HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-19; City Council; 8989; Temporary road closure permit denial appeal.. z 0 F= 0 =i 0 z 3 a 8 iB## 8989 ~TG. 5'719/87 IEPT. POL TITLE APPEAL OF DENIAL OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE PERMIT CITY MOR.&- ~ ~~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Deny appeal of Police Chief Jimno's decision to deny CAT Sports a temporary road closure permit to conduct Bud Light Triathlon. ITEM EXPLANATION: CAT Sports has applied for a temporary road closure permit to conduct the Bud Light Triathlon on September 13, 1987. Beach for the past two years. of Rancho Santa Fe. The applicant was not permitted to use the same bicycle course in 1986 and applied to Carlsbad. The request was initially denied, but after extended conversation between Chief Jimno and CAT Sports the 1986 permit was approved. During those conversations Chief Jimno advised CAT Sports that the approval for the 1986 permit was unique because they had been left at the last minute without a course and that it was unlikely that the permit would be approved for 1987. The Bud Light Triathlon has been based in Solana In 1985 the bicycle course extended through a portion It is Chief Jimno's opinion that the value of the event to the citizens and City of Carlsbad does not offset the inconveniences, exposure to liability and use of department resources. Representatives of CAT Sports will present their case to Council who must affirm or overrule the Police Chief. FISCAL IMPACT: The operation of the event will result in no cost to the city because the applicant will pay staffing costs anticipated to be $1500. EXHI BITS : 1. Memorandum from Chief Jimno to City Manager dated April 16, 1987 2. Memorandum to Police Chief from Sergeant Michael Shipley dated April 15, 1987 3. Application for temporary road closure permit dated January 3, 1987 4. Letter to City Council from Mike McClure dated February 4, 1987 5. Letter to Mike McClure from Risk Manager German dated February 11, 1987 6. Letter Risk Manager German from Mike McClure dated February 20, 1987 7. Letter to Sergeant Shipley from Joseph Glynn dated April 14, 1987 8. Letter to Mike McClure from Chief Jimno dated April 15, 1987 9. Event review memorandum to Chief Jimno from Sergeant Shipley dated September 16, 1986. I . APRIL 16, 1987 TO: CITY MANAGER FRANK ALESHIRE FROM: POLICE CHIEF VINCENT JIMNO DENIAL OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE PERMIT CAT Sports, Inc. has requested an appeal before the City Council of my denial of their request for a temporary road closure permit on September 13, 1987. denial is based primarily on the following. My 1. 2. 3. 4. VALUE TO THE CITIZENS OF CARLSBAD - Sergeant Shipley estimated that there were less than 10 spectators at any given time in the City of Carlsbad. A substantial number of those were guests at South Carlsbad State Beach Camp Grounds and were waiting for the end of the event so they could leave. COMPLAINTS - Complaints were received from the state park rangers, North County Transit District and the residents who use Ponto Drive as access to their homes. The major complaints were the inconvenience and repeated inconvenience because the City of Carlsbad will hold the Carlsbad Triathlon on the same portion of highway on July 12, 1987. LIABILITY - Any special event approved by the City exposes it to increased liability risks. which results in a crowded course. In 1986 there were several collisions between bicyclists. a female rider. This event in particular has a large number of contestants One resulted in a major injury to the shoulder of STAFFING - The police department dedicated approximately 1700 hours to special events in 1986. Thirty-three hours were charged to this event in 1986. It is the view of the police department that this time could be used in an event or activity of greater value to the city. Because of traffic control problems experienced in the 1986 event, if the denial were to be overturned, additional police staffing would be recommended. The following is a brief representation of the CAT Sprots, Inc. response to the above out1 ined problem. 1. VALUE TO THE CITIZENS OF CARLSBAD - They contend that this event brings guests to the Carlsbad hotels and they spend additional money in the city. The applicant also indicates that they would be willing to make a Carlsbad hotel one of the host hotels to help focus attention on Carlsbad. 3. LIABILITY - They advised that they will have insurance to offset Carlsbad' liability. (They balked at the Risk Manager's suggestion that $5,000,000 would be the recommended coverage.) better with respect to the traffic control. They advised that they will perform 3. STAFFING - CAT Sports, Inc. will pay for police officer time. 4Y As per our discussion of this morning, I am writing to formally appeal the denial of our application for a special event permit. We originally applied for the permit in mid-January and did not receive a definitive answer until April 12th. During this time, at your suggestion, we have also been trying to get on the agenda to go before the city council. An original request to get on the agenda was met with a letter from Risk Management regarding operations issues from last years event. We responded to that letter and heard nothing. At that time, (Wed. April 8) I sat down with you and Mike McClure to discuss our progress up to this point. At that meeting you said you were not in favor of the event, but suggested that I go before the city council. After an entire week of attempting to request a spot on the city council agenda I was told that I had to file a written request with you. As you can see I have, in effect, been trying to plead my case before the city council since mid-January. In light of this, I respectfully request your help in obtaining a spot on the agenda as soon as possible. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, cc: Mike McClure Ray Patchett JG/kk USTSB CAT Sports, Inc. 2235 Encinitas Blvd., Ste. 210, Encinitas, CA 92024 619/436-5050 FAX 6191942-7296 3 APRIL 16, 1987 TO: CITY MANAGER FRANK ALESHIRE , FROM: POLICE CHIEF VINCENT JIMNO DENIAL OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE PERMIT CAT Sports, Inc. has requested an appeal before the City Council of my denial of their request for a temporary road closure permit on September 13, 1987. denial is based primarily on the following. My 1. 2. 3. 4. VALUE TO THE CITIZENS OF CARLSBAD - Sergeant Shipley estimated that there were less than 10 spectators at any given time in the City of Carlsbad. A substantial number of those were guests at South Carlsbad State Beach Camp Grounds and were waiting for the end of the event so they could leave. COMPLAINTS - Complaints were received from the state park rangers, North County Transit District and the residents who use Ponto Drive as access to their homes. The major complaints were the inconvenience and repeated inconvenience because the City of Carlsbad will hold the Carlsbad Triathlon on the same portion of highway on July 12, 1987. LIABILITY - Any special event approved by the City exposes it to increased liability risks. which results in a crowded course. In 1986 there were several collisions between bicyclists. a female rider. This event in particular has a large number of contestants One resulted in a major injury to the shoulder of STAFFING - The pol ice department dedicated approximately 1700 hours to special events in 1986. Thirty-three hours were charged to this event in 1986. It is the view of the police department that this time could be used in an event or activity of greater value to the city. Because of traffic control problems experienced in the 1986 event, if the denial were to be overturned, additional police staffing would be recommended. The following is a brief representation of the CAT Sprots, Inc. response to the above out1 ined problem. 1. VALUE TO THE CITIZENS OF CARLSBAD - They contend that this event brings guests to the Carlsbad hotels and they spend additional money in the city. The applicant also indicates that they would be willing to make a Carlsbad hotel one of the host hotels to help focus attention on Carlsbad. 3. LIABILITY - They advised that they will have insurance to offset Carlsbad' liability. (They balked at the Risk Manager's suggestion that $5,000,000 would be the recommended coverage.) better with respect to the traffic They advised that they will perform control. 3. STAFFING - CAT Sports, Inc. will pay for police officer time. APRIL 15, 1987 TO: CHIEF VINCENT JIMNO FROM: SERGEANT SHIPLEY BUD LIGHT TRIATHLON 1987 APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE CAT Sports, Inc. has applied for a temporary road closure to conduct the Bud Light Triathlon on September 13, 1987. They have requested to use the same course as in 1986 - Carlsbad Boulevard, between La Costa Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. As you will recall, this permit was denied on July 28, 1986, but later approved after extended conversation. the applicant that it was very unlikely that a permit would be approved for 1987 and CAT Sports should begin to look for a new course outside of Carlsbad. At that time you advised The reasons identified in the 1986 denial remain the same as my reasons for recommending denial of this year's permit. 1. 2. 3. This event has little value for the City of Carlsbad and/or its citizens. The 1986 event supported this opinion. was viewed by less than 100 persons with as few as 20 persons watching at any one time. A substantial number of the spectators were guests of South Carlsbad State Beach Camp Grounds and were waiting for the end of the event so they could leave. regarding the event from State Park Rangers, North County Transit District and resident who use Ponto Drive as access to their residents. I estimated that the event Additionally, we received complaints This event exposes the City to increased liability. participants in this event makes it more hazardous because of the reduced space between competitors. several collisions between bicyclists in the Carlsbad portion of the race. shoulder. The number of It is my understanding that there were I observed one female rider who suffered a major injury to her CAT Sports was responsible for the majority of the traffic control for the 1986 event. privately organized event I have seen, there were several problems with the traffic control which could have resulted in further liability to the City. While their performance was better than any other The application for this event was dated January 13, 1987. the applicant, Risk Manager German and I have been involved in several discussions regarding this event. I have indicated to the applicant on several occasions that I would be recommending denial oftkirrequest and that his appeal would be to the City Council. On April 14, 1987, the applicant completed the application by paying the $25 application fee. Since that time A delinquent application fee was also encountered in 1986 when the application was received on July 2, 1986, and the fee was not paid until August 13, 1987. CAT Sports, Inc. has countered the above points. They contend that this event is of value to the City of Carlsbad because competitors stay in Carlsbad hotels and spend additional money in the city. would be willing to make one of the Carlsbad's hotels one of the "host hotels" to help focus attention on Carlsbad. They advise that they will have insurance to offset the City's 1 iabi 1 i ty (Robert German has recommended $5,000,000 coverage). CAT Sports, Inc. indicates, "Regarding the issue of adequate liability coverage, that is an issue that we would like to research further and discuss in a meeting with you." The applicant indicates they will perform better with respect to the traffic control. The applicant indicates that they I CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE (CONSTRUCTION, PARADE OR SPECIAL EVENT) MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE 3122 - CHAPTER 10.57 TO: Vincent D. Jimno, Chief of Police 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 Janliary 3, 1987 DATE ADDRESS : 2235 Encinitas Blvd. Suite 210 Encinitas, CA 92024 AGENT OR APPLICANT NAME: Mike McClure, Race Director TELEPHONE# 944-3834 It is requested that a permit be granted to close the following street or road: STREET: FROM Carlsbad Blvd. , North 6 South bound #l 6 112 lanes La Costa Ave. TO Palomar Airport Road Bud Light US Triathlon Series, San Diego REASON FOR CLOSURE Race 7:OO A.M. A.M. 1O:OO A.M. 8:I: DATE September 13, 1987 DATE AND TIME FROM P.M. TO OF CLOSURE: A.M. A.M. FR0r.l P.M. TO P.M. DATE ............................................................................................. CLOSURE FEE: MY PERSON, GROW OR ORGANIZATION PUTTING ON OR SPWWRINC MY CELEBRATION. PARADE. LOCAL SPECIAL CVENT. OR DTHiR PLfiPOSE WHICH NECESSITATES THE CLOSWE OF A STREET SHALL MKE MIITEN APPLICATION TO THE CHIEF OF POLlCL FOR SUCH CLOSWE 1*)T LATER THaH 15 OAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. A FEE OF $25 SHALL Bf PAID TO THE FiNAhCE DEPARTMNT. AND A RECEI;T ATTACHED TO THE APPLICATION WHEN SUWITTED TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE. 4 CLOSWX A DETAILED DlAW OF THE AREA TO BE CLOSED MUST 81 SV3nllTED YlTH THE APPLICATION. THE DIAGRA9 MUST INCLME: AL(Y DIAGRW. SIGNS WHICH WILL BE MTERED. COVERED OR ADDED WHICH WILL CONTROL TRAFFIC OR GIVE DIRECTlOhS. AND THE LOCATION A?: $fb;@J ('060 FihC7lON W ANY PERSONS ASSICME0 TO TRAFFIC CONTROL. SIRVICES SIGHS AM0 BrRRICADES. THE STREET (KPARWNT CAW PROVIDE SIWS AND BARRlCA9ES. THf STREET DtFARlNENT NUST RECEIVE AVAILAFLE: A RECUEST FO9 AN1 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE Or THE EVENT. A FEE Y:LL BE CWGEI! @ 4- t+7 54 pfiib FOR IACH DEVICE AND A STRAIGH TIHE CWCE FOR ANY PREPARATION. SE7-UP. TAKE-DCHY OR DELIYLPY. DlA;AW,lNG. THE POLICE DtPARlHENT CAN PREPARE THf R[QUIRED DIAC3JI)(S FOR THI fYENT. ThF P3LICC DEPARTMENT MUST KfCEIVI A REQUEST FOR THE D1AW.W AT LEAST 15 DLYS PRlW TO TM EVENT (LURGER E'I'CNTS tu? PECLllRE A LONGfR LEAD TIM). A FEC 01 $30 PER H)IR WILL BE CHARGE0 YlTH A Wf. HOLP MlMlYlH. f."F TfiuFic CW~L AND sccmiiv. THE POLICE DEPARTMENT YILL DETEFJINE THE LEVEL OF TRAFFIC COHTR~L mn~/~c SECIRITT N[CDEO. THE POLICE DEPARTMLNT NAY PROVIDE TRAFFIC COXTROl AND/OR SECWITY FOR Ah EVENT. TtC POLICE DfPARlHINT HJST RICflVE A REQVEST FOR SUCH SERVICES AT LCAST IS DAYS PRlOil TD THE EVENT. A fLf OF 135 PER MLR Ptl OIFiCU WILL Bt CWRtED AND A DLPOSlT MY BE REQUIRED. ............................................................................................. (Parade) (Special Event) is not being held for the sole purpcss cf goods, wares, merchandise or event designed purely for private prof 2 13/87 Date @ This request is not approved 4/5-87 7 Ea te BY C' CAT Sports Inc 1984 FAX 6 191942-7296 &mmmp USTSS CAT Sports, Inc 2235 Encinitas Blvd , Suite 210 Encinitas, CA 92024 6191436-5050 February 4, 1987 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 9200'4 Dear City Cour ,, We request your --Qdorsement. The Bud Light U.S. Triathlon Series will be based here in the No, ::o;lnty for the third year in a row. The event has been well received by the community as well as all those who have participated. This year's event is scheduled for September 13, 1987. We ask for 10 minutes of your time; to be placed on the Council Agenda for the pur- pose of letting you know more completely about the event. The permit requires minimum road closures with minor community traffic impact. publicity and PR effort gives the North County national identity, helping put you on the map in an extraordinarily positive way. Local merchants and hotel owners will benefit directly as triathletes from all over the country come to train in advance of the race. Our Please honor our request, as we would like to work together, take your suggestions, and then put on a world class event. Mike McClure Director/Bud Light US'TS San Diego cc: City Council City Manager Chief of Police 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE (619) 931-2916 situ af UZarlsbail RISK MANAGEMENT February 11, 1987 Mr. Mike McClure CAT Sports, Inc. 2235 Encinitas Blvd. Suite 210 Encinitas, CA 92024 Dear Mr. McClure: Thank you for your interest in utilizing the City of Carlsbad for the Bud Light Triathlon. However, before further consideration can be given to your request, a number of procedures need to be completed and questions answered. The infor- mation required is set forth below for your convenience. 1. The application for temporary road closure which you filed will need to be completed. As indicated on the application, a detailed diagram of the area to be closed must be included with the application. It must designate signs which need to be altered, covered or added which will control traffic or give directions, and the location and function of any persons assigned to traffic control. The Police Department can prepare the diagrams for you, at the rate of $30.00 per hour, if you file a request with them for that service. 2. At the 1986 race, the race monitors failed to be on post at 7:OO a.m., in violation of the agreement. We would appreciate an explanation of the cause of that problem and any proposed solution which you may have which would prevent a reoccurrence. 3. At the 1986 race, traffic control devices were set up prior to 4:30 a.m. As a result, early morning traffic damaged the devices. That required two officers to move and reset them. That job was not completed until almost 8:00 a.m. We would like to know how you would propose preventing that problem from reoccurring. Mr. Mike McClure CAT Sports, Inc. February 11, 1987 Page two 4. At the 1986 race, there were several locations where the cones were more than 50 feet apart and the open traffic lane was less than 10 feet wide, in violation of the agreement. We would appreciate an explanation of the cause of that problem and any proposed solution which you may have which would prevent a reoccurrence. 5. At the 1986 race, many of the cones provided were only 18 inches in height, as opposed to the 28 inch requirement set forth in the agreement. We would appreciate an explanation of the cause of that problem and any proposed solution which you may have which would prevent a reoccurrence. 6. At the 1986 race, traffic control broke down at Carlsbad Blvd. and La Costa Ave. as the result of lack of personnel. We would appreciate an explanation of the cause of that hazardous situation and any proposed solution which you may have which would prevent a reoccurrence of that type of problem at any point along the race course. 7. With regard to insurance, we would like to know the level of liability insurance which your organization would provide for the 1987 event. (A $5,000,000 minimum would appear to be appropriate.) If you have any questions, or if we can be of any other assistance to you, please feel free to contact my office. Risk Manager RJG:ma c: Vince Jimno, Chief of Police Mike Shipley, Traffic Division Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Manager Vince Biondo, City Attorney c, CAT Socfts Inc. 1964 FAX 6 1 91942-7296 February 20, 1987 Mr. Robert 3. German City of Carlsbad/Risk Management 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. German: Thank you for replying to our application so quickly. We would be happy to clear up any problems and questions from last years' Bud Light USTS event; in an attempt to more finely detail the triathlon we have planned for September 13, 1987. At the 1986 race, volunteer monitors were not in the numbers we had hoped. Vounteers were assigned to priority one stations, then priority two as were monitors available. In 1986 monitors were assigned to traffic control points (see att. a,b,c,d) with specific instructions and notices to be given to traffic intercepted. This years' plan would be the same but Nith a guaranteed volunteer numbers with more vigorous recruitment of larger volunteer organizations, ie. Boy Scouts, Navy Recruits, YMCA, etc. At the 1986 race, traffic control devices were set up prior to 4:30 am because of the magnitude of the job. Four lines of cones 50' apart, plus signage, from La Costa Ave. to Palomar Airport Rd. took time. The plan this year would be to have a larger crew, more trucks as well as an independent USTS race course supervisor to check placement and to fine detail course prior to 7 am race morning. Once again, with well trained and adequately manned crews, and vehicles pre-loaded with only 28 inch cones, and signage specific to the Carlsbad area, the 1987 race will not have the problems you mentioned. A race course supervisor on a moped or in a small truck could adjust cones and signage as to the agreement of 50 feet apart with an open traffic lane 10 feet wide. The situation at Carlsbad, and La Costa was simply an underestimation of the requirement for manpower. We had two officers and two volunteers in place, however, it is now apparent that two officers and a minimum of 4 volunteers are required. We will schedule our monitor placement accordingly. Regarding the issue of adequate liability coverage, that is an issue that we would like to research further and discuss in a meeting with you. Enclosed you will find some monitor placement plans and detailed maps per your request. I have attempted to answer all your questions to the best of my ability and knowledge of the past year's event. I am very aware of the City of Carlsbad's concerns and will do anything I can to further assure you that the 1987 Bud Light U.S. Triathlon San Diego, will be without flaws. I I will call you next week to answer any questions you may have. Thank you, I M-i ke- McCl ure Director/Bud Light USTS San Diego cc: Vince Jimno, Chief of Police Mike Shipley, Traffic Division Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Manager Vince Biondo, City Attorney UT-- CAT Sports Inc 1984 April 14, 1987 Carl sbad Pol ice Department Sgt. Shipley 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sgt. Shipley, As per our discussion of this morning, I am writing to formally appeal the denial of our application for a special event permit . We originally applied for the permit in mid-January and did not receive a definitive answer until April 12th. During this time, at your suggestion, we have also been trying to get on the agenda to go before the city council. An original request to get on the agenda was met with a letter from Risk Management regarding operations issues from last years event. We responded to that letter and heard nothing. At that time, (Wed. April 8) I sat down with you and Mike McClure to discuss our progress up to this point. At that meeting you said you were not in favor of the event, but suggested that I go before the city council. After an entire week of attempting to request a spot on the city council agenda I was told that I had to file a written request with you. As you can see I have, in effect, been trying to plead my case before the city council since mid-January. In light of this, I respectfully request your help in obtaining a spot on the agenda as soon as possible. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jo e h. Glynn Buk'!fght U.S. Triathlon Series cc: Mike McClure Ray Patchett JG/kk USTS" CAT Sports. Inc. 2235 Encinitas Blvd., Ste. 210, Encinitas. CA 92024 6191438.5050 FAX 6191942.7296 13 .. .* 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 POLEE DEPARTMENT April 15, 1987 Mr. Mike McClure CAT Sports, Inc. 2235 Encinitas Blvd. , Suite 210 Encinitas, Ca. 92024 Dear Mr. McClure: I have reviewed your Application for Temporary Road Closure with Sergeant Shipley. denied and I agreed. Enclosed you will find your receipt for the filing fee and a copy of the denied application. It was his recommendation that the permit be With respect to your request for appeal I have directed Sergeant Shipley to prepare an Agenda Item so that you may present your case to the City Council of Carlsbad. You will be notified by this of- fice when the item has been placed on the Council Agenda. If you have any further questions regarding this matter p contact Sergeant Shipley. Yours truly, / TELEPHONE (619) 931-2100 ease cc: Frank Alshire, City Manager Robert German, Risk Manager 1. . ’ MEMORANDUM TO: CHIEF JIMNO FROM: SERGEANT SHIPLEY DATE: September 16, 1986 GENERAL The Budlight Triathlon began with the swim in Solana Beach. portion entered Carlsbad Blvd. north bound from La Costa Ave. The racers completed four laps between La Costa Ave. and Palomar Airport Road, which accounted for approximately 10 miles of the 24 mile portion of the bicycle race. The bicycle I estimate that less than 100 persons watched the race in the Carlsbad area. A substantial number of those were persons at the camp grounds who were waiting for the end of the race so they could leave. The promoter advised that over 2,000 people competed in the event. PERFORMANCE CAT SPORTS, INC., made a $1,000.00 performance deposit; contract attached. This contract was intended to provide the City of Carlsbad with some leverage to assure that minimum traffic control requirements were met by the promoter. The Carlsbad portion of this race had the best traffic control which I have seen from a privately organized event. The promoter failed to follow specifics of the performance requirements. The race monitors, with the exception of Palomar Airport Road, were not not on post at 0700. The posts were eventually manned (after the first racers entered Carlsbad); they remained manned throughout the event. The traffic control devices,set-up early in the morning, were in place before 0430 hours and sustained substantial damage from traffic before the race began. It took two officers until almost 0800 to reset or move the devices to the proper locations. I estimate that approximately 20X of the traffic cones used to define the left edge of the open traffic lane, were 18 inch cones rather than the 28 in cones required. There were also several locations where the cones were more than 50 feet apart and where the open traffic lane was less than 10 feet wide. It is my recommendation that the city withhold 30% of the performance deposit. . * - 2- Budlight Triathlon - cont'd STAFFING Five officers were orginally assigned to the event. officer from Day Watch Patrol when the traffic control at Carlsbad Blvd. and La Costa Ave. began to break down because of a lack of personnel. I added an additional PREPARATION HOURS Sgt. Shipley 4 STAFFING Sgt. Shipley 0400 - 1700 Sr. Officer Sisselberger 0630 - 1100 Officer Lopez 0630 - 1130 Officer Fann 0630 - 1100 Officer Galloway 0630 - 1100 Officer Szabad 0800 - 1030 8 4.5 5 4.5 4.5 2.5 33 BILLING I recommend that CAT SPORTS, INC., be charged for 33 hours at $30.00 = $990.00 for staff time. I recommend that CAT SPORTS, INC., be charged for 18 hours at $ 5.00 = 90.00 for vehicles. 300.00 TOTAL $1380.00 I recommend that CAT SPORTS, INC., be charged for performance CAT SPORTS, INC., deposited $2,000.00 for the event. I recommend a refund of $620.00 be made to CAT SPORTS, INC. Traffic Division