HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-17; City Council; 8918; JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGc AB#- TITLE: MTG. 3/17/87 JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DEPT. P & R DEPT. CITY A CITY n -6 z 0 P- c9 Q: 0 z L .. z 0 I 6 a 1 0 z 3 0 0 CIBOF CARLSBAD - AGENQBILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept staffs annual report. ITEM EXPLANATION: Joint City Council/Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Agen 1. Annual Report Staff will present an annual report outlining the Parks E Recreation Department's overall responsibility and accomplishments within the past year. Growth Management Program/Parks and Recreation The Commission would like to discuss several concerns regarding the Growth Management Program as it relates to: a. The implementation of community park development concurrent with residential development. Description of the Growth Management Program outline( in various literature. 2. b. 3. Communication The Commission would like to improve their advisory capai to the City Council and would like to discuss their: a. Scribe report b. Council response. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Parks and Recreation Department 85-86 Annual Report. - t. . ei CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT ‘851’86 David Bradstteet PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR EXHIBIT 1 i 0 a e.- Scott Wright, Chairman Barbara Donovan, Vice-Chair Anthony Lawson Jim Popovich Marjorie Morrison Mary Catherine Regan Shirley Dahlquist e 0 t' ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF David Bradstreet Parks & Recreation Director Keith Beverly Administrative Assistant Mark Steyaert Park Planner Doug Duncanson Parks Superintendent Lynn Chase Recreation Superintendent Sue Spickard Senior Citizen Coordinator Fred Burnell Tree Supervisor Jerry Rodriguez Park Supervisor Tom Coleman Building Maintenance Supervisor Ken Price Principal Recreation Supervsor Carl Pope Aquatics Supervsor Jim Bradshaw Recreation Supervisor I Dee Pope Recreation Supervisor I Robin Bettin Recreation Supervisor I Pam Alm Secretary Helen Johnson Clerk Typist Beryl Philp Receptionist/Cashier e 0 October 20, 1986 TO : DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: KEITH BEVERLY, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ANNUAL REPORT Background This report will serve to update you regarding the financial status of the Parks and Recreation Department during the 85-86 fiscal year. Additionally, it will provide information about the past years accomplishments as well as the direction each division within the department is heading in terms of the operation of the department as a whole: 85-86 Fee Supported Recreation and Additional Revenue r % Self Revenue Expenditures Supporting Attendance Goal 326,412 60% Recreation $306,210 $468,880 Aqua t i c s 93,061 161,915 57.4% 73,363 55% Aqua Hedionda Lagoon 16,104 Community Garden 650 Donations 200 Firewood Sale 675 Macario Agri. Lease 22,511 65.3% 12,884 125 % N/A 100% $439,411 $643,679 68 % 399,775 N/A To expand further upon revenues from the fee supported recreatil programs offered by the Parks and Recreation Department, the following breakdown is presented to identify those programs and the revenue which they generate: Recreation Fee Supported Revenue Expenditure Recreational Classes $100,770 70,088 + 30,682 Adult Sports and Special Events 89,822 74,950 + 14,872 Youth S?orts and 59,459 + 12,664 Daytrippers 72,103 Facility Rentals 32,017 30,013 + 2,004 $306,210 250,912 + 55,320 Net + - Special Events 11,498 16,402 - 4,902 In reviewing this summary, the area of youth sports and special events draws immediate attention. The Recreation staff is currc analyzing the programming and operation of these special events increase the net revenue within this category. The overall succ of the majority of recreational programs in terms of revenue ver expenditure can be attributed to the following: e 0 Annual Report FY85-86 October 20, 1986 Page Two 1. Increased budget allocations for fee supported recreation programs allows for increased programming/ operation for an increasing population. Increased publicity and active marketing of services. Notoriety of recreational department for providing quality recreational programs which keep pace with current interest of the participants. 2. 3. r Aquatics An evaluation of the Aquatics Division and the categories where revenue is generated is as follows: Revenue Expenditure $161,915 3- Contract Classes $51,747 Recreational Swim 28 , 736 Pool Rental 12 , 422 Aquatic Miscellaneous 156 $93,061 The increased maintenance and operation cost of the swim comple was a prime reason for rate increases this year for many aquati uses. The increase in fees, however, did not affect the overal self-sustaining ability of pool operations at 57% again this ye The stability of this percentage when considering the increase fees is indicative of the local demand for aquatic recreational activities. The Carlsbad High School has increased their hours of use of th Swim Complex this year. The increase in use is primarily due t the formation of the high school water polo team. The City Aqu Division has also formed new programs which include water polo a synchronized swim clinic. A major goal this year for Aquatics is to install a motor speed controller for the pool filtration system. The installation of system is anticipated to cut maintenance and operation cost by Aqua Hedionda Lagoon While the revenue for the operation of the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon has increased by $2,000 during 85-86, the expenditure has also increased by $5,000. Despite the increase in expenditure, the operation is however 125% self sustaining. is as follows: Daily and Annual Permits Revenue Boat and Sailboard Permits $13,842 1 $127884 Launching Fees 2,262 - A breakdown in reve Expenditure $16,104 a e .. Annual Report FY85-86 October 20, 1986 Page Three The primary responsibility of the City in administering the recreation at the lagoon is to provide for the safety and boat] enforcement of City and state rules and regulations. The recreation specialist currently responsible for boating safety and enforcement has and will continue to attend boating enforce training classes and seminars in an attempt to provide for an optimal lagoon enforcement program. In order to monitor and update the insurance requirements of the water oriented recreational enthusiasts that utilize this resource area, staff has developed a computer program. The computer program has greatly reduced the manhours involved in assuring the City's liability concerns are met. The user participation at the lagoon has seen an increase in both seasonal and non-seasonal use, the increased use has been attributed to an increasing population, increased demand for water oriented recreation which the lagoon provides and the quality of safety regulations and boating enforcement existing at the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Conclusion - Annual Financial Status Besides the annual agricultural lease for land located in Macai Canyon, which creates a revenue of $22,511, the remaining majoi revenue drawing activities for the Parks and Recreation Departr have been expressed in terms of revenue and expenditures. It : important to realize that while attempting to remain at a level at least 55% self sustaining, the recreation programs and actiT offered must not only be self sustaining at this level, but al: meet the needs of the recreational community. Fee supported recreation, aquatics and the Aqua Hedionda Lagoor have each ascertained a self sustaining level of at least 60%, 55% and 100% respectively. Close annual review of programs ofJ to meet demand, scrutiny of expenditure as well as publicity a1 marketing will insure an effective revenue drawing recreationa: program which meets the needs of an expanding community. The following information is presented to briefly summarize major events and accomplishments within each of the remaining divisions administered under the Parks and Recreation Departmer during fiscal year 1985-86. e * Annual Report FY85-86 October 20, 1986 Page Four Administration The Administration Department is responsible for not only the daily operation, but future operation of the Parks and Recreati Department for the City of Carlsbad. Daily operations include the preparation of staff reports for intercity operations and community information, agenda bill preparation for City Council decisions, budget preparation and administration, current park development programs and public relations. Major projects under the Administration Division during 1985-86 and continuing into 1986-87 are: .: . Budget Preparation - $3,332,397 (Nine Divisions) . Grant Funding - $145,000 - Calavera Hills Phase I1 - $22,000 - Calavera Hills/Roberti-Z- - Reapplication Calavera Hills Gym/Cc - State Historic Preservation Fund (I - Coastal Conservancy $28,000, Beech $200 , 000 Beach access . Stagecoach Community Park . Calavera Hills Community Park - Plans and specifications reviewed E . Senior Citizens Feasibility Study . Advanced Park Planning - HPI (28.5 acre) Development - 50% complete - Sammis (10 acre) - N.E. Quad (20 acre) - Cannon Lake (17 acre) . Park Inventory Update/Growth . Park in Lieu Updates . Macario Canyon Park Development Update . Ball field analysis Management Study Park Maintenance and Tree Division The Park Maintenance Division in 1985-86 was responsible for tk landscape in 37 different community parks, special use and spec resource areas. Total maintained landscaped area was 150 acres. In addition to park areas, the Division was also responsible fc approximately 25,000 trees on City right-of-way, 150 miles of undeveloped public right-of-way, medians and public access. Additionally, there was approximately 34 acres of landscaped open space areas. a e , Annual Report FY85-86 October 20, 1986 Page Five In addition to daily maintenance activities, the Park Operation Division accomplished the following: . Developed Fuerte Park . Installed water services to Stagecoach Park . Provided assistance to Mexican American Association with gazebo improvements - Holiday Park . Cannon Lake tule removal . Woodbine Open Space Rehabilitation/l4 acres (California Conservation Co . Tamarack Avenue Landscape (C.C.C.) . Community Garden Preparation . Administered Macario Canyon AG Lease . Lateral irrigation installation - Safety Center . Installed beach access signs . Assumed maintenance of Fuerte Park, Larwin S.U.A. and downtown redevelo area . Chase Field renovation - C.I.P. . Installed Poinsettia Bridge Landscape - C.C.C. . Hosp Grove Trails Rehabilitation . Landscaped Redevelopment area parking lot . Assisted in moving granery to Magee Park . Car Country median rehabilitation - C.C.C. (C.C.C.)) In the coming year, the Maintenance Division will assume the landscape responsibility for the 28 acre Stagecoach Park as well as the new Safety Center, Calavera Hills Community Park Phase I and Fire Station #4. Building Maintenance Division The Building Maintenance Division is responsible for the custod repair and preventive maintenance of all buildings that staff c employees to provide services to the citizens of Carlsbad. During 1985-86 with a staff of 6 full time and 2 part time employees, this Division services approximately 130,000 square feet of office, maintenance and recreational facilities. Major accomplishment in addition to daily operations during 85- were : . Granery renovation - Magee Park (heating, electric, paint, interior fin . Painting (Library, Swim Complex, Fire Stations). With the opening of the Las Palmas Community Development Buildi the Safety Center and Stagecoach Community Park, the Building Maintenance Division with an increased staff of 3 full time and 2 part time employees will assume responsibility for an additio 132,000 square feet of City owned facilities in 1986-87. m 0 X’ Annual Report FY85-86 October 20 , 1986 Page Six Senior Citizens Division The Senior Citizen Division began operating in July of 1985. TI newly formed Division began as the result of an approved agreemt between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association to provide senior services in Carlsbad. Under the supervision of the senior citizen coordinator, the senior populi is presently represented by a 5 member commission which acts as advisory group to the City Council. One of the primary responsibilities of the Senior Citizens Divi is to provide organized social recreation as well as nutrition, legal, medical and other services of interest to the senior population. A major accomplishment this year for the Senior Citizen Divisio was the formation of a Senior Citizen Center site selection committee. Although still in a preliminary stage, a possible s for the construction of a 12,000 square foot Senior Citizen Cen has been identified and architectural studies are currently bei performed. The proposed Senior Citizens Center will be a joint venture between the School District and the City with the Distr providing the land and the City providing a Senior Center and school administration offices. e 0 r GRAPHS 1. Financial Statement - Aquatics Division 2. Financial Statement - Recreation Division 3. Recreation & Aquatics Attendance 4. Park Acreage Standards/Projected and Current Statu: 6. FINANCIAL e ATEKEFIT FOR 1982-83 TO 1985-8 UAIlLS UlVl~lUN REVENUE JXPEND 1/////A I FISCAL YEAR RECREATION DIVISION yli/lm n FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1982-83 TO 1985-86 REVENUE EXPEND FISCAL YEAR e 0 RECREATION & AQUATICS ATTENDANCE ‘1 1982-83 TO 1985-86 REC AQUATICS ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE II lzzzzZl NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 FISCAL YEAR !z A. w u p: 3 0 m W p: 4 T L c . m z w p: a c: 0 3 PC 0: U CI4 a -0 P4w z a0 Om a04 JD A OPC\ a ec' >!4 W ou UA e 004 CIH U 00 u Odln w W r, d\ ec 0 \ *CY VI 0 W w CD SCD F w motnomomomolnom m w m m .FP v m m N N P+ r( C 2. ---- -%me C -, --&Id C 4:iru 1-. iiii \ Gl - r: - ., .---- _, du-u - ~ A! I I I I I I I T-i x;: v: 'X x4 4 c) ir: ' ---- -8 ==== n? 11 m m N 0. i z iiii ,- - 5 X I- in x; e--- 2, .... 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