HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-17; City Council; 8894; COMPUTERIZED LAND USE INFORMATION GEOBASE.* 0 W > 0 M a 2 .. z 9 6 a i o z 3 0 0 Cl?i)pF CARLSBAD - AGENWILL c ii AB#& TITLE: DEPT. t MTG. 2-17-87 COMPUTERIZED LAND USE INFORMATION CITY A1 DEPT. Is CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: (Geobase ) Adopt Resolution No. 2 970 , transferring $312,159 from the contingenc account into the Data Processing budget; approving the purchase of hardwar authorizing staff to begin contract negotiations with Sierra Computer Syst for purchase and implementation of their "Permits" software package. ITEM EXPLANATION During preparation of the Information Systems Long Range Plan in 1985, thc for information concerning land use applications was recognized. As a re? the "Geobase" application was rated as the most important application to implement. "Permit Tracking", which is related to "Geobase" , ranked thirt order of implementation. "Geobase" essentially refers to a data base of geographical information which resides on a computer. In response to the Long Range Plan and emphasis on Growth Management, the Processing staff began the search for a software package that would run or City's computer and would meet the City's land use information needs. Thi search revealed three packages which were examined, tested, and re-examinf representatives from the Data Processing, Planning, Engineering, Building Developmental Processing and Fire Departments. References for each firm \ also checked by Data Processing staff. The result was a unanimous recommendation to proceed with the package cal. "Permits1' from Sierra Computer Systems. "Permits" appears to be the most adaptable to City needs, and suitable to our environment. "Permits" also received more favorable comments from references with regard to support ai of use. Key features of the "Permits" software are shown on Exhibit "A" Attachment 1 e Staff has identified the desired software, but funds need to be allocated the purchase, Also, an agreement needs to be reached with Sierra Compute Systems, Inc. detailing implementation and maintenance obligations of bot1 parties . The City currently owns a Hewlett Packard 3000, Series 48 minicomputer wh used primarily for accounting and water billing functions. With the incrl demand on the system by the geobase and additional users, the Series 48 \VI taxed and users would suffer with degraded system performance. The solut to upgrade the H? 3000 from a Series 48 to a Series 70. The upgrade to a Series 70 will also put the City in an excellent positio regard to implementation of the rest of the Long Range Plan. be powerful enough to run all the applications contained in the Long Rang with the exception of the Base Mapping system. Therefore future upgrades consist of additional memory boards or peripherals such as disc drives, a be required by new applications. The Series .. (b .) PAGE 2 OF AB I/ 88 9 J FISCAL IMPACT Total fiscal impact takes into consideration software costs, implementation costs and hardware costs. Cost for "Permits" $ 48,262 Communications Software 2,000 Total Software Costs $ 50, Total Implementation Costs $ 14, Cost for HP 3000 upgrade including $ 224,897 additional terminals and printers Communication equipment $ 23,000 Total Hardware Costs $ 247 TOTAL SYSTEM COST $ 312 A fund transfer from the contingency account would be required to move forw with the project. The attached resolution approves the fund transfer, the upgrade and purchase of hardware, and authorizes staff to proceed with cont negotiations with Sierra Computer Systems, Inc. This transfer of $312,159 the contingency account will reduce the contingency balance to $416,074. EXHIBITS 1. Memorandum from the Information Systems Director dated February 17, 19E regarding Computerized Land Use Information. 2. Resolution No. 8970 ? transferring funds; approving the purchase c hardware, and authorizing staff to begin contract negotiations with Sic Computer Systems, Inc. m 'I) February 17, 1987 TO: CITY PANAGER FROM: Information Systems Director COWPUTERIZEQ LAND USE INFORMATION [Geobase) During preparation of the Information Systems Long Range Plan in 1985, the nee for information concerning land use applications was recognized. As a result, the "Geobase" application was rated as the most important application to implement. "Permit Tracking", which is related to "Geobase" , ranked third in order of implement at ion. WHAT IS A "GEOBASE"? Geobase is a buzzword that has been tossed around for years. abbreviation for geographic. Base means a data base on a computer. So it essentially refers to a data base of geographical information which resides or computer. The new technological buzzwords are Geographic Information System (GIS) which is fairly self-explanatory. Additionally, the Permit Tracking application is not a separate application. It is an intergral part of the GI: A GIS contains geographic information on each parcel of land in the identifiec geographic area, i.e. the City of Carlsbad. Examples of data which would eventually be available on each parcel include: Geo is an - Assessor's Parcel Number - General Plan Designat ion - Zoning - Property Owner - Parcel Address - Assessed Value - Water District - Sewer District - School District - Hazardous materials location Recent activities concerning the Growth Management Plan have emphasized the nt for land use information. In effect, much of the record keeping and tracking which the Growth Management Program requires will depend heavily on the GIs. In response to the Long Range Plan and emphasis on Growth Management, the Dati Processing staff began the search for a software package that would run on thc City's computer and would meet the City's land use information needs. That search revealed packages from three firms: Infocomp Systems, Porta Printer Systems and Sierra Computer Systems. 0 a The three packages were then examined, tested, and re-examined by representatives from the Data Processing, Planning, Engineering, Building, Developmental Processing and Fire Departments. References for each firm were also checked by Data Processing staff. The result was a unanimous recommendation to proceed with the package called "Permits" from Sierra Computer Systems. "Permits" appears to be the most adaptable to City needs, and suitable to our environment. "Permits" also received more favorable comments from references with regard to support and ea of use. Key features of the "Permits" software are shown on Exhibit Identification of the GIS which will meet city needs is merely the first step toward implementation. There are many other factors and steps to accomplish j order to have a GIS which is operational. Software Staff has identified the desired software, but funds need to be allocated for the purchase. Also, a satisfactory agreement needs to be reached with Sierra Computer Systems, Inc. detailing implementation and maintenance obligations of both parties. Once the agreement is reached and the software purchased from Sierra Computer Systems, Inc., it will take approximately two months for it to be operational, Operational means the software will be installed on the system, and data from assessor's tapes will be loaded. Operational does not mean that all facets of the system will be loaded with data. There is a significant amount of data tc be entered, which will take time. Hardware With the addition of the GIs, there will be several new users of the system, which translates into more demand on the system. Since the primary users of 1 GIS are located in the Community Development building, we will need to locate sufficient number of terminals and printers in the facility at 2075 Las Palma: Other departments which will utilize the system will be the Fire Department, Research/Analysis Group and the Utilities and Maintenance departments. Since many users will be located at remote sites, it will also be necessary tc purchase data communication equipment such as modems and multiplexers. Installation of data communication lines will also be required. The City owns a Hewlett Packard 3000, Series 48 minicomputer which is current: used primarily for accounting and water billing functions. With the increase( demand on the system, the Series 48 would be taxed and users would suffer wit! degraded system performance. The solution is to upgrade the HP 3000 from a Series 48 to a Series 70. The upgrade to a Series 70 will also put the City in an excellent position wii regard to implementation of the rest of the Long Range Plan. The Series 70 w. be powerful enough to run all the applications contained in the Long Range PL "At'. 0 e with the exception of the Base Mapping system. Therefore future upgrades will consist of additional memory boards or peripherals such as disc drives, as may be required by new applications. Concurrent analysis has also been taking place on mapping systems because of the need for communication between the GIS and the mapping system. Once the GIS is installed a recommendation for a mapping system will be forthcoming. FISCAL IMPACT Total fiscal impact takes into consideration the software, implementation and hardware costs. Software costs are: License for "Permits" $ 41,900 Source Code 3,630 Sub t o t a1 3 45,530 Sales Tax 2,732 Total costs for "Permits" $ 48,262 Communications Software 2,000 TOTAL SOFTWARE COSTS $ 50,262 Implementation costs are: 250 hours of assistance ($50.00 per hour) $ 12,500 Estimated Expenses 1,500 Additional 50 hours of support N/C TOTAL IMPLEMENTATION COSTS $ 14,000 Hardware costs are: Upgrade of HP 3000 (includes additional $ 305,500 Less HP credits for additional trade-in items - 2,200 Plus sales tax i 13,830 $ 244,338 19,441 terminals and printers needed for GIs) Less standard 24% HP discount - 72,792 Sub t ot a1 Less monies from one of the following sources: - $ HP as credit for Series 48 trade-in; or Library purchase of Series 48 Upgrade Subtotal $ 224,897 Communication equipment + $ 23,000 TOTAL HARDWARE COSTS $ 247,89; TOTAL SYSTEM COST $ 312,155 0 Q A fund transfer would be required to move forward with the project. attached resolution approves the fund transfer, the upgrade and purchase of hardware, and authorizes staff to proceed with contract negotiations with Sier Computer Systems, Inc. The EXHIBIT "A" m w .. PL'RF: ITS S YS TE'M FEA TURES - PERMITS is very flexible, you can issue a permit to a parcel number or a site cr=dress or just issue a permit not associated to either. - Common keys into the online sysfem are: Parce f hlcrmber Situs Address Ada'i'ess i /;e perm it was issued Propepfji Owners Name Perm it .4ppl icant Name Permit Number Alias Ncme for Address Structure Owner Ut7 it Owner Occupant Special lookup of hazardous materials storage, en-ler an address and display all materials stored at that location and in that neighborhood, or enter thc mater-ial you are looking for and find where they are stored. - The MENU-GEN (Menu Generator) menu system allows users to customize menus for each instal lat ion, MENU-GEN is inc I uded with PERMITS. - The user determines what permit types are to be tracked (not the software vendor). You def ;ne at system instal lat ion t ;me (or whenever a change occurs) what permit types are applicable to your agency. These can be added to or changed at any time. Some typical types might be: B u / I d / n g t y p e s : E cl f 1 d i n g , P I um b i n g , E I e c t r I' c a I , Mechan ica I, Mob i I e Home , Grad ing, lielocat ion, Swimming Pool, SPA, Solar, Demo1 it ion, etc. Planning types: Special Use, Parcel Map, Zone Change, Setback Variance, Zone Var iances, Subd iv is ion or Track, Lot L /ne Adjustment, Certificate of Compl iance, Site Plan Review, PI anned Unit De ve I opmen t , Manufactur ing, etc. Other : Pub1 ic Works Permits, House Mo v ing, Hazardorrs Materials Movement, Parade, etc. 0 - - For all permit types you cgn also hove automatic fee calclulat ion. The nutomat ic iee calcuiat ion 'is also control led through our' un !que tzSf B dr iven s ystem. This allows for ' design how the fees are calculuted ~ising our tabling system. - Pol ice, F!re, Heaith department inspect ions are also ma inta ined. Perm it inspect ions at so use out' un [que tab I ing s y s t e,T. This at I(zws for complete inspection records to be maintained, incluc/iny comments. Multiple reinspect ions are also allowed and tracked in the same munner as permits. iin iform f'ec cIit7t'gF;'s crnd record ing of' p?aynic::r?ts r6ce ived. You - permit status ctnd departmental sign off for each permit type is available on1 ins, allowing total monitoring of what -& departments or individuals have cpproved or not approved the progress of a permit. - Wltenever a new permit type or inspection is needed or a change to an existing permit type, you simply add if or change the appropr /a-le tables. No need to uti1 ize the software vendor, it can be handled in-house. This also means that you have the flexibil ity to setup your fees and inspect ion screens to virtually how you want them to appear on the screen. - Tracks permit history, appl ;cant history, parcel history, al I owners of a parcel, renters crnd more. - Pcrn;if cictivify for a parcel or an address can be displayed orti ine at anyt ime. The sfatus of each permit type is also displayed (appl ied, approved, der, ied, hold, expired, cancel led, etc). - Or?ce information has been collected for either the appl /cation or the actuni permit, all fhe dcpartfiients that are needed for the gpprovcrl can be not if icd on1 ;ne. No longer is there a need to waif days or weeks (on tn9s-t permits) for approval. - Cross checking at permit application $!me allows quick ver ificat ion of Contractors/Arch f?ects/Eng ineers having a valid StclZe ijcense, valid City business license and a valid address where the work will be performed. - Permits and inspections ccln be issued af a project level, allowing total control/monitoring of 0 project (Subd i1.t is ion//f igh Rise etc. 1. On/ /ne Project Summary Screens disp1u.y statuses of all permits at the project level as well as fees collected, still due and more. .. m - - PERMITS will also assist in the issucrnce of planning type permits. A sub-system called Appl ;cut ion and Land Development Standards a/ lows terminal operators to verify zoning and use requ irements for any comb irlat ion of zoneluse or uselzone. ' Given a particular zoning requirement, you can vat idate at I the use codes thnt are appl ;cable to ii and vicelversa, you can also look ai any -.~pec!al conditions thuf may apply. $- + - Any permit can be piaced in a hold status online. A message will be displayed oni ;ne f:>r a// detail SCI'C'B~S for that permit. Many users or deparimcnts can place a permit in a hold stuius. The permit ccnnu'l. be final [zed until the hold is r emo ved. - Pervit numbering is Fiexib!e, you ca~ use the system default or your own numbering schsme up i-o e'ght positions. - PERMITS allows the user tc mor:ilor requirements and conditions that may be established by each government entity. Special fees can also be monitored, ie: Spec io1 dist-r I'ct fees, School impact fees, etc:. - GEO-BASE is aiso table iiriveri, ayein this allows you to add new data when needed, You create your screens anu' the data to be maintained, Again this is a simple process and can be used in many ways. The GEO-BASE allokis you to create data elements hused upon Q ran33 ~lf str-cet numbers (street guide) and associated them to the R.=rmifs data base by site address. Some examples of Geo-data might he: Pol ice Deai Wafer 0 istr ict Sewer Di.str ict Voz" ing F1rec inc I Zip Code c: ity i:our:c i I D i:;tr ic t SGpet'visot- icr! L?is.fr. ict Senatorial Distr icf Asssmbr'y Zistrict Census Track Census Block San {tu? ion D istr ict Fire LI istr ict c tc. You pick tile data elements, not the software developer. You can add new elements at any time. m Q '- Asse.ssor's data bcse maintains informat ion normally available fron the Assessor's of,fic@: Current Name and Address AI I Owners Names Zoning Informct ion Lot Size legal Descr ipt ion Soi; Flod Potential Topographiccl Info Water Table Info Go v e r nme n t 0 wn e r And Much More - Special tracking of hazardous materials for Fire and Health departments. Special lookups by neighborhood address or enter materiuls that you want to find and PERMITS will display where that type of material is stored. ! - Confractor/Architect/Engineer data base ai 102:s tracking of the bc!sines.ssd involved in the design and actual construct /or! for the permifs issued. Online, display ali the permits that a Con trac tor /A r c: h it ec t /Eng ineer has worked on . Monitor ccrrect ions and repairs by C/A/E. e-tc., have val id business I ic-ru6-t ion begins. special tracking of hazardous materials. - Bus /ness License Master is used to vat idafe thatSntracigLs, - Environnenfal Health informat ion is maintained relative to - Fire Ze,partment data is maintained for a variety of informtrt iur; about fire equipment, exits, flammable materials storuge, spr- inkler-s, nearesi !+later supply, fire rot ings, etc. This !s!!'orma-l ion is available using address and various other kc.ys into the system. This information can be maintained for euct? structure and c?ach unit within a structure on a parcel. 1hct-c ever 35 different data items for each level breakdown. - Multiple structures is another unique feature to PEII'MITS. You can maintain information for m~~!.~5~k~sY~~.ctu.~efur~,,c on a parcel .._ . -.. and mutt iple entities within each structure, This allows you to assign permifs to an unit in a buflding,(one office) or to an entire floor in an oFFice complex or an entire building, each with a unique address. This also allows you to do site address lookups by this address. Alias Name Lookup's are also valid, using common site nicknames for building, etc., can produce valid lookup's when other key's are not known. *-- . ..- ~ .__ --___ ...-_ _. ~ --. m - CUSTOMER BLCNEF I TS - When an applicution is a-cepted for a permit, PERMITS automat ical i y ver iF ie.s the addt-ess the perm if IS ass igned to (if nny), All existing permits c7nd stai-uses fOP' that address can also be displayed. C o ri t r a c t or /A r c h i t Q c t /En g in e e r s will also be veril'ied for vuiid business licenses, etc. The fees for all detail elements within a permit typo can then be calculated. Payments can then be acce?ted fOP each permit fype you define to PERtVITS (either partial or full payments con be accepted). Autor:ai ic not if [cut ion to the departments involved in the approval process can then take place. The departments needed for approval can inspect the informat ion collected for thc permit immediately online and possibly approve the simple permits without any delay fo the appl iccnts. Of course, other permit types ma.y require various plans, etc., to be approved or hearings to be held bef'ore approval can take place, however notification to the departments involved can take place immediately. The actual appl icat ion or permit is printed on request and notification for the inspection process can begin at that point. From this point on notifiation for inspections can be done automat ical I y and complete tracking can beg in. Inspeci ions, re inspect ions and violat ions can be tracked and acknoledged with ease. Information Firider Module: this module assists the users of PENMITS to locate informaficn on the data base with relative ease. Only knowing bits ard pieces OF information y4u are able to locate data about property owners, permit applicants, structure owners, unit owners, occupants of building, addresses where special permit types were issued, other projects that contractors/architects/engineers are currently working GI- have worked in ?he past. lnformation on storage of hazardous or Piamrnuble materials where they art? stored by type or by address. Ail of this and rnore is available online. The - The frar:cit ion to an automated system is simp1 if ied by the unique tabie-driven automatic fee calcuiat ion/ inspectionlGE0- RASE port ions of t ti is system. - Keywords can also save users time by enabl ing them to bypass menu screens when going from one module to another. - Datc is readily accessible and easily retrievable making common informat ion requests a s imp1 e task. - Online 'NELP' aides are available to assist the users through the system. m L - Activiiy Reports uvailable on request to assist management in keepitrq track of growing trends, land use, development trends, zon ing changes. Stcius reporis or permits issuedl cancel led, expired, etc. Sfate reprjl-t iny of Cat ifornia form C-404 is prueuced crut~muf ical /ym The pprmits are produced oQl.l'omaf ical ly, no special forms are reqtc ired. Reports are producecl on :-eauest r'o assist in schedul ing of inspect ions, (what iespect iors are dire tomorrow, next week, wh ich inspect Jons werc dgne lasf month, etc. ). Ao'ditional reporting on request to 1 ist scheduled events, such as special hearings required, city council, Planning Commision , E.R. ctc. Many of her reports availabte ont ;ne. - The system is easy to use, MENU-GEN is used to customize the appl /cat ion menus for each instal lat ion. Another funct ion of MENU-GEM is NEWSIMAILIMEMO. f NE PS I is directed to everyone on the computer network, 'MAIL' is directed to specific users on the system and 'MEMO' is your own personal memc pad (make yourself reminder notes, schedule appointments, etc). Either the menus or the Global keywords can be used io transfer from on module to another. PERNITS and bCENU-GEN are quai ;fy software products of Sierra Computer Systems, Inc., wr iters crnd developers of software for government and private industry since 1978. /-or ?-:ore lnformat ion Te I ephone or' Ev'r ite S ierr-a Ccmp~fer. ~ysfcns, Inc, Visa1 /a, CA 93277 2,778 W. Whitendale Avenue (209) 627- 1959 t r -I _______~ - -- PERMITS Land k7anargement and Permli Information Tracking System I- PSEivi427’S SYSTEM MODULES CEO -WSE FlRE INFORMATION ASSESSOR DATA BASE HENTH DEPT INFORMATION PERMlT EUSfNESS LAND MANAGEMENT PERMIT INTOAbfAEON TRACKING SYSTEM I I INFORMATION PROJECT NAU)AllON ENGINEER I p] $1 INFORMAnON MODULE DMLOPMENT STANDARDS i ______ - -_I _- -1-- -- I --- - _^_.I -I_--- - .-- - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 I.6 19 !I a m RESOLUTION NO. 8970 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF HARDWARE: AIJTHORIZING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH SIERRA COMPUTER SYSTEMS; AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, the City needs to provide a significant amount of land use information in the conduct of daily business; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is necessary to computerize tl use information; and WHEREAS, staff analyzed available land use software packages: and WHEREAS, the addition of the land use information package would significantly reduce performance of the City's computer system; and WHEREAS; sufficient funds are available in the contingency fund and a j transfer of $312,159 would reduce the balance of the fund to $416,074. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Car as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That staff is authorized to upgrade the City's HP 3000 from a Ser to a Series 70, in accordance with the proposal submitted by Hewlett Pack ,dated February 4, 1987. ~ 3. That purchase of the "Permits" software package is approved, and lis authorized to negotiate a contract with Sierra Computer Systems, Inc. I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. That the transfer of $312,159 from the contingency account (Accol #001-840-1990-2999) to the Data Processing budget ($64,262 in Account R61 2667 and $247,897 in Account #640-1920-3900), is hereby approved. ~ 1 //I Ill Ill Ill '1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 1s I* 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m w PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C Council held on the 17th day of February , 1987, by the followi to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: None // <A- /' /{ +' , ,,{a& ,> ,A' ~ .,../i:d 1 1 ATTEST : c AL!~P~~"TGLA!*I (SEAL) I * m 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEP CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 4: aitp of aarls’ba’b -C-EiVTM-SffWteE4DTMi3VT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT February 28, 1986 Mr. Scott R. Settimo R. J. Settimo, Inc. 8080 La Mesa Blvd., Suite 201 La Mesa, CA 92041 Re: Computer Room Power Conditioner Thank you for your letter dated February 26, 1986. In response to your query, please order the unit in Glacier White (3016, 2-0370). 2A K- LEE RAUTENKRANZ Information Systems Director LR/ks HEWLETT w February 6, 19m @a PACKARD HEWLMT-PA0 COMPANY 1421 S. MANHATTAN AVENUE FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA - PHONE 714 999-6700 92631 MS. LEE RAUTENKRANZ CARLSBAD, CITY OF 1200 ELM AVE. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Ref: Your Order LE"ER/L.RAUTENKRANZ Customer Support Services Agreement 009815 2404 HP Control No. 2404 22563 Dear Customer: Changes in the cost of delivering our support services require us to make selective adjustments to our service prices. find a list of products we currently support under the above referenced Agree- ment and Control Number with the new maintenance price(s) and effective date. If you currently maintain an open-ended purchase order with HP, no further action on your part is necessary. the following options to assure continued service. Option 1: Provide an Open-ended Purchase Order to avoid the costs of issuing a new order each time equipment is added to your Control, price changes occur or end dates are reached. date restrictions. sign below which will be accepted by HP as constituting a modification to your present order and deletes dollar and time period limitations. Option 2: Prepay Service Charges to provide price protection for up to a one year period at current prices. prepaid period, as is provided in the Customer Support Services Agreement. Option 3: Provide a Restricted Purchase Order with dollar amount and/or date restrictions on your order. or provide a new purchase order to reflect the price changes. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your business and look forward to providing you with continued support. garding this notice or the options, please contact our Service Administration Department using the telephone number above. On the attached sheet you will If this is not the case, please select one of This type of order does not have dollar amount and/or You may either issue a new order with this format or you may This excludes you from any repricing during the You may issue an amendment to your existing order, If you have questions re- Sincerely, BILL SASSER Authorized "\ \ Customer Engineer District Manager Title J,5, QA Date a_/=/&