HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-07; City Council; 8940; Declaration of Public Nuisances Weed Abatement.:.. CITY OF CARLSOAO ,..,._ FIRE OEPARTHEHT FIR£ PREVEHTIOH IHFOHHATIOH I. WEED Af3ATEMEttT AND KAZ.ARO REOUCTIOM Removal of fire hazard conditions shall meet the standards and approval of the Carlsbad fire llarshc1l and conform to the requirements of the City En<Jineer. A. Crass, weeds, trash, rubbish ar.d other flilmmable materials shall he removed frcrn vacant lots, yards, courtyards, parkways and other locations,)!> specified by the fire Department. 8. tlativc brush and chaparral shull be cleared or thinned, anrl all ground litter removed for a minimum distance of 30 feet, or to the property line, frcrn all s true tu res. C. Method5 of cleaning properties hy the City sh,111 be hy discing (1nder, no"~• mowing, hand labor and/or hauling to a County c1urnp site. 0. Herbicides: Herbicide5 and chemical spr,1ys will not he used by the City. E. Open nurning: Regul.,tions of the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District prohibit open burning. Cleaning must he acccrnplished by discing under, mowing, hand labor, or hauling to a County dump site. I I. SPECIAL COtlDITI0tlS A. Eucalyptus trees: Remove all leaves, limbs, litter, dehris ard loose hark fr011 t hP. ~round . 13. Inactive groves (citrus, avocado, etc.): Remove all trees, disc the property and maintain this condition. C. tlo grading of properties shall be allowed without approval cf the Engineering Oep.irtment. III. STRUCTURES IN musH COVE~ED AREAS A. All chimney, stovepipe or flue outlets are required to be cqui()pcd \,ith an ,"Ip proved spark c1r res tor. 0. llcmove thilL portion of ony tree which extends within 10 feet of the o.1tlet of any chimney or stovepi()e. C. Maintain any tree ildjacent to or overhanging any building free of dcact or dying wood. O. Maintain the roof of any structuru free of leaves, needles, or other dc,1d vegetative growth. IV. COST Cf CLEANHC BY THE CITY The cost of cleaning parcels hy the City ls based on a sql2re foot unit price for discing and handwork. The cost of rubbish removal is based on a cubic yard hauling charge. The charge for cleaning ox the City will also reflect an added aoministrative charge for each parcel of approximately $45.