HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-28; City Council; 8743-1; Elm AV E/ECR construction improvementsn W > 0 05 a a a .. z 0 E 6 8 a z 3 4B# p7'3-' ~TG. 04/28/87 3EPT. MP TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO ELM AVENUE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL €TEM-EXPLANATION: On August 26, 1986, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 8768 authorizing the design of half-width street improvements to Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real. The improvements will consist of the removal of approximately 40,000 cubic yards of material and the installation of curb and gutter, raised median, street lights, sidewalk, asphalt pavement, landscaping and irrigation on the south side of Elm Avenue to connect with existing improvements west of Appian Road. This project will complete the installation of ultimate street improvements on Elm Avenue in this area to City standards. Staff has been negotiating for several months with the property owner fronting the south side of Elm Avenue for the required right-of-way to complete the improvements. These negotiations have resulted in identifying the following Council options with respect to this project: 1. City institute proceedings in accordance with Chapter 27 of the Improvement Act of 1911 pursuant to Section 5870 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code to install the improvements. Discussion: Staff has been advised by Mr. Mac Brown of Brown and Diven, Assessment Counsel for several other City projects, that utilizing the Chapter 27 procedures in this case is not recommended for three (3) reasons. First, the length of unimproved frontage held by the property owner exceeds 50% of the total frontage of the block as defined by the provisions of the Act. The Chapter 27 provisions require that 50% of the block must already be fully improved. Second, the use of Chapter 27 provisions requires a finding of "benefit" to the property being improved to enable an assessment. In this case, a finding of "benefit" to the property is remote since there is no direct access currently from the property onto Elm Avenue or El Camino Real. The parcel as a whole does have access to the south from Appian Road, Page Two of Agenda Bill No. Third, because Elm Avenue in this area is designated as a secondary arterial, recent amendments to the Code restrict the inclusion of such construction items as street paving and proportional amounts of grading as items potentially qualified to be assessed against the property. These are among the most expensive costs for the project. In this case, the potential construction costs obligated to the City far exceed those qualified for assessment to the property. The disproportionate cost versus "benefit" ratio to the property renders the application of Chapter 27 provisions in this instance uncertain. 2. City pursue a reimbursement agreement with the property owner in which the City would direct and finance the entire project at this time in exchange for repayment to the City by the property owner at some future date. Discussion: This option has been proposed to the property owner and rejected. There are no pending improvement plans for the development of the parcel. The property owner has indicated this approach would yield no financial or land-use benefits to the property. Lengthy and costly condemnation of the necessary right-of-way would be required. 3. City appraise and purchase the required right-of-way and finance the full cost of the improvements from the General Capital Construction Fund as currently budgeted in the 1986- 87 Capital Improvement Program. Discussion: The property owner, through his representatives, has indicated a willingness to sell to the City the slope easement portion of the required right-of-way for the appraised value. The property owner will dedicate the roadway portion of the right-of-way. This approach would require the use of budgeted General Capital Construction Funds to finance the improvements. 4. City appraise and purchase the required right-of-way and finance the full cost of the improvements from the Traffic Impact Fee Fund, Northern Section, Fund No. 134. Discussion: This approach would require the purchase of the slope easement portion of the required right-of-way for the appraised value. The property owner will dedicate the roadway portion of the right-of-way. The use of Traffic Impact Fee funds for this project would enable over time the collection of fees sufficient to reimburse the Fund the final cost of the project. This option would require an appropriation of $850,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee Fund, .* .. Page Three of Agenda Bill No. 87Y3-1 Northern Section, Fund No. 134 for this project. There are presently adequate unappropriated funds in this account available to build the project at this time. Additionally, this approach would not require the use of budgeted General Capital Construction Funds. Eliminating the appropriation of $850,000 from the currently budgeted General Capital Construction Fund would return this amount to the fund balance thereby making it available potentially for other CIP projects. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council select Option 4. Gerald S. Kibbey, MAI, has been retained to appraise the roadway and slope easement portions of the right-of-way required for this project. The appraised value of the slope easement portion of the right- of-way should be available within the next thirty (30) days, prior to the date of recommending award of the construction contract. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council has appropriated $850,000 of General Capital Construction Funds in the 1986-87 Capital Improvement Program budget for this project. The Engineer's estimate for the construction portion of this project is $512,000. Staff recommends the Council eliminate the currently budgeted $850,000 of General Capital Construction Fund for this project. Additionally, staff recommends the Council appropriate $850,000 from Traffic Impact Fee Fund, Northern Section, Fund No. 134, and authorize staff to proceed with the advertisement of bids for the construction of the improvements. At the time of reviewing the bids for the project, the Council will also review the appraised value of the slope easement and the necessary documents transferring the interest in the required right-of-way. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 90yO approving plans and specifications, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of half-width street improvements to Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real, and authorizing the transfer of funds for this project. 3 rl LOCATION MAP - EXHIBIT I - LEGEND 1. Excavate and remove 40,000 cubic .ya 9’ 2. Construct 770 linear feet curb, clut and sidewalk. PROJECT NAME ELM AVENUE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL .................... ................ 3. Construct ,4C ~avement ;?;<$;;::;;; ............... .............. ...... 4. Landscape slope per existin? planti and irrination. r PROJ- NO- 3230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 RESOLUTION NO. 9040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO ELM AVENUE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, CONTRACT NO. 3230 I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it necessary and in the public interest to construct the half-width street improvements to Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of a1.1 labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and other expenses necessary or incidental for said project, Contract No. 3230, have been prepared and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and the Municipal Projects Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has appropriated funds in the 1986-87 Capital Improvement Program budget for this project; 'and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, determines the necessity to appropriate from a different funding source to enable the installation of these improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans and specifications as presented are hereby approved. 1 .' . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the construction of half-width street improvements to Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real in accordance with the plans and specifications hereinabove referred to. 4. That the appropriation of $850,000 from the General Capital Construction Fund, Project No. 300-820-1840-3230, in the 1986-87 Capital Improvement Program budget is hereby eliminated. 5. That an appropriation of $850,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee Fund, Northern Section, Fund No. 134, is hereby approved for this project. 6. That the Finance Director is hereby autho.rized to transfer all past and current charges associated with this project to the new project account number. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 28th day of April 9 1987 by the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: Lz&Gik BpQc?%zdLk ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City )Clerk (SEAL 1 CLAUDE &'. LEWIS, Mayor I f$ 8743-\ CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELM AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL PROJECT # 3230 I TABLE OF CONTENTS lTEM NOTICE. INVITING BIDS PROPOSAL BIDDER'S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY & EXPERIENCE CONTRACT LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND PERFORMANCE BOND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 7-10 Traffic Control - ._ 200-2 Untreated Base Material 201-1 Portland Cement Concrete 203-6 Asphalt Concrete 212-1 Landscape Planting 212-2 Landscape Irrigation SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION METHODS 300-1 Clearing and Grubbing 300-2 Unclassified Excavation 301-1 Subgrade Preparation 301-2 Untreated Base 302-5 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 303-1 Concrete Structures 307-1 Street Liqhta PACE 1 3 7 8 10 11 12 18 20 22 23 32 32 32 52 33 36 46 36 63 63 63 63 64 65 66 - 310-5 Traffic Stripes and Bike Lane Markings 71 APPENDIX 73 Planting and Irrigation Details Irrigation L-1 to L-8 Planting L-9 to L-11 City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard Drawings Ornamental Street Light Croas Gutter Handicap Ramp San Diego Regional Drawings Curb I% Gutter Combined Sidewalk - Typical Sections Curb Outlets - Type A 74 82 85 86 87 88 89 90 END OF SPECIFICATIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Officer, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, until , at which time they will be opened and read for performing the work as follows: 4:OO PM on the day of Y 19 CONTRACT NO. 3230 The work shall be performed in strict conformity with the specifications therefor as approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on file with the City Clerk. Reference is hereby made to the specifications for full particulars and description of the work. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the Purchasing Department. Each bid must be accompanied by security in a form and amount required by law. The bidders' security of the second and third next lowest responsive bidders may be withheld until the Contract has been fully executed. The security submitted by all other unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, or deemed void, within ten (IO) days after the Contract is awarded. Pursuant to the provisions of law (Public Contracts Code Section 20170) , appropriate securities may be substituted for any money deposited with the City to secure any obligation required by this notice. The documents which must be completed, properly executed, and notarized are: 1. Proposal 2. Bidder's Bond 3. Designation of Subcontractors 4. Bidder's Statement of Financial Responsibility 5. Bidder's Statement of Technical Ability and Experience All bids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer's Est imat e. The estimated quantities are approximate and serve solely as a basis for the comparison of bids. The Engineer's Estimate is $513,200.00. No bid shall be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of State law. The Contractor shall state his or her license number and classification in the proposal. A total of 75 calendar days are authorized to complete this project. -2- Sets of plans, special provisions, and Contract documents may be obtained at the 'Purchasing Department, City Hall, Carlsbad, California, for a nonrefundable fee of $10.00 per set. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any minor irregularity or informality in such bids. The general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the Contract shall be those as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to the Sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.1 of the California Labor Code. Pursuant to Section 1773.2 of the California Labor Code, a current copy of applicable wage rates is on file in the Office of the Carlsbad City Clerk. The Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded shall not pay less than the said specified prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by him or her in the execution of the Contract. The Prime Contractor shall be responsible to insure compliance with provisions of Section 1777.5 of the California Labor Code. The provisions of Part 7, Chapter 1, of the California Labor Code commencing with Section 1720 shall apply to the Contract for work. A prebid meeting and tour of project site will not be held. * Bidders are advised to verify the issuance of all addenda and receipt thereof one day prior to bidding. Submission of bids without acknowledgment of addenda may be cause for rejection of bid. Bonds to secure faithful performance of the work and payment of laborers and materials suppliers each in an amount equal to one hundred percent and fifty percent, respectively, of the Contract price will be required for work on this project. The contractor shall be required to maintain insurance as specified in the contract. Any additional cost of said insurance shall be included in the bid price. Approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, by Resolution No. , adopted on the day of 9 19 Date Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk -3- CITY OF CARLSBAD CONTRACT NO. 3230 PROPOSAL City Council City of Carlsbad I200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 The Undersigned declares he/she has carefully examined the location of the work, read the Notice Inviting Bids, examined the Plans and Specifications, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services required to do all the work to complete Contract No. 3230 in accordance with the Plans and Specifications of the City of Carlsbad, and the Special Provisions and that he/she will take in full payment therefor the following unit prices for each item complete, to wit: It em Description with Approximate Item Unit Price or Lump Sum Quantity Unit No. Price Written in Words & Unit Price TOTAL - 1 2 3 4 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 Clearing and grubbing Unclassified Excavation Concrete Curb and Gutter Concrete Sidewalk 5.5' Asphalt Concrete 4" Untreated Base 10" Curb Outlet 0-25, L=8' Concrete Ditch Type A, Concrete Ditch Type B, Traffic Control Traffic Striping and Marking ' Decorative Median (Incl. curb) Cross Gutter (per detail) Handicap Sidewalk Ramp Seal Coat (Export) wide 6' wide 3' wide (per detail) Lump Sum 33,250 CY 767 LF 4,220 SF 300 Ton 730 Ton 1 EA 525 LF 443 LF Lump Sum Lump Sum 440 LF 1 EA 1 EA 60,000 SF -4- Item No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 It em Description with Unit Price or Lump Sum Price Written in Words Street Lights, lOOW, 9,500 Lum. Irrigation Groundcover 25" O.C. 1 Gal. Shrubs 1 Gal. Trees 5 Gal. Trees 15 Gal. Trees 60 Day Maintenance Project Sign (4'x8' Period Approximat e Quantity Unit and Unit Price TOTAL 3 EA 72,790 SF 72,290 SF 240 EA 16 EA 10 EA 33 EA 72,790 SF 2 EA Total amount of bid in words: Total amount of bid in numbers: $ Addendum (a) No(s) has/have been received and is/are included in this proposal. -5- All bids are to be computed on the basis of the given estimated quantities of work,’-as indicated in this proposal, times the unit price as submitted by the bidder. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. In case of an error in the extension of a unit price, the corrected extension shall be calculated and the bids will be computed as indicated above and compared on the basis of the corrected totals. The Undersigned has checked carefully all of the above figures a’nd understands that the City will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the Undersigned in making up this bid. The Undersigned agrees that in case of default in executing the required Contract with necessary bonds and insurance policies within twenty (20) days from the date of Award of Contract by City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the proceeds of check or bond accompanying this bid shall become the property of the City of Carlsbad. Licensed in accordance with the Statutes of the State of California providing for the registration of Contractors, License No. * Identification The Undersigned bidder hereby represents as follows: 1. That no Councilmember, officer, agent, or employee of the City of Carlsbad is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this Contract, or the compensation to be paid hereunder; that no representation, oral or in writing, of the City Council, its officers, agents, or employees has induced him/her to enter into this Contract, excepting only those contained in this form of Contract and the papers made a part hereof by its terms; and 2. That this bid is made without connection with any person, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Accompanying th’is proposal is (Cash, Certified Check, Bond, or Cashier’s Check) for ten percent (10%) of the amount bid. 7 -6- The Undersigned is aware of the PrOVlSiOnS of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which '-require every employer to be insured against liability For workers' compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions OF that code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract. The Undersigned is aware of the provisions of the State of California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, relative to the general prevailing rate of wages For each craft or type of worker needed to execute the Contract and agrees to comply with its provisions. Phone Number Date Bidder's Name Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Bidder's Address Type of Organization - (Individual, Corporation, or Partnership) List below names of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Manager, if a corporation; and names of all partners, if a partnership: (NOTARIAL ACKWOULEDCEHENT OF EXECUTION 8'1 ALL PRINCIPALS MUST BE ATTACHED) (CORPORATE SEAL) -_ -7- BIDDER'S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL ._ KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: we 9 9 as That 9 as Principal, and Surety, are held and f irmly bound unto the City of Carlsbad, California, in an amount as follows: (must be at least ten percent (10%) of the bid amount) for which payment will and truly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these payments. THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the proposal of the above-bounden principal for: in the City of Carlsbad, is accepted by the City Council of said City, and if the above bounden Principal shall duly enter into and execute a Contract including required bonds and insurance policies within twenty (20) days from the date of Award of Contract by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, being duly notified of said award, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect, and the amount specified herein shall be forfeited to the said City. In the event any Principal above named executed this bond as an individual, it is agreed that the death of any such Principal shall not exonerate the Surety from its obligations under this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals this day of 9 19 Corporate Seal (If Corporation) Principal S u r e t'y BY Title (Notarial acknowledgement of (Attach acknowledgement of and SURETY must be attached.) execution by all PRINCIPALS Attorney in Fact) -- -8- DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Undersigned certifies he/she has used the subbids of the following listed Contractors in making up his/her bid and that the subcontractors listed will be used for the work for which they bid, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, and in accordance with applicable provisions of the specifications. No changes may be made in these subcontractors except upon the prior approval of the City Enqineer of the City of Carlsbad. The foilowing Additional Items of Work informat ion is required for each subcontractor. pages can be attached, if required: Full Company Name Complete Address w/Zip Code Phone No. w/Area Code 6 -9- DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) The bidder is to provide the following information on the subbids of all the listed subcontractors as part of the sealed bid submission. Additional pages can be attached, if required. Full Company Name Type of State Con t r ac t ing License & No. Carlsbad Business License No.* Amount of Bid ( %> *Licenses are renewable annually. If no valid indicate "NONE". Valid license must be obtained submission of signed Cont racks. license, prior to (Notarize or Corporate Seal,) Bidder's Company Name Bidder's Complete Address Authorized Signature -_ - 10 - BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Undersigned submits herewith a notarized or sealed statement of his/her financial responsibility. ~-~ Signature (Notarize or Corporate Seal) - 11 - BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AN0 EXPERIENCE The Bidder is required to state what work of a similar character to that included in the proposed Contract he/she has successfully performed and give references, with telephone numbers, which will enable the City to judge his/her responsibility, experience and skill. An attachment can be used, if notarized or sealed. (Notarize or Corporate Seal) Signature - 12 - CONTRACT - PUBLIC WORKS .. day of I This agreement is made this 1987, by and between the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter called ''City") , and whose principal place of business is called "Contractor".) City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. Description of Work. Contractor shall perform all work specified in the Contract documents for: (hereinafter called "project") 2. Provisions of Labor and Materials. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and personnel to perform the work specified by the Contract documents. 3. Contract Documents. The Contract documents consist of this Eontract; the bid documents, including the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders' and Contractors' Proposals; the Plans and Specifications, the Special Provisions, and all proper amendments and changes made thereto in accordance with this Contract or the Plans and Specifications, and the bonds for the project; all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. * The Contractor, her/his subcontractors, and materials suppliers shall provide and install the work as indicated, specified, and implied by the Contract documents. Any items of work not indicated or specified, but which are essential to the completion of the work, shall be provided at the Contractor's expense to fulfill the intent of said documents. In all instances throughout the life of the Contract, the City will be the interpreter of the intent of the Contract documents, and the City's decision relative to said intent will be final and binding. Failure of the Contractor to apprise her/his subcontractors and materials suppliers of this condition of the Contract will not relieve her/him of the responsibility of compliance. 4. Pa ment As full compensation for Contractor's performance hi under this Contract, City shall make payment to the Contractor per Section 9-3 of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction. The closure date for each monthly invoice rill be the 30th of each month. - 13 - 1nvoice.s from the contractor shall be submitted according to the required '- City format to the City's assigned project manager no later than the 5th day of each month. Payments will be delayed if invoices are received after the 5th of each month. .5 . Independent Investigation. Contractor has made an independent investigation or the jobsite, the soil conditions at the jobsite, and all other condition8 that might affect the progress of the work, and is aware of those conditions. ... The Contract price includes payment for all work that may be done by Contractor, whether anticipated or not, in order to overcome underground conditions. Any information that may have been furnished to Contractor by City about underground conditions or other job condition8 is for Contractor's convenience only, and City does not warrant that the conditions are as thus indicated. Contractor is satisfied with all job conditions, including underground conditions and has not relied on information furniehed by City. 6. Contractor Responsible for Unforeseen Conditions. Contractor shall b e responsible for all 1 08s or damage arisinq out of the nature of-the work or from the action of the elements or from any unforeseen difficulties which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until it's acceptance by the City. Contractor shall also be responsible for expenses incurred in the suspension or discontinuance of the work. However, Contractor shall not be responsible for reasonable delays in the completion of the work caused by acts of God, stormy weather, extra work, or matters which the specifications expressly stipulate will be borne by City. 7. Change Orders. City may, without affecting the validity of this Contract, order changes, modifications, deletions, and extra Hark by issuance of written change orders. Contractor shall make no change in the nork without the issuance of a written change order, and Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation for any extra work performed unless the City has issued a written change order designating in advance the amount of additional compensation to be paid for the work. If a change order deletes any work, the Contract price shall be reduced by a fair and reasonable amount. If the parties are unable to agree on the amount of reduction, the work shall nevertheless proceed and the amount shall be determined by litigation. 8. Prevailing Wage. Pursuant to the Labor Code of the State OF tali fornia, the director of the Department of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing rate OF per diem wages in accordance with Labor Section 1773 and a copy of a schedule of said general prevailing wage rates is on file in the office of the Carlsbad City Clerk, and is - 14 - incorparated by reference herein. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1775, Contractor shall pay prevailing wages. Contractor shall post copies of all applicable prevailing wages on the job site. 9. Indemnity.- Contractor shall assume the defense of, pay all expenses of defense, and indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its officers and employees, from all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly arising from or in .. connection with the performance of the Contract or work; or from any failure or alleged failure of Contractor to comply with any applicable law, rules or regulations including those relating to safety and health; except for loss or damage which was caused solely by the active negligence of the City; and from any and all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability, howsoever the same 'may be cauSbd, resulting directly or indirectly from the nature of the work covered by the Contract, unless the loss or damage was caused solely by the active negligence of the City. The expenses of defense include all costs and expenses, including attorneys fees for litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution method. 10. Insurance. Without limiting contractor's indemnification, it is agreed that contractor shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of this agreement a policy or policies of insurance covering its operations and insurance covering the liability stated in Paragraph 9. The policy or policies shall comply with the special insurance instructions in the Supplementary General Provisions and shall contain the following clauses: Contractor's liability insurance policies shall contain the following clauses: A. "The City is added as an additional insured as respects operations of the named insured performed under contract with the City." 6. "It is agreed that any insurance maintained by the City shall apply in excess of and not contribute with, insurance provided by this policy." All insurance policies required by this paragraph shall contain the following clause: A. "This insurance shall not be cancelled, limited or non- renewed until after thirty days written notice has been given to the City." may have, against the City or any of its officers or employees. 8. "The insurer waives any rights of subrogation it has or <- - 15 - Certiftcates of insurance evidencing the coverages required by clauses set forth above shall be filed with the City prior to the effective date of this agreement. the 11 . Workers ' Compensation. Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code. ~ _~___ Contractor shall also assume the defense and indemnify and save harmless the City and its officers and employees from all claims, loss, damage, injury, and liability of every kind, nature, and description brought by any person employed or used by Contractor to perform any work under this Contract regardless of responsibility for negligence. 12. Proof of Insurance. Contractor shall submit to the City certification of the policies mentioned in Paragraphs 10 and 11 or proof of workers' compensation self-insurance prior to the start of any work pursuant to this Contract. 13. Claims and Lawsuits. Contractor shall comply with the Government Tort C1 aims Act (Government Code Section 900 et seq.) prior to filing any lawsuit for breach of this contract or any claim or cause OF action for money or d am age 9. * 14. Maintenance of Records. Contractor shall maintain and make available to the City, upon request, records in accordance with Sections 1776 and 1812 of Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, of the California Labor Code. If the Contractor does not maintain the records at Contractor's principal place of business as specified above, Contractor shall so inform the City by certified letter accompanying the return of this Contract. contractor shall notify the City by certified mail of any change of address of such records. 15. Labor Code Provisions. The provisions of Part 7, Chapter 1, commencing with Section 1720 of the California Labor Code are incorporated herein by reference. 16. Securit . At the election of the City, securities in the d cash, cashier's check, or certified check may be substituted for any monies withheld by the City to secure performance of this contract for any obligation established by this contract. 17. Provisions Required by Law Deemed Inserted. Each and every provision of 1 an and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted herein and included herein, and if, through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon application of either party the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. - 16 - 18. Additional Provisions. Any additional provisions of this agreement are set f' orth in the "General Provisions" or "Special Provisons" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Cont r ac t or (Seal) (Notarial acknowledgement of . execution by ALL PRINCIPALS must be attached.) BY Title BY Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA City Attorney Mayor - ATTEST: City Clerk .- I - 17 - Contractor's Cert'if ication of Awareness of Workers' Compensation Responsibility. "1 am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires- every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensat ion or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract.'' tont ractor LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS 8Y WHEREAS, the -City THESE PRESENTS: Council of the City of Carlsbad, State of , has (hereinafter California, by Resolution No. , adopted awarded to designated as the 'IPrincipal"), a Contract for: in the City of Carlsbad, in strict conformity with the drawings and specifications, and other Contract documents now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad and all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. WHEREAS, said Principal has executed or is about to execute said Contract and the terms thereof require the furnishing of a bond with said Contract, providing that if said Principal or any of his/her or its subcontractors shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies or teams used in, upon for or about the performance of the work agreed to be done, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, the Surety on this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set Forth. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, 9 as Principal, (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor") , and as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the City of C arlsbad in the sum of Dollars estimated amount payable by the City of Carlsbad under the terms of the Contract, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors, or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. - 1s 1, said sum being one hundred percent (lorn) of the THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the person or his/her subcontractors fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for, or about the pgrformance of the work contracted to be done, or for any other work or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or labor, that the Surety or Sureties will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in the bond, and, also, in case suit is brought upon the bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court, as required by the provisions of Section 4202 of the Government Code of the State of California. - 19 - This bond. shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 15 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code (commencing with Sect ion 3082). In the event any Contractor above named executed this bond as an individual, it is agreed the death of any such Contractor shall not exonerate the Surety from its Obligations under this bond.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the day of - 'Contractor and Surety above named, on the . - , 198 (Notarize or Corporate Seal for each Signer) Contractor Surety - 20 - .. PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the -City Council of the City of Carlsbad. State of in the City of Carlsbad, in strict conformity with the contract, the drawings and specificatione, and other Contract documents now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. WHEREAS, said Principal has executed or is about to execute said Contract and the terms thereof require the furnishing of a bond for the faithful performance of said Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, ? as Principal, (hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), and ? as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Carlsbad, in the sum of Dollars ($ r, said sum being equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the estimated amount of the Contract, to be paid to the said City or its certain attorney, its successors and assigns; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONOITION OF THIS OELIGATION IS SUCH that if the above bounden Contractor, hia/her or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions, and agreements in the said Contract and any alteration thereof made as therein provided on his/her or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent ,and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Carlsbad, its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attornies fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. - - 21 - And said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, gxtension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall affect its Obligations on this bond, and it does hereby naive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work or to the specifications. In the event that any Contractor above named executed this bond as an individual, it is agreed that the death of any such ..C.ontractor shall not exonerate the Surety from its obligations under this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the 19 9 day of Contractor and Surety above named on the - (Notarize or Corporate Seal for Each Signer) tontractor - Surety - 22 - ,CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I hereby certify that Legal Name of Contractor in performing under the Purchase Order awarded by the City of Carlsbad, will comply with the County of San Oiego Affirmative Action Program adopted by the Board of Supervisors, including all current amendments. Date Signature (Seal) -- (NOTARIZE OR CORPORATE SEAL) Title (Notarial acknowledgement of execution by all principals must be attached. ) - 23 - SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL PROVISIONS 1-1 TERMS To Section 1-1 , add: 4,. Reference to Drawings: Where words "shown" , I' i nd i c a t e d I' , "detailed", "noted1*, I*scheduled", or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that reference is made to the plans accompanying these provisions, unless stated otherwise. 8. Direct ions: Where words "directed", "designated", "selectedtt, or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, designation or selection of the Engineer is intended, unless stated otherwise. The word "required" and words of similar import shall be understood to mean "as required t8 properly complete the work as required and as approved by the Engineer", unless stated otherwise. C. Equals and Approvals: Where the words "equal", "approved equal", "equivalent", and such words of similar import are used, it shall be understood such words are followed by the expression "in the opinion of the Engineer," unless otherwise stated. Where the words "approved", "approvaln, "acceptance1', or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the approval, acceptance, or similar import of the Engineer is intended. D. Perform and Provide: The word ltperformll shall be understood to mean that the Contractor, at her/his expense, shall perform all operations, labor, tools and equipment, and further, including the furnishing and installing of materials that are indicated, specified, or required to mean that the Contractor, at her/his expense, shall furnish and install the work, complete in place and ready to use, including furnishing of necessary labor, materials, tools, equipment, and transportation. - 24 - 1-2 DEFINITIONS '- Modify Section 1-2 as follows: Agency - the City of Carlsbad, California, Engineer or City Engineer - the Project Manager for the City of Carlsbad or his approved representative. 2-5 PkANS AND SPECIFICATIBNS To Section 2-5.1, General, add: The specifications for the work are the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 1985 Ed- ition, * with 1986 supplement, hereinafter designated SSPWC, as issued by the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association, and these Special Provisions. The Construction Plans consist of 7 sheet(s) designated as City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 276-6 . the standard drawings utilized for this project are the latest edition of the San Die o Area Regional Standard Drawings, hereinafter designated + D S, as issued b y the San Diego County Department of Public Works, together with the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard Drawings. Copies of pertinent standard drawings are enclosed with these documents. To Section 2-5.3, Shop Drawings, add: Where installation of work is required in accordance with the product manufacturer's direction, the Contractor shall obtain and distribute the necessary copies of such instruction, including two (2) copies to the Engineer. To Section 2-5, add: 2-5.4 Record Drawings: The Contractor 'shall provide and keep up-to-date a complete "as- built" record set of transparent sepias, which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original drawings and specifications and the exact "as-built" locations, sizes and kinds of equipment, underground piping, valves, and all other work not visible at surface grade. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the City at cost. This set of drawings shall be kept on the job and shall be used only as a record set and shall be delivered to the Engineer upon completion of the work. - 25 - 4-1 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP To Section 4-1.3.1, Inspection Requirements, General, add: All work shall be under the observation of the Engineer or his appointed representative. The Engineer shall have free access to any or all parts of work at any time. Contractor shall furnish Engineer with such information as may be necessary to keep her/him fully informed regarding progress and manner of work and c'heracter of materials. Inspection of work shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation to fulfill this Contract. Modify Section 4-1.4, Test of Materials, as follows: Except as specified in these Special Provisions, the Agency will bear the cost of testing material and/or workmanship where the results of such tests meet or exceed the requirements indicated in the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions. The cost of all other tests shall be borne by the Contractor. At the option of the Engineer, the source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by him before the delivery is started. All materials proposed for use may be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. If, after trial, it is found that sources of supply which have been approved do not furnish a uniform product, or if the product from any source proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall furnish approved materials from other approved sources. After approval, any material which becomes unfit for use due to improper storage, handling or any other reason shall be rejected. All backfill and subgrade shall be compacted in accordance with the notes on the plans and the SSPWC. Compaction tests may be made by the City and all costs for tests that meet or exceed the requirements of the specifications shall be borne by the City. Said tests may be made at any place along the work as deemed necessary by the Engineer. The costs of any retests made necessary by noncompliance with the specifications shall be borne by the Contractor. Add the following section: 4-1.7 Nonconforming York The Contractor shall remove and replace any work not conforming to the plans or specifications upon written order by the Engineer. Any cost caused by reason of this nonconforming work shall be borne by the Contractor. 7 - 26 - 5-1 LeeATI8N ._ Add the following: The City of Carlsbad and affected utility companies have, by a search of known records, endeavored to locate and indicate on the Plans all utilities which exist within the limits of the work. However, the accuracy of completeness of the utilities indicated on the Plans is not guaranteed. 5-4 REL8ISATI8N Add: The temporary or permanent relocation or alteration of utilities, including service connection, desired by the Contractor for h is/her own convenience shall be the Contractor's own responsibility, and he/she shall make all arrangements regarding such work at no cost to the City. If delays occur due to utilities relocations which were not shown on the Plans, it will be solely the City's option to extend the completion date. In order to minimize delays to the Contractor caused by the failure of other parties to relocate utilities which interfere with the construction, the Contractor, upon request to the City, may be permitted to temporarily omit the portion of work affected by the utility. The portion thus omitted shall be constructed by the Contractor immediately following the relocation of the utility involved unless otherwise directed by the City. 6-1 CBWSTRtiCTlf3W SCHEDULE Modify this section as follows: A construction schedule is to be submitted by the Contractor per Section 6-1 of the SSPWC at the time of the preconstruction conference. No changes shall be made to the construction schedule without the prior written approval of the Engineer. Any progress payments made after the scheduled completion date shall not constitute a waiver of this paragraph or any damages. Coordination with the respective utility company for removal of relocation of ' conflicting utilities shall be requirements prior to commencement of work by the Contractor. 6-7.TIME BF CBIPLETION The Contractor shall begin work within 20 calendar days after receipt of the "Notice to Proceed" and shrdiligently prosecute the work to completion within - 75 consecutive days after the date of the Notice to Proceed. - 27 - To Section 6-7.2, Working Day, add: Hours of work - All work shall normally be performed between the hours of 7:OO AM and sunset, from Mondays through Fridays. The contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer if he/she desires to work outside the hours stated herein. ._ Contractor may work during Saturdays and holidays only with the written permission of the Engineer. This written permission must be obtained at least 48 hours prior to such work. The Contractor shall pay the inspection costs of such work. Add the following: All work shall be guaranteed for one (1) year after the filing of a "Notice of Completion'' and any faulty work or materials discovered during the guarantee period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at his expense. 6-9 LI~UiBATED DAMAGES - Modify this section as follows: If the completion date is not met, the contractor will be assessed the sum of $ 750.00 per day for each day beyond the completion date as liq=d damages for the delay. Any progress payments made after the specified completion date shall not constitute a waiver of this paragraph or of any damages. 7-3 tIABILITY.INSURANCE and 7-4 WORKERS CBIPENSATION Modify Sections 7-3 and 7-4 as follows: SPECIAL INSURANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTR4CTORS Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to pr,operty which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. If the insurance is on a "claims made" basis, coverage shall be maintained for a period of three years from the date of completion of the work. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Contractor's bid. The insurance company or companies shall meet the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 8108. - 28 - A. 8. Minimum Scope o.f Insurance Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering Comprehensive General Liability; and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; and 2. Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, code 1 "any auto"; and 3. Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' Liability Insurance. Minimum Limits of Insurance Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: 1. Comprehensive General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurence for bodily injury and property damage. If the policy has an aggregate limit, a separate aggregate in the amounts specified shall be established for the risks for which the City or its agents, officers or employees are additional insured. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: Workers' compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. C. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officials and employees; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. 0. Other Insurance Provisions The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: I_ - 29 - 1. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages: a. The City, its officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officials, employees or voluteers. b. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maint'ained by the City, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. C. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officials, employees or volunteers. d. Coverage shall state that Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. - 2. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Coverages The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by Contractor for the City. 3. All Coverages Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the,City. E. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:XI unless otherwise authorized by City Council Resolution No. 8108. - 30 - F. Verification of Coverage ._ Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsement for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be in forms provided by the City and are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. G. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. Modify the first sentence to read: The agency will obtain, at no cost to the Contractor, all encroachment, right-of-way, grading, and building permits necessary to perform work for this contract on City property, in streets and highways (except State highway right-of-way, railways or other rights-of-way). Add the following: Contractor shall not begin work until all permits incidental to the work are obtained. To Section 7-8.1, Cleanup and Dust Control, add: Cleanup and dust control shall be executed even on weekends and other non-working days at the City's request. Add the following to Section 7-8: 7-8.8 Noise Control All internal combustion engines used in the construction shall be equipped with mufflers in good repair when in use on the project with special attention to City Noise Control Ordinance No. 3109, Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 8.48. , - 31 - 7-18 PHBtfC.CONVEWIENCE-AWD SAFETY Add the following to Section 7-10.4, Public Safety: 7-10.4.4 Safety and Protection of Workers and Public The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of Federal, State and Municipal safety laws and building codes to prevent accidents or injury to persons on, about, or adjacent to the premises where the work is being performed. He/she shall erect and properly maintain at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and public, and shall use danger signs warning against hazards created by such features of construction as protruding nails, hoists, well holes, and falling materials. 7- 1 3 .- L; A US .. T 8 .. BE ’ 8 B S E R VE D Add the following: Municipal ordinances which affect this work include Chapter 11.06, Excavation and Grading. If this notice specifies locations or possible materials, such as borrow pits or gravel beds, for use in the proposed construction project which would be subject to Section 1601 or Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code, such conditions or modifications established pursuant to Section 1601 of the Fish and Game Code shall become conditions of the contract. Delete this section. 9-3. PAYMENT Modify Section 9-3.2, Partial and Final Payment, as follows: Delete the second sentence of the third paragraph having to do with reductions in amount of retention. -. 32 ._ SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 7-10 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 7-10.5 Hours of work. All work shall normally be performed between the hours of 7:OO a.m. and sunset from Mondays through Fridays. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer if he/she desires to work outside the hours stated .herein." 7-20.3 Street Closures, Detours, Barricades. Add to the first paraphaph: "Traffic controls shall be in accordance with Section 8-550 of Division of Highways Planning Manual, Part 8. In the event that the Contractor fails to install barricades or such other warning devices as may be required by the Engineer, the City may, at its sole option, install the warning devices and charge the Contractor $lO/day/warning device." Contractor is required to keep at least one travel lane in each direction of traffic open at all times. Payment for traffic control shall be at the lump sum contract price bid for traffic control including all labor and materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to perform the work in a safe manner. 200-2 UNTREATED BASE MATERIAL Aggregate base shall be crushed aggregate base (Section 200-2.2'1, crushed slag base (Section 200-2.31, or crushed miscellaneous base (Section 200-2.4); or processed miscellaneous base (200-2.5). 201-1 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE Concrete for drainage ditch shall be Class 500-C-2500. Modify Section 201-1.2.1, Portland Cement, as follows: First paragraph, first sentence amended to read: "All cement to be used or furnished shall be low alkali and shall be either Type I or Type I1 Portland Cement conforming to ASTM C 150, or Type IP (MS) Portland Pozzolan Cement conforming to ASTM C 595, unless otherwise specified." Modify section 201-1.2.3, Water as follows: Second paragraph replace "1,000 ppm (mg/L) of sulfates" with "1,300 (mg/L) ppm of sulfates." 33 Third paragraph replace "800 ppm (mg/L) of sulfates" with ii1,300 (mg/L) ppm of sulfates." (b) Air-entraining Admixtures Last paragraph amend to read: "A tolerance of plus or minus 1-1/2 percent is allowed. The air . content of freshly mixed concrete will be determined California Test Method No. 504." Modify Section 201-1.3.3, Concrete Consistency, as follows: Second paragraph delete: the following table:" Also delete table. "and shall not exceed amounts shown in Modify Section 201-1.4.3, Transit Mixers, as follows: Add after listing of information for weighmaster's certificate: "Transit mixed concrete may be certified by mix design number provided a copy of the mix proportions are kept on file at the plant location for a period of 4 years after the use of the mix." 201-2 STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE No changes. 203-6 and 400-4 ASPHALT CONCRETE Asphalt concrete shall be class III-B3-AR-4000 for street paving, base course, III-C3-AR-4000 for street paving surface course. Modify Section 203-6.6.1, Batch Plant Method, as follows: "Third paragraph, delete "and from the Engineer's field laboratory. Last paragraph, add after D2172: "method A or B." Modify Section 203-6.8, Miscellaneous Requirements, as follows: Add the following: "Open graded asphalt concrete stored in excess of 2 hours, and any other asphalt concrete stored in excess of 18 hours, shall not be used in the work." Modify Section 400-4.2.4, Fine Aggregate, as follows: Add : 34 "The total amount of material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be determined by washing the material through the sieve with water. Not less than 1/2 of the material passing the No. 200 sieve by washing shall pass the No. 200 sieve by dry sieving." . Add the following paragraph: "Fine aggregate shall be tested for soundness in accordance with ASTM D-1073, and shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) loss by weight. I' Modify Section 400-4.3, Combined Aggregates, as follows: First paragraph, add: "ASTM D2419 Test Method may be alternated for Test method No. California 217." Fourth paragraph, amend table to read: c TYPE I11 ASPHALT CONCRETE CLASS 82 83 SI EVE INDIVIDUAL MOVING INDIVIDUAL MOVING SIZES TEST RESULT AVERAGE TEST RESULT AVERAGE 1" (25mm) 100 3/4" (19mm) 87-100 1/2" (13mm) 75-95 3/8" (10mm) 50-80 No. 4 30-60 No. 8 22-44 No. 30 8-26 No. 200 1-8 100 90-100 80-90 60-75 40-55 27-40 12-22 3-6 100 90-100 85-100 60-84 40-60 24-50 11-29 1-9 100 95-100 85-95 65-80 45-60 30-45 15-25 3-7 Asphalt % 4.6-6.0 4.6-6 .O Also, in Table "Type 111 Asphalt Concrete," change percent passing sieves as follows: Class D - Change % Passing No. 200 to 5-12 Add the following: "Table of Sand Equivalent and Cleanness Values" and modify the sand equivalent value, in the first paragraph and in the table of requirements in Section 400-4.3, to the values as noted in this added table. I' 35 TABLE OF SAND EQUIVALENT AND CLEANNESS VALUES MIX SAND CLEANNE S S SIZE EQUIVALENT (Min.) VALUE (Min.) D 45 Individual 55 Individual 50 Moving Average 60 Moving Average C 50 Individual 60 Individual B 50 Individual 60 Individual After the last paragraph, add the following: The aggregate from each separate bin for asphalt concrete, Type 111, except for the bin containing the fine material shall have a Cleanness Value as noted in the added "Table of Sand Equivalent and Cleanness Values," and as determined by Test Method No. California 227, modified as follows: Tests will be performed on the material retained on the No. 8 sieve from each bin and will not be a combined or averaged result. c Each test specimen will be prepared by hand shaking for 30 seconds, a single loading of the entire sample on a 12-inch diameter, No. 4 sieve nested on top of a 12-inch diameter, No. 8 sieve. Where a coarse aggregate bin contains material which will pass the maximum size specified and be retained on a 3/8 inch sieve, the test specimen weight and volume of wash water specified for one inch x No. 4 aggregate size will be used. Samples will be obtained from the weight box area during or immediately after discharge from each bin of the batching plant or immediately prior to mixing with asphalt in the case of continuous mixers. The Cleanness Value of the test sample from each of the bins will be separately computed and reported. Modify Section 400-4.4, Storing, Drying and Screening Aggregates, as follows: ' After fifth paragraph, add: "When the Contractor adds supplemental fine aggregate, each such supplemental fine aggregate used shall be stored separately and kept thoroughly dry." 37 36 i SECTION 212-1 ._ LANDSCAPE PLANTING 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Description: 1. Scope of Work: Provide all labor, materials and equipment required to complete work indicated on the drawings and in accor- dance with the following specifications that replace section 212-1 of the Standard Specifications for Pub- lic Works Construction. accordance with the current standards of practice re- lating to the various trades for the following items: Work shall be performed in a. Perform all finish grading b. Furnish and install all trees, shrubs, and c. Maintenance d. Guarantees groundcovers B. Quality Assurance and Requirements: 1. Approvals : a. b. All irrigation work shall be inspected and ap- proved prior to start of any work of this section. Prior to excavation for planting or placing of stakes, locate all utilities, electric cables, conduits, sprinkler lines, heads, valves and valve control wires, and all utility lines so that pro- per precautions may be taken not to damage such improvements. In the event of a conflict between such lines and plant locations, promptly notify the CITY, which shall arrange for relocation for one or the other. Failure to follow this pro- ceedure places upon the Contractor the responsi- bility for, at his own expense, making any and all repairs for damages resulting from work hereunder. ._ .. 37 -- 'I i '71 :i 8 ii I. - -1 2. Quantities and Types: Plant'-materials shall be furnished in the quantities and/or spacing as shown or noted for each location, and shall be of the species, kinds, sizes, etc., as symbolized, and/or described in the "Plant Legend", as indicated on the drawings. The Contractor is to verify all sizes and quantities on plans. C. Substitutions: 1. Any plant material or any development materials specified by trade name or equal, shall be according to these plans and specifications. Installation and use of substitute items shall not be made until the contractor is in receipt of written approval from the CITY. plant material must be accompanied by substantive written proof of non-availability of material originally specified. 2. Substitution proposals for D. Verification of Dimensions and Quantities: E. All scaled dimensions are approximate. with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities and shall immediately inform the CITY of any discrepancy between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done in any area where there is any discrepancy until approval for same has been given by the CITY. Inspection: Before proceeding 1. All inspections herein specified shall be made by the CITY. least 48 hours in advance of the time inspection is required. Requested inspections, subsequently cancel- led without four hours notice, will be billed to con- tractor. The Contractor shall request inspection at 2. Inspection will be required for the following parts of the work: a. Prior to digging plant pits for trees and shrubs 3 I -- 1 I b. During backfilling of plant pits with amended bacicf ill. c. Final inspection at the end of the maintenance period. -1 i I 1 38 3. Plant materials indicated on the drawings and herein specified shall conform to the following: a. Nomenclature: Plant names indicated or listed in the "Plant Legend" on the drawings, conform to the approved names given in *A Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants in California, Manual 32*, pub- lished by the University of California School of Agriculture (1963). Except for names not covered therein, the established custom of the nursery is followed. ._ Condition: California State Department of Agriculture's reg- ulations for nursery inspections, rules and grad- ing and shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, sound, healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests, or their eggs, and shall have a healthy, normal root systems, well filling their containers, but not to the point of being root bound. or to delivery, except as authorized by the CITY. In no case shall trees be topped before delivery. The size of the plants will correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of com- mercially available nursery stock, or as specified in the drawings. The minimum acceptable size of all plants, measured before pruning with the branches in normal position, shall conform with the measurements, in any, specified on the draw- ings in the list of plants to be furnished. Plants larger in size than specified may be used with the approval of the City Engineer, but the use of larger plants will make no change in contract price. Bare root plantings in publicly maintained areas shall be done only with special approval of City.Engineer. Plants shall be in accordance with the Plants shall not be pruned pri- c. 4. All plant material shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the CITY before planting. A represen- tative number of plants may be inspected for size and condition of root growth, insects, injuries and latest defects. Plants not approved are to be removed from site immediately and replaced with suitable plants. The CITY reserves the right to reject entire lots of plants represented by defective samples. 1 2.01 PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS ._ A. Materials : 1. 2. 3. 39 General : Use only new materials of brands and types noted on drawings, specified herein, or approved equals. samples of products and materials may be required by CITY. Submittals for inspection shall be stored on the site until furnishing of material is complete. Delivery may begin upon approval of samples or as di- rected by the CITY. Soil Fertilizers and Conditioners: a. b. Redwood sawdust shall be free of shavings or par- ticles of other woods such as fir or pine, sup- plied in bulk and .5% nitrogen stabilized by stan- dard techniques. above would be nitrogen stabilized fir or redwood bark ground to 0-1/4" particle size - 1.0% nitro- gen stabilized. Commercial fertilizers shall be delivered in sacks with manufacturer's label showing weight and analysis attached to each sack. An acceptable substitute for - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fertilizer and soil conditioner shall be comprised of decomposed animal and vegetable matter and composted to support bacterial cultures. . Conditioner shall contain no poultry, animal or human waste. Guaranteed analysis shall be 5% Nitrogen, 3% Phosphate, 1% Potash, 50% Humus, 15% Humic Acids. Bacterial Stimulator shall be included. Product is available as Gro-Power or approved equal. 40 1 I I! 4, -? n - k -. 1 A 1 .. 1 3 4. Soil Herbicide: .- Apply a non-selective herbicide for total control of vegetation, available as Round-up. Apply at the rate suggested by the manufacturer. 5. Tree Stakes and Guys: a. Tree stakes shall be sharpened 2" diameter treated lodgepole pine stakes, 10' long (12' for Eucalyp- tus sp.), free of splits. Ties for holding trees to supports shall be as detailed. Use three (3) ties per tree. 7. Topsoil: a. Topsoil shall consist of a natural, fertile, fri- able, sandy loam soil possessing the character- istics of representative soils in the vicintiy which produce heavy growth of crops, grasses or other vegetation and shall be obtained from natural well drained areas. Before removal of the topsoil, the surface at the source of supply is to be stripped to a depth of two inches in order to remove weed seeds, roots, etc. The source of sop- soil shall be free from Bermuda grass, crab grass and all noxious weeds or grasses. The topsoil shall be free from subsoil, refuse, heavy roots, clay lumps, stones larger than one inch in size, noxious weeds, sticks, brush, litter and other deleterious substances. In no case shall there be more than five percent by volume of the following: stones smaller than one inch, coarse sand, and small clay lumps. and shall have the following analysis, which shall be verified by a soil analysis made at the Con- tractor's expense. b. The soil shall be free from insoluble carbonates pH - maximum of 7.0; minimum of 6.0 ECo - zero to three maximum (electrical ESp - zero to twelve maximum (exchangeable conductivity) sodium percentage) The soil shall be subject to inspection, at the source of supply prior to delivery. :,; . I p. 41 1; rc E -j 'I '- 1 7 1 '1 3 J 3.0 1 EXECUTION ._ A. Soil Samples: 1. The Contractor shall take soil samples prior to planting and submit them for testing of agricultural suitability to an approved soil and plant laboratory. The soil amendendment program shall be revised to re- flect the recommendations of the soils report. 2. B. Fine Grading: 1. When preliminary grading, including weeding and ferti- lizing, has been completed and the soil has dried suf- ficiently to be readily worked, grade all lawn and planting areas to the elevations indicated on the drawings. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where eleva- tions are given. Minor adjustment of finish grades shall be made at the direction of the CITY, required. Finish grade shall be a smooth, even and uniform plane without abrupt change of surface. soil areas adjacent to walls away from the walls to allow natural runoff of water, and direct surface . drainage as indicated on the drawings by remodeling surfaces to facilitate the natural runoff of water. Grade low spots and pockets to drain properly. grade of all planting areas shall be one inch below grade of adjacent pavement of any kind. if Slope Finish C. General: 1. Regularly water all nursery stock in containers and place them in a cool area protected from sun and dry- ing winds. 2. Position plants in plant locations indicated on araw- ings and secure approval before excavating pits, making necessary adjustments as indicated. Do not allow plants to dry out before or while being planted. Keep exposed roots moist by means of wet sawdust, peat moss, or burlap at all times during planting operations. Do not expose roots to the air except while being placed in the ground. plants, whether in place or not, will not be accepted and shall be replaced at the Contractor's eqense. 4. Remove all plants from their containers and set so that, when settled, they bear che same relation to the required grade as they bore to the natural grade be- fore being transplanted. Plant each plant in the ceri- ter of the pit and backfill with prepared soil. Do not use soil in muddy conditon for backfilling. Do not fill around trunks or stems. Cut off all broken or frayed roots. 3. Wilted , .'. ! 42 7 1 7 I ._ i 1 I i 1 I 1 - 'I 1 '1 -.. .-- i 5. 6. 7. In the event that underground construction work or obstructions are encountered in the planting oper- ation; alternate locations for plant material will be selected by the CITY. extra cost to the CITY. Operation will be done at no Excavation: a. The planting pits for trees and shrubs shall be excavated two times the diameter and one and a half times the depth of the original plant con- tainer. Loosen compacted soil at sides. Planting: a. b. c* d. Fill holes with backfill mixture as specified below: The following material shall be thoroughly blended and used as a backfill mix. for individual planting holes will be permitted. No mixing Mix planting soil prior to backfilling and stockpile at the site. - Ammoniated redwood shavings, 1 part by v6lume - Backfill of imported good rock-free soil, 2 parts by volume - 17 lbs. of Gro-Power per cubic yard of mix* Purchase invoice, with job name, shall be sub- mitted to City Engineer prior to planting. - Agricultural gypsum (per soil report) * Type and quantity of commercial fertilizer shall be amended as necessary based on the Soils Report. Soil samples shall be taken by the COR- tractor and tested at the conclusion of the grading operation. A copy of this sampling shall be part of these specifications. Fill to proper height with amended backfill to receive the plant and thoroughly tamp the mixture before setting the plant. Set plant in upright position in-the center of the hole and compact the backfill mixture around the ball or roots. Thoroughly water each plant when the hole is one- half filled. The remainder of the hole shall be then backfilled. Set the planting tablets to be used with each plant on the top of the root ball while the plants are still in their containers so the required number of tablets to be used in each hole can be easily verified. 43 e. After watering, t&p the Soil in place until the surface of the backfill is level with the sur- 'pounding area and the crown of the plant is at the finished grade of the surrounding area. After backfilling, an earthen basin shall be con- structed around each plant. of a depth sufficient to hold at least six inches of water. Basins shall be the same size as the container size of each individual plant. basins shall be constructed of amended backfill material. f. Each basin shall be The g. Immediately after planting, apply water to each tree and shrub by means of a hose. a moderate stream in the planting hole until the material about the roots is completely saturated from the bottom of the hole to the top of the ground. Apply water in h. HAND WATER in sufficient quantities and as often as seasonal conditions require to keep the planted areas moist at all times, well below the root system of plants. for (21) days in cool seasons; for (30) days Ln hot weather. Generally, water once each day i. Pruning - Pruning shall be limited to the minimum necessary to remove injured twigs and branches, and to compensate for loss of roots during trarrs- planting, but never to exceed one-third of the branching structure. Upon approval of the city Engineer, pruning may be done before delivery of plants, but not before plants have been inspected and approved. 4. Tree Support: a. All 5 & 15 gallon trees shall be staked per plant- ing details. D. Maintenance: 1. General: Maintain all planting, starting with the planting operations and continuing for 60 calendar days, after all planting is complete and approved by the CITY, in writing. The maintenance period will not commence un- til all planting has been approved in writing by the mrmu 2. Work Included: a. Maintenance shall include all watering, weeding, edging, cultivating, spraying and pruning neces- sary to keep the plant materials in a healthy _- -.. - I I 44 growing condition and to keep the planted areas neat and attractive throughout the maintenance period. Provide all equipment and means for proper application of water to those planted areas not equipped with an irrigation system. . b. ._ c. Protect all planted areas against damage, including erosion and trespassing, by providing and maintaining proper safeguards. d. During the maintenance period, all plants and planted areas shall be kept well watered and weed free at all times e. In order to expedite the plant establishment work, the Contractor sh.all maintain a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work herein specified from the time any planting is done until the end of the final maintenance period. f. Damage to planting areas shall be replaced immediate- ly- g. Depressions caused by vehicles, bicycles, or foot, traffic, to be filled and leveled. Replant damaged areas. h. Apply 25 lbs Gro-Power Plus per 1000 square foot at 25th and 55th day of 60 day maintenance period. Contractor shall submit purchase invoice, with job name, to City Engineer prior to application. i. Exterminate rodents, slugs, snails, and cutworms as required and repair damage as above. j. All paved areas will be broom cleaned and/or washed and maintained in a neat and clean condition at all times, as directed by the CITY. 3. Replacements: a. At the end of the maintenance period, all plant b. During the maintenance period, should the appearance material shall be in a healthy growing condition. of any plant indicate weakness and probability of dy- ing, immediately replace that plant with a new and healthy plant of the same type and size without ad- ditional cost to the CITY. 1 -. . 45 ~ll trees shall be guaranteed by the Contractor to live..and grow in an acceptable upright position for a period of one year after completion and final ac- ceptance by the CITY. c. . d. The Contractor, within 15 days of notification by the CITY, shall remove and replace all guaranteed plant materials which for any reason fail to meet the re- quirements of the guarantee. Replacement shall be made with plant materials as indicated or specified for the original planting, and all such replacement materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the original guaranteed materials. 4. Clean-up: Upon completion of the work in this section, the Con- tractor shall clean up and remove from the area all unused materials and debris resulting from the performance of the work as directed by the CITY. 4.01 PAYMENT A. Measurement for payment purposes shall be in accordance with Sub-section 9-1 of Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (1985 Edition). Payment will be unit prices and shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials tools and equipment and performing all work necessary to complete the work described herein or specified in the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION .- I. 46 SECTION 212-2 ._ LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Scope of Work: Provide all labor, materials, transportation, and services necessary to furnish and install Irrigation System as shown on the drawings and described herein. The following specifications are intended to replace section 212-2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. B. Quality Control and Requirements: 1. Permits and Fees: The Contractor shall obtain any and all permits and all utilities inspections as required. 2. Manufacturer's Directions: Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and speci- fications. 3. Ordinances and Regulations: All local, municipal and state laws, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the contractor. these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations or requirements of the same. However, when these spe- cifications and drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is re- quired by the above rules and regulations, the pro- ,visions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. Anything contained in 47 '.,'.I -1 2 4. Explanation of Drawings: a. b. C. I_ Due to the scale of drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. which may be required. The contractor shall care- fully investigate the structural and finished con- ditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Draw- ings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be in- stalled in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and arch- itectural features. All work called for in the drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifi- cations. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that unknown obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimen- sions exist that might not have been considereg in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the CITY. In the event this notification is not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsi- bility for any revision necessary and shall per- form such revisions at his own expense. C. Submittals: 1. Material List: a. b. C. The Contractor shall furnish the articles, equip- ment, materials, or processes specified by name in the drawings and specifications. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the CITY. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the CITY may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. I .-- i( .&-I 48 1 1 I . .. _- I i d. Approval of any item, alternate or substitute in- dicates only that the product or products ap- parently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the information or sam2les submitted. e. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guaran- tee. 2. Record and As-Built Drawings: a. b. C. d. e. The Contractor shall provide and keep up to date a complete "as built" record set of blue line ozalid prints which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original drawings and speci- fications and the exact "as built" locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the CITY at cost. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets, and the Contractor shall make neat and- legible annotations thereon daily as the work pro- ceeds, showing the work as actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times for inspection and shall be kept in a location desig- nated by the CITY. Contractor shall provide CITY with "as-built" pro- gress prints for preparation of final "as-built" mylars. Contractor shall dimension from two (2) permanent points of reference, building corners, sidewalk, or road intersections, etc., the location of the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. a. Connection to existing water lines. Connection to existing electrical power. Gate valves. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension max. 100' along routing). Sprinkler control valves. Routing of control wiring. Quick coupling valves. Other related equipment as directed by the CITY Significant changes in routing of lateral lines from those indicated on the plans. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver corrected and completed mylar originals to the CITY. tained from the CITY at cost. Delivery of the my- lars Mylars may be ob- <" xdr L - . 49 t; -e 7 : i <* 1 .- will not relieve the Contractor of the respon- eibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the originals. 3. Controller Charts: a. As-built drawings shall be approved by the CITY before controller charts are prepared. b. Provide one controller chart for each controller supplied. c. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. d. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual as-built system. However, in the event the con- trolled sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. e. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline ozalid print and a different color shall be used to in- dicate the area of coverage for each station. - f. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils. thick. g. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final inspection of the irrigation system. 4. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: a. Prepare and deliver to the CITY within ten calen- dar days prior to commencement of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: 1. Index sheet stating Contractor’s address and telephone cumber, list of equipment with name and addresses of local manufacturer’s repre- sentatives. 2. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment installed under this contract. 3. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. I I b. 50 In addition to the'above mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the city's maintenance personnel with instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the CITY at the conclusion of the project that this service has been render- ed. 5. Equipment to be Furnished: a. Supply as a part of this contract the following tools : 1. Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project . 2. Two (2) keys for each automatic controller. 3. One (I) quick coupler key and matching hose swivel for every three (3) of each type of quick coupling valve installed. b. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the CITY at the conclusion of the project. Be- fore final inspection can occur, evidence that the owner has received material must be shown to the CITY Engineer. 6. Guarantee: The guarantee for the sprinkler irrigation system shall be made in accordance with the attached form, and shall be submitted to the CITY within ten calendar days prior to completion of construction. The general conditions and supplementary conditions of these specifications shall be filed with the CITY prior to acceptance of the irrigation system. a. A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the operations and maintenance manual. . b. The guarantee form shall be re-typed onto the Contractor's stationary as follows: 1. 51 i 1 -, .- . -I I -. GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordi- nary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade which may develop during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the CITY. such repairs or replacements within 72 hours after receipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice from the CITY, we author- ize the CITY to proceed to have said repairs or replace- ments made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. We shall make PROJECT: LOCATION : SIGNED: Contractor ADDRESS: .- PHONE : DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: .. .. - 52 :I .i .. 1 '3 1 1 -. -. i -. _. .. 1 il i 2 2.0 1 ' PRODUCTS A. Materials-: 1. General: Use only new materials of brands and types noted on drawings, specified herein, or approved equals. a. Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings: The Contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing of PVC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe are to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. shall not be stored in direct sunlight. Pipe and fittings 2. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings: a. b. C. d. e. f. Pressure main line piping shall be Schedule 40 PVC with solvent welded joints. Pipe shall be made from a NSF approved Type I; Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1784. ments as set forth in Federal Specification PS-22- 70, with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.). All pipe must meet require- Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specifi- cation 1785. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-21-70. (sol- vent-weld Pipe). PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, I- 2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM test pro- cedure D2466. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installa- tion methods prescribed by the manufacturer. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: 1. Manufacturer's name 2. Nominal pipe size 3. Schedule or class 4. Pressure rating in P.S.I. 5. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval 6. Date of Extrusion 7. U.P.C. shield logo (IAPMO approval) 53 h. ~ll fittihgs shall'bear the manufacturer's name 0:: trademark, material designation, size, applicable '-1.p.s. schedule and NSF seal of approval. 3. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping: a. Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be - PVC Class 200 with solvent-weld joints. b. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type I, Grade I1 PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1784. All pipe must meet require- ments set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. c. All requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in Section A-2 of these specifica- tions. 4. Control wiring: a. The electrical system shall be installed in accor- dance with the National Electrical Code. Con- nections between the automatic controllers ana the electric control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be color coded as shown below. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than Y14. VALVE NO. 1 YELLOW 2 ORANGE 3 BLUE 4 BLACK 5 BROWN VALVE NO. 6 PURPLE 7 YELLOW W/BLACK STRIPE 8 ORANGE W/BLACK STRIPE 9 RED W/BLACK STRIPE 10 YELLOW W/RED STRIPE SPARE WIRES: RED 1 .I ., -1 I ? 1 - I s4 b. Wiring shall OCCUPY the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply tz lateral lines wherever possible. Install wires inside schedule 40 Conduit anywhere it is not pos- sible to place in pipe trench, or where wires must go under pavement. enough to contain all necessary wires. Conduit size shall be large c. Where more than one (1) wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together at int- ervals of ten (10) feet. 5. d. An expansion curl should be provided within three (3) feet of each wire connection and at least every one hundred (100) feet of wire length on runs more than one hundred (100) feet in length and also at each change of direction. curls shall be formed by wrapping at least five (5) turns of wire around a one-inch in diameter pipe, then withdrawing the pipe. Expansion e. All splices shall be made with Scotch-Lok 13576 Connector Sealing Packs, Pen-Tite wire connector, or approved equal. Use one splice per connector sealing pack. * f. Field splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valves will not be allowed without prior approval of the CITY. Quick Coupling Valves : a. Quick coupling valves shall have a brass two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 psi op- erable with quick coupler. Key type shall be as shown on plans. b. All quick coupling valves shall be 3/4” size and shall be equipped with a locking vinyl cover and shall be of type shown on plans. 6. Backflow Prevention Units: a. Backflow preventers and/or vacuum breakers shall be of a size and type as indicated on the drawings. 55 7. I Automatic Controllers: a. 'Automatic controllers shall be of size and type shown on the plans. b. Final location of automatic controllers shall be approved by the CITY. c. Controller shall be mounted within a vandal resistant automatic controller enclosure as manufactured by La Max or approved equal. 8. Electric Control Valves: a. All electric control valves shall be of size and b. type Shown on the plans. All electric control valves shall have a manual flow adjustment. c. Provide and install one control valve box for each electric control valve. 9. Valve Boxes: a. Use 9" diameter by 24' deep round box with logking lid for all gate valves, Brooks #9, or approved equal. b. Use 10" by 15" by 12" rectangular box with locking lid for all electrical control valves, Polyplastic H1419BB-12-B6GN, or approved equal. c. 3/4" crushed rock used around valve. 10. Spray Heads and associated equipment: a. All irrigation equipment shall be the same as shown on the plans or approved equals. 1 I .I ? _* 56 i 1 ., I --. 1 -I 1 . .1 7 ? i t 3.01 EXECUTION ._ A. Inspection of Site: 1. Site Conditions: a. All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Con- tractor shall check and verify all'size dimensions and receive CITY'S approval prior to proceeding with work under this section. b. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be re- sponsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect. Check exist- ing utilities drawings for existing utility loca- tions. c. Coordinate installation of sprinkler irrigation materials, including pipe, so there shall be NO interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees or shrubs. satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the sprinkler irrigation system. d. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to B. Preparation: 1. Water Supply: a. Sprinkler Irrigation system shall be connected to water supply points of connection as indicated on the drawings. b. Connections shall be made at approximate locations shown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. C. Installation: 1. Trenching: a. Dig trenched straight and support pipe continuous- ly on bottom of trench. grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. Lay pipe to an even b. Provide a minimum of twenty four (24) inches of cover for all pressure supply lines 3" and 4" in size. ,?" > 57 c. Provide for a minimum of eighteen (18) inches cover for all pressure supply lines 2 1/2" and smaller. d. Provide for a minimum cover of twelve (12) inches for all non-pressure lines. I e. Provide for a minimum cover of eighteen (18) inches (or at same depth as mainline) for all con- trol wiring. 2. Backfilling: a. The trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stones. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to ad- jacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Back- fill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other surface irregulari- ties. A fine granular material backfill will be in- itially placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than one-half (1/2) inch in size will be permitted in the initial backfill. - b. c. Flooding of trenches will be permitted only with approval of the CITY. d. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads, lawn or planting, or other construction are necessary, the Contrac- tor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the CITY. 58 .! i .a I I 7 i 3. Trenching and Backfill'Under Paving: a. Schedule 40 PVC (Class 315 for 2" and larger sizes) sleeves shall be required under areas where all hardscape materials will be installed. b. Trenches located under areas where paving (asphal- tic concrete or concrete) will be installed shall be backfilled with sand (a layer six (6) inches below the pipe and three (3) inches above the pipe) and compacted in layers to 90% compaction, using manual or mechanical tamping devices. Trenches for piping shall be compacted to equal the compaction of the existing adjacent undis- trubed soil and shall be left in a firm unyeilding condition. All trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The Contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping under pav- ing prior to the paving work. c. Generally, piping under existing walks is done by jacking or boring,but where any cutting or break- ing of sidewalks and/or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the Contractor as part of the contract cost. break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the CITY. No hydraulic driving will be per- mitted under concrete paving. Permission to cut or d. Provide for a minimum cover of eighteen (18) inches between the top of the sleeve and the bot- tom of the aggregate base for all pressure, non- pressure piping and controller wires in Schedule 40 conduit installed under asphaltic concrete paving. 4. Assemblies: a. Routing of irrigatioh lines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. Install lines (and var- ious assemblies) in such a manner as to conform with the details per plans. Install NO multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. b. c. Install all assemblies specified herein in accor- dance with respective detail. tail drawings or specifications pertaining to specific items required to complete work, perform such work in accordance with best standard prac- tice with prior approval of CITY. In absence of de- 59 d. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and fitting manu- f acturer . .. .. J I ? e. On PvC to metal connections, the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. PVC to metal connections shall only be accomplished by PVC male adapters screwed into metal fittings. Teflon tape or approved equal, shall be used on all threaded PvC to PvC, and on all threaded PVC to metal joints. quired. Where threaded PVC connections are re- quired, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. Light wrench pressure is all that is re- 5. Line Clearance: All lines shall have a minimum clearance of six (6) inches from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. Installation of lines for other trades shall not be laid in irrigation trenches, but shall be installed in a separate trench. - 6. Automatic Controller: Install as per manufacturer’s instructions. Remote con- trol valves shall be connected to controller in nuzeri- cal sequence as shown on the drawings. 7. Remote Control Valves: Install where shown on drawings and details. When grouped together, allow at least twelve (12) inches between valves. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve box. Testing of pressure mainlines shall occur prior to installation of remote control valves. 8. Spray Heads and associated equipment: a. Install as per manufacturer‘s instructions and where shown on drawings and details. *. 60 9. Backflow Prevention Units: I 1 I D. E. a. ‘Install in accordance with requirements set forth by city of Carlsbad Engineering Department, County Water District, and San Diego Health Department. Temporary Repairs: The CITY reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the sprinkler system equipment in operating condition. shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsiblities under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified. The exercise of this right by the CITY Field Quality Control: 1. Adjustment of the System: a. The Contractor shall flush and adjust all sprink- ler equipment for optimum performance. b. If it is determimed that adjustments in the irri- gation equipment will provide proper and more ade- quate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to planting. c 2. Testing of Irrigation System: a. The Contractor shall request the presence of the CITY in writing at least 48 hours (2 working days) in advance of testing. b. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, and prove water- tight. Note: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. -1 ! ? I .. J I . -1 1 d 61 c. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square .inch, and proved watertight, prior to paving. d. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than three (3) hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is proven water- tight. e. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the No pipe shall be backfilled until it has presence of the authorized representative of the CITY. been inspected, tested and approved. f. Furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment. g. Upon completion of each phase of work, entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. G. Inspection Schedule: 1. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying CITY in advance for the following inspections, according tp the time indicated. a. Pre-job conference - 5 days b. Pressure supply line installation and testing - 2 days c. Coverage tests - 2 days d. Final Inspection - 2 days 2. No work shall be backfilled until appropriate in- spections and testing has been completed and approved by the CITY. H. Maintenance: 1. The entire sprinkler irrigation system shall be under full automatic operation for a period of seven (7) days prior to any planting. 2. The CITY reserves the right to waive or shorten the operation period. Irrigation contractor shall fully maintain the system for sixty (60) days following acceptance and/or ap- proval by CITY. 3. i .1 ! I. 1 ...I .! I. J. 62 Clean-up: Clean'-up shall be made daily as each portion of work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed or washed down, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. Final Inspection Prior to Acceptance: 1. 2. 3. The Contractor shall operate each system in its en- tirety for the CITY at time of final inspection. Any items deemed not acceptable by the City Engineer shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction of the CITY. The Contractor shall show evidence to the CITY that they have received all accessories, charts, records, drawings, and equipment as required before final in- spection can occur. End of maintenance shall occur only on the written acceptance by the City of Carlsbad. 4.01 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Measurement for payment purposes shall be in accordince with Sub-section 9-1 of Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (1985 Edition). Payment will be a lump sum and shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials tools and equipment and perfornicg all work necessary to complete the work described herein or specified in the Contract Documents. ! END OF SECTION 63 SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION METHODS 300-1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING Modify Section 300-1, General, as follows: Add : "Clearing and grubbing shall also include removal of A.C. berm, redwood header, curb, gutter, sidewalk, removal and relocation of signs as required, plant and materials (shrubs and trees) and irrigation equipment. Concrete and asphalt to be removed shall be saw cut at all join locations. Payment for all clearing and grubbing shall be at the lump sum contract price." 300-2 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION - Add : "Excavation material resulting from grading shall be end-dumped at "Calavera Hills Park" at a specific location to be determined by the City Engineer. Rocks, broken concrete, or other solid materials which are larger than 6 inches in greatest dimension shall be broken up or removed from exporting material and disposed outside of City right-of- way. Payment for unclassified excavation shall include compensation for excavating, sloping, disposing of surplus and unwanted materials, stockpiling, loading, hauling, and end-dumping at "Calvera Hills Park. 'I 301-1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION Contractor will protect the existing D.G. in place except where necessary tg excavate in the entrance area. Scarifying and cultivating is therefore not required for this contract. 301-2 UNTREATED BASE No change. 64 302-5 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT A prime coat is not required for this contract. A tack coat is required and shall conform to Section 302-5.3 of the Standard Specifications. Modify Section 302-5.1, General, as follows: .. Paragraph 1, replace "Section 203-6" with "Section 400-4. 'I Last paragraph, add: "All testing of underground installations at any given point shall be completed before the surfacing is placed at that point." Modify Section 302-5.2, Prime coat, as follows: After "grade SC-250" add "or MC 70." Modify Section 302-5.5.2, Density and Smoothness, as follows: First paragraph, change 1/8 inch (3mm) to 1/4 inch (6mm). Modify Section 302-5.5.1, Rolling General, as follows: * Second paragraph, Part (2), add: "Vibratory rollers shall be limited to breakdown, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer." After last paragraph, add: Unless directed by otherwise the En'gineer, the initial breakdown rolling shall be followed by a pneumatic-tired roller as described in this Section." To Section 302-5.8, Measurement and Payment, add: Cost of labor and materials for the seal coat shall be included in the unit price bid for asphalt concrete. 302-5.9 SEAL COAT All new and' existing asphalt concrete surfaces shall be seal- coated from El Camino Real to station 10+50. The seal coat shall consist of a coat of asphaltic emulsion and a cover coat of sand. The asphaltic emulsion shall be mixing type conforming to Section 203-3 "Emulsion Asphalt." Sand shall be clean and dry. 65 Immediately before applying asphaltic emulsion, the surface to be seal-coated shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and loose material. Asphaltic emulsion shall not be applied when the street is overly wet or when the atmospheric temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The asphaltic emulsion shall be applied by use of a power spraying device that uniformly applies the emulsion to the .surfacing at a rate of 0.1 to 0.15 gallon per square yard. The distributor spray bar shall be equipped with asphaltic emulsion type spray jets. Curbs, gutters, other adjoining improvements shall be carefully protected from the emulsion, and any such improvements spattered or touched with emulsion shall be care- fully cleaned. 302-5.9.1 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT When seal coat is paid for as a contract item of work, the unit of measurement shall be per square foot, measurements shall be made in horizontal planes. 303-1 CONCRETE Add the following: P.C.C. Curbs, Gutter and Sidewalks Shall be constructed as shown on the plans and in conformance with Sections 201 and 303-5 of the Standard Specifications. All Type G curb and gutter will be measured and paid for as 6" Type G curb and gutter. The contract unit price paid for curb and gutter and other P.C.C. items shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, and all work involved in the construction as specified. Curb Outlet Shall be constructed as shown on plans and Standard Drawing D-25. Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and all incidentals involved in the installation of curb outlet, shall be included in the contract unit price paid for curb outlets, complete in place, and no additional compensa- tion will be allowed therefor. 66 .. Concrete Slope Ditches Shall be constructed as shown on plans and in accordance with Section 303-2 of the Standard Specifications. Contractor shall use Method A (Gunite) to place concrete. Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals involved in the installation of slope ditches shall be included in the contract unit price paid per linear feet of .ditch, complete in place, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Median Shall be constructed as shown on the plans and Standard Drawing G-1. The new median shall be constructed in accordance with 303.6 of the Standard Specifications. Required color shall be applied by Method B (integral color), as indicated in Section 303-6.3.2 of the Standard Specifications. Washed concrete shall be ASTM C15O-Type 1, natural color. Stamped concrete shall be L.M. Scofield, Chromiz 40 mixture C-32, "Quarry Red, " or approved equal. The contract unit price paid for median measured along centerline of median shall include relocating the median sign, construction of 6" curb, washed concrete, and stamped concrete and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Cross Gutter Shall be constructed as shown on the plans and Carlsbad Standard Drawing G-12. Concrete shall be 560-C-3250. The contract price paid for cross gutter shall include removal of existing cross gutter, all transition gutters, placement of steel bars, and full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, and all work involved in the construction as specified. Handicap Sidewalk Ramp Shall be constructed as shown on the plans and Carlsbad Standard Drawing G-13. The contract price paid for handicap ramp shall include removal of existing curb and gutter, constructing sidewalk as shown on the Detail and other areas not included in cross gutter. 67 307-1, 307-2 STREET LIGHTS DESCRIPTION -- Construction street lighting system shall conform to the applicable provisions in Section 86, "Signals and Lighting," of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (CALTRANS) dated July 1984, and these Special Provisions. STREET LIGHT MATERIAL (General) -- Street Lighting Luminaire description shall b e as follows: Lamp Size: 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium output: 9,500 Lumens for 100 Watts Luminaire Type: Phillps or Lumi-Dyne, with dropped Shield: Not Allowed lens. Luminaire Mounting Height: 27 feet for 100 Watts Units 5 1 foot Pole Height from ground +2 feet): Mast Arm: Pole: (Measuring surface 25 feet for 100 Watt Units Normally 8 foot for a 1 foot minimum curb overhang Round concrete LUMINAIRES assembled and furnished with a lamp and an adjustable external -- Street liqhtinq luminaires shall be completely photoelectric control units. Luminaires shall- be designed for horizontal mounting with a horizontal burning lamp. It shall be a non-cutoff type, of standard make and manufactured by a manufacturer of recognized experience and ability, who is now regularly engaged in the manufacture of street lighting luminaires. The luminaire shall be die cast aluminum or welded heavy gauge aluminum sheet and furnished with an optical assembly removable without the use of special tools. The Luminaire shall have a slipfitted mounting bracket capable of attaching to a two inch (2") pipe without the need for special mounting parts. Leveling and clamping of the luminaire to the mast arm pipe shall be accomplished by tightening mounting bolts which are externally or internally acessible. Provision shall include an integral twistlock type receptacle for photoelectric .- A 68 cell control in accordance with the latest EEI-NEMA standards. The receptable shall be adjustable with respect to north and prewired to the terminal board. The luminaire power unit assembly shall consist of an integral ballast, capacitor, heavy duty terminal block, and the power unit assembly shall be mounted on a separate component of the luminaire to facilitate replacement. .The ballast assembly shall be enclosed in a separate compartment from the optical assembly. Both compartments shall be sealed with a heat resisting gasket. The optical assembly door hinge shall be designed so that when the door is opened, the hinge pins shall prevent the door from swinging free of the pins. The net weight of the luminaire, including ballast, shall be no greater than the following: Lamp Size (Watts): 100 Weight (Lbs.): 55 BALLAST -- High pressure sodium ballasts shall be suitable for use on multiple distribution circuits with 60 HZ, 120 or 240 volt rating. Ballasts shall be of the component type consisting of precision wound coils and welded magnetic steel laminations assembled together and impregnated with a baked on insulating and weather- proof varnish and metal cased hermetically sealed capacitor. The operating sound pressure noise level shall not exceed the ambient noise level by more than five (5) decibels at a distance of 30 feet when measured by a sound level meter conforming to the American Standard for Sound Level Meters. Where the ambient noise level is below 40 decibels, a minimum of 40 decibels shall be assumed as ambient. PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROL UNIT -- The photoelectric unit shall consist of a photoelectric cell in a weatherproof housing which plugs into a EEI-NEMA twist lock receptacle integral with the luminaire. The photoelectric unit shall provide an output in response to changing light' levels. The response level shall remain stable throughout the life of the control unit. The control unit shall contain a cadmium-sulfite photoelectric cell suitable for operation with 120 volt or 240 volt line supply as noted on the plans. The unit shall have a rated load capacity of 1,000 volt-ampheres minimum, with a normal power consumption of not more than 10 watts. The control unit shall also have surge protection to prevent damage from sudden voltage surges. 69 .. The control unit shall have a "Turn-On" level between one (1) and five (5) foot-candles. The "Turn-Off" level shall be between one and one-half (1 1/2) and five (5) times the "Turn-On" level. The photocell shall be properly oriented with the photocell window facing north. NOTE : Problems have been encountered with poor quality ,photocells. If a photocell burns out before your project is accepted, you will be required to replace it before the project will be signed off. Good quality photocells have a non-transparent cap, and are usually a bright blue color, or silver for solid state units. FUSES -- Fuses shall be slow blow 13/32" x 1 1/2" in-line type fusein the appropriate size as shown below: Lamp Size in Watts: 100 Fuse Size: 2 OA The fuse shall be installed in the hot leg of the lighting conductor. The circuit shall be fused in the base of the pole, and not in a pull box. If the light requires 240 volts, both legs shall be fused. FUSEHOLDERS -- Fuseholders shall be completely waterproof, shall grip the fuse in the load side section when fuseholder is opened, be able to take a 13/32" x 1 1/2" fuse, with crimp type tubular terminals of a size able to take the size cable in the particular street light. WIRING -- Service runs to lights shall be solid copper wire No. 8. Cooper wire shall conform to the applicable portion of ASTM B3 and 88. Wire connectors shall be type approved by the Engineer, and bear the UL seal of approval. The installation procedure, including connector size and crimping tools shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendations. Aluminum conductors will not be allowed. Wire from the base of the pole to the luminaire shall be of #10 wire. SPLICING -- Splices shall be permitted in pull boxes and lighting standard bases only. All splices shall be waterproof, with epoxy encapsulation or heatshrink tubing. CONDUIT -- All conduit shall be 1-inch UL approved heavy wall polyvinyl chloride (PVC schedule-40) or 1-inch galvanized steel. Conduit shall be sand encased (3 inches minimum over conduit and all sides). The Contractor may, at his expense, use conduit of a c 70 larger size, provided the larger size is used for the entire length of the run between pull boxes. Reducing couplings shall not be used. Conduit shall be laid to a depth of not less than thirty (30) inches. Conduit laid in open trench shall not be covered nor shall any trench or inspection hole be backfilled until installation has been accepted by the Engineer. PULL BOXES -- State No. 3-1/2/Pull Box (15-3/8" x 10-1/8") or .equivalent shall be installed per CALTRANS standard drawing ES-8. a pull box shall be installed within five (5) feet of each street lighting standard. A #6 or 3312 pull box shall also be installed within three (3) feet of each service point unless the light standard is within five feet of the service point. In this case, only one pull box is required. Pull boxes shall not be spaced more than 200 feet apart. The bottom of the pull box shall rest firmly on a six (6) inch thick bed on one inch crushed rock extending six (6) inches beyond the outside edges of the pull box. Pull boxes shown in the vicinity of curbs shall be placed adjacent to the back of the curb, and where practical, shall be installed with the short side parallel to the curb. Pull boxes shall not be installed in any part of a driveway or other traveled way unless approved by the Engineer. If the pull box is in the traveled way or driveway, it shall be provided with a metal cover. Pull box covers shall be inscribed "STREET LIGHTING. Covers shall be secured with 3/8 inch bolts, capscrews or studs, and nuts which shall be of brass, stainless steel or non-corroding material. CONCRETE POLE CONSTRUCTION -- Concrete poles shall be tapered, centrifugally cast and prestressed. They will be round, black and white marble aggregate or natural exposed aggregate. The ultimate strength of a pole shall be calculated in accordance with the latest revision of American Concrete Institute (A.C.I.) standard 318. Under working loads (including wind loading), the pole must not be stressed beyond the cracking strength. Wind loads shall be specified in the last edition of the AASHTO standards. Pole shape and, color shall be uniform for entire project. Aggregates shall conform to current requirements of ASTM C33, except that abrasion requirements therein shall not apply and that no more than seven percent (7%) shall pass a #lo0 mesh sieve. No dye or sealer shall be used without approval of the Engineer. 71 The centrifugal casting process shall produce a center duct throughout the length of the pole. This duct shall be free from sharp projections or edges which might damage the wire or cable. It shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 inches in diameter. All reinforcing steel shall have a minimum cover of 5/8 inch of concrete. After curing, the surface of the pole shall be treated to remove .cement laitance and to develop the surface texture. When finished, poles shall be without cracks or crazing and shall have a uniform surface (without objectionable mold marks) and texture throughout the entire length. Maximum deviation from stringline at any point shall not exceed .03 inches per foot of length. Handhole cover plate securing bolts shall be stainless steel. ANCHOR BOLTS FOR ANCHOR BASE POLES -- Anchor bolts shall be of the type and size shown on Regional Standard Drawings E-1. Anchor bolts shall conform to the specifications of ASTM A 307, and shall be provided with two nuts and two washers each. Bolts, nuts, and washers shall be galvanized by the hot-dip process conforming to ASTM A 153, or cadmium plated with type NS coating conforming to ASTM A 165. Plumbing of the standard shall be accomplished by adjusting the nuts on the anchor bolts before the foundation cap is placed. Shims or other similar devices for plumbing or raking will not be permitted. After plumbing the standard, anchor bolts shall be cut off 1/4 inch above the nuts and the exposed surfaces shall be repaired. For anchor base foundation detail, see Regional Standard Drawings El and E2. MAST ARMS -- Poles shall be furnished with a mast arm that provides a minimum of six (6) inches of horizontal straight section at the end of the arm to mount a two (2) inch I.P.S. slipfitter type luminaire mount. The mast arm shall be long enough to give a one foot minimum curb overhang to the luminaire. The usual length for the arm in a typical installation is eight (8) feet. Mast arms shall be two (2) inch I.P.S. galvanized steel or aluminum, and, be self supporting, without braces, scrolls or rods. Mounting shall be perpendicular to the street centerline unless otherwise shown on the plans. Steel arms shall conform to ASTM A 120. Aluminum arms shall be made of corrosion resistant alloys such as Aluminum Association wrought alloys 6061 or 6062, or cast alloys 319 or 356. 72 All exposed hardward shall be stainless steel. All protected hardware not visible after installation shall be cast aluminum and/or stainless steel, hot dipped galvanized or cadmium plated steel. WIRE AND CONDUIT TO SERVICE POINT -- If the light system requires the hot wire and fused. If the light system requires 240 volts, both wires are to be black and fused. Any ground wires will be green and connected to the pole by a clamp attached to an anchor .bo1 t . 120 volts, the wires will b e black and white, with black being 210-1, 310-5 TRAFFIC STRIPES AND BIKE LANE MARKINGS Modify Section 310-5.6.10, Painting, Traffic Striping, Pavement Markings, as follows: Appropriate traffic and bike lane markings shall be painted in all areas of new asphalt cement pavement construction and on existing pavement as necessary to delineate traffic right-of-way. All details and dimensions for traffic stripes and markings shall conform to the California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual and Maintenance Manual. Existing traffic stripes and markings that do not conform to the Plans shall be removed by wet sandblasting. Traffic line paint shall be rapid dry conforming to Section 210-1.6.3 and shall contain reflective material conforming to Section 210-1.6.5 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall furnish the necessary control points for all striping and markings, and shall be responsible for the complete- ness and accuracy thereof to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Spotting shall be completed prior to the removal of any existing stripes. Existing stripes and markings shall be removed prior to painting new ones, but in no case shall any section of street be left without proper striping for more than 24 hours, or over weekends or holidays. Payment shall be made as shown at the lump sum contract price, which shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, incidentals, and for doing all work involved in traffic striping and marking in accordance to the plans. APPEND I X 73 STANDARD DRAWINGS -- The following Standard Drawings are listed for your information: STD. DWG. NO. DETAIL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION DETAIL L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 L-9 L-10 L-11 Controller Enclosure Wire Connector Gate Valve Quick Coupling Valve Electric Control Valve Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker Rotor Pop-up Impact Sprinkler Ground Cover Detail Shrub Planting Detail Tree Staking Detail CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD DRAWINGS EA G-12 G-13 Ornamental Street Light Cross Gutter Handicap Ramp SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS G-2 Curb and Gutter G-7 Sidewalk D-25 Curb Outlet 74 L I 1 1 Ii I1 -+ - II 8SI NO. CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE DETAIL TITLE PROJECT TITLE DETAIL ELM AVENUE WIDENING - CK. BY JOB NO. 051-025-056 OR. BY DATE 1 PROJECT TITLE ELM AVENUE WIDENING L CK. BY JOB NO. ' DATE OR. BY 051-025-056 .zc DETAIL L-2 4 1 -. e WIRE CONNECTOR 77 L DETAIL TJTLE BSI NO. QUICK COUPLING VALVE h PROJECT TiTLE ELM AVENUE WIDENING OR. BY OATE CK. BY JOB 051-025-056 NO. OtTAlL L-;,4 DETAIL TITLE ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE I JOB NO. ELM AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT TITLE DR. ey DATE CK. BY 051-025-056 esi NO. DETAIL L- 5 GJ . _. ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER - PROJECT TITLE DETAIL I ELM AVENUE WIDENING CK. 8Y JOB NO. OR. BY DATE 051-025-056 b - b DETAiL TITLE BSI NO. DETAIL ROTOR POP-UP PROJECT TITLE I CK. BY JOO NO. L- i ELM AVENUE WIDENING DR. BY DATE r SL 051-025-056 I BSI NO. IMPACT SPRINKLER DETAIL TITLE PROJECT TITLE DETAIL ELM AVENUE WIDENING I CK. BY JOB NO. DR. BY DATE 051-025-056 .. 83 891 NO. DETAIL TITLE DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL (ON SLOPE) PROJECT TITLE I ELM AVENUE WIDENING OR. BY DATE CK. BY JOB NO. 051-025-056 DETAIL TITLE BSI NO. DETAIL TREE STAKING DETAIL (ON SLOPE) ELM AVENUE WIDENING I J06 NO. L-I PROJECT TITLE OR. BY DATE CK. BY I 66 051-025-056 i 112" RIGID STEEL COND NON-METALLIC CCNOUIT CETAlL A ANCHOR 8ASE FOUNOAilCN .. , ..- :.-... 0 85 STANDA ~v. APPROVED ~DAE~ C I TY OF CARLSBAD ;77 C:Tu EVGIYEE~ 6- - . ' SUPREMENTAL ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHT STANOAffO NO. EA ST ..- dr VAR [AB, J t - . -- c- 4- - I ' SUPPLEMENTAL G 42 STANOARO NO. CROSS GUTTER VAR IAELE ?EU APPROVED 86 / CITY OF CARLSBAD . OATE( I - 4' I 13' 1 TRANS IT I ON I btG I N t L DESIGlY ST2EET SECTIOIT a W ~EV. (APPROVED I 0 ETA1 L-A OAE~ C I TY OF CARLSBAD I 1 SECTION A-A Oerad c A7 . *: - L.. I A4 c 0 ETA1 L-8 'LEGENO ON PUNS HANDICAP RAIYPS EEkl f f d u AREA 1 G 2V. 1.34 , H 30”l 1.Sl VPg W sa n. I- w I Ln- NPE G & H CURB NOTES: I. Concno rMI br 120.C.tlW. . 2 SII Sclndvd Ormiq Gal0 for joint drtaik LEGENO ON PLANS I NON-CONTIGUOUS I I b I 1 --- --------’ ----- CONTIGUOUS NOTES 1. CO~XN~R rh~l k mc.zsoa 2 Sr Strndard’Onwin9 6-10 for joint drailt LEGEND ON PLANS . . . .. . .. . . ... . a,, -.. . . i I i 3-14 t w SECTION 6-8 NOTES 2 o*Mdr dirmtrr of pipror d8pth of channd. 3. Smion ro br dood Irmlty with too conforming to th8 pndrr ot thr 8xisriy ddwlk and curb. 4. Murholr fnmo md COW rmY b8 d8kted with 008n channol. 5. Troml finish too nrrfau and mproeuu mrrkine of 8xm1q adwlk and curb. S. Troml finish floor of outlet. 1. Co~m d~ll Or 5604-3250 LEGENO ON PLANS ..del I I CURB OUTLET - TYPE A ORAWING NUMBER 0-25