignated streets. The establishment of se
requirements and sign controls will help to provic
aesthetically sensitive environment.
Pedestrian and bicycle access will be provided throu
the development. Private recreational facilities wi
recommended for the benefit of the employees of the 1
individual industrial users.
B. Statistical Summary:
Based upon preliminary site studies, the foll
breakdown of land use will substantially be made a pz
any application:
Uses Acres
Mixed Uses 22
Industrial 151
Streets 14
This plan serves to implement the general pl
conjunction with the PM zoning classification on the
Any details or issues not specifically covered bj
specific Plan shall be subject to the regulations
Carlsbad Zoning Code.
All development will comply with the development sta
of the PM zone, Chapter 21-34 of the Zoning Ordi
Approval of this plan does not vest any rights for
approvals of any licenses , discretionary acts or
entitlements necessary for future development of
.. *I * P W
C. Circulation:
Access to the property is currently provided by Pal
Airport Road shown as a 126-foot ROW prime arterial or
Circulation Element. This property, as well as proper
in the immediate area, will provide their proportic
share to the improvements of Palomar Airport Road.
approved subdivision map for Area A shows two loop sti
from Palomar Airport Road intersecting El Fuerte
approximately 600 feet north of Palomar Airport Road.
Driveway locations have been determined for Area A as
of this Specific Plan, as shown on Exhibit "2". I
driveway locations will be adhered to when future P1<
Industrial Permits (PIP) are applied for. Deviations
this plan or from City Standards will necessitat
amendment to this Specific Plan.
At some future time as Area B is processed as an amen
to this Specific Plan, El Fuerte will be extended
part of the northerly 417-acre parcel to intersect
the future Faraday Avenue, shown as a 84-foot ROW
Arterial on the Circulation Element. The alignmei
Faraday Avenue will be carefully considered to min
any impacts on Agua Hedionda Creek and still functi
intended by the Circulation Element. Faraday Avenue
be constructed to secondary arterial street star
connecting College Boulevard on the west and Melrose
to the east.
All of the roadways will be public, designed and bui
the developer in accordance with City standard:
industrial streets and the developer shall pay the ti
impact fee (TIF) in affect for this area at the tj
building permits.
D. Phasing:
The Carlsbad Airport Business Center Specific Plan w
developed in several phases. The phasing schedule
depend largely on market conditions and the timing
development of adjoining parcels. All public improv
required €or CT 74-21 shall be constructed pri
issuance of building permits for any lot within CT 7
The first phase of lot development will occur
Palomar Airport Road. Phase I will consist of the 2
created by CT 74-21 located on the northwest corner
Fuerte and Palomar Airport Road. Excluding streets
area contains approximately 80 acres.
Phase 11 of lot development will consist of IC
through 38 of CT 74-21 located on the northeast cor
Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte. Approximat
acres of land is included in this phase.
.. 1. * m w
The phasing for the remainder of the Specific Plan wil
dictated to a large degree by the development patter
adjoining parcels. When this Specific Plan is amende
include Area B, the northerly 417 acres, a phz
schedule will be developed.
In addition, phasing may be altered by the provisioi
the Citywide and Local Facilities Plan required pur
to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
A. Performance standards for Permitted Uses:
Uses in the Carlsbad Airport Business Center wil
limited to light-and medium-industrial uses, researc'
development uses, industrial support and services use
professional office uses, provided that such use?
confined within a building or buildings and do
contribute excess noise, dust, smoke, vibration, od
toxic or noxious matter to the surrounding environmen
contain a high hazard potential. Uses permitted
comply with the provisions of 21.34.090 of the PM
(performance standards).
B. Primary Uses:
All uses shall conform to the general development con
for a high-quality business park, with all standard
restrictions established by this plan and with the (
Each use shall be required to obtain a Planned Indu5
Permit in accordance with Section 21.34.050 oj
Municipal Code.
The uses permitted in the Carlsbad Airport Business I
shall be those as listed in 21.34.020 of the PM zone
c. Auxiliary Uses:
Industrial support uses, business and professional
and certain retail uses supporting the industrial pal
be established within the Carlsbad Airport Business
subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use
pursuant to Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal
The uses subject to a Conditional Use Permit sh?
those as contained in Section 21.34.030 of the PM zo
As shown on the land use plan (Exhibit "l"), mixer
are indicated for Lots 14, 15, 23 and 24, with the
In add of locating the CUP uses in this area.
because these lots are located at the primary entra
the business park, site development plans sha
required for all other uses propsed for these lots.
.. 1,' a w
D. CC&Rs:
Prior to any development within the Carlsbad Air
Business Center, the developer shall prepare covena
conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) applicable to
entire Specific Plan area. The CC&Rs shall establi
Business Park Association, which every lot shal:
required to join. Maintenance responsibility of
common open space areas shall be indicated in the C(
If such maintenance is required of the Business
Association (versus a City approved maintenance disti
it shall be understood that the lots in both Area A
will maintain the future open space in Area B. If, ai
time Area B is approved with development plans
amendments are made to this Specific Plan, it be
necessary to amend the CCCRs because of sp
circumstances pertaining to Area B, then the CCbRs
be amended. These CC&Rs shall be approved by the Pla
Director prior to the approval of any building permit
Phase I of Area A. No development shall occur unti
CC&Rs are approved.
This section provides standards which will allow L
site planning and building design on individual pa
while maintaining regulations assuring the developme
setbacks, building separations, building heights
architectural styles will result from the various bui
types and land uses and prevailing topography. A P1
Industrial Permit shall be required to be submitte
review and approval by the Planning Director fo?
industrial lots proposed for development within
specific planning area. All projects shall compll
the development standards of 21.34.070 of the PM zonc
an industrial center of excellent quality. Va
A. Parking:
The parking requirment for all uses shall comply
Chapters 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Whe:
or more uses occupy a single structure, the pq
requirement shall be determined by calculatinc
requirement for each use individually based o
proportional share of total floor area. No change
use requiring more parking will be allowed unles
additional parking is not provided, the City shal
the appropriate permit or license for the new USE
parking shall be allowed in the required front ya
street side yard setbacks.
B. Building Setbacks:
For the purpose of this Specific Plan, setbacl
defined as the minimum distance from the ultimate
1. 9 w
of-way line of the frontage street. Setback areas z
be landscaped and irrigated in accordance with this
and the PM zone.
1. Front- and street-Side Yard setbacks:
Palomar Airport Road: All lots abutting Pa.
Airport road shall maintain a minimum setback c
El Fuerte Street: All lots abutting El Fuerte S'
shall maintain a minimum setback of 50 feet.
Local Streets: An average setback of 35 feet sha
maintained on all local streets, ie Loker Avenua
the other project cul-de-sacs. In no case shal:
setback be less than 25 feet.
Setback Landscaping: Setback areas (other
driveways) must be entirely landscaped and irri
in accordance with the provisions of landsc
standards established by this document.
Improvements Within Setbacks: The foll
improvements are specifically permitted in the st
side setback.
a) Walks;
b) Driveways which provide access from the stre
parking areas, shall not be permitted with
feet of the right-of-way of Palomar Airport
or El Fuerte Street or within 25 feet 0
right-of-way line of the interim streets.
driveways within front-yard setbacks shal
screened from public or private street
mixture of mounding and planting to
satisfaction of the Planning Director.
c) Landscaping;
d) Planters, architectural fences or walls n
exceed 3 feet in height. (Excluding
distance corridors which shall be less tk
inches above street grade.)
e) Monument signs as controlled by this Specifi
and also subject ot sight-corridor restricti
this plan.
rn the case of through lots extending from str
street, both street frontages shall be treated
street setback.
'. I W w
2. Sideyard Interior setback:
Sideyard setbacks on interior lots shall be a m:
of 10 feet and shall be entirely landscape1
3. Rear-Yard Setback:
A rear-yard setback of 20 feet shall be requirec
at least 10 feet adjacent to the rear property
landscaped and irrigated.
C. Landscaping:
The following standards shall apply to all lands1
within the development:
1. General Requirement:
a) General Statement: Landscaping shall me
effective combination of street trees,
ground cover and shrubbery shall be provided
landscaping is required.
b) Special Landscaped Streets (Palomar Airport
and El Fuerte): Except for approved drivew
sidewalk locations, the entire area betwee
curb and the building setback line sha
These landscaped areas shall be establishe
maintained by the developers, business
association or maintenance district. The
scaping shall be consistent with the requir
as outlined in the City of Carlsbad's Lan
Guidelines Manual and any theme that may
along these streets at the time of the
development .
c) Interior Streets: Except for approved dr
and sidewalk locations, the entire area fri
curb to a point 25 feet beyond the right-
line shall be landscaped.
dl Berms: The landscaping in all streetsidt
backs shall include berms as noted below.
average height of berms shall be 42 incher
special landscape streets and 30 inches fc
other streets. The height of the berm sh(
measured from the street curb or parking lot
whichever is higher. when the parking ai
more than 36 inches below street level, th
may be 18 inches. Berms are not required
the entire area between the street and build
to be landscaped and free of parking.
W w
e) Intersections: Landscaping and berms,
including trees, along all streets shal
limited to a height of 2.5 feet within the
angle formed by a line extended between poir
feet distant from the intersection of the 1
of-way lines prolonged. Collector and art
streets shall conform to AASHTO sight dis
2) Interior Setback
a) General Statement: All designated undevc
areas, such as setbacks and areas not use
parking or storage, shall be landscaped
ground cover, shrub and tree materials.
b) Undeveloped Areas: For those parts o!
property in which immediate development i
proposed, the property shall be kept in a
free condition maintained by the develc
owner/lessee. These areas need not be
landscaped until such time as the P
Industrial Permit is implemented.
c) Screening: Areas used for parking shall be
scaped in such a manner as to interrupt or
said areas from view from access street
adjacent properties. Plant materials €or
purpose shall consist of lineal or grouped
of shrubs and/or trees.
3) Parking Areas
Trees, equal in number of one-per-five parking s
shall be provided in the parking area. The trei
be distributed evenly throughout the area or r
grouped or clustered in order to create a
4) Slope Banks
All slope banks shall be stabilized, planted 1
combination of trees, shrubs and ground cove
irrigated as required by the City Enginee
Planning Director.
5) Entryways
special landscape and sign treatment shall be a
at major entryways into the industrial park, si
Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte, and El Fuer
Loker Avenue. Distinctive landscape design, co
ing of ground cover, hedge rows, and other appro
landscape materials, combined with contour be
shall be included.
e w
Entryway signs shall be limited to ground signs w
contain the name of the industrial park only and w
conform to the sign and graphic standards of
plan. Entryway plans shall be submitted to
Planning director for approval prior to issuanc
sign permits,
6) Landscape and Irrigation
A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shal:
submitted to and approved by the Planning Dire
prior to approval of building permits for each lot
D, Signs and Graphic Requirements:
All signs within the Carlsbad Airport Business Cc
shall be subject to the provisions of Section 21-41 o
Zoning ordinance.
1. General Standards:
a, With the exception of community-identity (1
ment) signs no other freestanding sign shal
allowed along Palomar Airport Road or El F
b. The total area of all signs on any one lot
not exceed 1 .5 square feet per lineal foc
building frontage located on the lot.
c. No sign shall be higher than the height o
building upon which it is located.
d, Signs will be restricted to identifying on1
person, firm, company or corporation operatir
use conducted on the site.
e. Interiorly-illuminated signs visible from
exterior of any building may be allowed, b
signs or any other contrivance will be derit
constructed so as to rotate, gyrate, blink,
or appear to move in any fashion.
f. Public service devices such as clocks and tei
ture indicators will be devoid of advertisinc
2. Wall Signs
a. No wall sign will exceed an area equal to 01
one-half square feet of sign area for each f
lineal frontage of the wall on which
located. Total wall signage shall not excel
square feet in area per lot or comprise mor
10 percent of the area of the elevation upon
the sign is located, whichever is less.
-1 2-
., a w
I *, -
b. The area of a wall sign will be measured E
rectangle around the outside of the lette
and/-or the pictorial symbol.
c. All signs attached to the building will be sur
d. In multi-tenant industrial or office buildi
each individual business may have a wall sign
the entrance to identify the tenant. Said
will give only the name of the company and wil
limited to letters 6 inches high. Said signs
be oriented toward the parking or pedestrian
for that building and shall not exceed a ma:
area of five square feet.
e. In multi-tenant buildings having commercial
each ground-floor business may have one wall
per building frontage. said signs shall nc
located above the ground-f loor facia. Each
shall be liinited to an area equal to 10 perce
the business face upon which it is located
maximum of 35 square feet.
3. Ground Signs
a. Every lot may have one ground sign not to e
four feet in height and 40 square feet per fa
b. No ground sign shall be located within 100 fe
another ground sign.
c. See entryway requirements.
4. Miscellaneous Signs
a. Temporary Identification Signs
1) sale or Lease sign
One sign, not to exceed 15 square fe
area, advertising the sale, lease or hi
the site will be allowed.
2) construction Sign
one sign, not to exceed 20 feet in
denoting the architects, engineers, cont
and other related subjects will be a110
the commencement of construction. Saic
will be removed at the time the build:
fit for occupancy.
0 W
1 *~
3) Temporary Future-Tenant Sign
One sign allowing the identification of
future tenants and other persons will
allowed. Such signs shall not exceec
square feet.
4) None of the above signs (1-3) will be all
along Palomar Airport Road or El Fuerte.
Temporary project sign, advertising lot 6
or lease, may be placed along Palomar Air
Road, not to exceed 40 square feet per fac
b. Community-Identity/Entryway Signs
1) Sign program that provides for entrance, I
directional and project-identity signs,
be allowed in addition to all other
permitted by this Specific Plan.
permanent ground sign, not to exceed 10
in length and 4 feet in height, identi
the project will be allowed at each 01
three following locations: The interse
of El Fuerte and Palomar Airport Road, an
intersections east and west of Loker A
and Palomar Airport Road.
E. Architectural Guidelines:
I. All structures proposed on lots abutting Pa
Airport Road and El Euerte Street shall comply
the following Architectural Guidelines.
a. Architectural style shall promote architec
relief through the use of structural off
insets, articulated surfaces, roof overhang
compatible contrasting materials and colors.
b. Plain tilt-up and box-like structural forms
be avoided.
c. The design of buildings and surrounding en1
ment shall be architecturally integratec
compatible with each other.
F. Employee Eating Areas:
This project shall be required to comply with subs
21.34.070 (31, employee eating areas, of the Ca
Zoning Ordinance. Those lots on the north side of A
which face or have views of the Agua Hedionda Cree
shall attempt to design those lots such that the em
eating areas face or have views to the north,
advantage of future open space vistas.
0 W ..
> ’,
Maximum building coverage, including accessory bui
structures and excluding open parking areas , shall
exceed 50 percent of the gross lot area.
The maximum height of all structures shall be 35 feet
the PM zone is amended to allow taller buildings,
this Specific Plan shall allow consideration of heig
excess of 35 feet.
1. All outdoor storage areas shall be visually SCI:
from adjacent streets and property. Said scrE
shall consist of a solid concrete or masonry wal
other durable material approved by the P1z
Director) not less than 6 feet in height. Ot
storage shall include the parking of all company
or operated motor vehicles with the exceptic
regular passenger vehicles (automobiles).
2. No refuse collection areas shall be permitted bt
streetside and the building line.
No metal structures with metal siding or she
exteriors shall be permitted.
Palomar Airport Road, El Fuerte Street and Loker
shall provide bike lanes in accordance with
.All onsite electrical lines (excluding transmission
and telephone lines shall be placed underground.
former or terminal equipment shall be visually sc
from view from streets and adjacent properties.
No portion of the property shall be used in violat
the performance standards of this plan or in such a
as to create a public or private nuisance.
Exterior components of plumbing, processing, he
cooling and ventilating systems (including but not 1
to piping, tanks, stacks, collectors, heating, cooli
ventilating fans, blowers, ductwork, vents, IC
.. 0 0
1 ’>
i meters, compressors,, motors, incinerators, ovens, e
shall not be directly visible to surrounding areas
shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Plan
All industrial uses shall comply with the follo
performance standards:
1. The maximum allowable exterior noise level of an3
shall not exceed sixty-five Ldn as measured at
property line. Where a structure is occupied by
than one use, the noise level shall not be in e;.
of 45 Ldn as measured within the interior space o
neighboring establishment. Noise caused by 1
vehicles traveling to and from the site are e:
from this standard.
2. All uses shall be operated so as not to emit m
causing unpleasant odors which are perceptible t
average person while within or beyond the lot con
ing such uses.
3. All uses shall be so operated as not to gen
vibration discernible without instruments by
average person while on or beyond the lot upon
the source is located or within an adjoining enc
space if more than one establishment occupi
structure. Vibration caused by motor vehicles, t
and temporary construction is exempted from
4. All uses shall be operated so as not to p
humidity, heat , glare or high-intensity illumii
which is perceptible without instruments by the
age person while on or beyond the lot containir
5. All uses shall meet the air-quality standards
San Diego County Air-Quality Control Board (AQCB
addition, all uses shall be operated so as not t
particulate matter or air contaminants whic
readily detectable without instruments by the E
person while in the lot containing such uses.
6. All manufacturing, assembling, compounding,
cation, packaging, processing and treating ope1
shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed
e m
7. All outdoor storage, including equipment, shal
completely enclosed by a solid decorative concre
masonry wall not less than six feet in height.
such wall shall be architecturally compatible wit
main buildings on the site and shall screen the s
materials from the view of industrially zoned ad
ing properties and public streets. If complete v
screening of stored materials is not possible,
and other plant materials shall be used. Any wal
landscaping used for screening purposes shal
subject to the approval of the Planning Director.
Outdoor storage shall not be allowed adjacent to
industrially zoned properties.
8. All discharge of industrial waste shall be in
formity with the provisions of Chapter 13.16 of
code, as amended. (Ordinance 9693 §l(part), 1
Prior to issuance of building permits for an.
within this development, an industrial waste pern
specific exemption thereof shall be obtained.
All uses shall conform to the general development cor
for a high-quality business park, with all standard
restrictions established by this plan, the PM zon
with CCbRs. Each use shall be required to obt<
Planned-Industrial Permit in accordance with SE
21.34.050 of the Municipal code.
The following mitigation measures shall control the
all development of the Carlsbad Airport Business CE
The developer shall be responsible for implementin
mitigation measures which are based on the EIR fo
1. Mitigation Measures:
a. Grading/Foundation Design:
1) The conclusions and recommendations o
final geotechnical study required bj
Subdivision Map Act shall be incorporate1
this project.
2) The ultimate engineering design of the p
will incorporate the specific recommend
of the geology consultant relative to
criteria and foundation development.
3) Clearing of ground cover in advance of
grading operation will be avoided.
0 w
4) All graded or fill slopes shall be reveget
immediately after grading.
5) A soils engineer shall review the final I
ing operations on the site.
6) Manufactured slopes will be contour gradec
kept to a minimum height to contribute 1
aesthetic streetscape.
b. Drainage/Erosion Control/Water Quality:
1 1 Drainage and siltation-control facilites
be constructed by the developer prior
concurrently with grading operations.
2) Ground cover suitable for slope er
control will be planted and maintained b
developer immediately following grading.
3) A regular street-cleaning program wil
implemented by the developer or the prc
owners' association to minimize poll
runoff from internal private roadway2
parking areas related to the project.
c. Circulation:
This development will contribute its share
construction and improvements of major s
including the extension of El Puerte Drive a
widening of Palomar Airport Road.
4) This project shall. be approved unde
express condition that the applicant sha
a public-facilities fee as required bi
Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2,
and any amendments made thereafter or
with the City Clerk and incorporated her
reference and according to the agr
executed by the applicant for payment o
-1 8-
* m 3
October 15, 1986
Mayor Mary H. Casler
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Street
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mayor Casler:
On September 27th the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of a
Specific Plan for the Carlsbad Airport Business Center. The plan will ass
the development of a high-quality business park which we believe the City
be proud of. We urge you to vote for final Specific Plan approval when th
matter comes before you on October 21st, subject to the following
Unfortunately, the Commission added three conditions to its approval aftei
public hearing was closed. We want to take this opportunity to explain tc
why these conditions are unnecessary, and indeed unfair, and ask you to rc
or modify these conditions as part of your approval.
That portion of the Specific Plan covering 187 acres was prepared jointly
Kaiser Development Company and T & G Investments, Inc., in full cooperatic
with the City Planning Department. Kaiser is developing the 92-acre west<
portion, which it purchased from T & G Investments. T & G Investments ow
the 95-acre eastern portion. The plan was prepared jointly for a 187-acr
tract covered by recorded Tract Map 74-21 which was approved in 1982.
There are essentially two separate projects which can and should be devel
independently after grading is completed. In April of 1986 the City ente
into separate improvement agreements with T & G Investments and Kaiser.
Kaiser agreed to complete the grading and storm drain for the entire site
the utility and street improvements on the westerly portion which it owns
within twelve months. That work is now almost completed. T & G Investme
was given thirty-six months to complete the balance of the improvements c
easterly portion.
A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Kaiser Alumium & Chemical Corporatfon
e W
Mayor Casler
October 15, 1986
Page Two
Kaiser, acting in good faith reliance on its agreement with the City, has
several lots and has contracted for the sale of a large number of additior
lots. It has nearly completed improvements, including the widening of Pal
Airport Road, and its buyers have expended substantial funds on the desigr
engineering for certain structures where building permits are now being
The Planning Commission, presumably unaware of these facts, added three
conditions which changed the previously mentioned improvement agreements 5
the City.
First, 5t required completion of the iqrovements on the easterly side bef
any building permits can be issued for the eastern and western portions.
stated reason was improved erosion control. The result is that Kaiser ant
buyers will not be able to obtain building permits, despite the fact that
has completed all of its improvements, until T & G Investments has comple
improvements on the eastern portion.
Allow us to make three observations:
(1) Completion of the streets is not necessary for erosion control.
Since erosion control facilities, including a siltation basin and sandbag
have been completed according to City specifications, the street paving w
not help much.
(2) Paving the streets at this time will only add substantial addit
costs at a later date when they will have to be dug up to complete utilit
line construction. Utility construction will take approximately six mont
for the eastern portion.
(3) Premature construction of these roads causes unnecessary road
maintenance costs, attracts people interested in bicycle or auto racing,
provides paved access to portions of the site where unlawful dumping migh
take place.
For these reasons we would ask the City to delete this condition or modif
to provide that building permits cannot be issued for the eastern portior
(Lots 23 through 38) until the construction of these roads is actually
underway. Thus the western portion could proceed and building permits cc
be issued after Kaiser has completed its improvements.
Second, the Commission recommended the hydroseeding of the entire site
including the building pad areas. The stated reasons were appearance anc
erosion control. The existing agreement with the City requires seeding c
slopes and other areas, but not the building pads themselves. Without
irrigation the seeded pad areas will not grow after the rainy season.
Moreover, hydroseeding is an extremely expensive process which adds nothj
.\ e W
Mayor Casler
October 15, 1986
Page Three
the project and has not been required of other projects.
provision be deleted.
agreed to with the City staff.
Third, the Commission required sidewalks to be placed on both sides of the
streets. Again, we would note that this requirement changes previously
approved conditions.
willing to place sidewalks on both sides of the streets.
We also want to note that the Specific Plan requires that CC&R's be prepar
by the developer for the entire area. Since Kaiser owns only the 92-acre
western porttor, of Tract No. 74-21 and T & G Investments owns the remainde
the area, Kaiser feels that it should be allowed to develop the CC&R's for
property only and be allowed to have building permits approved without hav
to wait for CC&R's for the entire area.
We once again urge your approval of our Plan and again note there are no m
substantive problems which have been identified, except the items pointed
above. We express our willingness to cooperate with the City and to do
everything in our power to expedite the satisfactory resolution of this
matter. We have always had excellent working relations with the City and
to do everything we can to assure the development of a high-quality projec
for Carlsbad.
Sincerely yours, P ames M. Van de Water
JMV /mh
cc: Frank Aleshire, City Manager
We ask that this
If seeding is required, an alternative method could
However, in the spirit of cooperation, we would be
Lid%- Tl-z2Ld
m w
J. >
1. Conditions No. 11 and No. 13: should be changed to allow Kaiser and its
buyers to get building permits and to occupy buildings on the western h
of the property (Lots 1-22) if the roads and public improvements have b
completed on the western half.
2. Condition No. 12: should be changed to allow Kaiser to proceed once il
built sidewalks on both sides of the street the western half of the prt
that it owns.
3. Condition No. 14: should change the word 'hydroseeded' to 'seeded'.
4. Kaiser should be allowed to proceed with its development when the Plan1
Director approves of C C & R's for its land. k
The Specific Plan could then provide that T & G Investments could not 1
ceed until it has satisfied similar conditions.
.I 0 0
'.' 'Carlsbad Jowrna
Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Dlego County
3 138 ROOSEVELT ST. 0 P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345
Proof of Publication
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid;
I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled
I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general cil
published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, a
newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general chara
which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list 1
subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals it
City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding ' next preceding the date of publicatic
notice hereinafter referred to; and that i
of which the annexed is a printed copy,
published in each regular and entire issr
newspaper and not in any supplement tl
Carlsbad Tract No 74-21, inthe City
State of California, according to of Carlsbad. county of San Diego,
Map thereof NO 10372, filed In the Offrce of the County Recorder of
, the following dates, to-wit:
October 18, ................................
CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ...............................
I certify under penalty of perjury that the fore! and correct. Executed at Carlsbad County ol
State of California on dth
us- &-6'r--- %+ - 10 irw ,
*, e a
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will
hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue,
Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, October 28, 1986, to consi
an application for a specific plan for a 38-lot previously approved
industrial subdivision on 187 acres of property generally located on the
north side of Palomar Airport Road, a half mile east of El Camino Real ar
more particularly described as:
Lots 1 through 38, inclusive of Carlsbad Tract No. 74-21, in the
City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California,
according to Map thereof No. 10372, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of San Diego County, April 13, 1982.
Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to
the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Planning
Department at 438-1161.
If you challenge the Specific Plan in court, you may be limited to raisii
those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described
notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad a
prior to the public hearing.
PUBLISH: October 18, 1986
[ 1
City of Catlshd
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad
hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsba
California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, September 17, 1986, to consider apprc
of a specific plan for a 38-lot previously approved industrial subdivision c
187 acres on property generally located on the north side of Palomar Airport
Road, a half mile east of El Camino Real and mre particularly described as:
Lots 1 through 38, inclusive of Carlsbad Tract No. 7-4-21, in the ci
of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to
Map thereof No. 10372, filed in the Office of the County Recorder o
San Diego County, April 13, 1982.
Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attc
the public hearing.
Department at 438-1161.
If you challenge the Specific Plan in court, you may be limited to raising 01
those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in tl
notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or
prior to the public hearing.
If you have any questions please call the Planning
PUBLISH: September 6, 1986
-1 -2 209-050-25 County of San Diego 0
* -
f ' )r 1 ,'\
2. 209-070-07 Mandana Corporation
18552 MacArthur Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92715
* Suite 341
3. 169-230-07 Regents of the University
of California
4. 169-230-08 Regents of the University of California
5. 169-230-20 Regents of the University
of California
6. 219-010-10 Thibodo Rancho Partnership
c/o Irl R. Robinson
600 B Stree, Suite 2050
San Diego, CA 92101
7. 221-011-01 Thibodo Rancho Partnership
,!i 8. 221-011-05 Belsan Investment Co. d. 3311 Starline Drive )I Rolling Hills, CA 90274 4 o^--- a +SF
9. 209-083-02 Title Insurance and Trust Co. 'j Y c/o JM Gessleman
P.O. Box 80036
San Diego, CA 92138
10. 209-083-01 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
11. 209-082-07 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
0 i2. 209-082-06 etle Insurance & Trust Co
4 4
I II I ’.
13. 209-082-05 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
14. 209-082-04 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
15. 209-082-03 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
16. 209-082-02 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
17. 209-082-01 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
18. 209-081-14 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
19. 209-081-13 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
20. 209-081-12 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
21. 209-081-11 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
22. 209-081-10 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
23. z)0?-081-09 Q Title InSiiranCe & Trust-.
& a -* ** I*L’*
24. 209-081-08 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
25. 209-081-07 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
26. 209-081-06 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
27. 209-081-05 Title Insurance & Trust Co.
28. 169-230-03 Regents of the University
of California
29. 169-230-04 Regents of the University
of California
30. 169-230-05 Regents of the University
of California
31. 169-230-18 Regents of the University
of California
32. 221-011-02 Thibodo Rancho Partnership
33. 221-011-04 Belsan Investment Co.
34. 213-030-15 Mary Bressi cdo
Liz Wiegand
PO Box 1666
Carlsbad CA 92008
t a (Form e e
'* L ' b'
- Attached are thte materials necessary for you to notice
far a public hearing before the City Council.
Please notice the item for the Council1 meeting of
NOVEMBER 4, 1986
'oh - d P. c.
F- Thank you.
October 14, 19E
Assist ant City Manage
- 15-