HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-22; City Council; 8837; General Plan Amendments Zone Changes Local Coastal Program for ConformanceClImF CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL . ,J i /' I ' ." : '* 2' d. VARIOUS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ZONE 4 LIZ IAB# Xw7 .d 0 4 1- CHANGES AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCdPEI 2 2 g CIT CIT AMENDMENTS To BRING THE GENERAL PLAN, ZONING MTG. 12/3,2/8G g4- AND LCP MAPS INTO CONFORMANCE - GPA/L'J 86-8/ P LN a c) ha 4JF: DEPT. ZC-347/LCPA 86-1 (CITY OF CARLSBAD) aJ -I+ cd bzu ;; -: E: $5 *cd cfl 4 G.5 vi; UJe ;w ;z o&iw 3 LIx ua "wd 0 ww PU - mco U 2 *! - (dm; F: RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) That City Council APPROVE the relevant Negative Declarations issued Planning Director. 2) That the City Council direct the City Attorney's Office to prepisre documents APPROVING GPA/LU 86-8 accordin to Planning Commissio~n Res No. 2584 and introduce Ordinance No. y,$AA-, APPROVING ZC-34'7 acc to Planning Commission Resolution NO. 2585. .-1rrt uu I g ;u aJ -4 u l+ w !4 .. 3) That the City Council uphold the Planning Commission's DENIAL of zc- sc)q* I x aJ p 347(A). -4 aJ aJa *s U dU 4) That the City Council APPROVE LCPA 86-1 according to Planning Ccxnmis 4 c-45 am 0 Resolution No. 2586 and direct staff to forward Council's action to aJcrJU a cd -I+ -!4 3 California coastal Commission for its consideration. 04 al GI5 - Q*.rlciJ I ITEM EXPLANATION aa, m I fi&U (d $4 s E 4 g< Cn W-lZ dog aJv EJ -a) PI aw4 rn 3 fiu ca Mad 40 moo d 1.3 g am 2 !4 - ov z2.4 (d 6 5.i m !4UU acdcflc a4 cd aJ UUOE 3 aJu 3 --a:: 8 aJsa U3Ua c .I+ -44JOh (dU@ rjL? 2?% The purpose of the proposal is to bring the land use designations on the ( Plan, Zoning Map, and Local Coastal Prograin (LCP) into conformancy and to rectify several general plan/zoning inconsistencies outside the coastal z( As such, the proposal is divided into two parts, the first involves two GI ?lan Amendments and four zone changes outside of the City's coastal zone Chart nA" attached). The second part involves 19 General Plan Amendments zone changes and 15 LCP amendments (see Charts "B" through "D" attached) 1 specifically list these changes and reference location exhibits attached Planning commission Resolutions. The proposed amendments outside the coastal zone originated from one of t' tasks recommended by the Citizen's Committee. The Committee recommended i the entire City be studied to modify inappropriate land use designations i bring the General Plan and Zoning Map into conformancy, The proposed amer represent only a portion of those expected. In addition, land use tlesigni on another 20% of the City are being reviewed as either part of a propose< master plan, an adopted master plan re-examination, or other special stud: These other studies are not being considered for any changes at this time - 3aJG OdUO VU(dW implementing the LCP. The proposed amendments include: hl .. when the City adopted its LCP last year. At that time e agreed to assumf a The necessity to bring City documents into conformance with the LCP occur; 03 I hl r\l I state inandated responsibility to implement and administer the LCP. The amendments proposed for the City's coastal zone represent the initial stq 4 2 0 - 0 1) Changes to the Land Use Element Map of the General Plan to reflec F a G land use designations of the LCP . 4 2) Modifications to the official zoning map to bring it into conforn z 3 0 with the General Plan and the LCP. 0 9 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. JfsY 3) "Clean-up" LCP amendments where the LCP (originally adopted in 1 no longer reflects existing land use or where it would allow use: would be incompatible with surrounding established land uses. The proposed amendments deal only with the map changes necessary to :impla the LCP. There are additional amendments that will be needed to fully implement thl City's LCP. For example, the Planning Department and the City Attorney's will be scheduling hearings in November to consider incorporating the LCP into the text of the City's General Plan and Zone Code, After: all of the implementing tasks have been completed, the LCP will be submitted to the ( Commission for "effective certification" and the granting of coastal devel permit authority . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - The Planning Director has determined that the projects will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued Negative Declarations, dated July 12, 1986, which were approved by the Planning Commission on August 13, 1986. Copies of the environmental documents are file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACT The increased need for City capital facilities resulting from this lleveloF allowed by the proposed General Plan Amendments, zone changes and Local cc Plan amendments will be offset by the payment of the public faciliti.es fee development will be constructed and paid for by the developers of the site traffic impact fees. Any capital facilities related directly to thi.s EXHIBITS 1) Charts "A" through "D" from the Planning Commission Staff 2 1 City Council Ordinance No. 3) Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2584, 2585 and 2586 4 1 Planning Commission Staff Reports, dated July 30, 1986 and Report, dated July 30, 1986 August 13, 1986 w/attachments. EXHIBIT A B C D E w (I- "A" JULY 14, 1986 PROPOSED GENEFAL PLAN AMENOMG'IINTS AND ZONE CHANGES CUTSIDE OF THE COASTAL ZONE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 3334 Harding St. General Plan Zone Altiva Place General Plan North of SDGhE easement 12 lots on Zone Monroe St. across from the High School Costa Real Property Zone Carlsbad Raceway Zone Are a FROM - RVH a-H RMH R- 3 R-1-10 c-2 L P-c b m eY 14, 1986 RT "B" GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS TO CONFORM TO THE LCP EXHIBIT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Proposed Changes FROM F Hughes Property that lies in Buena Vista Creek RRI(1ntensive Regional Connr~.) H Single family neighborhood bordering RMH Buena Vista Circle J Ticor and Native Sun Parcels near the RMIOS mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon L Area on the north side of Pine Avenue between Lincoln Street and ATdSF RR M Southeast corner of Pi0 Pic0 and Magnolia N- 1 Area in the vicinity of Chinquapin, Adams and Harrison Streets RVH RC/O RMH P Snug Harbor RM Q Kelly Ranch a> Portion of Planning Area A b) Portion of Planning Area C c> Planning Area D d) Port ion of Planning Area F S State coastal property south of Terra Mar Z East side of Avenida Encinas, north of res taurants X Area south of Cobblestone Sea Village EE Northwest of Alga Road and El Camino Real to Dove Lane FF South of Alga Road, El Camino Real to Manzanita MM Ecke Property south of Palomar Airport Road RMR FMH RM RC RLM RS RL C RMH PIIOS EXHIBIT F G I K N+N1 U V W X Y AA BB cc DD m .d &LY-14, 1986 PROPOSED "CLEAN-UP" LCP AMENDMENTS DESCRIPTION Portion of Hughes property north of Buena Vista Creek First row of lots adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon along Jefferson Street Lots on northside of Laguna Drive between State and Roosevel t Streets Proposed ChanE FROM T - os R RLM R RH R State beach parking lot south of RH Oak Street 0 Lots in the area surrounded by Harrison Street, Adams Street and Chinquapin Avenue RMR and RM R Paseo Del Norte between Palomar PI Airport Road and Encinas Creek T Sudan Miss ion PI R Residentially designated area RLM north of Cobblestone Sea Village in Palomar Airport Influence area Residentially designated area south RL of Cobblestone Sea Village R R Hunt Property along El Camino Real Northeae t corner of Avenida Encinas/Palomar Airport Road Northwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane Southwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane PC R PI T TS/N T TS/N 2: Spinnaker Hills RM R W EE West side of El Camino Real, north of Alga Road MM Ecke property south of Palomar Airport Road Residential Density Ranges a. b. d. e. Office Designation C. 0 CHAF JULY C ont RM C PI and OS OS a No Category RL( LUH (0-4 du/ac) RLM RM (4-10 du/ac) RM( RMH (10-20 du/ac) R"H RH (20-30 du/ac) RE? ( No Category 0 (0 W 0 CHART JULY EXHIBIT F J J L M 0 P S T EE PROPOSED ZONE CHANGES TO IMPLEMENT THE LCP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Hughes property that lies in Buena Vista Creek Ticor parcels near mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon Native Sun parcel near mouth Buena Vista Lagoon North side of Pine Avenue between Lincoln Street and AT&SF BR Southeast corner of Pi0 Pic0 and Magnolia Proposed Change FROM TO - C-2-Q os R-A R-1-20 R-A R-1.-10 RD-H RD "M R- 3 CT-Q Two lots on the west side of Harrison R- 1 Street adjacent to 1-5 RD "M Snug Harbor RD-M R-T' State coastal property south of Terra Mar Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Encinas Creek West side of El Camino Real north of Alga Road 11 East and west corners of Avenida Encinas at Cannon Road JJ Cannon Lake Park KK Portion of SDG&E property on the northwest corner of 1-5 and C annon Road LL Southeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Jefferson Street intersection R- 1 OS c-2 CT C-2-Q m -M R-A RD-M-Q c- 2 R- 1 PM os CT-Q RD-M b I 2 3 4 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9825 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE crlry OP c CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL COD AMENDING THE ZONING MAP INTO CONFORMANCY WITH THE PLAN AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE DESIGNATI APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: zc-347 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califor 6 ordain as follows: 7 SECTION 1: Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Co 8 ZC-347, Exhibits "A", wC", "D", "E", 'IF", "J", "L", "M", " 9 amended by the amendment of the zoning map as shown on map 10 "S", "T", "EE", and "11" - "LL" on file in the Planning De 11 and incorporated herein by reference. 12 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effectiv 13 adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at 14 days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify Carlsbad City Council held on the day of 18 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of 17 adoption. 16 once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its 15 19 I 1986, and thereafter I 20 I/// 24 //// 23 //I/ 22 //// 21 //// 25 1 //// 26 //// z7 //// 28 //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I 1 m 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Ci Council held on the day of , 198 the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney MARY H. CASLER, Mayor - ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ( SEAL 1 I 2. /I ll W 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~ 19 !I 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 1 26 27 I 28 I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2584 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF Al AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL BRING THE DESIGNATIONS ON THE GENERAL PLAN MAP, AND LOCAL COASTAL PLAN MAP INTO CONFORMANCE ON PI LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO. : GPA/LU 86-8 WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment General Plan designation for certain property located, as Exhibits llA#l, lrgll, IlFIl, "HIl IIJII, fILl1, IIM", #Ip", "Qll, , "S" 11~~11, ?IFFII , dated, July 14, 1986, and Exhibits "N-l", and August 5, 1986, attached and incorporated herein, has bee1 with the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a for amendment as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Mun: Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 30tt July, 1986, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescril: to consider the proposed General Plan Amendments shown on IlAIl, IlBIl, 11HI1, !lLl!, IlMIl Ilpl!, !IQ", flslt, IlX11, llzl~, J "EE", & dated July 14, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 13th August, 1986 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescr: to consider the proposed General Plan Amendments as shown Exhibits !IF!! tlJ11 IlEEIl 9 Y , dated July 14, 1986, and Exhibit dated August 5, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 13th day of August, 1986 hold a duly noticed public hearing as by law to consider the proposed General Plan Amendment: I1 w 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10; 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ 20 ii I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 as shown on Exhibit "MM" dated August 5, 1986; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all p desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact relating to the General Plan Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Pla Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitation are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public k Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-8 as sk "EE", 'IFF", dated July 14, 1986 and Exhibits E Exhibits IIAfl, !lBff, flF!!, IIHII, flJlf, #IL", lwtl, ll$l# "z" 3 9 y "MM" dated August 5, 1986, attached hereto and made hereof based on the following findings: Findings : 1) The proposed General Plan Amendments will bring the designations on the General Plan Map, Zoning Map and Coastal Plan Map into conformancy as required by Sta 2) The recommended General Plan designations are appro€ the properties involved because the General Plan Am€ will allow for development on the sites that will be compatible with surrounding development for the rea5 in the staff report. 3) The recommended General Plan Amendments within the ( Zone to bring General Plan designations into conforo the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan are exempt from envj review per Section 15265A1 of the California Enviror Quality Act. 4) The Planning Director has determined that the recomc General Plan Amendments outside of the Coastal Zone cause any significant environmental impacts and isst Declarations on July 12, 1986 which were recommendec approval by the Planning Commission on August 13, 15 //I/ ///I //I/ ///I PC RES0 NO. 2584 -2- e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, t 27th day of August, 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Chairaan Schlehuber , Commissioners: Mal NOES : Commissioners: McFadden and Holmes e ABSENT: Commissioner McBane. ABSTAIN : None. Schramm and Hall. CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Ch CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMI 12 13 I.4 PLANNING DIRECTOK 15 16 ATTEST : MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER 17 18 I 19 j 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 I 26 27 ! ' PC RES0 NO. 2584 28 -3 - EXHIBI I JULY 1 I R VH~->T 0 -R H ~ -RD-H TO 8-3 AVE. ' " b GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOWDE?.SlTY(O.lS) RLM LOU~MEDl1.W DESSITl'(0.i) P.C PLLVSED C0.WMLXITY ZONE RM \IEDIL\I DESSIlY(4.8) R..4 RESIDE>TLU .IGRICLLTWAL ZOhZ IWIH \IEDILV HIGH DENSITl'(8.15) R.E RCRU P.ESIDE?.Tl.U EST.4TE ZONE RH HIGH DES9lT((I5.23) R.2 TU'O.F.kWLY RESlDL\TlN. ZONE R- I OM-FAWILY RESID€\TL4L ZONE COMMERCIAL R.5 .MLLTlPLE F.kWLY RE5IDENTLU ZO3T RRI I>TESSIVE iXEGIONAL RET.4lL (cg. Plaza Clmmo RcllI R.3L UWTED MCLll~Fk\IILY RLrlDESTLU ZOh€ RRE ESESSI\+ REGIOSAL RET.4IL (cg. Cu County Carlsbzd) RD-Y RESIDE>TLU DESSlD.WLLTlPLE ZOSE 4 RESIDENTIAL RISIDENTIAL RS REGIOSAL \ER\.?CE C (:OI1\1LSI1?'COM,MERCLIL RD-H RESIDENTLU DENSITTHIGH ZOSE ?i SEIGHBORHOOD CO\I\lERCUL R.P P.ESIDESTLU PROFESSIOSM ZONE 0 PROFESSIONAL RELtTED RW RESIDESIIU UATERVAY ZOSE RMHP RESIDEXTLU MOBILE HO.ME P.UX ZOS€ TS TR4VEL bERVICES COMIIERCL\L RT RESIDE>TLU TOCRIST ZONE City of I CBD CESTRjL BlSINESS DISTRICT PI PLcVVED ISDCSTTUAL COMMERCIAL G GOVER\>IEYT F.\CILITIES U PLBLIC LTlLlTlES KC RECKE4TION CO.W.VERCUL o orncEa3z C. I SEIGHBORHOOD COI1.MERCI.U ZONE C.2 G€\TRhL COU.SIERCLU ZOUE C-T CO.M.MERCLU-TOLRIST ZOhE SCHOOLS C.M HEAVY CO.M>lERCLU~U~lITED L\DLSTRLU ZONE E ELEXEST.4RY Y L\QCSTNN ZOM H HIGH SCHOOL J Jl SlOR HIGH P+I PLANNED uacm ZONE P PF3\4TE F.P FLOODPLW OMRL\Y ZOSE OS OPEN SP.4CE P.L' PLBUC LTlLINZOh€ GPA/LU OTHLR SRR SO5 RE5IDESTL4L RESER\€ OS OPES SPACE L.C UWITED CONTROL I rc: CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 i I w m EXHIE JULY . - ., ” .. From RMH i GENERAL PLAN ZONING Rl LOWDE\SIl”(O~ISI RH \IEDIL\IDESSlTYi(i-&) RH HIGH OE>clllY( 15.23) RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RLH LOU.VEDIL>l DESSIn(0.i) RVH \IEDILU HIGH DENSIl”(8.I5) P.C PLC\>TD CO.MMLYlm ZOSE R.4 RESIDE>IlAL.IGRICLLTL RAL ZOSE R.E RLRU RL5IDESTLU E.ST4TE ZOSE R. I OV~F.CHILY RESIDE\TLU ZOhT R.2 l”O.FC\IILi ~IDE\TLU ZONE COMMERCIAL R.+ vLLnpLE F.CHILY RESIDESTIU zox i RRI IliTESSIVE :ifGlON.~l RET.4IL (eg. Plaza Cmmlno Rc~ 1 R.!L LLMITED ~~~l~~F.~~flL~~IDE~~~L LOJT RRE EI~\ISWE REGIOXAL RET.UL (cg cu Counrrv ~nrlrbad) RD~W RESIDE3nU DE35In-UIiLTlPL.E ZO3E RS R€GIOS4L>ERIlCE RDH RLSIDESRU DENSIll’,HIGH ZOSE C ~~O\I\ILSI~COMYERCLIL V \EIGHBORHOOD CO\lVERCLIL Ts TR%\EL >ER\ICES COH\IERCLIL 1) PROFE5hlO\AL REL4TED CBD CESTR4L BISI\ESS DISTRICT PI PLCVSEO ISDCSTRL4L G GO\.€RY\IENTF4CILITIES L PL BLIC L TIUTIES RC RECRE4TION COMMERCLU RHHP RECIDESTLU MOBILE HO.HE P.W LO\€ R.P RESIOE>TLU PRONSIOSU ZOlE RW RESiDEITLU aATERU4Y ZOIE RT RESIDEhTLU TOCRIST ZOSE City of COMMERCIAL 0 O!=FICELO>€ C- 1 SEIGHBORHOOD COHHERCLU ZOX C-2 GEhXIUL COM.HERCLU ZOIE C-T COM.HERCLU-TOCRISTZOhE C..H HLIW COYYERCLU.LL\IITEED LIDCSTRLUZOSE SCHOOLS E ELEMEhTIRY J JLUIOR HIGH P.5( PU\>€D L\DCSTRw ZO5€ H HIGH KHOOL QTHCR P PRn4l-E F.P FLOODPLUN OVERLIY ZONE OS OPLV SP.4CE H LSDCSTRLU Z0I-E OS OPES 5P.tCE L-C LLHITED COXIROL \RR YO5 REhIDESTL4L RESER\€ P.U PLBUC mun ZO~T 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA/LU * 1 I I L CPA v - EXHlBll .- JULY Id \ ” GPA/UJ Fr.om RRI To OS ‘ zc C-2-0 To 0s / t, t I GENERAL PLAN RESIDENTIAL RL LOWDE3SITYfO-I 5) RLV LOU.VEDIC>f DESSIR(O.+) RMH .WEDILZI HIGH DENSITi(8.15) RV .WEDIL.V DESSIN(+t)) RH HIGH DESSlPl( 15.23) RRI IhTE\5I\E REtiIONAL RET.41L fcg PlVl Cnmlno Rclll RRE EXlT\>l\‘E REGIOSAL RET.4lL (cg. Car Counrp Culsbnd) COMMERCIAL RS REG;<)\i4LSERWCE C CO\l\ILSITYCOMMERCL4L N SEIGHBVRHOVD CO\l.\lERCLhL T5 TU\ EL ?ERVICES CO.V.VERCL4L 0 PROFEWOSAL REL4TED CBD CESTRtL BLSINESS DISTRICT PI PLL\\ED I\DLSlRL4L G GOVERX\lEST F.4ClLlTIES C PLBLIC I TILITIES RC RECRE.<TlON CO.W(JIERCU1 SCHOOLS E ELEVE\ ’ {KY J J(.XlUR. IGH H HIGH >( :iOVL ZONING RESIDENTIAL P-c PL~\WTD co.n,uLwn ZOM %A RLSIDEYML AGRICCLXRAL ZONE R.E RLRU RE51DESITU S14TE ZONE R.1 OhT.F.4WILY FESIDE>TLUZOM R.2 TWO.F.LVILY FESIDFS~ ZONE R.3L LLIllTED !ALLTI~FlrllLY RESIDE3TLUZOhT ~.3 mLnpm F.LWILY RESIDE~IW ZONE RD-.W RES1DEhll.U DESSIR.>f1CLTlPLE ZONE RWHP FZ.SIDE>TLU MOBILE HO.VE P.4RK ZOhT RD.H RESIDE!’TLU DESSIR.HIGH ZONE R-P RESIDENTLU PRONSIONhL ZOhZ RT ESIDE3TLU TOLRIST ZONE RW R€SIDE?.TU %AT€RUAY ZO\E 0 OmCEZO\T COMMERCIAL C.1 STIGHBORHOOD COV.VERCLUZONE C.2 GENERAL COMMERCLU ZO\E C.M H~~~~CO.W(JiERCLU.LLWITED UiDCSTRLU C.T COM.VERCKL~TOLFUSTZO&E M L”IDCSTRlN ZONE P..M PUI7IED VIDCSTRW ZOM OTHER ZONE 4 City of C . GPA/LU I P PRIL4TE F-P FLOODPLUP; OMNAY ZONE SRR NOS R€>IDESTL4L RESERVE os OPES \P<CE L.C LLVITED CONTROL P.O PLBUC Lnum zom OS OPEW SP.4CE I zc-34 I . - CITY OF CARLSBAD LCPA 8 I m ~~ e EXHIS JULY I I GENERAL PLAN RL RLM RMH RH RH RRI RXE Rs C Y 0 CBD PI n G u RC E J P os NRR RISIDENTlAL LOW DENSITY (0- I 3) L0W.HEDIC.H DWSITY(O.4) .MEDIUM DENSITY(+8) MEDILM HIGH DENSITY(8-15) HIGH DE*iSITY( 19-23) COMMERCIAL L%TESSfi€ REGIONAL RETAIL (cg. Plvr Camino Rnl) EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (q Gr Country Culsbad) COM.WLSlTY CO.MMERCIAL REGIOSALSERVlCE SEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TRAbXL SERVICES COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL REL4TED CLXTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PUYWD ISDUSTRIAL GOkZAMENT FACILITIES XECWTION COMMERCW WBUC cnLmLs . -~. ~" scnoou ELEMENTMY JCSIOR HIGH HIGH XHOOL PnK4l-E OPEN SPACE YON RESIDENTUL RESERVE I ~ ~~~ ZONING P-c R. E R. I x- 2 R- 3 RDM x. JL w RDH R. P RT Rw 0 a. A C. 1 C-M C.T P.M Y c- 2 F- P L-c P-U os ~~ RRSIDfMTIAL PLANNED COMMLrn ZONE RESIDENTW .U;RICLzTuRM ZONE 0M.FhWILY RESIDEVLU ZONE RCIW RESIDLlW EST.4TE ZONE 'IWO.FA.WILY RESIDE! ZONE YLLTIPLE FhMlLY lE5IDMW ZONE UUmD MULTI.F.kVILY RESIDE!! ZONE RESIDL%rn DEVSITY~.HLITIPLE ZONE RES1DEhTIA.L MOBILE HOME PAM ZOhX RESIDDilUL DLWSIlYHIGH ZONE RESIDL4TIA.L PROFESSIONAL ZONE R€5LDEhTULTOLPJSTZOM RESU)!iNl" WATERWAY ZONE COMMLRCIAL OFFICE ZONE MICHBORHOOD COICUERCLU ZONE GENERAL COMMERC~ ZO\T CONUFXW.TOLWT ZOhT HEAWCOMM~~UUIT€D lNDU!jTRlM ZONE INDLn ZONE PIANMD LhDUSTRW ZONE OrnlR iiooDPL4lN OVElllAY ZONE LLum CONTRDL OPEN SPACE RBUC LTnTTy ZONE / City of I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD IGPAILU t I I EXHIBI'I GPA/LU ZC L CPA c From RM/OS To RL/OS JULY From RLM To 0 BUENA VlSTAr 14 I - - ~ ~~~ ~~ GENERAL PLAN RESlDlNllAL RL LOW DEhS17Y 10. I 5 I RU HEDlL >t DESSITY (i.8) RH HIGH DESSITY ( 1S.Zj) RRE EYTF\*I\€ REGIOSAL RETAIL (CI RRI ISTEE\,I\-E REGIONAL RET.411 (cg. FLM LOW~~IEDILM'DESSI~(0-i) RWH HEDILV HIGH DENSITY(B-I5l COMMERCIAL ." -~~ RS REGI\,UL SER'v'ICE ~ ~~ ~ C CO\l\lL>lTYCOMMERCL+L S SEIGHBORHOOD CO.V>lERCUL TS TRAVEL lERYICES CO.WVERCLIL 0 PROFE3IOSAL RELtTED CBD CESTRtL BLSISESS DISlTUCT "~ PI PLC\\ED I>DLS7RJAL G CO\.€R\SIESTF.+CILInES C PL BUC L TlLITIES RC RECRLtTIOI COclMERCIAL SCHOOLS H HIGH *( :L)OL J JL'SIOR :GH P PR.mtT€ E ELEMEX ' \KY >RR UOS REIIDESTL~L RE)ER\.+ OS OPE3 'PICE Plaza Cmmo Real) Cu Councrv Culrbad) (ZONING) P.C R.A R. E RLSIDLNTIAL PLXG coH41Lsln ZOSE RESIDE\TLU .tGRICLlTL RU ZOSE RLRU RES1DESIl.U isT.4TE ZOSE R. I O>€+-F.lVlLY RESIDE>TLU ZO\€ R-2 F&'O.F.l\llLY RESIDLYTWL ZO\T R.3 \lI LTIPLE FCWLY ESIDE3TLU ZOXE RD-H RESIDESIlUDEVSl~ILLTIPLE ZOhE IC-H RESIDE%TLU DESSITY HIGH ZO\E RWHP mIDE>TLU .MOBILE HOME P.W ZOST R.P WIDEhTLU PROFFS1OS.U LOST RW RESIDL\TLUWATERUAY ZO>E RT RESlDE\TLU TOLRIST ZO>E R-?L UWTED ULLTI.F.LWILY RESIDEWUL ZOX 0 c- I c. 2 C -T C.M H P.M CO~MERCIAL OFFICE 20% SEIGHBORHOOD COHMERCLU ZOSE GE..RAL COMMERCLU ZO\E CO.MWERCIAL-TOCRIST ZOhE W\Y CO.W>iERCLU LLWTEED L\'DUSTRI LWCSTRW ZOST PL.WSED MCrmLU Z0,X .U ZOSE F-P ROODPLUY OVERLtY ZOivE L-C UHITED COhTROL dtwLR P-C PLBUC LTUlY ZO>€ OS OPLK \PACE 4 City of C GPA/LU zc-34 I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 I I t EXHIE I JULY I GPA /L u zc 3 From. Fro m. c-r a ,.@ 6 RVH To RH RD-H TO RD-M rl&arf ~<+2~~~+~~, .\t.c>i iL t ti :;, GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL RL LOW DEhSITY (0- 1 5 \ RESIDENTIAL P.C PLCkSED CO.WMLSITY ZONE R.4 RE5IDEhT.U .AGUCLL~ ILU ZO\€ R.E RL RU RESIDE3TLU ESTITE ZOXE R.1 UhT-F.4VILY RESID€\TL4L ZO\€ R-2 l"O-F.CWIL\i RESIDESTLU ZO\T R.3 VLLTIPLE FCWILY FJ5IDESTI.U ZO>€ RE, REClOS4L\ER\lCE RD-H R€SIDE.\TU DEZSITiHlGH LOZE il RLW L0W.YEDIL.W DEhSITY(0.i) RhIH MEDII \I HIGH DESSITY(8. I)) RW VED1I.M DESSITi(i-8) RH HIGH DEh\ITY( 15.23) COMMERCIAL RRI IhTEhSIVE IEtiIO34L RET.4IL (cg Plur Clrnrno Rcall R.?L LLWITED HCL'I"FC\lILY RESIDE>mU LO>T RRf EU'EMbT REGIOM RET.4IL (cg Cu Counrn Clrlsbad) RD.H USIDEhnU DEfEln.wLLnp~ ZOXE N \EIGHBORHOOD CO\l\lERCL4L C CO.\l\lLSil7 CO.M.WERCL4L RWHP RESIDEhllU WOBILE HOUE P.U LO\T TS TR4tEL rERVICES COHWERCL~L 0 PROFESSIONAL RELrED RW RESIDE>llU WATERUAY ZO.\E City of [ PI PLL'iSED lhDCSm4~ COMMERCIAL C CO\.PRX?IEST F.4CILITIES 0 OFFICELO>€ L PI. BLIC LTIUTIES R-P RESIDEhllU PROFE.SIO\;AL LOSE RT WIDESl7.U TOLRIST LO\E CEO CEZTR4L BLSINESS DISTIUCT c. I ZEIGHEORHOOD COWMERCLU ZOhT c-2 GL?TRUCOM.HERCLU ZO\E CT COY.WERCLU.TOLRLSTZO\E RC wcumos COI.WERCLU SCHOOLS c..H HE\W CO.WMERCLU-LLWTED L\DCSTRLU ZOSE E ELE.MENT.UIY H L\DCSTRLu ZO3T H HIGH >CHOOL J JLSIOR HIGH P..H PWTD LhDLSTRIAL ZOh€ P PRI\+TE OTHER F.P FLOODPLUV OVERL~Y ZOSE L.C UMIT'ED CONTROL OS OPLV SPACE P.C PCBUC LTUn ZOhT GPA/LU OS OPES W4CE hRR \Oh REbIDEXTLtL RESER\€ CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-31 * c GPA/LU From RC/O To TWO ZC From R-3 To CT-Q \. EX t JUL iIBI Y1 GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL LOW DE>SITY 10. I 5 I RESIDENTIAL R€SlDENTlAL RLM LOU.\IEDILM DE\SIlT'(fl.+) RVH VEDIL \I HIGH DENSIl3'18.15) P-C PL&\>€D CO.W.WLXlY ZONE R.E RL RU RESIDE3TLU E.5T.II-E ZOSE R- I 03€+.F.&MLLY RESIDL\T\L ZOSE R.2 TU'O.F.4WLYRESID€\T.U ZOM R.4 VLLT7PLE F.4MILY REZIDESTLU ZO>T RV \IEDIL\IDESSIT((+~8I RH HIGH DE>\IT(( 15.23) R..I RESIDE~TLU .\Gc.RIcu.n RU ZO>-E RRI l\TF>5bE dEGIOS4L RET.4IL (eg Plaza Cunmo Real1 COMMERCIAL R.3L UVITED W~L~.F,4\ilLYRESIDE3~U LOSE RRE ESTEhSfiE REGIOYAL RET.4IL (cg. Cu Countrv Carisbad) R0.I fE5IDESll.U DE3SIlYMCLTiPLE ZOSE P.5 REGIOSAL sER\lCE C (.O.\1\1L511? CO.W.WfRCL\L V YEIGHBORHOOD CO\fVERCL\L TS TRIXEL ,ERVICES COV.\IERCLIL 0 PROFESSIOSAL RELIED CBD CESTR\L BL5IZ1ESS DISTRICT PI PLOSED ISDLSTRLIL G GO\€R\VEST F.\CILIllES U PC BLIC LTIUTIES RC RECREITION COC(MERCL4L RD-H RESIDESIIU DESSlPiHIGH LO>E R-P RESIDE>TLU PROFESIO\M LOSE RT RESIDE3TLU TOL RIST ZOSE RW RESlDE>TLU UATERU:N ZO>E RWHP wmxxnu voBu HOME P.MK zox COMMERCIAL 0 OmCEiuXT C-l SEIGHEORHOOD COWMfRC1.U ZOSE C.2 GLhTIUL COMMERCLU ZO\E C.T CO.MHERCW-TOCRIST ZObE C.M HL4WCOMMERCLU~LLVlTED LhDLSTRLU ZOSE P.M PUWD U.D~STRw LOhT F-P FLOODPLUN OVERLIY ZOXE OS OPLV SPACE SCHOOLS E ELEVEhT.4RY H LwcmZ03T J JCSIOR HIGH H HIGH SCHOOL P PRn4I-E OTH€R \RR \O\ RE>IDESTL\L RESER\T OS OPE\ SP.4CE L.C LLWIT€D COKlROL P.L' RBUC LTTLlTY ZOhT 4 City of C GPA/LU t I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I ZC"3d ~~~ Ir I I e- \ 0 ~~ ~ EXHIBIT ,. LCPA.:From RMH to RL, 5. I ... . )“+ ,’ .3 l., I - I I GENERAL PLAN RESIDENTIAL RL RLW RW H RW RH RRI RRE R5 C u Ts 0 CBD PI G c RC E J P LOU DEhSIlY (0. I 5 1 LOU-\IEDIL W DEhSIm (0.4) MEOIL \I DESSIlY ( i.U I HIGH DESSIIY < 15.23 I HEDILY HIGH DESSITY(8.15) COMMERCIAL !sn\\IvE REC~ION~L RET.\IL (e8 Plaza Cmmo Reall ESTE\‘I~€ REGIO\AL RETAIL ccg Cu Countn Culsb%l) REGIS ,\\L>ERVICE COIlVL Y1l-Y CO.WMERCL\L SEIGHBORHOOD CO’LVERCUL TR4\EL \ERVICES CO.W.r(ERCL+L PROFE>>IO\.AL Q.EL\TED CESTRIL BLSIYE5S DISTRICT GO\+R\~IE?.TF.\CILITIES PLC\\ED ISDLSTRL4L PL BLlC L TILITIES ucx.tr!o> CO.WMERCIAL SCHOOLS ELE.\IEI \KY JLSIOR (rH HIGH V :OOL PRI\4TF ZONING RESIDENTIAL - . ..- --- P-C PLLVSED COMML37lY ZOVE R.E RLRURESIDEZlTLUEST\TE ZOSE R- 1 OZl€+-FLHILY %3IDE\TLU ZOrCT R-I TU’O~FCWLY RESIDL\TLU ZOST R.\ Wl LTlPLE FCWILY WIDEhTLU ZOh€ R.A RESIDE~TAL .mucLm RU ZOSE R.?L LLWlTED~WLLTl~F.~WlL~ RESIDEhTLU ZOhT RD.M RESIDEhTLU 3E\SI~~HCLTlPLE ZOhE RHHP RF5lDE~7l.U MOBILE HO.WE P.UM ZOhT RO-H RLSIDEhTLU DESSIlY HIGH ZO\E R-P RESIDESTLU PRONSIOSU ZOST RT WIDEZlTLU TOLRIST ZOZlE RW RESIDE\TLU UATERU4Y ZO3E COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEZ04T C-l >‘EIGHBORHOOD C0V.VERCLU ZOhE C.2 G€\XRALCOMMERCLU ZOSE C.7 COM.WERCLAL-TOLRtSTZO\E C.M H€A\YCOMWERCLU-UWITED L\’DL‘STFZU ZOSE P.M PUWED LSDCSTFZU ZOVE F.P FLOODPLUN OVERL4Y ZOSE H LM)LSTIUNZOh€ OIHLR I OS OPES \PKE \RR .so?. RE>IDESTL4L REbERVE I 4 City of C L.C UHITED COhTROL OS OPEN >P.4CE P-U PLBUC LTIUlY ZOrC€ I GPA/LU I I- - ~~~ ~ - CITY OF CARL.SBAD LCPA 8 I \ EXHIBI' JULY 1d GPA/LU From RM To RC ZC From RDM to RT AGUA HEDIOND m GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL RLU R.\l H RM RH RRI RRE .~ 6 REG;. \\L>ER\lCE I: cO\!\lL \In COH.MERCL+L \ \EICHBORHOOD COUUERCLIL TS TR+\EL -ERI.ICES COHIlERCLIL 0 PRUFE>?.IOSIL RTLITED PI PI_4\\ED I\DLSTRLIL ti L RC E I P 1)s \RR CBD CE~TRIL 3LZl>EZZ DISTRICT ti RISIDlNTlA1 LOW DE.\SITT < 0 I +> LOU.UEDICU DE\5IT(0.4) UEDIC \I DE\jIn ! i.d 1 \IEDIL\lHlGHDESSI~18~1~) HIGH DE\SITY ( i5.131 COMMlRClAL I\~.\.I\E REGIO\IL RTT.IIL Icq Plaza Cmm Rcai) F\TTE'..I\T RTc;IO\,+L RET.4lL < cu Car Cuunrrr CdSbld) G?K+R'I\IE\T F.ICILITIES PC BL!C !. TILITIES REcRL+i!n\ COVMERCLIL SCHOOLS ELEVE\ <RY JL\IOR CtH HIGH v :t)UL PRI\4i-E OPE\ \PICE \u\ REIDE>TL+L REbERrE P-C R- 4 R-E R- I R- 2 R- 4L R1 RD. H RVHP RD. H RP KT RU CI 0 c2 CH CT H P. H LC F. P P.C os RISIDINTIAL PLI\>TD cOw.wL>l~ ZO\E RLSIDE\TLU .AtiRICLm RU ZOhE RLRU R€SIDE\TLU EST.ITE ZO\E <I<€ f<ViLY RESIDE\TLU ZOIT N.O.FC\tlL'r RLclDESTL4L ZU>T LL\lITED \ILLTI F<kllL> RLzlDE\TLC ZOSE \It LYIPLE FLMILY ?&IDE>TLU ZO\€ RESIDE>llU EIE.\GI77 UCL?lPLE ZO\E RESlDE\T.U DESSIn HIGH LO\E RESIDEhTLU MOBILE HOME Puu( ZO\T RESIDEXTLU PROFEISIOXU ZO>E RLSIDE>TLU TOLRIST ZO\E R€SIDE\TLUUATERUU ZOXE COMMERCIAL OFFICE LO\E \XIGHBORHOOD C.OM.MER(.LU ZOSE CL\€RU COWHERCLU ZO\E CO,H,HERCW TOL UT ZO>E HEI~Y COHVERCLU LLUITED L\DLSTRLU ZO>E L\DLSTRLU LO\€ OTHER PU\\ED LXDCSTRLU ZOSE FLOODPLUS OkTRLIY ZOSE UHITED COSlROL OPE% :P.ICE PLBUC LTIUTY zo\x 4 City of GPAILU I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-34 I m I e 0 EXHIBIT I JULY 14 EL From RMH To 0s GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL RLU RMH RH RRI RRE Rs C N 0 CBD PI G c RC E nu n I P os NRR RLSIDLNTIAL LOW OL*iSITY ( 0- 1.5 ) LOW.MEOICM DENSITY (04) MEDIUM OESSIKY(4-8) MEOICM HIGH DENSIT( (& 15) HIGH OL*iSlTYl 15.23) COMMLRCIAL LVTE3SlVE REtiIONAL RETAIL (e!+ PI= CUnm m) EXTENSIVE REGIOSAL RETAIL (eg Cu Counw -l*ad REGIONAL SERVICE COMML'SITY COMMERCW XEIGHBORHOOO COMMERCIAL lRA\TL SERVICES COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL ELATED CE!VIRAL BLSINESS DISTRICT GOMRVMENT FACILITIES PUVSEO lSOCS7" WBUC CTILITIES RECRL4TION COM.UERCW SCHOOLS JL'SIOR HIGH ELEMLXLUW PWAE OPEN SPIKE NOR RLSIOESTUL RESERVE HIGH SCHOOL P-c k A R-E R. 1 R. 2 R. 3 R. 3L I) RD.M RMHP RDH R.P RT Rw 0 c. 1 c.2 C.T C..U .U P-M L.C F*P P-u 05 RESIMNTlAL PUNlwD COMMLrn ZONE RESIDLW .UiRICLllTRAL ZONE RURAL RDIDEhTLU EST4TE ZONE Oh'€-FAMILY RESIDCrTUL ZONE WO.FhHILY RESIDCrTULZONE UHITED M(uLTI.FA.UILY RESIDLP.TTW ZONE RESI0mT.U OENSITY~MLlTlPLE ZONE RESIDENTIAL OE?fSIT(.HIGH ZONE WIOEhTW .MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhT RESIDL%TL&L PROONSIONM ZONE WIDENIUL TOLm ZONE RESIDENTIAL WAlXRWAY ZONE COMMERCIAL McLnm F.AMILY RES[DENTW ZONE omcE ZONE GEMML COMMERCLU. ZOSE MEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE COhWEKW.TOLWT ZOPr'€ HUWCO.~~.UUITED IN0mtX"ONE INDLrn ZONE PUNNED LpIDL'm ZONE ma1 FLOODPIAN WUUAY ZOW uum CO-L om SPACE RBUC LllLllY ZONE A .I City of C I CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA/LU E t 0 EXHIBIT I JULY 14 1 i C GPA kNNO 1 1 /L U” ZCL I f / l IN Bo- Prom From, F \ I RLM To OS P- 7. -!t_o”o s , - PALOMAR AlRPO GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLM RV ti RU RH RRI RRE R.5 C S TS 0 CBD PI G u RC E H J P OF VRR RESIDENTIAL LOW.\fEDIL\I DENSlD(O.+) LOUDE~SIT((O~I5) MEDIKV DESSIT((4.8) \IEDILY HIGHDENSIlY(B.I5) HIGH DESFIlY( 15.131 COMMERCIAL ISTE,USI\S REGIONAL RET.4lL (cg. EXTE>.)n€ RECIOSAL RETAIL (e@ CO\I\Il>I~COY.rlERCL+L RECIOSAL hERVICE UEICHBORHOOD CO\I\IERCUL PROFEZ5IOSAL RELATED CESTRIL BLSISESS DISTIUCT PLIS\ED ISDUSTRLAL GO\+RU\lENT F.4CILITlES PLBLIC LTlLITIES RECRE.+TION COM.MERCLAL rM\ EL >ERVICES CO\WERCL+L SCHOOLS JLSIOR HIGH ELE\IE>T.+RY HIGH KHOOL PRI\ ITE OPE?; SPICE SO\ RE)IDESTL\L RESERVE Car Councp Cxlsbadl Plaza Cmmo Real) P.C PLW%iED COMSILYIN ZOYE R.A RESIDESTLU 4GRICCLn‘RU ZOSE R.E RL RU RESIDE>TL+L EST.+TE ZONE R.1 OS€.F,%ViLY WIDE’inlL ZOhT RESIDENTIAL R.2 TU’C).FC\!IL’i RFSIDE>TLU ZONE R-3 M LnPm F.LWLY RESIDE>= ZONE RD..M RESIDE>TLAL DESSl~.VLLTlPLE ZONE RD.H RESIDE>TLU DESSITiHlCH ZONE R-3L UVITED ‘4LLTLF.k~tILY RESIDEW ZOh€ RMHP RES1DENII.U .MOBILE HOME PhRK ZONE R-P RESIDENTIAL PRONSIONAL ZONE KT RESIDEhTL4LTOLRISTZOSE RW RES1DE.W WATERU.4Y ZOSE 0 OFFICEZOWE COMMERCIAL C-l SEIGHBORHOOD CO\tMERCLU ZONE C.2 GL?YTRU COMMERCLU ZOTE CT COMMERCLU-TOLR15T ZO>E C.M HEAbY CO.M!4ERCLU-UWTED LIDLSTRLU ZONE P.M PUNNED L\DUSTRLU ZONE .M LYDUSTRLU ZOM OTHER ”.”. L.C LLWTED CONlROL F.P ROODPLUN OMRUY ZOSE OS OPEN SPtCE P.U PLBUC L-mm zo?i~ il City of C L ZC-34I ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD IGPA/LU 8 e e EXHIBIT JULY 14 From I - GENERAL PLAN ZONING RCSIDfNTI~L Rf SlDENTlAL RL LOW DENSlTY(O.1.5I M MEDIL’Y DESSITY (4.8) a HIGH DENSITY ( 19.23) COMMERCIAL ~JU 1~nsSfiT REGIONAL REThlL (e& mw Gunino Reall W.M mu)~a DLrsI”+MLITlPLE ZONE w EXT‘EXdVE REGIOSAL WNL (Cg caC Caunw Cut1bad) -.H m(~~?rtl,4L DLNSIlYHIGH ZONE RMH~ WID&\- !AOBILE HOME I’m ZOhz p.c puriN€D CO*UL’Pmy ZOM R. I 0NE.f.hUILY RESlDLSrLU ZONE a, LoW.YEDICM DWSln (@e) RHH MEDIUM HIGH DENSlN (8.19) R.A w~D~MTU .+GRICLXTCRhL ZOhT R.& RCF.hL RESIDLWU STAn LO= R.2 pO.FA,MILY RESIDL\W ZONE R.3 MCLTIPLE F.AMlLY TG-SIDENIW zoNEzoNf I R.~L m~ll€D WXI.F&MLY REslDEW G tl3GIONAL SERYICE c CO\{ULTIN COMMERCWL ~s EL jSRV1CESCOMMERCIAL X \i~iG;(BoWiOOD COSlMERCUL m ~IDENI%LTOCR~ST ZONE RW RESiDEIqTAL U‘AmWAY ZObE o PRUFESSIOSAL R3LAnO CBD CWIT~~AL BWWESS DlSTRlCT pf pL,GNED ISDCSmL (i GOVXR%YENT FACILlTls c. 1 ~c~BoRHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE c PWIC CnunEs c.2 GENEW.~. COMMUrCIhL 20% X p,WAF,AnON COMMERCW C.T COM#ERCW.TOLR(ST ZOM C.M WW COMMERCLU.LLUl~D mum ZONE E EIEMEST.MY p.“ pLhmJE0 mum ZONE mcn L-c &UITED CONlROL os OPUY SI?+= R.p m[DL! I’~FE-%IONhL 20% COMMfRClAL 0 OFFICEZONE scHooLJ H lrmLTCRLu.ZONE J JCWOR HIGH U HIGH SCHOOL P PWAE I F-p FLD0DPLu.J ~~~ 20% 0s OPEN SWCE XSJI NOS WlDEKlthL WERE p.u RBUC LTUTY ZObZ CITY OF CARLSBAD f ( - 0 -e EXHIBIT JULY 14, From R I GENERAL PLAN RLU RL RH RMH RH .Mu ;m -R5 C v Ts 0 CBO PI G u RC E J RLSIDLNTIAL LOW DENSITY(0-1.5) LOW.MEDIL'M DwSITY(0-4) MEDICM DESSITY(4.8) MEDICM HIGH DENSiTY(8.15) HIGH DENSITY 115.13) COMMERCIAL IKTENSb€ RECilONAL RETAIL (Cg EXTENSWE REGIONAL RETAIL (03 REGIOSAL SERVICE COZIMCSITY COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL -VEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL PRUFESSIONAL RELhTED CENlR4L BL'SINES DISTRICT GOV€RY>IENT FACILITIES PUUXED ISDCSTRIAL PL'BUC cnunEs RECREATION COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS JL'NIOR HIGH ELEMENTMY HIGH SCHOOL I ~~ P PRnAT€ OS OPEN SP.\CE NRR NOK RESIDENTIAL RESERVE . Car Counrry Carisbad) Plaza Camino Real) zc P- c R.A R- E R- 1 R. 2 R. 3L R. 3 RD- M RD. H RMHP R. P RW RT INING RtSlDENTlAL PW%TD COMMLW ZONE ." ~~ ~~ RESIDLYLU AGRICLIXRM ZONE RCRU RESlD€NTIAL ESTATE ZONE ON€.FA.VILY WIDESl?AL ZONE WO.F.LUILY WID€VTW ZONE MLLTIPLE FAMILY WID€NTIAL ZONE UUITED MULTI-FkUILY RESlDENlUL ZONE WIDENTL4l DENSITY.HIGH ZONE WIDE??TUL MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhZ lC3ID€W" PROFESSIONAL ZONE RESIDu.TTuL TOLTUST ZONE RESIDENIIAL WATZRWAY ZONE COMMERCIAL WLD~ DmsIn-MunPm ZONE 0 OFFICEZONE C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD C0M.UERCLUZONE c.2 GENUUL COMMERCW ZOSE C.T C0hLWERCUL;IOLRJST ZOPiE C-M HUW CO.UMERCW. UWITED INDUSTRW ZONE P-M PLANNED LNDUSTRJAL ZONE F.P FLLOODPIAIN OVERIAY ZONE L-c LLum CONlROL P-u RBUC LTIm ZONE 05 OPENSPACE M INDLSTRWZONE OTnf I -4 City of Ci I I -~ ~ - CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA/LU 8 w ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ EXHIBIT j ~ 3 I ! I I Fro 1 ~ .~~ -1. JULY 14 I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I Ill LOWDENSITY(0.1.5) RISIDINTIAL RLH LOW.MEDICM DENSlTY(0-4) RMH MEDIL'M HIGH DENSITY (8.1)) RH MEDIUM DESSITY(+Bl RH HIGH DENSITY ( 15-23) RRI INl€SSn€ MtilONAL RETAIL (cg. Plw Cunmo Rcll) COMMERCIAL RRE EXTEYSIM REGIONAL FETNL lee Car Counw Culsbad) RS REGIONAL SERVICE .- ~ ~- ~~~~ ~-~~~ c coxwsm CO~~MERCIAL TS VEL SERVICES COM.VERCUL N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL 0 PROFESSLONAL REUITD CBD CENTRAL BUSlN€5?DlSrrUCT PI PUVNED ISDUSTRIAL C GOVERVVENT FACILITIES U PL'BLIC UTILITIES RC RECRL4TION COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS E ELEMENT.ARY J JL'WOR HIGH H HIGH SCHOOL P PRI\AT€ VRR NON RESIDENTUL RESERVE OS OPEN SMCE P.C R.A R. E R. 1 R. 2 R. 3 RD.M R. 31 RDH RHHP RESlDUYTlM MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhZ R.P RESIDLLITW PRONSIONM ZONE RW WIDENllAL WATERWAY ZOKE RT RESIDENTIMTOCRl~ZONE 0 OrnCEZOM COMMERCIAL C.1 NElCHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZOSE C.M HFAWCOMMEKLU-LLHITED IN4USRUMZONE C.T COMMERCIAL-TOLRIST ZONE P.m PLWNED VVDUSRUMZONE .H MDLm ZONE OTHER L.C UMITED COWL F.P FLOODPLAIN OVERlAY ZONE 05 OPENSPACE P-u K~UC mum ZONE A -i City of Ci CITY OF CARLSBAD m ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~- IGPAILU 8 ~~~ ~ ~ ... ..I. .. W 0 (DETAILED EXHIBIT ! \ p%k \ <OS) LCPA OS; tc I GPA 86-8 From PI to OS & From RF1 to OS LCPA 86-1 From PI to OS From OS to PI (OS) 9 GPA RM to // w 0 1 2 3 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2585 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CHANGE TO BRING THE DESIGNATIONS ON THE GENERAL ZONING MAP AND LOCAL COASTAL PLAN MAP INTO CONFO PKOPERTIES LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CAKLSBAD. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO. : 26-347 5 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain prop 6 7 been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to the Commission; and a WHER'MS, said application constitutes a request 9 provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 10 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 30th I' July, 1986, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescri l2 to consider the proposed Zone Changes shown on Exhibits II 13 IIEII , IILII, IIMII, llpll, ll~ll, ll~~ll-ll~~ll , dated July 14, 1986 a WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 13th l5 , & "EE" dated, July 14, 1986 and Exhibit "0" datl law to consider the proposed Zone Changes shown on Exhibi l6 August, 1986 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescr 14 17 11~11 , II~~I l8 5, 1966; and 19 I WHEREAS, at said public hearings, upon hearing a 20 21 22 23 24 considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pt desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact( relating to the Zone Change; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plal Commission as follows: 25 ' A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 26 27 /I// //I/ 28 I W 0 ll B, That based on the evidence presented at the public h 1 the Commission recommends APPROVAL of ZC-347. as sho 2 3 Exhibits IIAl!, 11 11-11 11 C F I'J", "L" II' ~~ MIt , "p" , , "EE~~ 11p "LL" , dated July 14, i986 and 0 dated August 5, 19 11'11 attached hereto and made a part hereof based on the findings : 4 2) The recommended zone changes are appropriate for the 7 conformancy as required by State law. 6 1) The proposed zone changes will bring the designation 5 Findings: properties involved because the changes will allow fl 9 surrounding development for the reasons stated in th report. General Plan Map, Zoning Map and Local Coastal Plan 8 development on these sites which will be compatible lo 11 3) The recommended zone changes within the Coastal Zone zoning designations into conformance with General P1 designations and Local Coastal Plan designations are 12 California Environmental Quality Act. l3 4) The Planning Director has determined that the recomm 14 zone changes outside of the Coastal Zone will not ca significant environmental impacts and issued Negativc 15 Declarations on July 12, 1986 which were approved by Planning Commission on August 13, 1986. 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinl 17 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, 1 l8 the 27th day of August, 1986, by the following vote, to w from environmental review per Section 15265A1 of the 19 I 20 21 AYES : Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners: Ma: NOES : Commissioners: McFadden and Holmes. Schramm and Hall. 22 I1 ABSENT: Commissioner McBane. 23 24 ATTEST: 25 I CLARENCE SCHLEHUBERX CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMI! 26 11 MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER 27 28 PLANNING DIRECTOR PC KESO NO. 2585 -2- II I ~~ EXHlBl I JULY 1 I RD-H TO 8-3 I GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOW DEN5IT((O.I 5) RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RLV LOU.VED1C.W DEhSlTY(O+) RCI \IEDIC\l DEhSITY(i.81 RH HIGH DESFITY 115-23) COMMERCIAL RRI IhTESSIVE XftiIONAL RET.4IL (cg Plaza Camtno Real) RRE ESTEhSKE RECIOSAL RET.41L (cg. Cu County Carlsbad) RD.M WIDEhTLU DENlT3WCLnPLE ZOSE 4 P-C PL4.\SED CO.MWL?lTY ZONE R.E RC RU RESIDEhlTU EST,4TE ZONE R-l OZE.F.L\tILY RESIDE\TL+LZOM R.2 ~0-F.C~lILY RESIDE.\TAL LOM R.A RESIDE~TAL .+auccLn RU zohx R%tH MEDII \I HIGH DEMITY (8.15) R.? .wLnpm F.MILY RESIDE~TU ZOST R.3L UWITED .\ICL?7-F.C\llLY RESIDE3TLU ZOhT 11s RECIOSAL >ER\lCE C CO.\l.\lLNl~ COMHERCL4L RD.H RESIDE3Xl.U DENSlTiHlCH ZOKE zi XEICHBORHOOD COW\lERCLAL R.P WIDEXTLU PROFESSI0S.U ZONE TS TR4IEL 3ERVICES CO.M\tERCL+L 0 PROFESSIONAL REL+T€D RW RESIDE\TLU U.4TERWAYZOZE CBD CESTR4L BCSlNESS DISllUCT PI PL\XSED ISDLSTRUL G GOVERU\lENT FACILITIES U PL BLlC LTILITIES RC RECRE.4TION C0,WMERCUL RVHP WIDESTLU .MOBILE H0.W P.M ZOS€ RT FESIDEhlTU TOCRIST ZONE City of [ COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICELU>T C.1 SEIGHBORHOOD CO.W.'.iERCI.UZONE C.2 GE!!TRAL COCIMERCLU ZOXE C.T COM~~ERCLUTOLRISTZOhE SCHOOLS C.M HEAW COM'.lERCLU~U~lITED LIDLSTRLU LOSE E ELESIESURY M L%rNxRJN ZONE H HICH SCHOOL P PruV4l-E J JKSI(IR HIGH P-M PUYPiED IpIDUm ZONE OTHER OS OPES SP.4CE F.P FLOODPLUN OMRLhY ZOSE L.C UVITED COMROL P.U PLBUC LTIUN ZOST VRR SOX RE>IDESTUL RESEW€ OS OPEN SP4CE . GPA/LU 1. CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-31 c I EXHlBl JULY 1 FROM R-3 to R- 1 CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL RL LOW DENSITY 10. I 5) RESIDENTIAL RLM L0U.VEDlL.M DESSITY[O-+) P-C PLGSED CO.W.WLSITY ZONE R-A RESIDE>TLUAGRlCLLnRM ZONE R.E RLRU RESIDESTLU E5T.4TE ZONE R.1 OhT.Fh\iILY RLclDEhTLU ZOM R.2 T"OO.FCIIILY RESIDL\TLU ZO&€ R-3 VLLTlPLE F.CWLY RESIDENTLU ZOhT RL( \IEDIC >I DESSITY 1i.8 I RH HIGH DEhFITYl 15.23) COMMERClAL RRI ISTESSIYE XEGIONAL RET.4IL (cg Plvr Cnrnmo Real) R.3L UMITED .MCLn.F.C\IILY RESIDESTLU ZONE RVH \(ED11 51 HItiH DENSITY (8.15) WE EmMfi~. REGIOSAL UBlL (cg. Car Count? Calsbad) RD+l RE.SIDEhTtU DESSlR~~,MLLTIPLE ZONE RS RECIOYALSR\ICE RD.H RESIDENnU DENSITYHIGH LOSE 4 N .SEIGHBORHOOD CO\t\lERCLiL TS TR4tEL >ERVICES CO.MMERCL4L 0 PROFESSIONAL REL4TED RW RESIDE\TLkL WATERUAY ZONE CBO CENTRtL BLSINESS DISTRICT PI PLCYSED ISDLSTRL4L G GOVERY>lENT F.4ClLITlES U PC BLlC CTILITIES RC RECREiTlON CO.M(HERCIA1 c cwtwsIn COMMERCL~L RVHP RESIDE?iTLU >tOBILE HOME P.UW ZONE R-P RESIDENTLU PROFESSIONM ZONE KT RESIOEhTLUTOCRlSTZOSE City of C1 COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICELUXT C-1 SEIGHBORHOOD COI1.WERCI.U ZOSE C.2 GEhTRM COMMERCLU ZOSE CT COMMERCLU-TOLRlSTZONE SCHOOLS C.M HL4~COYYERCLU.UMI~D L\DUSXU ZONE E ELEZlEST.4RY J JLSIOR HIGH H HIGH SCHOOL P PRn4-m 51 LWCSTRIAL ZOSY P.M PIACrh+D LhDCSWZOM F.P FLOODPLUK OVERL4Y ZONE L.C UWTED CONrROL P.L' PLBUC LTUTYZOST OS OPEN SP.4CE OlHlR OS OPES W4CE SRR SOS RESIDESTUL RESER\€ I CITY OF CARLSBAD ZC-34 1 1 w e--- EXHIB I JULY C-M - From R-7-70 to M-Q PALOM,\R AIRPORT r. I GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOWOE\SlTYiO.I 51 RU \lEDIC\I DE>SIlTY(+-al RH HIGH DE55ITY( 15-23] COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENllAL RIM LOW.\lEDIl.U DE55ITY(O-i1 RIIH \lEDIl\I HIGH DE>SIn'(E.I5) RRI [STESSI\ E :<EtilOShL RET.4IL (cg. Plvz Carntna Red) RRE ESTE>Sn+ ilECIOSAL RET.4IL (cg Car Counm Culrbad) RD.V RESIDE\TLU DE\SIn ULLllPLE ZO.SE I P.C PLCITED CO.V.WLWpi ZOSE R.E RLRU R€5IDE\TLU E.ST4.E ZOSE R-I OSE.F.4WILY RESIDESTL\L ZO\€ R.2 NO.FWILY RESIDE\lIU ZOUE R-4 XiLLnPLE FCWILY RLFIDESTLU ZOSE R.4 RESIDE~TAL tGucLLn RU ZOSE R-3L ILVITED '.lLLn-FC\IILY RESIDE?,nU LO>€ Ri REGIOY4L \ER'.lCE C (.O>I>ILS177 COW.WERCL4L N \EICHEORHUOD CO\I\IERCL4L TS TR4~EL,ER'.ICESCOHrIERCL\L RT RESIDE>TLU TO1 RIST ZO3E 0 PROFE5SOSAL REL\TED RW RESIDEhTLU UAERU4Y ZO>E City of CBD CE\TR\L ELSISESS DlSTRlCT PI PLL\5ED ISDLSTRL4L G GO\+R\\IENT F.4CILITIES C PLELIC LTILITIES RC RECR€\T!OS CO.W.VERCL4L R0.H RESIDE>TLU DE.'YlY HIGH L05E R-P RESIDESlTU PROFESSIO\,U LOSE RWHP RESIDESTLU \IOEIiE HOME P4P.K LO\€ COMMERCIAL 0 OFFlCELU5€ C. I SEIGHBORHOOD COU.VERC!.U ZOSE C-2 G&.W COMHERCLU ZO\E CT COMMERCLU-TOCRISTZO5E SCHOOLS E ELE>IE\T.4RY H HIGH >CHOOL J JLSIOR HIGH P.M PU\>€D L\DCSTRUL ZOSE P PRI\\E F-P FLOODPLUV OVERLIY ZOSE OS OPLV SPACE C-M HEA~YCOHHERCLU~U~IITED L\DCSlRLU ZOSE H LWCSTRLU Z04T mwcn YRR \O\ REbIDESTL4L RESERVE OS OPES W4CE L-C LLWmD COhTROL PX KBUC LTILITY ZOSE CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 * I e ~~ ~~~ 0 EXHlBl I JULY 1 I I I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I Fu FLU RW H RU RH MI RRE R5 C Y TS 0 CBD PI G L RC E I P OS \RR RESIDENTIAL L0U.UEDIL.U DESSIlT(0.i) LOU DE\SITY 10.1 5 I UEDIL >I DESSITY ( 4.8) UEDIL \I HIGH DESSIIY (8.15) HIGH DE>(IlTI 15.23) COMMIRCIAL IhTEhEI\E .tECIOS.\L .RET.+IL (CP Plaza Cmmo Real) ESTEhWT RECIOSAL RET.\IL (4. Cu Counm ixlrbnd (.O.W\lLSliT CO.MMERCL\L RECIOUL >ER\.lCE TR+\EL >ERVICES COUUERCUL XEIGHBORH(l0D CO\I\IERCL\L PROFES5lOUhL REL+TED CEhTR\L 81514ESS DISTRICT PLL\hED ISDLSTRJAL GOVERWENT F.4ClLIllES PL BLlC L TILITIES SCHOOLS RECRL\TIO.S COMMERCL4L JLSIOR HItiH ELEMESTtRY HIGH KHOOL PRI\ +TE UPEh GP+CE \O\ K€3IDESTL\L RESERVE P-c R. .\ R-E R. 1 RL R. 3L R- 1 ) RD-\I RD. H RUHP R. P RW KT 0 C.l c- 2 C.M C-T P. H H L-c F. P P.C os RESIDENTIAL PL4.\SED COMMLSITI ZOM RLSIDE~~U .~GRICL Ln RAL ZO>X RLRU RLSIDE>TLU E5T.4TE ZONE- O\T.FcuILY RESIDE\r'L\L ZOM 7SO-F.4AIILY RESIDEhT!.UZO>E \ILLTIPI+ F.LUILY RLFIDE5TLU ZO\€ UWTED \ILL~-FCUILY RESIDE\r'LU ZOM RESIDEhmUDE.'.51?7.ULLnPLEZO\E RESIDEXLU DESSIR.HIGH zGE- - RESIDESTLU .MOBILE HOWE P.UUi ZO\T RESIDESTLU PROFESSIOSAL ZOSE RESIDEhTLU TOLRIST ZOSE RESIDEXTLU WUERUU ZO\E I COMMERCIAL I OFFICE :OX€ SEIGHBORHOOD C0WERCl.U ZOSE GP.€Ru C0W.UERCLU ZO-.E COMYERCLU.TOLRISTZO>E HL\bY COMMERCLU-U\lITED LYDLSTRLU ZOSE LVDLSTRUL zo3x PU%%€D L%DLSTRLAL ZO\T OTHER FLOODPLW OVERL+Y ZOSE UWTED COATROL OPEN SP.+CE RBUC LTILIlY ZO>€ - "" A i City of I I I - I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-3 b I c L EXHlBl JULY 1 .. GPA/LU Fr,om RRI To 0s . zc C-2-Q To 0s *I I 1 GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLU RM H RV RH RRI RR€ Rs C u Ts 0 CBD PI G RC u E J P OS SRR RESIDENTIAL LOUDEhSIlY(0.I 5) LOU-UED1L.n DESSIn(O-+) \IEDILV DESSIlY(4.8) HIGH DESSITY( 15.25) VEDILV HIGH DENSITY(B.I~) COMMERCIAL ISTEWl\E REtiIONAL RET.4IL (cg Plaza Cmmo Real) ESTE>>l\-E REGIOSAL RETAIL (cg Cu Count. Cnrlsbnd) REGit)U.iL SERbTCE CO\l\lLSIlYCO,W~ERCLIL SEIGHBORHOOD CO\l.\lERCUL TX4\ EL >ERVICES C0,WSIERCLIL PROFECZIOSAL RELiTED CESTRIL BCSISESS DISTRICT GO\-ERVIIEST FKILITIES PL%V\ED ISDLSTRLIL PLBLIC LTlLlTIES SCHOOLS RECRE.\TION COMMERCLAL ELEME\' {HY J('SIOR ' IbH HIGH \I ilOOL OPES >PI(:€ PRIViTE SOS RE>IDESTI.\L RESERVE P.C R.A .. . . R. E R. I R. 2 R. 4 R- 3L RD..U RU HP RD.H R.P RT RW c. I 0 c. 2 C.M C T P.M w L. c F- P P-ti os RESIDENTIAL PLbW.TD COM.WL731lY ZOST Oh+-F.L\IILY R€SlDE>TLU ZONE RL RU ESIDE\lTU F5T.iTE ZONE lX'Oo.F.LVILY RLSIDESTLALZONE RESIDEhTLU DESSITXSlCLTlPLE ZONE LLVlTED MLLlTF.lrllLY RESIDE>TLU ZOKE RLSIDEhTLU MOBILE HO.WE P.W ZOhZ RES1DEYII.U DESSllYHICH ZOSE RESIDENTLU PRONSIONM ZOh'E RESIDE3TLUTOLRlSTZONE RESIDEhTLU SATERU:AY ZOSE OmCE ZOhZ COMMERCIAL SEIGHBORHOOD COM.UERCLU ZONE COM.MERCLAL-TOLRISTZONE INDCS" Z0h-E HE.i\Y COMMERCLU.LLWITED UiDUSTRLU OTHER PU\TED IhDUSTRUL ZONE FLOODPLW OVERLAY ZONE LLWITED CONTROL OPW SP.ICE RESIDE^^ .+GmL-Ln IUL ZONE vunm F.WILY RESIDENTUL zohy GENEIUL co,n.nERcLu ZO>E PCBUC Lnum ZO~T ZONE il City of I . GPA/LU ZC-3L t I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 I I - EXHlBl JULY 1 LCPA From RLM To 0 GENERAL PLAN (ZONING) RL LOW DEXSITY 10. I 5) RV HEDlL>t DESSITY(4-8) RH HIGH DESSIlY (15-2)) 8RI INTE\SI\E REGIONAL RET.41L (cg. Plua Cmmo Real) RRE EXTE\,IVE REGIOSAL RETAIL (~g. Cx Counrr). Cnrlsbzd) RD.M RESIDESTLU DESSIR-YCLTIPLE ZOXE RESIDENTIAL RISIDINTIAL RLW LO\V~~lEDICM'DESSITY(O-.O RhIH MEDICII HIGH DENSITY (8.15) P.C PfAiiATD COMMLSITY ZONE R.A RESIDEhTLU .4GRICLIll RU ZONE R-E RCRU RESIDEXTLU EST.4TE ZONE R-I Oh€-F,LWILY RESIDE>TLU ZOhT R-2 lU'O-F.4AILY RESIDE>TlN ZONE COMMERCIAL R-3 .x Lnm FCWLY RESIDENTW zob~ R.3L LLIIITED .\tCLi"F.%\lILY RESIDEhTN ZOi'iE 4 RS REGis)UALSERVICE C CO~I\(LSlTYCO.~MERCL4L RMHP RESlDEhTLU MOBILE HOME P.WZ0hT RD.H RES1DEhll.U DESSIl7'HIGH ZONE X SEIGHBORHOOD COYMERCUL X-P RESIDEZTLU PROFESSIONAL ZONE TS TRAVEL >ERVICES COMYERCL4L 0 PROFESSIOSAL REIATED RW R€SIDE>TLU QATERUAY ZOSE RT RE5IDEhT.U TOCRlST ZONE City of C M LWLSTRlhL ZOM zc-34 os OPW W4CE GPA/LU CBD CENTRIL BL'SISESS DISTRICT COMMERCIAL : !b:!%!,!:,Es 0 0FFICEZO.W U PL BLlC 1 TILlTlES C.1 h~IGHBORH00D CO.VMERCLUZONE C-2 GENERAL CO.W.MERCLUZOXE C.T C0MMERCW;TOLRLSTZOhE C.M HE.4kT CO.MMERCLU.LLWTED L\DLSTFLU ZONE RC RECREtTION COM.WERCUL SCHOOLS E ELE>IE> ' $HY J JCSIOR :IGH P-M PWiYED IhDUSTRLU ZOM H HIGH C( :il)OL P PRIUTE F.P FLOODPLUN OVERL4Y ZONE OTHER SRR NOS RE>IDENTL+L RESER\€ OS OPEN CPKE L.C LLWTED CONIROL P.U PL-BUC LTlUTY ZO>€ I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 I I I EXHlBl I JULY I : GPA \ /L u ZC GENERAL PLAN ZONING I P.C R,.4 0.z RL PLU IlhlH WD1L.V HIGH DENSITI(B.I5) RU RH HIGH DES5ITY( 15.23) r\. L R. I R. 2 R. 3 R.3L COMMERCIAL RRI IsTEssn~E REGIONAL RET.4IL (CP Plaza Cnmno Red) RRE RS C N 0 PROFESSIONAL REL\TED CBD CESTML BCSINESS DISTRICT PI PLC\SED ISDLSTRL4L G GO\.+RX>IE?(T FACILITIES U Pl BLIC LTIUTIES RC RECE4TION COMMERCIAL TS TR+VEL zERYlCES CO.VZIERCL4L L~ L C. 2 C .T C.M H HIGH KHOOL J JLSIOR HIGH P.M P PRlu.TE F. P SCl(O0LJ ' E ELf>lEST.\RY H OS SRR RESIDENTIAL LOWDESSITYY(O.15l LOW.VEDl1.M DESSITI(O.+) .\IEDIL\I DESSIlY f +.a) ". ".~~ ." PLVI;VED CO"L%lTY ZONE RfSlDENTlAL RLRU RESIDEWTU ESST4TE ZOSE 03T.F.UfILY RESIDE\TL4L ZOhY lWO-F.LMILY FESIDE\lK,U ZONE 'ILLTIPLE F.A.WLY RESIDENTLU ZOST UWTEED .\iCLn.F.~~ilL~RESlDES~U ZOM RESIDESXU .+c.uccLn RAL ZOSE ESTEM~T REGIOSAL RET.AIL~CU~. cu Country Carlsbad) RD-" FESIDE~IXU oEssIn.MunPm ZO~E REGIOSAL>ERVICE (:O>I.MCSllT CO.UMERCL4L RD.H RESIDESXU DESSllYHICH ZOSE SEIGHBORHOOD CO>f~lERCLAL R-P RESIDESFLU PROFESSIONAL ZONE RUHP FESIDESIIU MZ0BIL.E HOME P.4P.K ZOhT KT RESIDE\XU TOCRIST ZONE RW RESIDE3T.U U.%TERWAY ZOSE COMMERCIAL 0 OrnCELUST r~' SEIGHBORHOOD COVMERCLUZOhT GWXRN COVMERCLU ZO\E COMMERCLU.TOLRI5T ZONE HE4~CO~~~ERCLU-U\tI~D L\nUSTRLU L%WCSTFLU ZO%T PUNNED INXSTRUL ZONE OTHER FLOODPLUV OMRL4Y ZONE OPEN SPACE UMIrED CONTROL PLBUC rnumzo\x OPES <PACE SOS REhIDENTL4L RESERVE .. L.C P. u os ZONE 4 City of I , GPA/LU 4 City of I GPA/LU I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-3 c I I I : GPA/LU From RC/O To TS/O w ~~~ EXHIBIl JULY 11 I I GENERAL PLAN RESIDENTIAL RL LOW DENSIT((O.I.5) RV \IEDfL\I DESSIT((4.81 RH HIGH DE>5IT(( 15-23) RLV LOW.WED1L.M DESSID(O.4) RMH '4EDllV HICH DENSIT( (8.15) RRI ISTESSIXE t{EGION.AL RET.4IL (cg Plua Carnmo Real) COMMERCIAL ME ESEXSDT REGIOYAL REl'AIL (cg, Car Count? Carisbad) RS RECIOSAL aER61CE C <1UZISlLSIlT COM.UERCLIL ?I SEIGHBORHOOD CO>I>IERCUL TS TR4LEL >ERVICES COIIYERCLIL 0 PRUFESSIOSAL RELIED CBD CEZTR4L BLSINESS DISTRICT PI PL+.\SED ISDCSTRIAL G GO~ERS~IENTF.\CILInES C Pl BLlC 1 TILlTlES KC RECP.E.\TION CO.W.VERCL+L E ELEMEST4RY SCHOOLS J JCSIUR HIGH H HItiH SCHOOL P PRI\4TE 03 OPES SP.\CE SKR SO& RE>IDESTL\L RESERVE I ~~ ~ ~~~ ZONING P-c i7.A R. E , R.1 R. 2 R- 3 R. 3L mw RD.H R. P RW RT RUHP 0 c- I c-2 C .T C.M P-M Y L.C F- P P.L' os RfSIOENTIAL PL4h3-ED CO.MWLWlY ZONE RESIDE>TLU .\GRICLLR FLU ZOirZ RCRU RESIDE&TLU EST.\TE ZONE ONE.FA.WILY RESIDOTLU ZONE TWO.FIWILY KE,SIDE\TL4L ZONE !4LLIlPLE f.+.VILY RESIDE?mU ZOST LLWTED .MLLTFF.U1ILY RESIDEhTU ZONE RESIDE?FTLU DESSIl3~MCLTIPLT ZOSE RESlDEMlU DENSIlYHICH ZOKE RESIDENTLU PROFESSIONAL ZONE RES1DEYTl.U TOCRIST ZONE WIDE>TLU BATERUAY ZO&E COMMERCIAL OFFICE LOST SEIGHBORHOOD COW.UERCLUZOSE GEPITRU COMMERCLU ZOhE COM.WERCLUTOLRISTZOhE HEAWCOMMERCLU~LLVITED L\DUSTP.LUZONE LWL'STRLU ZONE PL%'*7iED LDUSTRW ZONE OTHER FLOODPLUN OVERL\Y ZONE OPEN SP.4CE UWTED COXTROL RES1DEhTrI.U ZlOBILE HOME P.M ZOhZ PLBUC Lnun ZOSE il City of C GPA/LU 1 t I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-34 b I I 1 EXHlB AUG. ! AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I ~ RESIDENTIAL RL LOU DE>SIlY t 0. I 5 I RH VEDIC\I DELSITI: 14-61 RH HIGH DE5FIlY( 17-23] R€SIO€NtlAL RIM LOU.'IEDILM DE>SIn'~O-i) RVH \lEDK \I HIGH DE>SIPi(B-I3) P-C PL433TD COH.HL7ITY ZO\T R..4 RESIDEhTLU.\GRICiLll RU 203T R-E RLRU RESIDE>TLU iST4TE ZOXE R.1 O>T+.FCVILY lESIDE3TLU ZOXT R 2 lU'O.F.<MILY RESIDL\TLU ZOVE COMMIRCIAL R- 1 MLLTIPLE FCVILY RLCIDESll-U ZO>€ RR€ ESTE>>DE REGIOXAL RET.41L(cg Cu Counfm Clrlsbadd) RD-W fCSIDE3TLU DE>?.Il7.WLLIlPLE ZOXE RRI I3TESjI\E .%EGIO34L RET.411 leg PluaCmmo Real R.+L UHlTED VLLTI FCVILY RESIDE3TLU ZOXT Rs REGIO54L :ER\lCE 1 RD-H RLSIDEhTLU DE>Slm HIGH ZOLE C l.O\lVL~lT7 COWVERCUL RVHP RESIDESTLU VOBILE HOME PUU: LO\€ \i XEIGHBORHOOD COVVERCL4L R.P RESIDEhTLU PR0FESSIOX.U LO3E I> PROFE[.>IO'.AL RELIED RW RESIDE>TLU U4TERWt ZO\E CBD CE>TRRIL BL5ISESS DISTRICT PI PLC'.XED I>DLSfRL\L G GOC3L\\lENT F.4CILITIIEs L PL BLlC L TUTIES RC RECRL4TIO> COHYERCLU TS TWEL 'ER~ICES covvEacL+L PJ RESIDE3llU TOC RlST ZOXE City of I COMMfRClAL 0 OWICELU3E C-I XEIGHBOPHOOD C0WHERCI.U ZOSE C-2 GL\€IUL COYMERCLU ZO\E C-T COM.WERCLU.TOLRlSTZO>E C-H HUbT COMMERCLU.U\lITED L\DLSTRLU ZOhE P.W PLLWTD LXDLSTRLU ZOLT SCHOOLS E ELEZIE>TIRY J JC\IOR HIGH H HIGH KHOOL H LWLSTRW zo3-E P PRl\4TE F.P FLCQDPLU% O\ERL\Y ZOSE Orn€R OS UPEL rP\CE XRR 5OX R€>IDESTLIL USER\+ L.C LLWITED CO>TROL OS OPEY SP.4CE P.C RBUC Lnun LOXT r CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 c t x \J\ EXHIB JULY 1 9 GPA/LU From RM To RC ‘5 f ZC From RDM to WT AGUA HEDIOND I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I Fa ccju rlE>Sln Io- I 5 > RLH LOU-\IEDIL\I DE>>ln r0.i) %\I VEDIL \I DE\:Il7 , i mi LVH MEDII \I HIGH OE>%iTY 18. 15) W HILH ?E\%lTYr 15.231 COMMERCIAL RRI !ST?\.i\E ~€G~O\IL RET4IL 1c.q Pluac‘mtno Real) RRE E\Z‘..i\E K€tiIO\+L UT.4lL1cg Clr Cduntrr iulsbrdl RDW WIDE>TLU 3ES1IF \lCL7PLE ZO\E 4 RtSIDlNTlAL RISIDINTIAL P C PL\\-€D COIM(C\li7 ZO\E R..4 R€SIDE>lTU +tiRIC:lTl RU ZO\E R E RL FLU XESDE\nU 5TIE LO\E R I OS+ FCVILt RESIDE>TLIL .LO\€ R L XO.FC\IIL? RESIDE.\llU LO\€ R ‘ Ut LnPE FlWlLY mIDE>TLU ZOIT R ‘L L\lITfD \(I LTI F\%IlLl RLclDE>TLU LO\E U REG. \+L >ERVCE I: LO\I\jl-\in COWWERCL4L \ \EItiHSURHUUD CO\lVERCL4L TS lX.4iEL .iR\I(-ESCOWVERCL+L I) PRUFE??IO\+L RELIED PI PLc\\ED I\DCjlRLIL ti c;OrER\\IE\TFIC!LITIES 1 PlBLlC ’ ELITIES RG H RESIDE>TLU DESSll7 HIGH LU\E R P STSIDE\l”U PROWIO\U ZO>E RV R€SIDL\TLU U4TERU41 ZO\E City of I RWHP WlDE>T.U \IOBILE HUWE PMLOIT . iTT R&SIDE>TLU ?OCRISTZO>E C80 CE>TR+L 9I\I\ES> DlSTRlCT COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEZO\E C I \€IGHBORHOOD COYMER( LU ZOhE RC RECRL<T’O\ COWVEIICL+L C 2 CLI;ERU COWERCLU ZO\E CT COW.WERCLUTOLRLSTZO%E SCHOOlS E ELEIIE’. td\ H HIGH v IJUL I II\IUR ,H P.Y PLc\\ED LWX5TRl.U LO+ P PRl\4i? C M HL4bT CO.MMEKLU LIHITED L\DlSTRlU ZO\E W L\DCSTlllhL LO\T OTHER $)> c)PE.\ *PI( E F-P FLWOPL\L% ObTRI\Y ZO>E LC UWIlTD COSTROL OS OPE\ :PKE P.C PLBUC LTlUlY ZO>T GPA/LU \RR \O\ RL?IDE\TL\L U,ER\E I I I ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~- ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD r-zC-34 C EXHIB I JULY 1 GENERAL PLAN ZONING i RESIDLNTIAL RLV LOU.\IEDII .\I DE\Zll7’10.+) RUti IIEDII \I HI<;H DE\SID[8.I)) RL LOU DE>5ID 10. I 5 1 RU \lEDllU DE\,ITi(r.nl RH HILH DE\\llY I 15.2! I COMMtRClAL , RRI I\TE.\CI\ E -IECIIOU<L RET.411 lcq PIua C~rnlno Real j RRE ESTE\?;I\E REtilOU.4L RETAIL(cg Cu Counrrv Cxlsbad) Rs REGIO\4L >ER\7CE (: l.OUU( \I17 LO,W.VERCL\L V \EIGHBORHOOD( U\I\IERCL+L t) PRVFE5rlO>.\L RELlrED rs TR~\EL.ER\.ICESCOV\IERCL~L CBD CE\TR\L BLSI\ES DISTUCT PI PLC\\ED I\DCSTRLIL ti (;C)LER\\IE>T F4CILITlES L PI BLIC LTILITIES ~~~ ~- RC REC-RL\TIOS CO.V>IERCL\L SCHOOLS E ELE\IE.STIRY H HlCH VHOUL J JL.\I(?R HIGH P PRI\4T€ \RR \<)\ R€>IL)E>TIIL RESERVE OS OPE\ ‘PKE P.C PLCk3ED C0.UWSITI’ZOYE R.4 RFhIDE\TL4L {GRICLLTI R.4L 7I>YF R€SID€NTIAL RVHP RESIDE>TLU \1OBILE HOME P,&LO>€ R P FSlDESTL4L PROFESSlO\%L ZOhF RT RESIDE>TLU TOI.RIST ZO\E RU fLESIDE.\TLU ‘.L4TERUU ZO\E 0 OWICELu\€ COMMERCIAL C- I SEICHBORHOOD C0UHERCI.U ZOSE C.2 GFS€RU COWMERCLU ZO\E C T COrtEUCLU TOLRlhT ZO>E C,M Hf\bY CO!4>lfRCLU-U\1ITED L’rDLSTRLU ZO\E P.M PLL\%ED L\DCSTRLU ZO+ .W LXDLSTRlhl ZO\€ OTHER L C UVITED COSTROL F-P ROODPLUY O\€+RLIY ZOSE OS (>PEN SPKE P-c PLBUC Lnun zo\x ~~~~ ~ ~”_ - R.E RLRU RLIDE\TLU EST.\TE ZOSE R-I O\E FCVILY K%IDE\TL\L ZO\€ R L NO.FCMILY RE3SiDEZnU LOSE R- 1 111 LTlPLE FOIILY RE(IDESTLU ZO\T RD-U RESIDE\nU DE\\ITI VLLTlPLE ZO\E RD H RESIDE\TLU DE\clTI-HIGH LO\F R-?L LLVITED ‘ILLTI FCWL> RESIDE>TLU ZOSE 4 I City of [ b CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 4# I v - EXHIBIT 'EE' - - ". GPA/LU . zc " ._ J U.LY. -1 4 v . ' ""- "". ""_. _" . 1986 ~~____~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ iNERAL PLAN ZONING RtSlDlNTlAL LOU..VEDIC!4 DENSITY(0-4) LOUDESSITY(0.I 5) MEDIlSt DESSITY(4.M) >IEDILSI HIGH DENSITI(8-15) HIGH DESSIlY( 15.25) COMMERCIAL ISTES41\+ RECIONAL RETAIL leg. ESTE.SijlVE REGIOSAL UTAIL(cg REGir)SAL SERWCE CO~I~IlSITICO.HMERCL4L SEIGHEORHOOD COVMERCUL TR4VEL JERVICES COMMERCL4L CESTRIL BLSISESS DISTRICT PROFESSIOSAL REL4TED PLLXSED ISDCSTRIAL GO\€RV\IENT F.4CILITlES PL'BLIC 1 TlLlTlES REcwtrmN CO.WIERCIAL SCHOOLS JLSIOR :.IGH ELE.\IE.X ' tRY HIGH 3 !iOOL OPES IP.\CE pRI\:4TE SOS RT5IDENTLIL RESERIZ P.C PIAhh+D COMMLNTY ZONE R.A RESlDENTlALAGRICLZrCRAL ZONE RtSIDtNTIAL R.E RCRU RESIDESTLU Gf4TE ZONE R.1 OhZ.F.LMILY RESIDEhTLU ZONE R.2 TWO-F.LWLY RESIDEVTUL ZONE R.) 5wnPE F.LWLY FESIDENTUL ZONE Plaza Camino Real I , Cu Coun~r)'CulsbrJ) RD.M RESIDEl'iTW DESSITY~MCLTlPLE ZOKE R.5L LLWTED MULTI.F.LVILY RESIDESTL4l ZOhT RD.H RES1DEYIl.U DESSITY.HIGH ZONE R.P RESIDENTLU PRONSIONAL ZONE RT RESIDE3TLUTOCRlST ZONE RW RESIDEYTLU WATERWAY ZOSE RHHP RESiDE.'TLU MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhT COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEZONE C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD CO.V(YERCLU ZONE C.2 GENERAL COMMERCLU ZOSE C.T CO.H.WERCW.TOCRLSTZO1';E C.M HEAW COM.\IERCLU~UHITED IhmCSTF3.U ZONE P.M PWNED IhDCSTRLU ZONE ~ ... ._ . .H INDCSTRMLZONE OTHER F.P FLOODPLUN OVERLAY ZONE L.C UWTED CONTROL OS OPB SPACE P.U PL'BUC LTIUTY ZOhZ - . . . . . . 4 City of Carlsbad . GPA,/LU' 86-8 .. . . " - - . . . . . . . . I izc-347 ~ _.._ I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Y I I EXHlB JULY 1 GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL RL LOU DE\S117’ IO. I < I RM VEDIL \I DE\\ITY ( +.HI RH HIGH DE\<ITYI 15.231 COMMERCIAL R.1 \l[ LTlPLF. F.<\llLY RLqIDESTLU ZO.\T RRI :>TE\<I\E ~4EGIOS4LRET.IILIcg PluaCarnmoRcall R-!L U\lITED VLLn FCVIL’I REIDE>TLU ZO>€ RRE EXTEh,I\E ilECIO\AL RET.4IL tcg Cu Countn. Crrlrbad) RD-V F&IDE>TLU DE>kITl WLLTlPLE ZO\E RESIDENTIAL RLV LOU.\IEDII \l DE>SIn’IU.+) R\lH \lEDII \I tiltiti DEhSITY 18. 13) P.C: PLC\SED (:O.WlL31R ZOUE R.4 IWIDESTLIL GRICLLlT RM ZOUE R-E RL RU F&[DE>TLU &T.\TE X>\& R 2 T*O-FC\IILY FESlDE>lTU ZU.%E R. I O\E F.uw wIDELnu ZO\T R5 RECIO\IL :ER\.ICE 4 c LO\I\IL\~~ KO.VHERCLIL RWHP RESIDE>TLU XIOBILE %OWE P.uu ZO\T RD-H RESIDE>TLU DE>qITl HIGH LO\€ U UEIGHBORHOOD CO\t\IE?CL4L R-P FESIDESTLU PROFESlOXU ZOSF TS TRI~EL -ER\ ICES COr(\lEK(:L4L RT RESIDE>lTUTOl.RlSTZO>E 0 PROFE5>11)\4L REL\ED RU’ RLlDE~lXU‘.&4llRU4YZO>E City of C CBD CE\TRIL BLSIESZ DISTRICT PI PL4.\\ED I\DLjmL\L G ~;IJ~ER‘i~lE>TF4(:ILl~ES C PI BLlC I TILITIES RC RE<.MITIOS CO.W>iERCL\L COMMERCIAL 0 OFFlCELu\€ C-I \EIGHBORHOOD CO\IVERCI.UZO?iE C-2 GL\ERU COWMERCLU ZO\E C T COMMERCLU TOCRI5T ZOhE SCHOOLS c.W HL9\.7 C04(~1ERCLU.~U~lI~D L\QlSTR11l. ZOJE E ELEUE\TiRY H HIGH KHOOL J JL \i<>R tllGH H L-.7xsmu zo.4 P-.M PL.L\’S€D LXDLSW ZOhT P PRIX4l-E F.P KOODPLUV O\.+RLIY ZOXE OTHER OF OPES \PICE L.C LLVIfED CO\lROL \RR \U\ RE>IUE>TI.\L RESER\E OS OPLV iP.ICE P-u nauc Lnum ZO~T I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-34 L I I - EXHIB JULY 1 FROM UA HEDIONDA LAGOON r GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RESIDENTIAL RL LOW DE.4SIR (0. I 5 ) RV >lEDIC\l DESSIlY(4.8) RH HICH DESTITI( 15.2)) COMMERCIAL RRI ISTESSIVE HECIOS.4L RET.\IL (cg. Plua Carnmo Red) RRE ESTEhjIVT REGIOSAL RET.4IL (cg. Car Count? Carisbad) RD.M RESIDE>ll.U OESSIT7:VCLTlPLE ZO\E RESIDENTIAL RLV LOU+IEDILM OESSIT7’(0.+) RVH VEDIK.V HICH DENSIR(8.15) P.C PLWYED CO.VMLWlY ZONE R.E RL RU RESIDE3TLU EXATE ZOM R.1 ONE.F.4VILY FSIDESTLU ZOM R.? VLLIlPLE F.&HILY E5IOENIZU ZO3T R4 RESIOEMUL .+GmccLn RAL ZONE R.Z WO.F.LWLY RESIDE\TLU ZONE R-3L ILVITED .~lCLTl~FI\~IL~RESIOE.4TLU ZONE IG RIGIOSAL >ER\lCE il C CO~llllNln’COM~ERCUL RD.H RESI0EXl.U DENSIPi.HIGH LOSE TS TR4LEL >ERVICES COM>IERCL+L 0 PROFESSIONAL RELUED RW RESIOESnU UATERUAY ZOhE City of I CBD CEVTR3L ECSINESS OlSTRlCT PI PLLVhED ISOLSTRL4L C GO\ER\\IEST F4CILITlES U PI. ELlC L TlLlTIE5 KC RECRL4TION COYMERCLIL RWHP fUIDEZTLU MOBILE HOME P.W ZO?.T S .\EIGHBORHUOD CU\I\IERCL\L R-P P.ZSIDEh7l.U PRONSIOSM ZOhE RT RESIOEYr’LU TOCRIST ZOSE COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICELO?Z C. I XTIGHEORHOOD C0.VMERCI.U ZOSE C.2 CL\TRU COMMERCLU ZOSE C.T COMMERCLU-TOCRIST ZOhE SCHOOLS E ELE.VEhT.4RY J JCSIOR HIGH H HIGH \CHOOL P PRI1.4TE C.M H€Y CO!4!dERCLU-LL\tITEO L\DLSTRLU ZONE P.M PUWTD VrDCSTRuL ZOhT .H LXDC5TRuL ZOhT OTHER 05 OPES L;P.KE F-P ROOOPLUN OV€RLIY ZONE SFSi SOS RESIDEXTL4L RESERVE L.C LLVITED COmOL OS OPE3 SPACE P-U PLBUC LTIUTY Z03T I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-3 L I 1 w ~ EXHIE JULY GENERAL PLAN ZONING RlSlDENTlAL Rl LOW DE\SITY I n- I %I RlSlblNtlAL RLvl LOU.~lEDll.~i DE>SIT7-(0..+) P-C PLCSYED CO.M.WLTIT( ZO>T RM \lEDIL \I DE\SITY I +.a I R..A RESIDE>Tu.+GRICLLnw ZO>T RH HIGH DE>W”( 15.25) COMMIRCIAL MI I>TE>SI\ E dECIOSAL RET.4IL (cg Plua Carnlno Real) RIG ESTE%n.+ RECIOxAL RET.4IL (cg. Car Count? Carlrbad) RD-W RESIDE>nU DL\SIn w(cLnpI+ ZOSE P5 REGIOS4L \ERtlCE RD.H RESIDE.3TLU DENSIlT HlCH ZO>E 4 C (.U\l\iLSlnCO,W.WERCL~L V SEIGHBORHOOD CU\l\IERCL\L TS TROEL \ER\ICES COH\IERCL\L R.P RESIDE>TLU PRONSIOsU ZOSE 0 PRUFEC5105.4L REL\ED fW RESIDE>TU UAERUA\-ZO\E City of C FX RESIDES7TU TOLRIST ZOSE CBD CESTRIL BCSISESS DlSrrUCT PI PLC\SED ISDCSX4L COMMERCIAL ti C,O!€RYVE>T F.\CILITIES U Pl BLIC L TlLITlES c.1 3~+IGHBORn00DCOWHERCLUZOSE RC RECRL4TIOS COM3IERCLU RVH \IEDIl \I HlCH DENSITY(B.I~) R.E Rl RU RESIDE3ll-U UT\E ZOSE R-I OXI+.F.L~IILY RESIDE\TL\L ZOhT R-2 NO-FCIIILY RLsIDL\nU 20,- R.! \IC Lnpu F.CMILY RESIDEWI.U ZO~T R.~L LLMITED .\ILLTI F.CWLY RESIDEMIU ZO>.+ RWHP RESIDESTLU .MOBILE Ho.ME PW ZO>Z 0 OFFICE2O>€ c.2 GEpiEW COHMERCLU ZV\E C.T COM.WERCLU.TOLRISTZO\E SCHOOLS c..W ~~~WCO.M.MERCLU-U\lI~ED L\DLmu ZOSE E ELE.\lEST\RY I Jl >IUR HICH H HlCH ‘.CHOOL P PN\4T€ W L\DCSTRLU 20% P-M PLWNTD ViDCSTFZU. ZO3T F.P FLOODPLUN O\TRL\Y Z08E L.C LLWIfED CO3mOL OS OPW SPACE P.L‘ FIBUC LTIUTY ZO\T OTHER OS OPES SP4CE YRR >US RE>IDESTL\L RESER\‘E > zc-34 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1- EXHlBl I JULY I R- AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON r GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL RL ?LU 3Eh'ITY' 81 : c ' %H \!EDIL \l 3E\\IP , 4 e I iu1 HIGE 3,C>*ITyr I5 2% COMMERCIAL RRI ,\T?\-i\ i , E'~iti\+L X€TtlL (ea P!za C~rnmo Real I R-.L -VI;ED ULiil FC\l!L? iLL'IGE.\T-u LO\E RRE f\;lT\rl'.F '.,EGllj\4L WT.+IL ,cg Cu Cuunln 1:AIISblJ) iU-V F&iGE.\lTU 3Eh.11 \ll.LnPii ZI ,\E RESIOENTIAL RL'1 iUU-\IEGII il 3E.\:ii7 IO.+) RVH \IEDI[ $1 ci!LH DE\\lTl 18-13) P.C PLc\\ED (:O.\l.VL~177 ZOUE R.+ WIDEhTLU tGiUCLL3 R4L LII\E R E .QL RU RDIDE\KU %TIE ZO\E R I <>\E F4\IIL'r RLTiDE\T.Ii LO\E R 2 NO F4\llL> =iDE.\i=U iO\E R ' VI LTPLE FC\lIL> QEGIDE\TLU ZG\E 32 SE~.;LO\\L-EI\iCE i! RD H RESlOE>TkU DE.\\i> HIGH LO\E \ \E!CHBI IRI-OOD ( O\l\IEPCLtL R P .W!DESnU PROFEVIO\~L :O\F TS TRtrEL.ERrI('ESCUH\(E-I( LtL RT RSiOE71U 701 iCT ZO\E I) PROFE~~Io\%~ REL\ED R'J' RCliDE.\TUP+TTRUt> ZO\E City of C 590 (.E\TR%L 31 >[\E>> Oi5TRlCT PI PLC\\ED l\Di.jTUti G r,l,\ER\\lE~TF~L:L~~Es C PL BLIC : 7:L:TlF> ilC REf.ilLtTIO\ CO\l>lERCL\L (1 I -,v\tL\Ir (.I)UVERCL$L RVHP PE?iiDE>KU \Il;BIZ IUVE 9% ,'(,\E COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICE:,\€ C I \EIGHBURHOOD C@\lHER( :.UZOVE c-2 GL\€RU COH.VERCLU ZU\E C T COHHERCLU TOL!UT ZO\E C .M HL1kY COHlERCLU WtITED I>DD( STRLU ZO\E SCHOOLS E ELEZIEhTrRt H L\llLSTRLU ZO\E i !I \[OR ttlLH P H PLC\?€D L\DCSTRLU ZO>€ 3 HIGH ?1-5m)L P PN147. OTHER F.P FLGODPLU\ O\'ERL*\ ZGxE OS OP€S IP+CE \RR \(I\ ?.€.IDE.\TI.tL RE.ERIE ,)i I>PE\ .P*( E L c LI..IITEO COSrROL P-C F'LEUC LTUD ZO\€ I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-34 k I /I w * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ 21 I 2o I II 22 11 23 24 25 26 27 I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2586 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C1 CAKLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AI! AMENDMENT TO THE CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PLAN TO 1 DESIGNATIONS ON THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM, GENERl MAP AND ZONING MAP INTO CONFORMANCE ON PROPERTY I THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: LCPA 86-1 WHEREAS, Calfornia State law requires that the Lc Coastal Plan, General Plan and Zoning designations for prc in the Coastal Zone be in conformance; WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment Local Coastal Plan designations for certain property lLocal shown on Exhibits !!F!l, !!GI#, "I11, IfJ!', "K", !lull, 11Vl1, IlWIl, 11~''-''~~'' , dated July 14, 1986, and Exhibits "N", "N-1" a~ dated August 5, 1986, attached and incorporated herein, 1 filed with the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a for amendment as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Munj Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 30th July, 1986 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribc to consider the proposed Local Coastal Plan Amendments shc Exhibit llG!l, l!I!l, r!Ktf, !IW11 , "Y", IIAA'I-IIDD1', dated July 14 and ; I i I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 13th August, 1986 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescr: law to consider the Local Coastal Plan Amendments as show1 I Exhibits "F" , ''J'', "U" , "EE" , dated July 14, 1986, and Ex1 and "N-1" dated August 5, 1986; and 28 I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 13tt day of August, 1986, hold a duly noticed public hearing L prescribed by law to consider the Local Coastal Plan Amer shown on Exhibit "MM" dated August 5, 1986; and WHEREAS, at said public hearings, upon hearing E considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all F desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact relating to the Local Coastal Plan Amendment. WHEREAS, State Coastal Guidelines requires a. six public review period for any amendment to the Local Coast Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Pla Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. €3) That based on the evidence presented at the public h the Commission recommends APPROVAL of LCPA 86-1, as "EE", dated July 14, 1986, and Exhibits "N", "N-1" a dated August 5, 1986, attached hereto and made a par based on the following findings: Exhibits l!Fll, IIG11, !!Ill, IIJn ,llKll, flUll, l!V!l, llW11, Ily81, C) At the end of the State mandated six week review per starting on July 30, 1986 and ending on September 10 staff shall present to the City Council a summary of comments received. Findings : 1) The proposed changes to the designations on the Loca Plan accurately represent existing land use patterns subject properties for the reasons stated in the att staff report. 24 25 26 27 I1 I 2) The proposed changes to the designations on the Loca Plan will allow the subject properties to develop in accordance with their existing General Plan designat. detailed in the attached staff report. //// PC RES0 NO. 2586 -2- 28 e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ll 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~ 26 27 /I 28 ~ 3) The recommended Local Coastal Plan Amendments to brir Coastal Plan designations into conformance with the ( General Plan are exempt from environmental review pel 1526581 of the California Environmental Quality Act. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, 1 the 27th day of August, 1986, by the following vote, to w: AYES : Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners: Mal Schramm and Hall. NOES : Commissioners: McFadden and Holmes O ABSENT: Commissioner McBane. ABSTAIN: None. ATTEST : CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER 9 Chc CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMI! MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER PLANNING DIKECTOR PC RESO NO. 2586 1 1 -3 - - L 1L EXHlBl JULY I .. CPA From OS T GPA/LU Frpm RRI TO 0s ' zc C-2-Q To 0s j I, -... ,( r, GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLU RII H RW RH RRI RRE Rs c v TS 0 CBD PI C RC u E J P OS SRR RESIDENTIAL LOU DEhSITY (0- I 5 I LOU'\IEDIL>l DESSln'(O.+) WED1L.W DESSIlY(4.8) WEDIKW HIGH DENSIR(8-15) HIGH DESSIT(( 15.23) COMMERCIAL INTE\'I\E REGIONAL RET.AIL ICR Plua Cmmo Rczl) EXTE>>I\T REGIOSAL RET.4IL (cg Cu Count- Czrlrbad) CO\I\ILVIT(CO.W.WERCLIL EGi\)VAL JERblCE SEIGHBORHOOD COIlIlERCLAL TR4\EL>ERYICES COMNERCL4L CESTRIL BLSINESS DISTMCT PROFESSIOSAL RELITED PLLVSED ISDCSTRL4L GOIXRVI1EST FACILITIES PL BLlC 1 TILlTlES RECRE.Ii!ON CV.W.WERCLAL SCHOOLS JI'SIOR .(bH ELEZIEX' \HI HIGH Y .tOOL PRIV4T-i OPES >P.KE SOS REIDESTL4L RESERVE P.C R. A R.E R- 1 R. 2 R. 3 RD. M 8- 3L RUHP RD. H R- P In RW 0 c- I c. 2 c T CA P.m .U L. c F. P P-U os RESIDENTIAL PL&\>€D CV.W.WLSIlY ZOhT RES1DEhTL.U .AGRICLlTRM ZONE OhZ-F.4.WlLY RESIDE3T.U ZOhT RLR4L RESIDEITLU E.ST.4TE ZOSE lWO.F.LWILY RESIDEVTKL ZONE WIDE3TLU DESSIn.WCLTiPLE ZONE LLWITED 1LLTTF.4.WILY RESIDEhTLU ZOKE ESIDE3TL.U DESSIm.HICH ZONE RESIDEITLU .\lOBIE HOHE P.W ZO%T RESIDESTLU PROFESSIOSAL ZOhT RESIDE3TL.U TOCRIST ZONE WIDE3T.U K4TERUAY ZONE COMMERCIAL OFFICE 20% SEIGHEORHOOD COW.WERCLU ZONE GENERAL COMMERCLU ZOXE COMMERCIAITOLRISTZOZIE HUC'Y COWERCLU.UMITED L4DLSlRLU wmpm FLUILY RESIDEWLM ZO~T INDCSrRLAL ZOhT PUWED LhDLSTRIALZOhT, OTHER FLOODPLUN OVERUY ZONE LLUITED CONrROL OPEN SP.4CE PLBUC LTIUTY ZOhX ZONE 4 Gity of C GPA/LU zc-34 t I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 ~ ~~~- I I EXHIE JULY From RLM To BUENA VISTA GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL nul RVH VEDIlV HlGHDE35ITYlB~I3I RH RH HIGH DE\SIT((L5-21i RRI I>~E\~I~EREtiIOU~LRET.~ILIcg.Plu;lCun~noRc~l) RRE ESE.\.IVE REGIO\4L RET.4IL (cg Cu Countm Cullbad) COMMERCIAL Rs REG,\ \\L>ERVICE C COZl\ll\I~COHHERCL\L \ \EItiHBURHOUD COVVERCL4L TS TiMEL 'ERbICESCOHIIERCL4L 0 PROFE?>IO\4L REL\rED CBD CEYTRIL 81 >iYf% DISllUCT PI PLCY\ED I\DLSTRL\L G L RC E I P 11s \RR RfSlDtNTIAL LOU OE>SIlY I 0- I 5 I LOU-VEDICV DE~sllT(o.+) VEDIC \I DE>SIm (4.8 1 GO\€R\VE>T F.\CILI?lES PLBLlC I TILITIES RECF.€+i!i?\ CO.W>IERCIAL SCHOOLS ,IL>IOR bH ELEVE'. \XY HIGH *< r WL PRn 4IT OPE3 'P4C.E \Ox U>IDESTL\L RE)ER\E P.C PL4SXD COV.HLSllY ZOSE &.\ RESIDE>nU I<(;RICLLTiRU ZO\E RISIDLNTIAL R-E RLRUWIDETLU EST4T'E 70\F -~~ ~ ~ -~~~ ~~~ "". - R-l U?r€-F.4VlLY R€5IDE\TLU LO%€ R 2 N'O-FCIlIL\ RESIDE\lI.U LO\€ R. I VI Lnpu FCHILY FZSDE~TAL zox R-4L LLVITED \ILLTI FlVILt RESIDE>TLU LOSE RD.M R€SIDE\nU DE>5in ~L~PLE ZO\E RD.H WIDE>TLU DE\clF HIGH 70\F RHHP RBIDEhTLU ;loBlLE HUGE i&-ZO>€ R P RBIDESTLU PROFSJIO\U LO>T RW rnmsnu~~mu~~ LO\E RT RfSDEhTLU TO1 RlST ZOhE COMMERCIAL 0 OFFKEZO\Z ~~~ ~ C- I VEIGHBORHOOD C0H.HERCLU ZOhE C.2 GLWX4L COWWERCLU ZO\E CT CO.V.HERCLUTOLRISTZO\E C M HE.\\Y CO.VMERCLU UHITED LXlJCSlTUU ZO>E H L4DL S'IRLII ZOIT P..M PLk\\ED L,DLSTUU ZOSE OTHER L-C UWITED CO5TROL F.P ~00CPLIL.i 0\Tlu\Y ZOSE P.C PLBUC LTUTI ZO>€ OS OPE% >P.\CE 4 [;itv of I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 -LCPA t i I - EXHlE F/ JULY wm RH To RMH/O BUENA VISTA' GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLU RV H RU RH RRI RRE Rs 1: \ rs 0 CED PI G c RC E J P OS \RR RISIDIHTIAL LOW DE\SIT~ 10- I 5, LOU.\IEDIL\I DE>)ITY(O-+) YEDIl U DES5Im I i #I VEDilY HIGH D€3SIlT(&lll HIGH DE\SIT( ( 15 231 COMMERCIAL ISTE\'IIE REtiIOV4L R€T.\IL I cg. Plaza Cmmo Real) EXE\-l\€ FSGIO\*L RET.4lLtcg CuCounrn CulsQad) REG;, \ <L >ER\.ICE CO\l\lL \In COH.HERCL4L \ElGH90RHOODCO\lHERCL~L TFL~LEL 'ER\.ICES COUMERCL+L CELTRtL BL515E55 Dl5TRICT PROFE>,lO\hL RELtrED GO\.€P.\UE\T F\C:LlTIES PLC\\ED l\DLSlRL\L PL ELlC : KLITIES RECRE+:!f>\ COVUERCUL SCHOOLS ELEZIE', \h'i JLXIOR <,ti HIGH -1 :<WL PRI\4TE OPE\ *P*(.E \O.\ RT>IDE\TL<L REhERVE P-C R.A R-E R. I R1 R- 4 R. 'L RD- H RDH RU KP RP RT RW 0 c- I C-2 CT CH H P- M F. P L-c os P.C RISIDINTIAL PL<\%€D COHYL~IN ZOVE RESIDE>TLU .t(iRICL L?l RU ZO\E O\T.FL\IIL\ RESIDEJTLU ZOAT RC RU RESIDE\TLU iST<TE LO\€ UI LllPLE FCUlLY !WIDE\TLU ZO>€ RESIDE>TLU DE>cll7 ULLTIPLE ZO\E RESIDEhTLU MOBILE HO.HE PWKZOh€ RESIDESTLU DE\SIn HIGH ZO\E RESIDESTLU PRO~lO\U ZO\T RESIDL\TLU TO1 Rl5T ZOIE RESIDEITLU UATERU4t ZO\E FXO-FCIIIL> RESiDE.\riU LO\€ UVITED ULL~ FCUILY WIDESTLU ZO\Y omcE ZO~X COMMERCIAL GE\€RM COH.HERCLU LO\€ \TIGHBORHOOD COU.HERCLU ZOhE CO.H.UERCLUTOLIUSTLO\E HUkY CO.H.HERCLU UYITED LIDLSTRLU LO\€ LVDLS"RLu ZO>€ PL<\\ED L\DCSTRLU ZOhT OTUER FLWDPLUX OvERLtY ZOSE UHIED COPITROL OPE3 \P.\CE PLBUC LTLITT ?.Oh€ 4 City of I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 ~LCPA E I - GPA/LU zc L CPA c EXHlBl From RM/OS To RL/OS--;,- JULY 1 From RA TO OS &.~-l~L~O GENERAL PLAN (ZONING) I RL RLM RV H RW RH RRI f7RE fu C x TS 0 CBD PI G u RC E J P OS SRR RtSlDtNTlAL LOWDEYWY(0.I 5) LOU.\IEDIC~~*DENSIPI.(O..O .MEDIC31 DESSITY(4.8) MEDII >1 HIGH DENSITY (8.15) HIGH DESSITYf 15.23) COMMERCIAL ISTEWIVE REGIONAL RET.4IL (eg. REGit)V.\L SERVICE CO\l~lLS1~CO.MMERCL4L SEIGHBORHOOD COWIERCUL %\EL >ER\.ICES COM>IERCIAL PROFESSIOSAL UUED CESTR\L BCSISESS DISTRICT PLCVhED ISDUSTRL4L CO\€RY>IENT F.4CILITlES EXTE>jIvE REGIOSAL RETAIL (cg. Plaza Camno Real) Cu County Carlsbad) PLBLIC 1 TILITIES RECIEEITION COMMERCIAL ~ ~~ " SCHOOLS JI'SIOR :.IGH ELEMEX' IHY HIGH >( itOOL PRJV4TE OPES CPKE SOS RESDENTLIL RESEW€ P-c R.A R. E R. I R. 2 R. 3 RD. .U R- 3L RUHP RD- H R- P RW RT c. I 0 c. 2 C-M C .T P.M M L-C F- P P-L' os RLSID€NTIAL PUP.SED CO.UMLSlN ZONE Oh€-F.L\lILY RESIDEN-LUZONE RLRU RESIDEhTLU F5T4TE ZONE TUD.F.<IIILY RESIDEXLUZOM LLWTED .WLLTLF.LVILY RESIDE>TLAL ZOh€ RESIDEhTLU .\lOBILE HO.ME P.W ZOhT RESIDESTLU DESSIPI..HIGH ZONE RESIDEhTLU TOCRJST ZONE WIDESTLU PROrrSSIONM ZOh€ RESIDESrLU UATERU,\Y ZOhE COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZOlrT NEIGHBORHOOD CO.MMERCLU ZONE GENERAL COM.MERCLU ZOXE COMMERCLU-TOLRJST ZOhE H€Y CO.X>fERCLU.UWITED LDUSTRLU ZOFiE LWCSTRW 20h-E PMSED IlrDCSTRLU ZONE RESIDEMTU.M;IUCLI~RAL ZONE >unPLE F.LWLY RESIDEXTML ZONE REIDENXU DESSIIY\\II'LTIPLE ZONE OTHER FLOODPLUN O>TRL\Y ZOSE LLWITED CONTROL OPE3 SP.4CE PLBUC LTIUTY ZO?;E 4 City of C GPA/LU zc-34 I I L I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 I I 0 - 0 EXHlBl JULY 1 From Rt I. GENERAL PLAN ZONING RJ. LOW DEhSiTY ( 0- I 5 ) RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RL'4 L0W.VEDIU.M DENSITY(0.t) RH HIGH DESSITY Il5.23) RRI ISTES'I\+ REtilONALRETAIL (cg. Plva Cmmo Rcai) R-3L LLWITED MLLTLF.4WLY RESIDE\TLU ZONE RRE EXTES\WE REGIOSAL RETAIL rcg. Cu Countm Carisbad) W3.H RESIDEhTLU D€VSIT".ML-LTIPLE ZONE 4 PC PL4kYED COMYL?iIlY ZONE R.A RESIDE?;TLU.+GFUCLTTRU ZOSE R-E RCRU RESIDESTLU EST.4TE ZONE R-l OSFF.4V[LY RESID€\TLU ZOM R-2 lWOo-F.LMiLY RESIDES~~ALZO~€ RM .VEDIL.W DESSITY(t.8) RVH MEDIC.\I HIGH DENSITY(8.15) COMMERCIAL R.? .\fcLnpLE F.LWLY RESIDEP.~ ZO~Z R5 REGi<,S.+LSERVICE C COJI\tlSITYCO~IMERCL4L zi SEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL T5 TRAVEL >ERVICES COMMERCIAL 0 PROFESSIONAL RELATED RW RESIDL\TLU WATERWAY ZOSE CBD CENTR4L BLSINESS DISTRICT PI PLCXSED INDUSTRIAL ti GObTRU1ENT F.4CILITlES W3.H RESIDEh77.U DENSIlYHIGH ZOSE R.P RESIDEh7l.U PR0FESIOS.U ZOhT RWHP RESIDEKfLU MOBILE HOME PAM ZOhT RT RESIDE."-rLU TOURIST ZOSE City of C COMMERCIAL 0 OFTICEZONE U PlBLIC 1 TlLlTlES C. I SEIGHBORHOOD COM.WERCLU ZONE RC RECRL+T!ON COMMERCIAL c.2 GENERAL COMMERCLU ZOSE SCHOOLS c.M HEAbY COMMERCLU.LL5iITED LPiiUSTRLU ZONE C-T CO.M.MERCIAL-TOCRIST ZOWE E ELEME.\ ' IKY Y LWL5TtUuZOh€ H HIGH C( 5iUOL J JLSIOR .-!GH P.M PIAAYED LhDL'KRLU ZONE P PrmATE F-P FLOODPLUP; OVERL+Y ZONE L.C UMITED CONIXOL P-U PLBUC LTLI~Y ZOXE OTHER OS OPEN '.PICE SRR SOS RE>IDENTL\L RESERbT OS OPE& 5y4CE CITY OF CARLSBAD LCPA 8 t From RM to RLM , From RMH to RLM i - - I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I Rl LOU DE>SIl7 I 0. I 5 I FLU VEDIC V DE>JlTY I +-U I RH HIGH DE>SITiI l5,2!) RRI I>Tt\'!bE RE(ilOY4L RET,4IL ( CR Plaza CMllflo RCll I COMMIRClAL RnE ESTL\~l\+ REGlo\AL RET,41L,cg CuCouncn CuirbaJ) RDW R€SIDE>TLU 3E>SlT7 HLLnPLE ZO\E RtSIDtNTIAL RISIDLNTIAL R1U LOU.VEDIC\l DE>SllTiO-+) RrtH YEDIC\I HIGH DE>SIl"lB.I3) P.C PL4.\3€D COH.HCSlR ZOSE R.4 RLSIDE>lMl \GRICLlTl RU ZOSE R-E RLRU RESIDE>TLU ET.\TE Z@>E R.1 O\€+-F.LUILY RESIDE>TLU ZO\€ R-! NO~F.Ulltl'~iDE.\TtU LUX R-'L UVITED YLLll FtVILt WiDE>TLU LOSE R * \I1 LTIPLE FCUILY RESIDE.\TLU ZO.X€ IU RLC;. \+L)ERVICE C LO\tVL>llY COHMERCLtL \ \EICHBURnOUD CO\I\IERCL\L T5 TRXEL .ER\lCES COHIlERCL+L 0 PRUFE>?.IO\4L RELtED CBD CE>m\L 91 SI\IESb DISWCT PI PLc\\ED I>DLSTRltL C GW€R\VE>T FKILITIES C PC BLlC ' TIL1T:ES RC R€CE\T!n\ CUYIIERCUL RD-H RESIDE>TLU DE3Z.IR HIGH LO\E R P RESIDE>721L PRONSIO\U LO\E RT RESIDE>TLU TOLRIST ZV\E RW RE5IDE.STLU U4iTRU4Y ZO\E RHHP RESIDE..\TLU >IOBILE HUlE PM ZO>T COMMERCIAL 0 OFFlCEZO\€ C- I sWGHBORHOOD C.0H.HERC~LU ZOSE C-2 GE\€RM COHMERCLU ZO\E C T COMHERCIAI-TOL UT ZO\E C-H H&*\? COHMERCLU LHITEED L\TJLjTRlU ZO\E scnools E ELEMEl \HY U L\DLSTRUL ZO>T I JL\IOR :,H P.H PLLIhED L~DLSTRLU ZO>T H HIGH*( .OUL P PRIX4l-i F.P FLOODPLUV O%€RI\Y ZOSE rntl OS OPE> .P*CE \RR \OX RE>IDE\TLtL RE>ERXE LC UWTED COhTROL P-C PLBUC LTIUTi ZO>€ OS OPE% 'P.4CE d City of I I - I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA E I I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING 1 RL RII H RV RH RRI RRE Rs C v Ts 0 CBD PI C RC u E an J P OS SRR RESlDfNTlAL LOW DEhSIN (0- I 5) LOW'-\IEDIL~I DENSlD(O-+) >!EDIL.\I DESSITY(+.II UEDIL \I HIGH DENSIN (8.15) HIGH DESSIlY( 15.23) COMMERCIAL R. 1 R. 2 R. 3 P.C R-A R. E ISTEWIVE REtiIONAL RET.IIL (cg Plaza Carnlno Real) R- jL EXTE\>l\T REGIOSAL RETAIL (cg Car Countn. Carlsbzd) w-.W COII\lCSINCO.H.HERCL4L RECi<)Y.\L SERVICE RD.H RUHP SEIGHBORHOOD COIIMERCUL TR4tEL >ERVICES CO.WVERCLIL PROFESIOSAL RELITED CESTR4L BCSISESS DISTRICT R- P RW RT PL4\\ED IhDLSRLIL n GO\TRV\IEST F.4CILITIES PL BLIC L TILITIES RECRE.4TION COM>IERCUL SCHOOLS ELE3IE.X ' {HY II. SlOR . IGH - c- I c.2 C.T C.M H P. M HIGHS< :t\)OL PRLV4TE F- P OPES <PICE SO5 RESDESTUL REhERVE L. c os P.U RESIDENTIAL RESIOE~;TUL .+mcLm RU ZOSE PLhVMD CO.W.HLWTY ZONE OVE.F.4MILY RESIDE>TLUZOhT RC RU RESIDEhTLU FST.4TE ZONE TU'O.F4IIILY P.€SIDESTALZOM >IC LTIPLE F.VWlLY P.€SIDE!VTIM ZOhT LL\IITED MLLTI-F.4VILY EIDE.WMLZOhT RESIDE>TLU DESSIn-YCLTIPLE ZONE RESIDE?riIl.U DESSITVHIGH ZONE RESIDE>TLU ZlOBlLE HOME P.ARK ZOhT RESIDESTLU PROFESSIONAL ZONE RESIDE3T.U TOCRlST ZONE RESIDE?\TLU UA7€RUAi'ZOSE COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZOVE %'ElGHBORHOOD CO.UMERCLU ZONE GEKERAL COMMERCLU ZO\E COM.WERCLAI-TOLRlSTZOIE H€4~~COM>IERCLU.UMITED VCDL'STRLU LWCSTFUU ZOhX PU\3ED L\DUSTRLU ZONE OTHER FLOOOPLUN OVERL4Y ZONE LLWITEO COrnOL OPGV 5P.4CE PLBUC L7lUTY ZOST ZONE il City of C GPA/LU F I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 1 I . .- - . . - , Fr I w EXHIBIT JULY 14 !'UT 8, .1 986 RD ENERAL PLAN ZONING I L LO" OEhSITY (0. I 5 I A LOU4EDICU DESSIn(0-4) RLSlDlNTlAL 4 .\lEOIC.\l OESSIlY I4.d) 1 .NEDIl\l HIGH DESSIlY(B.15) 3 HIGH OESSllYI 15,231 P.C R. A R. E R. I R. 2 COMMERCIAL 3 I>TE>W+ REtiIOS.AL RET.4IL leg. Plua Cunlno Reall R. 3L R. 4 E ESTE>)I\T RECIOSAL RETAIL ccg. Car Count. Culsbadl I0.H S REGis !S.IL SERVICE I: CO.\(\ICSITY'O.UMERCL+L I0.H RUHP Y SEICHBORHOOO COUMERCML 3 TRAVEL :ERVICES COM.UERCL+L R. P > PROFE?>IOSAL RELITED RW m D CESTR\L BLSlSfSS DISTRICT 'I PLLVSEO ISOLSTRIIL 5 GO\TRVIIEST F.4CILITIES L PC BLlC L TILITIES C RECRE.\T!OS CO.U.hlERCL4L 0 c. I c. 2 c .T SCHOOLS " E ELE.UE\ ' \RY C.M J JL'SIOR :C,H P. M .U H HItiH *4 :iklOL P PRL\Al-f, F. P 8s OPES >PICE L.C R SOS RT,IOESTLIL RESERSE os P.U RlSlDCNTlAL PL&<€D COMhLSlTY ZOSE WIOE>TL4L .UiFUCLIll'RU ZOSE RLRU WIOE\nU fiT.4TE ZOSE OhT+F,A.\IILY WIOE.\TLU ZOhT WIDEhTLU .UOBIL€ HOME P.W ZOhT WIOESTLU PROFESSIOSM ZONE WIOE>TLU TOCRLST ZONE WIOE..TN UATERW.AY ZOSE COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZO5T SEIGHBORHOOO CO.U.HERCLU ZOSE GE..TRAL CO.H.MERCLU ZOVE COMMERCIAL.TOLRlSTZOSE HEAkY COM>lERCLU.LL\(ITED LIDCSTRIU ZOSE LVDCSfRw ZOhT OTHER PhYSED LhDUSTRLU ZONE FLOUDPLU5i OVERL+Y ZONE LLWITEO CONTROL OPE% ?P.\CE PWUC cnun ZOST lU'O.FtUlLY WIDLVTLiL ZOhX LLUITEO \lCLTl.F.4\lILY WIDE3ll.U ZOiG WIDE>TLU 0ESSIn.MCLTIPLE ZOSE RESIOE>TLU OESSITI-HIGH 20% WL~PLE F.LUILY IUIDENTLU ZO~T il City of Carlsbad . m CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 I ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ 9 ~. ~ . ~~ - w w EXHIBIT 'V' . .._" JULY . . . . - . . . - "_" - PI 1 4, 1 986 ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ENERAL PLAN LOWDE>SITY(O.I <\ RlSIDtNTIAL LOU.MEDIC'>I DESSITY(0~~) \IEDIC'ZI DESSIR l4.d ) .\IEDIL'\I HIGH DESSITY(8.13) HIGH DESSllY( 13.23) COMMERCIAL I lSTEScl\€ RE(;ION.AL RETAIL I e#. Plur Camno Real) : ESTE\?IYE REGIOSAL RETAIL i cg Cu Country CarlsbaJ) i REC;.!S.\LSER\ICE : CO~I\~lSITYCOMMERCLIL i SEIGHBURHOOD COWIERCIAL i lR4VEL .ERVICES CO.U(Z(ERCLIL 1 PROFE55IOSAL MLITED 1 CESTRIL BLSISESS DISTRJCT I PLCVSED ISDCSTRLU i C.O\TRS'>IEST FACILITIES : RECR€.\:!nS CO.UMERCL4L PL'BLIC C TILLTIES SCHOOLS j ELE,\IE.*. ' \HY I JlSIOR :CtH I HIGH Y .nWL ' PIu\:IlT i OPES WKE I SOS RTIDESTLIL RESERVE ZONING I P.C R. A R. E R. I R. 2 R. 4 RD. .U R. !L RUHP RD.H R.P RT RW 0 c. I C.2 C .T C.M .U P..H L.C F. P P.C os RlSlDLNTlAL PLb\>TD COMMLXITY ZONE RESIDE>W .Iti(;RICL'LTLRU ZOSE OST. F.Ul I LY RES ID E\TLU ZO h+ RC'RU RESIDESTLIL F5T.IlT ZOSE TU'O.F.CVILY RESIDLS'TIAL LOhX \Il'LTlPLE F.CUILY REclDE.WU ZO>€ UVITED ML'LTI.F.L\lILY RESIDE>TLU ZOSE RESIDEXTLU DESSI'T7:.UL'LTlPLE ZOSE RESIDE>TLU DESSIn.HIGH ZOSE~ WIDESTLU ZIOBILE HOME P.W ZOh'E RESIDESTLU PROFESI0S.U Z05'E RESIDEhTLU TOURIST ZONE RESIDE.\TLU UATERWY ZOSE COMMERCIAL I OmCEZO3T ~ .S€IGHBORHOOD COM.UERCLU ZOSE GEV3W. CO.UMERCLU ZOSE COM.UERCLAL~TOCIUST ZOSE H€I\'Y COM.\(ERCLU~UUITED LSDCSTRLU ZOSE LVDCS~ ZOST PhVSED LhDCSTRLU ZOhT I OTHER FLOODPLU. OVEiL4Y ZOSE UUIlTD COhlROL OPES' CP.ICE PLBUC L-nunzosx I .4 City of Carlsbad . CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 rn s w -. EXHIBITlg~m/ ., . JULY 14, 1.986 From RLM to' RE ENERAL PLAN ZONING I LOW DE>SlIY IO. I % b RLSIDINTIAL LOU~\IEDlL>I DESSIn(O.+) MEDIC'\l DESSlnl +.dl >IEDIl>I HIGH DESSIIY(B.15) HIGH DESSIlYf 13.2.)) P.C R. A R. E R. I R. 2 COMMERCIAL " R. 3 , ESTE.\>IVE REGIOSAL RETAlLteg. Car Countr?. Culsbad) RDM 1STES.IVE REGIONAL RET.411 leg. Plur Cunlno Real I R. 31 , REG;\!S.IL jER\lCE , COIIZlLSITYCO.HMERCL4L RH HP RD. H SElGHBORHOODCO.\(.\(ERCLAL R.P I TR4VEL 'ERVICES CO.H>lERCL4L I PROFESSIOSAL RELIED m RW 1 CESTRIL BlSISESS DISTRICT ' PLkVSED ISDCSTRI4L I C.O\TRVZ(ESTF.4CILIllES PLBLIC 1 TILITIES RECRE.Ii!OS COY>IERClAL ELEVE .*. ' \HY JfSIOR :<;H HIGH !I :nWL scnooLs ' PRI\.AE I OPES 1P.KE , SOS R€>IDESTLIL RESER\€ 0 c. I c. 2 C .T C.M Y P. M P. P 1.c os P.C RLSIDENTIAL PLO5TD COMML3IlY ZOSE RESlDE>llN .4tiRICl'Ln'RU ZOSE OhX.F.A.\lILY RESIDE>TU ZOh'E RCRU RESIDE>TLU ST.4E LOSE .W'LllPLE F.A.WILY RESIDE.YIXU ZOXT TU'O.F.k\IILY RESIDLVTLAL ZO%€ U\lIl-ED .MLLll.F.A.~llLY RESIDEXTLU .?Oh€ RESIDE>TLU DESSIn..HCLllPLE ZOXE RESIDEXTLU DESSIR.HlGH ZOSE RESIDESTLU >lOBILE HO.HE P.UU ZOh€ RESIDEhTLU TOURIST ZONE RESIDESTLU PRONSI0S.U ZOX€ COWL RClAL RESIDE>T.U UATERUAYZOSE OmCE 20% SEIGHBORHOOD COM.HERCLU LOSE GLhTIUI COY.HERCLU ZOSE CO.H.HERCLAL~TOCRJSTZO>E HLIbY COMVERCLU~UHITEED LSDUSTRIU ZOSE LVDCSTRLU LOX€ OTHER PUVSED LhDCSTRIU ZO>Z ROODPLUV OVERLIY ZOSE UHlTED COhTROL OPLV ';P,ICE PLBUC Lnun zoxz 4 City of cartshad . fl CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 64 ". __. - . . . -, . . . .'.'.a ..*...,... ......* t.:.:O :.:.:.~.:.:.'..:.~.~... . .5~.v.**'.*.'................i. From ".. . PI - EXHIBIT JULY 14 .. . . "AAY , 1986 RD - iENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL LOU'DESSIlYIO.I.5l -U LOU:\IEDIL'5l DESSIlY(O.+) LV .\lEDIl\IDESSIlYli~d~ IH MEDIlV HIGH DESSITY (8.15) u1 HIGH DESSIlYI 13.23) UISIDENTIAL P.C R. A R. E R. I R. 2 TU ISTKY~I\T REtiIONAL RET.\IL leg. Plaza Cmmo Real) COMMERCIAL R. 3 R.?L RT ESlX\>IVE REClOSAL RETAIL tcg. Cu Country Cullbad) RDH R5 REGis!U.ILJERVlCE c CO\I\lL'YITY COHHERCLIL RUHP RD. H TS TRI\EL IERVICES COMZIERCL\L 3D CESTRRIL BLSISESS DISWCT 0 PROFESIOSAL RELITED s sEltitiaoRHoooCOZl~~~~IAL PI PLCUSED ISDL'STRL\L C GO\'ER\>IESl FACILIlIES C PLBLIC I. TILITIES RC wcu.+rms CO.USIERCIAL E ELEM€> ' \HY 1 JLSIOR :bH SCHOOLS R. P RW RT c. I 0 c.2 C.M C.1 P. M Y H HIGH >I :IOOL P PRI\ATE F. P 1.c P. c 05 OS OPES )PICE RR SOS RE>IDESTLtL RESERVE UISIDINTIAL PUV4D COMMLXllY ZONE RLSIDESTLAL .\(;RICLLll RU ZOSE RLRU WIDESLU ESl.ITE ZOSE 03€.F,LVIlY RESIDESTLU ZOhT TWO.F.L\IILY RESIDLUTLU ZOhT UVIT'ED ML'LTI.F.L\lILY RESIDESI'LU ZOhT NI'LllPLE F.CUILY RLclDE?mU ZOST RESIDESLU DESSI~~.\ILLlIPLE ZOSE RESIDESLU DESSIlY~HIGH ZUSE RESIDESTLU WJBILE HOVE P.UN LOhT RBIDESTLU PROFFSIOSAL ZOSE RESIDESTLU TOLGST ZOSE ~ ~ ~ RESIDL.TW WATERWY ZOSE COMMfUClAL OmCE ZOST GLhTRAL COYMERCLU ZOSE STIGHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZOSE COM.UERCW~lOCRlST ZOSE HEIY CO.U(MERCLU.LL\t1TED L\;DL'STRLU ZOSE LWCSTRW ZOhZ PLWSED IhDCSTRLU ZOSE OTHER FLOODPLUhi OVERLrY ZOSE LLUITED COhTROL PLBUC LTlUTY ZOST OPLV 5P.ICE il city of Carlsbad . rn CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 I 6, __"_~~~~~~~~_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_~~~"~~~~ ~ EXHIBI JULY 1 t GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOU DEh5In IO- I q \ RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RJ" LOU.\lEDIL\l DE\Sln(O-+) RVH \lEDll\l HlGHDENSITY(B.l5l P.C PLC\X€D COM>lLXlPiZO5E R..4 RESIDE\TLU \(;RICLITLRU ZOSE R.E RLRU FZSIDE\TLU EST.ITE ZOhE R-I O+.F.C\llLY RESIDE.\TLU 2033 R 2 NO.FC\IILY RESIDE\TLU LO%€ R.1 \!I LTlPLE FCWILY RLrlDEhTLU 205T RM \lEDIL \I DEhSIlY I 4-81 RH HIGH DESSITY( 15.23) RRI I\TF\.I\E REGIOSIL RET.IIL tcg Plua Camno Real) R.5L LL\lITED .MLLTl F.CVILY RESIDEhTLU ZOSE RRE ESlTT?IVE REGIOUAL RET.41L Icg. Cu Count? Carllbad) RD.H RESIDE\TLU DEhSIn VLLTIPLE ZO5E COMMERCIAL Rs REG;. I\+L~ERVICE I C CO\t\ll. SlTYCO.MMERCL4L RMHP WIDEhTLUZIOEILE HOME P.UXZOM S \EIGHBORHOOD CO\l\lERCL<L TS TR\\ EL 'ERt ICES COWVERCLIL 0 PROFE??IOS.+L RELtlTD RW RESIDE\TLU U4TERU4Y ZO.\E PI PLk\\ED IJDLSTU4L C Pl BLIC 1. TILLTIES RD.H RESIDE\TLU DEhSIn HIGH ZO\E R P RESIDESTLU PROFESSIOSU 20%~. RT RESIDE3TLU TO1 RIST ZOhE City of C CBD CEYTRtL ElSISEh> DlSTRlCT COMMERCIAL ti G<>\€R.i\lEST F\CILITIES RC RECRE.\i!03 COMVERCL<L 0 OFFlCEZO\€ C I ZEIGHBORHOOD COYHER(.LU ZOKE C.2 GFSiEFLU COMMERCLU ZO\E CT CO.M.WERCLU TO1 RLST ZO\E SCHOOLS c..W H€It~COI1\IERCLU.U~~lTED LIDLSTRLU ZONE E ELEVE'. rnY u LWCSTRLU ZO3T H HIGH v .ouL J JI\IOR :c,H P.M PlA.\>ED LhDLSTRLUZOhT P PRI\\TT F.P FLOODPLUV OVT+RL\YZOSE L.C LLMIED COhlROL OTHER OS OPES \P4(.E 3RR 1Oh RE>IDESTLIL RESEFWE OS OPES >P4CE P.C PLBUC L-nunzoxx CITY OF CARLSBAD LCPA 8 b From to T TS EXHIB JULY GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLU RV H RU RH RRI RRE Rs <: S TS 11 CBD PI G L RC E J P I )S RESIDENTIAL LOU DE>$Ill IO- I q I LO\r:\IEDIL\1 DEhSll7 (0.4) VEDILN DESSlnI 1.8) VEDILU HIGH DESSIn(B-IS1 HIGH DE\SIPi( 15.25) COMMERCIAL I\TF\,ILE RE(;IOU4L RET.411 (eg Plua Cmmo Red) ESTX\.i\E REGIOUAL RET.AIL I CB CU Cuunrn Carllbrdl CO\l\Il SIllCO.V.VERCLAL REG;. Y4L hERVICE \EI(;HBORHOODCOII~IER~LIL TR\\EL \ER\ICES CUHVERCL\L PROFE>\IO'-4L REL\rED CEXTRRIL BlSI\ESS Dl5TWCT GO\+R\\IE\T F.4CILITIES PL\.\\ED I\DCSTRL4L Pl BL!C I TlLlTlES RECE.fi!O\ COMVERCL4L SCHOOLS JI \IOR :!,H ELEIIE'. InY HIGH .( :oUL PRI\\TT OPE\ bP\( E P.C R-.A R. E R. I R. I R. 3 RD.H R. !L RH HP RD H RP FlT RW CI 0 c- 2 C. H C .T H P.H L-c F- P RESIDENTIAL PLL\-TD CO4121LSliT ZONE RESIDE\TLU .\(;iUCKLllRU ZOSE RLRU RLclDE\TLU EST.4TE ZOXE OUE F.%VlLY RESIDE>TLU ZO'iE NO-F%\tILY ESlDE3ll~l ZOST ~~~~ ~ $11 tnpu FCWY WIDEYIIU zox LLVITED ULLll FUIILY RESIDE\TLU ZOSE RE5IDESnU DEYlll YLLTIPLE ZO>E ESIDE\TLU DESSIn HIGH ZO>E WIDESTLU >1OBILE HOVE Puui 2051 RESIDE.UTLU PRONSIOUM ZOST RWIDESI-LU TO1 RIST ZOSE COMMERCIAL RE5lDE>TLU U.ATER%\Y ZO>E OFFICE ZO>T TCIGHBORHOOD COY.VERCLUZOSE GLVERAL COH.VERCLU ZO\E COWHERCLU TOCRLST ZO>< HE\bY CO.HIIERCLU.UUITED L'iDCSTT3.U ZOkE LM)LSTRLU ZO\T PLLNSED INULSTlUUZOST OTHER FLOODPLUN OMR14Y ZOSE UUITED COSTROL I \RR So\ RE?IDESTIAL REhER\ E P-L' PLauc :-rtunzo\~ OS OPLU \P.\CE ~- 4 City of 1 I I I I ~~~~~~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA E I I .... ,... I......' .*...... .... ..., I... .... ..., .... .'.*,*. .*.-.*. ... .... ... ... -. w EXHIBIT 'EE" -" . ._ GPA/LU . ZC .. J u.L- y. .:I. 4 D .. -. . ". . .. ._""". .. ..._" . -~ ." .." . :LCPA. From RM To c 1986 ENERAL PLAN ZONING I I I I I : > I B > I ! I , I RESlDlNTlAL LOU'WEDICW DENSIlI'(O.+) LOU'DESSIN(O~I.5l MEDICV DESSITI(4.8) >IEDIL.\I HIGH DENSI'IYlE~I9) HIGH DESSIN( 15-23) COMMERCIAL ISTES~l\€ REGIONAL RET,AIL (cs. ESTESSWE REGIOSAL RETAIL (eg. COU.\ICSlN CO.W.WERCL4L REGiq)S.AL SERblCE SEIGHEORHOOD COWIERCLAL TR4VEL >ERVICES C0,VMERCIAL CESTRIL BLSISESS DISTRICT PROFESSIOSAL REL4TED GOI+RU>IENT F.4CILITlES PLLYSED ISDCSTFU.41 PCBLIC C TlLlTlES RECP&\rION CO.W(.\IERCIAL .. scnooLs Plaza Cmmo Rcall Car Country Culrbad) ". - ~ ~~ JI.'SIOR :.IGH ELE.WE.3 ' 4HY HIGH 5C !fWX PRlUTE OPES FP.\CE SOS REblDESTL4L RESER\€ P.C PLWKED COMMLWIN ZONE R.A RESlDESTlAl .AGRlCLZn'RAL ZONE R. I Oh€-FAMILY RE5IDE.\TLU ZONE R.E RCRU RE5IDEYrL.U EST.\TE ZONE R.2 TU'O.F.LWILY RESIDLVTW. ZONE RLSIDLNTIAL ~.3 .\tcLnpm F.LMILY RLSIDENTW ZONE R.3L UMITED MCLll.F.LWILY RES1DE.W ZOhT RD..W RESlDEhTlhL DEVSITI:.MCLTIPLE ZOPiE RD.H RESIDENTLU DENSIN.HIGH ZONE RWHP RESIDE.';TUL !-IOEILE H0,ME PARKZOh€ R.P RESIDENTLU PROFESSIONAL ZONE RT RESIDENIIU TOCRlST ZONE RW RESIDENTIAL UATERUAY ZOSE COMMERCIAL n nmtF7n7 c.i NE~GHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE C.2 GENERAL COMMERCLU ZOSE C.T COM.MERCIAL.TOCRlST ZOSE C.M H€4W COM.\IERCLU.UMITED VIPUSTRLU ZONE ~ ...- . . - .. . M WDCSTRULZONE P.M PWNED IhPCSnuhL ZONE OIHER 1.C UMITED CONIROL F.P FLOODPLUN OVEUY ZOh'E P.ti PL-EUC LTIUNZOh€ OS OPGV SPACE 4 city of Carlsbad . GPA/LU' 8.6-8 " -. . , 'ZC-347 I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~~~ ~ I LCPA 86-1 ~~ I G e 0 (DETAILEI EXHIBIT I LCPA OS tc (OS) e (OS) GPA 86-8 From PI to OS & From RM to OS LCPA 86-1 From PI to OS From OS to PI 7 GPA RM to 0 a STAFF REPORT p. -. 1 '%3> - .A" DATE: JULY 30, 1986 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347/LCPA 86-1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes and ~ocal coas~ Plan Amendments to bring the General Plan, Zoning an( Local Coastal Plan maps into conformance. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the Negatil Declarations issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolul Nos. 2584, 2585, and 2586 recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86- 8/ZC-347/LCPA 86-1 per staff's recommendation to the City Cour based on the findings contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this report and the recommendations in it is tc bring the land use designations on the General Plan, Zoning Mi and Local Coastal Plan into conformancy. Presently there are number of inconsistencies between the designations on these tp documents. This has caused some confusion as to which documer provides the correct land use designation on a particular parc During the preparation of this report, staff has also discover a number of drafting errors on the General Plan and Zoning Map that will be corrected as a part of this review. In addition, the land use designations on approximately 20% of the City are being reviewed as either part of a proposed master plan, an adopted master plan under review or other special. study. Thes master plan reviews and special studies will probably result i requests for additional General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, and Local Coastal Plan Amendments at some future date. The ar covered by these studies were not considered for any changes e this time. The land use designation inconsistencies discovered by this review will be corrected by either a General Plan Amendment, Z Change, Local Coastal Plan Amendment or a combination of any o the above mentioned actions. This report will be divided into two sections. The first sect will deal with General Plan and Zoning inconsistencies outside the Coastal Zone. They consist of five sites, one which will require a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, one a Genera Plan Amendment and three a Zone Change. m e The second part of this report deals with General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes and Local Coastal Plan Amendments wi the area covered by the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan. Many of recommended changes will briny the General Plan Land Use Map Zoning Map designations into conformance with the recently adopted Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan. The recommended changes the Local Coastal Plan will change LCP land use designations designations. Staff has discussed these recommended changes the Local Coastal Plan with Coastal Commission staff members received their support on most of the proposed changes. 111. ANALYSIS Planning Issues reflect existing land uses and General Plan land use 1) Are the recommended General Plan Amendments consiste with the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan? 2) Are the recommended Zone Changes consistent with the General Plan and/or the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan? 3) Do the recommended amendments to the Land Use Plan o the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan to bring it into conformance with the Carlsbad General Plan Land Use accurately represent the existing land use on the property, or provide a more appropriate land use designation? Discussion Exhibit "A" - Harding Street The first site consists of a General Plan Amendment ant! Zone Change for a .67 acre parcel at 3334 Harding Street, see Exhi Very High Density, 30-40 du/ac to RH, Residential High Densit 20-30 du/ac. The Zone Change would be from RD-H, Residential Density High to R-3, Multiple Family Residential. The recommended General Plan Amendment and Zone Change will bring this site's General Plan designation and zoning into conforma: with recent changes to the Land Use Element of the General P1 During the Citizen's Committee review of the Land Use Element the General Plan the RVH, Residential Very High Density designation was eliminated. The proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change will have impact on the recently constructed apartment project on this site. This project was developed at a density of 32.8 du/ac conformance with the site's RVH General Plan designation. Th change would permit the existing apartment complex to remain, would prevent future expansion of the apartment building. 11 A 11 . The General Plan Amendment will be from RVH, Residenti -2- a 0 Exhibit "B" - Altiva Place The next recommendation is a General Plan Amendment from RMH, Residential Mediurn High, 8-15 du/ac to RLM, Residential Low Medium 0-4 du/ac for a 2.04 acre parcel on the west side of Altiva Place, north of an SDG&E easement, see Exhibit nB". T recommended General Plan Amendment will bring this site's Gen Plan designation into conformance with its existing R-1-10, Single Family Residential 10,000 square foot minimum lot size Zoning. The proposed General Plan Amendment would reduce the site's density potential from 16-30 units to a maximum of 8 units. Staff believes it is more appropriate to change this site's General elan designation to bring it into conformance with it Zoning rather than the reverse for a number of reasons. Stee slopes along the westerly portion of this property will limit development potential. The existing 150 foot wide SDG&E powerline easement separates this site from an approved multi family project at the intersection of Altiva Place and Alican Road. This SDGCE easement serves as an excellent boundary between multi-family and single family development. ~ll of t1 lots north of this easement on the east side of Altiva Pl,ace been developed with, or will be developed with, single family homes on large lots. This site is separated from the recentl: approved Alga Hills project by a large ravine which will be 11 in its natural state. In addition, the portion of the Alga H project closest to this site consists of the single family residences on the larger lots. If the Commission and Council approved the recommended Genera: Plan Amendment all of the development on Altiva Place north o the easement would consist of single family residences. Staf believes that this would be more compatible than having multi- family development and single family residences on opposite s: of the same cul-de-sac. The owner of this site has requested that this site's General Plan designation be changed to RM, 4-8 du/ac rather than RLM, du/ac and it's Zoning be kept at R-1-10000. He has submitted preliminary plans for City review which would create eight 10, square foot lots on this two acre site. He feels that recent actions by the City Council would make it impossible to get mc than six lots on this property if it had a General Plan designation of RLM. Staff believes that his argument has somc merit, however R-1-10000 is the implementing Zone for the XLM General Plan designation. In addition, if this site was designated REI, at a later date a future property owner could request a Zone Change to RD-M which is the implementing Zone f the RM, 4-8 du/ac General Plan designation. -3- e 0 Exhibit "C" - Monroe Street Staff is recommending that the Zoning on .12 lots with a combi area of 2.23 acres be changed from R-3, Residential Multiple R-1-7500, Single Family Residential, 7,500 square foot, minimu lot size, see Exhibit "C". This Zone Change will bring the properties Zoning into conformance with their General Plan designation of RLM, Residential 0-4 du/ac. The Planning Commission discussed these properties two years ago when an application for a condominium conversion of two existing apartment buildings at this site was submitted. The Commissi denied the request and approved a Resolution of Intention directing staff to rezone the properties from R-3 to R-1. Th applicant appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the Council, then requested a continuance and finally withdrew th application. Due to the applicant withdrawal and the amount follow through with the Resolution of Intention. The proposed rezone from R-3 to R-1 would not adversely impac the existing, older multi-family residences on the property. These units are already non-conforming because they exceed th density allowed by the RLM, 0-4 du/ac General Plan designatio The recommended Zone Change would merely bring the zoning int conformance with the General Plan. Exhibit "D" - Costa Real Property - El Camino Real Staff is recommending that this 6.09 acre site's zoning be changed from R-1-10, Single Family Residential 10,000 square minimum lot size to M-Q, Industrial with a Q (Qualified Over1 see Exhibit 'ID". This zone change would bring its zoning int conformance with it's PI, Planned Industrial General Plan projects being processed in the past few years, staff did not designation. The properties to the north, east and west are zoned M-Q, while the property to the south is zoned OS, Open Space. . The recommended zone change would have no impact on the exist building on this site which appears to be a single family residence being used as an office by the Costa Real Municipal Water District. Exhibit "E" - Carlsbad Raceway Area As shown by Exhibit "E", this site consists of five parcels 1 a combined area of 124.2 acres. The Carlsbad Raceway is locr on the two northernmost lots which are zoned C-2, General Commercial. The three southerly lots are part of the Carril: Ranch Master Plan and are zoned P-C, Planned Community. Staj recommending that all of these lots be rezoned to PM which i: conformance with their General Plan designations of PM, Plan1 Industrial and PM/O Planned Industrial/Office, /- 4 - e e The recommended P-M, Planned Industrial zoning will not adver impact the Carlsbad Raceway or the vacant properties affected this change. The existing use, the Carlsbad Raceway, is occupying this site through a CUP, conditional use permit, th would be valid even if this site was zoned P-M. A revision to the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan, in process, wil eliminate the three southerly parcels from the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. Staff has already seen some preliminary develop proposals for these properties and the Carlsbad Raceway prope Whether these properties develop separately or with the Racew property, they will be required to prepare a specific plan because they are in the Palomar Airport Influence area. These parcels are being removed from the Carrillo Ranch Maste Plan because they are separated from the rest of the Master P area by Palomar Airport Road, a six lane arterial. In additi the industrial uses that will take place on these parcels doe not relate to the rest of the Master Plan which will be devel with residential and neighborhood commercial uses. General Plan - Local Coastal Program (LCP) Consistency Carlsbad has six LCP segments (see Map *'A**) that combined, fo the City's Local Coastal Program. Although these segments ha been prepared and adopted at different times over the past te years, it has only been since October 1985 that the City has willing to adopt the two segments Me110 I and I1 that cover a majority of the City's Coastal Zone. Subsequently, west Batiquitos Lagoon segment was approved in November 1985 and t east Ratiquitos Lagoon segment is still pending. The fact of the City's refusal to adopt the Mello I and I1 segments led to a situation where two separate and distinct s of regulations governed all development in the Coastal Zone. City did not recognize the LCP and, therefore, approved development consistent with the General Plan and Zoning. The Coastal Commission on the other hand, based it's approvals on consistency with the certified LCP's. Under this situation a project could receive City approval, only to be denied by the Coastal Commission. In October of 1985, Carlsbad and the Coastal Commission adopt amendments to the Mello I and I1 segments which resolved the standing conflicts. By adopting these LCP segments the City agreed to assume its State mandated responsibility to impleme and administer the LCP. Several of the implementing procedur involve Planning Commission and City Council actions, -5- e 0 ~irst, the city must amend its General Plan to incorporate th LCP Land Use Policy Document. This document contains regulat that deal with protecting coastal resources (e.g., agricultur wetlands, recreation, shoreline access, etc.). The document contains specific land use designations for each parcel in th Coastal Zone. The Land Use Element Map of the General Plan m also be amended to reflect the land use designations of the L Second, the City's Zoning Ordinance must be amended to involves the adoption of several new ordinances (e.g., Coasta Agricultural Overlay Zone, Coastal Resource Protection Overla Zone, etc.). Also, it involves modifications to existing ordinances to provide additional requirements or restrictions the LCP. Finally, in order to implement the LCP land uses, t official zoning map will have to be modified to eliminate any conflicts. Third, the City must process "Clean-up" LCP amendments where LCP no longer reflects existing land use or it would allow us that would be incompatible with surrounding land uses. "Clea up" amendments would also involve changes to the land uses designations to bring them into conformance with official act that have occurred subsequent to the certification of the LCF The Planning Department and the City Attorney's office will b scheduling future Planning Commission hearings to consider incorporating the LCP into the text of the City's General Pla. and Zone Code. The following proposed General Plan and LCP amendments plus the recommended zone changes deal only with m changes necessary to implement the LCP. incorporate all of the LCP Ordinances and modifications. Thi 1) Exhibit "F" - Hughes Property, Highway 78 and Jefferson Street This is a General Plan amendment (GPA) from Intensive Regiona: Commercial (RRI) to Open Space (OS) for that portion of the property containing Buena Vista Creek in order to provide consistency with the LCP. In addition, a zone change from C-: to OS for the same area would be required to implement the proposed modification. 2) Exhibit "G" - First row of lots adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon along Jefferson Street This is a recommendation that the Local Coastal Plan designat of RLM, Residential Low Medium for the first row of lots adjac to Buena Vista Lagoon along Jefferson Street be changed to RMF Residential Medium High. This would bring the Local Coastal Plan's designation into conformance with the properties exist: General Plan designation of RMH and Zoning of R-3. These properties were given the RLM, 0-4 du/ac designation by the LC Coastal Plan hecause of their steep slopes and location adjacr to the sensitive wetlands of Buena Vista Lagoon. -6- e e However, staff believes that a number of recently approved changes to the General Plan and new City ordinances will ensu that these properties are developed in a site sensitive manne that will protect the wetland areas and preserve at least a portion of the views from Jefferson Street overlooking Buena Vista Lagoon. These ordinances along with recent changes to method used for calculating allowable density will make it difficult for many of these properties to obtain any density above the minimum allowed by the RMH, 8-15 du/ac General Plar designation. 3) Exhibit "H" - Single family neighborhood around Buena Vj Creek This is a GPA from RMH to RLM to be consistent with the LCP. area is currently zoned R-1-10 which is consistent with the F designation of the LCP. Almost all of these lots are current developed with detached single family homes. 4) Exhibit "I" - Lots on north side of Laguna Drive bet.weer State and Roosevelt Streets This is a recommended amendment to the Local Coastal Plan frc to RMH/O for the above-mentioned properties. The two westerlymost parcels are located in an area covered by the Village Redevelopment Plan which the Coastal Commission has already adopted. The RMH/O General Plan designation would a1 these properties to be developed with multifamily or office 1 Some of the properties have already been developed by office uses, while others are occupied by single family residences. 5) Exhibit "J" - Ticor (APN 155-101-65 and 155-190-13) and Native Sun (APN 203-010-21) located near the mouth of BI Vista Lagoon This would be a GPA from RM/OS, Residential Medium/Open Spacc RLM, Residential Low Medium to be consistent with the LCP. : would also involve a zone change from R-A to R-1-20 for the ! parcels and from R-A to R-1-10 for the Native Sun parcel. T1 proposed zone changes are consistent with the LCP and they w provide for a gradual decrease in land use intensity for two lying parcels adjacent to a sensitive coastal resource, Buen, Vista Lagoon. 6) Exhibit "K" - State Beach parking lot south of Oak Stre1 This would be a proposed LCP amendment to correct an apparen drafting error. The LCP map shows a RH designation for the parking area. The area is designated open space on the Gene Plan which is consistent with both the use and the State Department of Parks and Recreation ownership. -7- 0 0 7) Exhibit "L" - Area on the north side of Pine Avenue betwl Lincoln Street and the railroad tracks This would be a GPA from RVH (Residential Very Highlto RH (Residential High) to be consistent with the LCP and the Land Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. Revisions to the Gener Plan by the Citizen's Committee eliminated the RVH, Residenti Very High designation. This would also be a zone change from H to RD-M. These changes would not adversely impact the exis apartment project, which would become a legal non-conforming that permitted by the RH, General Plan designation. because the apartment has been built at a density in CXC~~S 6 8) Exhibit "M" - Southeast corner of Pi0 Pic0 and Magnolia 205-270-30, 39, 33 portion) This would be a GPA from RC/O (Recreation Commercial and Offi to TS/O (Travel Service and Office) to be consistent with the LCP. This action would also involve a zone change from R-3 t CT-Q to provide consistent zoning. The existing R-3 zoning d not allow for Travel Service type of uses. 9) Exhibits "N" and "0" - Area in the vicinity of Harrison Adams Streets and Chinquapin Avenue This would involve a GPA from RLM to RM for the area bounded Locust Street, Adams Street and Chinquapin Avenue to the exis RMH boundary east of Harrison Street. This amendment will a1 and zone change would provide consistency with the LCP. In addition, a zone change for APN 206-120-1, 2, 10, 11, 23 and from R-1 to RD-M will be required since both the GP and LCP designates these parcels as RMH. Finally, a GPA will be requ for APN 206-120-13 and portions of 12 and 14 to change the designation from RLM to RMH for conformance with the LCP. A1 the zoning will require a change from R-1 to RD-M for all of parcels in the block bounded by Locust, Adams, and Harrison Streets to bring their zoning into conformance with their RM RMH General Plan/Local Coastal Plan designations. This block includes APN 206-120-12, 13, 14, 15. See Exhibit "N" for Gen Plan amendments and Exhibit "0" for zone changes. 10) Exhibit "Pn - Snug Harbor area This will require a GPA from RM (Residential Medium) to RC (Recreational Commercial) for the Snug Harbor area's desiynat would not be consistent with the RC designation. To be consistent with the LCP the zoning in this area would need to changed to R-T from RD-M. require a zone change from R-1 to RD-M for consistency. The to be consistent with the LCP. This areas current zoning of -8- e W 11) Exhibit "Q" - Kelly Ranch Master Plan This would be a GPA to bring the General .Plan Map into conformance with the Local Coastal Plan. The GPA's would designate portions of the site near the lagoon as open space. These areas were originally approved for development when the City approved the Master Plan. However, subsequent Coastal Commission action redesignated portions of Planning Areas A, and F to Open Space because of their resource value. The developer has already agreed to the changes as a condition of issuance of a coastal development permit for the master plan. zone change is necessary since the entire site is zoned PC, however, the master plan will need to be amended to reflect t changes. See Exhibit "g". 12) Exhibit "R" - Frontage lots, west side of Carlsbad Boule between Shore Drive loop Staff is recommending that the zoning of these ten lots be changed from R-2, Residential Duplex to R-1-7500, Residential Single Family. This would bring the zoning of these lots int conformance with their General Plan designation and Local Co: Plan designation of RLM, Residential Low Medium, 0-4 du/ac. These properties involved are rather small in size for duple, lots, 6,000 square feet. When developed with a duplex they I density of 15.3 du/ac which would put then in the RH, Reside1 High, 15-23 du/ac General Plan range. Of the ten lots involT six are developed with duplexes, one with a single family hor and three are vacant, They are surrounded by single family 1 and because of their small lot size, are forced to back direc onto Carlsbad Boulevard. Because of these constraints, stafl believes it is more appropriate to change the zone to conforr with the General Plan and Local Coastal Plan designations ral than the reverse. 13) Exhibit 'IS" - Property owned by the State, west side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Cerzo and Manzano Drives This would be GPA RLM (Residential Low Medium) to OS (Open SI and zone change R-1 (Single Family Residential) to OS (Open Space) to conform to the LCP, which designates this site as 1 space. 14) Exhibits 'IT" and "U" - Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Encinas Creek This would be a proposed LCP amendment to provide consistenc with the General Plan. The LCP currently designates the ent area east and west of Paseo Del Norte, except for the southw .corner of Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte, as PI (Planned Industrial). The City's General Plan, however, -9- 0 8 designates the area for Travel Service and Office (TS/O). Thc General Plan also designates the Caltrans maintenance yard as (Government). The proposed LCP amendment would provide consistency with the General Plan and Specific Plan for the a] as well as compatibility with existing development. It shoull noted the Coastal Commission has already granted several per1 consistent with the proposed LCP amendment. The proposed amendment would also require a zone change from ( to CT-Q for the area north of the Caltrans property on both s of Paseo Del Norte. This would he consistent with the Genera. Plan's (Travel Service), TS designation for the area. All ot zoning is compatible with the General Plan designations. See Exhibit "T" for zone change and Exhibit "U" for Local Coastal Plan amendments. 15) Exhibit "V" - Sudan Mission This would be a proposed LCP amendment from PI (Planned Industrial) to RM (Residential Medium). The proposed amendme would bring the LCP into conformance with the General Plan an the existing residential development. The zoning for the property is RDM-Q which is consistent with the RM General Pla designation. 16) Exhibit "W" - Residential designated area north of Cobblestone Sea Village This proposed LCP amendment would modify the allowable residential density for the area from RLM (0-4 du/ac) to RL ( 1.5 du/ac) to conform to the General Plan. The amendment wot also create a new LCP designation. Currently the lowest residential density category for the LCP is RLM. Coastal staff has indicated that the RL designation (consistc with the General Plan) may be more appropriate considering tt site is completely within the airport influence zone. The proposed amendment would not require a zone change at this t: since the subject area is within the County. The appropriatt zone change would occur with annexation. 17) Exhibit "X" - Area south of Cobblestone Sea Village - This would be a GPA from RL to RLM to be consistent with the The area doesn't have the same development constraints as th mentioned in the previous amendment for the property to the north. Additionally, future College Boulevard and Poinsetti Lane would be adjacent to the area so that the area would no as isolated as once envisioned. Therefore, the RLM designat of the LCP is probably more appropriate. -10- 0 0 18) ~ Exhibit "Yll .- 020-1 3 1 This would be a proposal to amend the LCP designation from PC (Planned Community) to RM (4-8 du/ac). The Carlsbad General ' does not include the PC designation. Instead the PC is a zon designation which is generally applied to large parcels (100 Coastal Commission staff. They have agreed that since the LC requires development pursuant to the PC zone (with special coastal regulations), the LCP designation could be modified t consistent with the General Plan. The proposed action would not require a zone change because t land is still in the County. It is presumed that with annexa the property will be rezoned PC in conformance with the requirements of the LCP. 19) Exhibit I'Z" - East side of Avenida Encinas north of Mari minimum). Staff has discussed this inconsistency with the Callenders Restaurant - This would be a GPA from i?S (Regional Service) to PI (Planned Industrial) to provide consistency with both the LCP and the existing office use. A zone change will not be required sinc the site is zoned PM consistent with the proposed GPA. 20) Exhibit "AA" - Northeast corner of Avenida Encinas and Palomar Airport Road This would be a proposed LCP amendment from PI (Planned Industriallto TS (Travel Sevice) to reflect the General Plan zoning on the site. In addition, the recent restaurant developments (McDonalds and Marie Callenders) were approved k the Coastal Commission. Those developments would not be consistent with the LCP's PI designation but would be with tk General Plan's TS designation. The area is zoned CT-Q consis with the existing General Plan designation. 21) Exhibit "BB" - Occidental Master Plan, northwest of 1-5 Poinsettia Lane This would be a proposed LCP amendment to change the designa. from TS/N (Travel Service/Neighborhood Commercial) to TS/C (Travel Service/General Commercial). The area is currently developing with a mix of travel service uses (motels) and ge. commercial (auto dealerships and medical offices). The prop1 amendment is consistent with recent Coastal Development perm approvals by the Coastal Commission to allow the general. commercial uses. There are no pending proposals for Neighbo Commercial. Furthermore, the southeast corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane is designated for Neighborhood Commercial th providing an area that would satisfy adjacent demands. The existing zoning is consistent with the proposed designation. -11- I) m 22) Exhibit "CC" - Southwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia La] This proposed LCP amendment from TS/N (Travel Service/ Neighborhood) to TS/C (Travel Service/Commercial) would bring LCP into conformity with both the General Plan and recent Coa; Commission permit approvals. The existing zoning of C-2 is consistent with the proposed designation. 23) Exhibit "DD" - Spinnaker Hills This would be a proposed LCP amendment from RM to RLM to brinm the LCP into conformance with both the exisitng General Plan, zoning and the existing single-family detached development. existing R-1 zoning is also consistent with the existing Gene Plan designation. 24) Exhibit "EE" - Commercial area, northwest of Alga Road a El Camino Real. his would be two separate actions to establish the boundary between commercial uses on the south and residential uses on north side of the future westward extension from El Camino Re of Dove Lane. The first action would be a GPA from C (Genera Commercial) to RM (Residential Medium 4-8 du/ac) for the port of the area north of Dove Lane which is designated General Commercial (C) on the General Plan. The second action would involve a proposed LCP amendment from RM to C to extend the commercial area on the northwest side of Alga Road and El Cam Real northward to Dove Lane. The area is currently in the County so that upon annexation it would be rezoned consistent with the proposed amendments. 25) Exhibit 'IFF" - South of Alga Road between El Camino Real Manzanita Drive This would be a GPA from RMH (Residential Medium High) to RM (Residential Medium) to provide consistency with the LCP. Th RD-M zoning is consistent with the proposed change. 26) Exhibits "GG" and "HH" - South end of Batiquitos Drive (Savage and Lyman Properties) This would be a GPA from RMH/OS (Residential Medium High/Open consistency with the LCP. It should be noted that the Genera Plan currently designates the flatter developable portions of site as open space and designates the steep slopes for RMH us Based on the General Plan the development potential of the si would be severely limited. Space) to RM/OS (Residential Medium/Open Space) to provide -1 2- w e The LCP designates the entire site RM except for a continous 1 space strip for the steep slopes on the western portion of thc site. In addition, the LCP contains specific incentives for developing the site. The LCP would allow a maximum of 12 duj, but requires that 2/3 of the development be concentrated on 51 of the site furthest from the lagoon. The LCP also restricts development on steep slopes. In addition to the GPA, a zone change would be required to provide consistency. The site is currently zoned L-C (Limitel Control). To provide consistency with the LCP, a zone change RD-M for the flatter areas and OS for the steep slopes is proposed. 27) Exhibit "11" - East and west corner of Avenida Encinas a Cannon Road This would be a zone change from R-A (Residential Agricultura to PM (Planned Industrial) to provide consistency with both t LCP and the General Plan designation of PI (Planned Industria 28) Exhibit "JJ" - Cannon Lake Park This would be a zone change from RDM-Q (Residential Density Multiple - Overlay) to OS (Open Space) to be consistent with open space designation of both the LCP and the General Plan. 29) Exhibit "KK" - SDGslE property, northwest corner of 1-5 a Cannon Road This would be a zone change from C-2 (General Commercial) to (Tourist Commercial - Q Overlay) to be consistent with the TS (Travel Service) designation of both the LCP and the General Plan. 30) Exhibit 'ILL" - Southeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Jefferson Street intersection This would be a zone change from R-1 (Single Family Residenti to RD-M (Residential Density Multiple) to provide consistency with the RMH designation of both the LCP and the General Plan This zone change pertains to five parcels ranging in size fro 6,875 to 19,094 square feet. The proposed RD-M zone would a1 development at densities consistent with the RMH General Plan designation. 31) General Plan amendment to the LCP - Density Ranges This would be a proposed amendment to revise the LCP resident density ranges to correspond with the residential density ran of the General Plan. The LCP residential density ranges ref1 those that were in effect in 1980. Since that time the City -1 3- w 0 amended the General Plan to lower all residential density. Tt proposed LCP amendment would provide consistency with the Gene Plan. In addition, the amendment would allow development in 1 Coastal Zone at the same intensity as that in other portions ( the City. If the Planning Commission determines that the above LCP amendments are warranted and, therefore, necessary to impleme~ the City's Local Coastal Program, it should establish the Stai mandated six-week review period. During the period which wou: begin on July 30, 1986 and end September 10, 1986 all interes' parties including other agencies would have the opportunity tc comment on the merits of the proposed amendments. Staff woul~ then present the proposed LCP amendments and comments to the City Council. After this review period is completed, staff w also present to the Planning Commission a summary of the comments received. In conclusion, staff realizes that this is a rather lenghty, complex report with recommendations that affect many properti In an attempt to simplify this matter staff has prepared four charts "A" - "D" which summarize all of the proposed changes. The Commission should keep in mind that the City Council has already agreed to many of these changes when they adopted the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan. The recommended changes in this report should bring the Carlsbad General Plan Land Use Elemen Map, Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan and Carlsbad Zoning Maps int conformance. This will put an end to years of confusion as t which map someone should refer, to determine a parcels designation and development potential. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the projects outsid the Coastal Zone will not have a significant effect on the environment and issued Negative Declarations on July 12, 1986 The projects within the Coastal Zone are exempt from environmental review per Section 15265 A1 of the California Environmental Qu&lity Act. ATTACHMENTS 1) Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2584, 2585 and 2586 2) Charts "A" - "Dl' , dated July 14, 1986 3) Maps "A" and "B", dated July 16, 1986 4 ) Environmental Documents 5) Exhibits "A" - "2" and "AA" - "LL", dated July 14, 1986 MH:bn .7/1 4/86 -1 4- DEVELOPMENTAL 1 SERVICES LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE 1 0 1200 ELM AVI CARLSBAD, CALlFORl (619) 438-5 Kitp of Carlsrbab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: Carlsbad Raceway and adjacent property along the north side of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to the easterly City boundary. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Zone change from C-2, General Commercial and P- C, Planned Community to PI, Planned Industrial for five parcels with an area of 124.4 acres. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Comments from the public are invited, Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: July 12, 1986 CASE NO: ZC-347 C+-@/A, MICHA J. HOLZMIL R Planning Director APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH DATE: July 12, 1986 ND 4 1 1 /85 W 0 DEVELOPMENTAL B SERVICES LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE \ - I 1200 ELM AVI CARLSBAD, CALIFOR1 1 (619) 438-5! Citp c of Carls’bab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: West side of Altiva Way north of the San Diego Gas and Electric powerline easernent. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: General Pla amendment from RMH, Residential Medium High 8-15 du/ac to RLM, Residential Low Medium 0-4 du/ac to bring a 2.04 acre site’s General Plan designation into conformance with its existing R-1-10 zoning. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10 1 days of date of issuance. DATED: July 12, 1986 CASE NO: GPA/LU 86-8 ps”$, /E27 A MICHAEL J. HOLZM ~ER Planning DirectoY APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH DATE: July 12, 1986 ND4 1 1 /85 w m DEVELOPMENTAL 1200 ELM AV SERVICES CARLSBAD, CALlFORl LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE (619) 438-5 Citp of Carlsrbab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: 3334 Harding Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from RVH and RD-H, Residential Very High Density 30-40 du/ac and Residential Density High to RH and RD-M, Residential Density High and RD-M, Residential Density Multiple for a .67 acre parcel. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Comments fran the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: July 12, 1986 e+ {zw CASE NO: GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347 Planning Director APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad MICHAEL J. HOLZMILL~R PUBLISH DATE: July 12, 1 986 ND 4 11/85 v e DEVELOPMENTAL 1200 ELM AVI SERVICES CAALSBAD, CALlFORl LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE (619) 438-5' Citp of Carl~bab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: East side of Monroe Street adjacent to Carlsbad High School. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Zone change from R-3, Residential Multiple to R-1-7500, Single Family Residential 7500 square foot minimum lot size for 12 properties with a combined area of 2.23 acres. 'The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: July 12, 1986 &y"- MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER /" I CASE NO: ZC-347 Planning Director L APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH DATE: July 12, 1986 ND 4 1 1/85 w e DEVELOPMENTAL 1200 ELM AVI SERVICES CARLSBAD, CALlFORl LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE 1 (619) 438-5 &itp of Carls'bab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: 5950 El Camino Real, on the east side of El Camino Real, approximately a quarter of a mile north of Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Zone change from R-1-10, Single Family Residential 10,000 square foot minimum lot size to M-Q, Industrial with a Q Overlay for a 6.09 acre parcel. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: July 12, 1986 CASE NO: ZC-347 w+ /" MIC J. HOLZMILL - I Planning Director !L. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH DATE: July 12, 1986 ND 4 11/85 0 0 CA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRA SE BOUNDAR ?AP P JULY 16 LGP SEGMENT ~MELLO I ~MELLO 11 AGUA HEDIONDA H EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOONIHUNT -L N WEST BATIQUITOS LAGOON/SAMMIS a REDEVELOPMENT AREA e 0 MAP JULY 16: AREAS UNDER REVIEW APPROXIMATELY 5700 ACRES 20% OF CARLSBAD w 0 STAFF REPORT .- I* /\ L DATE: AUGUST 13, 1986 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA/LU 86-8IZC-347ILCPA 86-1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, Local Coastal Plan Amendments to bring the General Plan, Zoning and Local Coastal Plan maps into conformance. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the Negativ Declarations issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolut Nos. 2584, 2585 and 2586 recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-81 347 and LCPA 86-1 per staff's recommendation to the City Counc based on the findings contained therein. IT.. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This item was previously discussed at the July 30, 1986 Planni. Commission meeting. At that time the Planning Commission vote1 on most of the proposed General Plan Amendments, Local Coastal Plan Amendments or Zone Changes. However, a number of these proposals were continued to this meeting, due to the requests effected property owners or last minute information that was m available to staff. The following items were continued to tonight's meeting. Exhibit "Dl' - Costa Real Property - El Camino Real Staff is recommending that this 6.09 acre site's zoning be changed from R-1-10, Single Family Residential 10,000 square fl miniumum lot size to M-Q, Industrial with a Q (Qualified Overlay), see Exhibit I'D". This zone change would bring its zoning into conformance with its PI, Planned Industrial Genera Plan designation. The properties to the north, east and west zoned M-Q, while the property to the south is zoned OS, Open Space. The recommended zone change would have no impact on the existi building on this site which appears to be a single family residence being used as an office by the Costa Real Municipal Water District. a 0 A representative of Costa Real Municipal Water District reques that this item be continued until the August 13, 1986 Planning Commission meeting. This would give the Board of Director's o the Costa Real Municipal Water District the opportunity to discuss the proposed change prior to the August 13, 1986 Plann Commission meeting. Staff's recommendation remains the same. Exhibit 'IF" - Hughes Property, Highway 78 and Jefferson Street This is a General Plan Amendment (GPA) from Intensive Regional Commercial (RRI) to Open Space (OS) for that portion of the property containing Buena Vista Creek in order to provide consistency with the LCP. ln addition, a zone change from c-2 to OS for the same area would be required to implement the proposed modification. The day of the Planning Commission meeting the owners of this property made staff aware of a small sliver of flat land north Buena Vista Creek. This property is adjacent to a buildable s in Oceanside. When the property in Oceanside is developed thi parcel may be utilized as a parking area. Staff believes that LCP amendment is warranted to change this site's designation f OS to RRI to allow it to be developed with the adjacent commercial property. The purpose of the OS, designation in th area is to protect Buena Vista Creek. Staff recommends that t site's General Plan designation, Local Coastal Plan designatio and Zoning be modified as shown on Exhibit "F". Exhibit "J" - Ticor (APN 155-101-65 and 155-190-13) and Native Sun (APN 203-010-21) located near the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon On July 30, 1986 the Planning Commission considered a General consistency with the LCP. Staff had recommended a General Plai Amendment from residential medium (RM) and open space (Os) to residential low medium (RLM) for both properties. Staff also recommended a zone change from R-A to R-1-10 for the Native Su. parcel and from R-A to R-1-20 for the Ticor parcels to allow fl a gradual decrease in intensity of land use approaching the lagoon. Finally, staff recommended a LCP amendment from open space (OS) to residential low medium (RLM) to clarify that an map note which designated first row from lagoon parcels as RLM did apply to the subject properties. Just prior to the July 30th meeting staff was informed by the Coastal Commission that the Native Sun parcel had an open spacc easement over it as a condition of a coastal development permil for the adjacent bluff-top development. Since Native Sun has recorded an irrevocable offer to dedicate an open space easemel over the parcel, staff is no longer recommending the RLM Gener, designate the Native Sun parcel as open space (OS) to provide Plan Amendment and Zone Change for the properties to provide Plan designation. Instead, the General Plan should be amended -2- 0 0 consistency with the previous Coastal Commission action, A LC amendment is probably no longer needed since permit action clarifies the LCP map designation of open space (i,e, the map note affecting the first row of parcels does not apply to the Native Sun property). Regarding the Ticor parcels, the Planning Commission expressed concerns that the staff recommended RLM General Plan designati would allow an overly intensive use adjacent to the sensitive lagoon wetlands. The Planning Commission expressed further concerns regarding both traffic impacts related to development RLM densities and the possibility that the site was constraine by geologic hazards (e.g, soil liquefaction). The Planning Commission reserved taking action on the Exhibit amendments to allow Ticor time to analyze its options. Subsequently, staff has reviewed the Coastal Development Permi No. 6-83-51 that affected the Native Sun parcel. The Ticor parcel was originally involved in the Native Sun development b it was removed from direct consideration when the parcels were the subject of a State Lands Commission law suit. The text of the permit contains specific guidance regarding the future development of the Ticor property. Based on the sensitivity o the site the Coastal Commission adopted findings that would a1 the future development of a single family residence (or two si two lots are involved) or an educational interpretative facili on the Ticor property. Recognizing both the concerns of the Planning Commission and tl recommending the following for the Ticor property: 1. A General Plan Amendment from residential medium (RM)/open guidance provided by the Coastal Commission, staff is space (OS) to residential low (RL). 2. A Zone Change from R-A to R-1-30,000 to implement the proposed General Plan Designation (RL). 3. A Local Coastal Plan amendment from open space (OS) to (RL residential low (0-1 1/2 du's/ac). Exhibits "N" - and "0" - Area in the vicinity of Harrison and Adams Streets and Chinquapin Avenue I1 N 1 I1 At the July 30, 1986 Planning Commission meeting staff was recommending that the zoning of the properties surrounded by tl above-mentioned streets be changed from R-1-7500 to RD-M. Sta also recommended that two properties on the west side of Aarri! Street adjacent to the freeway have their zoning changed from 1 1-7500 to RD-M. This would have brought their zoning into conformancy with their General Plan and Local Coastal Plan designation of RMH, 8-15 du's/acre. -3- 0 m At the July 30, 1986 Planning Commission meeting a number of property owners spoke out against the proposed General Plan Amendments and zone changes. They expressed concerns about traffic and stated that they felt that this area is basically single family neighborhood and should remain that way. Based on the citizen input the Planning Commission directed st to return with revised recommendations for these propertics reflecting the input received at the July 30, 1986 meeting. Staff is recommending that the zoning for the area surrounded Harrison Street, Adams Street and Chinquapin Avenue keep its existing R-1-7500 zoning. The two parcels on Harrison Street adjacent to the freeway should be rezoned to RD-M to bring the into conformance with their RMH, General Plan and Local Coasta Plan designations, see Exhibit "0". Staff is also recommending that the properties surrounded by Harrison Street, Adams Street and Chinquapin Avenue have their General Plan and Local Coastal Plan designations changed from and RM to RLM, see Exhibits "N" + "Nl". Exhibit "U" - Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Encinitas Creek This would be a proposed LCP amendment to provide consistency area east and west of Paseo Del Norte, except for the southwes corner of Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte, as PI (Planned Industrial). The City's General Plan, however, designates the area for Travel Service and Office (TS/O). The General Plan also designates the Caltrans maintenance yard as (Government). The proposed LCP amendment would provide consistency with the General Plan and Specific Plan for the ar as well as compatibility with existing development. It should noted the Coastal Commission has already granted several permi consistent with the proposed LCP amendment. The proposed amendment would also require a zone change from C to CT-Q for the area north of the Caltrans property on both si of Paseo Del Norte. This would be consistent with the General Plan's (Travel Service), TS designation for the area. All ott zoning is compatible with the General Plan designations. See Exhibit "T" for zone change and Exhibit "U" for Local Coastal Plan amendments. The Planning Commission approved the proposed zone change shoe on Exhibit I'T". However, the Commission continued the propose Local Coastal Plan Amendment shown on Exhibit "Ut' due to concc expressed by one of the affected property owners. with the General Plan. The LCP currently designates the entir -4- 0 0 Exhibit "EE" - Commercial area, northwest of Alga Road and El - Camino Real. This would be three separate actions to establish the boundary north side of the future westward extension from El Camino Rea of Dove Lane. The first action would be a GPA from C (General Commercial) to RM (Residential Medium 4-8 du's/ac) for the portion of the area north of the future extension of Dove Lane which is designated General Commercial (C) on the General Plan The second action would involve a proposed Lcp amendment from to C to extend the commercial area on the northwest side of A1 Road and El Camino Real northward to Dove Lane. Just before the Planning Commission meeting the owner of the property made staff aware that this property has been annexed into the City with a zoning of C-2-Q. Since this property is in the county as staff originally believed a zone change from 2-9 to RD-M will be required on the portion of the site north the future extension of Dove Lane. Exhibits "GG" and I'HH" - South end of Batiquitos Drive (Savage between commercial uses on the south and residential uses on t and Lyman Properties) Staff is recommending that this item be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting. Staff and the owner of the prope have not had sufficient time since the last Planning Commissio meeting to meet and come to a resolution as to what this site' designation should be or what the intent of the Local Coastal plan was in regards to this site. Exhibit 'IMM" - Ecke property south of-Palomar Airport Road This proposed Local Coastal Plan Amendment would reduce the location and extent of the OS, Open Space designation on the Local Coastal Plan to correspond to the General Plan designati of OS on this property. The intent of the OS designation in t area was to preserve the steep slopes on the south side of Can de Las Encinas and to protect an appropriately sized channel f the stream itself. However, the OS designation on the Local developable portion of this property, Staff believes that the revised open space corridor based on a biological examination the property will adequately protect sensitive coastal resources. This item was presented to the Planning Commission in a memorandum that was passed out at the Planning Commission meeting. Staff has included it in this report to provide the Commission with adequate time to review this request. In conclusion, staff recommends that the Commission approve th proposed General Plan Amendments, Local Coastal Plan Amendment and Zone Changes as shown on the attached exhibits. Coastal Plan extends beyond the channel and includes much of t -5- W e IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the projects outside the Coastal Zone will not have a significant effect on the environment and issued Negative Declarations on July 12, 1986. 'She projects within the Coastal Zone are exempt from environmental review per Section 15265 A1 of the California Environmental Quality Act. Attachments 1. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2584, 2585, 2586 and 2597 2. ~~.,ibit~ Il~ll, 11~11, IIJII, ll~ll, IIN-~II lloll y llR" , "ull , Y ''EE" , "GG", ''HH" , and "MM", dated July 14 , 1986 3. Staff Report dated, July 30, 1986 wlattachments 4. Memorandum to the Planning Commission dated, July 30, 1986 MH/ ar 8/6/86 -6- ~~ ~ b' 'L .F li . ~. ~ 1 ,- i i 1 -1 " -. I " NOTICE OF PUB-EI-C ...HEARING,.'..- -':I I .. ~T ,.< " rl -.- . .. .- 1~ . .- .. : '. -.I rj i. D e 1 Bi f f E *-. L1 b -I -!@ i* Road, ~. GpmU WC-347 General Han-Afi&aMent &om- R'Mk' &: 0s -kkk' 1~ RM and a Zone- Change from LC to:RD-M for.prop&rty-at the south end of Batiquitos Drive. I .. ._ I. Plan Amendment from PI to OS 'aiind OS $0 PI.for.propei-ty south of Paiomar . Airport Road adjacent to,Eneinas Creek.! .- . 'If you have. any- questions,;-please-: call the Pl&ni& Depirtmen~ .at .. . .. I . - 1 - " " .. -. GPA/LU W/LCP'A '~&~~'~~~&&&~ sax x&&dment andr-wal Coastal .~ . -1 I _..* I .. ;.~ . i - :. "~+. --E; - ~ . . * <- ._ :: i .. . . .~ . ~- .. .. I .., ~;cARLsBAD-c~*Ty- , :.. . . I. ~I CoUNc?IL :..+-+&+:=*:&-:' .e< "..<"i-er"r;~ ."%-I -- : r= ?".. 4.- * ** rd%a"* * "2 2-c - - -x*- -= ' -* .~ 1. .. -F 4 P L. x- r. . ~ . ~. _- - . . /. x ! I w NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hc . public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Cal: at 6:OO P.M., on Monday, December 22, 1986, to consider applications for Ger Amendments, Zone Changes and Local Coastal Plan Amendments to bring the Genc Zoning and Local Coastal Plan maps into conformance. The following recomme~ will be considered: zc-3 47 Zone Change from R-1-10 to M-Q for a six acre p2 on the east side of El Camino Real north of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Cam] Real. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1/ zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment from RRI to OS, Local Cot Plan Amendment from OS to RRI and a Zone Change C-2-Q to OS for property at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Buena Vista Creek. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 zc-347 General Plan Amendment from RM and OS to RL and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from OS to RL and ( a Zone Change from RA to R-1-30 and OS for prop6 the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 ZC-3 47 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from RMH and RM to RLM for properties Harrison street and a Zone Change from R-1 to RT two parcels on the west side of Harrison Street adjacent to Interstate 5. surrounded by Chinquapin Avenue, Adam Street a zc-3 47 Zone Change from C-2-9 to RD-M for property on west side of El Camino Real north of the inters of El Camino Real and Alga Road. GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347 General Plan Amendment from RMH to os and RM anc Zone Change from L-C to RD-M for property at thl end of Batiquitos Drive. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from PI to OS and OS to PI for proper south of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to Encin Creek. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendments, Local Coastal Plan Amendments Zone Changes in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in w correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public CASE FILE: GPA/LU 86-81LCPA 86-1/ZC-347 APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH : December 10, 1986 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING @ NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Car-sbad will hc ' public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Cali at 6:OO P.M., on Monday, December 22, 1986, to consider applications for Ger Amendments, Zone Changes and Local Coastal Plan Amendments to bring the Gent. Zoning and Local Coastal Plan maps into conformance. The following recommer will be considered: ZC-347 Zone Change from R-1-10 to M-Q for a six acre pa on the east side of El Camino Real north of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Cami Real. G€'A/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 / zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment from RRI to OS, Loc'al Coa Plan Amendment from OS to RRI and a Zone C'hange C-2-Q to OS for property at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Buena Vista Creek. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 ZC-3 47 General Plan Amendment from RM and OS to RL and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from OS to RL and 0 a Zone Change from RA to R-1-30 and OS for prope the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from RMH and RM to RLM for properties surrounded by Chinquapin Avenue, Adams Street an Harrison Street and a Zone Change from R-1 to RC two parcels on the west side of Harrison Street adjacent to Interstate 5. zc-347 Zone Change from C-2-9 to RD-M for property on t west side of El Camino Real north of the interse of El Camino Real and Alga Road. GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347 General Plan Amendment from RMH to OS and RM and Zone Change from L-C to RD-M for property at the end of Batiquitos Drive. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from PI to OS and OS to PI for propert south of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to Encinz Creek. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendments, Local Coastal Plan Amendments Zone Changes in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you c someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in WI correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public f CASE FILE: GPA/LU 86-8lLCPA 86-1/ZC-347 APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: December , 1986 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL v 0 (Form A TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE LJLe, - Mq 0. d 3- /As!" -& A.B. -33 c.q - d"&J. 1' rr. - d" FROM: PTIANNTNG TlEPARTMENT PlS. w 4L L. RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST - - AT f"c;- dz.:, " .?re> +. Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347/LCPA 86-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD for a public hearing before the City Council, Please notice the item for the Council meeting of _,. , ,... 86 Thank you. /0/8/% Date -15- ''h/fh - -.-"" " - ""- ."". **" 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsb, hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carl: California, at 6:OO pkm. on Wednesday, August 13, 1986, to consider appro' General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes and Local Coastal Plan Amendments tc the General Plan, Zoning and Local Coastal Plan maps into conformance. T following recommendations will be discussed: zc-3 47 Zone Change from R-1-10 to M-Q for a six acre p on the east side of El Camino Real north of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Cam Real. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1/ ZC-3 47 General Plan Amendment from RRI to OS, Local Co Plan Amendment from OS to RRI and a Zone Change C-2-Q to OS for property at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Buena Vista Creek. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 zc-347 General Plan Amendment from RM and OS to RL and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from OS to RL and a Zone Change from RA to R-1-30 and OS for prop the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon, GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from RMH and RM to RLM for properties surrounded by Chinquapin Avenue, Adams Street a Harrison Street and a Zone Change from R-1 to R two parcels on the west side of Harrison Street adjacent to Interstate 5. zc-347 Zone Change from C-2-0 to RD-M for property on west side of El Camino Real north of the inters of El Camino Real and Alga Road. GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347 General Plan Amendment from RMH to OS and RM -an Zone Change from L-C to RD-M for property at th end of Batiquitos Drive. GPA/LU 86"8/LCPA 86-1 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from PI to OS and OS to PI for proper south of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to Encin Creek. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-5591. If you challenge the General Plan Amendments, Local Coastal Plan Amendmel: Zone Changes in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues yc someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or ir written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to t public hearing. CASE FILE: GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1/2C-347 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: August 2, 1906 PTTV nc rlnr cunn -T *.-.TT,.- - ,,.. ym--n,. w XoTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that t.he-Clt-y--C~u~-c~-a~the City of Carlsbad will h public hearing at the C,it-y Cauncil Chambers, ~"SQO"~E1rn Avenue, Carlsbad, Cal at 6:OO P.M., on Mond y December 22, 1986, to chsider applications for Ge Amendments, Zone ChaLL i- and Local CoasWdZii'Amendrnents to bring the Gen Zoning and Local Coas @"into conformance. The following recomme will be considered: /- I. 1.. zc-347 Zone Change from R-1-10 to M-Q for a six acre p on the east side of El Camino Real north of the intersection of Palmar Airport Road and El Cam. Real. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1/ zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment from RRI to OS, Local CO~ Plan Amendment from OS to RRI and a Zone Change C-2-Q to OS for property at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Buena Vista Creek. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment from RM and Os to RL and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from OS to RL and ( a Zone Change from RA to R-1-30 and OS for prop the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 zc-3 47 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from RMH and RM to RLM for properties surrounded by Chinquapin Avenu.e, Adams Street a Rarrissn Street b?d a Sone Change from R-1 to R two parcels on the west side of Harrison Street adjacent to Interstate 5. ZC-347 Zone Change from C-2-9 to RD-M for property on west side of El Camino Real north of the inters of El Camino Real and Alga Road. GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347 General Plan Amendment from RMH to os and RM an Zone Change from L-C to RD-M for property at th end of Batiquitos Drive. GPA/LU 86-8/LCPA 86-1 General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Plan Amendment from PI to OS and OS to PI for proper south of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to Encin Creek. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendments, Local Coastal Plan Amendments Zone Changes in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in o correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public CASE FILE: GPAILU 86-81LCPA 86-llZC-347 APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: December 10, 1986 CARLSBAD CITY COUKCIL e e @<Wd . e "-- f" ,1 ,&ty ; ;lET-;I 1 ,. L -L.. LJ~ of *,.-y-i c2S.p 6 .: qn.7, -1 . J 5.- "&A ".-,, . - ,<, ./ i : ~ ~ im ;ix..r e i'i- e -! .-. YI 1 q j,_ ;; -l dd.2 J-L ,-:.-. . -,2,- ,2 7 r) I:;; 3 , -_ 0 /q@ o%.* 4 ,;,-,.&- + - 1 C5f" c AgG RECE S City CIerI 9 city of 1 il d::.u.L v i ._ 9 _i ,, .,t2> ..- LC* -,5,d q& j". 7 OLONAm \a)g cd,rJ QUAPfd -. uz.:~L~~y2~;~, 4r /(* -.;- ~ zl. , c : / i&k< ,,&&.+I 0f - ,; 7 /.,.$f ,; Cr99LSGAQ p I #. +<:LA - @ [;,[,-J /. , ~ , .?- LC L-LL- ,> ,,(" ', 1 -w- - 2" -, 0 CARLSBAD CA PO BOX 673 " 4quclf 15, /@5 I pay 3-ee ' 2czu-t enbmn~ [q! QdY [a# &dkwi Re: Plczminq Lkr~~~ecd & Plann~rl.9 G~~L~ALo~ rjc-ti~lnn &/+c% 7hw& p~u 811% lefiity me vmt mg lAdn~~fb3n- on pu ;the mmiq ~~~WLRQ ;&e above meeibq. N~o .I m~e~~a;te gm.~ admnace ,&A ;the maMm will now 90 Le&ne 2h.e [ag Ctm~il at& dl nnonedg omem inwlvven' uj~li be duly w;ti,&&, .&I pu w betlf~ ~ddnn;{ d~e I !.MA am+ {wm h om ,ph)ne mntwwzZLm i m&Ae let;tw neceivd ,&m pm ??l-ml< You u~ll eady bee dene ,&e lid IlzeetLnq held 7034% um ,fo & dboly md'e ail 3 ,~~~~~o~~~~~-~~~~-~~~i qnee w~th -the nme .pn[q OR OUR gmne+ d 4/23 /Y-4nfZ amu, A~U on ~a.m$~ fFtun Yo matie ,the pne RV OR. m(4-8 Dm ,me)m 7.b ~uacl ~&a~&)y u~~AJL ug ;t!oq;t 2th.e &p$m Glemap 0; Rw@-/~ neRj u.m on ~02~ ;tile $erze,d iE Gakd Pkart?l %n oun mvodg and w m~e Cn~~,~~cr;te due 20 a unih on ,88 o{ m .4ure and j5 U~A on only 67 o{ m am12 on ~he onrw,Ji;te ~ILA~ ol Hanni?t;ln tmm om ,wo~~gf~n~ w8~ &me 4LenA I ;tat ,XU mi~n on @inyurnin Sefween {zeeuxy S .anA)* Z um rurdle Arl ride AJte &.mi nee;tific2, bd in lieu ol Iet;tvi~ duid T-/o& lad 7-1~ dd wf {eel i/t necabaty h *&d a nqwe4dative ,&ocvrerc.tl: A&A Ar;ane. wrdkc) fi&w! ihe o.fF~ez Iqe oncloedg om- cuwd OUR qmve, md ihey a4~2 did W,Z! annew. &m&w a;t ;thin me&% Ahe der,^ necUmen$&l UMA hwmd A) 2-/ on all OUR ,gno,gedg taLd ;the AWO~U~GL~ nmcel4 Thm Aee l&w ddcd 8-96; pm "41men" evm kafa ithe am{licf in i;o;th let;ta Z did WA bmw Q P4arvrir-q (jmunLmion wdd onvurfe ir; A& a {&a I cvuld unc!emxtcmd in ;Ddw ~LCI' 9n0dh Anend dlie lo^ kg {nom 8-15 Den acne -tt WI 4-8 9,en. acne, bu;t ;D nevd La& h Ll or a44 3 ~n.lc~m nem ab&, 0 The meet@ held a=/* &urd nw.d o{ ;the mwpedg OWLW LIZ dhe mea Lomimed Ay ~hqumin"-anrr-ff~~n-kucwst in aaendance SOVQLQ/ ~lk fh~~ ~ied ~LLA dLm~m vlrl &I ~the R-1 pnup, ' Ld .iEn&lg i~ m rm~;t obvi~u .the S'lm.q Com~A~iun A.C$ AL?.LR rnd made m. lheg wene no2 lamkg &/L m %nm rnDu17' m ~5 ;the &&ion of a Public ffea/rinq, ,f@.?u Ahe Aide A&W by .the '&!anne~'/' UM bwmect, 2hm 2he wAe w 434 %I on only Q mdL mnt~n o{ c - DLUL onondgi-i &wad only Ae mall meu hdiately tz La& OF ihe necri~'ence?l un 'am itid d@in om Dxopm-tig ;thq w;td %/ fit? ;the mfke muffen aR$ all (It OWL nancela bad on &LI incom-ect ~l~da @e& ;the mste w OVM dtie ~~,"LWZ' ~Zatd dhat he had pd &e /wwru;l dide in. e,& ALA ~LRA I /?eel 2he.g &uid o{ p~~f wmeGt ~Cde in and htan;ttd PuL-lic #ea/ring oven, ;th hirqkg ,&&A ,mRe our re,^ who dd w;t dneah beme .they {e& ;they wee w;t inwdvenl L~L &e rnaf;ten at hazd The amzect &de uvuld OK nbun dl ,gm.gedg dL&i&azce J OUR AD~W me mi ha~m! omiom, 2heg wae mdy eldedg ,poDe"l owzm, l&e QlcLA_anfawe c~mm chgumh d ~a/ylidnj hcz~ h.d ,tAeh orcrlnezftg b~ 43 yea; Jt~/Ltnfacxa {mdiry #awti.?un MW wmw o{ L h.m LQ~ n/wnen;tl~t in ~-1y bn 54 yew; ~ex~en(cxxa ,p/on;~ #a&& LOU&) hazr M nmnecty Z geuu . . . . . fhae ncvple damve &me RW @e have nd .taxa all fhe5e yew CDL~ ,pme drq ~clifh dthe ~lmezcr m unan vq nedy &li ?he amwzmce ;thd OWL nm,n&y LLOU~! have mu& {nom @eemy 2.b 4.i- &ndwerr' Lvg l@i.npanin cnd &-R;&e (E P.-;29. None o{ OWL oa/rce14s me &n nale ROR & my OF ud have my ,pic ;to develone; we p-d umA om {ah pntrp bmed on ;the WLLLI mwunn''~ Z unddcsrd dthe nmde do,bnca;l ithe %I wHe all neldive nmm~ ; [L+ of &&&o!, Mually i;t Add Le pad owt Ac> Aken by &e 81( 2hm wne of ;than wdd {ace my develonmertt on cry o{ OUR o~oe'~;t~ (eu, nectide~ce?l on @am wuld ha& UD ;o, om omnedy ad ce/Ltaitu!y ~t;e dd ;thd my {u;tune nhm~ on OWL oncrnenAy uodd 0114.9 be m~mv~d wid( awvwgaL&te bupien uull abruj Ahe bad ot Ahede ~e/jtr;l~~e/ls .-4h tky dad$ geU ab& Xhe &&c; uird .hza&c uudd p n& ihe QVULW d md &mputanin AO den Hamz~t~n?? #e all ate ume o[ Ahe A& L,zc:ti on i{ mi !then &e do dewhe, t~h.L~h w3uh! qneailg widen &in beet 43 itcr,?e ~tb ma~w LA ne41Lvad 29 OLUL A~~L&C&XL by ,the tag ~un~i~ 1 km4n ,&a nearr'iq, e ,@ .f P ,"&f/ . -fa T,!. # 4 it ?. y-9, &,;& #' * /'x i &49y;5=..)i k "8. .+e c- .K$fi;* &qiq~q.e,y&&$!?gk3 .'X,&, Y' -..lppvf/&2. ,,' iw " 0 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 1200 ELM AV CARLSBAD, CALIFOR LAND USE PLANNING OFFlCE (619) 438-5 &. .- A2VkJr~:~ + N 44 Citppf Carlsb b ,f" y ~%Ki32!& d5y I/ & &/J-q*dj v /+ *6 '7&2 Ne11 Alexander P. 0. Box 673 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 206-120-12 This letter is t inform you that the City'of Carlsbad will g &Change for your property in Carlsbad loca a its General Plan designation and Local Coastal Plan designat The proposed change will be discussed at the July 30, 1986 Planning Commission meeting. This meeting will be held at t Carlsbad Council Chambers at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. The Planning Commission meeting starts at 6:OO If you have any questions regarding this matter please conta Planning Departntent at 438-5591. Sincerely, PA@h MIKE HOWES Senior Planner MH: ad c: Gary Wayne afr P W 0 DEVELOPMENTAL 1200 ELM AVEC SERVICES CARLSBAD, CALlFORNl LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE (619) 438-559 /~:/d,c#?6#~ /@2qp ' Citp of Carlsrbab " "--, August 5, 1983 ,? 8' LG@Bs7mi 4;/A7/t.) #f& /&$f)&& 3 &AM(- J .+f -ye$ c EXHIBIT "N" Assessor's Parcel No, 206-120-12 This letter is to inform you tha City-of Ca_rl.&ad's Plann commission will be considering a Coasfal P 1 an Amendm- on Locuss The pu of this change is to bri your property"^ Local Coastal Plan designation's into conforma with its General Plan designation of RLM, and zoning Of R-1- 7500. The proposed Local Coastal Plan Amendment would change your property's Local Coastal Plan designation from RM, Residential Jedium, 4-8 du/ac -~ to B&#, ,Residential Low Mediun-QA.Tu/ac. Y property would retain its existing aoning of R-1-7500. Staff realizes that this letter is in conflict with the letter previously sent to you on July 10, 1986. These letters st.ated that on July 30, 1986, the Planning Cammissior! would be property to bring these two designations into conformance wit1 its Local Coastal Plan designation of RM, 4-8 du/ac. However, at the July 30, 1986 Planning Commission meeting, a number of citizens spoke in opposition to the proposed Genera: Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Based on their input, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare documents recommending that the Local Coastal Plan designation on your property be changed from RM, 4-8 du/ac to RLM 0-4 du/ac. The proposed change will be discussed at the August 13, 1986 Planning Commission meeting. This meeting will be held at th, Carlsbad Council Chambers at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. The Planning Commission meeting starts at 6:OO p If you have any questions regarding this matter please contac the Planning Department at 438-1161. Sincerely, -_.- -.- considering a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change on yclur ^I ,//" ' ' _'' -./ h . A/ 4' =, f ,,#,/ ' I, . ^,I / - MICHAEL HOWES Senior Planner MH:ad C: Gary Wayne / w a DEVELOPMENTAL 1200 ELM AVEh SERVICES CARLSBAD, CALIFORNL LAND USE PLANNING.QFFlCE (619) 438-559 4 &, : ~&L9""@~ * aitp of (1Car1e;bab ~---"-" q ,!/A q! d&3;rAB ~fd - +'@f &/ 4 EXHIBIT "M".1 Assessor's Parcel No.206-120-12 This letter is to inform you that the City of Carlsbad's Plann Commission wil-1 be considering a General Coastal Plan Amendment on your property o neral Plan and-Local Coastal P Derty's General Plan and L - desiqnations om RMH, Residential Medium High 8-15 du/ac 'to R existing R:-1 zonin'g. - sidential Low Medium 0-4 du/ac> Your property would retain -. -. Staff realizes that this letter is in conflict with the letter previously sent to you on July 10, 1986. This letter stated t on July 30, 1986, the Planning Commission would be considering Zone Change from R-1 to RD-M. However, at the July Plannilng Commission meeting, a number of citizens spoke in opposition t the proposed change. Based on their input the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare documents recommending th your property's General Plan designation and Local Coastal Pla designation be changed from RMH, 8-15 du/ac to RLM, 0-4 du./ac. The proposed change will be discussed at the August 13, 1986 Planning Commission meeting. This meeting will be held at the Carlsbad Council Chambers at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. The Planning Commission meeting starts at 6:OO p. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the Planning Department at 438-1161. Sincerely ,, , ,/' .. c, I L+ '& F' *p!< -'; j " j P ./I ~ MICHAEL HOWES Senior Planner MH:ad c: Gary Wayne m 0 ALL RECEfVfD m e +. he LJOUS~E: i>r: the east. sj.(.je of Ariarfis. 1j(31qc31;c?r if a 7~~l-1fj'~~- ?;[ is insisCa? on t:~er:ause of this (3ne k-icl\.ise; Lots i, 2, 3, '$1, Ir 11, and 1% (as marked or1 map) sklou1d be muItip?e kj.cj:isir:g; at, ver-.,;~ ieas t . !51~ develapmeni, i.s cc,nt,explated at, *,his -t..irrlea Thank YOU f~r y(3ilr- T,ircie si tlc5erely: 1, -,,.ii;~ /i e.!/,; ,/ ~ L ,'; /i" /; & (y; -I,/ 3 L..L!//$ L LLuL \ i, /: i Carl 0. St.ephan Owner c1f Lats 9, io, LtLt .: .~ &I" ' 50 i u)i!!*-, kl+ \ L a' 1 CH'INQUAPIN "7, , AVE. &s Q I /-vy- I " - WU&* Carlsbad Calif. August 26, I986 Carlsbad City Council 9 F" A l!( 1 [I. @&e g ''b c/erk, 9 Oiy Gf & ?Of 9, b+ c; .. , u Ladies and Gentlemen : EIE The area bounded by Adms Str ChinquaFin Avenue and Harrison Street Wid presently beTng considered for Rezoning to h'iultiple Housing? ~ ~ I I have been told for years by various eople at City H8 thzt the General Plm calls for RTultiple Ho sing for this a i l and recently also by the Coastal Zomnission. I Across the street froni my property on are 74 units, 50 units arid 44 units and 2OCfeet Chinquapin Avenuc people living OD the, Esst'side of Adams Street. four or five property values or- property ovmed by those will loiver apartments. Also I do not beleive thzt apartmnts will be for that the best use of the property in this ayes and I beleive time residents of Carlsbad, 33 years for me, We are a1.l olc on Hari-ison Street are 36 units z:nd 20 units. to the West The council should disregard their objections, Therefore I resgectfully request that my 6 Parcels @&a @ 8:flJ sc @ g @. See Plat. along with be included- ir, the rezoRing to ?fultiple Housing acre lot,Parcel c Si.ncerc?.y, 7-4 r3&A&.&_?ll- ~ g-Q\i.zI'4 I065 Chinquapin Avenu-e Cmlsbad Cal:-f. 92303 ". €2 8 0 :. I i* <'.? ;..- I ,< '* < ;j. {; ..9 i I tr4 p- :3-- ,i e * +.q ; 9, i /+ 0 1:;; I@ 'q *I 6, '? .:.* (4 1- ' - 2" p-j ri -=J 2. I ">.* G r, ,., L. '..? *,if * -? .<. - .. i r I *' ". : 'd _- -: A" J $4 6' >e G 1 1) 0 ? * v t , ,,Tr:sy;5,j: -. 7rliE?y;s .- -<.?l?C?- 'A /, " ,d n -IT=- iI,1'-7 of C~rl.s~~.:,-l 1. ?~Z?~.~~~ :#35-?:3SiQc 9ecretZr:r: r l.~-w-~can:3 tk~ b p~l~?e ZCI~ C~ZE,~ +X Muitipi? Rousing. Units is being cshsidered or will be consiciered in the near €trtu.re, in the area wtthin &darns Street, Harri_s~,~ Street, and Chir.c_yaFi.n Avenue, T S~OULU like to -3vs my hCf acre lot oz Ck;inqu&;,<r, .:.-:rem~e ircluded along ;.iit,l tie ofker 2ropertg .?1?6 I xi11 2,sy ny r\,ror%ted shrs of the filicg expenses. I am en~lcsing s ~lat skowlng my lot. T - p ^.:,e 0 L --, - - _"., - " >"I"- J 7 ~8:G":. -. < ,-)+ '7) "I , -> '. -. c ?- .>A ;Lt L" -7- ,"_srold X Skit-ers re5;3 ,-.g-:~:":-~y~yL ::*vs . ;:rl c?-":3-?2/2, ;:.-:i f,?rris 74.3 ;:2,22 yL" -> -7 -* - Ann-" " - " =,c.. .,-i - ".-. 3- ,? - ~ - ., .~ -._ . , " ,." . _, ._ - Receive MAR 09 1982 CITY OF CARLSI 3/10 /e ,. November 24, 1986 e TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM : Planning Department AGENDA BILL FOR VARIOUS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ZONE CHANGES AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENTS TO BRING THE GENERAL PLAN, ZONING AND LCP MAPS INTO CONFORMANCE - GPA/LU 86/8/ZC-347/ LCPA 86-1 (CITY OF CARLSBAD) The maps attached to the above agenda bill have been reproduced in colors and have been collated into a booklet for easy reference while reviewing the agenda bill. A color key is in the front of the booklet along with Charts "A" - "D". BH/ a At tach. e e EXHIBIT A B C D E 0 a CHART “A* JULY 14, 1986 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMEMNTS AND ZONE CHANGES OUTSIDE OF THE COASTAL ZONE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 3334 Harding St, General Plan Zone Altiva Place General Plan North of SDGhE easement 12 lots on Zone Monroe St. across from the High School Costa Real Property Zone Carlsbad Raceway Zone Area FROM - RVH m-H RMH R- 3 R-1-10 C-2 6 P-C b CHART "B" JULY 14, 1986 0 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS TO CONFORM TO THE LCP EXHIBIT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Proposed Changes - FROM F H J L M N-1 @P Q S Z X EE FF MM 9 Hughes Property that lies in Buena Vista Creek Single family neighborhood bordering Buena Vista Circle Ticor and Native Sun Parcels near the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon Area on the north side of Pine Avenue between Lincoln Street and AThSF RR Southeast corner of Pi0 Pic0 and Magno 1 i a Area in the vicinity of Chinquapin, Adams and Harrison Streets Snug Harbor Kelly Ranch a) Portion of Planning Area A b) Portion of Planning Area C c) Planning Area D d) Portion of Planning Area F State coastal property south of Terra Mar East side of Avenida Encinas, north o f res t aur ant s Area south of Cobblestone Sea Village Northwest of Alga Road and El Camino Real to Dove Lane South of Alga Road, El Camino Real to Manzanita Ecke Property south of Palomar Airport Road RRI(1ntensive Regional Comm. ) RMH RM/os RVH RC/O RMH RM RMH RMH RM RC RLM RS RL C RMH PI/OS JULY 14, 1986 @ EXHIBIT F G I K N+N1 U V mw X Y AA BB cc DD PROPOSED "CLEAN-UP" LCP AMENDMENTS DESCRIPTION Portion of Hughes property north of Buena Vista Creek First row of lots adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon along Jefferson Street Lots on northside of Laguna Drive between State and Roosevelt Streets Proposed Change FROM TO os RR - RLM RM RH RM State beach parking lot south of RH Oak Street os Lots in the area surrounded by Harrison Street, Adams Street and Chinquapin Avenue Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Encinas Creek RMH and RM RL PI TS Sudan Mission PI RM Residentially designated area north of Cobblestone Sea Village in Palomar Airport Influence area RLM RL Residentially designated area south RL of Cobblestone Sea Village RL Hunt Property along El Camino Real Northeast corner of Avenida Encinas/Palomar Airport Road Northwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane Southwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane PC RF PI TE TS/N TS TS/N TE Spinnaker Hills RM Rl e EE West side of El Camino Real, north of Alga Road MM Ecke property south of Palomar Airport Road Residential Density Ranges a. b. d. e. Office Designation C. CHAR JULY Cont RM C PI and OS os a No Category RL( RLM (0-4 du/ac) RLM RM (4-10 du/ac) RM (' RMH (10-20 du/ac) RMR RH (20-30 du/ac) RH (: No Category 0 (0 e 0 e EXHIBIT F J J - L M 0 ap S T. EE I1 JJ KK 0 LL C J PROPOSED ZONE CElANGES TO IMPLEMENT THE LCP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Hughes property that lies in Buena Vista Creek Ticor parcels near mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon Native Sun parcel near mouth Buena Vista Lagoon North side of Pine Avenue between Lincoln Street and AT&SF RR Southeast corner of Pi0 Pic0 and Magnolia Proposed Change FROM - TO - c-2-Q os R-A R- 1 R-A R- 1 RD-H R- 3 Two lots on the west side of Harrison R- 1 Street adjacent to 1-5 RD- CT-( RD-I Snug Harbor RD" R-T State coastal property south of Terra Mar Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Encinas Creek It- 1 os c-2 CT West side of El Camino Real north C- 2 -Q of Alga Road RD-1 East and west corners of Avenida Encinas at Cannon Road Cannon Lake Park Portion of SDGdE property on the northwest corner of 1-5 and C annon Road Southeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Jefferson Street intersection R-A RD-M-Q c- 2 R- 1 PM os CT-C RD-M b e e 0 COLOR KEY TO EXHIBIT MAPS - BLUE-General Plan changes only PINK-Zoning changes only GREEN-Local Coastal Plan changes only YELLOW-Combination General Plan, Zoning and LCP changes - EXHIE JULY I' I - * RVH .TO RH RD-H TO 8-3 I GENERAL PLAN ZONING Rl LOW DEhSITY (0- I 5 I RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RLW LOU.\IEDIL.W DESSIN(0.i) RW \IEDIL\I DENSIR (+-8) RH HIGH DE?.SIPII 15.25) COMMERCIAL RRI l>TES5D€ :\ftiIOSAL RETML (c8. Plaza Cmmo Redl R.!L LLWTED MLLll.F.LYlLY R€SIDEhTLU ,?Oh1 RRE ESl"E?SbT REGIOUL RET.4IL (cg Car Countn Carlsbad) ED,:: E/gF>N)$ llf>;lEi.;LLWI)3$O\E 4 P.C PLLI3TD CO.M>lLSlTY ZOSE R-4 RESIDE>TkL4CRICLLR RAL ZOXE R.E RLRU RESIDE?.TLU EST4TE ZOXE R. I OXE.F.LWLY RESIDEhTL4L ZOh€ R-2 WO-FC\lILY RESlDE\TLUZO?.T R 3 \lLLTlPLE F.CWILY RESIDESTLU ZO\f RVH VEDIL\I HIGH DESSlN(8.15) RS %ECiOv~L >ER>lCE C (.O?lWlVI17 COHYERCL4L RHHP RESIDESTLU M081LE HOWE P.UM ZO?.T TS TR4\EL >ER\ICES COMVERCLIL N ~EIGHBORHOODCO~I\IERCL4L R-P F&lDE>TLU PROFESIONM ZO>E RT RESIDE>TLU TOCRISTZO>E 0 PROFEShIONAL REL+TED RW RESIDE.\TL4L WATERU4Y ZOSE City of CBD CEWRtL BLSISESS DISTRICT PI PLCI\ED IhDLSTRL4L G GO\.€R\\lENT F.tCILITIES U PC BLIC LTIUTIES RC RECREITIOS CO.M.clERCL\L COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICE;U?;E C- I 5EiGHBORHOOD C0M.MERCI.U ZOSE C.2 GLVIUL COWMERCLU ZO\E CT CO.HYERCLU.TOLRIST ZOSE SCHOOLS E ELEWExT.4RY J ,K SIOR HIGH P..M PIA.\?.TD L?DCTRlkl ZOST H HIGH KHOOL OPES WICE \O\ REbIDESTL4L RESER\€ C-M H€*~CO.MYERCLU.U\~ITED L\DLSTRLU ZOSE H L\DCSTRlAL ZO?.T 0 PRI\4T+ F-P FLOODPLUV OVEU"€Y ZO9E OTH IR L C UHITED CO%lROL OS OPEN SP,\CE P-C PLBUC LTIUlY ZOhX GPA/LU - CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 4 I EXHlBl JULY 1 ~ @ From RMH to GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RISlDLNtlAL RL LOW DE\SI’R IO- I 5) RISIDCNIIAL RLI( LOW.VEDIL\I DEhSIlY(O.41 RWH \IEDIL\IHlCH DENSIm(8.15) P.C PLLS’TD CO.M.WLSITy ZONE RW SIEDIL\l DESSlTI(+-O) RH HIGH DE?rTllYP(( 19.23) RRI l>TESSI\ E ,<EGIOSAL RET4lL (cg. Plua Cmmo Real) RRE ESTE>S&E REGIOSAL FET.4IL (eg. CuCountm Culrbad) mu). RESIDE\TLU D€’iSlD.WCLTIPLE ZO3E R.A I(TSIDEhTIAL .+GGRICTLTL RU 2013 R.E RLRU I(TS1DEhTLU EST.4TE ZOSE R. I OX€-F.4MlLY RESIDEVTLU ZO>T R.2 N’O~FC\IILYRE5ID€\TLU ZOSE COMMERCIAL R.5 WCLTIPLE F.LWlLY RESIDE3Tl.U ZO3€ R.?L UWITED ~ICLTI-F.C\lIL’iWIDE~~U ZO>€ 4 Rs REGIOS4L ,ER\TCE RD-H WIDE3TLU DESSIPiHIGH ZO\E C CO>I\IL>IlT COMMERCL\L 3 YEIGHBORHOOD COWIERCL4L Ts TR\\EL -.ERVICES COWWERCL4L (1 PROFES)IO>AL REL4TED CBD CESTR4L 81513ESS DISTRICT PI PLC‘rYED ISDLSTRl.\L C GO\€RYVEST FAC!LITIIEs U PLBLIC ITIUTIES RC RECRL4TIOS CO.WWERCLU RHHP RESIDESTLU lOBILE HOME PUX io>€ R.P RE5IDE\T.U PROFWI0S.U ZOSE RT RESIDE\T.UTOCRlST ZOSE RW RESIDE3T.U WATERV.4Y ZO>E City of C COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICE LO>€ C-1 SEIGHBOPHOOD CO.W.WERC1.U ZOSE C-2 GLhW CO.W.WERCLU ZO\E C.T COYHERCLU~TOCRLSTZO?rE SCHOOLS C.M HL4W COMMEKLU.LL~IITED L\DLSTRLU ZOSE E ELE>IE?rT.4RY H LVDCSTRUL ,?OS€ J JKSIOR HIGH P.M PUNhTD LhDUSTRIM ZO>T H HIGH KHOOL P PRI\4rE F.P FLOODPLW OVERL4Y ZOSE L.C LLHITED COXlROL P.U PlBUC LllLllY ZO\T OS OPEN SP.4CE OTHlR e PES W4C.E ‘O\ REbIDESTL4L RESEW+ 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA/LU b I ~~ EXHIE JULY 0 - FROM R-3 ro R- 1 CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL os 0 GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOW DEMIlY (0. I 7 I RESIDENTIAL RCSIDINTIAL RLY LOW.WEDII. 4( DEXSIlY(O.+) RIIH WEDL1 \I HIGH DESSIlY(8-15) P-C PL%\>€D CO.W.HL3-in ZOhT R.4 R€SIDE>~.~G~UCLLT~R.U ZOXE R-E RLRU RESIDESTLU SlXTE ZOSE R. I Oh€.F?LIIILY R€SiD€\TLU ZOS€ R.2 NU.F.4WLY RESIDL\Tl,u 20- R.+ MlLTIPLE F.4.WILY REIDEYTLUZO\T RH WEDIL \I DE>SIR l+01 RH HIGH DE><ITY( 15-23) RRI IhTESSIVE .AEGlOS.4L RET.\IL (cg PIua Cam~no Real 1 RRE EXE\bnI REGIOSAL RETIIL (cg Cu Councn. Clrlrbad) m-.W RElDE>TLU D€\SIn.WCLnPLE ZOSE COMMERCIAL R-3L LLHITED .MCLTI F.4WlLY RESIDEXTLU ZO>+ Rs REGIOS4L >ER\ICE RD.H RESIDE>TLU DENSITYHIGH LO>E 4 C CO>[ML\llT CO.HMERCL\L N \EIGHBORHOOD CO>I\IERCL4L TS TR\\EL >ERVICES COWNERCL\L 0 PRUFESSIOVL REL\mD RW RESIDLSrLU WAERUAY ZO\E Gity of I CBD CEXTR\L BLSIhESS DlSTRlCT PI PLL\>ED iSDLSTlU4L G GO\€RV>IENT F.4CILITIES C PL BLlC L TlLlTiES RC RECRL\TIOS CO.WMERCL4L RMHP R€SIDEh-TLU .MOBILE HOME P.uu( LO>€ R.P RESIDESTLU PRON51OSM ZOSE RT RESID€'"ll.U TO1 RlST ZOSE COMMERCIAL 0 OFICELO%€ C- I .';EIGHBORHOOD CO.H.WERC1.U ZOSE C.2 GLk'EPAL COMMERCLU ZOXE CT COM.WERCLU.TOLRIST ZOXE SCHOOLS E ELEWE>T.IRY H HIGH 4CHOOL J JYSIOR HIGH P-W PIAh%€D LbDCSTRLAL ZOM F.P FLOODPLUN OVERL\Y ZOSE OS OPE" SP.4CE C..W HEAY COMMERCLU-UYITED LWLSTRLU ZOSE s H L\DL'STRLAL ZO3F PRI\ 4TE OPES WACE XU RE>IDESTL\L RESEW€ OTHER L.C LLHmD COhTROL P.U KBUC LTIUlY ZO\T CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 & I ~- EXHlBl JULY 1 j 0 e C-M - From R-7-70 to M PALOMAR AIRPORT r. GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOW DESSITY (0- I 5) RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL KM LOW.UEDI1.M DEhSIm(0.i) Rcl \lEDlL\l DEMIT((i.8) RRE ExTEhJnZ REGIOUAL RET.UL (cg. cu Countn. Culrbad) RD.r( RESIDESmU D€%rllY.MLLnPI+ ZO>E 4 P.C PL&\>XD CO.H.WCUIlTZOSE R.A RESIDES7LU .AGRICL'Lll RU ZO+ R.E RCRU R€SIDE\TLU EST,\E ZOSE R.1 0ZE.F.LHILYRESIDEhTLU ZONE R-2 ~O~FLVILY RE5lDL\TLU ZONE RVH VEDIL \I HIGH DESSITY(8.IS) RH HIGH DE\5IT(( 15.23) COMMERCIAL RRI ISTESSI\E :<EGIONAL RET.AIL (cg. Plaza Cunlno Real) R.3L LLWTED \(LL77.F.~\(lLYRESIDEhnU ZOSE R.? wL LnPE F.LMILY RL~IDESTLU ZO~T R5 'ItGIOV4L \ER\.lCE c co.mLs[n CO.H.HERCL~L RD.H RESIDE3TLU DENSIn.HICH ZO>E R.P RESIDESTLU PROFW[ON,U ZOSE RT RESIDE\l-LU TO1 RIST ZOSE RHHP RESIDEZ;TLU. MOBILE HO.ME PULk: ZOSE N KEIGHBORHUOD COV!dERCLAL TS lR\\EL >ERVICES COY.VERCL\L 0 PROFEShIONAL REL4ITD RW RESIDEhTLU WATERUU ZO\E CBD CE\TR\L BLSINESS DISTRICT PI PLC\\ED ISDLSTRIAL G GO\€R~VENTF.ACILlTIES L' Pl BLlC LTlLlTIES RC RECE.(TION COWMERCLIL City of I COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICE LO>X C-l SEIGHBORHOOD COM.HERCLU ZOh€ C.2 G€\W COM.HERCLU ZOXE C-T COMMERCLU.TOLRISTZO3E SCHOOLS C..H HUbY CO.H.MERCLU-LLWlTD L\DLSTRLU ZOSE E ELENEST.4AY M LvDCSTRLUZOM H HIGH aCHOOL J JlVIOR HIGH P.M PkWD ML'STRlM ZO%T P PRn4TE OTnLR 0 F-P FLOODPLW OVERL\Y ZOSE L.C UMmD CO>rnL OS OPLY SPACE P-U F'LBUC LTIllTi ZOSE OPE3 >P,\CE \Oh RT>IDESTL+L RESERVE CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 + I EXHIBI I JULY 1 0 a 'C-2 TO PM' m I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL ULSIDENTIAL WH LoU.\IEDIL.H DESSITi(O-*) Rl LOU DEMIT/ (0.1 5 1 p.c PLGTED COYXCSIN ZOn RM \lEDIL \! DE>SIT( (4.81 RIIH \IEDII \I HIGH DENSIn(6.I)) R. I O\€.F,A.MILY RESIDE\n%L ZOhT RH HIGH DE>FITY( 15.23) R.2 N'O.F.<\lILY RF5IDL\TLU ZOSE ~.4 \lCLTlPLE F.cI(lLY RLclDE>ITU ZOSE R..+ RLSIDESW 4GRLCLLTW ZOTf. R.E RC R%J, WIDESTLU ESTIE ZONE COMMERCIAL MI I>~E?;s~E .(EGIOS~L RET.4lL (cg Plaza Cmmo Real 1 RRE ~~r~~sfi~ REGIO~AL uT.kIL (cg. Cu Countn. Carlsbad) RD.'' RESIDESmu DE\SIn'HCLnPLE ''>E pD.H RESIDSITU DESSITYHICH ZOSE R-P P.E5IDESTL.U PRO~I0S.U 20% R. !L LLMIrED \lCLTTFC\IILY RESIDESTLU ZOhT 4 p.s RTClOS4L >ER\lCE c. (:U~I!.ICSITI COMMERCLIL s \EIGHBORHOOD CO\I\lERCL4L TS TR4SE.L >ERVlCES COH!dERC:LIL &\1HP RES1DESTI.U !dOBILE HOME P.a LOST RT WIDEhnU TOLRlST ZOhE City of Ci 0 PROFEchlOShL RELIED G GO\+R\;YENT F.vxmEs c. 1 S~IGHBORHOOD COMMERCL~ ZOSE NW RESiDE3TLU UATERVX ZO3E CBD CES'IX4L BLSINESS DlSTRlCT PI p~c\hED I\DLSTRL4L C PCBLLC LTILITIES c.2 GL~;ERAJ.COHMERCLUZO\E RC RECp.F-<TlON COMMERCLkL C.T C0MMERCLU;TOCWT ZOSE SCHOOLS c.Y HEA\Y COMMERCLU.U\tIED L\DCSTRLU ZOSE E ELEZIESThRY J JCXIOR HIGH P-H PUXhxD LbDCSW ZOM H HIGH KHOOL mcu F.P FLOODPLUN OVERL%Y ZOSE P-C PLBUC LTUn ZOS'E os OPEN SP.4CE COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICE LUY€ H L413CSlRLu ZOM 6 PRI\ 4rE OPES SP.4CE To\ R€>lDESTL\L RESERbT L c UM1TF.D COhTROL CITY OF CARLSBAD ZC-3L + EXHlB JULY @ L CPA e . - .A .* From OS To RRI GPA/LU Fr.om RRI To OS I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RESIDfNTIAL RL LOU' DE!4TI io. i 5 1 RESIDENTIAL RLM LOWV-VEDIC.V DESSITY(O.+) P.C PLLWED COMMLWIY ZOST RV VEDIL\tDESSII3'!+d) R..A RESIOEZIT~~L.U~RICLITLRUZOSE RVH VEDICW HIGH DENSITY (a. 15) X-E RLRU WIDE\TLU E5T.4E ZOSE R.1 O\€+.F.LWlLY RESIDE\TLU ZO\T R.2 WO-F.4.WLY RESIDESTUL ZV>T X- 3 \I1 LTIPLE F.4HILY RLs1DE.Ml.U ZOhT RH HIGH DEXSITY ( 13-23) RRI ISTEX-IVE REGIOSAL RET.4IL leg. Plaza Cmmo Real) R-?L LLWTED MLLTI.F.4.WILY RESIDE>TLU ZOSE RR€ ESTF\.I\.Z REGIOUAL RET.4lL tcg Cu Countn Clrlrbad) RD-V RESIDE\TLU DESSITYYLLTIPLE ZO3E 4 COMMERCIAL RS REG;\ \4L>ER\.lCE C CO\!\ILSl~COI(.VERCL4L RHHP RESIDL\lTU MOBILE HOIE P.a ZOhT V VEIGHBORHOOD COWMERClAL T5 TR4VEL .ER~ICESCOMIIERCL4L 0 PROFEZ\IOXAL REL\TED CED CESTP.\L BLSIZESS DlSTRlCT PI PLCXXED I\DLSTRL\L ti GO~+RX\.IE>TF.~CILITIES C PC BLIC !. TlLlTlES RC RECRL\i!OS CO.VVERCLAL E ELEVE\ rHY H LM)CSrn ZO\T GPA/LU J JLZlOR :<sH H HIGH Y .IWL RD.H R€SIDE\TLU DESSIlYHICH ZOSE R P R€SIDE>TLU PROFESSIOSAL ZOhZ RW R€SIDL.XLU U;XlTRU,4Y ZOXE City of I RT RLcIDE\TLU TOLRIST ZOhE COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEZO3T C- I \TIGHBORHOOD COHMERCLU 20% C.2 GL~WlN,CO.W(.HERCLU ZOXE 1 CT COM.VERCLU-TOLRISTZO3E SCHOOLS C.M HL4kYCO.WMERCLU.UVITED LSDLSTRLU ZO\E dt P.Y PUVSED L\DCSI'RLU ZOM PP.l\4TE OPE\ >PKE L.C UWITED COPiTROL \O\ R€>IDESTIAL REhERVE OTHER F.P FlOODPLUY Ok'ERL\Y ZOSE OS OPEi \P.4CE ZC-3L P.C PLBUC mum zos~ I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 b I I I EXHlB 0 JULY From RLM To BUENA VISTA I I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLM RU H RU RH RRE RRI Rs (: \ Ts 0 CBD PI G L RC E J 6 RLSIDINTIAL LOW OEhSITY (0. I 5 I LOU-WEDlL.M DEISITY(O.4) HEDICUOE>SITYI+-U) MEOILU HIGH OESSITY(B.L5) HIGH DE\SIP( ( I5.23) COMMERCIAL ISTE\%I\E REtiIOS.+L RET.4IL leg. Plaza Cmmo Real1 ESZ'..l\€ REGIOU4L RETAIL (CP Car Count- CarI5baJ) REG;% \ \L >ER'.ICE COZI\IL\Il3'COHH(ERCL+L \EItiHEORHOUO CO\IUERCL+L ~~ELliR\.lCESCOU.\IERCL\L PROFE\,IO\+L RTL+TEO CEXTRIL BLsl>ESS OISIRICT GO\€RXVE\T F4CILInES PLC\\ED I\OLSllU4L PLBLIC L llLlTIES mcrwr!o\ COVMERCLAL SCWOOLS JL\IOR bH ELEZIE', rHY HIGH *I :OOL Prn4TE OPES \PICE \Ox RE?IDESTL<L REZER\€ P.C R. A R. E R. I R- 2 R. + RD- U R. SL RUHP RD.H R- P RT RW CI 0 C-2 C T C-M H P. M 1.c F- P P-C os R1SIDCNTIAL PLL\>XO COVHLYITY ZOSE R.€SIDE\TLU .+GRlCLLn RU ZOhE RLRU mIoE\nu EST+TE ZO\E OhX.F.4HlL\ ESlOE\TLU ZO?;E T\VO.FCWLY RESIOE>TLU ZOh€ \I[ LllPLE FCUlLY mIDE\TLU ZO\T LLUITED HLLll-FC\rllLY ESIDE>TLU ZO>€ RESIDL\TLU OE>qIT\ UCLTIPLE LOhE RfSIDE\TLU OE351lY HIGH ZUE RESIDEhTLU MOEILE HOHE P.UWZOhX RESIDE\TLU PROFESSIO\U ZO>€ RESIDE\TLU TOL RlST ZOXE RESIDIXVlULUAT€RU+\ ZO\E COMMfRClAL OFFICE ZOXX XIGHBORHOOO COHMERCLU ZOSE CWTRAL COWMERCLU ZO\E COM.MERCLU-TOLRLST ZOXE HL+b?'COMMERCLU LLMITED L\DLSTP.LU ZO\E L3DLSTRW zox PIAh>EO LhDCSTRLU ZOhX OTHER ROOOPLUV OVERL+Y ZOhE UHlTED COhTROL PLBUC Inurrzo\T OPES >P.,CE ~ 4 City of F I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA t 0 0 Fr \ \\ EXHl JULY 8 IT 14 I )RAL PLAN RL LOW DE" (0 1.5) RCSIOCNTlAl RLM LOW.MEDILM DWSITf(0.i) RMH MEDILM HIGH DLVSITYY8-15) RH %EDICM DESSI'IY (W3) RH HIGH DLVSITY ( 13-23) RRE RRI Rs C S Ts CBD 0 PI Rc L' 0 COMMERCIAL LVlTSSRT REGIONAL RETAIL (w Flaza CMLIY) Red) EXTENSTVE REGIOSAL RETAIL (a a COUnUV GtiSbbrd) REGIONAL SERYICE CO>l.MLSllYCO.MMERCL4L SEIGHBORHOODCOMMERCM TRAbTL SERVICE5 COMMERCLAL CE?4lX%L BLSINESS DISTRlCT PROFESSIONAL RELATED PUYKED ISDUSTRlAL KBUC uxms GO~€RU>lENTFACIUTIEE RECREATION COMMERCIAL SCMOOLS E ELEMESTIRI J JCSIOR HIGH H HIGHSCHOOL P Prn.4TE 0 OPEN SP.UE YON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE ZONING I PC I.* "" R.E R. I R- 2 R. 3 R.3L RDM RDH WIP R. P m RT RCSIMWIUL RANMD COMMLrn ZONE RLSIDENmL &RlcLITL'RM ZONE RCRM REsIDmm E5TATE ZONE OM.FAMILY RESIDOTW ZONE TWO-FAMILY RLSU)L' ZONE UHITEO MLLTI.FMILY RESIDENIW ZONE WIDEKIW DCISlTY.MLlTtPLE ZONE WIDPirW .MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE WIDENIIM DNSIlYHIGH ZONE RESIDEiTLU PIIOFESSIONAL ZONE RESIDENmLmmzoNE RESlDENlUL WA'AY ZONE COMMCKIAL MCLnm FAMILY MIDL"TTW ZONE "" ~"-~ - C- 1 NUGHIK31uH>oD COzlUuLcW ZONE c.2 G~co"~zo~T C.T COhLUERCW-T0LTUT ZOFiE o omazoa C-M HUW COMYEXLU.UHITED UXXSIRW ZONE P.M PLANNED ~~~ ZONE M MDL'STRWZOM OTMIR - . . . - - - L.C LLum CONrmL F-P F'LOODPLUN OYElllAY ZOhZ os OPENSPACE P-u maw LTR~TY ZONE i -4 City of C c I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD IGPA/LU E c 8 I ~- EXHIE F 'I JULY 'om RH To RMH/O GENERAL PLAN ZONING I I[ RHH U(EDIL\( HIGHDEXSlrY(8.I5) I. I RH HlCH DEI51TII 15.2)) I- 1 R- 2 RRI l\TI\-l\€ REGIOV4L RET.AILlcg PluaCamtno Rcall R. 4L R- I RRE ESlT\.I\€ REGIOVAL RET.4IL I cg Cu Countn Cullbad) RD M C COll\ll. \In CO.WMERCL4L RWHP RDH TS TR4\EL ?ER\lC.ES COHIIERCLtL V \EIGHBORHOOD CO\IlERCUL R-P 0 PROFE.'>IO\4L RELtITD RT RW PI PLC\.\ED I\DLSTRL+L C GO\€R\\IEhT FKILITIES c- I 0 L PLBLIC I TILITIES c-2 CT E ELEZIE'. tKY C.M H H HIGH v :IWL J JLIIOR (.,H P.Y P PRII4l-E F. P COMMERCIAL R5 REGA. \4L,ERVICE CBD CE.\lRIL BL5IIESS DISRICT RC R€CRLti!O\ CO.WMERCIAL SCHOOLS RCSIDINTIAL LOU DEhSITY t 0. I 5 b LOU.\IEDIL\l DE>SIT'Y(O-+) YEOIl\l DEWlYl t.#I P.C R. A R.F OPES \PICE YO\ RE:IDESTL\L P.f>ERIP .. L.C P.C os RCSIOINTIAL PLL\%TD CO.W.HL3IlY ZOSE WIDEhTLU.U;RLCLLlT RU ZOVE UW€R FLOODPLUY OV€RLIY ZOSE OPEN >P.KE LLWITED COhlXOL mBuc inun ZOXT RLRU WiDE\TLU iST,ITE ZO3E O>€-FCWIL\ RESIDE\TLU ZO.\T NO~FUIILl RESIOE3TLU LU!G UWTED VLLn-F.CMILj WIDESTLU ZO\I VlLTlPLE FCWILY RES1DEhJI.U ,?Oh€ RESIDESTLU DEIFIlT HLLTIPLE ZOhE RESIDEhTLU DE>SIn HIGH ZO\E RESIDEhTLU MOBILE HOME Pw< ZOSE RESIDESTLU PROFESI0I.U LOSE !USIDE>TLU TO1 RlST ZO\E WIDF3ll.U UATERU.A\ ZO\E OFFICE ZOI'E COMMERCIAL \ZIGHBORHOOD COW.HERCLU ZOSE GEWCRAL CO.W.WERCLU ZO\E CO.H.HERCLUTOCRlSTZO>E HFAbY CO.H.HERCLU-UWIl-EED L\DLSTRLU ZOhE PLLSIED LWCSTRLU ZOhT LWCS"RLU ZO\T 4 City of I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA t I I I ~ ~ GPA/LU zc aLCPA c 0 EXHIBI From RM/OS To RL/OS JULY 1 From RLM To 0 I I GENERAL PLAN (ZONING) I RESIDENTIAL RL LOW DESSITY IO. I 5) RU HEDIL\I DESSITYY(i.8) RH HIGH DESSITY(l5.231 RRI INTE\,b€ REGIONAL RET.\IL (cg PluzCam~no Rcal) R-IL LLWTED MLLTi-FIUILY F.f5IDE>TIALZOS€ RR€ EITE\!I\Z REGIOSAL RETAIL (cg Cu Countrv Culsbad) RD.H RESIDESTLU DLUSIR HLLTIPLE ZOSE 4 RESIDENTIAL RLH LO'S'.UEDILM'DESSI~.~O-~) P-C PUI3TD COMMLSITY ZOSE R-E RLRU RLSIDEhTLU EST.ATE ZOSE R- I Oh€+-F.4UILY RESIDEZTLU LOM R.2 lWO.F.4WLY RESIDE\TW ZOhT R.3 VL LTiPLf F.4UILY RESIDEhTLU ZOlvE R.A RESIDESTN .muccm RU ZOSE RUH HEDlL W HIGH DEYSITY (8-15) COMMERCIAL IU REGi<:\<L>ERVlCE C CO?I\IL\;ITYCOHMERCL4L RDH RESIDE>TLU DESZITI~.HIGH ZUlE TS TFULEL \ER\ICES COHIIERCLIL N lEICHBORHOOD CO.U>IERCLIL R.P RLSIDENTLU PROFESIOSAL ZOST 0 PROFE>>IOSAL RELUED CBD CESTRtL BLSISESS DISTRICT PI PL<\\ED IlDLSTTU4L C GO\+R\?tEST F.4CILITIES C PLBUC 1 llLITlES RHHP RE-5IDESTI.U .MOBILE H0.W P.RK ZOhT RT RLSIDEITLU TOCRiST ZOhE RW RLSlDL\TLU WATER'XAY ZO\E City of I COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEZOh€ C.1 hTIGHBORHOOD COI1MERCLU ZOSE C.2 GLWERAL COMMERCLU ZO\E CT COM.UERCL&LTOLRLST ZOAE RC nEcc<rlos cowtmcm SCHOOLS C.M HEAb'Y COMMERCLU-LLHITED LYDCSTRLU ZOhE E ELE.ME.\ ' w H LWCSTRIAL ZOh€ GPA/LU J JCSIOR :GH H HIGH >t -7t)OL 9 P-M PUISED lhDCSTRlU ZOhT PW4TE OPEN CPtCE L.C LLUlTED COhTROL SOS RE'IDESTLIL RESER\.€ OTHLR F.P FLOODPLUN OVERL4Y ZOKE OS OPEN 5P.4CE zc-34 PX PCBUC rnumzoxT . I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA E 4 I I ~~ ~~ EXHIBI' I. JULY 1d 0 Fr '0 m .- GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RESIDENTIAL FU LOW DEhSIN ( 0. I 5 ) RLM LOW.MED1L'M DENSllY (0-4) RU MEDICM DESSIR (4-8) RMH MEDlL>t HIGH DENSITY (8.15) RH HIGH DESSIlY(15.23) COMMERCIAL RRE EXTE>>IVE REGIOSAL RETAIL (cg. Cu Country Carlsbad) RRI INTESWH REGIONAL RETAIL (cg. Plaza Cmmo Real) RS RECI<)SALSERVICE Y SEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL C CO~I\ILNINYOM.S1ERCL4L T5 TRAVEL >ERVICES COSl.MERCLAL 0 PROFESSIONAL RELATED PI PLLVSED ISDUSTRIAL CBD CEYTR4L BLSINESS DISTRICT C COk'ERUSIENT F.4CllIITES C PCBUC I TILITIES RC RECE4TION COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS E ELE>lE> ' \RY J JCSIOR .IGH H HIGH C( :iOOL P PRIVATE .'.g EN W4CE S RF..'IDENTL+L RE.SER\Z RESIDENTIAL P.C PL+N%TD COYMLW ZONE R-A RESID€.\% AGNCLITL'RAL ZOKE R-E RCRU W1DEhTl.U EST4TE ZONE R.1 0lriE-f.LWlLY RESID€\TLU ZOh€ R.2 WO~F.LUILYREXDL\7Ul. ZONE ~.3 wxnm F.LMILY RESIDENTUL ZONE RD.M WIDEXTAL orssm.ucLnPLE ZONE R.3L LLMIT'ED .MCLTI-F.LMILY !4€.510EhTL~L ZONE RD.H RESIDE3Tl.U DESSIlVHIGH ZONE RMHP RESIDEXLU YOBILE HOME PARK ZOhT R.P RESIDE\TLU PROFEXIOSAL ZONE RW RESID€\% WATEXUAY ZOSE RT RE5IDL\TLU TOCNST ZONE ~~~~~ ~ 0 0FFlCEZO.W COMMERCIAL C.1 SWGHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE C.2 GENERAL COM.UERCL&L ZOSE C.M HEAW COMMERCLU-UWTED INQUSTRLU ZONE P-M PIAPIXED LE;DCSTRLU ZONE C.T COMMERCUL.TOURLSTZOkE M LWCSTRULZONE OTHER ~~ L.C LLUIT'ED COhTROL F.P FLOODPLW OVEUY ZOAZ P.U KBUC LTLITYZOlc€ OS OPLV SP.4CE ~ 4 City of Cl I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA a ~~~~~~~~~ I I . EXHlBl I JULY 1 0 c) GPA /L U ZC i .. Frbm. RVU To RU From RD-H TO RD-M c1 ari..;f);jtf j+.,,;.;, >t4+1 {L pirk; c - I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL LOW DEhSITY (0.1 5 I RESlDfNTlAL RESIDENTIAL RLH LOW.VE0IL.V DESSIlT'(O.-%) RIIH VEDIL >i HIGH DENSilT'(8.15) P-C PLL%ED COMMLW'N ZOh'E R-E RL FLU WIDESTLU EST4TE ZOST R- 1 O\€+.F.4VILY RESIDEhTL4L ZOM R-2 N'O-FCVILY WIDE\ll.UZOS€ R.4 HLLf7PL.E F.CI(ILY RESIDESTLU LOSE RM VEDIL \1 DE\SIlY ( i,U \ RH HIGH OE\$IlY( 15.23) R..A WSIDE~TAL .xxcLLn RU zo~ RRI Isnssn+ ~(E~~IOS~L RET.~IL (cg. plaza CAmlflO Real1 COMMTRCIAL R.3L UMlnDVLL~.F~\~lLY~lDE>nUZOST RIlE ESTEZSnI REGlOSAL RET.UL (cg. Cu Count. Carisbad) RD.V RES1DEZ;IIU DE..Slll'~MLLTIPLE LOSE RS REGIOSAL >ER\;ICE C COWlLSI~ COM.MERCUL RMHP WIDESTLU .VOBILE HOME P.4.M .?OS€ R0.H RESIOE%TL.U DESSIR-HIGH LO>€ S SEIGHBORHOOD CO\!>IERCL\L R.P RESIOEh7lU PROFESSIONAL LOSE TS TR\\EL >ERVlCES CO.M.5IERCL\L 0 PROFESSIONAL REL4ED CBD CESTR4L BCSINESS OISTPJCT PI PLLYXEO ISDUSTRIAL C CO~+R~SIENTF.\CILITIES U PLBLIC CTlLlTlES RC RECRL4TIOS COI(MERCLU RT RESIDESTLUTOCRIST ZOSE RW R€5lOE\TLU\XATERU.4~~ZO\E COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICELUX€ C. I SEIGHBORHOOD CO.M.MERCLU ZOh'E C.2 GL%ZRhL COMMERCLU ZO\E CT COM.MERCLU~TOCRISTZO\E C.M HEAWCOMMERCLU.U\~ITEO LIDCSTRLU ZOSE P.H PUWTD LhDCSTUU ZOXE SCHOOLS E ELE>IE>T.U(Y J JLSIOR HIGH H HIGH ICHOOL .M L\DCSlRMl ZOS€ OTHLR PRn4l-E F.P FLOODPLUV O\€RL\Y ZOSE @SOS REbIDESTL4L RESER\€ )PES SMCE L.C UMITED CONTROL P.C PLBUC Lnuvzosz OS OPEN SP.4CE 4 City of I GPA/LU z I - I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-3 c rn I ~ ~~ " GPA/LU From RC/O To TWO ZC From R-3 TO CT-Q \A EX1 JUL I181 Y1 GENERAL PLAN ZONING I Rl LOW DEhSIlY I 0. I 5 j P-C PLh;ED COWWLSITY ZONE RV \lEDlLW DEISITYIi-WI R-E RLRU RESIDE\TLU E5T.4TE ZOSE RH HIGH DES4IN i 15.23 1 R.2 T!X'O.F.L\IILY RESIDE\TLU ZOM R.1 OSE.F.4WLY RESIDL\TL+L ZOXE RRI ISTESSKE AEGIOS.4L RET.41L (cg. Plaza Cmlno Real) R-3L UWTED WCLn-FL\lILYRESIDEITLU ZOhT RRE EITEh4nT RECIOVAL RET.411 (cg Cu Countrv Carisbad) RD.Y RESIDE>TLU DESSI~+KLTIPLE ZOhE 4 RESIDENTIAL RISIOENTIAL RLrl LO\X.\lEDIC>l DE>SIlT(O.iI RIIH HEDIL V HIGH DE3SIDlB.15) R..A RESIDEMUL .+aucun RU zo?;~ COMMERCIAL R-? wLnpu F.WILY RLCIDEXTU ZOIT Rs REGIOSIL >ER\.lCE FOH RESIDEWTU DESSIlYHIGH ZOIE R-P RESIDE?;TLU PROFESSIOSM ZOSE c (;o.wwnm COMMERCL~L V XEIGHBORHUOD COZI\lERCL4L TS TR4\€L ~ER\lCESCOHIIERCL4L 0 PROFES5IOS.41 REL4TTD RW RESIDPTLU WATERU'.A\ ZOIE CBD CESTRIL BLSISESS DlSTFXT PI PLL\\ED iSDLSTU4L G GO\€RY\IENT F.4CILITlES L PC BLIC LTIUTIES RC RECE4TION COM.WERCLU RWHP RESIDENTLAL MOBILE HOME P.W LOhT RT RESIDEhTLU TO1 RlST ZOhE City of C COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICELO\€ C.1 hTIGHBOPHOOD COWHERCLU ZOSE C.2 GLW3Al. COMMERCLU ZOhE C.T CO.M.HERCLU-TOLRlSTZOSE SCHOOLS C,M HEW COM!dERCLU~U~ITED L~UDCSTRIU ZONE E ELEME.ST<RY .M L%VC5"RLu ZOXE J JLSIOR HIGH P-M PU*ih+D IhDLSIWAL ZOh€ H HIGH KHOOL P PRI\4l-E F.P FLOODPLUV O\'€RL\Y ZOSE L.C UWTED COhTROL P.U PLEUC LllUlY ZOhT OS OPLV SP.CE GPA/LU OTnlR PES W4CE %eO\ RE3IDESTL4L RESERbT c I CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3f i EXHIBI a From RM to RLM I 0 I - - 1 GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL LOU OE5SIl-Y IO- I 5 1 RESID€NTIAL RISIDENTIAL RLH LOU.\tEOIL\t OE>SIlT(O-i) RWH WEOIL \I HIGH 0ESSll-Y (8.151 P-C PL%\3TO COMMLSITi ZOVE R-E RL RU RLSIDEXTLU ST.\TE ZOSE R. I OX€-FIHILY RESlOEZTLU ZOX %H VEOIL V OE>SIn’t I.& I RH HIGH DE\SIlY( I)-23) R.A WIDL\TLU .+tirucLm RU ZO>E COMMERCIAL R-z N’O.F.UIILY mIo.c-\nu ZVXT R. 4 MI Lnpu F.LHILY WIDE>TLU LOST RRI 15lT\-lF€ REtiIOs4LRET.+IL(eg PluaCm%noRcall m ES~-E\>I\-E RE(;IO\AL RET,W. tcg. CXCOU~F. Culrbad) RD-H WlOE\TLU OEXSllT WLLTIPLE ZOSE I R. 4L LLHIITO HLLn F.k~lIL~ RLSIOE\TLU LOSE R5 RIG;. \tL>ER\TCE C C0VVLSIl-Y COHMERCL\L \ \EIGH%JRHOOO COVVERCLtL 0 PROFE?.>IO>+L REL\EO PI PLC\\ED I\OLSTRL+L G GO\€R\\IE>T F.+CILITIES C. I X€IGHBORHWO COHMERCLU ZOSE L PLBLIC i. TILITIES RD-H RESIDbTLU OESZIlYHIGH LO\E R P RESIOE\TLU PRONSIO~U ZONE R’S RESIOE\TLU UATERU4Y ZO\E City of RHHP nmonnu WEIILE HOIIE PU ZOIT T5 TIL+\EL ~EXSICESCOWVERCUL RT RESIDEhTLU TO1 RlST ZO>E CEO CESTRtL BlSI\ES> DISTRICT COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICELO\€ RC ECRE\i!n> COMZ1ERCLIL C.2 GL\W COWHERCLU ZO\E C-T CO.MYERCW~TOLRl5T ZO\E C-M HU\Y COMMERCLU-LLWITED L\DLSTRIU LOIE SCHOOLS E ELENEX rRY H HIGH ,I :OUL ) JL>IOR !rH P.54 PIA.\>EO LWXYlRLU ZOIT P PFln4l-E F-P FLOOOPLUV OVERL\Y ZOSE L-C LLHITEO COhTROL H LYDLSTRlhlLO?.T OTHER 0 OPE> ’PKE \Ox RE?IDESTL+L REhERVE OS OPE% ,P.+CE P.C PL~C mum ZOSE I I I- ~~~--~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA t 4 rn EXHIBIT AUGUST 0 GPAjLU From RWH To RL LCPA. From RMH to RL j. Y i e I m GENERAL PLAN ZONING RESIDENTIAL RLSIDENTIAL RLH LOU.\fEDIL.\f DE3SIniO.4) RMH HEDILV HIGH DESSIlY(8.15) RL LOW DE3SITY (0. I 5 1 P-c PL+I?.€D COWHLSIlY ZOSE R.A RESIDEXTLU .IGRICLIIl RU ZOSE Rn HEDlL Y DESSITY 14.8 I R-E RLRU WIDE>ll.U EST.IrE ZOSE R. I Oh€;E-F.A.nILY RESIDE3Ti.U ZOhT RH HIGH DESSIIYIY(I5.23) R.2 lU'O-F.L\IILY RLSIDLUTLU LCWT COMMERCIAL ~-3 \umE FCI~ILY RESIDE~TLU ZOXT RRI I~TE\.I\E REGIOSAL aT.+IL IC~ PluaCvnm Real) m ~~ni.l\+ MGIOXAL RETAIL i =g. cu Cuuncn. Culsbad) RD-H RESIDLSlIu DESSITY HLLTlpLE ZOSE R. jL UHITED .HCLTI.FlrllLY RESIDEXTLU ZOh€ 4 RS REG;> ~XIL jER\.lCE RD.H RESIDE3TI.U DESIITY HIGH ZO>E C CO\I\(CSllYCOM.HERCLIL \ SEIGHBURHOOD CO\t.\tERCLIL R-P RESIDESTLU PRONSIOSU ZOhT TS TF.+\EL \ERVICES COMZfERCL4L 0 PROFE!rlOS.IL RELIED PI PLC\\ED 13DLSTRL4.L G GO\TR\ZtE?rT FICILITIES RHHP WIDEXIXU .\IOBILE HOME P.U ZOh'E RT RES1DESll.U TOUUST ZOhE RW W1DLIll.U WAERU.IY ZO3E City of C CBD CESTRIL BLSISESS DISTRICT COMMERCIAL 0 OmCEZO3T C. I >€IGHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZOSE C PLELIC I. TlLlTlES C.2 GE.ZRU COMMERCLUZOJE RC REcRLqT!OI COVMERCUL SCHOOLS CT COM.MULCUL-TOCRLSTZO?-E C.H H€4\~COM>fBRCLU-UWrEO LIDCSTRLU ZOhE P.M PU\>ED LhDCSTRLU ZOhE E ELEM€\' <tY J jLhlOR '(IH H HIGH,< :OOL QTnLR M LWUSW Z0h-E * P PRIL4TE F.P FLOODPLILV OVERLIY ZOSE IPE3 \PICE L.C UHITED COhTROL OS OPLU ,P.4CE o> R€>IDESTL4L REZERVE P-c PLBUC L-nurt ZOST GPA/LU I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 8 1 m I EXHIB AUG. t 0 0 I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RISIDfNTIAL RL LOW DEhS1l-f (0. I q 1 RH \lEDIL \I DEsSITY 1 +bl RH HIGH DE\qI'TY( 15.23) COMMERCIAL RRI I>lT>il\E .IE~~IOS.AL RET.41L (eg PlazaCmmo Real1 RRE ESTE>.jn+ RECIO\AL RETAIL (cg Cu Countn. Culsbad) RD-H WIDE>TLU DEXIIn WLLTIPLE ZO\E RISIDINTIAL RLH LOU.VEDILH DE>jllY(O-i) P.C PLL\>€D COHMlUIlY ZOVE R-E RLRU WIDESTLU EST.+TE ZOXE R.1 O>FF,LYILY WlDE3lLU ZOSE R..A ESIOE>JIU +mucLLnIw ZO>T RIIH ~IEDIl?I HIGH DE3SIlT(B.I>) R 2 7U'O-FCItILY R€SIDE\TL&ZO\T R- 4 WL LTIPLE F.WILY RTCIDEhXU ZO>€ R.!L UHITED \tlLTl FWILI RESIDE>TLU LOXE RS REGIOX4L ?ER\?CE C ~~OV!dL>ll7 COHHERCLIL RHHP RESIOESTLU \tOBILE HOHE Pwi X)\€ RD-H RESIOE>TLU DEXITY HIGH ZO3E V \EIGHBORHOOO CO\I\IERCLIL R.P RESIDE>TLU PROFE.SlO\M LO\E I> PRVFE>>IO\AL RELIED CBD CES'TRtL 8151SESS DISTRICT PI PLL\\ED I>DLSlR.LIL G C,O~+R\VESTF.ICIUTIES C PL BLIC LTILlTIES RC RECRL+TIOS COHHERCLIL TS TR+\EL *ER\ICES COY\IERCLIL RT RESIOE>TLU TOI RIST ZO>E RW ESIDE>TLU UAERUU ZO\E COMMERCIAL 0 OmCE;u>€ C- I ~EIGHBORHOOO C0H.MERCI.U ZOSE C-2 GL\€RU COHMERCLU ZO\E C-T COYYERCLU~TOLRIST ZOSE SCHOOLS E ELESIE>TUIY J JISIOR HIGH H HIGH KHOUL OPE> rP4CE \O\ UE)IDEZTL\L RESERtT C..H HUW CO.W.WEKLU.LLWTED LVJLSTRLU ZO>E P.H PUMGO LS0CSTRJ.U 203'E H LwcslmALzo3T 0 P PRII4l-E F.P FLOODPLUV OVERJAY ZOSE OTHLR L-C LLHITED COSTROL 05 OPW WICE P.C RBUC LllUN ZO>T 4 City of I m I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-s 5 rn i ~ ~~ \ EXHIBIl 0 GENERAL PLAN RESIDENTIAL Rl LOU 3ESSIlY I 0- I <I Rlt VEDIL\l DE>SITY: 4 0 1 RH HltiH DE\SIlYf 15.25) RLM LOU.VEDIL\I DELSllTIO.+) RVH UEDII \I HIGH DE>cSITi (8.15) w I\n.E\-I\E ~E(;IOS.+L RTT,UL(cq. Plaza Cmmo Real1 COMMERCIAL RRE EITEE\.IVE REGL0\.4L UT.4IL I cg. CU Clruntn. iulsbad) Ri REG.. \IL>ERX~CE c: CO\l\l?\ITt COHWERCL4L TS TK4\EL .ER\.ICES COVZIERCLIL \I \EICHSURHOUD COV\lERCLIL $1 PROFE::lO\4L REL4ED CBD CE\TRIL 3LSl\E5> DISTRICT PI PLc\\EO I\OLSlRL\L ti GO\€R\\IE>T FIC!LIT:ES L PLBLIC ' TILLTIES RC RECR€.I;!(?\ CO.HVERCL4L E ELEVE'. \KY I JLSiOR ,H H HIGH*< .OuL scnooLs a- PRI\4TE )PE\ *P*(:E \ \O\ U>IDE\TLIL RE>ER\€ ZONING RESIDENTIAL P.C PLc\I\TD COWWLSIlY ZOXE F&iIDE>TLU ItiRiCLllT RU ZOIE RLRU RLSIDEITLU EST.\TE ZO\E O\€+-FC\(IL> RLSIDE>TLU ZO\€ NO.FC\IlLY RESIDE>TLU ZOIT \II LTIPLE FCHlLY RL;IDE\TLU ZOX UW~D wLn FCVIL) RL~IDE>TIU LOSE R. .4 R.E R. I RL R- 1 R.'L ~ ~~ RD.Y R€SIDE5TtUDENii! bllLllPLE ZO3E RD-H RESIDE\lTU DEZCIlY HlGH LO\€ RHHP RLSiDE>TLU \IOEILE HUHE PUU 203'E R P RESIDESTLU PROF€SiO\U ZOSE RW PL5IDE\lTU VATERU4t LO\€ RT RESIDE>TLU TO1 RiSTZOIE COMMERCIAL ~~ 0 6mCEZO;E ~ C I %EiGHBORHOOD COV.VERC.LU ZOhE C-2 GOXRAL CO.W.MERCLU ZO\E CT COY.MERCWTOLRL5TZO\E C H HE\~YCOH.VERCLU LHlTED LSDCSTRLU ZO\E P.W PU\\ED L\DCSTRLU ZOSE U L\DLSTUN ZO%€ OTHER F.P FLOOOPLUV ObTRL4Y ZOSE L C LLWTED COSTROL OS OPLV >P.ACE P.C PLBLIC CTtUlY ZOXT - ~ -~. 4 City of C GPA/LU I -~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-34 t I I EXHIBIT JULY 14 I. 0 EL From RMH TO OS \, x. CITY OF CARLSBAD ~~ ~ GPAILU a 4 EXHIB I JULY ' 0 0 i - ( c ANNON RQ. GPAA U From ZC From I I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I fU LOU DE>SIlY t 0. I 5 I RESIDINTIAL RlH LOU.\IEDIC\I DESSIn(0-i) RIIH VEDIL \I HIGH DESSiIT(8.IS) tw \IEDIC.\I DESSIIYI~.~) RH HIGH DE>SIT( f 15.2)) COMMERCIAL P-c PL%WED co.n.nIwm 70x7 RESIDENTIAL R.h K%jDE>'%U .+CiCL.Ln-RUZOSE R.E RC RU RESIDE%TLU F5T.ITE ZONE R- I O>X.F.4nlLY RE5ID€\TL\L ZOXT R-2 -0 FCIIILY RES1DEhTI.U ZO>€ R-3 \I[ LTlPLE F.CHILY RESIDE>TLU 2O>T RRI IATE\5I\+ RECIII)S.\L RET.\IL leg. Plaza Clmlno Rcall RRE EXTE>Sn€ RECIO\AL RF.T.UL (cg. Cu Countn. Clrlsbad) RD.H RESIDE%TIN DE?ISIn-HLLTlPLE ZO>E R-L iLHIlTD \ILLTl.FI\lILY RESIDE>TLU ZO%€ RS R€GIO>.+L >ERVICE RD.H RESIDE>TLU DES5IlYHIGH ZOhE X \EIGHBORHOOD CO\I.\IERCL+L 0 PROFE?>IOhAL REL\ED c co\i.wsin co.n.nERcL\L RHHP RESIDESTLU .MOBILE HOME P.W ZOSE TS rum >ER\ ICES COI~.WRCL+L R.P RESIDFSTLU PR0NSIOS.U ZOST RT RESIDE>XLUTOLRISTZO\E RW RESIDE>TLU WATERU4k~ZOhE CBD CESTR~L BCSISGSDISTRICI PI PLL\>ED IsDI:STRL+L ti GO\+R\\IEST F.\CILITIES C PL BLIC CTILITIES RC ucstE.4TIoN co.mERcL\L SCHOOLS E ELE\IESTU(.I J JCSIOR HIGH H HIGH KHOOL 0 OPE.\ \P\CE PRI\+I-E VOX REZIDESTLIL RESER\E COMMERCIAL ~ ~~~ 0 OFFKEZOSE C.1 SELGHBORHOOD CO\I.MERCLU Z06E C-2 GLhW C0,MMERCLU ZOXE C.T COM.nERCLU.TOLRI5T ZO>E C,.H fW7' CONNERCLU.!L~~TED L\DDLSTRLU ZOSE n LWCSRUU 2037 P..H PIAh3TD IhDCSTRW ZOST F.P FLOODPLUV OVERuY ZOm L-C UHITED CONIXOL OTHER P-L' nBUC LTIUTY 20%' OS OPEN SP.4CE I CITY OF CARLSBAD (GPAILU 1 m I ~~ I EXHIE JULY L GENERAL PLAN ZONING I I RL xu DE\SIT~ , n. I 5 I RV VEDIL \I DE\\IPi, i 3, RH HIGH!JE\\IlY l5.2Zt RESIDENTIAL RfSIDENTIAL XLV LOU.VEDII \l DE>\li?'~d-+) hVH UECIL ' P-C PLc\\ED COVMLWlY ZOUE R.4 RLClOE\TL+L IGiuC'Lll RULO\E 4 ti1C.H DE\*llY 18. I5 I ~~ ~~~~ ~- R I i)\F FI\IIIY RF.ClnF' I COMMERCIAL RRE ESTE\,nE ifGIO\\L RET.\IL ,cs Cu Counrn (:xisbld) %RI '\TE\-i'lE ~tlJiO\4LRE?\IL~cy PluaCxnmoRcdl R.E RL RU RLIlDE\TlU ESTITE ZD\E "". LX\L ZO\€ R 2 k&FCIILL'I RLCIDELYLU ZO\E 9 4 \I1 Ll?PLE F.4VILl QEGIDESTLU ZO>€ %L-V RESIDE>TLU DE>li7 VLLllPLE ZO\E S *L I\lITED MLLE Fc\liLf RLCIDE\LU ZO\E 1 U ?EGiO\4L.E8\7CE a0 il F.€SIDE\TL\L DF\ilT-. H1C.H lO\F ~~ ~ C I Zitvt \TrF (.O.<HERCL\L \ \EICHBI)RHII(?D ( ')\!\IE'ICLqL TS TR4~EL.€R~ICESIOU\IE;lcL\L I> PRVFE>-I< 5X-L REL\rED CBD (:E\TR\L BL5I>E\h Dl5riUCT ti (,I,\Eh\\lE~TF4C:Li~ES L PI BLLC L.TILITIE5 RC u(.mtrm\ CO.VVERCL~L scnoou RVHP .WIDE>ll.U \lOBILE HUWE Pa ,:,I\€ ~~ ~~~ ~ "_ .. . ...-..- ~ - i( P W[DE>TtU PROEWI\U LO\F !?T &lDE\llIL TO1 RIST ZO\E RU RE.jIDE>TLU'X\TERU4> LO\€ COMMERCIAL PI PLC\\ED i\DL>lRL\L 0 (?FFICF :L>\T I C i .~ElGHB~-W&D COVVERCLU ZOSE C 2 GE\€P.a CGHERCLU ZO\E C-H HEAbYCOHIlERCLU LVlTED L\DLsnuu ZO\E C T COMHERCLU TOLRI>TZOSE I I 1 E ELE\lE.\TIRY I !I \IOU HIGH H L\DLSTRLU LO\€ P-U PLL\XTD L\DI STILI41 70\T I b H HIGH .(-H<TOL P PRL\4l-E 5 IJPE\ .PKE \O\ RE>iDE\T:.\L Rf>ERVE OTHER ~~ ~- - "..."" - L C UVITED COYIROL F.P FiCXl0PLU.X O\€RL%t ZG\E 05 Of'€% SP.*CE P-c P.BUC Lnun ZO\T I City of I I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~~ 1zc-c b I Ft EXHIBIT JULY 14 *om PI to TS ' U' I 1986 RD ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ____~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~___~ GENERAL PLAN RL RLU RV H RU RH RIU RRE Rs t: Y T5 0 CBD PI ti L RC E I * PCSIDINTIAL LOUDE>SIlYiO.I51 LOU'.\IEDIL\l DESSIn[O.+) UEDIL \I DESSIP (4.6 I \lEDIl \t HIGH DESSITY((8.15) HIGH DE>SIlYY( I5.23) ZONING PC: R. A R.E R. I R. 1 COMMIPCIAL I\TE\.I\E REtiIOS.IL iET.IlL teg. PIuI Cmmo Real) ESTL..>lVE REGIOSAL REl.+lL teg. Cu Countw CUlrbaJ) REG;. YRIL ,ERVICE CO\l\tLVI~CO.U.UERCLIL TRI\EL .iRVlCES COM.UERCLIL VEIGH9L)RHOOD COZIZIERCLIL CESTKRIL BLSISESS DISTRICT PRUFE>!lO\.IL RELIED CW€RV?lEST F.ICILlTIE5 PLC\\ED I>DLSTRLIL PLBLIC t. TlLlTlES RECR€Ii:O\ CO.UMERCLIL R. ? R. ?L RD. H RD-H RUHP R. P RW RT 0 c.2 c. I c .r SCWOOLS ELf.\IE\ \HY JLSIOR ;.H PRIVIE HIGH v :I IUL OPE\ >PKE VOS RE!IDESTLIL RESERVE C.M U P. .%I L.C F- P P.C os -. RISIDENTIAL PLb\3€D COYYCTIP ZOSE WIDEhIUL .IGIUCL-LTl RU LOSE O?.€.F.4UlLY RESIDE>TLIL ZOS€ RCRU RESIDE\TLU EST.IE LOSE N'O.FCIULY mIDwnu LOSE wmpu FLUILY WIDE~XU ZO~T LLMlTED \ICLTI.F.%\IlLY RLclDE>TLU LO\T RESIDE\XU DE>5llT\lLLllPLE ZO>E RESIDESTLU.\lOBILE HOUE P.UM ZO%T RESIDE\TLU DESSITI~~HIGH ZOSE RESIDESTLU PRONSIOSU ZOSE RESID€\TLU UATERU4Y ZO>E RES1DEMl.U TO1 IUST ZO>E COMMCRCIAL OFFICE 20% \€IGHBORHOOD COMHERCLIL LOSE G€\€RU CO.U.UERCLUZO\E CO.H.HEKW~TOLRLSTLO\E WIbY COM.r(ERCLU.LLUIT€D L\DLSTRLU LM)CSW ,?Oh€ WLR PLLUSED hDC5TRI.U ZOSE fLOODPLUV OVEUIY ZOSE OP€V 5P.ICE LLHITED COhTROL PLBUC Lnun ZOXT ZOSE I ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ 4 City of Carlsbad CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ - EXHIBIT 'V' 0 0 JULY From PI To RM 1 4, 1986 GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL LOU' OEXSIn (0. I 4 I RISIDINTIAL RISIDINTIAL RIM LOU'.\IEDIL\I OESSIn(O.il RH \tEOIL.N OESjlTI'I +.dl RIlH \IEOIL\I HIGH OESSIlY (8.10 RH HIGH OESSIlYI 15.23) RRE ESTEXslVE REGIOS.IL RET.41L tcg. Cu Counrm Ihlsbadl RD.Y RESIDE>TLU DEX5IlY~HL'LnPLE ZO%E 4 P.C PLhI\€O CO.H.HlSllY ZOSE R.E RLRU RESIDESTL4L €ST.IlX LOSE R. I C)>€c+.F.LVILY RLSIOEXTLU LOX R.? N'O.F.LVILY RESIDEZTLU LO%€ R.I RESIOEBTN .\maxLn. RU ZOSE COMMERCIAL RRI ISTEI'iVE RE~~IOSAL RET.411 I cg. Plaza Cantno Real I R.?L UIllTEO HLLlTFI\tILY Wl0EXTL.U LOSE R. 4 w'LnPLE F.LHILY RL%IOE.WIU LO>€ R5 REG;. X'ALSERVICE R0.H RESIOEXTLU OESJIlTHICH ZOSE C COZl\lLSI~CO.H.HERCLIL RHHP RLSIOESTLU NUBILE HOVE Puu( LO>€ TS TR4VEL :ERVlCES COWIERCLIL \ SEIGHEURHOOOCO\lZIERCL4L R-P RLSIOESTLU PRONSIOVU LOSE 0 PROfE.'!lOSAL RELIED RW RESIOLM'LU U:ATERU:IY LOYE City of Carlsbad CBO CEXTRIL ElJI.SESS OlSTRlCT PI PLL\%EO IXOLSTRLIL G GOI+RV\IESTF4CILlnES C PC ELIC i. nLITiES RC RECRL47!OS CO.H.NERCL4L KT RLSlOE>TLU r01.RlST ZO%E COMMERCIAL 0 C)rnCEZO>T C- I vElCHBORHOOD COHHERCLlL ZOSE C.2 C€\TRu C0.H.HERCLU ZOYE CT CO.W.HERCW.TOLRl?iT ZO>E C.H H€\bY COYVERCLU.UHITED LIDLSTRLU ZOSE P.Y PUISEO LKOL'STRLU LOSE PRI\E F.P FLOODPLUY OVERLIY ZOSE OPES \PICE L.C LLHITED COSTROL SUS R~IDESTLIL FShERVE SCHOOLS E ELEME.'. ' \HY J JLSIOR '<vH H HIGH Y :OOL H LYDL'STRIAL LOXT Q OTULR P.C PLBUC L-nuTy ZOST OS OPEZ *P.ICE I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 I - EXHIBIT 'w" e 0 JULY From RLM to RL 9 1 4, 1 986 - GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RlSlOlNllAL RL LOU DESSITY 10. I q 1 RISII P.C PLQV RH \tEDILII DESSlTY l4.d 8 R..I RESIDESIUL .\ti R.E RL RU RESIDESTLU EST.\TE 1 R.1 US€ F.4VILY RESIDESTLU LU\T RH HIGH DESSITY( 15.23) R 2 N'O.FC\IILY WIDESTLU LC RIH LO\X-\lEDILSI OESSITY(O.4) RI(H >lEDIl'>l HIGH DESSITY(&I5) I /I rnmu#orlAo I. b W'ITIPIS F~HIIY RFCI~FIT~ RRL RRE Rs c \ Ts tJ CBD PI G c RC t a ""*"." ISlX\*I\'E REtiIOSAL RET.IIL (cq Plaza Cmmo Real I ESTE\*IVE RECIOS.4L RET.4.411 icg. Cu Countn Crrlsbadl REG;\ .S4L >ER\.ICE Cc).\l\lLVI~C~~UUFRCI~I SEIGHB TR\VEL DINllAL \TD CO.H.HLSIlY ZOSE RICLLTI RU ZVSE :OS€ >\-E .. .. _. .. - ..- .._. ".". . -LL LOST RDH WIDESTLU DE\5IlY.MLLllPLE ZO\E RHHP WlDEhTLU .\IOBILE HUYE Puu( ZOST RD.H RESIDESTLU DESSIlY.HlGH LOSE R. (L UVITEED .MLLlTF.C\tILI' WIDESTLU LOSE 3FLSsIOSU LOST I A I ORHOOD CO\\>tERCLIL >ERVICES CO,H(IIERCL\L ,IOS.\L REL\ITD RW RESIDESTLU UAERUIY ZO> . . . . . . - . . . . -. . - - . - R.P RESIDESTLU PRt RT RESIDESTLU TOLRlST ZO\E I [.[tu nf I~: PROFE?: CESTRIL BLSISESS DISTRICT PLCXSED ISDLSTRLIL C,V\€RS~IE\TF.\CILITlES PLBLIC C TILITIES RICR€.\T:OI COH\fERCIAL ScnoOLs _._..C. .... OPES \Q UOS RE F q 0 UFFICEZOS€ COMMIRCIAL C. I \€lGHBORJiOOD COMHERCL4L ZOSE C.2 CL\%Iw CO.H.HERCLU ZOSE C.T COM.HERCLU.TOLtUST ZO.\E C.! ~~~~~?~.~~~R~~U.UMITED L\DCSTRLU ZOSE TRLU ZOSE DL LOST -. -. . - -. - ~ n.. I n ullJ uI ,arlsbad c CLLZIL. %nr J JCSIOR 'bH P.H PUV-ED WDCS ~~ ~~ ~ f HIGH v .OOL 9 Piu\.ir€ ..I L.", * - LV. rnll F.P FLOODPLUY 0~'EILuY 20% I OS OPLY 'P,CE &*(:E ,IDESTLIL RTSERVE L.C UWITED COhl'R P.C muc Lnum I CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 1 EXHIBIT 'X' 0 F 0 'rom RL JULY 14, 1986 RD. QENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LovDEssm(o.I.5) RISIDINTlAL RM MEDICM DESSIPI ( 4.8) RH HIGH DENSlW f 13.23) RRI WTESSnT REGIONAL RETAIL (Cg W EXTE??SlVE REGIOSAL WL (w RLU LOWMEDICM DEh'SITY(O-4) LWH MEDIUM HIGH DENSIlY(8-13) COMMERCIAL RS RLGlOSM SERVICE N SEICHBORHOOD COMMERCLAL C CO.\IMLSITYCOMMERCW is m\TL SERVICES COMMERCLAL 0 PROFESSIONAL RLUTED :BD CENTRAL BCSlNESS DISTNCT PI PUVSED ISDCSTRlAL G MVERUJIEM FACILITIES RC RLCRUTION COMMERCIAL u PCBUC munu .car country Usbad) pl+u(fminol7eal) E ELEMENT.AJIY H HIGHSCHOOL J JCSIOR HIGH SC~OOU D P PIU\AIE OPEN SP.4CE NOS RESIDE.XTML RESERVE P-c &A R-E R. I R. 2 R. 3 DM R. 3L RMHP RD-H R. P RT m 0 c. I c. 2 C.M C.T P.M .W L.C f.P P.U os RESIDENTIAL PUNNeD C0MML"Y ZONE RESIDfKlW ACRlCLZTcRAL ZONE ONE.fAMILY RESID€.s;lW ZONE RL'W RESIDENTIAL m.4TE ZONE TWO.FAUILY RESIDL\W ZONE MULTIPLE FAMILY WIDENTIAL ZONE UUIM YULTI.FAUILY RESID€! ZONE WIDFXllAL DNSTTY.HIGH ZONE WIDW MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE RESIDW PRDNSIONAL ZONE WlDW ToL7usT ZONE WIDEhllAl WAIZRWAY ZONE COMMERCIAL MICHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE GENERAL COMMERCW ZOSE C0MMEEIM.ToLWT ZOHE HEAWCOMMERCW.LLWITED WDUW MDboTRw ZONE PLANNeD VVDUW ZONE OW11 MODPW OVERLAY ZONE LLwm CONTmL OPW SPACE RESLDW omsIn+v"nPLE ZONE omcE ZOM Rauc LTLITY ZONE ZONE l a -1 city of carlsbad . CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA/LU 86-8 I - I- ~ ~ ~~~ EXHIEI' JULY 1d ~ 0 From R 8 I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL llLU RMH nm RH RRI RRE Rs C Y 0 CBD PI G L' K E H J Ts RISIDINTIAL LOWDL*iSITY(tal.5) LOWMEDICY DENSITY (0-4) .WEDICY DESSTTY(4.8) MEDII-" HIGH DENSITY (8-15) HIGH DEMITYf 15.23) COMMIRCIAL umssnx RE~~IONAL RETAIL(- plur aillo M) EXTPJSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (g. CU COUIIu). CdSbbrd) REGIOSAL~ERVICE COYMLSITY CO.HMERCW SEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TRA\%L S€RVIC€5 COMMERCIAL CEmL BCSINW DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL REUTED GOYERSYENTFKIUTIES PUYXED ISDUSTRlAL KBUC CTILITIES RECREATION COMMERCIAL SCHOOLI JL'SIOR HIGH ELE.ML!T.ARY HIGH SCHOOL ~22lD-.LmEm OPE3 SP.%CE PC &A R-E R- 1 R. 2 R. 3 RDM R. 3L BmnP RDH R. P RT m c. I 0 c.1 c-T SI c-m Pm L-c F.P PLI 05 RIuoLwllu MANNED COMMLrn ZONE RESIDENTLAL &cIRIcLzTuRAL ZONE 0NE.FAMILY RESIDRTIAL ZOM RLaAL REsIDprrw m.47€ ZONE TO-FAMILY WIDcrrW ZONT MCLTIPLE FAMILY WlDPFlW ZONE UHITED YULTI.FA.UILY RESIDEVTAL ZOM RESIDENTLAL DENSITYYLZTIPLE ZONE RESIDENTIAL .MOBILE HOME PhRK ZOhT RESIDPTTW DENSTTY~HIGH ZONE RE5IDENllAL PRDNsl0N.U LONE WlDEKlUl TOL~ ZONE U€SlDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE CO-ERCIAL 0mCE ZOM NEIGHBORHOOD COXWERCLU ZONE GPlElW COMMEIlDAL 20x-E CO"NXU.TDLWT ZOW HUWCOMMEKL4L.UUITED LNDUSTRLU INDwmALZoNE RANNLD LMXrmtWZOM ma mpoy-TY ZONE OpMSRul RWC L'TILITY ZONE ZONE -4 City of [ I ~~ ~ ~~~_____~ ~ IClTY OF CARLSBAD IGPAILU t c 1 1 * ~_~_ ~~ EXHl JULY I - I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I I RtSIDINflAl RL LOU D€.\Sln *I)- I I IISIDINTIAL RLM LOU.\IEDIL\I DE.\SIlT(O.+) RVH \IEDIL\l HIGH DES51TY(8.15) P.C PLL\>€D CO.M.MLilTi ZO\E R.E RL RU RESIOESTLU EST.4lT ZO\E R I U\T.F.4\llLY RESIDE>TLU ZO\€ R 2 N'O.F.CWLY RESIDL\TLU LOSE R a ill LllPLE FCMILY .P.E-SIDEXTLU ZO\€ RV \IEDIL\\ DE\bllT I 44) RH HIGH 3E\SITYI 17.23) COMMIRCIAL RRI I>TT\rl\E REGIOSAL RET.AlLtcq. Plaza Cmmo Rcnll RRE E?;TIi..IVE REGIO\4L RET.41L I cg Cu Countn CxlsbaJ) RD-M RF5IOEXTLU DEhSiPl \lLLTiPL€ ZO\E R..A wmmu U;RICLLTIRUZO\E R. 'L LLVITEO \lLLT1 FCVILY RLclDE>TLU LOSE RS REG;, \\L>ER\lCE i: l:O\I\lL\I~CU.VERCLAL RVHP RESIDEXTLU .\lOBILE HOVE PGK LO\€ PDH RESIDE\TLU DEXZITHIGH LO\€ % \ElGH30RHOOO COIIlERCL4L R P RESIOEZTLU PROFESSIO\U ZOXE TS TR+\EL -ER\ICESCOHMERCL\L 11 PRUFE>:IO\+L REL4lTO PI PLC\\ED IXDLSTIU\L ti GO\+R\\IEXT F\CIL!TlES C I \TlGHBORHOOD COV.HER< LU ZO>E L PlBL!S' TILITIES RT RESDE5TLU TO1 RlST ZOIE RUF RLSIOEXTLUU4TERUU ZO\E CBO CESRAL BLSi\E% DISTRICT COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEZO\€ RC R€CU\7!11\ COVIIERCL4L C 2 G!i.S+RIL COH.VERCLU ZO\E C T CO?A.HERCLU-TOLRLSTZO\E SCHOOLS C-H H!iA~YCO.V~(ERCLU-UMITED L\DCSTRLU ZO>E E ELEZIE'. rXY J JI \IOR 'rH P..M PLL\\ED hDLSTRJ.UZOX€ H H1GH.r OOL P PRI\4lT F.P FLOODPLUV O\ERL\Y ZOXE H LWILSTRLU ZONT OfWIR OS OPE.\ rPWE RII \O\ RTIIDEITL~L R€>ERVE L-C LLHITED COPilROL OS OPL\ ?P.ACE P.C PLBLIC Lnun zo11 1 City 01 P I ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~_________~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~_______~~_______~ ~ I LCPA I m I ~ b From to 7 EXHIB JULY GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LuU DEI\i77 I 0. I I I RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL P.C PL4\\TO CO'dZfL3i37 ZO\E RLM LOU.VEDII.\I DtICITYt0.i) R.4 RES1DEWl.U +((;RICLL'XRU ZOIE R-E RLRU RESIDE?rTLU EST.\TE ZOXE R\tH VEDit \I HIGH DE?r>lR(8.15) R- 1 O\€ FCMILY RESIDE>TLU ZOI€ R-2 NO-FWILY RLIIDL\iTU LO%€ R 6 \I[ LllPLE FCHiLY miDEITLU ZO>€ i R\f MEDICV DE>>I?T 1.61 RH HIGH DE\SIPI [ 15 23) COMMfRClAL RPJ IZTF\.i~Ei(T(1iO~+LRET.~iL[cq PluaCunlnoRclll R. 4L UZllTED \lCLll FIViLY RESIDEITLU ZVSE a ES~.'..[VE RE(;IO\,L RET.<IL ~cg ClrCountn Cxlsbacl) RD-W RESIDEITLU DE>'in \ILLTIPIX ZO\E PS REG,. \\L,ER\lCE RD H fESIOE3TLU DEI5177 HIGH ZO\E 1: ~.O\I\KW7 ('NL(ERCL4L RHHP RUIDESTLU !IOEIE HOME PUh ZO?X TS TR,\EL'iR\I(-ESCOHIIERCL\L 0 PROFE:?lc)\4L REL4ED PI PLc\\ED IIDLSTRL+L \. ,EIC.HBI)~OODCl),trlERCL,L R P RESIDESTLU PROFESSIO\U ZOXE Rr RESIDE37lUW\TERWU ZO\.E RT RWIDE>TLU TO1 RlST ZOE City of CEO rE\TR\L 8L )i\EZ) DISTRICT G l.I)\+R\\IE\T F.4CILlTIES L PI BLlC ' TiLITlES C 2 GFSXRAL COHMERCLU ZO\E RC RECRE.\T'O\ CO*l'4ERCL\L COMMERCIAL 0 OmCEZOIT C 1 '.TlGHBORH000 COVHERCLU ZOXE C T COMERCLU TOLRISTZOIE SCHOOLS C-H HE.\\YCO.V.WERCLU LL\IITFD L\DLSTWU ZOIE E ELEVE'. %x\ J JI XIOR ' ,H ti HIGH .c ' WL 5 OPE\ .PI1 E rt LM)L smu ZOIT P-H PLI\UED L\DCSTRLU ZOX OTnER F-P FLOODPLUV O\'ERL+Y ZOIE L C LLWTED COSTROL OS OPE\ >P.ACE VJ\ RE:IDE>T!.\L REhERVE P c PLBUC :-nun 201% I - r"~ ~~ I I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 LCPA 4 1. I EXHIBI1 0 e Fr '0 JULY 14 lm RMH to RM I - - GENERAL PLAN RL LOW DE?lSIIY ( 0. I 5 1 RESIDENTIAL RH MEDICY DESSIIY ( 4.8 ) RH HIGH DENSITY( 15.23) RllE EXTESSWE REGIONAL RETNL (g RRI IKTENSRT REGIONAL RETAIL (Cg RLH LOW.MEDICM DENSITY (04) RMH YEDIL'M HIGH DWSIIY (8.15) COMMCRCIAL Rs REGIOSAL SERVICE C CO>lHLSI~CO.HMERCUL X NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCUL CBD CETTL BUSINESS DISTRICT 0 PROFESSIONAL REL4TED PI PUVSED ISDUSTRIAL G GOV€RV>lENTFKIUTIES RC RECRL4TION COMHERCW Ts WbTL SERVICES COMMERCIAL u KBUC cnunEs scnoou J Jl'SIOR HIGH E ELEYE;UTUY 0 H HIGHSCHOOL P PRn4l-E OPEN SPACE NOR RFSIDENTUL WERM ~~ ~ , car counvr carwad) Plur CMlW Real) ZONING PC PlANNED COMMLrn ZONE R.A RESID- .U;RlCLzTuRAL ZONE R.E RLRM RESlDE.."IM ESTATE ZONE R.1 ONEFAMILY RESlDFlSnll ZOM R.2 lWO-FAWLY WIDL! ZOM RUIMNTIAL R. 3L UHmD MULTI-FLHILY WIDE!! ZONE R-3 wmpu FAMILY WID- 20% RD" WIDE?4TIAL DESSIl7'~.HLZTIPf.E ZONE RMHP WIDWTW MOBILE HOME PARK ZOW RDH WID- DDISITI-HIGH ZONE R-P RLslDEKIw PROFUSIONAL ZONE Rr WID~TOL~ZOM RW WlDWTw WAITRWAY ZONE COMMERCIAL o omazoM C- I NUGHBORHOOD COXHERCLU ZONE c.2 GP(EML coMMucw 2OSE CT CO"FBtw.ToLWT ZOhT C.M HEAVYCO.%.U~LLHlTED LWCSTRLAL P.M W INDl'SIRw ZOM F.P ROODPLAIN OyElllAY ZONE L.C LLwm COHTRDL 05 OPENSPK€ Y MDCmzoNE oI)(IR P-u R~UC mum zom ZONE -4 City of I I I m - CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA/LU t EXHlE JULY e GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RCSlDtNTlAL RL LUU DE\clD. >.I 5, RLV LUU.\lEDII \I DE\?ITI to.+) tV VEDIL \I DE\\Il7 I t Y I RIIH \IEDII \I HIGH DE\SIDlE.l5) RH HIGH CE\\i?l I15 2‘1 COMMERCIAL 9 4 \I( LEPLE FCVILY XE\IDE\TLU ZO\€ RRI :\T?\b?%E ~tGi(l\4LRET,4ILicg Plu~Cmxno Rcill R {L LLVITED \ILL: FcWL> RLCiDE\TLu LO\E RAk E17E\,RE iEZIO\\L RET.\IL < cg Cx Cdunln. Lirlrbidl RD \I FLEIDE\TLU ;)E\,iT? VLLZPE Z(:\E i RESIDENTIAL P.C PLLLTED COWMLTIl3 ZOVE R-E 91 RU RLIIDE\TLU GTITE ZO\E R i <>\E FL\IIL> RLICIDEITLIL ZO?.€ R 2 TUO.FCVIL> RE-CIDE.\TLULO\E ~-4 RLIIOE~~~L +GFUC.- Ln RU ZWE ?.5 SEGiCb\+L .E.S\lCE I: [.ovvL\lr3 I.oVwRc.L\L 32 H RLIlDE\T=U DE\W7 HIGH LO\E RVHP RLliDE\llU VOBllE HOME PUU: ,X)\€ R P RLIDE\F-U PROFE\GIO\U LO\F \ \EIGHBORHtX>Dl O\I\IE?CLIL TS TR~\Ei.ER~ICESI.OV\IE~( LIL 0 PROFES.Il’\\L R€L\rED RW RESIOE.\F~U‘&4TERUU ZO\E CBD CE\TR\L aL>I\E,> DiSTPJCT PI PLc\\E3 \OCiTPLIL G Gt,b?R\\IE>T F\CC:LIllES C PI 5L:C ’ YLiTIE5 RT REjiDE\TLG TCi RlUST ZO.\E City of COMMERCIAL 0 GFFICE L,J\€ C- I ~EICHBORHOOD CCVVERC!.U ZOSE C-2 GL\IRUCOH.5IERCLU LV\E C T CO.H.VERCLUTOCFU~TZO\E RC ucw+r:o\ COMMERCL~L SCHOOLS C H HE\\> COH>(ERCLU-L\tITED L\DCSTRLU ZOSE E ELE>IE\TMY H L\DCSTIUU ZC\T ! Jl \IOR HIGH H HiGH ,(-HI~OL PRI\ \TE OPE\ -P%(.E \U\ R€\li)E.\TI.+L RE*ER\ E P-H PLL\’SXD L\DLSTPLU ZO\€ F-P FLOODPLUV O\€!&I? ZOvE L C LLHITED COSlROL 135 OPE% iP.\CE P.C PLBUC LTUR ZO\T a! OTHLR z I I ~ -~~ ~ ~~ ~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD r- ZC-2 ________ C 1 I EXHlBl' JULY 1 0 e F ROM ~~ I GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RESIDENTIAL Rl LOW DE>SIP( (0- I 5 1 RJ-V LOW.MEDi1.V DESSIn(O.+) RWH MEDIC>l HltiHOE>Sl?YI8-17) RH MEDlL\! DESStlY(r-81 RH HIGH DE>WTY( 15.231 RRI ISTESSKE r(fGIOS.4L RET.\IL ieg. COMMERCIAL RRE ESn>Sfi€ REGIO\AL RET.41L (cg Rs RECIOS4L >ER\lCE C CO>l.~lLSIT7 COYYERCL4L U YEICHBORHUOO COIl\lESCL\L TS TR'AEL >ERVICES COWWERCL4L GB0 CE>TR\L BLSISESS DISTRICT 0 PROFEE.hIOSAL REL\I+D PI PLC\\EO I\DLSTU+L G GO\.€RU\IENT F.4CILITIES ~~ RC ucwtnos CO.H.MERCLU L PL BLlC CTlLlTlES SCHOOLS .. "" E ELEMEhT.4RY H HIGH KHOOL J JYSIOR HIGH P PRI\.4TE w PE> SP4CE US REbIDESTUL RESER\E P.C Ra.4 R-E R. I R. 2 Plaza Carnlno Real) R. i Cu count^ Cullbad) RD.H R. 3L RD. H RUHP R- P RW RT c. I 0 c.2 C .T c..w H P. H L-c F.P P.U os RfSIDENTIAL PLCITEO COHMl37lY ZO%T WIDEhTLU .GRIClLTL RU ZOX RL RU RESIDE.%TLU EST.+E ZOVE U>EF.4.WILY RESID€\TLUZO<T ~ WO.F.L\lILY RLSIOL\TLU ZONE VL LTIPLE F.4UILY RESIOEhTLU ZO3€ WIDEhTLU DEZSll7HLLTIPLE ZOSE LLWIED HCLiTF.<WlLY RESIDE>TLU ZOX'E RLSIOEITLU DESSITYHIGH ZO3E ~ RESIOE>TLU .MOBILE HOYE P.WK 20>€ RESIOE>TLU PROFESSIOSM ZOSE WIDEITLU TOO1 RIST ZOSE RESIDE.\TLU WAI€RU.\Y ZO>E COMMERCIAL OmCE LU5Z GLITRM COM.HERCLU ZO\F XWGHBOPHOOO COHHERCLU ZOST COH.HERCLU-TOL.GT< HL4VYCOW.WERCLU~UWITED LIDLSTRLUZOSE LXDL'STRLAL ZO4€ PUWh'ED LhDCSTRLU ZOX Otnf R FLOODPLUS OVERL+Y ZONE LLUITED CONlROL OPE.. SPACE PlBUC LTIuT( ZO>T 4 City of C I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~~ r zc-34 C I EXHlI JULY r GENERAL PLAN ZONING RLY LOU-\IEDIl>I DEMIn‘lO.~) RL LOW OE>SIlY < 0. I 5 I RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL P-C PLLUED COMMLYITY ZO>T RH \IEDIL\IDESCIT(~~.NI RH HIGH DE\rlRI l5.2>) COMMERCIAL R.4 RESIDEMIU .mcLLn w zo>l RIlH \IEDIL\.I HIGH DESSIn(B.I3) R E RC RU RESIDE3TU E.ST+T€ ZOSE R.1 03X-F.LHlLY RESIDE\lK.U ZOST R 2 NT)-F.WILY RESIDnnU 203T R- 1 VL LTIPLE F.LHILY REIDE.sTLU ZO’rT RRI i>E>Sn E 4EGIO>4L RET.4lL (eg Plua Camno RC~I I R.!L UMITED WLll F4\llLYRESIDE>Ti.U ZO\€ RR€ ESTE>>BT RECIOSAL R€T.\IL ~cg Cu Counin. Carlabad) RD.H RESIDE>TLU DE\5In-r(CLnPLE LOSE c (.o.\trtL>ln COY.WERCLIL RHHP RESIDEhTLU MOBILE HOME P.a 2031 Rs FZGIOV4L ?EWlCE I RD.H RESIDE.VIIU OESiSIlYHICH ZO>E \I \EICHBORHOOD (:O\I\IERCL4L R-P RESIDE3TLU PRONclO’iU ZOSE TS TTL4iEL ‘ERbICES COHVERCLIL RT RESIDE>TLU TOCRlST ZO3E 0 PROFE.C,IO\4L RELIED RW RESlDE>llUWA?€RW4~ ZOhE City of CBD CEXTRIL BLSlESS OlSTRlCT PI PLC\hED I>DLSTU<L G GO\TRX\IE.ST F4CiLInES C PL BLIC L TILITIES RC RECRLITIOS CO.W.rlERCLU COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICEiU>€ C.1 ~11GHBURHOOD COHMERCLUZOhX C-2 GE\€lLU COH.HERCLU ZO\E C-T COYMERCLU.TOLRLST ZO3E C-Y HE4W COM.HERCLU-U\~ITED L\DLSTRLU ZO3E P.H PUYPI+D LSDCSTRLU 2031 F.P FLOODPLUV O\TRL\Y ZOSE L-C UMITED CO.%nlOL OS OPE!! SP.\CE P.C RBLIC LTLIlY 2031 SCHOOLS E ELE>IE>T.4RY I Jl \IOR HIGH H L\’DCSTRLU ZOST OWtR \FS \O\ RE>IDESTL\L RESERVE CITY OF CARLSBAD zc-3 * I EXHIB JULY e a R- AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RESIDENTIAL RL LOU ~E.\\ITT t 11. I 5 I RlSlDLNTlAL RL'1 ~OU-\IEDil W DE\.i7780.+1 RWH LIED11 \I H!bH DE\51i3"8.15) P.C PLc\\ED (:O.\IVL\Il7 LOVE R.i FZ3IDE>TL+L+<;RlUCL!.Tl RU Zir\E R E RLRU WIDE.\Till %T\E ZO\E R-l O\E FCVIL! WIDE.\Tl.+i LO\€ R 1 NO FCWIL! eiDE.\TLU iO\E R 4 111 LEPLE FIWIL\ L)EqiDE\TLU ZO\E Ln VEDIL \I DE\*IT., +.*I RH Hlti? 3~\,12 I 15 :a COMMERCIAL RRi :\TE\,;'.F ~E;,IO\4LilET\ILicq PluaC~mtnoRezll R 'L LMITED \It LE FI\'!L\ RL'iDEITLu LOUE RRE E\X\.iXE ?EGiO\tL PETUL Icg Car cuunrr, culsb&ll RL-*I RLSIOE~l"U3EL*lT? Ml.;3?LE ZI;\E ?.j SEil:O\*L -ER\iCE 1: r 'u,\tw\r! I:OHHERCLIL RHHP SEjlDE>TLU \10SILf HOVE ?<PA :o\E RD H RESIDE\T-U 3EL.lTI HiGH LO\E TS TR+iEL,E~~I(:ESCOW\IE9[ LIL \ \E!GHB~lRh,~OO( OV\IE?CL+L R P RLSIDE\nU PROF!S~lo~u LO\F 0 PRUFE?-IV\\L XELIZD PI PLC\\ED I\DCSTRl+L C f,i,~ER\\lE~TF\CiLiTiES C i \IEIGHBORHOOD (:@\l.WER<.:.+L ZOVE L PI. BLLC : i:i:?lE4 RT UIDE\T.U 701 C\T ZO\E CBD CE\TX+L 3L?I\IE% Dl5TFUCT RW RE.SIOE\T~~'*\T'ERUU ZO\E COMMERCIAL 0 OFFICE :,J\€ Ri REC?.L\L4Tlil\ COWIIERCLiL C.2 Gb€RU COWiERCLii ZO\E SCHOOLS C H H€\bTCOll>lERCLU WlIT€ED L>Dl STRLU LO\€ C T COMUERCLU TOC Wu)T LO\E E ELEIIE.\TW H SDLSTRLU ZO\T I H HlCH >tHO(?L 1 (I '.:OR HlLH I. P PW+Z OPE\ .P+IE \O\ XE>IDE.\TL+L XEIERIE P-H PLLS?ZED L\DCSTP.LU ZO\€ F.P FLOODPLU\ O\€RL\\ ZC\E L c LLMITEO CO\-rROL P-L RBUC LTUR ZO\€ OS OPLV 5P\CE OTntR 4 City of I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I zc-3 ? I ~ ~- EXHIBIT-8". JULY 14, 198,s 8 l 0 COLLEG From Rh4 To 0s E BLV GENERAL PLAN ZONING ,I RLSIDINTIAL RL LOUDE>SIlY(O.I.5l RH .WED11 \t DESSllY (4.d I RH HIGH DESSIlY(I5.Zj) RRE EXTES>l>T REGIOSAL RETAIL ccg RRI ISlTX~I\€ RECIOSIL RET.IIL (cg RIU LOU'\tEDICW DESSIlY(O.+) RVH \tEDll\l HIGH DESSIlT(B.I5) COMMERCIAL IU RTG~.!UALSERVICE C CO.\lZlC'SI~CO,UMERCLIL S SEIGHBORHOOD CO.WNERCL4L T5 TRI\-EL >ERVICES CO.WMERCLIL 0 PROFEWOSAL RELIED CBD CESTRIL BCSISESS DISTRICT PI PLLXSED ISDLSTRLIL G GO~+R~\lESTF.IClLlTlES L PC'BLIC C TILITIES RC ucmrms COMMERCL~L SCHOOLS E ELE.WE.\ ' +HY H HIGHS 'IOOL J JC'SIOR :GH @ OPES !PICE PRnITE SOS RE>IDESTL4L RTjER\H P.C R. A R. I R.E R. 2 R. 3 Plaza Cunmo Real) R. jL Cu Counp Carlsbad) U3.M RD. H RUHP R. P RW RT c- I 0 C.2 C .T C. hi P.M M L.C F. P P.C 05 RlSlDtNTtAL PUI3'ED CoM.wLsIn ZOSE R€SlDEhllN .IGRICLLll RU ZOSE RLRU RESIDE>TLU €KITE ZOSE OSE.F.4UILY RESIDE>TLU ZOh'E N'O.F.4WLY RfSIDESTLU ZOhT \tt'LTlPLE F.LUILY RESIDE>TLU ZOST UUITED .\tCLTl.F.CWILY RESIDE3TLU ZOhT R€SlDE>TLU DESSIR.ULLTlPLE ZOSE RESIDE3TI.U DE3IWHICH ZOSE RESIDEhTLU .\(OEILE HO.UE P.uU: ZOS'E RESIDE>TLU TOCRIST ZONE RESIDESTLU PROFESIOSAL ZOSE R€SIDLITLU UAfERU:4Y ZOSE OFFICE ZOXT COMMERCIAL SEIGHBORHOOD CO.U.WERCLIL ZOSE GLWRAL COM.WERCLU ZO>E COM.WERCIAI~TOCRISTZOSE HL4~~COM~lERCLU.UUITED L\'DCSlRLU ZOSE L LuDCSlRlAL ZOhT PIAPISED IhDCSTRLU ZOSE OTHER FLOODPLUN OVERLAY ZOSE OPE*' SP.4CE LLUITED CONIXOL PLBUC L-nunzo>T 4 City of Carlsbad GPA/LU 86-i CITY OF CARLSBAD I LCPA 86-1 I I * - (DETAIL1 EXHIBIT LCPA OS t (OS) ;;=h- . .. d- % ......... ............................................. . ........................................................... ........................................................... 0. !.*.*.*.!.!.*.!.!.!.*.*.~.*.*...'.'.*.*.*.....*.'...*.' ****~,',*,','~*,','**~ ........:. x:x.:.: .............................. &!&!g*.:< y$**:$$$$$$ ....................... ,......9..,9.*...'...5. ........................ ,'......,..~.~.~.W.w.8.~ ,...,.....,..'...*.#...* m:q:$$$ ._._. (OS) @ GPA 86-8 From PI to OS & From Rtl to OS LCPA 86-1 From PI to OS From OS to PI 7 GPA RM tc