HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-27; City Council; 8868; Scripps Memorial Hospital Planr h d cn 3 0 a, u !i TI g v) d 6" 0 -d u cd -d L) d a a cd a, 5 cn cn a, b a 0 u 4-1 w u cd cn -d N k 0 s u : d *rl L) d L) 0 a a, 2 V fi M h I cv I 4 .. z s 6 a 5 z 3 0 0 ,\ ClTmF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL AB# rf K TITLE: SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DEPT. k MTG. 01 / 27 / 87 CITY A1 DEPT. CDD CITY MI RECOMMENDED ACTION: PLAN Scripps Hospital is requesting that the City Council give permission to staff to process their applications for a hospital in conjunction with the preparation of a Local Facilities Management Plan. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 1 , 1986, the City Council adopted Ordinance 9808, the City's Growth Management Ordinance. Section 21.90.030(6) of 1 Ordinance (copy attached) listed an exemption for commerical i industrial projects possibly making Scripps eligible for processing. A complete application for the Scripps project wi on file with the City prior to June 11, 1986. However , the Council specifically deleted hospitals from the exception. B deleting Scripps from the list of exceptions, it meant that before staff could do any work on reviewing their project a L Facilities Management Plan had to be completed and approved f that local zone (zone 18) in which the hospital project is located. The focused EIR for Scripps Hospital is presently being prepa During preparation of the report serious traffic concerns aro which have not yet been resolved. The applicant has agreed t participate in any traffic mitigation measures which might be required as a result of the traffic studies now being done. EIR is being held off until this information is available. Scripps believes, and staff tends to agree, that it makes mor sense to review their application for a hospital concurrently with the preparation and processing of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 18. If the hospital project is subsequently approved, the Local Plan will have addressed facility requirement for a hospital particularly those relati to traffic. FISCAL IMPACT By definition Scripps is exempted from the payment of Public Facilities Fee in the category of non-profit corporation- hospital. However, Scripps is included in the Traffic Impact and the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District Fee. No calculation has been made yet of these fees because the site development plan has not been finalized. Any capital facilit related directly to this development will be constructed and for by the developer. 0 0 I Page Two of Agenda Bill No. Ffd F Increased operating gxpenses related to this development will off-set to some extent from increased tax or fee revenue generated by the development. No detailed economic impact analysis of this development has been conducted at this time predictions of the portion of operating expenses covered by additional operating revenue created as a result of this proj cannot be made. PUBLIC FACILITIES ADEQUACY STATUS Traffic Impact Fee Required Bridge & Thoroughfare District Required Development Zone 18 Phasing Program Required EXHIBITS 1. Section 21.90.030(6) of Growth Management Ordinance i "- x I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , $II 9 a cxLerpL I ruin brow ivianagemenr urainanc @ (Or CP I lance 9808) (c) The classes of projects or pernits listed i subsection shall be exempt from the provisions of subsect Devekopment permits and building permits for these projec shall. be subject to any fees established pursuant to the facilities and improvement plan and any applicable local facilities management plan. (1) Redevelopment projects. (2) Projects consisting of the constructio alteration of a single dwelling structure for a family on owned by the family intending to occupy the structure, or to exceed one nonowner-occupied house per individual for more lots owned prior to July 20, 1986. (3) Building permits and final maps for pr identified in Section 2(F) of Ordinance No. 9791 (project which construction had commenced and were desiqnated on t marked Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 9791 "as developing"). (4) Ruilding permits for projects for whic required development permits were issued or approved on c January 21, 1986. If all reauired development permits we issued for a portion of the project only, the exemption 5 apply to that portion. (5) Building permits for projects for whic required development permits were issued or approved befc 22 I 23 24 9 1 (9) Public utility facilities and improverr projects without accommodations for permanent employees E exempt from the provisions of this chapter unless the Cit Council determines they are of sufficient size and scale impact public facilities. (10) Adjustment plats. 25 26 (11) Development permits for minor subdivi 1 located in the northwest quadrant of the City as defined Ordinance No. 9791. Building permits for commercial or industrial construction on lots in such subdivisions may approved. Residential building permits will not be apprc I