HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-10; City Council; 8119-38; Completion Report for Carlsbad Safety and Service Center Phase I)F CARLSBAD — AGENT JILL AR* f/M-Psr MTG. 3/1Q/B7 DEPT. rw TITLE: COMPLETION REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER DEPT. HD. ^ r.lTY A-mA//"^ CITY MGR._2^T QLU o OCa.a. O Oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. <//</T^ accepting the completion of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center and appropriating the necessary funds to close Phase I. ITEM EXPLANATION In 1981 the City to start plans Council and staff for the Safety determined the necessity and Service Center. On October 12, appropriated engineering constructing Proposition to take the 1982 in Agenda Bill No. 7178, seed monies were to hire an architect to provide architectural/ services for looking into the possibility of such a center. Due to the passage of H in the spring of 1983, the City was required conceptual plan before the voters due to the projected expenditure of more than one million dollars. The voters approved the expenditure of $15.2 million for construction of the Safety Center. The expenditure record for the project as of the spring of 1984 therefore stood as follows: Pre-Proposition Conceptual Planning Phase I Construction (Voter approved) Phase II & III Construction (Voter approved) TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSE: $ 248,000.00 $ 9,400,000.00 $ 5,800,000.00 $15.448.000.00 Subsequent to the before the City construction budget spring of 1984, presentations were made Council to restructure the approved of $15.2 million as follows: Phase I Construction Phase II & III Construction $10,250,000.00 $ 4,950,000.00 This restructuring allowed for complete site improvement and grading, substantial problems with removal of rock, and increased costs for steel and concrete in the main adminis- tration building. A review by the staff and Construction Manager, the Koll Co., determined that the proposed budgets for the Phase II and III projects would be adequate since they included a 30% contingency allowance to cover inflation factors and design variables. PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. During fiscal years 1983-84, 1984-85, 1985-86, and 1986-87 the City continued to add appropriations to the CIP to cover the construction of the Safety Center. In fiscal year 1985- 86 an appropriation was made to cover the furniture and landscaping bids in the amount of $785,000.00. The intent then was to return to the City Council at the completion of the project to appropriate the remaining funds to pay for the project expenses. To date, $10,602,000 has been expended (see Exhibit 3, Worksheet, attached) on the project including the pre-proposition conceptual planning. Appro- priations total $10,344,000 thus leaving a balance to be appropriated of $258,000.00. We are asking for that final appropriation at this time. FISCAL IMPACT The appropriation of $258,000.00 should be made from the unappropriated balance of the Public Facilities Fees fund which currently has a balance of $1,200,000.00. This will reduce the balance to $942,000.00. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. /FJ/f**J- accepting the completion of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center and appropriat- ing the necessary funds to close Phase I. 2. Report 10 - Koll Co. 3. Worksheet summarizing expenditures and appropriations. RESOLUTION NO. 8984 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 2 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING $258,000.00 FOR THE CLOSE-OUT OF PHASE I OF THE CARLSBAD 5 SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. WHEREAS, the City Manager, Staff and Construction Manager have determined that the expenditures for the pre-proposition conceptualization phase and the construction of Phase I of the rt ' Carlsbad Safety and Service Center have been completed; and o0 WHEREAS, these two stages of the project are under 9 appropriated by $258,000.00; and WHEREAS, the timely payment of all contracts made and encumbered is necessary to the close-out of Phase I. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: " 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Finance Director is authorized to transfer the •^ amount of $258,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Public Facilities Fee fund to Account No. 320-840-1810-3006, thus reducing the available balance in the Public Facilities Fee fund 19 to $942,000.00. 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 21 Carlsbad City Council held on the 10th day of March , 1987 op by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson 24 NOES: None 25 ABSENT: Council Member Kulchii 26 ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LtWIS, Mayor 27 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRA'NZ, City Clerkjfco i (SEAL) PROJECT MANUAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER PROGRESS REPORT NO. 10- FINAL DECEMBER 10, 1986 KOLL 7330 Engineer Road San Diego California 92111 Koll Construction Company (619) 292-5550 December 10, 1986 Mr. Mike Brooks City of Carlsbad 2075 La Falmas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Carlsbad Safety Center KCC Job #3225 Final Report/Budget Analysis Dear Mike: Attached is the final budget summary for your Safety Center Project. We feel the estimated cost to complete is more than adequate to deal with remaining negotiations needed to close this project. Unless additional changes are required, the final project cost should actually be less than currently shown. We are currently monitoring completion of the punch lists which have been prepared by your architect and his consultant team. In addition, we are making sure that the various departments occupying these new facilities are satisfied with the final product. Training sessions involving speciality equipment contractors and staff are being conducted to familarize the City with systems operation. We are also preparing the final contractors list, guarantee booklets, operation/maintenance manuals and as-built drawings necessary for efficient operation. We anticipate punch list work to be complete within the next two weeks, and recommend that all contracts be submitted to City Council for acceptance and filing of Completion Notices. We will prepare and issue a final project payment application which will authorize retention releases pending expiration of the lien period as mandated by law. Please advise us as to the acceptance dates. We feel our contractual obligations, subject to previously stated final requirements, have been completed. As the architect completes outstanding matters associated with the generator system and wash facility clarifier, we will assist the City with completion of this work. However, we cannot provide continued onsite supervision for matters which have been unsolved for months. Mr. Mike Brooks December 10, 1986 Page 2 You are well aware of the problems and delays associated with this project. Despite these adverse conditions, it is reassuring to know that the intended revised budget for the project has been met with respect to actual construction dollars. Of course, these costs do not truely reflect actual management costs based on documented project delays. We have enjoyed working with the City on this project, and especially appreciate the "hands-on" approach by yourself and Lt. Suttle, which contributed to the success of this project. fully, UCTION COMPANY Steve Mahoney Project Manager SM/lp Enclosure cc: Gene Hussey Bill Miller File KOLL 7330 Engineer Road San Diego California 92111 Koll Construction Company (619) 292-5550 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER BUDGET ANALYSIS SUMMARY December 10, 1986 1. Contractor awards & approved changes (See attached detailed breakdown) $ 7,740,148 2. Estimate to complete 21,341 3. Communication systems 247,000 4. Furnishings, fixtures and equipment 640,000 5. Landscaping 314,000 6. Field engineering (survey) 45,450 7. Soils testing 26,102 8. Materials testing & inspection 35,204 9. City miscellaneous expenses 200,000 (General conditions contractor, blueprints, etc.) 10. Budget recovery accounts for additional scope - Phase I (50.000) Subtotal $ 9,291,245 11. Construction management fee 500,000 12. Architectural Fee 530.000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 10,249,245 o—1 1— JNl ro o 8! ^i 2o .f-00 ro S Vs o* s ~>mmor-oor- >r-m> — zozio>>r-n>o-i — >3ornOt-inimp"< — r-f— m-<cor-mc — x 8 3^ r- 30 m —ico3O-<coXZ(/)S—ir--H"i~»Tj co z 30 r- m z • -nsocoo — -* co > r- r> >« 30-1 ~1-1 •-•— (-ozco —i — m =c > z > z T> •- m -< 30 m 1-30 gmacr-r>309oco—i-H — i r- » m r> zz r- -H oo ozcoo-i -io-(3or-mz«--<-iC7r--<Tj3o-i mm — -o z g o c -( -t go§o g -< -o r- -noor-~»ion-» — m >co-tr> mg> 30 r> m z n T> 30 o 30 m 3D me zo >m-oi— <«xoo > r> BO o — " B° oo 3O~» g Z«-N m •» >cco>r— «^»cor>> r-> r>7^o3oco>grncnc: so z > -H eo> z .-»3omcooz/-*30>-(r-cz»- 7*1— m — < 30m m > — i 3o g 3D > 7* > -o-ico i— cm zm <cogm>«-ooco> X 7* z - m m30 70 -H t-i — i3O*-i— i 30 m c m > 3o co o — i m c m co o c z -H cor- co 30 — i•-I co m — < —« •-* z m 30 zcoo — i- c m > z ffo co — * co r- > 1-1 ** m « — i o- mz CO— — i z o 30 -< -H m — i m zcor- •— ui —1-^30 o z 30 — I m >o "^Q — o T> -< • '30COCO n-nxo" mom z ocnm m cococo -nzo SO-H co •D-Hoffoor-somxxmm x r~-»-Hmcoz o*-*9°-<x7 30r-3omm>-4 r- m oz-vco or- cog gmc<-> z> co o ui n *o> -n m o — < o ocom — r-xmr" r" c o >z*-«o -^ omso -n — i z z 1-1 > co O 1-1 • -<zo z ga:co — o co o z — o -o n < oOm O 3D ZCOQOZ sx Q 3DCO CO O*>. 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S s 8 S S S o s * 9 2 S S gas rn w (/i—t o ooob >so om z2 O en IP—i n m r- -H x3-.Sm O m EXHIBIT 3 CARLSBAD SAFETY ft SERVICE CENTER - FINANCIAL REPORT EXPENDITURES: Pre-proposition conceptual Grading & gunite Site concrete Sewer, water, storm drain Electric, telephone, gas, CATV Asphalt Structural Steel Metal Deck Elevators Plumbing & HVAC Fire Sprinklers Electrical Service station equipment Vehicle wash Finish hardware Concrete Reinforcing steel Architectural precast concrete Miscellaneous metal Steel doors & frames Concrete Masonry Acoustic/metal ceilings Aluminium storefronts Aluminium canopies Lath, plaster, metal studs & drywall Roofing, waterproofing & insulation Sheet metal & accessories Building insulation Coiling & sectional doors Pneumatic tube system Finish carpentry Cabinets Ceramic/Quarry tile Glass block Painting/wall coverings Floor coverings Access flooring Folding partitions Flagpoles Toilet partitions (CONTINUED PAGE 2) Total From Page 2 Appropriation Needed $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $10, 248,000.00 338,991.00 93,481.00 444,389.00 136,603.00 353,008.00 474,407.00 111,039.00 69,992.00 804,343.00 52,814.00 736,778.00 246,325.00 57,200.00 63,236.00 295,115.00 86,577.00 480,074.00 160,494.00 81,324.00 262,915.00 376,652.00 91,177.00 163,218.00 132,530.00 487,846.00 144,578.00 55,943.00 17,059.00 62,700.00 15,161.00 108,650.00 191,858.00 117,016.00 22,758.00 128,955.00 86,732.00 14,981.00 35,383.00 3,001.00 26,175.00 602,000.00 Page 1 of 2 APPROPRIATIONS: FYS 1982 thru 1984 $ 3,257,345.00 FY 1984-85 $ 3,750,482.00 FY 1985-86 $ 3,336,000.00 $10,343,827.00 $ 258,000.00 TOTAL:$10.602.000.00 $10.602.000.00 EXHIBIT 3 CARLSBAD SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER - FINANCIAL REPORT Page 2 of 2 EXPENDITURES (continued) Security gates & fencing $ 73,045.00 Metal lockers $ 26,418.00 Caulking $ 7,548.00 Window coverings $ 5,980.00 Furnishings - both buildings $ 643,708.00 Communications systems $ 346,173.00 Landscaping $ 325,000.00 Miscellaneous City expenses $ 205,532.00 Construction manager $ 500,000.00 Architect $ 545,264.00 Site Maintenance Contractor $ 43,854.00 TOTAL: $10.602.000.00