HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-07; City Council; 8941; Beach Access Stairway at Ocean Streetr AB# 89 !ff MTG.04/07/87 DEPT.MP 0 w TITLE: BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAY AT OCEAN STREET CITY MOR.-? .. z 0 F 0 a RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 900& accepting a grant from the California State Coastal Conservancy for the construction of a beach access stairway at 2701 Ocean Street, directing staff to prepare plans and specifications for the project, and appropriating funds as interim financing subject to reimbursement from the Conservancy. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California State Coastal Conservancy holds title to a five (5) foot beach access easement along the southern edge of private property at 2701 Ocean Street. This easement has been used for years as an access point to the beach below. The accessway is in disrepair and includes a substandard concrete stairway partially blocked on the beach side by riprap. Additionally, overgrown vegetation restricts the entrance and extends the entire length of the accessway. The California State Coastal Conservancy has approved a City application for a grant in the amount of $26,045 to construct new steel handrails, concrete stairs, and landings in addition to trimming adjacent vegetation. Ownership of the easement would be transferred to the City at the time of construction. The City currently maintains similar beach accessways at four (4) other locations: Christiansen Way, Elm and Ocean, Grand and Ocean, and the north end of Ocean Street. FISCAL IMPACT: The California State Coastal Conservancy grant is approved on a reimbursement basis. Staff requests a funds transfer in the amount of $30,000 from the unappropriated balance of the General Capital Construction Fund to the project account No. 300-820- 1840-3263 to enable interim financing for the design and construction of the project. The California State Coastal Conservancy will provide reimbursement to the City in the amount of 110% of the grant amount for all project costs. The following is an estimate of the total project costs: Project Design Construct ion Inspection, Testing, and Administration $ 4,000 (est.) 22,000 (est.) -4,000 (est.) $30,000 (est.) Total ”- Page Two of Agenda Bill No. &=9Lj/ Construction is anticipated to occur in the fall of 1987 with reimbursement by the California State Coastal Conservancy before the end of calender year 1987. This temporary use of funds will reduce the total amount of funds available for the purchase of Hosp Grove. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 9002 accepting a grant from the California State Coastal Conservancy, appropriating funds, and directing staff to assemble plans and specifications for the project. 3. State Coastal Conservancy Agreement No. 86-009-86-045-A, No. 1. LOCATION MAP \\ - \ \\ 'it\ \\ \'I\ \ LEGEND ACCESS STAIRWAY TO BE LOCATED AT 2701 OCEAN STREET I I' OCEAN STREET ACCESS STAIRWAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNINA STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY , APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAY AT 2701 OCEAN STREET, PROJECT NO. 3263 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it desirable and in the public interest to provide safe beach access; and WHEREAS, the California State Coastal Conservancy presently holds the title to an access easement at 2701 Ocean Street, Carlsbad, California; and WHEREAS, the California State Coastal Conservancy , consistent with its policy of improving public beach access, has made available to the City a grant for the construction of improvements within said access easement; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires the make a temporary loan of General Capital Construction Funds to enable construction of this project, subject to the City's acceptance of title to this easement and pending reimbursement from the California State Coastal Conservancy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City's Municipal Projects Department is authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of handrails, stairs, landings, and other appurtenances within the access easement at the southern boundary of the property at 2701 Ocean Street. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California hereby accepts California State Coastal Conservancy Grant No. 86-009-86-045-A, No.1, for the construction of the aforementioned beach access stairway. 4. That a funds transfer in the amount of $30,000 is hereby approved from the unappropriated balance of the General Capital Construction Fund to the project account No. 300-820- 1840-3263 as interim financing pending reimbursement by the California State Coastal Conservancy and acceptance by the City of title to the easement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of April 9 1987 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: (SEAL) 0 CONTRACTOR 0 STATE AGENCY TITLE OF OFFICER ACTING FOR STATE AGENCY hcrivijtvr c.cr/lcd /hi. Stotc. and 0 DEPT. OF GEN. SER. CONTROLLER STATE OF CALIFORNIA .'STD 2 IREV. 2/851 THIS .~(;Hk:Ef1k:'iT. rriadt, and er_ltered into this 19th date of March . lU8L. 0 iii III~* Statt, of (:aiifornia. I>> and I)et\vren State of California. through its duI\ eIectcd or appoiiittd 0 qiiiilit ichtl aiitl ac.tiiig 0 CONTRACT NUMBER AM NO Execu t ive Officer State Coastal Cmservancv hcrcaftcv c~a/T;d //rc Coiitructor. - 1 CONTC)ACTOR'S ID. NUMBER - The State Coastal Conservancy (hereafter called "Conservancy") and the City of Carl sbad (hereafter called "Grantee") agree to amend their existing Agreement No. 86-009-86-045-A as follows: AMOUNT ENCUMBERED .$: 260,045.00 .s; s 67,045.00 ADJ DECREASING ENCUMBRANCE .$: UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ADJ INCREASING ENCUMBRANCE The Conservancy hereby augments the grant amount by sixty-seven thousand four hundred eighty-five dollars ($67,485) for a new total grant amount of two hundred sixty thousand forty-five dollars ($260,045) as follows: 7 PROGRAM/CATEGORY (CODE AND TITLE) FUND TITLE Department of General Services Use Only Capital Outlay 1984 SCC Fund (OPTIONAL USE1 Carl sbad Seawall Accessways I certify that this CHAPTER STATUTE FISCAL YEAR grant amendment i s exempt ITEM 3760-301-730 ( 3) 186 1986 86/87 from Department of General OBJECT OF EXPENDITURE ICODE AND TITLE) Services approval. Access (continued next page) I /ii,rc,/i!/ i e r/iji/ IiIiiiii riicl oii ii pi,r.wiiio/ ~iioic Iittlgi, //iot /iiit/pc~tc~i~friiit~.s arc' (ii~iiiIii/ilc~Jiir the, ~wri~ic1 (iiiil pierpow ,iJ the' i,xlwiitlitiirc, \/a tcd cilxJc-c. CONTINUED ON - SHEETS, EACH BEARING NAME OF CONTRACTOR AND CONTRACT NUMBER. Tlic. pro\ isicitis OII tlir rrwrsr side hereof constitute a part of this agreement. I\ \\ II'\ESS \\'fiEREOF. this agrremriit has I)ren executed I)\ the parties hereto, iipiti the clatr first ahne \\ rittrri. PCIRTNERSWIP. 1200 Elm Ave.. Carlsbad. CA 92008 6.R NO. T.B.A. No. SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING OFFICER X DATE SIGNATURE OF OFFICER SIGNING ON BEHALF OF THE AGENCY U DATE City of Carlsbad Grant No, 86-009-86-045-A, Amendment 1 Page Two SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This section is amended to read as follows: "Pursuant to Section 31400 et se . of the Public Resources Code, the grants to the City of Carlsbad (hereinafter the "Grantee") a sum not to exceed two hundred sixty thousand forty-five dollars ($260,045) as described herein and in the Conservancy Staff Recomnendations of August 22, 1986, and February 20, 1987, which are attached hereto as Exhibits A and E (respectively) and are incorporated herein by this reference. The Grantee shall construct the Project in accordance with this Agreement and the Work Program to be approved by the Executive Officer of the Conservancy (hereinafter the "Executive Officer") pursuant to this Agreement. Consistent with the List of Assurances (Exhibit B hereto), the Grantee shall provide any funds beyond those granted herein which are needed to complete the Project." State Coastal Conservancy ( fi-p ere nafter the "Conservancy') hereby WORK PROGRAM A new paragraph is added: "Prior to commencement of any construction under, or the disbursement of any funds under Amendment 1 to this Agreement, the Grantee shall submit to the Executive Officer for review and written approval as to its consistency with the terms of this Agreement, a revised Work P rog ram. 'I COSTS AND DISBURSEMENTS The last two lines of paragraph one of this section are deleted and replaced by the following: "...total amount not to exceed two hundred sixty thousand forty-five dol 1 ars ( $260,045). It City of Carl sbad Grant No. 86-009-86-045-A, Amendment 1 Page Three RESOLUTION A new paragraph is added to this section: "The signature of the Executive Officer on page one of this Amendment No. 1 to this Agreement certifies that at its February 20, 1987 meeting, the Conservancy approved an augmentation to this grant for a total grant amount of two hundred sixty thousand forty-five dollars ($260,045) for the development of the project as described in this Agreement. '' All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement shall remain in effect. STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY STAFF RECOMMENDAT I ON February 20, 1987 CONSENT ITEMS File Nos. 86-045, 78-46, 77-25, 81-11 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recomnends that the State Coastal Conservancy adopt the following resolution, pursuant to Sections 31107, 31200 et se ., 31350031354, 31400 et - ~eq., and 31400.3 of the Punic -4 esources Code: "The State Coastal Conservancy hereby: a. b. C. d. Authorizes a grant of sixty-seven thousand four hundred and ei ghty-f ive dol lars ($67,485) to the City of Carlsbad to construct a total of seven seawall to beach access stairways and to construct a stairway at Sycamore Avenue from the bluff to the beach, as described in the accompanying Project Synopsis a.; Appoints Frances Armstrong to the Board of Directors of the Los Penasqui tos Lagoon Foundation for a two-year term effective imnediately and extends the terms of Los Penasquitos Lagoon Foundation Board members Jesse LaGrange and Robert Conway for another two years, effective imnedi ately; Authorizes the amendment of the terms of the Conservancy's March 11, 1982 grant to the City of Seal Beach by deleting the requirement that grant funds be fully repaid; and Authorizes the sale of the site-reserved parcel known as the "Nexus Property" and more particularly described as San Diego County APN 260-030-30 for an amount not less than $225,150 and authorizes staff to request that the Director of General Services transfer the property upon payment of the purchase price, in cash, subject to such additional terms and conditions as the Executive Officer of the Conservancy shall approve.'' Staff further recomnends that the Conservancy adopt the following findings based on the accompanying Project Synopses and attached Exhibits : "The State Coastal Conservancy hereby finds that: I1 1 .- .e a. The Carl sbad Seawall Accessway projects : 1. are consistent with the purposes and criteria of Section 31400.1 of the Public Resources Code regarding grants for coastal accessways; and 2. will serve greater than local public need; b. The appointment of Directors of the Los Penasquitos Lagoon Foundation is consistent with the purposes and objectives of Section 31400.3 of the Public Resources Code; c. Since the City of Seal Beach, due to circumstances beyond its control, will be unable to develop the DWP site for recreational and visitor-serving comnercial uses and therefore lacks the resources to repay the Conservancy's 1982 grant, deletion of the reimbursement requirement is justified; and d. Sale of the Nexus Property is consistent with the authority of the Conservancy under Sections 31107 and 31350-31354 of the Public Resources Code and, since the public auction bid opening for the Nexus negotiations with interested parties have produced an acceptable cash offer for the purchase of the property, deletion of the requirement for sale by public auction with a minimum bid is justified." Property was unsuccessful , and subsequent I STAFF DISCUSSION: Each of these projects is discussed in the following Project Synopses (ao, bo, c., and d.)* 12 STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY Project Synopsis a. February 20, 1987 CARLSBAD SEAYALL ACCESSWAYS File No. 86-045 Project Manager: Gail Rosen REQUESTED ACTION: Authorization to augment the Conservancy's existing grant to the City of Carlsbad by $67,485 to provide funding for the City to construct a total of seven seawall to beach access stairways and to construct a stairway at Sycamore Avenue from the bluff to the beach. SHORT DESCRIPTION: In August 1986, the Conservancy awarded a grant of $166,515 to the City of Carlsbad for access improvements at Carlsbad State Beach as part of the City's seawall project (Exhibit 1). The City has requested that the : mservancy reconsider funding all seven instead of only zhree seawall to beach access stairways. Also, the bid to construct the project was higher than projected. Approval of the augmentation would allow construction of seven new seawall to beach stairnays and construction of a new bluff to beach stairway at Sycamore Avenue. LOCATION: City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, South Coast District PROGRAM CATEGORY: Coastal Access PROJECT COST: $166,515 Original Grant hunt 67,485 Augmentation Request 234,000 Total Grant Amount STAFF DISCUSSION: In August 1986, the Conservancy awarded a grant of $166,515 to the City of Carlsbad for access improvements at Carlsbad State &ach as part of the City's seawall project (Exhibit 1). The actual costs for the project based on the bid, are much higher than was anticipated because of the complexity of the project, including specialized equipment required and the difficulty of construction in an oceanfront environment. Because of increased costs, the City has requested that the Conservancy reconsider funding all seven instead of on three seawall-to-beach access stairways as authorized previously by the Conservancy. The City has now comnitted funds of their own for a lateral access path behind the seawall. With the additional comnitment on the part of the City, staff considered recomnending additional Conservancy funding the Y for . the seawall stairways. The seven stairways are the City's first priority because they have to be constructed at the same time as the seawall itself. They will provide access from a lateral path behind the seawall to the beach below (see Project Description, Exhibit 1). The City's second priority is to construct a new bluff-to- beach stairway at Sycamore Avenue. This was already authorized by the Conservancy. The necessity for the previously-authorized bluff-top parking lot has diminished. The City will be providing 400 parking spaces imnediately south of the project area this fall, to serve the beach south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The City has decided not to provide additional blufftop parking for 13 vehicles because providing parking on the edge of the bluff Is not cost-effective. The $52,075 previously authorized by the Conservancy for bluff-top parking would be shifted to fund the Sycamore stairway, which will cost more than double the original estimate. The $15,000 previously authorized for design and engineering also would be shifted to pay for stairway construction. PROJECT FINANCING: As discussed above, the bid to construct the project was higher than projected. This factor, coupled with the additional funding of four seawall-to-beach stai rways, accounts for the augmentation request. With approval of the augmentation, the Conservancy would provide funds for the following project components: New Stalrway at Sycamore 7 New Beach-Seawall Stai ways $ 136,000 98,000 $ 234,000 Amount previously authorized $ 166,515 Aupntation request $ 67,485 14 _- STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY Project Synopsis c. August 22, 1986 CARLSBAO SEWALL ACCESSWAYS AND OCEAN STREET ACCESSYAY Project Manager: 6ail Odom Rosen File No. 86-045 - REQUESTED ACTION: Authorization to disburse up to $192,560 to the City of Carlsbad for development of access improvements in conjunction with a new seawall at Carlsbad State Beach and at Ocean Street. - SHORT DESCRIPTION: Provision of access Improvements at Carlsbad State Beach: (1) development of new access stairway on Carlsbad Blvd. at approximately Chestnut Ave.; (2) development of two stairways from the beach to top of seawall.; Carlsbad Blvd. at Cherry Ave.; (4) Rehabilitation of an accessway at 2701 Ocean St; (5) acceptance by the City of Carlsbad of three offers to dedicate lateral beach access and one offer to dedicate vertical beach access from the Coastal Comnission's Access Inventory. (3) development of a thirteen vehicle parking lot on * LOCATION: City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, South Coast District (Exhibits 1 and 2) PROGRAM CATEGORY: Coastal Access PROJECT COST: Carlsbad State Beach Access Improvements: $166,515 Ocean St. Accessway: 26,045 TOTAL CONSERVANCY PROJECT COST : $192,560 STAFF DISCUSSION: Sunmary - Approval of the requested $192,560 in funding would allow the City of Carlsbad to construct several access projects at Carlsad State Beach in conjunction with pro osed Seawall improvements (not funded by this grant P designed to protect Carlsbad Blvd. specific projects at Carlsbad State Beach to be funded by the Conservancy include: (1) development of a new access stairway on Carlsbad Blvd. at approximately Chestnut Ave. ; (2) development of two - fhhjj I - stairways from the beach to top of seawall .; (3) development of a thirteen vehicle parking lot on Carlsbad Blvd. at Cherry Ave. A second project involves the donation of an access easement at 2701 Ocean Street currently held by the Conservancy to the City of Carlsbad, and rehabilitation of that accessway to insure continued public access to Carlsbad City Beach. A Conservancy grant of $26,045 would fund the rehabilitation. As a condition of accepting grants for the above projects, the City of Carlsbad has agreed to accept three lateral offers to dedicate beach access from the Coastal Comnission's Access Inventory . Site Description - Carlsbad State Beach is west of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine Ave. and San Diego 6as and Electric Company's Encina Power Plant, in the City of Carlsbad, about 26 miles north of the City of San Diego (Exhibit 2.) The park unit has approximately 7,150 feet of ocean frontage. facilities Include three parking lots accomnodating 270 vehicles and one restroom. The beach unit consists of a narrow strip of cliff-top terrace, an eroded ocean-facing cliff, and sand and cobble beaches. The maximum elevation of the terrace is 40 feet. Littoral sand movement constantly alters the width, elevation and configuration of the beach. At times there is no sand, only cobbles. Beach sand has been replenished In the past through periodic dredging of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon which is at the southern edge of the unit boundary. Principal recreation activities include surfing, sunbathing, fishing and swimming. Existing The Ocean Ave. accessway is located five blocks to the north of Carlsbad State Beach, at Beech Ave (Exhibit 2.) The existlng accessway Is located at 2701 Ocean Street on the southernmost five-feet of the lot. The twenty-feet to the north of the access easement is a scenic view corridor which was required by an earlier development permit to be maintained by the landowner. The access easement, currently he1 d by the Conservancy provides vertical access to the beach, but has not been open to the public because of the deteriorated condition and an existing stairway. Project Description - The City of Carlsbad is proposing a Carlsbad Blvd. Bluff Stabilization Project at Carlsbad State Beach for the primary purpose of preventing the undermining of Carlsbad Blvd., a si nificant coastal access route through the city (Exhibit 7.1 The western edge of Carlsbad Blvd., between Cherry Ave. and Pine Ave., is located within several feet of the top of the coastal bluff. conditions, the roadway and utilities along this stretch of the roadway are in danger of being lost. The public parking area at the top of the bluff near Pine Ave. and During severe storm the access road to a second parking area (the Tamarack lot) also require storm protection. The City is sponsoring this project because the City street and utilities are threatened, even though the proposed project would be located on State Park property. The State Parks’ General Plan for Carlsbad State Beach, prepared in July, 1983, recognizes that some sort of beach protection device and beach replenishment is needed to help protect beach facilities and Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad has studied several types of shoreline protection devices which could protect the roadway while minimizing encroachment on the beach. The City my select one or a combination of the following methods of bluff protection: no project, rock revetment, fabrifonn and/or concrete-filled bags, concrete wall with rock fill, reinforced earth wall with toe stone, and reinforced concrete vertical seawall with and without toe stone. The exact design of the structure will not be determined until final engineering studies are complete. Design assumptions used for comparative purposes in the EIR are that the selected bluff protection device would: 1) be constructed at a slope of approximately 1 112 to 2 : 1; use deep foundations rather than toe stone where feasible; be designed to provide an adequate level of protection; 4) have a fifty-year design life; and 5) require minimal excavations into the bluff (Exhibit 3) . The City’s proposed design for shoreline protection, as a result of environmental and preliminary design studies, is for approximately 3,200 1 ineal feet of vertical seawall ; an engineered rock rip-rap “seawall” in front of the existing, elevated sand pad at the base of the northern access ramp; and as additional project components, engineered rock rip-rap replacement of the existing rock protection for the Tamarack Av. parking lot and an engineered rock rip-rap “seawall” along the base of the bluff, below the Ocean St. parking lot. This project is not part of the City’s funding request to the Conservancy. Regardless of the method of shoreline protection selected for implementation by the City, Carlsbad has requested that the Conservancy fund several access improvements which will retain and enhance public access in the shoreline project area (Exhibit 7.) The City proposes an additional 13 parallel parking spaces at the top of the bluff north of an existing parking area for 40 vehicles and near a landscaped day use area. An existing stairway, the Cherry Ave. stairs, would connect to this expanded parking area. California Boating funds will integrate the stairs into the proposed seawall by providing a landing at the seawall and providing access through the seawall to the beach below. The general plan does not recomnend I further access improvements until the issue of beach protection and beach repleminishment is addressed. The City is sponsoring the seawall project and wishes to incorporate desirable access improvements into the Seawall constructions. The third proposed access project is a second, new stairway near Chestnut Ave. approximately one thousand feet to the north. This stairway would provide access from Carlsbad Blvd. down the bluff, to a landing, through the seawall, and to the beach below. The new stairways will be reinforced concrete. Two additional stairways from the beach to the top of the seawall will be provided with Conservancy funding. These stai ways wi 11 allow emergency pedestrian egress from the beach in case of wave run-up. The Ocean/Beech Street accessway Is an existing deteriorated accessway located on an easement currently he1 d by the Coastal Conservancy. The Conservancy accepted the easement pursuant to a December 9, 1982 authorization of the Conservancy Board. It was hoped at that time that a nonprofit organization would be able to accept the easement from the Conservancy, and then improve, open, and manage the accessway. Despite efforts of staff, no nonprofit in the Carlsbad area was interested in such a proposal, and the accessway has remained a problem for the Conservancy, the City of Carlsbad, and area residents who want to see this historic access preserved (Exhibit 4). The Conservancy originally accepted the easement in partial settlement of a permit violation action brought by the Attorney General when the City of Carlsbad could not be persuaded to do so. Local sentiments have changed and the City has passed a resolution in support of accepting the easement if the Conservancy will grant development funds to repair the accessway (Exhibit 5). The City is proposing to design and construct a four-foot wide concrete stai may with galvanized hand rai 1s (Exhibit 8). Project Financing - The Conservancy would provide funds for the following project components: Parking for 13 vehicles $52,075 New Stairway from bluff to beach $ 59,840 2 New Beach Seawall-Stai mays Design and Engi neeri ng Subtotal Seawall Access Projects Ocean St. Accessway Renovation 26 045 Total Conservancy Project Cost 'nsz,56ci w5 Schedule - Construction of the seawall access projects ts anticipated between October, 1986 and May, 1987. The Ocean Street accessway construction would be completed by the end of October, 1987 I8 .- CONSISTENCY WITH CONSERVANCY ACCESS PROGRAM CRITERIA: Minima Criteria Serves Greater Than Local Need - The Carlsbad Seawall and Ocean St. access project sites are located within the City of Carlsbad, which has a population of 49,900. The population of northern San Diego County and southern Orange County is approximately one million. The projects will provide new and enhanced access to Carlsbad State Beach and the beach just to the north. Carlsbad State Beach estimates 900,000 user days per year. The Ocean St. accessway attracts users from the immediate neighborhood and city, adjacent inland cities and visitors staying at notels In the vicinity of the site. Local Coastal Program Consistency - The project sites are within the Mello 11 segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, certified by the Coastal Comnission on June 3, 1981. The zoning plan for the Mello I1 area also has been certified. of Carlsbad has not yet approved the plan or the zoning; therefore, the Coastal Comnission is still issuing permits for the coastal zone. The plan's shoreline access policies recomnend that a comprehensive access signing plan be developed for Carlsbad and that the City cooperate with the State to insure that lateral beach access is protected and enhanced. The access signing plan and acceptance of offers to dedicate as required by this recomnendation wlll further these plan policies (policies 7-2 and 7-3, respectively). Improvement of the Ocean Street accessway is consistent with policy 7-15 which states that the Ocean Street offer to dedicate should provide pub1 ic access. Consistency with Conservancy Access Standards - The Carl sbad Seawall access projects are consistent with Access Standards 1, 2, 7, and 12 (general standards related to location and design of accessways , accessways located in areas of high erosion hazard, and specific standards for vertical accessways and support facilities.) The Ocean St. accessway project is consistent wfth Access Standards 1, 3, 4 and 7 (related to location and design of accessways, accessways located on access easements near residences, and specific standards for vertical accessways.) (Exhlbit 9) The City I9 Unavailability of Fundinq from Another Source - The City of Carlsbad has appropriated $905,000 in City Revenue Sharing Funds as its required 25% local share for the seawall project, while the California Department of Boating and Waternays has available $2,915,000 (the 75% maximum to be granted for the seawall). Preliminary estimates show that the seawall will cost over $3.8 million. Cal Boating's policy is to only fund access projects where their shore1 ine protection projects interrupt existing access. They have agreed to integrate the existing Cherry Avenue Stairs into the Seawall and provide stairs to the beach below at a cost of approximately $20,000. The Department of State Parks and Recreation does not have any capital fmprovements planned for Carlsbad State Beach because they have been waiting for a solution to the beach replenishment and beach stabilization problem before committing to additional capital improvements projects. The Department is planning major improvements to South Carlsbad State Beach, located to the south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Therefore, no local or other funds are available for the proposed access improvements related to the Carlsbad Seawall. The City does not have funds budgeted for improvements at the Ocean St. accessway, either; as he City has agreed to accept and manage this accessway, staff believe the comnittment of minimal Conservancy funding needed to mstore the accessway to usable condition is well justified. The City has agreed to provide for the maintenance of all proposed facilities, except for the two bluff access stairways (at Cherry and Chestnut Ave.), which will be maintained by the State Department of Parks and Recreation. Increased Access - At Carlsbad State Beach, the parking area for thirteen vehicles will provide much-needed additional parking. A new accessway to the north near Chestnut will provide new vertical access at an approximate 1000-foot interval. The beach will retain an existing access path at its north end near Pine Ave., approximately 1000-feet north of the proposed stairway at Chestnut, while the southern access from the Tamarack parking lot will also be retained (approximate1 100-feet south of the Cherry Av. stairway.! The Ocean St. accessway has provfded access in the past, but there has never been a management entity able to maintain the property. The accessway has fallen into a state of disrepair and access is now hazardous. has been used historically for beach access (Exhibit 8.) . Improvements will restore this accessway whlch California Conservation Corps - -The City will contact the Conservation Corps to determine if the Corps can provide some of the labor required for the projects and the amount of the Conservancy grant reduced accordingly. Selection Criteria Urqency- Access to the beach at parts of Carlsbad State Beach occurs informally, causing foot traffic erosion of the bluff. The project will reduce bluff erosion by pro*diding a seawall with beach access stairways. The Ocean St. stairway is only partially existing, with the lower portion eroded by wave action, handrails absent, and vegetation overhanging the accessway. The renovated stairway wfll help stabilize the bluff by reducing erosion. Furthermore, Conservancy staff have been attempting to locate a management entity for the accessway for four years - partially at the urging of concerned local residents - and it is important to take advantage of the fact that Carlsbad is currently willing to accept the easement from the Conservancy. Cost Effectiveness - The estimated average use at Carlsbad State Beach is 2,640 persons per day, based on 900,000 annual user days. Increased public access my result from the proposed Increased parki ng and vertical access. The seawall wi 11 have an estimated life span of 50 years, while the access facilities are required to be maintained by the applicant for twenty years. The project materials are not low cost, but should be long-lasting (concrete stairs) with lower maintenance costs. Based on the high usage of the beach, the proposed project would be cost effective. An assumption of the Ocean St. accessway by the City of Carlsbad will result in maintenance of the accessway, which will prevent further deterioration and thus be cost-effective . Time of Completion - Construction of the seawall access projects is anticipated between October, 1986 and Hay, 1987. The Ocean St. accessway construction would be completed by the end of October 1987. Comprehensive Programs - The proposed projects comprehensively address the existing access needs of the City of Carlsbad. The Ocean St. accessway will provide an additional access to the Carlsbad City Beach which encompasses the northern coast of Carlsbad. The majority of the remalning Carlsbad coast 111 - ISTENCY WITH CONSERVANCY ENABLING LEG I SLAT I ON : ~ is encompassed by Carlsbad and South Carlsbad State Beaches. The City's proposed projects at Carlsbad State ' beach will provide access improvements beyond those that i would be provided by the State Department of Parks and Recreation. il In addition,four existing offers to dedicate public access in the City of Carlsbad, as listed in the Coastal Comnission Access Inventory, have been identified and reviewed by the Conservancy and city staff (Exhibit .) Three of the offers would provide lateral access along the beach between the mean high tide and the toe of the bluff. One offer is located off Ocean Street at Carlsad's City beachland two are located off Tierra del Oro, south of Carlsbad State Beach. The forth offer is the Ocean St. accessway, which will provide vertical access when accepted by the city from the Conservancy. Comprehensive access programs also require access signing. Both the acceptance of the offers to dedicate and implementation of a signing program, in conjunction with the California Conservation Corps , are required conditions of this grant. The Conservancy is authorized under Chapter 9 of the Conservancy Act (Public Resources Code 31400 et se ) to award grants to public agencies for purposes &&a1 development of lands which are suitable for and which will be used for public accessways to and along the coast. The , Conservancy ky provide up the total cost of the initial development of accessways (Section 31400.2). The Conservancy may also provide assistance to aid public agencies in establishing a system of public coastal accessways, and related functions (Section 31400.3) .' The 1 transfer of the Conservancy's interest in the Ocean Street accessway is authorized under Section 31007 of the Pub1 i c Resources Code. i APPLICABLE COASTAL ACT POLICIES: Article 2, Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act (Public Resources Code Section 30000 et se .) speaks specifically to public access. Section 30 mp mandates that: "In carrying out the requirement of Section 4 of Article X of the California Constitution, maximum access, which shall be conspicuously posted, and recreational opportunities shall be provided for all the people consistent with the public safety needs and the need to protect public rights, rights of private property Owners and natural resource areas from over use." In addition, Section 30121.5 provides that: "Whenever appropriate and feasible, pub1 ic facilities, including parking areas or facilities, shall be distributed throughout an area so as to mitigate against the impacts social and otherwise, of overcrowding or overuse by the public of any single area." CEQA COMPLIANCE: The City Council of Carlsbad certified the Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Boulevard Bluff Stabilization Project (SCH # 84091201) on January 7, 1986 (Exhibit 3). The City Council found that the project would have one significant unmitigated impact related to the temporary loss of a portion of the beach as a recreation area during construction. The Conservancy staff has considered the environmental effects of the proposed access project at Carlsbad State Park as described in the Final Environmental Impact Report and concurs that the project will have significant effects on the envi ronment re1 ated to several i sues including bluff restabil ization during construction and loss of beach use during construction. Staff believe that this single, unavoidable Impact is acceptable because the benefits of the project including protection of the roadway and increased vertical access , outweigh this temporary, adverse effect, and recommend that the Conservancy so find. The following mitigation measures have been proposed to minimize the significance or potentially significant environmental effects of the proposed access projects: 6eol ogy/Geot ec hn i ca 1 Cons i dera t i on s Explore nethods of beach replenishment. Adhere to Uniform Building Code seismic design criteria. Perform analysis of coastal bluff under seismic loading. * Final geotechnical investigation should address soil 1 iquefacti on. * Locate adverse soil conditions prior to final project * Design special foundations where necessary. design. * Perform engineering analysis of gross stability of coastal bluff. * Hinimlze excavations into bluff. * Divert storm runoff away from bluff. * Landscape with native vegetation. I13 I * Reduce pedestrian traffic on the bluff face. Short-Term Construction-Re1 ated Effects * Limit the construction period to spring and fall months to avoid extreme tides and winter storms. Provide noise attenuation on all equipment. Provide dust control in construction area. Use the existing parking lot at the south end of the project area for storage of construction vehicles and materi a1 s. These mitigation measures concept which would lessen to a level of insignificance the potentially significance effects, except for the one impact which cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance, the temporary loss of a portion of the beach as a Fecreation area during construct i on. 114 I FIGURE 7 c ,- I