HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-04; City Council; 8811; Request to convert Monroe Tennis CourtsCIT‘”0F CARLSBAD - AGEND”91LL COURTS TO AN INDOOR SOCCER FACILITY 11/ 04/86 DEPT. ‘ CITY MGR~ ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize staff to investigate entering into a Use Agreement for the Monroe Tennis Courts as a temporary site for an indoor soccer facility and direct staff to return with a Use Agreement with “Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad” (ISOC). ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 21, 1985 the Parks and Recreation Commission authorized ISOC to construct and operate, for a one year trial period, an indoor soccer facility on the two (2) northern Monroe Tennis Courts, at their expense. A trial basis was recommended in order to evaluate the recreational needs within the community for this sport. The Monroe site is owned and operated by the City. Based upon the number of participants that are enrolled in ISOC, the president of ISOC feels a need exists to expand the indoor soccer facility. Currently the court is less than regulation size and cannot accommodate regulation adult use. On May 12, 1986 staff received a written proposal from ISOC (Exhibit 1) requesting permission to expand the soccer court in order to accommodate adult and youth participation. Stating the success of Indoor Soccer as the reason for expansion, the request addressed the possibility of a lease agreement with the City allowing the facility to be run as a non-profit enterprise by ISOC. ISOC has applied for State of California non-profit status, which is pending. The ISOC proposal was reviewed by the Commissions Special Project Committee and the Park and Recreation Cornmisshn (Exhibit 2). Realizing that the soccer court expansion would eliminate the remaining two (2) tennis courts at Monroe and acknowledging the concerns of tennis and soccer enthusiast$, a decision on this proposal was deferred pending further investigation. The Bmk and Recreation Commission directed staff to identify alternative sites for tennis and possibly the indoor soccer facility using available City property. Staff presented its report (Exhibit 3) to the Park and Recreation Commission on September 15, 1986. Considerable Community input by Tennis and Soccer enthusiast was heard at that time. The Commission voted 4-1-1 to recommend the following: 1. Approval of ISOC’s request to expand the soccer facility to include the entire Monroe site. 2. That the public use of the High Schooltennis courts include the hours of 12:OO p.m. to 1:00 p.m., as well as after school use. AB# Page 2 3. The City light the nine High School courts, using Fiscal Year 1987-88 CIP or other funding; and 4. Staff negotiate a Use Agreement with ISOC that includes repayment by ISOC to the City for lighting the tennis courts with monies generated from use of the soccer facility, and that ISOC agree to return the tennis courts to their present condition upon vacating the courts. An additional motion was made to direct staff to continue pursuing locations that could house the indoor soccer facility on a permanent basis. The motion passed unanimously. STAFF ANALYSIS: A CEQA review of this project will be required. Contingent upon council concurrence with the Park and Recreation Commission recommendation, a Conditional Use Permit and an Environmental Impact Assessment will be pursued. Staff recommends pursuing the Use Agreement with ISOC only after they receive non-profit status. Conditions of a Use Agreement will contain but are not limited to: * Liability Insurance Requirements * Revenue To The City * User Fees For Non-Exclusive Use * Duration of Agreement (Four Years Maximum With Cancellation Clause) * Maintenance * Hours of Use * Restore Courts To Original Condition Upon Termination FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City in setting up the soccer facility. However, depending on the accuracy of the revenue to be generated by participants, ISOC estimates the City could receive $15,000 annually. Additionally, if the courts were converted for soccer use, a savings in tennis court maintenance would be $2$00'0 annually. Due to the Park and Recreation Commissions concern for providing increased use availability of tennis facilities, they recommended that the City light the nine tennis courts at Basswood and Valley. Staff will request funding ($60,000 est.) in the Fiscal Year 1987-88 CIP budget process. EXHIBITS: 1. ISOC proposal - May 5, 1986. 2. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 21, 1986. 3. Staff Report of July 11, 1986. AB# 8811 Page 3 NOTE FROM CITY CLERK: Also attached are exhibits furnished by individuals opposed to conversion of the courts. They include: A. Petitions consisting of 8 pages. B. Other materials including Fact Summary from Irene Strause with attachments. C. Copies of pictures. May 5, 1986 Lynn Chase Parks & Recreation Dept. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RECEiVED MAY I 2 1986 De'ar Ms. Chase: Isn December, 1984, I proposed that the City of Carlsbad, convert the Monroe St. Tennis Courts to a "Speed Soccer" Court. (INDOOR SOCCER) and attempted to show that it would be a valuable asset to the City. However, at that time, the Commission was unsure about the feasibility of such a facility and 'shelved' it. In November of 1985, I requested a smaller area in which to build a small demonstration court funded entirely with private funds. This was approved md the Soccer Court was erected. INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC) purchased an Indoor Soccer System from the defunct 'LAS VEGAS AMERICANS' and a portion of the court is presently set up and in use at the Monroe St. site. Unfortunatly, it is inadequate in length for adult play. however, The "INDOOR SOCCER" court was an instant success! Of course with success comes problems! i.e.: 1. Demand for use of the Court. (Who decides, City or Club) 2. Size of the Court is too small. (Reduced team size.) 3. Supervision & maintenance of operation. We have gemonstrated both the tremendous demand and the economic feasibility of a regulation INDOOR SOCCER COURT. The facility will be in use year around and will be the envy of all of North County. Not only ful.lfilling a public recreation need, but making a profit while doing so! We are asking you to accept the following proposals; 1. Allow INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC) to expand the court immediately. by removeing the center fence and extending the SOCCER COURT another ninty (90) feet into the existing tennis courts. This would eliminate the two (2) remaining tennis courts, but the very small number of players currently using these courts could be accomodated at the nine tennis courts at tine corner of Valley & Basswood St. This woiild also leave a small area at the end of the SOCCER COURT for teams to warm up while awaiting their turn on the court. 2. The City of Carlsbad would take over the facility and reimburse I.S.O.C. for the cost of the system,(see attached cost breakdown) or, The City would lease the land to I.S.O.C. who would then run the facility as a private enterprise. Attached please find a schedule of estimated expenses, and revenues, and costs involved for the City to take over and operate the facility. Thank you very much for your help and consideration in this matter. Sincerely EXHIBIT 1 1' INDOOR SOCCER OF- CARL$BAD 3 Lynn Chase Parks & Recreation Dept. City of Carlsbad This list of revenues & expenses are only an estimate, and would vary accordingly if operated by the City of Carlsbad, or if operated as a Private Enterprise. I.S.O.C. has invested approximately Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.) to date and would expend about Eight/Ten Thousand ($8/10,000.) more to expand the court to regulation size. Therefore the City could take over the court completely finished at a cost of approximately Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.). It would allow additional use of the facility if it were lighted, however this would cost approximately Twenty-five Thcgssnd Dollars ($25,000.) more. At any rate the City would receive a very attractive (and profitable) facility on a 'turn key' basis. The projected costs and expenses to operate the facility annually are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTALS - ITEM LOW (No Lights) Labor $35,000. Insurance 8,500. Uniforms (Shirts) 2,500. Referees 10,000. Debt (Amortized 5 yrs) 12,480. Maintenance & Utilities 2,400. $70,880. HIGH (With Lights) $40,000. 10,000. 4,200. 15,600. 16,200. 6,000. $92,000. €rimary Revenue would accrue from player fees, (Forty dollars each) and would vary depending on the number of teams (games) scheduled. i.;ithout lighting the facility you could schedule eight (8) games each Saturday, eight (8) games each Sunday and two games each week night, (lo), for a total of twenty-six games per week. Each team would consist of ten (10) players, so each game would be twenty (20) players. Therfore; 26 Games, times 20 players, times $40., equals $20,800.00. If you play 10 week seasons, you could have five sessions at a total revenue of $104,000. If you play an 8 week season, you could have six sessions at a total revenue of $124,800. If the facility were lighted, you could play an additional 16 games per week resulting in additional revenue of $12,800 per session. This would be an annual increase of $64,000. or $76,800. Lighting the facility would be a good investment. Either way (lighted or unlighted) the facility is a profit maker! Unlighted $104,000.00 $70,800.00 $33,200.00 Lighted 168,000.00 92,000.00 76,000.00 Annual revenue Annual expenses Profit Even if revenue is 33% lower, the facility will break even and provide a much needed public facility. -.--,\,,.- r.nrr,-.-- -- -- -- --.P Y MINUTES ! COMMISSIONERS CUL TO ORNR: Chalman Wright called the Mectlng to order at 5:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: present - Chalrman Wrlqht, Cmmisslonen Cont I, Oahlqul st, Donavan, Morrfwn, PopovLch and Regan. Absent - None. Star f Prueiit: Dave Bradstreet, Olrector of Parks and Recreatlon Keith Beverly, Admltutratlve Arrlrtmnt Lynn Chase, Recreatlon Suprlntendant PUBLIC OEN FORUM: There war no one present wish- to address the Canmlrrlon durlng the publlc open forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minuter of the t-ed nr6tlng of 3me 16, 1966, were aDproved as corrected. Cmmissloncr Oahlqulst rqqcsrtd a charqe on page 5, where it statd: "there sbuld not be any rutrlctlotu put on the came". She statd she had said "any ratrlct tons". 4WROVAL OF AENDA: Chairman Wrlqht rtatd there would be an additbn to the Agenda urder CanAtttee Reports, d rqort Ira thb Golf Course Study Carittee. H. rtrtd wd8r Addltlonal donrt ion. Rusinesr, Addttlond Landscaping-El Fucrte Park. The Agerdr was approved as arded. Business, Ita A would h the aCmtd= Of a 5500 Cmmirsioner conti rqqcsstd dn It- UldU? 4ddltlanal 4PWINT SCRIBE: Camisstoner Conti was Wpolntd Scribe for this %etlng. UNFINISbED BUSINESS: A. Scribe Report the packet. - Chalrmn Wright called attentlon to the Scrlbe rcport In Wright Cont 1 Donaran Morrison Papov lch Regan hhlQd¶t Wright Cont 1 Oat!! - list 0. .,ban Horrl Y)n Popov 1C)r Regan EXHIBIT 2 ,..- ... A MINUTES \\\\\ P4RKS AN0 RECREATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS 3uLy 21, 1986 UNFINISHED Bus : ( cont lmed 8. park RequLrcments - Southwest badrant ~Sd~lS~ Dave Bradstreet, Dtrector of PdrkS and Recreation, gave the staff raport on this itan. He stated Canission directlon was to work rith Sarnnls to acqdre lad sane where in the Southwest quadrant. In dddltlon, the Commission rantd addltlond lnfonatbn rspardlq the Mr. Aradktreet referrad to the CIP Booklet, Including the report for all the Parks and Clty projects. Hc stated It rould be revlercd by CarnciL ad the pubh for ftnd dd0ptlOn tmmrroa evenirq. report, Attachmnt 0 In the packet, the SaRmis requtrenmnts for fees or land, information on population, acres requtrd, ad the current lad lmentoy. The Sands project would not offset the deficit in the nuder of pdrk acres In the qwdrant, hut Sads may dedicate mre than they are rqdrd. Mr. Bralstreet statd he hab given the Conmission Intonrtlon on the hudcyt rlth two cases, one rlth the City Growth Managemnt Plan, ad one rlth the Cltizena' Lnltiatlve. If the Citizerr' fnitlrtlve Is passed, there dl1 be a differenC wt as far as mney development. ' Mt. Brsbstrset stated he was qolq forward with the Cornmission's direction to work with Samfs Prqmrtiea to acquire land somewhere In the Southest quadrant adjacent to the HPI Developnent. -If th_ls _I? not possible, then Lard would be sought ddfdcant to the proporad school site. He adhd nsgotldtlom had not std?td dS yet. Bradstreet stated he would met tommrrow with Jon Brig* of Sivmls Properties. Once he mets with Hr. Brlggs, ad ha an alternatlve, he would like the Slte Cmafttee to mbetinp. Chrlmn Wrlght stat4 by come(lus of the Caafssion, Hr. 8radrtr6.t Is to contime the nogotlatiom with Smds properti-. Chalrnrn Wright stated thr Slte Ccmmfttee would conrist of Connlsslonen Regan, Dahlquist ad Popovich. fw\dlngo He referred to the outllne dvaildbb for the dCqdlitfOn Of pIrk land for *. rei- th. fhdfqS drd ndce d r-rf dt the tlat C. lndaar SoccerlMonrocl Street Tannls Courts Lynn Chase, Recreation Suprintedent, gave the stlf rgort, rderrlrq to her memradur, In th. prckot. She relteratd the tsansdatlnm contalnd thereh ad gdve the discussion and 9-y. It was detealnd the s0c-r searon hd eded at the present the, ad adults are uslnp the carts at the present tlmo. However, they are noC sultbh for that us. hurry. in league play on the carts Ira FO~N~CY on. Hr. Courtney stated the semn *auld begin qaln In tb strtd there *auld be 216 chUCsn InvolvOd - MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION p 3uly 21, 1986 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (cont Lmed 1 In answer to CornmissLon qlery, Hrs. Chase stated a Use Agrement tikes tlme. If the soccer cwrt 1s to be expanded, this sbuld be done before the end of the year, ad It would be necessary to start work on the agreement before it Ls expanded. However, the work would ne4 to be done in November. In the meantime, the tennls carts remain open. There are to be no tennis classes this fall. They will be rescheduled to Laguna Rlviera and La Costa Canyon. ' Commissioner Dahlqutst conmntd about the six tennis court5 at Valley 3r. High ad asked why they had not been lmproved. At the present the there are no nets and the courts are not usable. Mrs. Chase said the nine courts at the High School are better courts. Commissioner Dahlqutst contirued, statlng thls could be an optlon. She would llke to have Parks ad Recreation check on those courts dt Valley Jr.High and see what could be done with them. Chairman Wright reiterated the hlstnry of the itm, stating the Cornmisslor, had agred to allow the lndoor soccer group one year as a trial period on two courts.-,.-- Two courts were to be used for tennls. This one-year trial period will be up October 26, 1986. One optlon 1s to sell the City the lndoor soccer faclllty and let the City run it. Another option 1s to have the soccer people lease the tennis carts and expand the progran. Ramona Finnila, 4615 Trieste Drive, addressed the Commission as a der of the Eoard of the Indoor Soccer Club, a der of the Board of CAAA and a tennls player. Ms. Finnila statal the sire of the soccer courts does llmlt the play on those courts, and as a tennis player she hated to lose the courts. It is difficult to flnd a court to play tennis ad it is expensive to play at one of the prlvate clubs. She expressed the hope that the City and the Parks and Recraatlon Departmnt would provlde mre tennis courts. Hs. Finnlla mntlond the courts to be built at Calavera Hllls Park and Macario Canyon, ad felt that tennis courts at those sites would be very welcane. She stated there sbuld be mre lessons at Laguna Rfvlera at nlght. There is an allen problem ln that park ad the restroans are used by them and they sleep on the benches. This is not a good place for children to be at night. Finnila suqqcsted there be mre supervision there with lessom given there. She concluded her renarks, stating Carlsbad needs to provide both types of courts, both soccer and tennis carts for the residents and the tourists. Glenda Hasseelo, 3299 Donna Drive, representlq Tri-Cfty Tennis Patrom, addressed the Canmission stathg they sponsor many youth tennis progrms ln North County. told of the tournanents sponsord by this group and stated she hated to see any courts lost to the people of the pnmnlty. Mrs. Hasselo stated she would answer any questions &art the youth groups. In answer to Canmlssion qmry raprding nuder of Carlsbad children in this program, she stated there would be the approximately 25% in the present tournamnt. Ms. She 4 j I I I j 7 MINUTES \\\\\ PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION July 21, 1986 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS : (cant fNed) The ndme on the spdting sllp was Frank Clark, however Yr. Clark was not present and Mr. Molone spoke fn his place. He stated he lived In Ocearuide, and stated he was not against soccer, but felt there was a need to exist wlth them. He stated he was a tennis player dnd felt it would take at Least $50,000 to build the typ of soccer facllity needed. He wondered why the soccer people wanted to iise the tennis court, when they could build a building on public Property and not push the tennis players out of their courts. Mark Rifkin, 2521 Via Naranja, used a wail chart to show tennis court needs, Indicating the City of Carlsbad 1s deficlent in the nuder of courts needed for the populatlon. He stated a good ratio would he one court for every 2,000 people. twenty-five courts, but only seventeen are available. This includes the carts now being used by the Indoor Soccer group. If two additional courts were removed, this would only increase the deficit as far as tennis carts. Hr. Rifkin stated the two courts at Monroe had been resurfaced and were in good condition. additional list of names totalling 136, who have signed petitions. He stated there were many tennis pldyeC5 here tonlght. as many ths ds possible each week and do need all the courts. hnes Courtney, 0914 Avila, addressed the Commission stating that he does llke tennis and has a son that plays tennis. He stated he had been asking for ballfields and tennis courts, as wcil as active recreational areas. Mr. Courtney stated the tennis courts had fallen into disrepair at the time the requsst was made to use them for indoor soccer. They had a trid perlod of one year, with a portion of the site turned over to them to build a demonstration court. Mr. Courtney stated lt would not be too involved to repair the courts now being used as soccer courts. Mr. Courtney stated he would Like Council to build nm tennis courts. He requested this Commission adopt stat f reccnmcndation and let the indoor soccer proceed with a facility for youth and adults. In amwer to Commission qestlon, Mr. Courtney stated they needed to use the Monroe courts because they did not have money to purdase a site or pave any area. The mny they did have was used to buy equipment for the Indoor Soccer Program. Hr. Courtney stated the Valley courts would present a problem as far as parking. people to& a survey to detennlne the nuder of tennis players dlsplaeed, and there were carts available for the tennis players. He stated the Indoor Soccer Pcqrm would maximize that facility and serve more citkens. This would mean Carlsbad would need He had an They. would all like to contlme playing tennls He also added the soccer \ \ MINUTES I \\\\\ \$ ' ' P4RKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS : (cant irxled ) Ceoff 4mur, 3255 Monroe, spoke to the Commission, statlnq there are 15 to 20 regular tennis players that play 7 days a we&, year round. rf the tennis courts are taken dray, those people would be forad to go to the Valley Jr. High courts. There dCG people looking for tennis carts all the time. He felt Indoor socar ad tennfs could not exist back to back, as the Indoor soccer Is extremely noisy. Mr. Armour felt a mre approprfate sfte for soccer should be lmestlqated. Carol .Anderson, 2940 State Street, a member of the Downtown Merchants, agreed there is a need for more tennis courts. She stated the tourfsts are cuniq into Carlsbad in large nutvben and bringing a lot of dollars to the area. She did not rant any courts to disappear. Tom Folks, 466 Canino Del Parqm, addressed the Canmission as a new resident and a tennis player. He stated there were not many nlght courts unless you belong to a private club. Commission Regan inquired about the posslbflfty of lighting the nfne High School courts and staff explained there was no the frame for that improvement. Mr. Bradstreet stated he would look into the possibflfty of a grant for that llghtfq. Next year thfs would be In the CIP program. Canmissioner Dahlqdst inqdral about pay lighting on Laguna Rivicra Courts and Hr. Bradstreet reconmended that not be done. Vandalfsm outsefghs any possible benefit. Canmissioner Dahlquist contirued, stating the possfbflity of the sLx courts at the Valley Jr. High would be a help for the tennis players. sucassful and she felt the City sbuld ffnd more areas for tennis carts. Commissioner Donwan stat& she did not feel the decision sbuld be based on econany, ds long as it displaces a large nuder of people. She stated there is a sqmnt of less-than-senior-cititen age group that needs to have recreational CacLlitie available. She stated she was definitely in favor of kecping the tennis carts and improving them. 4nothcr spot should be found for Mr. Courtney's Indoor Socccr Praqran. Commission discussion deteninsd the Canmissionen were in favor of contfrulng the Indoor Socar Praqrm, but feel there should be -re rock done toward finding another spot more appropriate for the indoor soccer. The Cmmissfoncn felt they could not make d decfsfon for the school District. There sbuld be tmre negotiations to provfde more tennis carts as well as another spot for the indoor socar. The indoor socar has been \ MINUTES \\\\\ PARKS 44D RECREATION COMMISSION July 21, 1986 Page 6 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS : (cont trued) Chairman Wriqht stated there were eiqht spedters on this Item, and he felt the lswe had not been defined. He summarized the cannents, stating there was a group of retirees or senior citizens mentbnd four times. Tourism was mentioned by four different people, and the reluctance to lose tennis courts was mentioned five ths. He stated the petitions should be looked at carefully. There are nine very good courts within walking distance of these two courts'.at Monroe. indoor socwr are not compatible and he stated the following options: 1). To continue this status qu, until October at which time the one-year trial period ends. 2). Table any action untfl October and swdy and request mre irput to look for alternatives. 3). Approve ISOC's request to expand their facility to use the four courts at Monroe. 4). Deny the request. Commissioner Morrison asked whether Mr. Bradstreet would work with Hr. Courtney to deternine the possibility of the Valley 3r. High courts or other options. Hr. Bradstreet stated that would be proper direction fran the Commission. The indoor soccer is very popular but not popular with tennis players. Chairman Wright stated there is a grass area next to the swimming pool that could possibly be used for soccer. Commissioner Morrison stated the Special Projects Committee would like to work on that. Parks and Recreation Commission tabled the decision on the Indoor SocarlMonroe Street Tennis Court situation unt l.l the September Meetinq, with the provision the Special Projects Committee and staff work toaether to find alternative sites for tennis, and possibly the Indoor Soccer Program using available City praperty. Chairman Wright stated the tennis and 0. Historic Presetvation Comnission RequesttCalavera ms Conntnity Park Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, gave the staff rqort, stating the Historical Society wished to save some trees and the cistern site in Calavera Hills Park as shown on the map on the.wal1. relocating the amenities, and said this could not be done. The Historical Society agreed to place a plaque in the bulldlng to note the site. 8rian Robertson, Historic Presetvation Commission, addressed the Commission stating if the park were to be redesignad, perhgs the grading could be changed to save the site. Dave Bradstreet reiterated the park is not going to be redesignad. They are just goinq to use alternative methods of grading to save mney. amenities are to remain in the Park, per Council direction. RSI is looking at drains and less rock removal to help save mney. be no redesign of the Park. RSI looked at All the Hr. Bradstreet mphaslzed there will It will just be a different -method of grading. Wright Cont i Dahlqui s t Donovan %r r 190 n Popov ich Regan JULY 11, 1986 TO : PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VIA: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD PROPOSAL BACKGROUND Commission approved the request of Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad (ISOC) to convert a tennis court at Monroe Courts to an indoor soccer facility on a one year trial basis, from 10/27/85 - 10/26/86) SEE ATTACHMENT "A" ISOC submitted a proposal on 5/12/86 to: 1. expand the court to accommodate adult player needs; to use the entire four tennis court site. 2. have the City take over the court and equipment, run the soccer program, and to reimburse ISOC for their investment of $50,000 approximately 3. - OR to lease the entire Monroe Courts site to ISOC so that ISOC may operate the facility/conduct the programs as a private enterprise. SEE ATTACHMENT "B" ISOC provided fiscal information regarding: 1. investment in court furnishings/equipment 2. expansion of facility estimates 3. projected revenue/expenditures, with/without lights 4. proposed cost to the City to "buy out" ISOC SEE ATTACHMENT "C" RECOMMENDATIONS Staff's recommendations are: 1. Agree, in concept, to convert Monroe Courts site to an indoor soccer facility, instead of tennis courts. 2. Direct staff to negotiate and draft a Use Agreement between the City and ISOC. 3. Require ISOC to provide liability insurance naming the City as additionally insured for an amount to be specified by the City. If no liability insurance is available, ISOC must no longer use the site, effective immediately; when ISOC provides the liability insurance the use of the courts continues, as agreed, for the EXHIBIT 3 INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD PROPOSAL July 11, 1986 Page 2, remainder of the one year trial period. 4. Use of the two remaining tennis courts will continue until such time as the courts are no longer useable or available for use. 5. City will perform minimal maintenance and will defer or cancel plans for site improvements. FISCAL IMPACT The City stands to gain financially from a Use Agreement with ISOC: 1. Annual net profit presently = $2,000 2. Projected revenue from ISOC, first year = $3,000 - $10,000 SEE ATTACHMENT 'ID- 1 'I DISCUSSION Staff looked at many concerns, including: 1. Site analysis, present use by tennis and soccer groups 2. Loss of tennis facility and alternatives 3. Benefits of acquiring indoor soccer facility 4. Benefits of Use Agreement for private enterprise (3-5 years) SEE ATTACHMENT I'D-2" SUMMARY Expanding the indoor soccer court provides a new recreation opportunity for youth and adults, at no cost to the taxpayers. The City will lose four, old-but-usable, tennis courts and gain the opportunity to generate revenue that could be used to acquire, develop, improve other facilities, ie. lighting the nine high school tennis courts. Staff recommends approving ISOC request to expand the court and recommends entering into a three to five year Use Agreement that includes escalating revenue to the City, each year. LC : me MINUTES Page 3 -. F. TennT Indoor Soccer Faclllty at the Monroe Street Chairman Wriaht explained the Commission was concerned about the possibfllty of this project making %oneyn and 31m Courtney had ken invited to this meeting to explain this request. 3im Courtney, representing the Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad referred to a letter written to the Commission. facility and stated that at the end or a year's trial, tf the facility had not been successful, they would then replace the equipment to return the space to a tennis awt. k. Courtney said the courts are in bad condition at the present time, and are being re-surfaced. At this pint, there wa5 a discussion about the courts being re- surfaced I this request uas to bc granted. Mr. Bradstreet stated there was a misunders tanding, and the re-surfacing would be halted. Mr. Courtney assured the Commission any money taken in by the soccer faclllty would be used to keep the prcqram wing and allow the sponsors to stop contributlnq out-of-pocket to those ucpemes. In discussion, it was pointed out these courts are the last to be used, due to the noise and condition o? the courts. Hr. Courtney explained they hoped to instill some neiqhborhood pride in the soccer court, which would kl~ keep the area free of debris. He felt this wwld bc an important facility for the yoma people as well as adults. Hc described plans tor the soccer Parks & Recreation Canmission apPrwed tnt request of the Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad to convert a court for a year trial oasis. '+rioht Cont i Lb hl ouis t Donavan Morrison Pooov ich Rwan 1 \ i C. Hacarlo Canvon Park Devtloomcnt Provosal Cnairman Hright stated this was now an information item and not an action ita. 3im Courtney read fran a handout he had distributed to tne Commissioners, statinq thee is a deficiency of nine aallfields at the Dresent time. Tne ones tnat are caninq on line will be oractice fields only, as they cannot be skinned infields. Hc used wall WDS to snow the conceptual olan for Macario Canvon Park which has never been formally aaooted. Cannon Road is win9 constructed at the oresent time, and Hr. Courtney stated he did not wish to cnanoe the Dian, Dut asKed the Cltv to destan tne Dzrk and Dian for ballfields. he explained tne oarkinq Dlan and Dicnic areas. Ln answer to awry, ne stated CAR4 was aslcinq the Citv to fund this oroiect, and was not voiunteerino to ccmolete tne orotect itSC1 f . .rlTT.KH?IENT "A " ! I3 May 5, 1986 Lynn Chase Parks & Recreation Dept. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RECEIVED MAY 1 2 1986 Dkar Ms. Chase: In December, 1984, I proposed that the City of Carlsbad, convert the konroe St. Tennis Courts to a "Speed Soccer" Court. (INDOOR SOCCER) and attempted to show that it would be a valuable asset to the City. However, at that time, the Commission was unsure about the feasibility of such a facility and 'shelved' it. In November of 1985, I requested a smaller area in which to build a small demonstration court funded entirely with private funds. This was approved ar.2 the Soccer Court was erected. INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC) purchased an Indoor Soccer System from the defunct 'LAS VEGAS AMERICANS' and a portion of the court is presently set up and in use at the Monroe St. site. Unfortunatly, it is inadequate in length for adult play. however, The "INDOOR SOCCER" court was an instant success! Of course with success comes problems! i.e.: 1. Demand for use of the Court. (Who decides, City or Club) 2. Size of the Court is too small. (Reduced team size.) 3. Supervision & maintenance of operation. We have demonstrated both the tremendous demand and the economic feasibility of a regulation INDOOR SOCCER COURT. The facility will be in use year around and will be the envy of all of North County. Not only fullfilling a public recreation need, but making a profit while doing so! We are asking you to accept the following proposals; 1. Allow INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC) to expand the court immediately. by removeing the center fence and extending the SOCCER COURT another ninty (90) feet into the existing tennis courts. This would eliminate the two (2) remaining tennis courts, but the very small number of players currently using these courts could be accomodated at the nine tennis courts at the corner of Valley & Bassimod St. This would also leave a small area at the end of the SOCCER COURT for teams to warm up while awaiting their turn on the court. 2. The City of Carlsbad would take over the facility and reimburse I.S.O.C. for the cost of the system,(see attached cost breakdown) or, The City would lease the land to I.S.O.C. who would then run the facility as a private enterprise. Attached please find a schedule of estimated expenses, and revenues, and costs involved for the City to take over and operate the facility. Thank you very much for your help and consideration in this matter. ATTACHMENT I'B" /' INDOOR SOCCER OF- CARL$BAD F'. 0. BOX 22 17 - CARLSBAD, CA 920Q8 5~r-86 Lynn Chase Parks & Recreation Dept. City of Carlsbad This list of revenues & expenses are only an estimate, and would vary accordingly if operated by the City of Carlsbad, or if operated as a Private Enterprise. I.S.O.C. has invested approximately Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.) to date and would expend about Eight/Ten Thousand ($8/10,000.) more to expand the court to regulation size. Therefore the City could take over the court completely finished at a cost of approximately Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.). It would allow additional use of the facility if it were lighted, however this would cost approximately Twenty-five Thcussnd Dollars ($25,090.) more. At any rate the City would receive a very attractive (and profitable) facility on a 'turn key' basis. The projected costs and expenses to operate the facility annually are: ITEM LOW (No Lights) HIGH (With Lights) 1. Labor $35,000. $40,000. 2. Insurance 8,500. 101000. 3. Uniforms (Shirts) 2,500. 4,200. 4. Referees 10,000. 15,600. 5. Debt (Amortized 5 yrs) 12,480. 16,200. TOTALS $70 , 880 . $92,000. 6. Maintenance & Utilities 2,400. 6,000. Primary Revenue would accrue from player fees, (Forty dollars each) and Kould vary depending on the number of teams (games) scheduled. !.;ithout lighting the facility you could schedule eight (&) games each S2turday, eight (8) games each Sunday and two games each week night, (lo), for a total of cwenty-six games per week. Each team would consist of ten (10) players, so each game would be twenty (20) players. Therfore; 26 Games, times 20 players, times $40., equals $20,800.00. If you play 10 week s?asons, you could have five sessions at a total revenue of $104,000. If you play an 8 week season, you could have six sessions at a total revenue of $124,800. If the facility were lighted, you could play an additions! 16 games per week resulting in additional revenue of $12,800 per session. This would be an annual increase of $64,000. or $76,800. Lighting the facility would be a good investment. Either way (lighted or unlighted) the facility is a profit maker! Enlighted $104,000.00 $70,800.00 $33,200.00 Lighted 168,000.00 92,000.00 76,000.00 Annual revenue Annual expenses Profit Even if revenue is 33% lower, the facility will break even and provicie E inuch nseaed public facility. ATTACHMENT "C" / INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD REPORT FISCAL IMPACT DETAILS e. Instructional Class Revenue, Monroe Courts (Supervisor Dee Pope) 216 students generate annual profit - - $ 2,000 Monroe Tennis Courts Expenditures (Superintendent Doug Duncanson) Average Annual Cost Per Court = $500 x 2 courts = $ 1,000 Court Clean-up: 3 hr/wk - 156 hr/yr @ $5.50/hr = $1,014 Labor Supplies: squeege, broom, hose, trash containers & liners, nets, tie downs, signs. = $ 150 Materials Administrative Costs including vehicle = $ 250 Overhead Total Annual Maintenance Cost = $1,414 ~~~ USE AGREEMENT POTENTIAL REVENUE - ANNUAL ISOC Proposed Gross Revenue (unlighted) = $104,000 If 3% of gross revenue (1st yr) = $104,000 x .03 = $ 3,120 If 10% of gross revenue = $104,000 x .10 = $10,400 ATTACHMENT "D" INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD REPORT .. SITE ANALYSIS The City acquired the four old tennis courts from the School District prior to construction of the Swim Complex in 1981. Two courts are asphalt surface and in poor condition: these courts are the location of the ISOC field during the one-year trial. Two southerly courts are concrete, were resurfaced by the Recreation Division approximately eight years ago. The court fencing replacement funds were requested by Parks Division for FY 86-87 Budget. The southerly tennis courts use is: A. City conducted lessons Youth, after-school; M & W, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Adults, evening (Summer), M & W, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. B. Non-Scheduled - free play use by unidentifed adult males/females and couples, day-time hours, year-round. C. High School classes/team practice. Two courts have been used for "overflow" of students when all nine high school courts are in use for PE classes (seasonal only) or during tennis team seasonal need. A chronology of the Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad development and use is documented. See Attachment "E". Staff has observed heavy use of the soccer facility from mid- February through May 31. The facility is used at the present time for "pick-up games" by adults: no fee is charged at this time according to Jim Courtney, ISOC President. A copy of the ISOC schedule was provided by ISOC and is attached to snow the first season's use. See Attachment "F" . ATTACHMENT 'ID-2" - INDOOR SOCCER OF C1 ASBAD REPORT CONTINUED. LOSS OF TENNIS FACILITY & ALTERNATIVES 1. The greatest impact to the community will be the loss of 2-4 playable tennis courts in the north-west quadrant of the city. The loss will be felt by those adults who drop in for free-play. No staff is present at the courts, so these users remain unidentified. The public can be notified of alternate sites by posted notice, press releases, and personal contact by assigning pool staff to the task. These tennis players will be directed to the High School courts, Laguna Riviera courts and La Costa Canyon courts and in the future, Stagecoach courts. Calavera Park courts, in the future, will be the choice for play in North Carlsbad. The Department has prepared a written request to the High School to approve making three of the nine school courts available during school hours for two hours, mornings, Monday through Friday, for use by the Department four hours per week and for use by the general public six hours per week. 2. Instructional classes for adults presently offered at Monroe courts may be relocated to other courts including Laguna Riviera and La Costa Canyon Parks. This move would reduce drop-in, free-play, at those two sites. If the School District approves the request for court use during school, relocation to other courts is unnecessary. Youth classes now at Monroe, after-school hours, may be relocated to the High School courts except during the school's competitive tennis season. Lessons for youth will not be scheduled at the High School during the heavy use season: staff will continue to look for alternative sites including private neighborhood association facilities and/or local commercial accommodations. 3. Staff has no recommendation for the High School overflow use groups. ATTACHMENT I'D-2" continued BENEFITS - INDOOR SOCCER FACILITY Staff is aware of the growing popularity of soccer and recommends the installation of a permanent facility. An indoor soccer facility offers several advantages over a typical outdoor field including: 1. Cost to perform weekly maintenance is less (artificial turf versus growing turf) . 2. Enclosed field of play preferred by novice and experienced players; will provide new opportunity for youth and adults. 3. Permanent field installation on City site identifies Carlsbad 3s a leader in providing soccer fields in North County: closest indoor soccer field is at Encinitas YMCA. BENEFITS - USE AGREEMENT 1. Staff recommends a Use Agreement as the method preferred for acquiring and operating an indoor soccer facility for the following reasons: A. CaDital to Build & ODerate Private enterprise can be responsible for the up-front dollars to buy, install, or expand facility; the City has no plans to include such a facility in the Capital Improvement Program. B. City does not presently budget for staff to schedule, maintain, and operate a facility of this type and intense use. While the Recreation Division could include staff and funding in FY 87-88 budget request, the private enterprise can accomplish the same ends quicker and probably at less cost. C. The City stands to gain considerable revenue from a Use Agreement at no cost, fi + pr tvJ, 2. Use Agreement Recommendations A. Duration Recommendation: Minimum three years, maximum five years with both cancellation/renewal clauses. If the facility proves to be unprofitable to ISOC, Jim Courcney plans to offer the service to the community using volunteers. B. City Participation: No City funds be expended to install and maintain or operate facility. ATTACHMENT I'D-2" continued 1'1 10/21/85 1/86 2/86 CHRONOLOGY - INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC) Commission approved ISOC requests to convert Monroe Tennis Court to soccer for a year trial basis. ISOC was proceeding with design, plans and specifications for field when opportunity was presented to purchase all equipment from a defunct team in Las Vegas for an approximate cost of $30,000. Community volunteers recruited by Courtney helped to install the field at an approximate cost of $5,000. 2/15 - 5/31/86 Games played Saturdays with youth teams practicing during week. 6/8/86 High School kids had 3-4 games.pck-7 7 6/9/86 - Present Youth no longer using site: adults using site for pick up games weekly; facility too small for adults; in use as best facility available in North County. 7/10/86 LC:ch ATTACHMENT “E” 2Q .- I / FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - - LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOYED TEMPOR USE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON VE, THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS YHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. AQY MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF E PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 -ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. VE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - YE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - VE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. ............ ........................ ............................ ............................ ..................... ........................ ............... ............... .................... ..................... -. FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE,THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. * - LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOVED TEt"ORM 9 SE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. VE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - YE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - VE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITYVIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - YE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. ADDRESS ............................. ... ......................... .................. ......................... ..................... ................................................................... r, ..................... .............. &!.if.. -.c ..;. .. .i. .. ................. ............. .... .. .... J- .&.. ... c ................................ .."......."....)............................................ . 3 c FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE, THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. -- LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOYED TEMpo&'isE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. WE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. WE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - VE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - VE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITYVIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. NAME ADDRESS .............................................................................................................................................................................. Gw-- -&twx-& ....................................................................................... 32GT UUpdW .$. ............................................... CAp~ISoAt) *WK ..... &.m.& It ........................................................................................................................................ I? ........................... ........................ .......................... ................ ........................... ............. ................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................... -,- ....... '(. P--- S FALL 1956 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE,THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. -- LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCOER. YE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - VE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - VE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. ......................................... .......................................... ..... .......................................... ....... ..... .... ......... ........... ................................ ............... ............e+ ....................................... ............ ............ ................................... .......................... ............................ ..... ................................ ........................... Lk2- ... FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE,THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. - LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOVED TEMPOR& USE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON PE7 MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. YE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. VE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - YE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - VE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. NAME Q. ADDRESS L I FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - "- MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. VE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. VE,THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOYED TEMPORP USE USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. AP4 OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON - VE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - YE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. .............................. ............ ..................... ................ ............... ................ ............... ............... ..................... ...................... ................... .................... ............ ....................................... P ............................................................................................................................................................................. %= 3 / FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE, THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOWED TEMPORaUSE USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. ARY OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. VE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - VE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - VE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - VE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE NAME ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................ ............................................. ............. ............................. ............ ---...\ 73 ...... U.A. ..G ..... ..................... ..................... 8 / FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE,THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. - Ak'l LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOVED TEMPORIL(USE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. YE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - VE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - YE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - YE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON WEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - VE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. ....................... ........................ ........................................................ .................................... ......................... ............... ............... ...................................................... I/ ................................................................................................. ......................... .3.*&.Q..T .... v2*.-%&&..4& ............... ................................................................................... [8/0 /&&esr ,+@be &&s&AO ....................... &? /9/, KdbO &%C &Uw64; c/4 .................................................................................................................................. ............ ............................... SOCCER OR TENNIS ON MONROE ST. COURTS? * FACT SUMMARY * -There is a shortage of tennis courts felt by players in the city today. We have 8 city-owned courts: 2 on loan to Indoor Soccer: plus the partial use of 9 high school courts during the 184 non- school days.' We are currently 32% below the standard set by Parks & Recreation for tennis courts in Carlsbad. - -Loss of 4 courts is 50% of all city-owned courts. Then we would be 48% below standard. Note: 9 of these courts are restricted 181 days per year due to school priority. -High School administration is opposed to conversion of tennis courts. -High school athletic teachers & coaches want & use Monroe courts. -Tennis provides free recreation for all aqes any time without facility fee. -Indoor soccer costs each player $40. for one 10 week session for select groups on a supervised field. -Four new tennis courts will cost at least $80,000, thus the City is donating $80,000 worth of existing tennis facilities to indoor soccer. -These 4 courts cover an area of 240 ft. by 100 ft. (24,000 sq ft.); soccer needs a pad 85ft. by 200 ft. (17,000 sq. ft.) which is a 29% waste of pavement! A new concrete pad for soccer costs about $20,000 on level land. -Soccer interests will construct at another site, all they need is land. -Paved surfaces of the subject courts are not at the same elevation & must be modified for a soccer field. Further damage will occur when fastening about 100 soccer wall segments to pavement with 200 spikes. * OPINION SUMMARY * -We are already a leading field soccer community with 27 fields in all. Indoor soccer interests should be patient until a proper site is found. -A fast temporary or permanent solution - leasing or seeking donation of a site near car country, Plaza Camino Real, Pea Soup Anderson, San Diego Gas & Electric or in industrial parks or other private land where zoning is suitable. -The loss of tennis courts is a negative response to a growing need for more courts as indicated by our population increase & the new tourist promotion of Carlsbad as a tourist destination & recreation resort. - 'I 1 : 1 We contend that speed soccer, a.k.a. indoor soccer, is an avant-garde sport, a recent spin-off of the traditional field soccer, which has gained a certain amount of notoriety in this area due to the success of the championship San Diego Sockers. Indoor soccer is not, in fact, the sport which is the "most 'popular,sport in the world." To tear down existing, newly re- furbished facilities which are used regularly to accommodate a . trial sport which promises great potential economic profit lacks ,credibility. Based on the followinb, we do not think that conversion of the Monroe Street tennis courts to an expanded indoor soccer arena is in the best interest of the community, either recrea- tionally or from a tax-use standpoint. 1. Need for public tennis courts: a. loss of 4 courts would further increase the existing 32% court: population deficit in Carlsbad, See attachment A; b. 2 courts newly resurfaced and in good condition; resurfac- ing of 2 north courts was halted last year to accommodate ISOC (Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad); from minutes of P & R Corn., Oct.21, 1985, paragraph F, See attachment B; 1) Monroe St. courts are used daily, year around by local residents: a) used daily in the mornings by a group of retired residents; this maximizes the usage of these courts since while other sport facilities are idle all day long, the tennis courts are being used by a group of citizens who do not impact the sport facilities when workin3 people & school children would want to use them; b) particularry heavy use on week-ends by working people & youths c) relocation of these players would overcrowd other facilities throughout the city; 2) courts used for Parks & Recreation department tennis lessons a) lessons are being rescheduled to other courts in the city to accommodate ISOC b! relocation of these lessons causes further loss of available tennis time at Carlsbad's 4 other courts located at Laguna Riviera & La Costa Canyon; c) Mr, Kam feels that moving the youth lessons from Monroe St. to Laguna Riviera is moving the tennis away from ready accessibility of the children in North Carlsbad 3) used by high school for physical education classes & the tennis team: 1 I had to be used by thgJr. Varsity tennis team this past fall in order to get the team ready for its tennis season as the Varsity was using the other courts; was used frequently as a teaching station before the soccer arena was put on the north courts, 1/ P. E. classes require more than 2 courts, 2/ classes use them for other court-type games, e.g., volley tennis, so use is not necessarily seasonal: Mr. Marv Cap, Carlsbad High School varsity girls' & boys' tennis soach, stated, "Loss of the 4 Monroe Street tennis courts will hurt the high school tennis program because local availability of tennis courts encourages the participation of youth who feed into the high school tennis program. 'I Note: there is no Jr. High school tennis program. 4) used by visitors & tourists; currently tourists staying at the Carlsbad Inn are being referred to the Monroe St. courts for their tennis: 5) used as overflow for local tournaments; c. Tennis provides free recreation for all aqes at any time. d. a sport which can be played by all members of a family to- gether without regard to age or size; e. a sport one can enjoy when he has time: 1) does not require participation on a team or adhering to 2) important point for visitors & tourists; 3) important for working people & week-end athletes; loss of 2 of tk Monroe St. tennis courts was a contributing factor. i A. - strict schedules; f. In 1986 Carlsbad did not have a youth tennis league. The 3) I the youth tenniS league has a spring & fall session last- ing 6-10 weeks e'ach depending on the number of teams, loss of 2 Monroe St. courts left only 2 courts in the area for week-end players to be diverted to from the high schools courts where the youth league would play, Mrs. Glenda Hasselo,of Tri-City Patrons, feels that taking 12 to 20 Saturdays from the general tennis public, in addition to the week-ends used for youth tournaments, was not in the best interests of the community; g. Carlsbad has never been able to enter a team in North County Doubles, a tennis league for men & women 18 & over, 1) encompasses teams from clubs & cities in an area from Camp Pendleton to Rancho Santa Fe & inland to Fallbrook & Scripps Ranch; 2) the requirement to enter a team in North County Doubles is to have 2, good courts available for team play: 3) in 1986 No. County Doubles included teams representing 35 cities & clubs with 140 teams & over 2,000 players: 3 2. The administration of Carlsbad High School is against the conversion of the Monroe Street tennis courts to indoor soccer . 3. Removing 50% of the already established city-owned tennis courts is contradictory to the growth plans of P & R and the City Council to increase the number of courts in Carlsbad. If the 4 Monroe courts are lost to indoor soccer & the 4 new courts are finished at-Stagecoach Park, the city will have made ZERO progress for its past several years of planning. 4. Expense to City: a. approximately $86,000 immediate loss, not taking into con- b. cost of lighting high school courts from city funds, $32,850; sideration the value of the land, See attachment C; low estimate : to be repaid by ISOC, when? 1) the cost to light L court for 1 hour with minimum lighting (6 lights) is $1.40, 2) therefore, to light 1 court for 1 hour a day for 1 year costs $511; to light 9 courts costs $4,599 per year for only 1 hour a day: c. utility costs, on-going expense: " d. non-mcnetary expense - loss of good will of a large tennis .- community as well as non-tennis playing citizens who are taking a keen interest in what is going on & why; e. fees from agreement with ISOC are supposed to off-set these losses to the city & in fact, generate income, 1) at Mr. Courtney's proposed rate of gross income, $104,000 per year, with';3% to 10% being returned to the city, it would take from'28 to 8.6 years for the city to break even from its loss of the 4 tennis courts: 2) in order to generate this amount of income indoor soccer would have to operate at maximum capacity for 50 weeks of the year: 15. Mr Courtney said if the indoor soccer program was not profitable ISOC could turn the program over to volunteers to run. In that instance who would: a. pay the liability insurance - projected to be $8,500 annually? b. pay the maintenance - projected to be $2,400 annually? c. pay the negotiated fee to the city for use of the tennis d. replace the funds used to light the high school tennis courts? e. pay for the reconversion to tennis courts? court site? 6. 7. 8. 9. The lighting of the Carlsbad High School tennis courts should not depend upon trading 4 tennis courts to ISOC. a. lighting the courts would provide after-work tennis facilities b. courts would need qood lights: minimal lighting (6 lights c. if there is sufficient public need for the lighting of the for people in the North section of Carlsbad; per court) is not adequate lighting; high school courts, the City should assume this responsi- bility & fit it into its budget planning; d. Mr. Cap, the high school tennis coach, is against lighting the high school courts for the following reasons: 1) unattended public courts with lights are subject to increased vandalism, especially damage to the nets & wind screens, 2) they encourage unauthorized use such as skateboarding, 3) they attract loiterers & encourage youths congregating in the area at night; Damage to tennis courts: a. the 2 north courts & the 2 south courts are on a different ground plane level by several inches, See photo # 1; 1) it is necessary to have a level surface for a soccer field, 2) the level of the south courts would have to be raised to create a flat surface & could cause damage to the newly resurfaced courts: b. about 200 spikes used to anchor the soccer walls & fixtures would create large holes in the court surfaces, particularly in the concrete surfaces of the south courts, See photo # 2; 1) patching for reconversion to tennis would cause a blemish on the tennis court which could cause the ball to bounce irregularly & enterfere with the normal game of tennis; 2) reconversion to*tennis would require extensive patching of the courts & would probably require complete resur- fa cing : Indoor soccer is not free : a. fee for playing, projected $40. per player for 8-10 week sess ion : b. would the courts be open & available when not in match use for local kids to kick a ball around? See photo # 3; Indoor soccer is not a sport for all aqes: a. b. Mr. Courtney stated that a 7 year old was too young to play speed soccer & he was referred to the P & R field soccer program; many adults who participate safely in other sports, e.g., baseball & tennis, could not play a physically demanding & rough sport such as indoor soccer; 5 10. Impact on local sports programs: a, b. C. a year around indoor soccer program would draw from other seasonal sports & weaken Parks & Recreation programs for adults & youth; the winter-spring slot indicated for youth play would interfere with existing school sports programs, e.g., track, basketball, baseball & tennis for jr. high & high school youths: coaches know that an athlete cannot participate in two sports at the same time; 11, Impact on neighborhood: a. a proposed 520 players per week plus officials, families, workers & spectators using rest rooms at the swimming pool or without any facilities when the pool is closed; b. a proposed 1300 soccer matches a year with its accompanying traffic congestion: c, increased noise every evening & all week-end year around to residential area; d. arena has sponsor advertising signs which are unsightly to the over-all complex; e, uncontrolled accessibility of large numbers of unidentified adults to the high school campus & swimming pool area: f. would monopolize the parking area shared with the swim com- ' plex, high school activities & the cultural center: g. increased litter & debris in the area from food vending stands : 12. Would indoor soccer, at this site, benefit the City of Carlsbad? E! a, what would be thekatio df resident to non-resident use of a facility which is' unique in North County? 1) to a private enterprise this ratio is not relevant, more participants, more revenue! 2) this ratio should be important to the Parks & Recreation department when deciding whether to allow an existing, used & needed facility (the Monroe St. tennis courts) to be destroyed (converted to speed soccer); 3) high non-resident usage would be an important issue to local taxpayers; b. the anticipated high volume usage of this type of facility makes this site adjacent to the high school campus & swim complex inappropriate & undesirable: 1) soccer matches would be going on during all of the after school activities & sports programs of the high school; 2) large numbers of young adults, soccer players & spectators, would be brought into daily proximity with the high school students.& youngsters using the swimming pool; .. On behalf of concerned tennis players of Carlsbad & non-playing citizens who oppose the conversion of the tennis courts at Monroe Street to an indoor soccer arena, we propose that: 1. conversion of the two remaining Monroe Street tennis courts for expansion to an indoor soccer arena be denied; 2. the two north courts now occupied by ISOC be reconverted to tennis and be resurfaced according to the previous intent of the Parks & Recreation department so that we have 4 good tennis courts at Monroe' Street: 3. ISOC and/or P & R continue their search'for a suitable area (new park, private land or ?) where a permanent indoor soccer arena can be constructed without the destruction of other sport facilities & displacement of other sportsmen. Repect f ully submitted, SK- Irene Strause, spokesman 3291 Highland Drive Carlsbad 92008 729-1670 .D -. . E . 35" - h PARKS & RECREATION STANDARDS FOR TENNIS & SOCCER IN CARLSBAD Standard for tennis courts in Carlsbad is 1 court per 2,000 population. Therefore, Carlsbad with a population of over 50,000 should have 25 tennis courts. See Attachment D, #lo. , Present city -owned 8 less 4 Monroe courts 4 9 tota 1 17 . 13 - 9 high school partial use - Carlsbad is 32% below standard for tennis courts. Loss of Monroe Street courts would be 50% of city-owned courts. This would bring the court deficit to 48%. * Proposed Future city -owned 8+6=14 -4 10 high school pgrtial use - 9 total 23 19 - 9 If, in the future, 6 planned courts are added (4 planned for Stage- coach, anticipated July 1987, & 2 at Calaveras, no construction date set) & the 4 Monroe courts are lost there would still be a loss of 29% of the total city-owned courts & a court deficit of 24%. * See attachment D, # 12. Standard for soccer in Carlsbad is 1 field per 4,000 population for youth & 1 field per 6,000 population for adults. See attachment D,#ll. Therefore, Carlsbad should have 12.5 youth fields & 8.3 adult fields. ** Present Youth Present Adult soccer mult i -us e tota 1 4 13 17 - ** See attachment E. Fields available for soccer in Carlsbad are: 36% above standard for youth, 20% above standard for adults. There is no standard for indQor soccer, a new sport. Attachment A 3 7 10 - nn I N'UTES ' - Page 3 -- . Parks & Recreation Commission . Octokr 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS F. Tennis Lourts Indoor Soccer Faclllty at the Monroe Street Chairman Wrlaht explalned the Conmlssion was concerned about. the possiblllty of this project making "money" and 31m Courtney had been invltd to thls meeting to explain this request. Jim Courtney, representing the Indoor Somr of Carlsbad referred to a letter written to the Commission. He &scribed plans for the soccer Caclllty and stated that at the end of a year's trial, lf the faclllty had not been SUCCCSS~U~, they muld then replace the cqulpment to return the space to a tennis court. Hr. Courtney said -the courts are In bad codlti& at the nrm ent tlma, and are being re-surfaced. At thls point, there was a dlscusalon about the courts belnq re- surfaced If this request wa5 to be qranted. Hr. and * the re-surfacing would be hai tcd. Hr. Courtney assured the Camlsslon any money taken In by the Y)cccc faclllty wld be used to keep the proqram going and allow the sponsors to ' stop contributlnq out-of-pocket to those expenses. In dlscusslon, it was Minted out these courts are the last to be used, due to the nolse and condltion of the courts. Hr. Courtney exDlalncd they hoped to instul some nelqhborhood Drlde !n the soccer court, hlch rwld helo keep the area free of debris. k felt thls would be an important faclllty for the youno oeople as well as adults. Parks & Recreation Commlsaion aporoved tne reouest of the Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad to convert a cwrt for a year trial DaSiS. Vrloht Cont i Da hl oul s t Donovan Morrison Pooovich Aman \ Attachment B FISCAL IMPACT TO CITY -1. replacement cost of 4 tennis courts lost to city: informal estimate, Ray White const. .. 2. resurfacing of 2 south Monroe St. courts in 1985. immediate loss 3. lighting of 9 high school courts with monies from CIP funds with minimum lighting (6 lights per court), staff estimate 4. utility costs of lighted courts a, it costs $1.40/hour per court for minimum lighting: therefore to light 1 court for 1 hour a day annually costs $511, costs $1,50/hour per court. b. adequate lighting (8 lights per court) $80,000. 6,000. $86,000 $32,850. on-going expense NOTE: Staff does not consider the cost of lighting the courts as an expense to the city relevant to this discussion. See attachment D, #13. Proposed Income: 1. % of gross annual revenue of ISOC (conjecture) 2. use agreement 3. repayment of CIP funds for high school lights, repayment schedule $3,000 - 10,000 ? ? Attachment C I '!a I It*. , , .11 .. To: Lynn Chase - From: Irene Strause Lynn, I jotted down these notes from our phone conversation of last evening. Would you let me know if I have gotten everything straight or if I have misinterpreted anything which we discussed. YOU .1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 * 11. 12 . 13. have my number but just in case, it-is 729-1670. Thanks, \ P e-. G- Lease agreement with ISOC would generate funds for high school lights. ISOC is a non-profit organization & any profits would go back into the sports program. ISOC would be using the courts for only 4 years. Loss of Monroe courts for 4 years is worth getting the high school lights because tennis usage is so low on these courts & lighting the h.s. courts would make tennis accessible to many working people. The Monroe courts are almost always empty & only 8 players have been identified on the courts by the personnel at the swimming pool who have been keeping a count. Indoor soccer players would be of jr high & high school age & adults, c,7\<,i,<a* .*** s. C./L%..h ('L 'cJ--' p.,L I' ,a i no children. Cn) <y - i f- 1: The soccer arena is not used more at this time because it is too small for adult use & the youths don't use it because it would in- terfere with field soccer which is being played now. If ISOC does not get the use of the 4 courts to expand the arena to full size, Mr. Courtney will most likely move his program elsewhere, perhaps to another North County city. Carlsbad has 15 or 17 tennis courts depending on if the 2 courts already occupied by ISOC are counted. Staff does not count these courts . The tennis standard for Carlsbad is 1 court per 2,000 population. Standard for soccer is 1:6,000 for adults, 1:4,000 for children: the City differentiates between the two. 4 courts are planned at Stagecoach Park, scheduled,completion is July 1987. 2 courts are planned at Calavera, no construction date has been set. All 6 new courts will be lighted. Expense of utility bills for lighting the h.s. courts should not enter into this matter because these are automatically absorbed by the City as are the utility bills for La Costa Canyon & Laguna Riviera . Attachment D 3'3 MINUTLi \\\\ PARKS AN! RECREATION COMMISSION Page ~OMMISSIONERS September 15, 1986 Commlssloner Regan inquired whether there should be a tlme perlod set up to e\aluate I.S.0.C's use of the tennis courts. the Commissioners that I.S.O.C. has already been evaluated. and has been found to be successful. In rvsporrsr to a qucstlon by CommI~slonrr Morrlsori, I.)nri Ch.isc: clarlficd that staff recommended thdt the Clt) riot conduct the soccer program.' It was preferred that it be run on a lease arrangement. Commissloner Lawson moved that the motlon on the floor be amended to lnclude that the feasiblllty of relocating the indoor soccer facliity on a permanent basis be inltlated. The amendment to the motlon was seconded. It was the consensus of the majority of Comnlssloner Dahlquist requested that the amendment be consldered separately from the motlon. The mover and the seconder of the amendment aareed. Chairman Wriqht gave the reasons why he would be ahstainlno to the motlon on the floor. As the athletlc dlrector at Carlsbad Hlgh he could not support the motlon; however, as Chairman of the Commission, he could understand the needs of the comnunlty. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended ( 1 ) approbal of .I.S.O.C's reque3t to expand the courts to the full Monroe tennis courts; (2) that the public use of the BasswoodIValley tennis courts be expanded to Include the hours of 11:OO a.m. to 1:OD p.m.; (3) that the City llght the high school's tennis courts at Basswood and Valley uslng CIP funds or whatever funds are available; and (4) that staff negotiate a use agreement with I.S.O.C. to include that they repay for the costs of llghtlnq the tennis courts out of monies generated by them, and that they return the courts In thelr original state upon thelr vacating the courts. Comnlssloner Lawson stated that he could not support losing two additional tennis courts and continuing with the same short-range arrangements. Chairman Wright stated that the City makes a delineation between youth soccer .field and adult soccer fields. The "City has-four youth soccer flelds and thirteen other fields that are available. There are three adult soccer- fields and seven other fields th- added-at the Cltv Council has adoDted its own __- standards which supercede the national standards. are one youth soccer field for ever) 4,000 people, and one adult soccer field for everv 6.000 Deoole. They Followlng further discussion, the Parks and Recreation Commission directed staff to look into permanent sltes for the location of the lndoor soccer facllltles. ; RECESS The Parks and Recreation recessed at 8:12 p.m. and reconvened at 8:37 p.m., with all members present. Chairman Wrlqht announced that "Additional Business - A." will be taken prior to the other agenda ltems at thls time. Attachment E Wright Dahlquls t Lawson Morrison Popovlch Reqan Wright Dah lqulst Lawson Morrison Popovlch Regan I 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 IO I1 I2 7 I5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .. . .. NOTE: 1. With this type of utilization, when & where do the teams practice? 2. Other than officials, there would be a turnover every hour. 3. This is ffbilledfl as a North Caunty Facility - hard to attract 26,000 soccer players a year from the population of Carlsbad. 4. Where are the public facilities (restrooms, etc) for 78,350 folks each year? Attachment F -- alley Junior High Sch$ 11 ' 619-438-6602 'Public, 2 Coiirts Closes at dark Oceanside High School 'Public, 6 Courts Closes at dark 619-722-8201 \- - *South Oceanside Olympic Health &. Elementary School Fitness Center Public. 2 Courts Closes at dark -Openevenings 619-439-7143 619-438-8330 pv hj -{e Private, 5 courts Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 4297 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 729-1786 I * -- -____I_ __^_ __ . . Brochure currently being sent oul : to encourage tourism in Carlsbad. Attachment G-1 At t a c hment G-2 t Golf Oceanside Golf Course 825 Douglas Dr Oceanside, CA 92054 Public, 18 holes, Res. Req’d. Circle H Ranch 8797 Circ le I< Dr Escondido. CA 92026 Public, 18 holes 619-4 33 -13 60 Courilry Cliib 619-749-287 7 El Camino Country Club 3202 Vista Way Oceanside, CA 92056 Private. 18 holes, Res Req‘d. Escondido Country Club 180rJ W Coutil~-y Club I,n 6 19- 75 7.2 100 thLf~lldltf~J, (,A (sL(J2(J 619-746 4212 PriVdtC. 18 hiJleS, Res. Keq’d. FallbrOok (;oIf &. CoUlllry ClUIJ 2757 Gird Rd Fallbrook, CA 92028 619-728 8334 Public. 18 holes, Res. Keq‘d. La Costa Hotel & Spa CIJSta Ikl Mar Rd 01‘) 4.18 ‘/Ill r’rivate, ~b holes, Res. Keq’d. Lake San Marcos Resort 1750 San Pablo Dr San Marcos, CA 92069 Private, 18 holes, Res. Req’d. Lake Sail Marcos Executive Course 1556 Camino Del Arroyo, I..tkt: hii M,III:(J:,, CA 9LOW PuIJic, 18 Iioles. kl.:, I:( #I’ll (;dt~~,~J~ll~, (.A ‘Jz()r)8 619-744-0120 619-744-WJ92 82 c2 B2 c2 B1 B2 B2 B2 Lawrence Welk Village 8860 Lawrence Welk Dr Escondido, CA 92026 Public, 18 holes Lomas Santa Fe Executive Golf Course 1580 Sun Valley Rd Solana Beach, CA 92075 Public, 18 holes 619-749-3000 619.755-0195 Meadow Lake Country Club 10333 Meadow Glen Way E Escondido, CA 92026 Public, 18 holes 619-749-1620 Oaks North Executive Course 12602OaksN Dr San Diego, CA 92128 Public, 27 holes 619-487-3021 Oceanside Centre City Golf Course 1 Country Club Ln , Oceanside, CA 92054 Public. 9 holes 619-433-8590 Osbrink Golf Club 525 Rincoit Ave Escondido, CA 92025 Public, 18 holes 619-746-2526 Pala Mesa Resort 2001 s llwy 3‘)s bdlbrook, (:A OLOLX Public, 18 holes, Res. Req’d. Rancho Carlsbad Golf Course 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Public, 18 holes Rancho Penasquitos Country Club, 1.1155 I*eii,ibqiiifos Dr S~ii 111eg0, (:A OLIL9 619 279-0700 r>utdic, 18 holes 619-728-5881 619-438-1772 c2 Rancho Santa Fe B3 ,WavepHills &eych Communit’yBark .+ e (a +. & Public, 2 Courts 7 CL~ 619-438-5571 Golf Club La Granada, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 619-756-3094 B3 Private, 18 holes Capistrano Park San Luis Rey Downs B1 Public, 2 Courts Country Club Closes at dark 31474 Golf Club Dr , Bonsall, CA 92003 Public, 18 holes, Res. Req’d San Vicente Country Club D3 eLi4-1726 Carlsbad High School, 24157 San Vicente Rd Res. Req’d. 619-439-7143 c2 619-758-3762 * * c3 Raniona, CA 92065 *Piiblic,Hcoiirts 9 C-0 -A* 619-789-3477 .,Qoses at dark pur-c?u\ UGe. Public, 18 holes, orclr El Camino High School 619-757-8550 Torrey Pines Municipal R3 Golf Coiirse Pines Rd , La Jolla, CA 92037 Public. 18 holes B2 11480 N. ’rorrey 619-453-0380 c2 R1 Whispering Palms B3 Country Club Via de la Valle; Rancho Santa Fe, CA ‘Public, 6 Courts Closes at tin1 k John Landes Park 619-724-2666 ‘Public, 3 Courts Closes at &irk La Costa Canyon Pa ‘Public. 2 Courts Closes at dark I La Costa Racquet Club 92067 Public, 27 holes, Res. Req’d. T)pcncvcniiigs 619-438-9U.l 619-756-2471 ,, : 3 &e Private, 23 Courts ’I2 Lagina Riviera Park Shadowridge Golf Club Vista, CA 92083 Private, 18 holes, 1980 Gateway Dr 619-438-5571 619-727-7706 Public, 2 Courts Closes at dark Mira Costa College B2 Res. Req‘d. 619-757-2121 *Public, 6 Courts Open evenings North River Road Park . Tennis Balderrama Community 619-439-5877 Center Public, 2 Courts 619-439-7340 Closes ut d.irk t’iiI4ic. 2 Courts B3 Closes at dark c- <- OF PL S 040 * 2- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk October 29, 1986 TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 CONVERSION OF MONROE STREET TENNIS COURTS The subject item has been scheduled for the City Council meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 1986. Council meetings start at 6:OO PM in the City Council Chambers located at 1200 Elm Avenue. The item is - NOT a public hearing. Therefore, if you desire to speak to Council on the matter, you must file a Request to Speak form with the City Clerk before Council begins consideration of the item. entrance to the City Council Chambers.) limited to five (5) minutes each when addressing Council. (The forms are available at the Also please note that individuals are If I can answer any questions regarding Council meeting processes or procedures, please call me at 438-5535. LEE RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk -1 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the City Clerk QCitp of QCarISbab We have received your correspondence concerning the conversion of the Monroe Street tennis courts. The City Council has also been provided with a copy of your letter. The Parks and Recreation Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council. Therefore, the matter will be going to the City Council in the future for their consideration and action. You will receive notification when the item has been scheduled for a Council meeting. LEE RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk TELEPHONE (619) 438-5535 Irene K. Strause 3291 Highland Drive Carlsbad; CA '92008 William H. Cardner 3450 Woodland Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Helen Sibert 5'55 Anchor Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Richard Cook 2289 Cameo Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 - - Mrs. Eleanor B. Neuman Donna Cardner 6546 Calle Valperizo Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 3450 Woodland Way Alvin A. Neuman 6546 Calle Valperizo Carlsbad, CA 92008 Evans H. Sibert 555 Anchor Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 3udy D. Braunstein 3230 Piragua Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carl M. Bengs, M.D. Suzi Green 2910 Jefferson St., Suite 100 4065 Syme Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mary 6. Haggerty 3105 Blenkarne Carlsbad, CA 92008 Eleanor 8. Neuman 6546 Calle Valperizo Carlsbad, CA 92008 Leo & Elizabeth Christian 4961 Park Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gary H. Braunstein 3230 Piragua Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mary 30 Jones Craig Lloyd 3ones 3515 Charter Oak Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phil Everett 4065 Syme Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mi 1 a gr os L it t 1 e ,to h n 1703 Cannas Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 Miss Althea Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 3291 Highland Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 18 September 1986 Dear Miss Rautenkranz: I would like to formally appeal the decision of the Parks and Recreation commission to recommend to the City Council turning over the remaining two tennis courts on Monroe Street to Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad. I feel that destroying an existing facility which has recently been refurbished at a cost of several thousand dollars and which is used daily by school children and residents of the surrounding area is not in the best interest of the com- munity. In-addition, I question the actual usage of the soccer facility regarding numbers of people involved. When speaking recently with Mr. Courtney, he told me there is no youth program at this time. One is due to be instituted in January. The youths are presently playing on regular field soccer teams. He also stated there would be adult matches on Sundays. This does not seem to be adequate usage to warrent taking two more tennis courts. Further, Mr. A1 Kam stated that he does need the Monroe courts for his Parks and Recreation teaching pro- gram. By relocating his lessons to other courts in the city he is cutting down the availability of tennis fa- cilities to residents of these areas, specifically La Costa Canyon and Laguna Riviera. Thus, the impact of losing these two courts would not be localized to North Carlsbad, but would have repercussions throughout the city. It would also present a hardship on the youth who currently are involved in the tennis program as they would have to find transportation to outlying areas for their tennis lessons. I would be interested to know 1) exactly how many players are currently signed and have paid to play speed soccer with Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad and 2) the resi- dency of each player. Respectfully yours, Irene K. Strause Copy to: Mr. David Bradstreet 14 ALVIN A. NEUMAN 6546 CALLE VALPERIZO CARLSBAD (LA COSTA), CALIFORNIA 92008 Sub jec-t : Teanic vs. Soccer &/ 5.p: f bfL-,<C, i A -- . . Mrs. Eleanor B. Neuman 6546 Calle Valperiza, Carlsbad, California 92009 d! -&- I / I \ 0 \ICf-L ) ! I_- - . .".-. . . .. . .. - 3230 PIRAGUA ST. CARLSBAD, CA. $2008 SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 CARLSRAD cIw COUNCIL 1200 ELM STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 DEAR REPRESENTATIVES, I STRONGLY OBJECT TO THE CONVERSION OF THE REMAINING TENNIS COURTS ON MONROE STREET TO INDOOR SOCCOR COURTS. CARLSBADS CLIMATE IS SUPERB FOR ALL YEAR ROUND TENNIS AND WE NEED ALL THE COURTS WE PRESENTLY HAVE AND THEN SOME. YOURS VERY TRULY, September 29, 1986 The City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Steet Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to take this opportunity to strongly object to the recent recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Com- mission toconvert the two remaining tennis courts on Monroe Street to allow for the expansion of the Indoor Soccer court. The conversion of the first pair of tennis courts to allow a one year's test of the soccer facility should have proven convincingly that this is the poorest utilization of a pop- ular sports facility in the city's inventory. To allow the expansion to delete two more tennis courts to this little- used sport is only compounding the mistake. The reputed future popularity of this revenue-producing indoor soccer facility can best be countered by pointing out that the equipment installed on the present soccer court came from a bankrupt similar facility in a nearby city. 1 speak on behalf of those tax paying citizens of Carlsbad who are beyond the soccer playing age but can still enjoy playing tennis regularly. Richard Cook 2289 Cameo Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 3230 PiraC;ua Street Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, Ca. 92000 Dear Representatives, As a resldent and voter, I resmctfully request that the city dots not convert the Monroe Street tennis courts into indoor soccor courts. We need more tennis courts, not less. Yours very truly, Judy D. Braunstein c ,A R. L. JONES 3515 CHARTER CARLSBAD, CA 4 CARL hk:$@&S, M.D. 516 C C@S3$w STREET 2~&p1~gf'&ersori, Suite 160 OCEANSIDE, OFORNIA 92054 729-db00 619 / 63-6363 1 October b, 1986 bear blayor Casler ti City Council Aembers: I have been a physician in the area and a resident of Carlsbaa for many years. My family and now my grana- ctiilaren have playea tennis on city courts. I am very disturbed to hear of the proposed tearing down of public courts to make way for an inuoor soccer club. Tennis is one sport mthich can be enjoyed by families together, with- out regara to aEe differences. de should buila more courts not tear down what we have. Presently my 11 year old granddaughter is swimming coinpetitively. I am also concerned amut the proximity of a soccer club to the public swimming pool. I hope the City Council can find a way to deal with this issue witnout the loss of any tennis courts and with the best intere'sts of all of the -citizens of Car1sba.d in minu. A Yours truly, October 8, 1986 ‘ ‘kc.’’’ TO MEMBERS OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL: I am a resident of Carlsbad on and off for the past 25 years and have been here for the past 13 years and am very much concerned about the tennis courts on Monroe being turned into an Indoor Soccer court. I would like to relate my experience regarding these tennis courts. I stopped by the Parks and Recreation office in Aug of 1985 to see if any progress had been made regarding resurfacing the remaining 2 tennis courts next to the high school. Mr. Bradstreet was not in and I filled out a request for him to call me regarding this matter. He returned my phone call and informed me that resurfacing was to begin the end of Aug or beginning 05 Sept. I thanked him caying how pleased I was to hear this. I was therefore quite surprised to hear that the courts were going to be used for indoor soccer. I called Parks & Recreation again regarding this and was informed that they were indeed going to turn this into a soccer court, even though the courts had been resurfaced as tennis courts, on a trial basis for a year. I even called a member of the Recreation Board and was informed that this was true, and I again reiterated that they should be kept as tennis courts. I do not believe as a taxpayer in this city that tennis courts should be taken away to make way for a profit making facility. I also wish to express my feelings regarding the appearance ’ of the outdoor court alongside our lovely cultural center and high school, it is not very pleasing with signs etc.al1 over it. I do hope the council will be in favor elg keeping our much needed tennis courts. Sincerely Mary B. Haggerty 3105 Blenkarne Carlsbad, CA- 92008 17- October 10, 1986 L Nenibers of the City CouncZl: I am iwithg thzis letter tothe CouncSl over my concern of the proposed removal o€ the Tennis Courts on I.!onroe Street. I an ~2 i’iomn you. co;iif- ca1.7 ITi.r’dlc ,i;e?t 0;: J’inc;’~ c bit, older mi! 1 use the Tennis Courts along vdth many of qy friends (ivomen)as well as (men) severzl -Shes a. veek. I feel, as .;;.ell 2s q,r frii=mi:;s, thc.t ll\‘lomnll, hare not ‘nwn con:.S.dercd at all in this proposed rmov,c,l of the Tds CoWCts for tlic Ti?2r,or Soccor Courts, which vr- cx m., ‘LIS~. Women reaL1;jr ask ver-7 P:L$l2 o ’ ~ :)c? city for recreation UTC 20.. t‘ 7 lcl--~e:;. The city provides Fqtball Fields, Baseball Fields, Basketball Courts, Outdoor Soccor Fields and Tennis Courts for the residents of Carlsbad and that is pat, BUT the only facilities that Yfomen of qy age and may I add, Men as vreU, can and do use are the Tennis Courts and perhaps the Baseball fields. IYhy take airray our C&s for Indoor Soccor? We are not physically able to use the Indoor Soccor Cobs and i% really isn’t fair to us. ;Ve women are Homemers and Taxpayers and Voters in Carlsbad and ire think some consideration should be &%en to us. Have ’Indoor Soccor but no at the expense of away the Tennis Courts we women use. 1 am for -door Soccor but I feel it should be built in an mea where Football, Basketball, Baseball, Outdoor Soccor me played and not where Tennis is played. Thank you for your time, OCTOBER 12, 1986 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THE CITY .OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 GENTLEMEN : I AM WRITING IN PROTEST TO YOUR PLAN TO ELIMINATE THE REMAINING TWO TENNIS COURTS ON MONROE AVENUE ADJACENT TO CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL. WHEN THE FIRST TWO COURTS WERE TAKEN AWAY I WAS RATHER DISMAYED THAT SUCH COULD HAVE HAPPENED IN THE LIGHT OF THERE NOT BEING ENOUGH PUBLIC COURTS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ALREADY. SINCE MOVING HERE IN 1977, I KNOW OF ONLY TWO PUBLIC COURTS BEING BUILT. THEY ARE IN THE LA COSTA AREA AND ARE USUALLY OCCUPIED. IT WOULD APPEAR THAT YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF HOW MUCH IN DEMAND THESE FACILITIES ARE, OTHERWISE YOU WOULD NOT HAVE ELIMINATED ANY OF THE COURTS ON MONROE AT ALL. SINCERELY, JX MILA ROS LITTLEJOHN 1703 CANNAS COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 .. .. c Dear Mayor Casler and Council Members, The tennis community of Carlsbad would like to thank you for your careful consideration of the issues involved in the dispute over the conversion of the Monroe Street tennis courts to indoor soccer. Of course, we were very pleased with your decision to retain the two good courts for tennis use. We feel that allowing the soccer program to continue on the other two courts was a fair decision. It had never been our intent to deprive our children of sporting facilities. We think that both the.tennis and soccer interests were addressed and both will benefit. Something very positive which has come out of this issue is that many of the tennis players in Carlsbad have become acquainted and united. We are forming an information network. We have learned a valuable lesson, that we must pay attention to what is happening in our community. We cannot be apathetic and expect our elected representatives to merely guess at our needs and wishes. Once again we thank you for your interest and for the time you invested in this issue. We appreciated your replies to our letters and our concerns. Yours truly, ..' ' . Irene Strause, Spokesman FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - YE,THE UNDERSIGHED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. - LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOWED TEMPOR USE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON fl R‘/ MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF F HE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. YE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - YE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80,000. - YE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - YE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS ; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS , HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - YE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. !. ...................... ................................ 4522. ................. .. ............ .......... ..................... ....... i ,f /- i ....................................................................................... ...................... . P., ............................. ...... ............. 52 ........................ c tl ......................... -2.L.Q.. ... ..... ... ............................... .................................. GLL’ ........................................................................................................................... ?G ................................................................ ..................................................... .................................. Lis... -7&E.+. .G-L&i.<l%.A _____ ..__.__ 3’ ..... 0 ....... /’ .- //:’ CL ,J -. A/, $‘ .......................... .......... 5,;;; J ~..~.~.&~--.~..~.*~...~*~.~ ......__.’._.._....__ .-: f J FALL 1986 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, - VE, THE UNDERSIGNED ARE TENNIS PLAYERS VHO ACTIVELY LAST OCTOBER THE INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE VAS ALLOVED TEMPORY USE OF 2 OF THE 4 COURTS ON USE THE CITY TENNIS COURTS. MONROE ST. FOR INDOOR SOCCER. VE ARE DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE PLANNED CONVERSION OF 2 ADDITIONAL COURTS TO SOCCER. VE VOULD ALSO LIKE TO REGAIN THE USE OF THE 2 LOST COURTS. - VE ARE NOT AGAINST INDOOR OR OUTDOOR SOCCER BUT BELIEVE THE ORGANIZED SOCCER INTERESTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE THE PUBLIC USAGE OF THESE 4 NEEDED COURTS VORTH ABOUT $80.000. - YE VALUE THE CONCENTRATION OF MANY COURTS IN ONE LOCATION. - YE BELIEVE THE INCREASING POPULATION IN THIS PART OF THE CITY VILL CAUSE CITWIDE CONGESTION OF COURTS; ESPECIALLY ON VEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING TENNIS TOURNAMENTS. - YE THANK THE CITY FOR THE RECENT NEV COURT SURFACES AND FINE MAINTENANCE. .................. .............................................. ............. " .. - .......... i.. ........................................................................................................................................................................ , '5 '4 J.. - ................. i.. ............................................................................................................................................................... ... ..................................... ...... .... ........................................... ......... ...... ..... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... . . I- ...... . -. .. . -. ........... - .. .- ....... ............ ......... ... .- - ....... __ ... ........ _.. ........... -..- . ..... ... ........... .... . '3 1 .: ,, -&+I-.- -/ i I 'r ~ ~ PETITION ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO WIT PRINT YOUR NAME .. RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNANRE AS REGISTERED To VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP -YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very 'extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City! Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT I YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY UP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED x) VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIMNCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP PRINTYOUR NAME ----- YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE RESIDENCE ADDRESS I CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO WIT PRINT YOUR NAME PETITION YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REOISERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME I RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIN LIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRllrrT YOUR NAME RESlDENCE- CITY ZIP TO -- WUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME - RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP THE i HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks 61 Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks 61 Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final concJusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizensr -the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City1 Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT ! 1 YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME .. . RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very -extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City! Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT 1 YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE As REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO WE PRINT YOUR NAME 4 .b RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED x) VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP I 1 I YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED l0 VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME .. RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED To VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP PETITION 1 RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIN ZIP TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it shou1.d be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis co'irts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City1 Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT ! YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED x) WXE PRINT YOUR NAME I I RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP muR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO WXE PRINT YOUR NAME .. RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TD VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIN ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIN ZIP 1 ,' PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very *extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined 'that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over s'everal months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City1 Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT 1 YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIN ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO WXE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME .. RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIM ZIP YOUR SIGNANRE AS REGISTERED To VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ClM ZIP P I YOUR PETITION SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to bhe Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very -extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined *that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City1 Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT ! I YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERE PRINT YOW NAME YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED To Wm PRINT YOUR NAME .- RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP ..-- A PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions’s decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very ;extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City! Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT ! -” &&L PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO Wm n .,- PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to khe Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very :extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM wi1l"serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City! Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT ! I, vem - PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR SIGNATURE 7WREGISTEREIYTO VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME .- PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex . The $arks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. f& - Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, =-. at absolutely NO cost to the City! L Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT 1 *EVE ALAE YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED To VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADORES CITY ZIP .- I _.-I_- fM&PIE G/4Ill_So~ I YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED x) PRINT YOUR NAME r c c ', 1 PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition CARLSBAD: the city to uphold the Carlsbad- Parks & Recreation Commissions’s decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the ,INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVEF?AL HUNDRED”Critizens, Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carfsbad, th-e best use at absolutely NO cost to the City1 \ for this City owned faciLity would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT..K *. r.. - -YOUR SIGNATURE REGISTERED E’ fJ PRWT YOUR NAME I RESIDPCE 36jC ADDRESS k?d!rndY~ CITY ZIP n PRINT YOUR NAME I ZIP I 0%- Is &J RESIDENCE AODRESS CITY I .’? YOUR SIGNATURE REGIFRED TO VOTE PRINT YOgR’NAME , I* A KW D YOUR SIGNATUAE AS REGISTERED x) VOTE PRINT YOUR NAME , .- PRINT YOUR NAME ‘1 L?w YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE 2666 RESIDENCE ADDRESS CIN ZIP c ..- PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks b Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex, - The Parks b Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City1 Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbdd, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT 1 v- - CIN I CIN - ZIP n, RESIDENCE ADDRESS L .- PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions's decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks & Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the City! Therefore, in the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT I n 'I RESIDENCE ADDRESS PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADOR- / ZIP PETITION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The following citizens of Carlsbad, hereby petition the city to uphold the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissions’s decision to allow the expansion of the INDOOR SOCCER COURT at the Monroe St site adjacent to the Municipal Swim Complex. The Parks h Recreation Commission and City staff did a very extensive study of the use of the Monroe St Tennis courts and determined that they recieved very little use by Tennis players. They also determined that the INDOOR SOCCER program was very successful, and that it should be allowed to expand and grow. Several public hearings were held, over several months, and the final conclusion is; while the tennis courts do serve a small number of citizens, the INDOOR SOCCER PROGRAM will serve SEVERAL HUNDRED citizens, at absolutely NO cost to the Cityl Therefore, in ‘the best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad, the best use for this City owned facility would be as an INDOOR SOCCER COURT ! + $k&J%d* PRINT YOUR NAME YOUR’SIGNATURE qShEGlSTERED To VOTE </ P /? &Jj"JCarlsbadUnif f7 ied School District . ' & 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence In Education" October 21, 1986 Councilman Claude Lewis 2030 Basswood Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Councilman Lewis : It has recently come to our attention that the City of Carlsbad is considering the conversion of two City owned tennis courts located on the east side of Carlsbad High School into an indoor soccer facility. We acknowledge the increasing popularity of indoor soccer and the need to provide a greater number of such facilities for the community. We also recognize that there is a significan.': population whose interest would be served by pzovkding such a facility. However, we are opposed to the conversion of the tennis facil'ity to a soccer facility for the following reasons : 1. There currently exists an inadequate number 2. A reduction in the number of tennis courts of tennis courts at the present time. and increase the scheduling conflicts between the school and the community in using the Basswood tennis courts. 3. The reduced number of tennis courts will severely curtail the opportunities available to the Physical Education Department and to elementary students desiring to become skilled in the game of tennis. We do recommend that the City Council seriously consider other alternatives of indoor soccer facilities Assistant Dale J. Mitchell Principal .Print' Wil e/- iam a1 . Dunmeyer cc: Dave Bradstreet Robert Fisher Marvin Cap CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL 3557 MONROE STREET Scott Wright Irene Strause k'C 434-1 726 CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 1 * L 3291 Highland Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 18 September 1986 Miss Althea Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Miss Rautenkranz: I would like to formally appeal the decision of the Parks and Recreation commission to recommend to the City Council turning over the remaining two tennis courts on Monroe Street to Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad. I feel that destroying an existing facility which has recently been refurbished at a cost of several thousand dollars and which is used daily by school children and residents of the surrounding area is not in the best interest of the com- munity. In addition, I question the actual usage of the soccer facility regarding numbers of people involved. When speaking recently with Mr. Courtney, he told me there is no youth program at this time, One is due to be instituted in January. The youths are presently playing on regular field soccer teams. He also stated there would be adult matches on Sundays. This does not seem to be adequate usage to warrent taking two more tennis courts. Further, Mr. A1 Kam stated that he does need the Monroe courts for his Parks and Recreation teaching pro- gram. By relocating his lessons to other courts in the city he is cutting down the availability of tennis fa- cilities to residents of these areas, specifically La Costa Canyon and Laguna Riviera. Thus, the impact of losing these two courts would not be localized to North Carlsbad, but would have repercussions throughout the city. It would also present a hardship on the youth who currently are involved in the tennis program as they would have to find transportation to outlying areas for their tennis lessons. L L L I would be interested to know 1) exactly how many players are currently signed and have paid to play speed soccer with Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad and 2) the resi- dency of each player. Respectfully yours, Irene K. Strause Copy to: Mr. David Bradstreet