HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-14; City Council; 7897-3; Carlsbad BL bridge phase 1 NOCb !? h 4Ba-3 rllTGm 04/14/87 IEPT. MP h co I * d I * DEPT. HD. NOTIFE OF COMPLETION FOR THE TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CITYATTY BRIDGE, PHASE I, PROJECT NO. 3098 Cly OF CARLSBAD - AGENr- BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 90rp accepting the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge, Project No. 3098 with accompanying street improvements as complete, directing the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded, appropriating all available unappropriated project funds, and authorizing the Director of Finance to transfer all remaining unexpended project funds, following the completion of payment of all final claims and costs, to Project No. 3205: Carlsbad Boulevard, Phase 11. ITEM EXPLANATION: Construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge over the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon has been satisfactorily completed. The final contract amount of $2,384,485.79 includes eleven (11) Change Orders tot a1 ling $1 4 , 403.88 (handled administratively in accordance with Administrative Order No. 7) for necessary additional work related to the project, The project has been reviewed by CALTRANS as the administering agency for the project grant funds. FISCAL IMPACT: Eighty percent (80%) of the construction costs of the bridge will be reimbursed by the Federal Highway Bridge, Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) program and 86.22% of the road improvements will be reimbursed by the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) program. Staff has submitted invoices to the State and, to date, has received $1,494,000 in reimbursements for the bridge and $203,950.00 for the road improvements. The remaining costs for the bridge construction and street improvements to be reimbursed to the City are being processed by staff and forwarded to CALTRANS. Sufficient budgeted funds are available in the overall project account sDannina several fiscal years for the final contract retention will be withheld until the filing of the Notice of amount. 'Ten percent (10%) thirty-five (35) days after Completion. It is recommended the Counc amount of $533,140.39 received Company representing SDGE improvements related to the projects. 1 appropriate the deposit in the from the San Diego Gas & Electric s required contribution for combined Phase I and Phase I1 c Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 7877-3 The following list of project expenditures has been supplied by the Finance Department: Construction $2,146,361.17 Design 165,549.00 Materials Testing 8,539 .OO Engineering, Inspection, Contract Administration 85,532.00 CALTRANS Inspection 41,800.00 Miscellaneous Project Costs including 11,352.00 special inspections of pilings, project environmental processing, State agency permit processing, miscellaneous printing and related project expenses. Subtotal Outstanding Retention due contractor $2,459,133.17 -230,484.62 Total Expenditures $2,697,617.79 A summary of the total project funding spanning prior fiscal years is as follows: PHASE I HBRR $1,835,248.01 (80% FHBRR reimbursement) F AU 230,231.74 (66.22% FAU reimbursement) CITY'S REVENUE SHARING 149,819.00 CITY'S GENERAL CAP. CONST. 450,000.00 SDG&E 533,140.39 Total $3,399,439.14 CITY'S GAS TAX 201,000.00 Final project cost $2,697,617.79 Surplus project funding $ 701,821.35 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Notice of Completion. 3. Resolution No. TC/r accepting the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge as complete, directing the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion, appropriating available project funds and transferring unexpended project funds to the Carlsbad Boulevard, Phase I1 project, No. 3205. SEQUOIA AVE. LEGEND 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\ BRIDGE SIDEWALK ............... .............. ............... .............. ............... .............. ............... .............. BIKE LANE ............... .............. '\ '$L STREET LIGHT ROCK SLOPE PROTECT1 ON - BOUNDARY OF PRO J E CT NOT TO SCALE CARLS BA D BOULEVARD BRIDGE NOTICE OF COMPLETION ENGINEER1 NG on ordered that a Notice To All Laborers Men and to Every Other Person Interested: that on October 23, 1986 of the construction of the Carlsbad aczepted the abo work as completed and o ion be filed. Boulevard Bridge over\the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon on which The Daley Co was the Contractor, and \The American Insurance Company was the surety, was comple I / CITY OF CARLSBAD \ VERIFICATIO OF CI Y CLERK :\ I, the undersigned say: i\ I am the City Cleh of thd City of Carlsbad; ,he City Clerk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, provements to the Carl evard Bridge, NOW, THEREFORE, B ncil of the 2. That the 3. That the Electric Company in the amount SDGdrE's required contribution for improvements related to t 5. That the City Council of the City Carlsbad hereby authorizes the Director of Finance to trans all remaining unexpended project funding following the completion of payment .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of all final claims and costs from the Phase I project No. 3098 to the I1 project No. 3205 and hereby appropriates said I