HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-27; City Council; 8859-1; Hosp Grove Financing Task Forcec IT - rB# fr69"/ IITG. 1/27!87 OF CARLSBAD - AGENE TITLE: HOSP GROVE FINANCING BILL FIN I )EPT. m DEPT. K HD CITY ATTY' CITY MGR.~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.nS4, appointing the Hosp Grove Financing Task Force. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the meeting of January 13, 1987, the City Council asked staff to take two actions relating to Hosp Grove financing. First, Council indicated that a task force should be formed and charged with the responsibility of studying Hosp Grove financing alternatives. data on the alternatives available to the City Council for funding the Hosp Grove purchase. Second, the staff was to present additional The attached resolution, if adopted by Council, creates the Hosp Grove Financing Task Force. responsibility of reviewing the various alternative finacing sources. Council wishes to have the committee report available at the February 24 Council meeting, the task force must complete their work by February 10 to meet agenda bill submission deadlines. task force to complete their work. This committee of eight citizens is charged with the If This allows ten working days for the 'fhe staff has also prepared several exhibits attached to this agenda bill in response to the Council's request for additional financial data. 0 Capital Project Funding Status - This report provides a summary of the City's capital program, the funding source for each project and the status of each project. Council may review this report for projects which could be deferred. 0 Future Capital Projects - This report provides a summary of projects that are unfunded at this time that could be affected by dedicating resources to Hosp Grove. The citizens' task force will require this data and more to make an informed decision. develop sound recommendations. The City staff is prepared to work with the task force to help FISCAL IMPACT : The appointment of the citizens' task force will have little or no fiscal impact on the City. EXHIBITS : 1. Capital project funding and status. 2. 3. Future capital projects requiring funding. Resolution No.fq5qappointing the Hosp Grove Financing Task Force. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW OF CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING & STATUS AS OF 1-9-87 The following provides a brief description of the City's capital projects focusing on those financed from unrestricted funds or funds which could be diverted to the purchase of Hosp Grove. Projects funded from the General Fund, General Fund Capital Construction Fund, or Revenue Sharing Fund should be considered for deferral first. of funds are unrestricted and may be used for any purpose. These sources Projects funded from Traffic Impact Fees may be defevred to avoid the necessity of loaning about $500,000 to the Traffic Impact Fee Fund(T1F) from the General Capital Construction Fund to support these projects, thereby freeing an additional $500,000 for Hosp Grove Funding. Projects funded from Public Facility Fees (PFF) and Park-in-Lieu Fees (PIL) may also be deferred. would have to be financing sources to Hosp Grove. However, city standards for the use of such funds amended prior to diverting resources from these restricted 2 V 0 H 00 00 In0 w4 ba 34 nr Iff Zh om Ha, vc 50 ma z-l OaJ VB E-da 00 00 mo hm 00 .. m Iff -1 000 0 0 01 ... mmo 4hO wo bo 0. m 3 e- $4 aJ 334 000 000 - 0 0 m N m 2 d Iff 0 0 m a m n m Iff 0 0 0 m N n h d Iff 4 H 0 w r2 z 3 P4 vvv II d-Nh owe I ... I Iff I mo30 mm\Do1 .... 0000 0000 wmoo d-000 0-0- .... 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Both the City Council and City staff will want to add to this list as discussions of funding alternatives for Hosp Grove continue. This list totals $41 million and includes both small and large projects. Some projects may require loans from the City's general purpose funds to permit construction in the near future. at a later time and should be deferred until restricted funds become available. Others will have sufficient funding The task force will have an opportunity to review this list as part of their evaluation process. 8 _- CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTS REQUIRING FUNDING AS OF 1-15-87 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REOUIRED 1. La Costa Avenue Lagoon Mitigations - I1 A I1 priority project in Traffic Impact Fee list. Not presently budgeted. 2. Palomar Airport Road Bridge @ I-5- To be funded form Bridge & Thoroughfare District Fees. Not presently budgeted. 3. Park Drive Widening @ Marina - Project presently funded from General Capital Construction Funds (GCC). Additonal funding needed to complete work ($50,000 in present budget). 4. Tamarack - 1-5 to Carlsbad Blvd widening - Public Facilities Fee project. Not currently budgeted. Cost - $750,000. To do project now would require loan from City to Traffic Impact fund (TIF) or use of debt financing. Cost - $3 million to $5 million. To do project now would require loan to Bridge & Thoroughfare Dist. or use of debt financing. Cost - $150,000. Funded from GCC. Cost - $2 million. (PFF) 5. Cannon Rd Carlsbad Blvd to 1-5 Cost - $500,000 (GCC) (R/R tracks) - Widen and Improve. Not in current budget. 6. Phase I1 - Safety Center - Cost $3.2 million. (PFF) (Scheduled for 1989-90 present CIP). Primarily PFF funding with contribution from Warer ti Sewer Enterprise Funds for portion of costs (Warehouse, Maint. shops). $255,000 presently budgeted. 7. Phase I11 Safety Center (Fire Station)- Scheduled for 1988-1991 in present CIP. Funded from PFF. Not presently budgeted. 8. Las Pasmas Purchase - No funding source designated for purchase of the Las Palmas building. PFF allows $4 million for City Hall offices; however, no PFF funds have been budgeted. 9. Swimming Pool Deck - To repair pool deck in areas where damage has occurred. Not presently budgeted . Cost - $1.7 million. (PFF) Cost - $1.3 million. (GCC) Cost - $200,000. (GCC) 9 -2- _- ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED 10. Miscellaneous Street, Sidewalk and Drainage Cost - $500,000. (GCC) Projects - To repair, replace and construct improvements as part of a Safety/ Hazard Elimination and Maintenance Program. Not presently budgeted. 11. La Costa Avenue Widening - El Camino Real to 1-5 - $1.9 million included in TIF as priority project. Remaining $3 million to $4 million presently unfunded. "A" 12. Geobase - Base Mapping System - Upgrade of computer systems and creation of a city side data base sys tem. 13. Calabasa Hills Park - Current bids for park construction will require additional appropriation. 14. 1% for the Arts - No appropriation has been made for Arts programs in 1986-87. 15. New Library - To meet current growth management standards the city must construct a new library. Funding source is primarily PFF, however, other alternatives are under consideration. 16. Senior Citizens Center - Funding of $1.7 million in current CIP from Redevelopment Tax Incre- ment bonds. Total project cost will be approximately $3 million. 17. Cannon Road 1-5 to Faraday Street improvement- City contribution to assessment district. 18. Palomar Airport Road - El Camino Real to East City Limit - Widen road to four lanes. 19. Rancho Santa Fe Road - Improvements - Various improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road, Melrose to Olivenhain Road. 20. Additional Cost for Public Safety Center Phase I - Pre election cost and Phase I1 costs included in Phase I construction of Safety Center. Cost - $5 million to $6 million. (TIF, GCC) Cost - $350,000- (GCC or General Fund) cost - up to $210,000 (GCC) Cost - Approximately $10 million. (PFF, bonds, developers or combination) Cost - up to $3 million (GCC) Cost - $3 million Cost $2 million Cost $2 million Cost - UP to $300,000 (PFF or GCC) 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .- TY OF A SB RESOLUTION NO. 8952 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE D, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING THE HOSP GROVE FINANCING TASK FORCE. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the method of financing the purchase of Hosp Grove should be determined prior to the March election, and WHEREAS, the Council has received information from City staff indicating that many complex financing alternatives exist, and WHEREAS, the Council wishes to appoint a citizens' task force charged with the duty to investigate financing alternatives for Hosp Grove purchase, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that each Council member shall be allowed to appoint two citizens to the Hosp Grove Financing Task Force. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the following citizens of Carlsbad are. hereby appointed to the Hosp Grove Financing Task Force: 1. Willa Fabian 2. Kip McBane 3. Margaret Brownley 4. Mike O'Gara 5. Marjorie Monroy 6. Elaine Lyttleton 7. Pat White 8. Tom Erwin 2. That the Hosp Grove Financing Task Force is directed to review alternatives for the purchase of Hosp Grove and shall report to the City Council the results of this review on February 24, 1987. xxx 11 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the City Manager shall assign such City staff as necessary to provide assistance to this task force. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 27th day of January 9 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 12 HOSP GROVE FINANCING TASK FORCE Meeting #1 Thursday, January 29, 1987 7 P.M. Safety Center Conference Room AGENDA 1. Introductions - staff members - task force members 2. Appoint chairperson(s) (optional) 3. Overview and Background -City financial structure overview -Present assumptions related to purchase and -Review of proposed purchase agreement -Review of financing alternatives -Review of current capital projects -Review of possible future capital projects use of Hosp Grove 4. Review of Committee assignment and definition of task force goa Is 5. Committee discussion 6. Set time and dates for subsequent meetings Distribution : Task Force Members Staff Mem bers Ray Patchett Frank Mannen Jim Elliott