HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-28; City Council; 7521-5; Water Service AgreementCl’-‘ OF CARLSBAD - AGENC- BILL AB# 7521 suP* 5 TITLE: SUPPLEMENT SIX TO THE WATER SERVICE MT& 4128187 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY & CRMWD APPROVING THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRI-AGENCIES PIPELINE INTERTIE TO DEPT. U/M ELLERY RESERVOIR AND PROVIDING FUNDING FOR PROJECT CITY MGR. I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9032 approving an agreement with Costa Real Municipal Water District (CRMWD) for the construction of a pipeline to connect the Tri-Agencies Pipeline to Ellery Reservoir and authorizing the funding of the project. I ITEM EXPLANATION; The City has previously included the connection of Ellery Reservoir to the Tri- Agencies Pipeline in prior Capital Improvement Projects. This project will improve system reliability, provide for a direct connection to Ellery and improve the pressure regulation to the highest elevations in the Ellery service area. CRMWD, in accordance with the Basic Agreement, has designed and contracted for the construction of the project. Development and construction in the immediate area of Ellery Reservoir necessitates that this project be constructed immediately and therefore cannot be deferred until such time as procedures are established for the funding of CRMWD water capital projects by the City. A similar supplement was developed and approved for the construction of pipelines in Pio Pica and in Highland Avenue in 1984. The cost of this project is estimated to be $230,664.05. I FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for capital construction projects of water projects are available in the amount of $445,851 in the Water Utility Fund. This project can be funded from these retained earnings. The project cost of $230,664 will reduce this fund to $215,187. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. 9032 . Supplement No. 6 to Basic Agreement. Project Description. . -~- ~~~~ ~~~~ -l-RI-AGENC[ES PIPELINE EXTENSION in APPIAN ROAD and ELM AVENUE from EL CAMINO REAL to OLYMPIA DRIVE /-- I t .x . /fl\ I--- i- ,““ p, 1 ( *-* IT-\r-- !I \,L.. I-- -?; \I ,-,‘I I I,:t ROUTE 78 FREEV Vista Way END PROJECT /P/.ily i , .&+ w-&-E- no 1 scGie a C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9032 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A SIXTH SUPPLEMENT TO THE WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR THE FUNDING OF A WATER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District have reached an agreement regarding Supplement No. 6 to the Water Service Agreement which provides for the construction and funding of the extension of the Tri- Agencies Pipeline to Ellery Reservoir. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 3s follows: 1. The Sixth Supplement between the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Yunicipal Water District for the construction of the extension of the Tri- Agencies Pipeline to Ellery Reservoir marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and nade a part thereof is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behlaf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 28th day of April , 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None 4TTEST: LL2zAx dd {LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cler 3 SUPPLEMENT NO. 6 TO WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INTERTIE OF THE TRI-AGENCIES PIPELINE TO ELLERY RESERVOIR This agreement made and entered into by and between CITY OF CARLSBAD ("CITY") and COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ("DISTRICT"). Recitals: 1. CITY and DISTRICT have previously entered into a Water Service Agreement, executed on May 25, 1983, providing for the allocation of functional responsibilities for the provision of water service within the DISTRICT, said Agreement for convenience hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT". 2. Section 9 of the AGREEMENT provides, in pa'rt, that 'the DISTRICT will be responsible for the planning, financing and construction of all major capital facilities necessary to provide potable water service within the DISTRICT.' 3. At the time of the execution of the AGREEMENT, CITY had planned some water projects within the City service area of DISTRICT, wherein CITY served retail water and was responsible prior to the exe- cution of the AGREEMENT for maintenance, repair and replacement of water transmission facilities within the City Service Area. 4. One of these projects which was included in planned Capital Improvement Projects was the extension of the Tri-Agencies Pipeline to connect to Ellery Reservoir. This project directly benefits the CITY service area in existence prior to the agreement. A project description and cost projections are outlined in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and mutual covenants contained herein, CITY and DISTRICT agree as follows; 1. DISTRICT will construct the project and take all necessary steps for completion of the project contained in Exhibit A. 2. CITY will reimburse DISTRICT for costs relating to the project not to exceed Two hundred thirty thousand, six hundred sixty-four dollars and five cents ($230,664.05) upon submissionc of appropriate bills and invoices to CITY by DISTRICT. 3. CITY will have the right to review the financial records in connection with the individual water project at any time. 4. The Finance Director is authorized to make payments to DISTRICT from Retained Earnings (Reserved for Construction) of the Water Utility Fund. 2 5. CITY'S obligation for the project is limited to funding the project in accordance with the procedure outlined above. DISTRICT will hold CITY harmless from any liability resulting from construction or operation of the project. 6. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual agree- ment of the parties and such amendment shall become effective only when reduced to writing and signed by the parties. This Agreement is executed on the day of 1987. Mayor ATTEST ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney v 7 COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BY SUSAN M. HAASL President ATTEST: JOHN P. HENLEY Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Legal Counsel 5 . : . . I ’ TRI-iwmcY PIPELINE (T.A.P.) ExT~~NSION PROJECT DESCRIPTION h COSTS Existinq Conditions The 21" T.A.P. now terminates at a temporary pressure sustaining valve near the future intersection of Elm Street and College Boulevard in the Calavera Hills Community. At this point, the pressure is broken from the aqueduct gradient of 1,018' to the T.A.P. Reservoir gradient of 490'. The District currently has under design permanent pressure reducing facilities which will provide a two-stage reduction in the aqueduct gradient, first to 580' to serve the higher areas in the northern reaches of the District, and then to the 490' T.A.P. Reservoir gradient. These facilities are planned to be constructed concurrently with the private developments in Calavera Hills which will provide the major pipelines necessary to serve the two pressure zones in that area, including a 14" line in Elm Avenue westerly to Victoria Avenue. From this point northwesterly to a temporary pressure reducing station on Elm Avenue west of Olympia Drive, the T.A.P. extension has been constructed by private developments as a 14" line or equivalent smaller parallel lines. The most westerly segment of the T.A.P. pipeline extension from El Camino Real to the Ellery Reservoir is now under construction by private contract as part of the Mar y Montana subdivision. Project Description ‘ The last remaining link of the T.A.P. pipeline extension is now under contract for construction. This link is comprised of a 14" A.C. line in Elm Avenue from the pressure reducing station west of Olympia Drive to Appian Road: and on Appian Road and on an access road, formerly known, as Appian Road, to El Camino Real. This alignment is shown on the attached key map. A short 232 foot segment of this pipeline was recently installed by separate contract between the District and the City's contractor as part of the Appian Road Assessment District project fronting the Frazee property. The District project also includes a permanent replacement of the existing temporary pressure reducing station on Elm Street, and a short section of 8" distribution line on Elm Avenue between Olympia reducing station. Drive and the pressure This pipeline section is deleted from the attached project cost projections. 1 3 COST PROJECTIONS Costs to Date (Construction) Appian Road Assessment District (City Contract) Southland Paving A.C. Pipe & fittings from CRMWD Inventory Inspection, Bill Lopez $8,314.02 3,840.30 849.01 (Design Services) CRMWD Staff Design & Administration Preliminary Survey, William E. Billings Reproduction $7,845.72 520.00 436.99 Subtotal Cost to Date $21,805.77 Costs to Complete (Construction) Construction Contract with Jim Sittner Less 8" Distribution Line Net, Transmission Main Extension Estimated Construction Contingencies (2%) $228,888.00 32,320.72 196,567.28 3,931.oo Subtotal Additional Construction Cost $200,498.28 (Engineering & Administration) Construction Staking Trench Compaction Testing Inspection (2%) Contract Administration (1%) , $1,360.00 1,ooo.oo 4,ooo.oo 2,ooo.oo Subtotal, Additional Engineering &i Admin. $8,360.00 Total Project Cost Reimbursable from City $230,664.05 CRWMD 82-124