HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-13; City Council; 8858; CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY AREA AGENCY ON AGING TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO SENIOR CITIZENSP W , : CIT OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL .. SENIOR CITIZENS d w > 0 @& II. a. 4 2 0 F 0 a d 0 z 3 8 1 R€COMM€ND€D ACTION: City Council authorize staff to contract directly with the San Di County Area Agency on Aging (A.A.A.) to provide nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation services to the senior population of Ca I ITEM EXPLANATION : On December 9, 1986 Mayor Lewis received a letter from the Carlsk Senior Citizens' Association (C.S.C.A.) requesting that the City Carlsbad contract directly with the A.A.A. to provide nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation. (Attachment A) The C.S.C.A. presently provides bingo, newsletter, nutrition, mot meals, and transportation services. Since July 1986, the C.S.C.? has been without a manager to manage their programs. I Staff had been exploring a management services,contract with C.S. (Attachment B), but ultimately recommended that the City not pro1 management services, (Attachment C). - At their meeting of December 4, 1986 the Senior Citizen Commissic unanimously approved staff's recommendation that the City - not prc management services to C.S.C.A. and further to inform the A.A.A. the City's interest in contracting with them for the provision 0: nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation services. Prior to the December 4, 1986 meeting of the Senior Commission, 1 C.S.C.A. Board of Directors took action and informed staff that 1 would not accept the management services proposal and would requc the City contract directly with the A.A.A. to provide nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation. DISCUSSION The Senior Citizen Commission, the Board of Directors of the C.S the Area Agency on Aging and staff all concur t.hat it would be il best interest of the senior citizens in Carlsbad if the City wou. become the .Contractor to provide nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation services. By the City contracting to provide these services, it will creatl more coordinated, unified programming for the senior population. Additionally, by taking on the nutrition, mobile meals, and tran tation programs, it would establish the City as khe lead agency providing services to seniors in Carlsbad. fiBF fir3 Q 1/13/86 e w Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The City currently contributes $32,637 to the C.S.C.A. for operations of their programs. Service levels can be maintained with the projected addition of $35,000. The General Fund contribution is estimated to be $67,637 annually but may be less as it is subject to negotiations in contracting with the A.A.A. The proposed contract will be brought before the City Council for final approval. Current Proposed A.A.A. Grant Award = $ 63,544 $ 63,544 Donations from lunch, mobile meals, and transportation participants = 23,867 23,867 Approximate C.S.C.A. Contribution = 35,000 -0- City - General Fund Contribution = "32,637 67,637 Total = $155,048 $155,048 * $17,921 - (approved for additional meals: not utilized to date 2,000 - Van Insurance 4,100 - Van Drivers' Salaries 3,300 - Vehicle Maintenance (not utilized to date) 4,068 - Vehicle Replacement 1,248 - Telephone $32,637 - Total General Fund Contribution To Date EXHIBITS Attachment A - Letter dated December 9, 1986 to Mayor Lewis Attachment B - Memo dated October 21, 1986 to Ray Patchett, Attachment C - Memo dated November 25, 1986 to Ray Patchettt Assistant City Manager Assistant City Manager I- m A Non-Protlt Corr CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATIC * : ..-. “SERVICE” is our Motto, a,k , f,, ,-”.. 3096 Harding Street @:I Phone (619) 434 Carkbad, California 92008 “CARING” is our Thing $&.:..l. c December 9, 1986 Mayor Claude Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: On December 3, 1986 the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens’ Association voted to request the City of Carlsbad take over and administer the contract which the C.S.C.A. now holds with - the Area Agency on Aging for the nutrition program, mobile meals, and van transportation for the senior citizens in Carlsbad. In February of 1986, the program manager of the nutrition program resigned mainly because of poor pay and benefits and little or no promise of better future opportunities. Less than five months later, in July of 1986, his replacement resigned for similar reaso Since that time, we have been negotiating with the staff of Carlsb City Government for a contract whereby the staff of Parks and Recreation would supply the management of these programs while the C.S.C.A. would set the policy. Our reason for this request is that the C.S.C.A. Board of Director feel that it is not financially able to attract and retain a perso with the qualifications required by the Area Agency on Aging. In order to meet expenses, it is too dependent on the success of bing This is too tenuous for its responsibilities. Negotiations with the staff have not been successful. The proposa prepared by staff recommends that “Board of Directors set policy direction. This policy direction should be provided to City staff through the Senior Citizen Commission.” The Board of Directors considers.this part of’the proposal would be too great of an impediment to prompt and complete execution of its directions and desires I Therefore, the C.S.C.A. Board of Directors hereby requests: 1. That the City of Carlsbad take over the contract that the C.S.C.A. now holds with the Area Agency on Aging for nutrition, mobile meals, and van transportation. ATTACHMENT A <' Mayor Lewis e December 9, 1986 W Page 2 2. That these programs be admiminstered entirely by the trained professionals employed by Parks and Recreation, 3. That the Senior Citizen Commission be retained as is, in an ' .advisory capacity reporting directly to the City Council. Any assistance you can give in expediting this request will be appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel f to call me at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ocl&.c4g gLz.&-L a- David V. Castner, President Board of Directors ' Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association DC : kw c: Councilwoman Ann Rulchin Councilman John Mamaux Councilman Mark Pettine Frank Aleshire, City Manager Board of Directors -_ 0 0 October 21, 1986 TO : RAY PATCHETT, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER VIA: David Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director a FROM: Sue Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator,&' MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN C.S.C.A. AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BACKGROUND Since August 1985, there have been two primary agencies providing services to senior citizens in the city of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association (C.S.C.A.) offers nutrition, Mobile Meals, transportation, Bingo, and a monthly newsletter. The City of Carlsbad provides all other available services, (recreation, legal and tax ,assistance, health screenings, etc. ) . In the past year, C.S.C.A. has had two managers resign. The C.S.C.A. believes a more comprehensive, coordinated senior program could be provided under the management of one manager. On July 28, 1986 C.S.C.A. requested the Senior Citizen Commission consider a proposal for the City of Carlsbad to provide management services for their newsletter, nutrition, Mobile Meals, and transportation proqrams. (See Attachment A,: SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION At a special meeting August 19, 1986 the Senior Citizen Commission voted unanimously for staff to explore the develop- ment of a contract to provide management services for the C.S.8 RECOMMENDATION ~~-~ ~ ~ Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Commission and recommends that a 'contract be prepared for the City to provide management services to the C.S.C.A. However, staff does not recommend that the City manage the C.S.C.A.'s monthly newslett a publication of the Association. Staff believes it would be inappropriate to manage another organization's publications. This management services contract should clearly delineate the lines of authority and responsibility of both the C.S.C.A. and the City. Staff recommends that through this contract, the City handle the day-to-day operations and management of these programs and the Board of Directors set policy direction. Thi policy direction should be provided to City staff through the Senior Citizen Commission. ATTACHMENT B .- Kay rarcnecr October 21, 1986m W Page 2 Staff further recommends that all costs related to the managemen C.S.C.A. of the C.S.C.A. programs by thzity be the responsibility of tk ALTERNATIVES Should the City and/or the C.S.C.A. decide that a management services contract is not feasible, the C.S.C.A. would continue to operate their programs and recruit for a manager. FISCAL IMPACT ~ The City of Carlsbad proposes to carry out the tasks of this management services contract through the following staffing: Staff Sr. Citizen Coord. Clerk Typist Site Manager Van Driver I Mobile City Nutrition Programs Transport. Meals 15% 50% 5% 45% 5% 20% 75% 5% 2% 8% 5% 5% 75% 85% - - I % of Time Dedicated to Providing Senior Programs. Based on current rates of pay, the staffing costs for managing the Nutrition, Mobile Meals, and Transportation programs would i Sr. Citizen Coord. "$38,100 Clerk Typist *$20,300 Site Manager (New) - *$14,200 Nutrition $ 5,715 $ 1,624 $10,650 -* -. - - Mobile Meals $ 9,525 $1,905 $1,905 Total Transport. $ 406 $ 3,045 $1,015 $2,840 TOTAL STAFF COSTS $26,770 $14,200 $ 710 *Includes Fringe Benefits. There would be no change in the status of the Van Driver positi as it has previously been agreed that the City and the Associat would each pay 50% of that salary. (See Attachment B.) Total Staff Costs $26,770 General City Overhead (40%) 10,708 Total Costs to the C.S.C.A. $37,478 1.' .' Ray Patchett October.21, 198 9 Page 3 e DISCUSSION The Finance Department will provide a significant service rela to this contract. They will handle monthly fiscal reports and reimbursements, as well as compliance with all fiscal requirem of the grant. The 40% administrative overhead fee reflects charges for servi provided by various other departments of the city including Personnel, City Attorney, Finance, etc. The C.S.C.A. currently receives $104,367 from a grant through the Area Agency on Aging to provide transportation, nutrition, and Mobile Meals programs in the city of Carlsbad. Personnel costs budgeted in this grant equal $32,400. The $37,478 estimated costs to the C.S.C.A. for the City to provide management services are to be the total responsibility of the C.S.C.A. SSS : kw Attachments (2) .. e w . November 25, 1986 TO : :RAY PATCHETT, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER VIA: :David Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director s FROM: Sue Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator@* CHANGE IN STAFF RECOMMENDATION REGARDING A MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRAC'T BETWEEN THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BACKGROUND On July 28, 1986 the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association (C.S.C.A.) requested that the Senior Citizen Commission consider a proposal for the City to provide management services for their newsletter, nutrition, mobile meals, and transportat: programs. At a special meeting of the Senior Citizen Commission (8/19/861 the Commission voted unanimously to have staff explore a possible management services contract. Since that time, City staff has been assisting the C.S.C.A. wil the .management of their programs. On October 21, 1986 a report (attached) was submitted to you outlining a proposed management services contract between the C.S.C.A. and the City. Subsequent to the October 21, 1986 report, a number of significant situations have occurred. 1. The! Board of Directors of the C.S.C.A. reviewed the October 21, 1986 report, and the President of the Board has informed staff that the Association finds it unacceptable that policy direction be provided to staff through the Senior Citizen Commission. 2. The relationskip between the Board of Directors, the Nutrition Project Council and the Nutrition proTrnm participants has become significantly more cornplo,x. 3. Staff has had additional time to carefully study and experience the situation which would be created 51- a three party (Area Agency on Aging, C.S.C.A., City of Carlsbad) management services contract. For example, inconsistent direction from a variety of governing bodies, potential conflict of interest, staff not being clear on from whom they receive direction. ATTACHMENT C w :. 1 Ray Patchett, ACM November 25, 1986 Page 2 w RECOMMENDATION In light of the aforementioned circumstances, staff recommends that the City decline to enter into a management services contract with the C.S.C.A. and inform the Area Agency on Aging of the City's interest in contracting directly with the A.A.A. to provide nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation services in the City of Carlsbad. SSS : kw Attachment -i " - -