HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-12; City Council; 8813; STREET NAME CHANGE ELM AVENUE SNC 25TITLE: STREET NAME CHANGE AB# ff L3 ELM AVENUE 11/12/86 MTG. 4-1 DEPT. RED DEPT. t CITY A1 CITY M *> L 0 0 Gu Ucd cda, )-IC) .rl a, ms .4;G a a0 E’ 00 u c .ti C -rl oE 5.1 -8 oa, E )-I om ws ma, U3.u . uu m Mcd Ga, .rl cm cu cd -ti rl v a,$4 sw u a, 01 uc a, )-I+ a-4 :E cd-l - Ewa + a, 4-1 -ti so)-I un zkl E G2 a, a4 rH s .rl a, us $4 Ma -Ida -rl -rl e u Mm r: 64 scd!-l oca u uu a co I N 4 I 4 rl .. z 0 F 0 4 d 0 z 3 0 0 ClTwF CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL Lq i RECOMMENDED ACTION: If City Council concurs with street name change (SNC-25) actio is to refer to Planning Commission for appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad Downtown Merchants Association has petitioned the Redevelopment Office to process a street name change. It is proposed that Elm Avenue be renamed Carlsbad Village Drive. The reason for the name change is to increase awarenes ofe Village Area. The proposed street name change would enhance and expedite the Village Area Redevelopment Project focusing attention upon and directing traffic to the Carlsbad Village Area. required freeway signage would serve notice of the existence of the Village to tourists. ’ There are approximately 120 individual businesses located aloi Elm Avenue that would be affected. would require a one time only expense to these businesses to alter their correspondence to reflect the new address. Becau! of the specific nature of the name change several options are available to the Council as to the extent of the change: The The street name change si 11 Freeway to the ocean - Would necessitate dual freeway signage for 1-5 - Would affect 99% of businesses located on Elm - Would not affect City Hall address intersection 21 El Camino Real to the ocean - - Would require only one st,reet name at 1-5 intersect Would affect 100% of businesses including City Hall There will be no residential addresses east of Highland Would mean single name for street throughout Carlsf - 31 Eastern terminus to the ocean - e 0 .* fl Page 2 of AB# 4Z/3 A poll of the merchants on Elm Avenue was conducted by the Merchants' Association. The majority of the affected businesses support the proposed change. It is the greater good of the Redevelopment Area that prompted the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee to unanimousl] recommend the street name change at their August 15, 1986 meeting. City Council is asked to select an option if they concur with the street name change proposal and direct staff to present it to the Planning Commission and Design Review Board. FISCAL IMPACT The street name change would require an expense to change correspondence and street name signs. Estimated cost $5,000. EXHIBITS 1 - Location Map 'AB#& Tm. STREET NAME CHANGE ELM AVENUE MTG. ll/ 12 / 86 RED cu DEPTn- DEPT. t CITY A' CITY M I 0 0 cu 0 -4 c L)(d blu (da a a0 do rns cu 0 & -om Wl 9 Cd C dLl 06 IE 00) OOQ c0) cu Od "Bo obl rn01 mU . ub) 0 d cm rl crw 01 os ut o U &> a84 ad aw f ow4 u u% sobl UP 0) aso om- bl SA & a a4 uc-4 0) b us- Ma rlca -4-4n c1 Mrn c Cd JaL OS@ 0 uu \o Fo I N 4 I 4 rl f 9 c 0 4 i 0 z 3 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: If City Council concurs with street name change (SNC-25) actio is to refer to Planning Commission for appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad Downtown Merchants Association has petitioned the Redevelopment Office to process a street name change. ofe Village Area. The proposed street name change would enhance and expedite the Village Area Redevelopment Project focusing attention upon and directing traffic to the Carlsbad Village Area. The required freeway signage would serve notice of the existence of the Village to tourists. There are approximately 120 individual businesses located alo Elm Avenue that would be affected. would require a one time only expense to these businesses to alter their correspondence to reflect the new address. Becau of the specific nature of the name change several options are available to the Council as to the extent of the change: Would necessitate dual freeway signage for 1-5 intersection Would affect 99% of businesses located on Elm Would not affect City Hall address Would require only one street name at 1-5 intersect Would affect 100% of businesses including City Hal: There will be no residential addresses east of Highland Would mean single name for street throughout Carls The street name change 11 Freeway to the ocean - - - El Camino Real to the ocean - - - 21 33 Eastern terminus to the ocean - *. , 0 a .+ Page 2 of AB# &F/3 A poll of the merchants on Elm Avenue was conducted by the Merchants' Association. The majority of the affected businesses support the proposed change. It is the greater good of the Redevelopment Area that prompte the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee to unanimous recommend the street name change at their August 15, 1986 meeting. City Council is asked to select an option if they concur with the street name change proposal and direct staff to present it to the Planning Commission and Design Review Board FISCAL IMPACT The street name change would require an expense to change correspondence and street name signs. Estimated cost $5,000, EXHIBITS 1 - Location Map w - c 3- I City of carlsbad CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE SN C _I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * e- RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 135 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RECOMMENDING TO CITY COUNCIL ONE OF THE ALTERNATIVES CONCERNING ELM AVENUE ,ELM AVENUE NAME CHANGE. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carls does hereby resolve as follows: 1) That it does hereby declare its intention to holl public hearing in the City Council Chambers, 120( manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPT of the City of Carlsbad at a 1977 by the following vot ATTEST: v RALPH S. PLENDER, SECRETARY ' *2@ w ~ -i 9 !4JCYORANDUM - APRIL 2 8 , 19 7 7 TO : HONORABLE MAYOR & MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNC FROM: JAMES C. IlAGA?.IAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE : ELM AVENUE NAME CHANGE A few months ago the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce request€ that the City Council consider changing the name of Elm A\ to some other name that would be appropriate to the villac character of our downtown. Planning Commission to hold a hearing on this matter. Staff prepared a Resolution of Intention for holding this hearing. Through the newspaper the Resolution of Intentic was made public and many citizens became aware of the pos: of changing the name of Elm Avenue. These citizens' info. the Planning Commission through petitions that they were ( to changing the name of Elm Avenue. The Chamber of Comme notified of this opposition. Don Brown, Executive Vice-P of the Chamber of Commerce wrote a letter to the Planning mission withdrawing.their request to change Elm Avenue. 1 Brown also asked for the Citys assistance in seeking prop1 ing along the freeway which would show availability of fol lodging, gas and beaches and other community facilities a' in Carlsbad. The Planning Commission accepted Mr. Brown's withdrawal b ing the Resolution of Intention to hold a Public Hearing, by directing staff to forward Mr. Brown's request for add signs for City Council. Also, requesting that the City C direct staff to work with the Chamber and Cal Trans in ar they can in achieving proper signing for services in Carl from the freeway and surface streets. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council accept the Chambe Commerce Executive Vice-President's withdrawal of request rename Elm Avenue, and if the City Council wishes, direct to work with the Chamber of Commerce and Cal Trans in ad proper signing for services in Carlsbad from freeway and streets. Attachment Letter to Planning Commission from Chamber of Commerce, ( 4/11/77. JCH: BP: ar The City Council directed the , MEMORANDUM e DATE : APRIL 13, 1977 TO : PLANNING COMI4ISS ION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE : CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST TO CHANGE THE NAME OF ELM AVENUE, (RESOLUTION OF INTENTION 135). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission DENY Resolution of Intention No. 135 (SNC Elm) as the applicant has withdrawn the rec BACKGROUND In September of 1976, the Chamber of Commerce requested the Plann: Commission to consider a name change for Elm Avenue. The Chamber that "Elm Avenue" does not reflect the character of the downtown i On October 13, 1976, the Commission made a minute motion to Counc: suggesting that a public hearing be initiated. On November 2, Coi agreed that this matter be returned to staff and a public hearing set at the first practical date. A Resolution of Intention No. 1 hold a public hearing went to the Commission on February 23, 1977 was continued until April 13, 1977. DISCUSSION Several days before the February 23 Commission meeting, the Counc received a petition with about 200 signatures protesting any name for Elm Avenue. Some of the signees were business owners downtow members of the Chamber. In a phone conversation on April 4, 1977 Chamber Director, Don Brown,indicated that the Chamber would with their request to change the name of Elm Avenue. CDG: ar 4/5/77 POST OFFICE BOX 597 >- Carlsbad Planning Commission City of Carlsbad City Ila11, 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Gent lemeii : The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce had previously requested the Planning Com- mission to consider the renaming of Elm Avenue to another name which would direct the attention of individuals traveling on Interstate 1-5 to the fact they were in Carlsbad.and to further designate the area served by the currcnt Elm Avenue leading to the "Village area". Several articles appeared in the local media and a number o€ suggested names were put forth by interested citizens. The Chamber's Tourism Cormittee had felt in their original efforts the name change would give the "Village Area" of Carlsbad an economic boost through increased sales to some of the 56,000 people who pass by Elm Avenue and 1-5 interchange on an average day. The Chain!)cr's intention in suggesting a name cliangc for El111 Avenue 113s focuscc on an evcn larger problem of proper Carlsbad idcntification on 1-5, Higliway 71 the El Camino Ileal, Carlsbad Boulevard and State Strcet entrances to our city and to the many people using Amtrack between Los Angeles and San Diego. Numerous individuals, for a variety of reascns from sentimental. ."always has been Elm Avenue". . .to those who felt it would be an economic inconvenience to their business. ..Co potential extra legal work in property designation and/or recording ... to the cost to business and individuals to change stationery/€ormi . and business records ... to the concerns of the Police and Fire Departments of confusion in reporting accidents or fires...so individuals have expressed a negative reaction to the Elm Avenue name change proposal. The Chamber Board of Directors therefore have directed this letter withdrawing the proposed name change for Elm Avenue be forwarded to you, however, the Chamber does request the Planning Commission assist in an effort for seeking proper sign- ing for Carlsbad, showing availability of food, lodging, gas for visitors and clear directions to the "Village Area", the beaches and other community facilities. .. 4q\ ' Executive Vice President * April 11, 1977 TO: P1 anni ng Director FROM: City Clerk's Office SUBJECT: Elm Avenue Name Change For general information, the Clerk's Office received this date three petition containing the signatures of 159 persons opposing the change of name for Elm Avenue. previously been reported to your department prior to the Planning Commission' public hearing on this matter held in March, 1977. by this office have been addressed to the iliayor and Members of the City Council and therefore, have not been received by the Planning Commission. These signatures are in addition to the signatures which have Al1,petitions received /A . - !/ (d- NORA GARDINER Deputy City Clerk Y s$-%/SD v'-* 17wdaa Su yEG ktL r '3 40 p\ann\n% De apartment .. Q3i--- Q LLGI 'Q, 1 'dd;d ppR 12 I977 . c *i77XDZL cl~y OF CARLSBAD j r . **( 6% e 0 MEMORANDUM February 23, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: ELM AVENUE STREET NAME CHANGE RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolutior Intention No. 135, establishing a public hearing on the proposed Avenue Name Change. It is further recommended that the Commissic select an appropriate name for Elm Avenue for use at the public 1 BACKGROUND : In September of 1976, the Chamber of Commerce requested the Con mission to consider a name change for Elm Avenue. The Chamber fc that "Elm Avenue'' does not reflect the character of the downtown On October 13, the Commission made a minute motion to Council SU~ gesting that a public hearing be initiated. On November 2, Counc agreed that this matter be returned to staff and a public hearin! set at the first practical date. On January 26, 1977, the Commi! referred the matter back to staff so that the suggested names coi be checked-out by the concerned City department heads. The list of names for Elm Avenue was submitted to the Police and Fire Chiefs, and the City Engineer, to check for conflicts with t ing streets and compatibility with radio dispatching. It was in( by the three departments that any name containing "Carlsbad" wou' direct conflict with Carlsbad Blvd. Those names were eliminatc Other names were eliminated because of similarity with existing I names, extended length, and difficulty in pronounciation (the or' list and the revised list of names are attached). Staff also contacted Cal-Trans concerning changes in the Elm Avet freeway signs. Their staff indicated that 12 or 13 spaces could utilized for a new name on existing signs. It is possible to ra the height of the signs if additional signage is needed. Physic, changes in the sign, however, are very costly and time consuming DISCUSSION: 1) For the public hearing the Commission may want to select jus. one name as an alternative to Elm Avenue. This would preven hearings from becoming a forum for proponents of different nl More attention could be placed on the question of whether a I change is really necessary. The Commission may wish to suggi another name which is not on the list. -1- ' 0 0 . ~ V.' 2) The Commission may want to use a list of names at the public hearing, giving the public a better opportunity to select a n It might be appropriate to use the final list approved by the department heads (attached), although the Commission might ad more names to the list. Suggested names should conform to Council's street naming policy which designates this street z an "Avenue". 3) The Commission may want to use the words "Carlsbad" in the ne name. In such a case two public hearings would be necessary the name of Carlsbad Blvd., would have to be changed. "Pacif Coast Highway" and "Old 101" have been suggested as possible for Carlsbad Blvd. CG: ar Attachments: Name lists Letter from Chamber of Commerce -2- . a e ,' *- I. List of Names approved by Police Chief, Fire Chief & City Eng Elmar Avenue Sunset Avenue Horizon Avenue City Way Avenue American Avenue Main Avenue Center Avenue Central Avenue Village Avenue Greywhal e Avenue 11. Original List of submitted names Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad Avenue Carlsbad Village Carlsbad-to-the-Sea Avenida de Carlsbad Aldea (Village) de Carlsbad Carl sbad Parks Avenue Oceanview Drive Pacific Avenue Central Avenue Seaside Drive Carlsbad Pacific Sands Drive Carlsbad Elms Avenue Center Blvd. Main Street. American Blvd. Carlsbad Beach Drive * Names which use the word "Carlsbad" are not in conjunction with the City Street Naming Policy as they conflict with Carlsbad 91 Names with designations other than "Avenue" are also contrary t this policy. CG: ar 2/14/77 e 0 MEMORANDUM February 22, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: SNC-ELM AVENUE, CHANGE IN RECOMMENDATION. On February 18, 1977, the City Council received a petition with 200 signatures opposing a change in the name of Elm Avenue. Man of the signeas are business owners in the downtown area. Consid the petition and the amount of problems involved with a major st name change, the Commission may wish to reconsider staffs recomm dation for a public hearing and not adopt Resolution of Intentioi #135. If the Planning Commissionakes this action, a letter shc be sent to the Chamber of Commerce and City Council explaining tl Planning Commission action. CG:ar i s. " ' !' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 088 A RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE STREET NAME CHANGE OF ELM AVENUE FROM ITS EASTERN TERMINUS TO THE OCEAN TO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARESBAD CASE NO.: SNC-25 WHEREAS, the overall goal of the Village Area Redevelc Project is to create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environment for living, shopping, recreation, civic, culturi and service functions through the elimination of blighting influences and through restoration and new, private/public development forms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the Village Area; and WHEREAS, the objectives of the Carlsbad Village Area Redevelopment Plan include provision for a variety of come: tourist and recreational activities, especially close to thc beach, in conjunction with special entertainment facilities restaurants and other uses which will foster a village concc establish the Village Centre area as the North County's foc. 1 speciality goods and services; and WHEREAS, a street name change from Elm Avenue to CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE would work in the service of these and objectives by focusing attention upon and directing tra the Carlsbad Village Area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal the Design Review Board did, on the 3rd day of December, 19 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider said propose name change; and WHEREAS,at said public hearing, upon hearing and .v \. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 m m considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persc desiring to be heard, said Board considered all factors relal to the street name change; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Design 1 Board of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public he the Board recommends APPROVAL of SNC-25 based on the following findings: FINDINGS: 1) That the street name change would enhance and expedil Village Area Redevelopment Project focusing attentior and directing traffic to the Carlsbad Village Area; E 2) That the street name change would not adversely impac City's street name policy. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting oJ Design Review Board of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 3rd day of December, 1986, by the following vote, to wit AYES : NOES : I ABSENT : 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSTAIN: JERRY ROMBOTIS, Chairpc DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ATTEST: CHRIS SALOMONE, COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER //I/ //I/ ///I DRB RESO. NO. 088 -2- '. b r 'i (/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 / 0 e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2635 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITJ CARLSBAI), CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, OF THE NAME CHANGE OF ELM AVENUE FROM ITS EASTERN TERMINU5 OCEAN TO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO.: SNC-25 WHEREAS, the overall goal of the Village Area Redevelopment Project is to create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environment for living, shopping, recreation, cil cultural and service functions through the elimination of bl influences and through restoration and new, private/public development forms which preserve and enhance the existing cl of the Village Area; and WHEREAS, the objectives of the Carlsbad Village Are Redevelopment Plan include provision for a variety of commer tourist and recreational activities, especially close to the in conjunction with special entertainment facilities, restau and other uses which will foster a village concept and estab the Village Centre area as the North County's focus for spec goods and services; and WHEREAS, a street name change from Elm Avenue to Ca Village Drive would work in the service of these goals and objectives by focusing attention upon directing traffic to t Carlsbad Village Area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipa the Planning Commission did, on the 17th day of December, 191 a duly noticed public hearing to consider said proposed strec change; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and I x... -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e a considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pers desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the street name change; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planni Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 3) That based on the evidence presented at the public hear the Commission recommends APPROVAL of SNC-25 based on tl f ol lowing findings : Findings : 1) That the street name change would enhance and expedite Village Area Redevelopment Project focusing attention ul and directing traffic to the Carlsbad Village Area; and That the street name change would not adversely impact City's street name policy. 2) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting o Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, helc the 17th day of December, 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners: Hall, NOES : None. ABSENT: Commissioners: Holmes & McBane. ABSTAIN: None. Schramm, Marcus & McFadden. &w--v* u CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Chairn CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIO 1 ATTEST: $c%5 * PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 2635 -2- 1. .x .''*< .'* C'hrIibad Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior JO~KNWI Court of Sun Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding publlc notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circ published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, an( newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charac which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still hasa bona fide subscription list of subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular inte the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one y' preceding the date of publication of tht hereinafter referred to; and that the n which the annexed is a printed copy, hc published in each regular and entire issue newspaper and not in any supplement thr the following dates, to-wit: .- t .......... Februarr 7.9.. ........ the CityGouncil of the City oPCarls- bad will hold a public hearing at the Carlsbad Public Safety and Ser- vice Center, 2560 Orion Way. Carls- bad, California. at 6:OO P M., on Tuesday, February 17.198% to con- sider a street name change, chang- ing the name of Elm Avenue from its eastern terminus to the ocean to CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE If you have any questions regard- ing this matter. please call the Re- development Office at 438-5593 Ifyou challenge the Street Name Change in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public haring descfibesm this notice. or ................................. . ................................ ................................. ................................ CJ 4512 February7,1987 y -. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Dieg California on the 7t h day of F'ehri12 rv 1 987 #202-2M 7 86 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING e .. > *. - SNC-25 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public at the Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center, 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, California, 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, February 17, 1987, to consider a street name change, changing thc name of Elm Avenue from its eastern terminus to the ocean to CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Redevelopment Office at 438-5593. If you challenge the Street Name Change in court, you may be limited to raising only thc issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or ,in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hear: APPLICANT: Carlsbad Downtown Merchants Association PUBLISH: February 7, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL z (Form A) 0 e .. > .< TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE REDEVELOPMENT OFFICE FROM: .- RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice SNC-25 STREET NAME CHANGE FOR ELM AVENUE TO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the Council meeting of Thank you. Date Assistant City Man -15- .. '. .. '* e 0 *I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SNC- 2 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Wednesday, December 3, 1986, to consider a stree name change, changing the name of Elm Avenue from its eastern terminus to the ocean to CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Redevelopment Office at 438-5593. If you challenge the Street Name Change in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raise at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Carlsbad Downtown Merchants Association PUBLISH: November 22, 1986 *" 8. 3- e e .d NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SNC- 2 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 5:oo P.M., on Wednesday, December 3, 1986, to consider street name change, changing the name of Elm Avenue from its eastern terminus to the ocean to CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Redevelopment Office at 438-5593. If you challenge the Street Name Change in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raise at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Carlsbad Downtown Merchants Association PUBLISH: November 22, 1986 .*' -I %-~ 0 0 ',- . . - . _. -- _. ,. 0000000000Q000000000000000000000OOQOOO0000000000~ I o o o In o m - o 4 L! in UI FJ ~u In co 4 P -J 1.rl In -J 01 o, 4 in in -J m -J 01 -1 In ro in -J in P:S J C, -, w o, r,j co w 0:o - ro 4 & C, .o In VI a -J 01 in o m cu w io io in cn ro - P P na - nj rcq ro rc:t 01 u u VI o u m Ln 4 4 m I co io r2:b io w w w w ro l;c m - m 4 a 's L w - co w n.1 in TU -J c. o o - 01 4 L; - A ni - 3 n., - m P o o 1; , 01 - L - 1.n a 4 a. co c. w ro 4 a a J m caw '0 co w o o io 4 'a 4 4 - o. 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DDDDDDDDDDDVDDDDDDDDD>DDDVDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DD In I< in I 3 I D l 0 i-0 inni-- ID V ~--e-4~m~w~1---in~ut~~1wut~~-~m-~~.i--~w~---~0- aro-v~ 13 ruCO~o~~eoo~o~~uto4oruo4o-oruA4VIoO~mmruout~inoVIOru-~o IO owooooooooooooooooooooaoowooinoo&oooooooooooo IZ 0000000000000000000000000-000000000000000000 I+ L. IC I - .. ... - - _. - --vu YIILyLIcL u fia selttu~y w r God City of Carlsbad Sta of California P.O. Box 1035 Carlsbad, CA 92008 * a P.O. 130':~ 54i hiPo ,V&Lley, AZ. 86323 F T.. I- kiehle Danel&Violet B County Recorder 395 Elm Avenue Zarlsbad, CA 92008 County of San Diego 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Post Office City of Carlsbad 2772 Roosevelt St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 jarkaria Daljit&Elaine ?.O. Box 5986 )range, CA 92267 pelkins Horace H.&Dolphine '.O. Box 431 Iceanside, CA 92054 'arkee L20 S. Verly Hoyt S Drive Q ;uite 206 3everly Hills, CA 90212 tobinson Betty A 207 ?Am Avenue ;uite #J larlsbad, CA 92008 idler E Reed :/o Ernest Adler Jr. 3833 Gaviota ong Beach, CA 90807 4innich K.David&Ruby I, 'ocum Eugene V&Dixie L '971 Carlsbad Blvd. :arlsbad, CA 92008 ;anders Aubrey D 265 Elm Avenue :arlsbad, CA. 92008 ;hick Ralph H&Marjorie A ,702 Soledad Road a Jolla, CA 92037 :eltibridle C.J,Shick Ralph *Ma] or ie 1.0. Box 599 Iceanside, CA 92054 4 Carlsbad a. I* c *-. , ,A Public Safety and Service Center WE ARE MOVING1 1986, THE CARdm MTrnNP City of Carlsba 24, EFFECTIVE MONMV, WILL BE LOCATED IN THE NEW PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. DIRECTIONS: FROM 1200 ELM AVENUE (THE EXISTING CITY HALL/POLICE COMPLEX) PI0 PIC0 SOUTH TO CHESTNUT EAST (TURN LEFT) TO EL CAMINO REAL SOUTH (TURN RIGHT) CONTINUE ON EL CAMINO REAL SOUTH FOR SEE CARLSBAD CABLEVISION'S SATELLITE DISH ON LEFT. SIGN SAYS "FARADAY BUSINESS PARK". ORION WAY CARLSBAO POLICE DEPARTME GENERAL INFORMATION - 931- APPROXIMATELY 3-1/2 MILES UNTIL YOU FARADAY AVE. EAST (TURN LEFT) TO CITY of CARUBAO && w ORION WAY, CARLSBAO CARLSBAD SAFEIY a' ,.. Jfd\fLq ( h.\\ a x-. February 8, 1977 TO: DEPARTMENT HEADS . FROM: PLANN-1 IqG DEPARTME[\iT RE: ELM AVENUE NAME CHANGE The list of proposed names for Elm Avenue is growing rapidly . With such a long list, input is needed from the various departments to reduce the amount of names into a workable number. The final names taken from this survey will simply be a working list of poss-ible nam for the CommissiGn to use in the event they decide to recornmerid a nai change for Elm Avenue. The Police Department has already indicated that names containing ''Carlsbad" are conflicting with Carlsbad Elvd. and that long names and names which are difficult to pronouce are a1 '11) Avenida de Carlsbad - - 14) Main Street 15) American Blvd 16) Go'lden Sands --I__ '2i)TTiG Drive 22'jjl shad Avenue - --- -t/9/77 ~fl+ ---+ e adz0 : . . February 8, 1977 TO: DEPARTMENT HEADS . FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: ELM AVENUE NAME CHANGE The list of proposed names for Elm Avenue is growing rapidly . With such a long list, input is needed from the various departments to reduce the amount of names into a Ivorkable number. The final names taken from this survey will simply be a working list of possible namt for the Coinmission to use in the event they decide to recommend a nar change for Elm Avenue. The Police Department has already indicated that names containing "Carlsbad" are conflicting with Carlsbad Blvd. and that long names and names which are difficult to pronouce are all 1) Carlsbad Villa E) Pacific Avenu 9) Carlsbad Boul -.-.LaylisS~~;i- '11) Avenjda de Carlsbad te,,TURF Sm5 kSJ SdRF rzrocfi 26% SdEF Y TdnF CDG: ?r 3 7 1 RZAfllY B-JA s4 I - e c. * t I 0 j --_I -- l__-_l___ I_~ _- --~ ___- -- I-- ---- ___- --_ x_----- -111_--__ --_I bl d d-y -__l____l_-l-_l_______ au CL&& I_ _.l______l__ UL 7 _I -I_ _-.I_-_ - __I --i .$ ---__._I_- -&J&A-L .& -~--___ 0-d’ CYriA * LAJ/& ___- &&L - __- --I-- -- I @-4+ JtQ-;3 - - __I_ ____ ____I____ _----_ - -.-- ______ - - ---_ --_ . . - - - .-_ - - -__ - - - __ ___ - - -___ A 1 oL-)&&&4y&L -___ - ad - -_-___ as ‘--&?..J --&-- - * A@& &L2.&.aJwL -___ ---_____ ?.&&id ___- ~____~ __-___l____l_ ---___-_ ____ fi < 0) ------Tu / _I t I_ 2 /\ !” (2 4 --II 7, -I_-- ------ ---__I__-__--_- ---- p-_I_-m - -- -_____I-- ----_I_ ------ --- I __I _-_I_ - I --_ - - -- -- --I __-I___ ---I -__~--__----------- ---- ---.-___ - -- ---- 1_ ---_ _.-__ __^_ - - .* P 0 e CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO : FROM : SUBJECT: STREET NAME CONFLICT CHARLES D. GRIMM, JR. PLANNER DATE: 2-7-77 FIRE CHIEF 1 It is the opinion of the fire department that any change to a name beginning with "Carlsbad" , i - e., "Carlsbad Village", "Carlsbad To The Sea", would be too confusing with relationship to Carlsbad Blvd- and other local names, i . e., "Carlsbad-By-The-Sea Lutheran Home", "Casls- bad Village Apartments", etc. We also feel the names Marron Road and Monroe will not conflict. %% James' hompson 4 x-'v' -kt -qq- i Tq7Gb @ J q$O 8 1977 / pRLsBbD 05 c fiment 7 Ga ?g%** $I p@ i? -? * @. . I. ~ - -. --- / 9&4!-- $7J/L+ 8Lz @L-*L-b- -7 .+ G35Lz- 6@ *, &e 1 Ld' "II Q.L/cxrdph* -73y7 'kVc-CcCL-rt &b& -7 1 f/ ' 7' 1- ?;I JiAJ L.? c dd* c.A-LudJ4 Ty -{I I/te/ &c A - -& /'-1:7 C?-+-l - lT&dL 32/'?'? 5 "7/ &QS@-fi,8Y 'T'.!TYLE 2555 C42tS .34c i3LVE c[ARLS~~FL> 6A 92OO:j 19 \J&~CLu.AP =* --TTq 73 EEc - J. fl .a&-- (. fE8 0 7 tC-7 EfXY OF L. PkP n i yf c 3JAf:, t; ~, il - -7 J ,h .. * st e 0" CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT TO : Charles D. Grim February 4, 1977 Junior Planner Roy J. Kundtz Chief of Police t L FROM : T SUBJECT: Street Name Conflicts 1. It is our opinion that there is a definite conflict in the names of Marron Road and Monroe Street. Because there are no residents or business addresses on Marron Road, we would suggest the street name be changed. 2. Any change of the name of Elm Street which would contain the name of Carlsbad would create a conflict for Police Department' reporting and dispatching. The conflict is ob- viously with Carlsbad Boulevard. Therefore, Carlsbad Village, Carlsbad to the Sea, Avenida de Carlsbad, are all objectionabl Furthermore, from strictly Police Department reporting and dispatching, which of course would include Fire Department, the longer the name, the more objectionable. The more difficu to pronounce, spell, or the more foreign, all become objection able. - / />-p& @R E?[@ A L ,a 13 5 /9'/ --I RJK:d FEBci? j$77 CiTY OF C4Ryjfj; -, =z?%-:qn p:,-.$-, :L.LL"ili. - - -. +.r*r3rllp L .9 @ e- February 9, 1977 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Planning Commissioners: I would like to let you know that I am against renaming Elm Avenue. I am a life time resident of this city and feel that the name change is an unnecessary request from the Chamber of Commerce. Thank you for your consideration. p:..; 3). /- KLld ,MJJ Joyce W. Smith 15 Jefferson St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 -.?,C/ p, T TI \ -g 1: k. d I FE3 15 377 C\Ty OF CARLSBAD fqanninz Department .., /=E& a x4.4 . &yyF- 3-73 a- e q&PJpJ GA. ")l;lpc.c! 1 i. c/IM~QJ ei-ry' prn&Jj AI 4 ccrnrilisrfi~ I2 R c R F IT v --f -_r -b - @ cirl 7+@.u ff5G;O, - ELip BLq: eARbs'BQ3, cq. 7%0@ FEZ2 8 j277 I q&LEIflEd; - r: ,E mz9?7 pEfEwPM- -I& 'TffE /J?4ss HJk F Jss &E.qrn ",r)3cq $rnEC-rs /rJ C,i9RU6Ab* -*......CI by =-/'od /$-p2 /=b-qq.i- d&irn@ E"P/fq,Af9j) re HNB fi LL. -THE GTI.l,€R SmE&Ej$ EL&#& di OF "rHErn./E ad i5qLyNs Go/& &wid Ed#u,de%.ad.niE sw-l R'P _*The @3flcl.l & 'mfi WE I a@ 1 ~.isRi)e.'riSEd )/a/ bod7 rlr-EEA -5L *d&e-LLz:= -@Eka-C n!-€--X&-*Sc- I? dQL@K--Cc:~- &A 73 /i(Tt? G - @&CPCE. tdQdee Tq\IsbJGL MLQi4-mS FAKr-iadE-fli?,fr-d@qih @.E fl.7 2 4 BERS*fB;t", -izxFj /ilPci5 *RL-m?/ st ~Z-~A&~ TE~S 'ir~~ Pcjaiic i ~oil-rit~~jt~d @~&S'~,,~~c+ziii~~ lIla~/'.# QF /si:k*r < zdb a'TT/t+)oe(7L?j&d 1 3@a%r.&Ct ErC* CRGSQ $'m&'n f /7L~fdts~~~,S?$)3 &R-*rdL/RiSjy '~fi Fijdb ~d/~/e u.'"Y ~qbiid~ #de, o~i~ Gwk c LO,-T~~~W-.. cWetyd6 il -- S~EH-JT~ c LL~~IGN mc_.s;i- -pwqiq- DOAPT efib.-fiett_er OP~EQI- AOAKMJ&~?S~?'~A, w#cJ_..fi -1-0.1m 9-7 CVI - li- 1s _- L~iiQ-y~~~~~~ __ -_ - iff rp~y7 ~'~7 pa' ~xrtw "fly ~~pd~ 8, -7jii.S -6~dGs fl bi- OF Enred -~iuqwx T& C&qisRfla,fijtrb . diLi -E'CJIEAI SEFTLE ae~d /A/ g eirr M~I~E~F -rfi~y FEEL. LC~E THLS /x+.Tj+E 86s)- PbjRiiCiry- $rqJr AN^ FCC FQ& CA& /( . OFa /UEEBiESS 'To sq 'TWR1.ST SPEdb rZOPJe?', jfdb c-qfl'r is QRLSB?~ NHPS, YE"/. TIUS Ser qp ~v~td ~AL~ES L~L$S OF THE EMET$E-NC~ ibfiYl4iC end ger sm~ f16~'@i?df ad~T WdEqf -7fifl-r SFRE /s> ai iT/+ T/%fl-r tsbi .AIfim~ A LW ot; nmzs 17 LIFE OW @.E SAW^ IF -THE qsniilnu FI$C- .LuAGm4) OR &-IC6 PRwF- -S'ECd/db$ ERRIIEQs ie7-r B€ G+ &(,/e oiwd &?pee,irhh VfE Tit$qiA*lT d+/ i?. )jj9u~ iva a EY Tc 5apg&j IS S&\fle -TO 'TELL._Ul5 ~~LQ1'1J.E-? -+ F~PIE~ZSS., #-d 63 *THE Gco/j &~LC -& qoJ Spflti4a- PfLi.oL!Eq ~fi~ C'eild:~\r -_ ~1p.8 %r/-j~ /1)@ilepi, 2 y2 /sjufi Ge.7 70 )+nl?c -To ScJ\fl 4- -red WS )-f€46 i T 6., d fl F=~AN~ F~firiy pdrir 019 'TW ~AB~E ~ZSRRI\ T~uPA~:J~~ -- c rrtd*rarl ki /p.. 7 j-4.- 2 &j x/& ,/&&/; ,,LA--& '-p--1 a /& x &/d&&&&g *l ~L"~y&lLLL :i *4;j * p& :L & ,? i *. i/ Q%-$$ >' . ,- 3 ,i i? i: u- f '/ P ' fh4%yL t< PhJ- is 2,.$&? ;/. I! c- !h& + ff i( $3&JL 6 f&, [- e kiC-=L ; ;LA&& vL&&+;c, )I cr\ <j# ,? A$/-d .I n I f-? ,? f +-, -- i, ...> ~ /e+- 7 x 0 i. ?3 ,/-) fl 5: /- 4 J&Qd+J&C) -7 ,pp%.L ,/-I 4 // -$/ ! fb /i i/ a- &) ;a& ;;a A/,y( yb 97443 u d- -._ -. ~, ..--.- .___, '.., \// J'Lttl ,:.?/*U7& L..' .. -+i i" L-..+..& /-a i .s> f&./ (h i .? ,,q i/ I -> 7 - 1-l I- p ;. -.- -- FEB 2 8 1977 LiZdIi?~ &p~~$~$?~ I: k 5, b a , i? 'i. ,JD ,/ .63TY Of c!Lw!-sFjBi3 - - pr-, - 3h~6 Don Carlc~ Dr. Carlsbzd, CA 92098 2/2 4/ 7 7 Cpyly:bric' Cit,Ti Fla mint Cclrmicsicn Cit:- Fail C~rLs$q;i, SA 92308 Le Ttlewq: ,l i~ ~lm Ave., my I brlatedly suhit CI?LS Wl CF'TR'C, T'T to emioln. I uwd tc $rive ?om 1-5 and hqd to mzkp stop? at v2~iruc to.c;.ns cn tha wv to 521; "ietc, includinp Cce n- pic'.. and C-rlsk?. I JQV r h~t any trouqie iFith Cceaiside, :13t cnul6 mver c'ecicle -.-hmF to turn cff to Corl+ba?. The?. 4mlt. VrrlsSar' C=a?trrnt! tell* :VU jupt whl;tt :7cu ve 1ook;lng for - th- ceiltral Cection of tbe city of C- rlsh 5. 'Tcw s trulv, FY?K! -- T-T m --x -7 '7 -G I b' -1 i I-( t, Pj7 1 \ IF!# i3 8 -4 TrF t -!...%I 2 ,- 7 * , b- a\- -.__ . -.- , 1 CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 597 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 1714) February 22, 1977 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Commissioners: The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce requests that Item number 7 on the Planning Commission agenda for the meeting of February 23, 1977 be delayed for a period of at least two weeks. The Chamber is preparing data not only on the signing of Elm Avenue, but also for signing problems that exist :along Interstate 5 as they apply to all Carlsbad freeway exits and off-ramps. Tony Howard-Jones, the Chamber’s tourism Committee Chairman must be away from the city tomarrow night, as well as Dr. Howard Murphy, who have dedicated numerous hours of effort to this program and of course would prefer to be in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting when this item is discussed. #a- 7-7 <&JW?&-,-, *Q23 jg77 Qry OF @WQeot L”40 Executive Vice President -L V@$J .p!afln jog z- RLS 0 CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - OFFICES, ELM AVENUE AT OLD SANTA FE DEPOT o e- CABLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ; Charles D. Grim February 4, 1977 FROM : Roy J. Kundtz Junior P1 anner Chief of Police SUBJECT: Street Name Conflicts 1. It is our opinion that there is a definite conflict in the names of Marron Road and Monroe Street. Because there are no residents or business addresses on Marron Road, we would suggest the street name be changed. 2. Any change of the name of Elm Street which would contain the name of Carlsbad would create a conflict for Police Department reporting and dispatching. The conflict is ob- viously with Carlsbad Boulevard. Therefore, Carlsbad Village, Carlsbad to the Sea, Avenida de Carlsbad, are all objectionabl Furthermore, from strictly Police Department reporting and dispatching, which of course would include Fire Department, the longer the name, the more objectionable. The more difficu to pronounce, spell, or the more foreign, all become objection able. ~ B-pcj7FyE t.d --dl. RJK: FEB 0 I 'IC77 CTTY OF 6PtRI,s~,. -i &Ed22 Q>szj+fi<.-, ."I -J * 4 0- -* CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTmNT M3MORANDUM TO : CHARLES D. GRIMM, JR. PLANNER DATE: 2-7-77 FROM : FIRF: CHIEF SUBJECT: STRF,ET NAME CONFLICT It is the opinion of the fire department that any change to a name beginning with "Carlsbad", i .e. , "Carlsbad Village", "Carlsbad To The Sea", would be too confusing with relationship to Carlsbad Blvd. and other local names, i. e., "Carlsbad-By-The-Sea Lutheran Home", "Carls- bad Village Apartments" , etc. We also feel the names Marron Road and Monroe will not conflict. WHompson v e ---E i -' K.1 y@G !35 F~~ 0 8 IgT7 e a TELEPt (71.1) 72 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 aitp of EarIsbab February 2, 1977 Howard M. Temple 1789 Guevara Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Temple: Thank you for your letter of January 29, and the suggestion of changing the name of Elm Avenue to "Elmar Drive." This name wil be placed on the list as a possible new name for Elm. It may be worthwhile for you to watch the newspaper for the anno ment of a public hearing concerning the Elm Avenue name change. such a hearing does take place it will probably be in late March Apri 1. Sincerely , r Charles D. Grimm CITY OF CARLSBAD JUNIO PLANNER CDG: ar gg 4 /' I- +- -- L 1 e e MEMORANDUM February 2, 1977 TO: POLICE & FIRE CHIEFS FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE : STREET NAME CONFLICTS The Chamber of Commerce has suggested that the name of Elm Avenue be changed to "Carlsbad Village" or "Carlsbad-to-the-Sea." We would like your comments concerning a possible name conflict with the existing Carlsbad Boulevard. If the names are in conflict, what about names which reverse the designation, such as "Avenida de Carlsbad?" Would this type of name conflict less with Carlsba Boulevard than the other two names? Also, your comments concerning a possible name conflict between Monroe Street and Marron Road would be appreciated. An intersect of the two streets is planned in the future (Please see attached L Charles D. Grimm JUNIOR PLANNER CDG: ar --- -*.a -Is-- -_____ ___ 3438 DON ALBERT0 DR. ' *** 3 I) .,r _l^ CA~~~~~D, CALIF. 920flQ "'?* - 1 ibC 6 Gentle Zen Again we have a rucus of what to do about something t'mt needs absolutely NO "doing". The name ELM Street is perfectly allright and certainly requires no change whatever if the reasons which have prompted the "idean are the only ones given. Changing a stseat name that has been in existence as long aa that one sets up far more conf'usion and expense to thoae affected than can poasibly be g8inedo There is one very aimple thing that can be done at no expense to Carlsbad or our people. That ia to have the Highway Department add the word "CAFOLSBAD" to each of the highway signs over 15 in those ''0nuor 'off ramp situation$here epplicable, including EL34 AVENtE. Sinple, isn't it? Why go for all this atupfd''Change"? ?&4 d-, H.E. ") K> '... i I : : I 1 ' 15 16 ci'ic -foT lowjr,g \/e-:? tc p!jt: J 1 1077 5.); t' AYES I I ~ 20 2x1 22 23 I----.-__- -- Eric Lar-soii 3 Chai rii?atl -- AESSTA 1 b! : I A-i-i'Fq'f z - C. -.-- I i 1 --.- I 24 26 25 2r1 28 I I 1 I -%dt&kJ$ 0-6- . --m%v*&h 9- ww@p ** /dm-& we- &w+-UP? @Qtkw- I ( f i i’ c’ , ;,I I SF/; >e ./> c /p4 5-’.Lp :,,>?%*+X /--‘ -Frn J L&>>L,(Lg-7&&..v* // i 2 ’ 2/!<”Ls 0 0 t w MEMORANDUM January 26, 1977 TO: P L AN N I N G C 0 MM I S S I 0 N FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: ELM AVENUE STREET NAME CHANGE RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution o Intention No. 135, establishing a public hearing on the proposed Avenue name change. It is further recommended that the Commissio select an appropriate name for Elm Avenue for use at the public hearing. BACKGROUND: In September of 1976, the Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to th Commission requesting consideration on a name change for Elm Avenl It was the Chamber's feeling that the name "Elm Avenue" does not reflect the character of the downtown area. On October 13, 1976, the Cornmission made a minute motion to Council suggesting that a public hearing be initiated concerning the Elm Avenue Name Change On November 2, 1976, Council agreed that this matter be returned to staff for proper reports and a public hearing be set at the ea practical date. DISCUSSION: 1) For the public hearing the Commission may want to select just name as an alternative to Elm Avenue. This would prevent the hearing from becoming a debate on the merits of different strc names. More attention would be placed on the question of whe- a street name change is actually necessary. "Carlsbad-to-the. and "Carlsbad Village" have been suggested as names by the Ch, Use of a name with the word "Carlsbad" may create confusion w Carlsbad Blvd. The Planning Commission may wish to suggest ai name that would be aDDropriate with downtown. 2) The Commission may want to use a list of names at the public I giving the public a better opportunity to select a name. In z ing a list, names should meet the requirements of the City's : lUaming Policy. According to the policy, this street should be designated as an "Avenue" due to its size and direction. Staf suggested some possible names for this list (see attached). 1 Planning Commission may wish to add other names to this list. the first name on the list is "Carlsbad Blvd", which is discu: in 3 below. -1- 9 e t* 3) The Commission may want to re-name Elm to Carlsbad Blvd. Thiz will require a change in name designation of present Carlsbad Blvd. This would eliminate any conflict with the word "Carlst and would provide a name which adequately reflects the downtob character from the freeway. If this alternative is selected, to "Avenue". "Pacific Coast Highway" and "Old 101" have been suggested as new names for Carlsbad Boulevard. This alternat- would require two public hearings. would be more convenient to change the "Boulevard" designatio7 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution of Intention No. 135 Name List Letter from Chamber of Commerce CG:ar (1/21/77) -2- e Suggested Streets for Elm Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard Carl sbad Avenue Carl sbad Vi 11 age Carl sbad-to-the-Sea Greywhale Avenue Avenida de Carlsbad Aldea de Carlsbad (Aldea-(Village) Carlsbad Parks Avenue Ocean View Drive Pacific Avenue Central Avenue Seaside Drive Carlsbad Pacific Sands Drive Carl sbad Elms Avenue Center Boulevard Main Street American Boulevard. Carl sbad Beach Drive *Names which use the word "Carlsbad" are not in conjunction witb City's Street Naming Policy as they conflict with Carlsbad Boul Names with designations other than Avenue are also contrary to pol icy. CG: ar