HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-06; City Council; 8851; Immigration Study Task Force Appointment. CIT-OF CARLSBAD - AGEND -BILL af As-- 0 c\B# ffsi TITLE: DEPT. HD. - MTG. 01/06/87 APPOINTMENT OF TASK FORCE TO CONSIDER C,TyAmYV/=fi DEPT. CM IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS IN CARLSBAD. CITY MGRs& RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider appointments to taks force and direct staff to return with a resolution establishing duties for task force and making appointments ITEM EXPLANATION: At its November 12, 1986 meeting, the City council took a series of actions regarding immigration impacts on the City of Carlsbad. One of those actions called for the "establishment of a broad based task force of various elements of the community to further consider the impacts of the immigration problems on Carlsbad". Attached is a copy of a memorandum from Mayor Lewis suggesting a proposed task force. At the January 6, 1987 meeting, it is suggested that Council consider the tasks to be undertaken by the Committee and that staff be directed to return with a resolution appointing members, outlining the task force's duties, and timing of its report. EXHIBITS: 1. Memorandum from Mayor Lewis, dat:z!d December 29, 1986. / ! . , December 29, 1986 TO: Council Members Chamber of Commerce Carlsbad Unified School Dist. Brown Bag Forum (A. Villalobos) FROM: Mayor Bud Lewis At the Council meeting on Tuesday, January 6, 1986 we will consider the appointments to the Immigration Task Force to further consider the impacts of the immigration problem on Carlsbad. It is my suggestion that this Task Force be made up of seven members, from the following: 4- Appointed by Mayor and Council Members l- Appointed by Chamber of Commerce l- Appointed by School District l- Appointed by Brown Bag Forum Please be ready to make your nominations and appointments at the Council meeting on January 6th. Thank you. && UDE BU L S Mayor Attachment (Previous Agenda Bill) cc: City Manager City Clerk pw > 2 a. 2 Cl” OF CARLSBAD - AGENI-’ BILL AB# off h’~~~tTlTLE: MT& 11-17-86 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNCIL SUB- DEPT. POL COMMITTEE - POLICE ISSUE AND OR NEAR KELLY ELEMENTARY SCHOC/L RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD.B[ CITY Al-W CITY MGR. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Direct Police Chief to coordinate the efforts of county health department, local landowners and planning and building officials in aggressively enforcing laws relating to health, sanitation, zoning, building and safety. Request that North County Transit District consider moving bus stop currently located on the southwest corner of El Camino Real at Kelly Drive to northwest corner of this intersection. Approve "NO Stopping" signs be posted on the west side of El Camino Real, both north and south of Kelly Drive. Adopt Resolution No. requesting INS/Border Patrol to r& 1 fund and staff a permanent presence in the North San Diego County area. Authorize the Mayor to send a letter to North County cities re- questing sypport for INS/Border Patrol to establish a permanent presence in North San Diego County area. Adopt Resolution No. rJ&a requesting economic relief from the federal government to lessen the impact of undocumented aliens on local government. Authorize the Mayor to send a letter requesting the support of the National League of Cities, California League of Cities and the California State Association of Counties in the economic and physical relief from the federal government. That the City Council help establish a broad based task force of various elements of the community to.further consider the impacts of the immigration problem on Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the Council meeting on October 28, 1986, the Council deferred all the actions recommended in Agenda Bill 8786-#l until the additional member, Gloria Carranza, could meet with the sub-committee and the Recommended Actions once again be reviewed. The Council also directed that the report of that sub-committee come back to the Council as soon as possible. h Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. rpq~Ai/lMdff On October 30, 1986, the sub-committee again convened with Gloria Carranza present. After reviewing each of the actions and discussing the impact of those actions, the recommended actions listed in the agenda bill were approved for review by Council. Previously recommended action no. 8 on Agenda Bill 8786-#l which called for the consideration of additional staffing was determined to be an issue which should be approached as a separate item at another time. The sub-committee recommended that further research be done on action item no. 8 and that it be submitted as an agenda item as soon as reasonably possible. In addition, committee members suggested that the Council consider setting up a broad based community committee to further consider the impacts of the immigration problem on Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact for the City's recommendations as listed in this agenda bill. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. -ml- 2. Resolution No. B&3&L 3. Citizen's Requested Actions - Ron Lovick We are here tonight to rddters OUrS*lv@S to a rpeclflc srgmcnt 04 the alien populationi that segment which is committing crfmcs and breaking the laws of our community. We are asking you to give our Police and Fire Dep+rtments a clear mandate to aggressively enforce the laus of our land, and to offer you, rpecific actions that can be taken m to make our community a safer place for a11 law &biding people living here. ACRESSIVELY ENFORCE OUR LAWS: - Loitering on streets &nd lands - Trespassing on public & private property - Drinking in Public - Health & Safety codes - Fire Coder - Littering on streets - No Stopping Zones PROVIDE TOOLS TO IHPLEHENT THE LAUS: - Form’ a Special Enforcement Burrau consisting of 3 to 5 officers, with it’s fir8t assignment being this problem - Purchase additional Off-Road Equipment, including a short base 4x4 vehicle and tuo off-road motorcycles. - Give our officers specific training in laws being violated, and a short cours8 in street Spanish. - Provide the necessary holding Facilities - c1rect tr.e c:‘,~:~ ets::t rlE;g-:7E-- :, :--tc..r tb= tzc .: nrrltn conoitrons of our alien population, uhrch ulli provide a healthy environment for all. - Involve the lind owners in the area to fence, post, rt1d clear their lands. - Hire a Security Currd to patrol an area of up to 3 miles around Kelly School. - Improve the traffic flow around Kelly and increase the number of tlrrked Crosswalks. - Federal low provides for the reimbursement of costs associated uith illegal aliens to local governments. The results of the Border Patrol’s activities today, shous that our Police and Fire departments can solve the problems facing our city, if you uill give them the impetus, direction, equipment and re8ources they need. . -_ , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RESOLUTION NO. 8861 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERMANENT U.S. BORDER PATROL PRESENCE IN NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the enforcement of immigration laws in the responsibility of the U.S. Border Patrol. 2. That the U.S. Border Patrol does not presently maintain a permanent presence in North San Diego County. Patrol establish a permanent presence in North 3. That the U.S. Border San Diego County. 4. That the,U.S. Border ,Patrol establish this permanent presence by '! assigning sufficient personne 14 1: I! the immigration law. IL5 il 1 and equipment exclus ively to enforcement of ij 16 ii PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 'I of City of Carlsbad held on the 12th day of IL7 II November , 1986, II by the following vote to wit: 18 1; I * AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 19 II 20 j 8: 21 // !I NOES: None ABSENT: None 22 II 23/i ATTEST: MARY H. ,jJASLER, Mayor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ‘I 18 19 RESOLUTION NO. 8862 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING ECONOMIC RELIEF FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO LESSEN THE IMPACT OF UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS ON THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the federal government is responsible for immigration policies and laws of the United States. 2. That these laws and policies of the federal government have economic impacts on local governments. 3. That the Congress of the Untied States provide legislation giving relief to local governments in the form of increased financial aid to lessen the burden caused by medical, housing and other social welfare costs, as well as additional personnel and facilities to deal more effectively with the enforcement of immigration laws. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 12th day of November . 1986, by the fol lowing vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 20 1 I NOES: None 21 11 ABSENT: None 22 (j jj 23 MARY H. CFSLER, Mayor ATTEST: 27 / 28