HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-10; City Council; 8913; Proposed Legislation Restricting Development Fees. M .-I (IJ (ll 0 p. p. 0 0 .µ i:: 0 ..-1 .µ ell 'd i 0 u (IJ 1-l f.1.-1 f.1.-1 ell .µ (ll (IJ ..c: .µ 0 LU ~ a::: Cl.. a. <( • z o- ti c( ..J 6 z :t o (.) -~, Cl~. OF CARLSBAD -AGENt BILL AB# J?~i TITLE: MTG. 3/l0/87 DEPT. cc __ RECOMMENDED ACTION: PROPOSED LEGISLA Ti ON RESTRICTING DEVELOPMENT FEES That the City Council, by motion, oppose Assembly Bill No. 13. ITEM EXPLANATION: DEPT. HD. __ _ CITYATTY\IFA CITY MGR, 17 ~ The City Council, on April 15. 1986, in AB 8582, went on record as being in opposition to AB No. 4225 (Leonard), which is essentially the same bill as AB No. 13. The language of the bill has been changed to remove the prohibition keeping a city from charging a fee or otherwise requiring an exaction or dedkation from serving development outside the development for which the fee, dedication, reservation, or exaction was charged. However, the bill still prohibits a city from levying a fee for exaction that exceeds "the need for the -public capital facility or improvement caused by the development". This creuies a serious problem for a developing city such as Carlsbad because then we would not be able to deal with the cumulative affects of multiple development in an undeveloped area in an efficient and economical manner. Therefore, this agenda bill has been prepared so that the City Council may go on record as still being in opposition to AB No. 13 ( Leonard) in its present form. If the City Council concurs, the action is to adopt the above motion and direction the Mayor and City Manager to convey the opposition to the League of California Cities and appropriate members of the Legislature, particularly the Assembly's Local Government Committee. I ! t i ! j } • ' t l " I t ,'' I ; ,; i (, l ] 1 b l •' ~ ,\ \ t 0 f a:: { Q. Q. l <C l .. z 'I 0 1 i= 7 0 c( _, 6 2 :::, 0 0 Cl"" ·-oF CARLSBAD -AGENf"""1BILL AB# [S~A TITLE: MTG. 4/15/86 PROPOSED LEGISLATION RESTRICTING DEPT. CA DEVELOPMENT FEES RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD.- CITYATTYVF6' CITY MGR.~. That the City Council, by motion, oppose AB No.3479, AB No.3820, AB No.4181, AB No.4335 and AB No.4277 ITEM EXPLANATION The City Manager has asked our office to prepare this agenda bill asking the City Council to go on record in opposition to the following bills. 1. AB No.3479 (Harris) would shift the burden of proof in any judicial action relating to a development fee to the City, who would then have the burden of establishing that the fee does not exceed the cost of the service for which it was imposed. 2. AB No.3820 (Costa) mandates that the City enter into reimbursement agreements with developers for any portion of the cost of a public facility which is not directly related to the development itself. 3. AB No.4181 (Bader) provides that any development fee may not exceed the need for facilities caused by that development alone . Cumulative effect or general development impact fees would be prohibited. 4. AB No.4335 (Leonard) is substantially identical to AB No.4181. 5. AB No.4277 (Ferguson) invalidates general impact fees which are levied for the construction of infrastructure by requiring that fees be used only for the specific facility or service for which they are collected. The adoption of these bills into law would seriously impact the City's public facilities fee program. They woul~ make it more difficult to collect developer fees and would significantly strengthen a developer's ability to bring legal c~allenges against those fees. If the City Council concurs your action is to adopt the above motion. The City Manager would then convey our opposition to the League of California Cities and appropriate members of the legislature . -- AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JANUARY 16, 1987 CALIFORNIA LECISLATURE-1987-88 REGULAR 5mION ASSEMBLY BILL No. 13 Introduced by Assembly Member Leonard December 1, 1986 An act to add Chapter 11.5 (commencing' with Section 54976) to Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code, relating to fees. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DICFSI' AB 13, as amended, Leonard. Development exactions: public capital facilities and improvements. · Existing law authorizes counties and cities to impose fees for various purposes. This bill would prohibit any fees, charges, other exactions, dedications, or reservations imposed by a city or county on a development, as defined, for a public capital facility or improvement, as defined, as a condition to the approval of the development from exceeding the need for the facility or improvement caused by the development. =Rte eta wel:tle. else preftihit a puhlie eepital facility er impro¥ement trem sel'Yiftg a aer,,elopftiteftt Mftef the eBe l'ftftt 19 sul,ject Ma tee; eharge; ONOBOft, aeaieatieft, er P090PYftft8ft iffl:pesee ~ ~ eitf er eeunty fsr 4he eapital facility er impre·temeftt. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. 98 ,4() ,-- ' ' AB,13 -2- The people of the State of Callfomia do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. Chapterll.5 (commencingwithSection 2 54976) is added to Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the 3 Government Code, to re.ad: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 CHAPTER 11.5. F'EEs FOR PuBLIC CAPITAL FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS 54976. As used in this chapter: (a) .. Developmen~" means the construction, reconstruction, demolition, rehabilitation, o.r alteration of any commercial, residential, or industrial structure. (b) .. Public capital facility or improvement," includes the planning, acquisition, construction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets and roads, street lighting, bridges, overpasses, viaducts, water storage and delivery systems, storm and sanitary sewage systems, parks and plazas, sidewalks, bikeways, landscaping, and transportation systems. 54977. Any fees, charges, other exactions, or requirements for dedications or reservations, imposed by a city or county on a development for a public capital facility or improvement, as a condition of approval of the development, shall not exceed the need for the public capital facility or improvement caused by the &e1i 1elopment, ftel' sheH tMl pelie eftl'ital f'eeility ep impfOf/Cffleftt 9ef¥e e ae•t•elopment etl!eP tfttlft ~ Se'lelopment ._ is sul,jeet te e fee; eharge, MMP eMeeaen, er demeatien er ,eservatieft ,e~emeftt impeseEl ~ tfte ~ @ eoety fep tfte f)ttWie eft19Ual faemty er im'.f'P8Yement. development. 54978. This chapter does not grant any additional authority to levy or impose any fee, charge, exaction, dedication, or reservation which is not otherwise authorized by another provision of law nor does this chapter grant authority to levy or impose a new fee, charge, exaction, dedication, or reservation when other provisions of law specifically prohibit the levy or imposition of a fee, charge, other exaction, dedication, or 98 60