HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-10; City Council; 8886; EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR CITY COUNCIL APPOINTED OFFICIALS7 ,,;' </>' ."* ? CI()oF CARLSBAD - AGEN d)elLL ,/'. ... f' d AB#- DEPl TITLE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR CITY MTG.m CITY DEPT.~M CITY COUNCIL APPOINTED OFFICIALS r. a RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council concurs your action is to approve Resolut AttorneT and Resolution No. -pfra .2 . approving an employm.ent contract for the City Manager. 63 approving an em.ployment contract for the City I ITEM EXPLANATION a cci At the Mayor's request employment agreements have been prepar Council appointed officials. Attached are a one year agreeme the City Manager and a three year agreement for the City Atto. They provide for a continuation of existing employment benefi Also included effective February 1, 1987 is an increase in sa: $76,407 for the City Attorney and to $78,407 for the City Man, $ M rd FISCAL IMPACT a, 5 g M W g 2 cd M -rl cl ? z G ? u .rl c a, E-l h bd I 0 4 nl I Approximate cost through the end of the 1986-87 fiscal year i $4,665. EXHIBITS Resolution No. 89da Employments Agreements Resolution No. p96.3 i z 0 .. F 2 =i 0 z 3 0 0 I b 1 2 3 a8 1) ~ RESOLUTION NO. flLP A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF THE-CITY-MANAGER. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ~ .~ .. , , 4 5 6 does hereby resolve as follows: , 1. That certain one year employment agreement bel 7 the City of Carlsbad and the City Manager, a copy of which 8 attached hereto marked Exhibit A and m de a part hereof, i! 9 hereby approved. I The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califorr , /\\) 10 2.rt the Mayor\y Carlsbad I is hereby x' behalf of the ity of Cyrls ad. l2 authorized a d direct? u said agreement for and ( 0 a m v) m 13 $a di PASSED, APPROVEYAND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 0-, 0 3 ua z l4 City Council of \ t e City oq Ca lsbad, California, held on g0z.: QC?$ 15 :?zi I-LU z uz82 o.:Prn " 16 &X\ \~ .\ \ v . \ , 1987 by the following \, zo I? =-$ 2 17 c 0 18 19 0 NOES: ABSENT: 20 I 21 22 23 ATTEST: ..." CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 24 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 25 .. . . . ... .. 26 I/ 27 28 rn 4) EMPLOYMENT AGR.EEElENT This Agreement is made and entered into this first day of February 1987 between the City of Carlsbad and the City Manager hereinafter called Employee, pursuant to these terms and conditions: A. WHEREAS, the City wishes to employ the services of Franklin D. Aleshire as City Manager of the City of Carlsbad; and B. WHEREAS, the City and Employee desire to provide for certain procedures, benefits and requirements reqarding the employment of Em.ployee by the City; and C. WHEREAS, Employee wishes to accept employment as City Manager of said City under the terms and conditions recite herein. NOW, THEREFORE, City and Employee agree to the following: 1. Duties: City agrees to employ Franklin D. Aleshir as City Manager of the City of Carlsbad to perform all duties a specified by law and ordin.ance, and to perform such other prope duties as assigned by the City Council. 2. Compensation: The salary of Employee as City Manager shall be $78,407 and will be reviewed for possible increase at the end of each fiscal year in connection with the evaluation as set forth in Section 7. - 4) 3. Term: The term of this agreement shall be 12 rnontl cornmencing on February 1, 1987 and ending on February 1, 1988. Nothing in this aqreement shall prevent, lim.it, Or otherwise interfere with the right of the City Council to terminate the services of Employee at any time, subject only to the provisions set forth in Section 4(a) of this agreement. Nothing in the agreement shall prevent, limit, Or otherwise interfere with the right of Employee to resign Or retire at any time from. his position with the City, subject on1 to the provisions set forth in Section 5 of this Agreement. 4. Termination Conditions and Pay: (a) In the event the Employee is terminated by the Ci Council, either by receipt or acknowledgement of written notice and concurrently while Employee is willing and able to perform the duties of City Manager, in such event, the city agrees to compensate Employee payment equal to the number of days salary remaining in this agreement, not to exceed 365 day salary, provided, however, that the Employee has not secured employment as a City Manager. In the event Employee obtains employment as City Manager within the 365 day period, then termination pay wi cease upon employm-ent. (b) In the event the Employee is not willing to perfo the duties of City Manager upon receiving notice of termination the City is discharged of any responsibility with respect to term.ination pay. -2- - 4) (c) In the event Employee is terminated because of an: felonious act, or crime of moral turpitude or is unable to perform, the duties of the position due to drug or alcohol abuse then, in that event, the City shall have no obligation to pay t stipulated termination pay. 5. Resignation/Retirement: Employee agrees to provid the City with a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 180 days notice of resignation or retirement. Upon agreement of both parties, Employee will provide the City with an orderly transition period and assist the City in the recruitment of his successor. 60 Benefits: Except as provided by this Agreement Employee shall receive the benefits of the management Compensation plan for the applicable fiscal year. The City Manager shall receive a car allowance of $250 per month. All other benefits currently received by Employee shal be maintained for the tern! of this Agreement and all benefits provided by this section are a part of this Agreement and shall continue while this Agreement is in force, 70 Performance.Evaiuations: The City Council shall meet with Employee in July of each year to set goals for Employ1 and to review his performance, The City Council may consider a increase in sa.lary for Employee as a part of the evaluation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Carlsbad has caused th Agreement to be signed and executed in its behalf by its Mayor -3- m * and duly attested by its City Clerk, and the Employee has signec and executed this Agreement, both in duplicate, the day and yea: first above written. City of Carlsbad CLAUSE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk Employee FRANKLIN De ALESHIRE -4- /I m - II 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. f?U A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THE. CITY. ATToRNEy~. BETWEEN THE . - . CITY ~ .. OF . CARLSBAD .~ AND 4 does hereby resolve as follows: 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califor 6 1. That certain three year employment agreement 7 the City of Carlsbad and the City Attorney, a copy of whic 8 hereby approved. \, 9 attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof, i 10 11 12 behalf of the Cit a ' m 13 I:g gz 3 $L=z Owa 14 City Counc $?$ ,tUk 15 ti (+a "0 '5 !$ 17 CkLL.' - ZZ82 16 0=2; to wit: zo >0 t 0 18 19 NOES : 20 I! ABSENT: 21 ii ..~ "" . 22 23 ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 24 25 .. . . ~ .. . ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 26 27 28 m * EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement is n.ade and entered into this first day of February 1987 between the City of Carlsbad and Vincent F. Biondo, Jr. hereinafter called Employee, pursuant to these term and conditions: A. WHEREAS, the City wishes to employ the services of Vincent F. Biondo, Jr. as City Attorney of the City of Carlsbad and R. mER.EAS, the City and Employee desire to provide for certain procedures, benefits and requirements regarding the employment of Employee by the City; and C. WHEREAS, Employee wishes to accept employment as City Attorney of said City under the terms and conditions recit herein. NOW, THEREFORE, City and Employee agree to the following: 1. Duties: City agrees to employ Vincent I?. Biondo, Jr. as City Attorney of the City of Carlsbad to perform all duties as specified by law and ordinance, and to perform such other proper duties as assigned by the City Council. 2. Compensation: The salary of Employee as City Attorney shall be $76,407 and will be reviewed for possible increase at the end Of each fiscal year in connection with the evaluation as set forth in Section 7. rn * 3. Term: The term of this agreement shall be 36 lnont commencing on February 1, 1987 and ending On February 1, 1990* Nothing in this agreement shall prevent, limit, or otherwise interfere with the right of the City Council to terminate the services of Employee at any the, subject Only tc the provisions set forth in Section 4(a) Of this agreement* Nothing in the agreement shall Prevent, limit, Or otherwise interfere with the right Of Employee to resign Or retire at any time from his position with the City, subject on1 to the provisions set forth in Section 5 of this Agreement. 4. Tern-ination Conditions and Pay: (a) In the event the Employee is terminated by the Ci Council, either by receipt or acknowledgement of written notice and concurrently while Employee is willing and able to perform the duties of City Attorney, in such event, the City agrees to compensate Employee by payments equal to the number of days salary remaining in this agreement, not to exceed 1095 day salary, provided, however, that the Employee has not secured employm.ent as a City Attorney. In the event Employee obtains employment as a City Attorney within the 1095 day period, then termination pay will cease upon emDloyment. (b) In the event the Employee is not willing to perf0 the duties of City Attorney upon receiving notice of terminatio the City is discharged of any responsibility with respect to termination pay, -2- m - (c) In the event Employee is terminated because of an felonious act, or crim.e of moral turpitude or is unable to perform the duties of the position due to drug or alcohol abuse then, in that event, the City shall have no obligation to pay t stipulated termination pay. 5. Resignation/Retirement : Employee agrees to provid the City with a minimum. of 30 days and a maximum of 180 days notice of resignation or retirement. Upon agreement of both parties, Employee will provide the City with an orderly transition period and assist the City in the recruitment of his successor. 6. Benefits: Except as provided by this Agreement Employee shall receive the benefits of the management compensation plan for the applicable fiscal year. The City Attorney shall be authorized to receive the am.ount of $237.94 per month in lieu of coverage under the City'; health and medical insurance plan provided by Section J until such program is revised at which time he shall receive the amou! of subsidy for employee plus two dependents. The City Attorney shall receive a car allowance of $221 per month. All other benefits currently received by Employee shal: be maintained for the term of this Agreement and all benefits provided by this section are a part of this Agreement and shall continue while this Agreement is in force. - - -3- m 4, i 7. Performance Evaluations: The City Council shall meek with Employee in July of each year to set goals for Employt and to review his performance. The City Council may consider a] increase in salary for Employee as a part of the evaluation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Carlsbad has caused th: Agreement to be signed and executed in its behalf by its Mayor and duly attested by its City Clerk, and the Employee has signec and executed this Agreement , both in duplicate, the day and yea] first above written. City of Carlsbad .. CLAUSE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk Employee ." VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. -4- e * ,dA November 21, 1986 TO : ASSISTANT CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM : City Manager AGENDA BILL TRACKING PROCEDURE Effective immediately, the Agenda Bill -Tracking Procedure will now be coordinated by Marilyn Strong of the City Manager's Office. The City Clerk's Office will no longer be responsible for this procedure. The same procedure and time line should be followed as in the past; only the person doing the tracking has been changed. All completed agenda bills ready for the signature process should be submitted to the City Manager's Office. Contact Marilyn, ext,. 5561, if questions, problems or concerns arise regarding agenda bills. Please provide this information to your key staff,members responsible for initiating agenda bills. J 2- FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager mhs Q * ,"?Y n ~ :: H% "%'i- ._.,. .". '.f November 20, 1986 TO : DEPARTMENT HEADS CITY COUNCIL FROM : City Manager COMMISSION MEETINGS The day after each commission meeting, please prepare a brief one-page summary of action taken. This summary will be distributed to Council Members and Department Heads. Commission Staff Planning Parks Library Traffic Historic Beach Erosion Senior Citizen Housing Arts Holzmiller Bradstreet Lange Hubbs Cratty Spickard Salomone Beardsley City Council Members will not be designated as liaison to commissions. All CouncilMembers are free to attend any commission or committee meetings. rn. FRANK ALESHIRE mhs