HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-21; City Council; 8972; Highway 78CIT OF CARLSBAD - AGEND;~3ILL MTQ. 4/21/87 DEPT CM. TITLE: HIGHWAY 78 nPPT HD CITY ATTYjU- CITY O O o Oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: That Council adopt motion to participate in funding for the widening of Highway 78 and endorse Option 3-Table D, Cost Allocation Percentage. BACKGROUND: Congressman Packard was able to obtain a $15 million Federal allocation for widening Highway 78 from 4 to 6 lanes. The project is contingent upon raising matching funds from State and local government. The current proposal is for the State to provide $12 million and the 5 North County cities, plus the County to provide $5 million. SANDAG has proposed four options for cost sharing. Carlsbad's share under the options would be: OPTION 3 4 PERCENT 11% 11% 10% 17% DOLLARS FORMULA $550,000 Vehicle Miles Travelled and Population $550,000 VMT, Population, and Employment $500,000 VMT, Employment $850,000 Population, Employment Option 3 takes the population plus civilian employment within a 4 mile corridor along Highway 78 in 1980 and the year 2000 and calculate each city's average percent. North County Mayors and Supervisor MacDonald will work out the final cost formula when each agency has taken a position. If the 1/2% gasoline sales tax issue passes in November, funds would be provided from that tax to pay for Highway 78 widening. If the voters reject that tax, then Carlsbad would be required to come up with its share in 3 years. EXHIBIT: 1. 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Paragraph (53) authorizes a highway project to expand a high- way which connects with an Interstate route in the vicinity of Oceanside, California, with another interstate route in the vicinity of Escondido, California, to demonstrate methods of reducing traffic congestion and accidents. Conference substitute The conference substitute establishes a combined Federal and State funding level for demonstration projects of year for fiv( funds outside the obligation limit. 30% real five years with 50% (8178 million) ocations of Federal funds provided from discretionary pro- grams (with pbligational authority reserved) and the remaining 20% ($71 million) to be provided by state or local funds. Local gov- ernments cannoTbe required to contribute funds to the project The projects include projects from both the House and Senate. The provision also includes a guarantee for each state that it will receive at least V4 of 1% of the new funds provided. The $107 million is drawn down from the Interstate construction discretionary program, the Interstate 4R discretionary program, the Interstate transfer discretionary program, and the discretion- ary portion of the bridge program. Each discretionary program will provide funds on a pro rata basis. Funds drawn from the discretion- ary programs would not be subject-to the requirements of the dis- cretionary programs, but would instead be subject to the require- ments that are necessary for these projects. The Secretary is required to provide a brief annual status report to Congress beginning in 1988 on all of the projects.