HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-07; City Council; 8949; REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 20?. -- t D w > 2 a a. 4 .. z 0 - 4 =1 0 z 3 0 " L ClWOF CARLSBAD - AGENTILL AB#- TITLE: REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES DEPT. CITY I MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 20 DEPT. PLN CITY 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Development Consultants Consortium to prepare the Local Facil Management Plan for Zone 20. ITEM EXPLANATION This is the first petition presented to the City Council reque authorization under Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code group The Counci receive similar requests in the future and staff believes the foll MTG. 4/7/87 of owners to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. considerations should be made prior to rendering a decision. 1. What percentage of owners are willing to proceed and prepare the plan? 2. Has the City approved projects within the Zone which cannot proceed un local plan is prepared? 3. Have the petitioners made a reasonable effort to contact and discuss desires to prepare a local plan with the other property owners i zone? 4. Is the development of this area of the City premature? Request Review 1. 86% of the property owners have agreed to have the local plan preparec 2. One project, Cobblestone Sea Village, has a tentative approval and is held up until a local plan is prepared. Two major projects are per These two projects had submitted applications prior to the adoption ( Growth Management Program. 3. The petitioners have made a reasonable attempt to discuss their desii prepare a local plan. 100% of the zone's property owners havc notified. 4. Although, there is only a small amount of existing development, thi: is adjacent to developed areas. Based upon these considerations, staff is recommending the Council aut1 Development Consultants Consortium to proceed with the preparation of the Facilities Management Plan for Zone 20. FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Letter from Development Consultants Consortium, dated February IO, 19 2. Excerpt of Section 21.90.120 - Local Facilities Management Plan, Subsection (d) of City Council Ordinance No. 9808. w w 1- DEVELOPA co NS u L Ti -" v February 10, 1987 CONSOR7 Honorable Mayor & City Counci 1 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES Under the provisions of the City's Growth Management Program, a Facilities Management Plan must be approved for each of the 25 Local Facilities Management Zones. There are three ways tha this can be accomplished. First, the City can prepare the plan with the costs accessed to the owners within the zone. Second, ALL property owners may jointly submit a plan. Thirdly, where a "joint" submission is not possible any group of owners may petition the Council for authorization to proceed with preparation and submittal. Development Consultants Consortium (D.C.C.) has been retained b: three property owners to formulate a Local Facilities Managemen Plan for Zone 20. (see attachment 1 - client list - Zone 20) An effort to obtain the support of 100% of Zone 20's 39 propert. owners was begun in mid December 1986. Notices were sent to a1 owners of record inviting attendance at a meeting held on December 15, 1986, for the purpose of explaining the program ani soliciting support. (see attachment 2) Twelve owners attended the meeting representing 424.25 of the zone's 779.38 acres. At the conclusion of the meeting the owners verbally agreed to support preparation of the plan. To date 10 of the twelve ownerships have returned signed authorization forms. In addition, a majority of the ownerships represented at the December meeting are committed to payinq a pro-rata share of costs on a private basis. Several of the larger ownerships havc agreed to pick up costs where a property owner does not desire to share in costs. This option will be made available to all property owners after build out projections are approved by the staff. This eliminates the need for City involvement in cost apportionment. MANAGEMENT PLAN 2892 JEFFERSON P 0. BOX 2143 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-3135 b Page Two w v L.C February 10, 1987 ~Ltr: Honorable Mayor & City Council -1 * U Re : Request for Permission to Prepare local Facilities Management Plan A follow-up letter was sent to all property owners who had not attended or returned authorization forms. (attachment 3) This letter was sent via registered mail for record keeping purposes. Registered receipts have been received from all owners. (copies are provided as attachment 4) After contacting all 39 property owners, we have received a total of 24 signed authorizations representing 668.29 acres, or 86% of the Zone's total land area. (see attachment 5 - authorization forms) In addition, 5 owners representing 70.18 acres have been contacted by telephone. Although they have stated that they do not object to the preparation of the plan, sianed authorization forms have not been received from them. These owners represent an additional 9.0% of the zone's acreage The final group of owners making up Zone 20 are those with whom there has been no direct contact other than a return receipt from the follow-up mailing. This group is made up of 4 propert owners holding 32.29 acres or 4.1% of the zone's land area. Attachment 6 is a summary of the results of the efforts outline above. Contact has been made with 100% of the zone's ownership. 95'4 have responded indicating no opposition to the preparation of the plan with 86% formally authorizing its preparation. Although efforts will continue to establish direct contact with the 4 remaining ownerships we are now seeking Council authoriza tion to proceed with the Zone 20 Facilities Plan. Approval of this request to proceed at your earliest convenienc would be appreciated. If you have any questions or need additional information, pleas contact DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS CONSORTIUM at (619) 434-31 3s. V ry truly yours, Pb J JH:cr ck Henthorn cc: City Manager rhi I Carter e 0 DEVELOPM CONSUL74 Co NSO RTI -* _I - February 17, lY87 Phil Carter City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: REPLACEMENT EXHIBIT '1' FOR LETTER OF FEBRUARY 10, 1997 Please disregard the exhibit 1 in the letter we inailed to you go Fpbr::z;--\j 10, li;P,7 The replacement is enclosed. Thank you. 2892 JEFFERSON P. 0. BOX 21 43 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (61 9) 434-31 35 e - -.r I* < EXHIBIT 'I' 0 w "L -, - EXHIBIT '1' CLIENT LlST LAUREL TREE INVESTMENTSIDwight Spiers 17941 Mi tchell Street Irvine, CA 92714 212-040-22 CARLSBAD LAND INVESTORS/John Zylstra 17332 Irvine Blvd. Ste 'T' Tustin, CA 92680 212-040-30 GEORGE HILLEBRECHT 2170 Skyline Drive Escondido, CA 92027 21 4- 140-08 w 0 -a. c \. ATTACHMENT 1 0 w ZONE 20 **L Updated January 22, 1987 - VI<TA LOMH INVES IMENTS WILLIAM 8 \IIRbINlA P.0. BOX 1185 6992 EL CAMINO REAL STE 6505 EL CAMINU REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 104 - 251 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 AKIRA & TOSHIKO MUROYA 2 1 5- 070- 09 21 5-040-04 21 2-040-22 AKIRAD, JOYCE & NORORU TABATA DALJIT & ELAINE SA; SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION INC. 1400 FLAME TRtE LANE 8201 LEGION PLACE P.O. BOX 5986 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MIDWAY CITY, CA 92655 ORANGE, CA 92667 2 1 5- 040- 04 2 15-070-1 2 21 2-040-23 3CS PKOGRAM L-2 YUJIRO & DORIS YAMAMOTO THURL0 SCHINDLER 13nj AVACADO STREET 1201 VIA LA JOLLA 648 MARSOLEN AVENUE NtWPURT BEACH, LA 92660 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 SOLANA BEACH, CA 91 212-040-29 21 5-040-05 21 5-070-1 3 RONALD ROESCH 2800 NE1 LSON NAY =; SANTA MONICA, CA 9( CARLbBAU LAND INVESTOKS WILLIAM & ANITA BUERGER c/o SECURE PROPERTIES 121 TOWNWOOD WAY 17332 IRVINE BLVD. STE T ENCINITAS, CA 92024 TUSTIN, CA 92680 212-Q4(_l-3fj RILHAKD KtLLY 8i ROBEKT KELLY 2770 SUNNY CREEK ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-040-08 b 10 21 5-070-1 5 MASAO 2050 s. & DEL IKUKO DIOS SUGINO HlGHMAY ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 CHIP HASLER & BOE P 2386 FARADAY STE 1C CARLSEAD, CA 92008 21 5-070- 15 215-040-09 & 11 21 2-040-3?,35,&36 SUNBELT PLANNING CO., INC. LHAKLE~ & ALICt KRHMEK WALLACE AITCHISOri c/o SHUNICHI NAITO 6798 PASEO DEL NOKTE 74151 NEWPORT AVE. STE 201 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TUSTIN, LA 92680 6112 W. 75TH PLACE LOS ANGELES, CA 9@( 214-140-07 21 4- 140-41 21 5-070-18 JOSEPH RUDVALIS P.O. BOX 267 FRANK & PATRICIA BF G EORG E H I LLEBRECHT 6-M AHfaEDA-W CIOR-I 2170 SKYLINE DRIVE ESCONDIDO, CA 92027 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 SAN CLEMENTE, CA Y2 -1 21 4-1 40-U8 21 5-070-04 ' ?15-U70-19 CARNATION PROPtRTIES MANUEL & AVELINA HI NURBOKU TABATA h LSUKAEU P.O. BOX 913 c/o VLCTORIA FERNANDEZ 6511 EL CAMINO REAL P.O. BOX 395 CARLSBAD, CA 92002 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARDIFF, CA 92007 21 5-070-29 214-140-09 215-070-06 & 14 GEORGE BOLTON JUSEPH SHERMAN MICHAEL & NANCY CARDOSA 7423 GAKVEY AVtNUE ROSEMtAD, CA Y1770 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 6491 EL CAMINO REAL 6519 EL CAMINO KEAt 215-079-23 A 2 215-070-08 & 1U 2 14-1 40-1 3 0 - ZONE 20 AHqRON ABADA WILLIAM EIGLER 522 MIURLANDS VISTA WAY STAR TOUTE 1 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 BOX 30 NILAND, CA 92257 214-170-58 & 59 214-140-40 ANDREW MCKEYNOLDS NGBORU TABATA 2319 CALLE CHIQUITA P.O. BOX 943 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 CARLSBAD, CA 920138 21 1-949-1 4 21 4- 170-66 21 5-08-21 DAVID & KAKEN THOMPSON P.O. BOX i487 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT ARIE DE JONG 5960 EL CAMINO REAL 214-170-05 & 09 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 5-08-01 M. MENDIVIL, C. VERODI, I THOMAS BEVILACQUA C. UUNCAN 2727 ROOSEVELT ST. 4738 VALLE VERDE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LA VERNE, CA 214-1 70-08 3090THY THOMPSON P.0L BOX 338 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 5-08-04 GILBERT & MARY KAISER 1615 CALLE DE CINO ST. LA JOLLA, CA 92037 21 5-08-09 21 a- 1 /0- 36 RI:EEriT Wt I DNER 9.0. BOX 33 LARuIFt-, CA 921307 GUY MOORE, JR. 6503 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 214-170-46 215-08-17 & 20 dAV ID THOMPSON PAUL & PEGGY HADLEY i P.U. BOX 576 4743 W. HOFFER ST. CARLSBAU, CH 92008 BANNING, CA 92220 L14-17U-4/ 21 5-08-19 ‘4ObORU TABATA & EVELYN 2353 LA CUSTH BLVD CAKLSBAD, CA 92008 2 14-1 70-54 %?R’diN & PENNY PORTER f.C. i3OX 73030 SA‘: YSIDRO, CA 92073 ?IC-1 70-55 e v -- a ATTACHMENT 2 0 v - BEN HILLEBRECHT 2170 Skyline Drive Escondido, Ca. 92027 (714) 745-4948 DATE : December 08, 1986 TO : OWNERS OF PROPERTY WITHIN CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 20 SUBJECT: INVITATION TO INFORMATIONAL MEETING I am writing to you about a matter that concerns me as a property owner in the City of Carlsbad. On November 04, 198 the voters of the City of Carlsbad passed Proposition "E", the City sponsored growth limitation measure. As a result, of the recently adopted Growth Management Ordinance. The ordinance has divided the City into 25 Growth Management Zones. Our property is located within Zone 20. (map attache The ordinance requires that each zone conduct an analysis of future public facility needs and develop a method of insurin that facilities will be built when needed. This document is called a Local Facilities Plan. Until this is done the City will not accept applications for any type of development approval (this includes land use changes, parcel maps, build ing permits, etc.) The City has recently approved a "Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan." This allows certain applications, many o which have been on "hold" for over 6 months, to proceed. ih action does not permit anything to occur in Zone 20 until th Local Facilities Plan is complete and approved by the City Council. This severely restricts our ability to sell, refinance, or otherwise use our property. The City has established guidelines for the preparation of these local documents. Where there is more than one owner i a local zone, the City requires as one option, that all land owners agree to the preparation and processing of the local facility plan. The other options involve the City directly in the preparation of the plan and enables them to charge ti costs to the ownerships within the zone. (=attached) We have been contacted by several owners in Zone 20, who hav an interest in proceeding. As a result, we are propcsing th a meeting be held at 7:OO p.m. on December 15, 1986 at the Olympic Resort Hotel to determine how to best proceed. all property within the City must comply with the provisions - Page iwo 0 v -- *- December 08, 1986 LTR: Owners of Property within Carl sbad Growth Management Plan Zone 20 Since my husband and I will be out of town during the week oz December 8 through December 12, if you are unable to attend o have questions or need additional information please contact Jack Henthorn at (619) 434-3135. Thank you. Fran Eillebrecht include interest. of owners as provided in subsection (d) the City Council may decide to direct the City Manager to prepare the facilities (e) As an option to preparation by the owner or groi R~QUIREMENTS FOR ~CAL FACILIT - MANAGEMENT PLANS - RELATIONSH TO THE CITYWIDE FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS PLAN As part of the overall Growth Management Program the City was broken down into 25 Local Facility Management Zones (See Figure 1). The boundaries for each of the 25 Local Facility Management Zones were establiehed baaed upon Logical facilities and improvements planning, construction and service relationsh: to ensure the economically efficient and timely installation o required public facilities and improvements. After the adoptic of the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan and prior to development occurring in any of these zones, a Lacal Facility Management Plan must be submitted and approved. The plan must consistent with all aspects of the Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan and shall implement the Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan within the Zone. ft must ensure that each public facility and improvement meets the adopted performance standard prior to allowing any development. ZONE LOCATION LOCAL FACILITY MANAQEMENT ZONES 0 v .- - I \\ ~ - - - - - -_ _/------ - I ZONE is 0 NORTH ZONE 20 Locatic I ncal LACII !TES MANAGEMENT PLAN 0 - ’_ , ~ . . . - . - . w 0 ATTACHMENT 3 ./ . -,J 0 v .- ', .a: .. SUBJECT: CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMI On December 15, 1986, an invitatic attend a meeting to discuss the C- Plan requirements. This meeting L Hil.lebrecht, local property owner2 The meeting was held with 15 propc. -j _...._. - . -rc bdLjslll acres of the 763 acres designated as Zone 20. P. presentation was made by our firm on behalf of the Hillebrechts. Followir: attendance agreed to support the preparation of the plar,, reserving the right to oppose it when it came forward for adoption by the City Council. A majority of those in attendance expressed a willingness to pay their fair share of the costs of preparing the plan if th costs are found to be equitable at a subsequent neetifig. Gne owner pledged to pay the share of anyone not desirin? tc pay that the plan can be completed and the right to develoc restored. However, in order to proceed we must have a statement su??o'-t preparation of the plan from each property owner, or KO xtist seek permission to proceed from the City Council. !lie are enclosing a support form and self addressed, stamped ecvelope for your use in returning it. Your signature does not obligate you to support the pltin if y do not agree with it when it is complete. Your signatare doe authorize us to start the process of restoring your develrisne right. Your response is needed by January 30, 1987. If you have any questions or need additional inforEation, :)'I? contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours, I'Y 'IY a question and answer period all of those property owners 1:rl Jack Henthorn JH:cr w 0 -- ATTACHMENT 4 rn -i C $ n rn 0 E! Q 4 8. Addressee's AddrFkFNLY if re@ardand! t. ,, \-: ---- *'- GUY MOORE, JR. 6503 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CP. 92008 Article Number s, o J Restricted Deliverv. 3. Article Addressed to: y. ~;E~ITIVIL, C VE'2OOT.T & I 4.7~8 VALLE VERI11 CI LA VERNE, CA 4. Type of Service: 0 Registered 0 Insured p 251'r ''e Article Nvrnter Certified 0 COD Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee 2Lagent a DATE DELIVERED. Ox 5. Signa ., - *JT- .e 3 lru*ll ?J W being returned to you. The return reCeio1 fee wmovide 2 -L delivery. For additional fees the following services are 2 -G waitable. Consult postmaster for fees and check bOX(eSl ." L C = for serviceis) requested. < 3 rave'rsG side. Failure to do rnls will prevenr tnls you the name of the person delivered IO and the date Of < (D Fo w 4 d- l. Show to whom. date and address ot delivery. ANDREW & CHRISTE MC REYNOLDS 2316 CALLE CHIQUITA de. Failure ro do thls wbll prevent ::* urned to you. The rerurn recei i ft YOU the name of the person delivered ,,"ant delivery. For additional fees The fo{low,ng s available. Consult postmaster for te- and c for service(s1 requested. Show 10 whom. date and address of 2. 0 Restricred De!ivery. 3. Article Addressed TO. CHARLES & ALICE KRAMER 6796 PASEO DEL NORTE C'ARLSBAD, CA 92006: 4. Type Of Service: Article Nun 0 Regisrered Irlsured p Zs4 0 Certified 0 COD 0 Express Mail AlwaVs obtain slgnarure of addresseeEa$ DATE DELIVERED. rnL v) , i' 3 rn I 5 P rn ! 0 -I mature - Agent C)n ' 7. Date of Delivery I,.< 3 -. 4 8. Addressee's Addres (ONLY Qrq~ar~ . . .. - __.L________--__- -- -. 1 2 SENDER: Complete items 1.2.3 and 4. -n 0 3 o 5 -. 1 5 for service(s) requested. < 3 W put your address in the "RETURN TO" space an lhe reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card "om being rcturnrd fO you. The Fewrn receipt fee will provide ou the name of [he person delivered IO and the dare Of Ydelivery, For sdditional fees the tollowing services are available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box'es) - d 1. D Show t~ -horn. date and address Of. delivery. 7 Restricted Delivery. - 3. Article Addressed to: GILBERT & MARY KAISER 1615 CALLE DE CINO ST LA JOLLA, GA 92037 4. Type of Service: Article Number 0 Regikred : 0 Insured 0 Certified . .p COD Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee oragent and DATE DELIVERED. o 5. Signaturm - Addre8880 z 6. Signature - Agent 0 9 Date of Delivery 4 C % 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requesrcd and fee pd) p 254. 604 133 r sx =! m n m 8 9 T'. - 3 Resrricrea Delivery. 4140 MOKENA BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 3 w 3w 5 you the name of the 3 person delivered IO and the dale of a A 4 for service(s) requested. k i i 111 ID CD w rCvers&?side. Failure IO a0 tnis wlll Prrv=:l~ tsz'= -'-'- being rerurned to you. The return receipt fqe WI delivery, FO~ additional fees the following services are ov'de * - avairable, Consult postmaster for fees and check box(es' MANUEL & AVELINA HIDALGO 6511 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 o P 2 7 C m 0 P g n m P 0 -a Failure to do tnis ,.vlll urrvrill 1,113 :::;:* d IO YOU. The return receipt fee y you the name of the person delivered TO and fl delivery. For additional fees the following serv for service(s) requesred. available. Consult postmaster for fees and chec '1 Show to whom, dare and address 0) de 2. ci Restricred Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: PAUL & PEGGY HADLEY 4743 W. HOFFER ST. . BANNING, CA 92220 Article Numbs 0 Insured P 254 60 4. Type of Service: c] Registered 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseexagen DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addr ee - 0 Certified 0 COD 9 x W?d 1%2?2~ Signature4 Agent -* 7. Date of Delivery "LLg7 8. Addresses's Address (ONLY ifWWafrd 4- - 2 n ! 3 W 5 .A L 5 g w 4 0 Restricted Delivery. CHIP HASLEY tiC BO6 NINETtER 2386 FARADAY STE 100 - . 0 -_.--_--- - 'e SENDER: Complete Items I, 2,3 ant Put your address in the "RETURN TO" s reverse side. Failure to do this will preven being rerurned to you. The return recei t you :he name of the person delivered r:? delivery, For additional fees the followin< available. Consulr postmaster for fees anc tor servicets) requested. 1. 0 Show to whom, date and address ( 7 Restricted Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: ROBERT WEIDNER CARDIFF, CA 92007 P.0. BOX 33 Article Nu 4. TyDe of Service: 0 Registered [7 Insured P 254 0 Cerrified COD 0 Express Mall Always obtain signature of addreueega 5. Signature - Addressee a .I .. : \!.' : DATE DELIVERED. -I s 9 ; m -IL 9 /- c. 8. Addressee’s Address (ONLY if7e4ua U VI n 2 3. w 2 4 -,- 5. g .< 4 SENDER: Complete items 1.2.3 ar put your address in rhe ’*RETURN 70’’ reverse side. Failure to do this Will Preve being returned to YOU. The refurn rKeiE 0” the name of the person delivered 10 ZeIivary. For additional feeS the followir available. consult oostmaster for fees an ’ for service(s) requested. . 0 show ro whom, date and address CARLSBAD, CA 92008 o z 0 Resrricred Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: AKIRAD & JOYCE TABATA TABATA 820’1 LEC~ION PLACE MTi-)\dAY CT TY F CA 926.Z Article N 4. Type of Service: Registered 0 Certified 0 COD Express Mad Always obtain signature of addresseeor DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signaru A dressee - ’ - sge - Agenr Insured p 254 Ox ab-&? 0 P rn -I ,c $ .z-, in 0. P 9 4 7. Dare Oeliver /72 3/97 ’(8. ~d6ressee‘s’Addre&(ONLY ffrepa * 2 . V.3,. 8" L * & -L ." 2 q for serviceis) requested. l-vrrlc Side. Failure IO do this will Prevent ~ being returned tO YOU. The return receipt fe. you Ihe name of the Person delivered to and . deliverV. FOr additional fees. the foliowing rerr a~ail*b'e. Consult Postmaster for fees. and ,-hac" -L -L E -c - 4 -L (0 mw e side. Failure IO do This Will preve rerurned to you. The refurn rece'c ielivery. For addirlonal fees the fO''Ow'' available. Consult posrmas1er for fees ar for service(s) requested. 2,* ou the name of the person delivered 10 1, 0 Show 10 whom, dale and addres: .. 0 Restricrea Oeliverv. 3. Article Addressed to: SUNBELT PLANNING CO., INC. 14157 NEWPORT AVENUE STE 201 , C/O SHUNICHI .NAITO TUSTIN, CA 92680 4. Type of Service: a Registered 0 \fi&red p z5,- 604 , 39 D Certified 0 qw 0 Express Mall A'ways Obtain signature Of addresseeoragent and Article Number cI Px E m -I V) ,- Signature - Agent DATE DELIVERED. o 5. Signature - Addressee 0 3. Article Addressed to: MASAO h IKUKO SUGINO 2050 S. uEL UIOS HIGI ESCONDIUO, LA 92025 4. Type of Service: Article P a Registered 0 Cerrified 0 COD a Express Mall Always obtain signature of addressee2 DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signarure - Addressee 6. Sign&re - Agent a Insured P 255, /? */?/-./LA / - Ud.L 7'' zx 2 0, z 7. Dare 01 Delivery P e. Addrarree's Addr- (o"Yifrequ~&~& few) n m ra 1 W 4 -4 C. J E z , . Dare of Delivery m 4 C $ 8. Addrewee's Address (ONLY if rewt . -- ...- n rn 1 0 0 -I v, -u -n 3 w 2 d .L 5 4 CD m '0 SENDER: Complete Items 1.2.3 an1 put your address in the ''RETURN To" reverSe side. Failure to do this will Preve' 'being returned to you. The return rx*ip o~ the name 01 the person de1ivuf-j to ydelivwy. For additional fee5 the fol'owir available. Consult postmaster for fees an tor service(s) requested. c] Show to whom, date and address w SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION INC. 1400 FLAME TREE LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 a 5 0 P I! 2 C z n m c) m 0 -I ~. 0 Restricted Oeliverv. 3. Arlicle Addressed to: THURL0 SCHINDLtR 648 MARSULEP! AVtNUt; SOL.~NA BEACH, CA 9207 4. Type of Service: c] Registered 0 Insured 0 Certified 0 coo 0 Express Mall Always obtain signature of addresseez DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addrew - sidgre - Agent Arricle N P 254 Ox &WQ/ '- qdbW \ .-*y3.- 47 7. Date of Delivery ' 8. Addram's Add?- (ONLYifrWa. t.d 2 .d L < r d Our address ;n rhe .'RETURN TO' qs eslde. Failure ro do thfs will prev b 9 returned to YOU. The retUrn recei, YOU the name Of the person delivered rc delivery. For additional fees the foliow; available. Consult Dostmasfer for tes ai for service(s) requested. W DAVID & WsREN THOMPSON P.O. BOX 1487 0 0 m v) L. 0 Restricred De!iverv. 3. Article Addressed 70: DAJIT h ELAINE SARKAF P.U. BOX 55186 ORANtiE, CA 92667 4. Type of Service: Article h 0 Registered 0 Insured 0 Certified 0 COD P 254 n Express Marl AlwWs obtain signature of addressee= DATE OELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addressee 3x Signature - Agent ,$ + g Jl rn c1 1 V -I C. 7. Dateof Delivery 8. Addressee's Addrsn (ONLY ifregum -a V) n 2 3 ' 5 -1 L 5." 4.. W SENDER: Complete items 1, 2.3 and P_ut your address in the "RETURN TO" I ?verse slde. Failure io do this w~ll preven 'you the name ot the person delivered [o a delivery. For additional fees rhe followin! -available. Consult posimaster for fees and for serviceis) requested. .being returned to you. The return receipt .?.'. *_ .: L .: P.O. BOX 267 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 0 0 E L. 0 Restricted De!iverv. 3. Article Addressed io: RONALD ROESCH 2800 NkILSON NAY 8708 SANTA MONICA, CA YC4U5 4. Type of Service: Article Nu 0 Registered 0 Insured p 254 l 0 Certified 0 COO 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of ad OATE UELIVERED. - /! 5. Signature d ressee seeaa! ,j &.a- 3x -p! Signature - Agent D 9 rn $ I) m c) 9 0 + .. 7. Dateof Delivery 2: /-- 37-y7 ' 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if reqUu?d 3 - g A -L - 5 - tg .< A w MARVIN & P.ENNY PORTER o se side. Failure to do this Will Orev m-- g returned to you. The rewn recei ou the name ot the person delivered 1' zelivery. For additional fees the follow available. consult postmasw for fees a service(s) requested. ,. 0 Show to whom. date and addre5 2. 0 Restricred Delivery. 3. Article Addressed 10: BCS PROGRAM L-2 NEWPORT BEACH CA 926' 1303 AVACADO STREET 4. Tvpe of Service: Article 0 Registered 0 insured p '25 0 Certified 0 COD 'J Express Mad Always obtain signature of addressee. DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addrwee S - n 2 3 w 2 d -L E' (D rc -L 'a SENDER: Complete items 1.2.3 Put your address in rhe "RETURN TC reverse side. Failure to do this will Ore being returned TO you. The return rete you the name of the person delivered 1 delivery. For additional fees the follow available. Consult p~~tmatler for fees i tor serviceis) requested. 1. 0 show TO whom. date and addre Z rn 4 C g n m m c) 0 4 1. Date ot Deliverv 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if ICqc .- W ’ beihg returned to you. The return recei 1 fe- P G 2 you the name of rhe person delivered tzand 16 dare of 5 d L ,available. Consult postmaster for fees and check boxled L E .< f. - fCr servi;e(s) requested. .c. u) W -a, delivery. For additional fees the following services are -. 4 g- 0) 1. 0 Show to whom, date and address of delivery. 3. Arricle Addressed to: WILLIAM & ANITA UUERGEK 121 TOWNk000 NAY ENCINITAS, ‘CA 92024 ’ o 0 E c) i 3 m + $ 9 c1 9 m !! .,de. Failure to a0 tnis will iir=v=,I :weturned io you. The return receipt yo e name of the per~on delivered 10 a delivery. For additional tees the followin< available. Consult Dosfmaster for fees and for service(s1 requested. 1, Show to whom, dare and address c .- Resrricred Delivery. 3. Article Addressed 10. Frank b Patricia Bry6 612 Ptvenida Victoria San Clemente, CA 9261 4. Type of Service: Arlicle NL P 254 0 Registered 0 Insured 0 Certified 0 COD 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseeor DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addressee EX 6. Signature - Agent I. date of Delivery 8. Addressee’s Address (ONLY ifrequa 4. 3 rn 4 C $ n rn 5 0 0 -I 7. Dateof Delivery I- J-7 - F7 ' 8. Addrcaee's Address (ONLY IftcquestCdUnd feC m) W m ~- B ATTACHMENT 5 w e -- .. -- December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES ~.~>s~~.~5Z'~'E'~~ PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of property known as San Diego Coiln;.:: Assess,;.- 'I support preparation o'f the Zone 20 Local Facilities Manacjenent ?I?- By signing this statement it is understood that i ;? :i3T waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled LC including the right to oppose the pian when it cnnes $Dr'.*i?r for adoption .by the City. , ?arcei(sj number(sj 2>/L/ II /UQ 0 t7 I I Signed this Jy day of D&t?M,6@- , 1 <:c ,c. 6 __ ---.- ---.----- Please Print Name - -//~@NAB/~/? .--- ---_-. PRI>IT It{i\;-!E i;E?E ... Please Sign Here 2kg _- S 1 G ;,'A, T 9 2 .E . I. .. r,w" ._. -- , - --_ -. . . . .. . r: .. , .... w e December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES P',A?4AGEf-:E;.I PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessor I support I preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Olar By signing this statement it i's understood that I DO !OT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it ccrnes forw?) for adoption by the City. ' Parcel(s) number(s) 6x017 &I+ 170 46 Do , 1937 Signed this 4' day of FA,, - - Please Print Name -;7 1 Y. 3--.@4, PRINT NANE HERE Please Sign Here T.Y.2 SIGNATURE VL US ZL /co d . Do ,2 0 T// y 7//fiPo - 0 -. 1 December 15, 1986 -- City of Carlsbad 2075,Las Palrnas Drive Car1,sbad; CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER ,I. p-,,:, .. SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES I;:!. , ,-, ,; : !.. - :’ PLAN ZONE 20 AS the owner Qf property known as San Diego Coilfit:; .L.ss?jS*: Parcel (5) number(s) -_ ~______ . I support preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities ;?an33cii:?nt 3;? By signing this statement it is understood that I SI,? ::C,- waive any righ-ts that I might otherwise be e!i:-i:’~ed t~1 including the. right to oppose the plan when it ,CP?:ES fc:-:..s for a.doption .by the City. Signed this 7 day of L.6 , 1357 Please Print Name hriiircc Lb! /L/c/?e,,kq.;/~(~ - -- --- PRINT NAME 35RE Please Sign Here L/&ud- 7$%7?;7L .2%& SIGNATQRE w1 0 .. December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES :.'!::kGE'.:E:( PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of propert known as San Diego County Assessor I support preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management D7ar By signing this statement it is understood that I 30 >!0T waive any righ..ts that I might otherwise be entitled io including the-right to oppose the plan when it co~es fgr).!2b for adoption by the City. Signed this * Parcel (,d) number($) &q-&Wo - /3 I f day of2Ld-dA 7c7 19a Please Print Name dQJqk. dl!a%&.L/ 5flL' PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign ~z+e4 -- - 7 -1 _c-- SIGNATURE w m . -- December 15, 1986 ., City of Garlsbad 2d75.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITI E8 ;.:9;:!-GEXE;IT PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of property known as San Dieao County P,sses5or preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Dlan By signing this statement it is understood that I 90 X37 waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes for-k:?r for adoption by the City. ' Parcel(s) number(s) 3 /+/$(I - 0'7 f -- I CON SC(( I/\ A! i'~ /c o,t-jQ R T/L~D? I support &vf(@flf~ 4 Signed this $& day of , 1987 Please Print Name PRINT NAME HERE 4 Please Sign Here SIGNATURE [?Ff,'[! i w 0 -6. December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MABAGEEE?4T PLAN ZONE 20 AS the owner of property known as San Die90 county Assessor ' Parcel (s) number(s) I support I preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan By signing this statement it is understood that waive any rigus that I might otherwise be entitled including the .right to oppose the plan when it cones fori.l?r, for adoption by the City. I DO )!OT to Signed this 97 day of , 19q Go f), .mj/?Y Please Print Name )&,LA A*& .- z, An& ifJsop PRINT NUE HERE Please Sign Here w e -.. -- December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075. Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMEI!T PLAN ZONE 20 ' AS the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessor Parcel (s) number(s) 28 4 c I&% c a+ I support 'S preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DC NOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the -right to oppose the plan when it comes foi-b/ard for adoption by the City. Signed this 15% day of ,a=. - % 198~ - -$o&J L, 6~Ul4CC;icl4 Please Print Name 8.4 PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here w 4iNATURE w 0 -- -- December 15, 1986 Ci,ty of Carlsbad 2075Las Palmas Drive Carl'sbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: .PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES KA::AGEMENT PLAN ZONE 20 , As the owner of property known as San Diego Count)' Assessor Parcel (s) number(s) I support preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Dl2n By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waive any rigus that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes forwar- for adoption by the City. I Signed this A+! day of GLv392~7 , 1987 - Please Print Name dd//,RM /q 3UEKGE. PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here d-Lz- c/gL-G+Q-- SIGNATURE W 0 -- -- December 75, 1986 I City of Carlsbad 2075,Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMEPIT PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of propert known as San Diego County Assessor preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan By signing this statement it is understood that I r30 :!OT waive any rigus that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes forwart for adoption by the City. Signed this 27th day of January ' Parcel (s) number(s) J15 - 080 - 0 1 I support Development Lonsuitants LO nsorti um '5 , 198 7 - Please Print Name Arie de Jong, Jr. Please Sign Here +I I W 0 -. December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075. Las Palmas Drive Cartsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES 141Ai'4AGiF!EN' PLAN ZONE 20 . As the owner of proDerty known as San Diego County Assessor I s u p p o r t 4ir/.z~Or',nr~ 7- <h /AS</ L TA NN L'c .%~-c.+ if & Hbcl preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan By signing this statement it is understood that I 50 >!Oi waive any rigkts that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes fgrwar for adoption by the City. Signed this && day of +--L -r Parcel(s) number(s) A/+ - (70 _- d' L , 7987 4 - - - L .IC) c< &/<- A? 4L' I_ c Please Print Name @'e4,d.((L PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here Lccci, c@!Ldu-L +7+Ld' L,;.;z LLL P&AE P7- L& b'E-&&.E, c24 Y/?;j"? SIGNATURE 0 " w ..- December 75, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075. Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES Y4PIAGEYE:I PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of Droperty known as n Dieqo Count:, Assesso preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plai By signing this statement it is understood that I DO XOi waive any rigus that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it coqes f!!r1wai for adoption by the City. Parcel (s) number(s) tlq 190 @i -a0 I support 'ik- 00 Signed this :i4 day of Tm , 19'? b,[(l@fl z? EqlPr Please Print Name PRINT NAME HEdE Please Sign Here SIGNATURE w 0 -. December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MAPIAGEK~E:IT PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of property known as Sat? Diego Coiinty Assessor I support 3c< I preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Dlan By signing this statement it is understood that I DO !!OT waive any rigkts that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes forwar for adoption by the City. Parcel (s) number(s) Rh= odo-/9 Signed this 2-7 day of )!!* 9 1987 /5oL h Please Print Name ~~JLAJ A. c I r( PRINT NAME HERE - Please Sign Here -. - e, L2t.Q- SIGNATURE -_ -. 0 0 I- December '15, 1936 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES PIANAGE~nE:~i PLAN ZONE 20 3. As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessor I support 's preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO tlOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it comes forwar3 Parcel(s) number(s) 62~0~7- 2/4- /40- @ 9 -QD I for adoption by the City. Signed this !f day of ,pr/ , 19& €0. A. HILLEBRECHT, ~NC. F~-A 07~7. h,k# u, Ir 2170 Skyline Drive Please Print Name PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here u e& 4biP2 SIGNATURE *. -* December 15, @L 0 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive CarIsbad, CA 92005 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LCCAL FACI~:':EC G::~:E~:- PLAN ZONE 20 AS the owner of property known as Sir!-; Die~o ':?I.::-:-. -.\:??::.- Parcel (s) number(s) 'I support . preparation OT the Zone 20 Local Facilities I.:anz:?~:ir.: :::< p$-@&-by . __ By signing th.is statement it is unde)-stood :??- i __..__ ?? -- "':- .. including the right to oppose .the p?a:: !~h.?!; Is _. -. ~. - waive any rights ...t hat I~ might otherw-;.-se be .TiiI' :.c: :: ,.,.-. -- -p,,-,;,. ,. for adoption by the City. Signed this 2-w day of ____ UKCC+,,~--- -_- -._-. - ---- .--. _--. - ~ .: :. & _- _.._-. Please Print Name_-- 6. _______.._ ). /tb/jtj~ ..- .._-.._.._ - ... .--.------.-.---~-- --- G&4). k c--&. -__-__ ________.__---_ - ---.-------- .._ Please Sign Here sIEp{,c,Ty;; ,. ". ,. * -_, - - -- . . ... . .. W W -- December 75, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MAKAGEME:I PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of property known as Sari Diego CGUII~~ .4ssessii Parcel (s) number(s) I support preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Pla waive any rigus that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it comes fOrr.ia for adoption by the City. Signed this A1 day of - ' By signing this statement it is understood that I DO :\!OT , 198 7 I \ - Cr-icc.-".v"'(/ ?, Y Please Print Name &,L;i&?.; .,\) d2 A'tV L' 77 PRINT NAME HERE GLLh- A. -=.crr-b- - *L Please Sign Here \i I SIGNATURE . *. -- 0 .- December 15, 1986 Ci$ty of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PE'RMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 20 8 AS the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessor Parcel (s) number(s) 's I support preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO EOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the'right to oppose the plan when it comes forb:zrd for adoption by the City. &/a - OYQ - 32 Signed this 16 day of t2rL. , 19% Please Print Name KELLL/ - 'PRI'IT NAME HERE Please Sign Here W e -- 'I December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075. Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITI E8 MANPGEi.!EUT PLAN ZONE 20 . As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessqr Parcel (s) number(s) c; 7 0 (7 LIT O?U OB OL I support %\ 20 A'm , 's I' preparation &f the ZonM1 FacilitLies Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO ;x!OT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes Forwa!-6 for adoption by the City. Signed this a%% day of - ---- , 1986 - .- WtR. ,bJfiN- Please Print Name I/;RG-IJWb R, L&-f--.-- PRINT NAME HERE - wi L1 /AM A, 1 I/JAN -J Please Sign Here *A&, I I' 'fj7 2 c J 3 SIGNATURE 4D m . I. .. December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palrnas Drive Ca'rlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES ~~!~~'~~s?E'.'E~';' PLAN ZONE 20 AS the owner of property known as San Diego Count': ASs?SS:: preparation o'f the Zone 20 Local Facilities blanagen??t F-it! Parcel (s) number(s) 15 ow mad By signing this statement it is understood th,>.c ' 7 i ?,n -_ "-- ' . 'bf : ' I SUppCrt -- waive any rights that I might otherwise be entif'z L: including the right to oppose the plar? when it c?'-icS ~9--:~~?' for adoption by the City. 1 ?- , 1'22 '7 _- Signed this 7 day of -* ---.-------- Please Print Name - A</fd---.Mu&$---- 1'- " c PR 1 i.iT i\iAi.',E rlL,r, .. . Please Sign Here OL>?f .*4d.&LPI-- SIG[,!AT??E .': . $A-.++'-_.,-- -__. . - . 1.t 8. I_ ,e e Decevber 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ,ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES !.~.~.~~~.GE'~'G~~- PLAN ZONE 20 . AS the owner of property known as Sal: Ei?>o Cz fr::: ;.;:?s:'?- ' Parcel (s) number(s) 215 -070- 15 -0a I support DDrc'vek npm~,v 1 Lo I.( SU7fi/Vf c ad%/ L7, p&-' 5 preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities':,~anb~.~~~ct P:?r:. By signing this statement it is understocd that I -- 25 :I?- waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitied tG2 including the 'right to oppose the plar, when it ccrnes fc'!':,!c:-! for adoption by the City. , 1 r; E. 7 __ Signed this x\ day of Jfllc/ -- i7o E s c I-\ Please Print Naine 12, ,v --_-.. 0 R I )1 T !i ,2, >>: E s: E 2 f k ik Please Sign Here _----- S I GNATIJ EC ~~ ~ a w 1- December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 20'75sLas Palmas Drive Carl.sbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES E.14XAGEb~EST PLAN ZONE 20 I As the owner of property known as San Diego Count:, Assessor 'T Parcel (s) number(s) I support I preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan BY Signing this statement it is understood that I DO $!OT waive any rigus that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it comes forw3r for adoption by the City. Signed this 2r day of ,mdc a , 1987 - 8 Please Print Name FU~LLO h.1 &L PRINT NAME HERE t Please Sign Here -%!&JA&5f- v SIGNATURE ,. 0 -> ... Decem'ber 15, 1986 -. City of Carlsbad 20,75 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER .. , .. SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES :.\''I n; 3 n ',P~\I-\I' .: : ,'. : s PLAN ZONE 20 AS the owner of pro erty known as San Diego County Assessci ~i-,.~~-.i~~-c preparation o'f the Zo.ne 20 Local Facilities Management Plzr BY signing this statement it is understood thzt I ?,? :.!3T waive any rights that I might otherwise be entit's? fs including the right to oppose the plan when it COTI~E. %r:*:?l for adoption by the City. Parcel IS) nymbep,s, I Ip, ,-,. ~--.~~ 2 .?..,,j~,,~, -ey,-,ipj /='c/-/y.- - : j ..., ; I support ,,:/pA,r/ Jfi ,&A,' 1 ?E, --- 7 -. .- Signed this 9& day Of&&-p 1 , 'J&&NZr/ 7#AA7'A AI.c/IrA / Please Print Name-mAxJ -z&q-- 3- E/z+d- PRIFIT NAb!E '{ERE Jqy c ctl- d+ b4JLZ-J f$d?eL-.:' CFLLC. ; .._ PI ease Sign Here ,A&-&( s&z,p&& S IGNAT92E .r- :';; . __ -~~j~~1,~---.'.--'. . '- . -.. 0" m December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 20'75.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES KK46Y,SZ PLAN ZONE 20 AS the owner of property known as San Diego Co, nty Assessor I support preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management "lan By signing this statement it is understood that I DO !OT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the-right to oppose the plan when it cones for!~~?r- for adoption by the City. Parcel(s) number(s) *3 ) 4- / 7-0- e4 /e7 /"as- , - Signed this XA day of .jei,. , -19a Please Print Name P,<.k~ '2 yLcT*& s-%. qa-lpL ~ PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here &.!LC) %.\%\k \ SIGNATURE 3 -- December 15, I e36 , _,- City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Pa1rna.s Drive Carlsbad, CA 92005 ATTN.: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT; PERMISSION TO PREPARE LQCI';; FAC;,i .z: .- t-- _.- .-'- - . ,_ _..__ ,.,...-,,-. - PLAN ZONE 20 -_^r-.- AS the owner of property known as Sa:-: Diecc .::$.:::.. ->:z::. ' Parcel (s) number(s) 2./2-~.+&.---3f: . __-_--- I support By signing th.is statement it is understood t,:ts . :: .. including the right to oppose 1:11? g?cz l..:h?!-, z i . ,.'.-.L- -. . ::.- .. ='- .- -.- ____ .--...- - preparation OT the Lone 213 Local Faci! ities :.'2~?~:2-'?~.: -. : ~ -._ .,-- .. . .. _.-- -. waive any rights that I might otherwjse be ?:;:'T'.:.- 71 for adoption by the City. Signed this 77 day of -_--____._.._ Bt.;&&FJ=. -_----- - . .. - ' :':: _.___ & #- ,(# . - - &(A.,L s->)b> ,&A, 9 .A L.IL "Z "L / <l\L c c 7 2 N am p L.2z2.d.l. cl, -- ,/-e - c -f/+ g2*-zLE-,-- d: f;~ , _______._.__ .._/-:A:._. _.._ .. .I:- --.. L-- -----.-. e_ -- -7 P 1 ea s e P r i n t LA:?' __._ .~. -5: - - ._.._ ps j :;T ;j,- ' - ./ ..- .' / Please Sign Here - .._ i '--:-----..- -.-.. - 0 Q December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MAY4GEMENT PLAN ZONE 20 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessor Parcel(s) number(s) preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management P1.n By signing this statement it is understood that I DO ;iCT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the Fight to oppose the plan when it comes iori:lar.l for adoption by the City. Signed this day of I support ‘s , 135 --- -- - ,J,f&./!-< / 7/,/J J ..-’Xc ,. f .--- ’ 7 i b ./ r /* - ,> , :- ./*’ { ---- - Please Print Name ,‘)-~,/.‘~~~,~’ ..> cj==-y: ---_ - PRINT NAME HE9E ~ /J /C/-..,:A- A/ ./ r: /A / /’ /A,’ J( --..._ _- __ :\. -- - . -.._----- Please Sign Here/- _____ SIGNATURE 0 0 -. December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 20'75 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL Fj1CILIT;:S ','t' PLAN ZONE 20 ._ . c; 2 c T -, .- AS th.e owner of Fr:Fort;/ k.q~i.in 2'; $$17 Q~PSQ ~,?.iri-,.. *- . __ - .. , -. .. ~ ___~~___----~__ Parcel (s) number(s) I support ,,/~'.:. ' .-I. preparation of the Zone 20 Local Fzcilities ?L:?;F:-?~: -ItP _-_. - .-- - _-- - ,. -- I 3,: a,-,- By signing this statement it is understood tizt ' .J, including the right to oppose the plan whe?? it crr.7 <_ - =-I-,,~, c, .._ .'- . waive any righ-ts that I might other:.iise be e:7tj:'zet '_? for adoption by the City. S i g n e d t h i s 2-7 day 0 f ,/&J i ,<' 1~ y -.. .- ::2' " , 1 > \> ,' - -_.. ~ , ,.? j Y- Please Print Name &[,rq,k d~?d~L..,../- ,,+i' . ~. PRINT I\!A'.IE ZE2E ijY 4 .c:, II /-- /: /,> ,,; v <+,,; <.,. - ' ,*' L' - - /,'/,. 9 , ;'%->-47 ,_ #', ; ~,,~,. .<x 2. . . , ,'//.' -: _._ . -4 ._ . ... . 7 ,: /) , .'/- .,.e ' -- J /:c~/-,~.'c /z Please Sign Here I, . ,. . /7 ::;/.L , ,. * ,. ~-~-..~ -__-. ~. SIC:N,i,TL'bE ' '- ., ,, I . ', I. 0 ATTACHMENT 6 * w .- ZONE 20 OWNER CONTACT LOG RETURNED ATTENDANCE REGISTERED OWNER AT MTG RECEIPT RES PON9 E TEL LAUREL TREE X + (1) X SUDAN INT. X 12.36 (2) X B CS X 18.11 CARLSBAD LAND INV. X + X KELLY X + X SBD/ KTS X X HILLEBRECHT X + X TABATA X X X SHERMAN x Kep X X ABADA + X MUROYA X + X Y AMAMOTO X 5.0 BUERGER X X SUGINO X 5.06 RUDVALIS X 5.03 X CARNATION 10.05 X CARDOSA X X 1.8 LUJAN X + X SAKARIA x Rep X 20.17 X SH I NDL ER X X FERNANDEZ 10.08 X ROESCH X X ILIFF/THORN X X AITCH ISON X X BRYANT X 7.09 HILDALGO X 2.0 BOLTON X 1 .o MC REYNOLDS X X X THOMPSON X X - e m -- ZONE 20 OWNER CONTACT LOG (continued) Page Two RETURNED ATTE NDANC E REGISTERED OWNER AT MTG RECEIPT RESPONSE TEL MEND IV I L X X D. THOMPSON X X WEIDNER X 5.4 X PORTER X 1.12 ENGLER X X COAST WASTE X X BEVILACQUA X + X KAISER X X X MOORE X X 1.8 HADLEY X X ........................................................................... ----------------_---------------------------------------------------------. 1 ) + = Form returned prior to fol low-up 1 etter 2) # of acres not covered by signed authorization ACREAGE SUMMARY FORMS RECEIVED 668.29 86% 24 owners TELEPHONE CONTACTS 70.18 09% 7 owners ATTENDED MTG/NO FORM 8.62 1% 2 owners 32.29 4% 6 owners NO RESPONSE TOTAL 779.38 100% 39 owners I J' ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 a 9 10 11 12 2 m 13 -I: 5% m (-j '$ 14 15 o>>o D 4: a z Lla U *I;: ,>dV 2g2m 55 2 17 ~kak $$8s$ 16 a >.o t 0 18 j m m Exhibit 2 (4) A list or schedule of facilities requil correlated to individual development projects within the (e) The local facilities management plan shall establish the proportionate share of the cost of facilitic improvements identified in the citywide facilities and improvement plan attributable to development of property ( local facilities management zone. 21.90.120 Local facilities manaqement plan re aration. '-1 A local facilities management plan may be pl by the City or by the property owners within the zone accc to the procedures established by this section. (b) The City Council, upon its own initiative, r resolution direct the City Manager to prepare a facilitie: management plan for any zone. The City Council may asses: cost of preparing the plan to the owners within the zone q hearing ten days written notice of which is given to the 1 owners within the zone. The cost shall be spread prorata according to acreage and development potential . (c) All owners within the zone may jointly subm. facilities management plan. (dl For zones in which joint submission of a fa( management plan is shown to be not feasible any owner or ( cooperating owners within the zone may petition the City ! to allow the owner or group of owners to prepare the plan a meeting for which ten days prior written notice has beer permit the owner or group of owners to prepare and submit plan. A limit based on the estimated cost of the plan shi determined at the time of the hearinq. The actual cost SI determined when the plan is adopted and shall be assessed based on acreage and development potential to property wil facilities management rile. The assessment shall be collt the City at the time any application for a development prc within the zone is submitted. The owner or owners who prc to the property owners within the zone! the City Council I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I include interest. I (e) As an option to preparation by the owner or of owners as provided in subsection (d) the City Council I decide to direct the City Manager to prepare the facilitic management plan. The cost of preparation shall be advancc owners and reimbursed as provided in subsection (dl. the City by the requesting owner or owners, assessed to a. 21.90.125 Facilities management plan processinq (a) Facilities manaqement plans shall be reviewc according to the following procedure: (1) A completed facilities management plan complying with this chapter, and accompanied by a process in an amount established by City Council resolution, may 1 submitted to the Planning Director for processing. If thc 13. I 1 m .L 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 20 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pub hearing at the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center, 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, Califor at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, April 7, 1987, to consider a request from Development Cons Consortium to prepare a Local Facilities Management Zone Plan for Zone 20. Zone 20 located in the southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport Ro generally east of Paseo Del Norte, and generally north of the future Poinsettia Lane This request is in compliance with Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Co a group of owners to seek the City Council's authorizatian to prepare a Local Facili Management Plan. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 2C court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to t City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Development Consultants Consortium PUBLISH : March 28, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~-~~~~ e e ,. ZONE LOCATION LOCAL FACILITY MANAQEMENT ZONES GENERAL PLAN ZONING RISIDINTIAL RISIDEIIIIAL 4 RL LOW DENSIN (0. I 5 ) P.C PIAMriD COMMLMTY ZOM RLH LOW.MEDICM DENSIN(O.4) R.A RESIDLVTULAGRICLITLRU ZOM RM MEDIUM DENSITY (4.8) R-E RLRU RESIDEhW ESTATE ZONE RMH MEDILM HIGH DENSiN(8~IS) R.1 Oh€.FM(ILY RESIDLI71AL ZOM RH HIGH DENSIN(I5.23) R.2 TVO-FAMILY RESIDENTUL ZONE RRI RRE EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (cg. Cu Country Culsbad) RD.M WU)ENrLAl DGUSI'TY-MULTIPLE ZONE R.3 1L'LTlPLI. F.4MILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE R-3L LLWITED .W(CLTLFAMlLY RESIDENTIAL ZONE COMMERCIAL RS REGIONAL SERVICE IXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (cg Plaza Camin0 RCd) RD.H RUIDEPIW DENSIN.HIGH ZONE R.P R€SIDE\llAL PROESIONAL ZONE RT R€SIDEP*W TOCWST ZONE RW RESIDEVTLU WAT€RVAY ZONE RWW W1DL;TUL MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE C COMMLNITY COMMERCIAL N SEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TS TRAkTL SERVICES COMMERCIAL 0 PROFESSIONAL REUTED PI PUVNED INDUSTIUAL 0 OFFICEZONE G GOVERNMENT FAClUllES C.1 %IGHBORH00D COMMEKLU ZONE U PLBUC CTlLlTlES City of Ci CBD CENTRAL BCSINESS DISTRICT COMMLRCIAL c,:f 2oF&!cE!%*:22E RC RECR€+TlON COMMERCIAL C.M HEAW COMMERCW..UHITED LNDUSTRLAL ZONE SCHOOLS P.M PLANWED UIIDL'STIUAL ZONE E ELEMENTARY J JC MOR HIGH H HIGHSCHOOL OWIR P PPDATE F.P FLOODPtAlN OVERLAY ZONE M th'DU5lRLUZOM L.C LlMmcomL os OPENSPACE P.U R3UC LTUN ZONE 05 OPENSPACE NRR NON RESIDENTIAL RE5ERVE I LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE,, 2C ~~ . ,. .; ~ .- I ZONE 10 Llmmlraltrl~ NORTH GENERAL PLAN ZONINQ RISIDINTIAL RISIMWTUL 4 RL LOW DEMIlY (0- I 5 ) P-C PlANXED COMMLNITY ZONE RM( LOW.MEDICM DENSITY(O.+) R.A RESIDL\iTW AGRICLZTURAL ZONE RM MEDICM DENSIlY(4.8) R.E RLW RESIDL%TLU ESTATE ZONE RMH MEDICM HIGH DENSITY (8-15) R.1 0F;E.FA.VILY RESIDESML ZONE RH HIGH DENSlTl( 15.23) R.2 lX’O.FMLY RESIDEV” ZONE COMMERCIAL R- 3 CICLTIPLE FAMILY RISIDENTW ZOM RRI INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg Plw Camino Real I R.31 UWTED MCLTI.F.&WLY RESIDENTIAL ZONE RRL EXTENSIVE REGIOSAL RETAIL (e& CY Country Culsbad) FDM WIDL\TLU D€VSllY+lL177PLE ZONE R5 REGIONAL SERVlCE RD.H RESID€? DENSITY-HIGH ZONE C COMMLNITYCOMMERCLU RHHP RESIDL\TlAL MOBILE HOME P.ARK ZOM N VEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL R.P RESIDL\TLU PROFESSIONAL ZOM 0 PROFESSIONAL MUTED RW RESID€\TlAl WATERWAY ZO\E PI PUVNED INDUSTRIAL 0 OFFICEZO%€ G GOCTRNMENT FACILITIES C- 1 NUGHBORHOOD COM.HERCLU ZONE C PCBLIC UTILITIES C. 2 GLWPAl CO.MMERcLU ZONE City of Car TS TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL RT RESlD€\TLU TOLRIST ZONE CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT COMMIRCIAL RC RECRUllON COMMERCIAL C.T COhLHUtCW-TOLRIST 2033 C.M I.IEAWCO.HMERCIAL~UVITED UVDUSTRMLZONE .si INDCSTRULZOM SCHOOLS E ELEMENTARY J JCNIOR HIGH P.M PLANK~IhDCSTRL4LZOM H HIGHSCHOOL OTHIR P PWATE F.P FLOODPLALEi OMRIAY ZOhT SRR NOS RESIDENTIAL RESERVE 05 OPENSPACE OS OPENSPACE L.C LIMllTDCOhTRoL P-U KBUC LTlTf ZONE LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 20 m ZONE 20 e -- .. Updated January 23: 1987 SJILLIAM 8 vIRLINi.4 1 VILTA LOMH INvES IMENTS AKIRA & TOSHIKO MUROYA P.O. BOX 1185 6992 EL CAMINO REAL STE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 104 - 251 CARLSGAD, CA 92X5 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 6505 EL CAMINU REAL 21 2-040-22 21 5-040-04 2 1 5- 070- 139 SUDAN INTERIOR Mr ss r ON r NC . AKIRAD, JOYCE & NORORU TABATA DALJIT & ELAINE SA2i 8201 LEGION PLACE P.U. BOX 5986 1400 FLAME TRtE LANE LARLSBAD, CA 92008 MIDWAY CITY, CA 92655 ORANGE, CA 926b7 21 2-040-23 2 1 5- 040- 04 215-070-12 3CS PKOGRAM L-2 YUJIRO & DORIS YAMAMOTO THURL0 SCHINDLER I303 AVACADO STREET 1201 VIA LA JOLLA 648 MARSOLEN AVEPiYE Nt'dPURT BEACH, LA 9'1660 SAN CLEMLNTE, CA 92672 SOLANA BEACU, CA 3X 21 2-040-29 21 5-040-05 21 5-070-1 3 RONALD ROESCS CARLLBAU LAND INVESTORS WILLIAM & ANITA BUERGER c/o SECURE PROPERTIES 121 TOWNWOOD WAY 2800 NEILSON WAY =7< TUSTIN, CA 92680 212-nnr-l-3fj 2770 SUNNY CREEK ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 17332 IRVINE BLVD. STE T ENCINITAS, CA 92024 SANTA MONICA, CA 3C- 21 5- 070- 1 5 215-040-08 b 10 CHIP HASLEE & E0E indl 2386 FARADAY STE 1OC CARLSBAD, CA 92522 MASAO & IKUKO SUGINO ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 RILHAKD KtLLY & RUBEKT KELLY 2050 s. DEL DIOS Hl,nHWAy 21 5-070- 1 3 215-U40-09 Zi 11 212-040-3?,35,&36 CHAKLES & ALIC~ KRAMEK 1J A L LAC E k I T C ti I S 0 r.; SUNBELT PLANNING CO. , INC. c/o SHUNICHI NAITO 14151 NEWPORT AVE. STE 201 TuSTIN, LA 92680 6798 PASEO DEL NOKTE 6112 id. i5TH PLACE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 10s ANGELES, La m~ 2 1 4 - 1 40- 4 1 2 1 3- 370-7 8 21 4-1 40-07 FRANK & PATRICIA 3R! G EORG E H I L L EB R ECHT 2170 SKYLINE DRIVE P.O. BOX 267 6%- AWEMDA-W CfOR-h ESCONDIDO, CA 92027 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 SAN CLEMENT€, CA Y2E JOSEPH RUDVALIS - , 'L.' 21 5-070-04 21 5-U70-19-. - . 21 4-1 40-U8 CARNATION PROPERTIES c/o VlCTORIA FERNANDEZ 651 1 EL CNIINO RE.?L P.O. BOX 395 CARDIFF, CA 92007 MANUEL & AVELIMA !iiC CARLSBAD, CA 920GE NURBOKU TABATA R lSUKAEU P.0. BOX 913 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 5-079- 23 214-140-09 21 5-070-n6 & 14 GEORGE SOLTON 6519 EL CAMINO KEAL CARLSBAC, CA 92302 JOSEPH SHERMAN 7 42 3 GAKV EY AV tNU E ROSEMtAD, CA Y1770 MICHAEL & NANCY CARDOSA 6491 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-070-08 & 10 21 5-079-23 L 24 2 14-1 40-1 3 w ZONE 20 m .. -* %\RON ABADA NILLIAM E:\IGLER $22 YI1IRLANDS VISTA WAY LA JOLLA, CA 92037 STAR TOUTE 1 BOX 30 NILAND, CA 92257 21 4-1 40-40 214-170-58 & 59 *A?4 DR EM MC K EY NOLDS 2319 CALLE CHIQUITA LA JOLLA, CA 92037 NOBORU TABATA P.O. BOX 943 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 1-949-1 4 MVID 1sr K4KEN THOMPSON P.O. BOX 1487 ARIE DE JONG CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 4- 170-66 21 5-08-27 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 5-08-01 214-170-05 & 09 ;4. MENDIVIL, C. VERODI, I THOMAS BEVILACQUA 2727 ROOSEVELT ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 C. OUNCAN 0748 VALLE VEROE CT L,4 VERNE, CA 21 5-08-04 21 4-1 70-08 W3OTHY THOMPSON P.9L BOX 338 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 GILBERT & MARY KAISER 1615 CALLE DE CINO ST. LA JOLLA, CA 92037 21 3- 1 /O- 36 21 5-08-09 ?i.!SE%T :~~IDNER GUY MOORE, JR. -..e. sox 33 6503 EL CAMINU REAL L.qRQIFt, CA 92U07 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2 14-1 70-46 215-08-17 & 20 ilAv ID THOMPSON PAUL & PEGGY HADLEY ' ?.o. 'BOX 576 C.L\RLSBAU, CA 92008 4743 W. HOFFER ST. BANNING, CA 92220 21 5-08-1 9 21 4-1 7U-4/ :IObOFIu TAtlATh & EVELYN 2~53 LA CVSTA BLVD CA~LSYAD, CA 92008 2 13- 1 70-54 :',,A?/ I ?; h PENNY PORTER 4.C. 30Yi 73030 SA;; YSIDRO, CA 92073 2i<-170-55 ., i. w .I .I _. 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) Office of the City Clerk Qit~ af Qarls hab March 27, 1987 TO: Susan Loy FROM: City Clerk's Office RE: Legal Advertisement for La Costan, Issue of April 1, 1987 Attached is a legal advertisement for a public hearing on the Local Facilties Management Plan for Zone 20. Please place the ad in the La Costan, Issue of April 1, 1987. Please bill the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 for this advertisement. It is necessary that the billings be sent to the City Clerk's Office for any ads which we place. If they are sent only to "The City of Carlsbad" it will take quite a while to determine who placed the ad and who should pay for it. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter. e' 1 Q:;y&gY+7 Deputy City Clerk Attachment ZONE LOCATION LOCAL FACILITY MAWAQRMLNT ZONES LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 20 1 .* .1 9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING e 1 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 20 '* I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pu hearing at the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center, 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, Califo at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, April 7, 1987, to consider a request from Development Con located in the southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport R generally east of Paseo Del Norte, and generally north of the future Poinsettia Lan This request is in compliance with Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal C Management Plan. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 2 court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised a public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Development Consultants Consortium PUBLISH : March 28, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Consortium to prepare a Local Facilities Management Zone Plan for Zone 20. Zone 20 a group of owners to seek the City Council's authorization to prepare a Local Facil * LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES nwnr WWRlUL WOBLU HCUEPMliZOM R P mmmm PAD(ESSICNU ZONE Kr WWEh7ULTOCIISTZOS-E RW RBIDCYTW WATERWAY LO\€ 0 PROFESSIOYAL RELATED CBD CEImL BLSIWSS DISTRICT COYYIKIAt PI Pk\\ED LIDLZTRML o OmcEzo- RC RECM(TIONC0- - c T COWERXU mry~ 70%~ G CO~€+RIWEYTFAClUllES C 1 \€IGHBOUi00D COMUERCLU ZOM L FTBUCCTIUTIU, C 2 GG- COKHEKUL LOM c Y PU pcA"p)u.~nnlhLzoHL F P R- oyuUYLoh~ mw COVWER%I. *rnD Lam ZOM U NDCSIUALZOM mea OS OPESSPACE \RI1 \Oh RESIDEVIAL RESERVE LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 20 I LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 20 .. ."YI .-tA-:?Y w- ,\ i0S.L ,.C,L,,. ".*.e.".*. 1011, ii202-2 . ................................ ................................ I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoir correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Di California on the 28th day of M:,ch&L987 -7 42, cc -~.