HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-07; City Council; 8939; Agricultural Mitigation Fees( z 0 ~ ... u z = 8 Cl~OF CARLSBAD -AGEND,-,BILL AB# J?<J,t'.2 MTG. 4/7/87 DEPT,_C~-~ __ IJILE; RECOMMENDED ACTION: AGRICULTURAL MITIGATION FEES 1o-p-H-~-~ C I. U. c:;:t'[X' - ' CITY ATTYV1Z'3 CITY MGR.~ Adopt motion supporting AB 1291-Fraze&, which allows agricultural mitigation fee3 to be used to provide access to public beaches in the City of Carlsbad. BACKGROUND Under the local coastal plan, agricultural lands in Carlsbad which convert to urban use must pay a mitigation fee of $5-10,000 per acre. This money is deposited In the State Coastal Conservancy Fund, It may be used for the following priority purposes: 1) Restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon 2) lnterprative center Buena Vista Lagoon 3) Restoration of Carlsbad beaches 4) Access to beaches in Carlsbad 5) Other activities benefitting coastal resources in Carlsbad Beach access is being added as an authorized project to make it possible for the Conservancy to appropriate funds for a stairway at the seawall. Two stairways were deleted from the project due to lack of funds. Assemblyman Frazee has been working with the City to broaden the use of these funds. FISCAL IMPACT If this bill becomes law, Carlsbad will ~pply for $260,000 for beach access, Agricultural mitigation fees could be collected from 1,000 acres in the coastal zone over time. CAUFORNIA LEGISLATURE-1987-AA REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLY BILL No. ·1291 Introduced by Assembly Member Frazee March 3, 1987 An act to amend Section 30171.5 of the Public Resources Code, relC?ting to coastal resources, and making an appropriation "therefor. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGFSI' AB 1291, as introduced, Frazee. Local coastal program: City of Carlsbad. The California Coastal Act of 1976 requires mitigation fees for development on nonprime agricultural lands in the coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad outside of specified areas to be deposited in the State Coastal Conservancy Fund. The fees are appropriated from the fund to the Stat~ Coastal Conservancy for expenditure for specified purposes in a priority order. . This bill would also appropriate those mitigation fees from the fund to the conservancy for providing access to public beaches in the City of Carlsbad. Vote: %. Appropriation: yes. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. The people of the_ State of California do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. Section 30171.5 of the Public Resources 2 Code is amended to read: 3 30171.S. 1 (a) The amount of the mitigation fee for 4 development on nonprime agricultural lands in the 5 coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad that lie outside of the 6 areas described in subdivision (f) of Section 30170 and 7 subdivision (b) of Section 30171 shalrbe determim.J in 99 90 AB 1291 -2- 1 ~e applicable segment of the local coastal program of the 2 City of Carlsbad, but shall ee not be less than five 3 thousand dollars ($5,000), nor more than ten thousand 4 dol~ars (fl0,000), per acre. All mitigation fees collected 5 unchir this section shall be deposited in the State Coastal 6 Conservancy Fund. 7 (b) All mitigation fees collected pursuant to this 8 section • are hereby appropriated to, and shall be 9 • expended by, the State Coastal Conservancy in the 10 following order of priority: 11 ( 1) Restoration of natural resources and wildlife 12 habitat in Batiquitos Lagoon. 13 (2) Development of an interpretive center at Buena 14 Vista Lagoon. 15 (3) Restoration of beaches managed for public u5e in 16 the coastal zone L-i the City of Carlsbad. 17 (4) Provide access to public beaches in the City of 18 Carlsbad. 19 (5) Any other project or activity benefiting.natural 20 resources in the coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad that 21 is provided for in the local coastal program of the City of 22 Carlsbad. . 0.