HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-21; City Council; 8969; Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22b 9 !AB#~ v MTG. 4-21-87 , DEPT. PLN TITLE: REQUEST TO PKEPARE LOCAL FACILITIES DEPT CITY CITY MANAGEMENT PL4N FOR ZONE 22 ‘t .I 1 n w 0 arl > a 2 .. z s k 0 a $ z 3 0 0 CI~~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL ci> i i RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associates, and Community Partners to prepare the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22, ITEM EXPLAJIATION This petition is being presented to the City Council requestir authorization under Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. The Council has previously receix one similar request and may receive requests in the future. Staff believes the following considerations should be made pri to rendering a decision. 1. What percentage of owners are willing to proceed and prep the plan? 2. Has the City approved projects within the zone which cann 3. Have the petitioners made a reasonable effort to contact proceed until a local plan is prepared? discuss’their desires to prepare a local plan with the ot’ property owners in the zone? 4. Is the development of this area of the City premature? Request Review 1. 93% of the property owners have agreed to have the local plan prepared. 2. There are no projects being held up pending the adoption I a Local Facilities Management Plan, 3. The petitioners have made a reasonable attempt to discuss their desires to prepare a local plan. Letters were sent all owners inviting them to attend a meeting of property owners, a follow-up post card was also sent, and following the meeting a registered letter requesting owners concurrence was sent as well as several phone calls. A summary of these efforts is accompanying the letter attact as Exhibit #I. 4. There is presently development in Zone 22 and this zone is adjacent to development areas. -T e h\ 1 i s Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. r?(,,? Based upon these considerations, staff is recommending the Council authorize the Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associate and Community Partners to proceed with the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22. FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Letter from the Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associates 2. Location map of Zone 22 and Community Partners, dated March 2, 1987 I 9 .f e a I l a OLlV t NHA IN ZONE 22 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 7 t 6 0 1 March 2, 1987 Mr. Michael Holzmiller P lam ing Director CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: LOCAL FACILITY ZONE NUMBER 22 Dear Mike: The majority of the property owners within Zone 22 would respect fully like to petition the City Council to allow the three majo property owners within Zone 22 to proceed with the preparation o the Local Facility Management Plan for Zone 22. The three major property owners, The Lusk Company, Sammi Carlsbad Associates and Community Partners, have attempted tl receive written authorization from 100 percent of all propert Diego Tax Assessor records, the three property owners own 8 percent of the land within the Zone that is subject to the Growt Management Program. The remaining 15 percent of the land is mad up of 30 different owners. Several attempts were made to contact each owner. Thes included : 1. A letter was sent to all property owners two weeks in advanct owners subject to the Growth Mailagement Plan. According to Sa of a property owners' meeting. 2. A follow-up postcard was sent to all owners five days beforf the meeting to remind them of the meeting. 3. A meeting was held on February 2, 1987 to summarize our desiri to proceed with the preparation of the Plan and to answer an: questions. 4. A second letter was sent by registered mall to all owners requesting their concurrence to authorize the preparation of the Local Facility Management Plan. 5. Telephone calls were made to those owners we were not able tc reach by mail. As a result of our efforts, we achieved a 93 percent favorable response for us to prepare tSle Local Facility Matiagement Plan. It should be noted that no property owner has expressed, either orally or in writing, their objection to the preparation of thz Local Facility Management Plan. .I 1 6 e Mr. Michael Holzmiller March 2, 1987 Page Two The total acreage within Zone 22 that is subject to the Grow Management Plan and has some type of potential for future develo ment is approximately 162 acres. We have recieved concurren from OwnerS representing 150 of the 162 total acres. The acres we were unable to receive written concurrance from represented by 11 owners, with one of the owners holding 4. acres. You will find attached copies of the returned authorization for from property owners who have given their consent €or the Plan be prepared. We have also attached a small map highlighti those parcels in which no response was received. We have made a good-faith effort to contact all owners with Zone 22. Your recommendation to the City Council that we ' authorized to prepare the Local Facility Management Plan for zo 22 would be appreciated. Should you need any further clarification, feel free to contar us. Sincerely: SAMPIIS A General CARLSBFLD gf- Partnership ASSOC. \Nf- THE LUSK COMPANY COMMUNITY P4RTWERS John Brand Pat 0' Day kd:045 Attachments Post Office Box 1129, Carlsbad, C31ifornia 92008 L e a - PROPEXTY OWNEXS LOCAL FACILITIES ZONE 22 Name Parcel Number(s) Acreage 4 Blonsk i 210-100-05 f 06 Eck e 210-100-12 .20 0' Day 2i4-010-01 9.73 Head 2 14-010-03 -50 Wood 214-022-23121f24110 1.77 Devlin 214-022-15 .18 Edwards 214-022-15, 17 .36 Tar taglia 214-022-25 .18 Steinsapir 214-022-11 .36 Alsop 214-022-10 .18 McCabe 214-022-08 .18 Shugard 214-022-06 -18 Donahue 214-022-04, 01 .36 Stanton 214-022-03 .18 Wood 214-022-02 .18 Dickie 214-021-03 .18 Bachmann 214-021-01,02,08,09 .71 Hart 2 14- 02 i -04 -18 Lu sk 214-150-17, 18, 16 91.1 Smith 214-150-29 .91 Chappen 214- 160-28 .92 Schre iber 214-160-25 ; 4.75 Cannon 214-150-13 .97 Becker 214-160-10,11,20,21 1.12 Addison 214-150-04 .24 Graben 214-150-06 .17 Fisher 214-160-34 * 12 Yanez 214-160-36 .20 37 Sammis 216-010-01-05 Aicaraz 214-160-05 .18 Fitzsimmons 214-150-35 .16 Swi tgall 214-150-27 .18 Weiss 214-150-08 2.63 TOTAL 162 .OO 150 Ac RFG:kd/O46 Rick Engineering Job No. 7561-G 1 1 w P ‘ February 4, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc Sammis Carlsbad A d Communit partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitic Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT wair any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including tk right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption 1: the City. Parcel ( s ) number ( s ) I 1 suppo - ,- Signed this -,{ day of bty<j I 1987. .. -- . -\ Please Print Name ( (‘-,,x\:- F\,,l--i>\ v\jl>\L\ \> \ , (- ti cvcf \i PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here S I GNATU RE kd:037 .I w t RICK ENG. Date Received FLU 23 1987 1 9 m m February 4, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of p ty Assessc Sammis Carlsbad A d Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT walk any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption E: the City. Parcel ( s) number ( s ) , I suppor Signed this 13 day of py6(- .fi h J , 1987. N AH 1111 E GO rd STR UC'fS 3 g PRBmgipRE Please Print Name I* ,? . .*. Please Sign Here 7 *-IS ;TU RE ' /' I i 1 La<% 4 4. -v LC.+ b- f \-.- kd:037 , /I I _I_ w k --L CL-- cc i.- . 8- c- -L TS; \. '-7 4e I c J,, )c ( JL &t- 2.i 3,cq - e2L - L- I -1 & I/' LdL // fc J, hlq ,ZL Lt < Lll b i;, '> ,C'j--- ? - L 7'- - 23 - 7 -3 - /-/I - c LL - -'+ LL' f f I:-. -- .*L? - -- 12 -I ,- j l (1 [-/I ('C/ 4 - - d' t ,>y w w I ?< ( I&% */ I pc., J ji > c 1 ;$,. J<'*L 7 /A fYi* i. -* N= i, T 7 -yq - CLL- /FJ 1 c 1 >L'* I I \ i f-i ,LC'' [(_'+. rL7 I ) c- L'.. l ;'- , I 'I "I i L -7. c L- -? --; -4. -(-I- C 5,4-44:]& I k ,&) o, A, : L'j I "-r . .- *-/# .. J-. c- I' 1- <...I e r; ,I "..- 4- /.-- tt kk ] -- (-Jl,L:b7c?/r j ~ 1 (,?-.? i _, ! RICK ENG. bed 1 ( 1967 Date Rete jved I< ( \kt \/ I p., .; /iL 1 lis, j<-tL I //L/7L. -/ i, 7 7, -2iq - CtC p3 I k i [-\ ,<t. I \ i c 1. Jc. I [ L>5 L I L’ - jby- (e ,/-/ -1 f? t; -4 : L)J ,/ ,) <- t.c / ;‘w ), i r 7- <-i -;r /! - 4- lA, --i { q-- C‘Z 2 - / 1 i -(. ,/!L . 1 /f- . x, , /-) !/I (,”[,,$+<? / -i- 1 / fF-J% B uk..2f \ (! / RICK E~\IG. fc-8 11 1987 Da-te Received 1 8 w 1) January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN: Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assesso Parcel( s) number( s) Z/Sl-ILC- ;J , I suppor Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waiv any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption b the City. dL, , 1987. & Signed this \3 day of F,,kf- Please Print Name Toh, K* PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here &A S I GNATU RE kd:037 w w 8 RICK ENG. Date Received Ftd 1 i 1987 v L e 0 February 4, 1987 b 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waiv any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption ‘r: the City. I- Parcel( s) number( s) i- # I suppor - -. $’. Signed this A’ day of b[ xak-/LU,.w , 1987. Please Print Name E)-%&- kc1 (!-d~l’lLibLf- PRINT NAPE HERE Please Sign Here q ,r d,& I q (hw3- S I GNATU RE kd:037 w w , *i / r RICK ENG. Date Received i- i- ;j 1 I '1987 - b L 0 0 February 4 , 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT : PERMISS ION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assesso Parcel( s) number( s) 9 ‘Ad - ~ , I suppor Sarnmis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Cornmunit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waib any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when It comes forward for adoption L the City. Signed this /& day of , 1987. / Please Print Name ,&&/;x -5- /3,&A& PRINT NAME HERE &-A/*kQ>i S GNATURE Please Sign Here kd:037 L5%G/L&-d &o-zxR- L s3rk%sE p .kw. &+?L& $?AG Qd I w W RICK ENG. Date Received LJ 11 iyuI I , 0 0 .) February 4, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc , I suppor Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waiv any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption 1 the City. Parcel( s) number( s) .- I - -- 4, =-i Signed this /?’ day of , 6 , “I;< /f $L/ L , 1987. / i i j Please Print Name F,fAF<.T(,,R 1 E E3WA.e Ds PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here (,f, &:<X& , S IGNATU RE- kd:037 e RICK ENG Date Receive FiB 1 i 791 a W RICK ENG. Date Received Fkd I i 1987 1 I e January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN; Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assess Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communi Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Faciliti Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT wai any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including t right to oppose the plan when It comes forward for adoption the City. Parcel(s) number(s) 2/4- /l?O--6G, I 1 suppo /- Signed this 2;2 day of , 1987. I A; A x):-- /, ,, 6 R//%j$-.&j / /-r- -y< )/ Please Print Name X \ -/ PRINT NAME HERE I ’/ Please Sign Here I1 - , /TAA/. I LL-q / / S I GNATU RE J kd: 037 W e RICK EM Date Receivt JAN 23 i9t I I e 0 * January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known a5 San Diego County Assess Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communi Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Faciliti Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT wai any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including t right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption the City. Parcel( s) number (s) 214- /&a- i?q I I suppo Signed this & day of fikL&hJ, , 1987. 1 Please Print Name I b/ &o/sc/c PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here b[ &, I’ S IGNATURE kd:037 , e e ' January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL Post Office Box 1129 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assess Parcel( s) number ( s) aid- /bo -/J.-- I 1 suppo Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communi Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Faciliti Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waj any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including t right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption the City. t 3iw , 1987. day of c Signed this -.. c7 Please Print Name (L. i? '\,/ i: c c; < L-L 2- \hCC ,-,45 77 -A PRINT NAME HERE - _rCC J-.d I , ,? 'i J. Please Sign Here c * +. s IGNATUIW-) .. L- I kd: 037 7%- 0 1 RICK ENG. Date Received ~r I I. 3 x 0 2 1987 m a January 20, 1987 r 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assess( Parcel(s) number(s) +l‘-C-- f 4 4, -c 5- I I suppo. Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communi Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitic Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT wai? any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including tl right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption 1 the City. -I , 1987. ? Signed this (7- day of > L- t 2 I,, ,, /-#’ -- Please Print Name ?(; ,:- jL,n4- <, ’1. i/ I -,! b +L PRINT NAME HERE /I Please Sign Here kd:037 0 * -1 January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assess Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communi Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Faciliti Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT wai any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including t right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption the City. Parcel( s) number( s) 2/4-c22- 2 3-- I 1 suppo Signed this day of , 1987. jl~j t 1 I. i )I rr i ii c c- 111 Please Print Name 7p3 \X\ c \ \a c- 7pjP-T A C<L\ 1% PRINT NAME HERE _. Please Sign Here q%< .. -rk < J \[L.dk '<% L, '-- SIGNATURE kd:037 0 m L. RICK ENG. Date Received J :r!N 2 6 I!%7 I m 0 ,, b January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLM ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assess1 Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communi Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitit Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waiy any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including t? right to oppose the plan when it cornes’forward for adoption 1 the City. Parcel(s) number(s) ZL/J -7i-i-c) - o F , I suppo - ---L ’ <- // ,7 Nw’ I Signed this c- day of . - - :/%L:&G,L7 , 1987. /’ - /- Please Print Name 1 Ob‘ Vi?> a fy 5 :/ ,/. PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here / kd:037 I“ L 0 e 1 January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Conmunit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local FaciLitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waiv any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption b Parcel(s) number(s) I I suppor -- 7- ,&SF *< /.LL /->- /5;- s-kt”.l :;&=55-2. TcE.T’l 5 , 1987. c? Signed this % day of Please Print Name / - /-- ;G SA,// PRINT NAME HERE Please Sign Here SIGNATURE kd:037 0 " I February 4, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT : PERMISS ION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc , I suppor Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waic any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including tl- right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption L the City. - ,. ,' -. / Parcel( s) number( s) -, Signed this lk' day of rzcl? , 1987. Please Print Name -.. 747hG5: F- (&(;;:d' PRINT NAME HERE -* L )/, L,? Please Sign Here , S IGNATU RE kd: 037 1 8 w RICK €NG. Dafe Received kt8 26 7987 t 0 e . ,, 1- 1 January 20, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 1129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN : Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc Parcel(s) number(s!a/g-cic-o/, odci-/c,iza-j/+.u ~ o3a -a 4.a~ , I SU~~OK Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT wair any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including tk right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption 1 the City. day of ?,e&& . , 1987. -P Signed this Please Print Name Please Sign Here kd:037 $18 a a I ‘’ * February 4, 1987 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Post Office Box 3.129 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN ; Bob Gentles SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 22 As the owner oE property known as San Diego County Assessc Sammis Carlsbad Associates, The Lusk Company, and Communit Partners in the preparation of the Zone 22 Local Facilitie Management Plan. By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waib any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including th right to oppose the plan when it comes forward for adoption k the City. Parcel ( s ) number ( s ) , I suppor - , 1987. -, I r- Signed this 1 ,d day of -L <^ *; \ -- , . *d I- Please Print Name - - , ~ . . - *fA --L’-L - + -_ , !‘.=,- - PRINT NAME HERE - = i --* ; i t,i . Please Sign Here u--L:-C-~.-, . / -* SIGNATURE , /5 kd: 037 I W RJCK ENG. FtB 2u 1987 Dafe Received 0 e *r- ‘a *- ,I February 4, 1987 Ms. Marie L, Stanton 1438 Pacific Street Redlands, California 92373 RE: CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 22 Dear Ms. Stanton: On January 19, 1987, an invitation was extended to you to attend a meeting to discuss the City of Carlsbad’s new Growth Management Plan requirements for Zone 22. The meeting was hosted by the three major property owners in the zone. The meeting was held with 15 owners representing approximately 90 percent of the developable acreage within the zone. A presentation was made outlining what steps need to be taken by the property owners within the zone before any further develop- ment can occur. As indicated in our original letter to you, the Growth Management Ordinance requires that before a Local Facility Plan (LFP) for any zone can be prepared, 100 percent of the property owners must consent to the LFP’s preparation. If 100 percent of the property owners do not give their consent, the Ordinance provides willing property owners with the right to petition the City Council for permission to proceed. In the event we are unable to obtain a 100 percent consensus, it would be our intent to petition the City Council to allow the majority of the owners to proceed. The three undersigned major property owners have committed to financing the entire cost of the preparation of the LFP. Your agreement to allow us to prepare the LFP does not obligate you to support the LFP if you do not agree with it when the LFP is completed. Your signature does authorize us to start the process of restoring your development potential for your -- property. We are enclosing a support form and self-addressed stamped envelope for your use in returning the form. ft 41. 0 ,.a ‘4, February 4, 1987 Page Two We would appreciate your response by February 20, 1987. If you have any questions or need additional information, plea: contact our local representative, Bob Gentles at (619) 729-4987 Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, - / i-/ /’ -1 I‘ ,d( F- Mike Fagan John Bran‘d SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC. THE LUSK COMPANY COMMUNITY PARTNERS A General Partnership kd:012 - /*-<&74 ,$ *!’ - v Enclosure /, .’ ’ ,, .& ‘ . * /’ LA Yc--p J -7 .-’ c. ‘- *I J ; ii.*-? i[ A ..) -7- J- ‘”1 i LzL kL? t.5 -j “d-6, ---*- --- L, - i &PL L4T-W 5, ,- i ] , , -... , J d Post Office Box 1129, Carlsbad, California 92008 rn . RICK ENG. Date Received b c8 1 -1 ,1987 $1' 0 ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 22 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a put: hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OC to prepare a Local Facilities Management Zone Plan for Zone 22. Zone 22 is located the southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport Road, genera: west of Interstate 1-5, and borders the Pacific Ocean. This request is in complianc Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to seek tl- City Council's authorization to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Department on Tuesday, April 21, 1987, to consider a request from Development Consultants Cons( 438-1161. If you challenge the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22 Court, YOU may be limited to raising only those issues YOU or someone else raised at public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to t City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associates, and Community Partners PUBLISH: April 11, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING w ,,% NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, , 1987, to consider a reque: from Development Consultants Consortium to prepare a Local Facilities Managemer Zone Plan for Zone 22. Zone 22 is located in the southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport Road, generally west of Interstate I-! and borders the Pacific Ocean. 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to seek the City Council's authorization to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attenc the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-1 161. If you challenge the Preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or some0 else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. public hearing at the Safety and Service Center, 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, This request is in compliance with Section CASE FILE: Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 22 APPLICANT: Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associates, and Community Partners PUBLISH: CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 1'. _' 2il-0-100-05 w 12. 214-022-08 e 23. 214-160-10 Theodore E. and Jeffrey S. McCabe Ram S. and Shee Miri.am K. Blonski 267 La Veta Avenue Carl Becker 12019 Caminito CamDana Encinitas, CA 92024 57378 Twenty Ni San Diego, CA 92128 Yucca Valley, C 2. 210-100-12 13. 214-022-10 24. 214-160-13 Paul and Magdalena Ecke Anne Alsop Elsa Cannon 7250 Lponto Driv Post Office Box 607 Post Office Box 2285 Encinitas, CA 92024 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Post Office Box Carlsbad, CA 9 3. 214-010-01 14, 214-022-11 25. 214-160-25 Guy Ward and Virginia Lear Tamara A. Steinsapir Dale and Donna 1901 Ave of the Stars 16260 Venture Blvd. #15 1457 Crest Driv Suite 1475 Encino, CA 91436 Encinitas, CA Los Angeles, CA 90067 15. 214-022-15 26. 214-160-27 Marjorie R. Edwards Alfred R. and Emilia Switgall William Head and James Brown 794 Ridge Crest Street Monterey Park, CA 91754 131 S. Escondidc c/o Ramon D. Asedo Post Office Box 207 Escondido, CA ( Oceanside, CA 92054 5. 214-021-01 16. 214-022-18 27. 214-160-28 John G,, Alice and Leslie L. Devlin Eugene and Yarg, Paul Bachmann 2524 North E Street 654 N, Highway 13000 Brentwood Terrace Sari Bernardino, CA 92405 Encinitas, CA Los Angeles, CA 90043 4. 214-010-03 6. 214-021-03 17. 214-022-25 28. 214-160-29 Charles and Virginia Dickie Mario and William Crowell Charles Berry Patricia Tartaglia Robert F. Smith 3200 Broadway 56 Monarch Bay Post Office Box Long Beach, CA 90803 South Laguna Beach, CA 92677 Encinitas, CA 5 7. 214-021-04 18. 214-150-08 29. 214-160-34 George, Robert and Myles and Francine Weiss John and Caryl I Virginia Hart c/o Mark Weiss 6630 Sunset Circ 19 N. West Street 2391 Plarca Place Riverside, CA ! Columbiana, OH 44408 Carlsbad, CA 92009 8. 214-022-01 19. 214-150-16 30. 214-160-35 Richard T. and The Lusk Company Carla S. Fitzsir Plarion S. Donahue 17550 Gillette Avenue 7258 Ponto Drivc 4964 David Way - Irvine, CA 92664 Carlsbad, CA 9: San Bernardino, CA 92404 2 20. 214-160-04 31. 214-160-36 9. 214-022-02 Paul W. and James F. and Morris T. and Linda J. Addison Linda L. Wood Eustacia Yanez 1175 Solana Drive 736 Avocado Street Post Office Box Del Mar, CA 32014 Del Mar, CA 92014 Leucadia, CA 9; 32. The Sammis 17922 Fich AvenL Irvine, CA 9271 10. 214-022-03 21. 214-160-05 Marie L. Stanton Gregorio G. and 1438 Pacific Street Luz M. Alcaraz Redlands, CA 92373 7244 Ponto Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 22. 214-160-06 33. Pat O'Day, 11. 214-022-06 Community Partne Randy N. Shugard Jerry and Fayetta Graben c/o O'Day Consul Sari Bernardino, CA 92404 Carlsbad, CA 92008 7750 PI raminn X 6719 Camino Del Prado post office Box 2055 (Form A) I! f w e >. TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE-. PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZON for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the Council meeting of ?55 -A2 \ @5&.&.e- @d&J &-7 J Thank you, - +/qs 7 Assistant City Manager Date - 15- a o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING * $1 1 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 22 .. '-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pL hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:( on Tuesday, April 21, 1987, to consider a request from Development Consultants Cons to prepare a Local Facilities Management Zone Plan for Zone 22. Zone 22 is locatec the southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport Road, gener: west of Interstate 1-5, and borders the Pacific Ocean. This request is in compliar Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to seek t City Council's authorization to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. If YOU have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Departmer 438-1161. If you challenge the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 2 court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised a public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associates, and Community Partners PUBLISH: April 11, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL h I ,I a . ZONE LOCATION LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES GENERAL PLAN ZONINQ RfSIMNTUL RESIDENTIAL LOW DEhSIlY (0- I 5 I RJA L0W.MEDIU.H DENSITY (0-4) RMH MEDIUM HIGH DENSIN(8-15) 4 P-C PIAlrWED COMMLW ZO3T RL RM MEDIUM DENSITY (4.8) RH HIGH DENSIlY ( 13-23) COMMIRCIIL RRI INTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (cg Plaza Cmmo Real) R-3L LLWTED MULTI-F.&MILY IESIDL! ZONE RRE EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL (eg Car Country Cullbad) RD-M WDLITUL DEVSm'MLLTIPLE ZOhT Rs REGIONAL SERVICE R0.H RESIDEhTLU DENSITYHIGH ZOKE C COMMLNITY COMMERCW RHHP RESlDCITlrll MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhT N SEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL R-P WIDLXIUL PRONSIONM ZONE Ts TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL RT RESlDCcTlhL TOLRLST ZONE 0 PROFESSIONAL RELATED €X IESIDLhTLU WATERWAY ZOSE PI PUVNED INDL'STRUL 0 0FfICEZO.W G GOVERNMENT FACILITIES R.A RESIDEh7l.U. AGGR[CLl.KW ZOM R.E RLW RLSlDLhilUL ESTATE ZONE R- I Oh€-fhHILY W1DEIwll.u LONE R.2 lU'O.F.4WILY RESlDLhTLU ZONE R.3 MULTIPLE FAWILY ~IDL"rTUL ZONE City of Carls CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT COMMERCIAL C.1 hTIGHBORHOOD COMMEKLU ZOhT C-2 GEMRAL COKHEXLAL ZOST C.T COhLWEKW.TOC7UST ZOhT c PUBLIC mums RC REcRunoFi COMMERCUL SCHOOLS C.M HEAWCOMMERCW.LLMITD WDCSTRlrll ZONE E ELEMENTARY M [NDUSTRWLZONE J JUNIOR HIGH P.M plA"ED[NDcsTRLALZONE H HIGHSCHOOL OTHER F-P FI.OODPLAIP1' OVERUY ZOM P PRIVATE NRR NON RESIDE3TIAL RESERW 05 OPENSPACE OS OPENSPACE L-c LIMrnCOkrnL P.U R%UC LTILITY ZONE LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 22 I1 b w W A- 41 *r 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) Office of the City Clerk @ita df &wlsbnb April 10, 1987 TO: Susan Loy FROM: City Clerk's Office RE: Legal Advertisement for La Costan, Issue of April 15, 1987 Attached is a legal advertisement for a public hearing on the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22. Please place the ad in the La Costan, Issue of April 15, 1987. Please bill the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 for this advertisement. It is necessary that the billing be sent to the City Clerk Is Office for any ads which we place. it will take quite a while to determine who placed the ad and who should pay for it. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter. If the bill is sent only to "The City of Carlsbad" $5idrpZ> REN R. % NDT c.-- Deputy City Clerk Attachment -3rd Ccu----- 143.1 mest ur, The. City Council &#E$ LPLoa4 Ami1 14, 1987 City of Carlsbad -1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008-1989 -I w e+ h e q Encinitas, Cali rl b REF: Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22 (Twenty-two) I Public Hearing Tuesday, April 21, 1987. Request for Development Consultants Consortium to prepare per Section 2l.9O.120 (d) of Carlsbad Municipal Code Rick Eng. (Job 7561-G), John Brandi Lusk, Michael Fagan; : Robert Gentile; Rick Eng., Robert Ladwig; Rick Eng. In regard to the letter of February 20, 1987, various phone calls ha1 made concerning flooding problems from the diverting of water and a13 from the Lake Shore Garden Mobile Park through the south of Ponto prc Prior to the building of the Poinsettia railroad overpass and Poinsel there was no flooding in this area. We now find the storm drain watt the hotels and other commercial developments in the Encina road devel are now delivering water into our facilities. This storm drain water was to flow into the sediment basin on the San perty in the lagoon and into the sediment basin at the Encina autf%ll water was to flow through the open areas of Ponto and into the State is now happening. We realize there has been some grave errors made ‘t in this area and that a fix is now in the line to restrict the flow f duration, coming south through our property. We have been assured by Engineering that this will be corrected when any further construction permitted on the parcels which have benefited by diverting of the wat through our properties. We have spoken with the Coastal Commission (Adam Birnbaum) and he agr this as he is aware of what has happened, in the northeast corner of railroad right-a-way at the southeast corner of the bridge where the north to %he Encina basin, through Section Zone 22 (Lusk and Sammis E About two weeks ago I spoke with Lloyd Hubbs,P.E. and he was looking matter. However, I have yet to hear from him. I did speak with Phil in Planning and he stated that in the plans there was no address to t problem from the Mobile Park or the new construction on Encina Ave. Entezari,P.E,, Engineering Dept.! is aware of the problem and has st; the water will flow north to Encina sediment basin outfall if any det takes place in the areas north of Poinsettia as the large pipe is und bridge and will take all of this flow from the raiser box. This will flooding of units at Ponto Storage and put the conditions back to whe were before building the 24-inch storm drain on Poinsettia and flowin water south rather than to the north as it had done for years. Ne do not wish to get into the matter that this water problem is now in the Zone 9 (Don Sammis-Lake Shore Gardens area) rather than the 20 (Lusk,Sammis,etc.) and “pass-the-buck’’ so that nothing gets done to s storm drain problem which has made a nice parcel out of a lake site a We are also concerned with the roads and how they will affect our pro sewers and, of course, parks and traffic--none of which has been addr yet. We do not wish a great deal of bonding and assessments to be pl our parcels to benefit other parcels which are now rendered useless d problems which are beyond the cost which can be paid by the owners th p-059-753-306 .frhru 317. &3& p!e&sk~b z=dL cert mil; list, etc. box is located and where the large pipe is Dlaced under Poinsettia tc cost to other parcels. e Schreiber 4-id $4 pk5 I w d t Y Cert Yail Copies: 17-059-75-306 thru k-059-753-317. 4.14.87, See 2ec. A 'ert -ai1 oTiec: i -059-75-306 -ch_ru - -O5-753-3l?. 4.14.87, See _;ec.. , IS c o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING a # 1 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 22 .. * (NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pu hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:Ol on Tuesday, April 21, 1987, to consider a request from Development Consultants Cons to prepare a Local Facilities Management Zone Plan for Zone 22. Zone 22 is located the southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport Road, genera west of Interstate 1-5, and borders the Pacific Ocean. This request is in cornplian Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to seek t City Council's authorization to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Departmen If you challenge the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 2 court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised ai public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to i City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: 438-1161. Lusk Company, Sammis Carlsbad Associates, and Community Partners ZONE LOCATION LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES ClLlTY MANAGEMENT ZONE 22 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL I ZONE LOCATION ii m LOC.L PAC L TI Mkyl~~~~~I LONL5 -_ 1 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 22 .- L_ Executed this 1~~5 day OfAPXiL I 19 -’ &? in the County Of San Diego, St; of California. 17 ,/- /’ I. @ .* . x. 1. ', Carllbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circ published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, ar newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charal which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list o subscribers, and.which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular int, the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one y preceding the date of publication of tl- hereinafter referred to; and that the which the annexed is a printed copy, 1 published in each regular and entire issc newspaper and not in any suppletnent tt the following dates, to-wit: .................. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONE 22 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City OfCark- bad will hold a public hearing at Elm Avenue. Carlsbad, California. at 600 P.M., on Tuesday, April 21. 1987, to consider a request &om De- velopment Consultants Consortium to prepare a Local Facilities Man- Zone 22 is located in the Southwest quadrant of the City, generally south of Palomar Airport Road. generally west oflnterstate 1-5, and borders the Pacific Ocean. This re- quest is in compliance with Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Amici- pal'code for a group of owners to seek the City Council's authoriza- tion to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. Ifyou have any questions regard- ing this matter, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the preparation ofthe Local Facilities Management i be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing defcribed in this notice, or in written corre- spondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. Applicant Lusk Company. Sammis California on the 14th Carlsbad A!wciates, and Commu- , nity Partners CJ -4: Aprll 11, 1087 the City Council Chambers, 1200 April 11 ................................. , agement Zone Plan for Zone 22. ................................. ................................. ................................. ; ................................. Plan for Zone 22 In court, YOU may I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoinf correct. Executed at Carlsbad County of San Die CARLSBAD CITY -% -. ~ X202-2M~7 86