HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-18; City Council; 8349-3; BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL FACILITYP r m 3 cd VI h. a4 am u UH -4 EaJ em z2 m PI 4k UN GO aJw aJu cdN aJ aa c KIM G m .rl arm mrl cd *d 05 442 aim SF; u *d 3 um am ,G *rl MO dw d *r( -rl &I wa) U aJ -4 SN uu arl a *d cdu Ed Em tn 2 U &I mcd -4 do 5 .rl w u GU 50 8g Q co 03 d I rl rl .. z 0 I b a $ z 3 0 0 CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~SILL -G/'d/J AB#.- TITLE: DEP MTG. 11/18/86 BATIQUITOS LAGOON CIT' fip4 /y- s CIT' DEPT. CM d."r ,:-< y: RECOMMENDED ACTION: 41' EDUCATIONAL FACILITY If desired, pass motion finding that leases and agreemeni permits for Phase I BLEP. submitted by SAMMIS meet council criteria for issuing bu~ ITEM EXPLANATION BLEP Phase I was exempted from the City Growth Management Ordinance subject to the developer: 1) deeding lagoon to State 2) satisfying City Council that an educational entity would be built in project At Council meeting October 28, SAMMIS presented letters c intent from several educational entities. The City Counc voted that such letters were not adequate and urged the developer to return with signed leases. Developer has now submitted the following documents: Sq. Ft 2. Operations Agreement Chapman College 30,000 3. Operations Agreement 21st Century 5,000 4. Lease FDN Private 3) 000 5. Operations Agreement Architecture 17,000 6. Lease Music 18,000 TOTAL SQ. FOOTAGE 75,000 If Council deems these satisfactory, City may issue build permits for 129 residential units and the educational buildings. EXHIBITS a Document 1. Operations Agreement Claremont-McKenna 2 ) 000 / 1. Letter from SAMMIS 2. Lease documents (distributed to Council Members) i w V SaMMlS PROPERTIES November 10, 1986 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK PHASE I Dear Frank: I am transmitting to you seven notebooks which contain copies the agreements between Sammis Properties and the seve educational entities. The agreements have taken form of eit an Operations Agreement or a Lease. The Operations Agreement is necessary in the case of Chap Coll ege, C1 aremont McKenna Coll ege, New School of Architect1 and the Foundation for the 21st Century. These entities reqlr formal approval by their boards before the lease may be sigi However, both Sammis Properties and the individual entit i believe that this Operations Agreement is a binding agreem ob1 igating Sammis Properties provide space and obligating educational entities to occupy that space. The only conditior found in Paragraph 5 of the agreement which requires the appro of the City to construct the building. Please request an opinion from the City. Attorney regarding tb agreements. If you find that these agreements meet the intent the City Council action on October 28, 1986 regarding t matter, I request that you place this matter before the Coun at the earl iest opportunity. Thank you for your continuing cooperation. Very truly yours, L EDUCATIONAL ENTITIES pvTL' __ - .. IT n D. Briggs ice President JDB:krp 2650 Camino Del Rio North #lo0 0 San Diego, CA 92108 0 (619) 298-7112