HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-14; City Council; 8960; Policy Direction- Residential Performance Standard<J 0)a>. P.4-1 o •H rH O 0)>1-1 a) O 13 4-1 r-H CO fd T3 -H H 4-1td CT) a) COo> 01o O 4Jm o1-1 <Ua) m P-l U-lcfl.Hcd en•H .-I 4-1 Oo0)T3•HCO 01 O acfl (1)5-1•H13<U C n)o PMo •H J-l O tdc n3 XIO -rl O J oo -* r-H I < J O Oo Oil OF CARLSBAD - AGEND BILL AB# P9^ e> MTG. 4/14/87 DEPT. pLN TITLE: POLICY DIRECTION REGARDING RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS - GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM DEPT. HD.j&M./Kprr filTY ATTY vr*-^ CITY MGR.2^- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide policy direction to staff by confirming that the residential performance standards affect only residential development. ITEM EXPLANATION The purpose of this item is to seek Council direction in the interpretation and implementation of the performance standards which were adopted in Council Resolution No. 8796 on September 23, 1986. The Growth Management performance standards were developed to specifically address development that had a direct facilities had impact on public services. Therefore, certain facilities had standards developed based upon residential development only. The other facilities had standards which applied to all types of development. Again, the standard addressed those types of development which affected a given public facility. An issue was raised at the Planning Commission Public Hearing for the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3 concerning the interpretation of how to implement and evaluate the adopted performance standards. The standards could be interpreted to stop all development -- Residential, Commercial, and Industrial if any one of the performance standards is not being met, so until it is, all development in the City is stopped. Thus far, it has been the understanding that the adopted performance standards which deal with only residential demand would not preclude other development from not be met So, using the residential development would be complied with for Library. proceeding should the standard Library as an example, only stopped until the standard was Facilities which relate to only residential demand include: City Administration, Library, Parks, and Fire. If for some reason any of these four performance standards were not being met, then only residential development would be stopped unti the standard was met. For the Parks and Fire performance standards, the issue of actually developing a demand factor for commercial and industrial development may arise as other local facilities management plans are prepared. Currently, the demand for these two facilities is generated based upon residential development only. Page Two of Agenda Bill No. <P*7 fo O In a case where one of the other adopted performance standards were not being complied with i.e., Wastewater Treatment Capacity, Drainage, Circulation, Open Space, Sewer Collection, and Water Distribution, then ALL development would be stopped until the standard was being met. It is also important to note that commercial and industrial development pays Public Facilities Fees, which helps finance City Administrative Facilities, Library, Parks, and Fire. POLICY DECISION Should those performance standards which are based on residential demand only stop residential building if the standard is not being complied with, or should all development be stopped until the standard is met? FISCAL IMPACT None EXHIBITS 1) List of the Adopted Performance Standards 2) Proposition E EXHIBIT #1 PUBLIC FACILITY AND SERVICE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Facility/Service City Administrative Facilities Library Wastewater Treatment Capacity Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools Sewer Collection Systc Water Distribution Syste Standard 1500 square feet per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five year period, 800 square feet per 1 ,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five year period. Sewer plant capacity is adequate for at least a five year period. Three acres of community park or special use park per 1 ,000 population within the Park District, must be scheduled for construction within a five year period). Drainage facilities must be provided aa required by the City concurrent with development. No road segment or intersection in the zone nor any road segment or intersection out of the zone which is impacted by development in the zone shall be projected to exceed a service level C during off- peak hours, nor service level D during peak hours. Impacted means where 20% or more of the traffic generated by the local facility management zone will use the road segment or intersection. No more than 1 ,500 dwelling units outside of a five minute response time. Fifteen percent of the total land area in the zone exclusive of environmentally constrained non- developable land must be set aside for permanent open space and must be available concurrent with development. School capacity to meet projected enrollment withir the zone as determined by the appropriate school district must be provided prior to projected occupancy. Trunk line capacity to meet demand as determined by the appropriate sewer district must be provided concurrent with development. Line capacity to meet demand as determined by the appropriate water district must be provided con- current with development. A minimum 10 average day storage capacity must be provided concurrent with development. 3) 33 33 33 33 w a * o o i i i i i (ft CD « -ib b b b tn Io3 i TJ (O -* O) W -^b 01 6 ro b !^ii!if Ji^lSal^F- u §? EXHIBIT #2 EXHIBIT #2