HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-05; City Council; 8991; LA COSTA SECESSIONc CI .TI VI VI ai tl ai UI TI a) UI C) Ql C) &4 $4 a) ST +J 0 E: 0 *r4 LJ LJ .r-l Crl 0 (L (4 0 .VI $1 (3 .,-I JJ f: -,-I in 13 1% Id 2L (3 (3 JJ ?-I -1-I ILI I2 (2 13 C> r- co I Lfl I Lfl 11 z 0 i= 0 a $ 00 z 3 - Jc. CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL AB#-EYL TITLE: D MT& 5/5/87 LA COSTA SECESSION C DEPT. Mayor C RECOMMENDED ACTION: That Council discuss the proposed La Costa secession movement and take a position. BACKGROUND: The La Costa Town Council is circulating a petition to seceed from Carlsbad. that a consultant study be made to determine the feasibility of creating a separate city for La Costa. Under State law a secession movement should receive City Council support before any other steps can be taken. Meetings have been held with LAFCO and it is proposed EXHl B ITS : 1. Annexation Map No. E-2.12. 2. Carlsbad Journal article. 3. L.A. Times article. e e .. POINSETTIA LN ORIGINAL LA COSTA ANNEXATION ANNEXATION DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1972 ANNEXATION NO. : E-2.12 0 CY The plan of certain political activists in the La Costa area to divide Carlsbad in two at the Palo- mar Airport road and include the entire southwest quadrant of the Costa” can only be characterized as a flagrant power-grab of terri- tory for their own selfish interests and with total disregard this action wou1d have On what remained of the city of Carlsbad. The vital areas of Carlsbad that lie within this quadrant, such as A’tamira’ the Hunt and ‘ammi’ properties, the industrial and commercial developments along Palomar Airport road, Lake Shore Letter$ Gardens, and Lanakai Court, the new developments around Poinsettia Lane and other locales of similiar importance, are more taxes. Also it is possible to situated miles away from La foresee interminable legal and Costa and neither geographically fiscal disputes in trying to deter- nor historically have ever been mine an equitable distribution of part of that complex. To have any facilities, funds, personnel, validity whatsoever, any review bonded indebtedness and other by proper authorities of the dean- obligations, etc. nexation and incorporation pro- L~ Costa today covers quite an posal must exclude the entire extensive area east of EI Camino s O u t l~ w es t quadrant fr O m Real and south of Palomar Airport : consideration. -road. Fa majority ofvoterswithin The La Costa area was annexed those boundaries opt for separa- ’ mayor of Carlsbad. The area tion of a new city of y,a Costa’, I brought into the City consisted would have to say with great I basically of the La Costa Hotel regret and disappointment, j and Spa and a few residential “Good-bye and good luck,” But developments around the @If always with the Caveat, “Keep ’ course* The impetus for taking your hands of’f of our southwest this action came from representa- quadrant!#f tives of La Costa interests and there wa~ some debate on the City HoWeVer, this proposed dean. Council Eft the time a8 to the nexation should never happen. l wisdom of assuming this added There is no reason why the Frob- regpsnsibility. In the end the lami facing tho Lfi Co8b “*a 1 council voted favorably; feeling cannot be resoived within the .; in the best interestofbothparties. always bearing in mind that AS mayor it was my duty to “government i8 the art Of present our case to county author. compromise” and that no individ- ities and with their concurrence ual nor any group can expect to and a favorable vote in La Costa, receive 108 Percent of their that entity became part of dexm~~ds Or desirest Carlsbad. David M. Dunne t The secessionists in La Costa are deluding themsekes and their followers if they believe that deannexation from Carlsbad and incorporation as a separate community is the panacea that will solve their community prob- lems. Incorporation is no magic wand. On the contrary, it can be will multiply and intensify in the process of establishing a new city on a sound working basis and the loss ofmuch ofits fiscal resources. The end result can be predicted - two small cities resulting in a duplication of administrative and opera t i on p e r s o n n e I and expenses, and, as a corollary, city in the proposed city of “La guaranteed that such problems in 1972 during my second term as tion from Carlsbad and the forma- \ that annexation ofthis parcel was present governmental structure, 1 .ip, 1 ! Carlsbad Dunne aerved us mayor of Carls- 1 bad from 1968 through 1974. * LBPfibl J -&a 'VVYWCIAAU ' Vow Lo Sever Ties; carlsbad I)oubEs It By ERIC BAILEY. Times Shtf Writer A civil war is brewing in Carlsbad. and like the battlvs of yore between I.hc Utiion and the Con- fcderacy, it tlirratciia to pit the north against thesouth. Dowri iii La Costa. a thicket of upscale homes and coiitlomiiiiriins iri hilly soiitli Carlsbad that has sprout- ed around thr tony resort that gave the area its name, a fcisty batid 01 rcsidtwts has begun to talk of seceding lrotn thc inuilicipdity. Crantcil. tlicir wipes arr rar less Rressiiig than the niorully vruiiil: tlilriiiiii;is of slavery and slats' rights. but inany 1.:1 (;~ISLIII:; :irc plenty riled tip noriethrless. Proni ~iroblcnis with getting street signs and proper ty devrlopiiioiit tliieatwis 10 dilute their quality of life. these rcaitlciils coiilcrid that Carlsbad's southern half h;ts been dealt a law deal by civic leaders. As the relxls src it. the licst -.--__- way for La Cwta to ctidurc a tinr- inoiiious fiiluve is rule. l'licy waiit to brcak away froin the City of Carls- Continued from Page 1 1972. Iiclping Io fuel the develop- Carl: appr bureaucracy to the tcnriji circumstances." said Dennis 110n as a posh hatnlet accessible allot new niuiiicipality of their u\vn "1 think we 1'ric.e. a secession leader. "I think it ollly to the rich. people like Popov- resic scnt a message to City Hall. The inuc nice little resort yrara of discontent, of houses being to th rnllvctcd with nothing to show for mfi O.U. Atlarnn. a rr- il curcpl ceaseless traffic-all that bull( tirccl Navj rap1:iiii ' h;is fiiidly boiled tothesurface." Sail Dicgo Couiily coastlilie. rang- notic who i$ 1ic.lyiirig .---'-- Iwd I IlC sc('cs::1o11 Florccver. leaders of the sews- ing between SIRo.000 and %?W.(XX). traff sioii drive say members of their of a i~attic. "We waiit Imw.wd rule for the pcople here. not giwqi have conducled a telephone -----. . - ~ shor thr iii~pors~~i~~l buiiiaucracy to the north that we now pidl of la Costa's 22.000 residciits ill h:iw '' t11:It iiiJicatcs a solid majority fa- holrl vors the movemenL [Will particular. C;II l::I~ail rily leaders have niade it clear Of Ihe 246 reptered voten aleso lliscouraged Qesjl that thcv thitik lhc ?i'ccssion propusal is misguided. the sort ol hnhc that will cll,aw blood bul lail 10 produce a p[lri scrrssion, aM 8.1% satd they arid disillusiorled A true vlrlrlr. "I'iii fwrltil t1i;it we'd lie qoitig backward." said to tic financially feasible. ~f the with wliat 11% low1 Coui1ciIwoiii:m Am Kulchin. the lune representative frw~ IA ('cis~a. "Carlshad is a self-service city. If La not siipport a secession drive and cry, C:USI;I v;rrc tv :;ccede, it would siiddenly have lo start 10.2% Itad noopinion. will coittrnrtin~ willi rlresheriff and other county agencies. 'l'liciugti supportel3 acknowledge tlley'll lJc eager to i'arl 'l'tiis is IIOI tiii*~iiiiv ~.c~say.'Ile,v. let'sstartall over.'" that thc road Lo cityhood will be that Ciniiici1ni;iii l.latk I'ettiiie agrccd. saying that coni- IUII: and rugged they insist that for111 tlleir owl1 that ~iI,iiii~s ahtit iiisufficient niunicipal srrvices and tlie cffort will bc well worth it sprii gcttiiiy a politiral cold shoulder froin city leaden are ensriiti;illy priihlone froin the piist. The present City pen." said Jim Popovich. a retired JimPq#dd lcad C(~tri~r~l. lto wi4, Iias worked hard to rectify swh grievaiicrs. rccrcation adminishbr from &. C~HIIIW 01 IIW? La Costa Iown Council pres adcna and chairman nf the La Costa "I think ~~~any of the complaint3 they voice are l'uwn Council. "It's going to be a on 11 lrgitiinatr.*' I'etline said. "But over the laat year to IWZ. hard fighl. but it will happen. put year and a half. wt.'ve seen a council that has paid far 1 think the People are ~0 dkmr- men inure attention to La Costa issues than @t council8 aged and disitlusioned with what hen have." has hapwned to us that they'll be sale Other city leaders question whether the fervor for esgrr to form their own communi- it t( mqmn is widespread or merely the fWtbn of 8 few ty." . Sitting live miles south of the her1 dozen politically motivated residenu. Sltuated in the southeastern cor- existing subdivisions and business- M "Quite frankly, I think this thlng ia simply WildOW ner of Carlsbad. La Costa haa for list dressing." Councilman John Manum said. 'Whl yean maintained an Idenlily inde- traf they're really juxt trying to do b build 8 pdlW pelidentof itsmother dty.ThePreo men1 to this day. physically sepa- are: organlzatlon." first begall to grow In the mid- will Such claim.. chafe on leaden of La Co6ta'r Secasionn- 1W; qth the completfon of the achl ist nmvement. who contend that the effort enpyr prestigious La Ccsta Resort Hotel ray. dist burgeoning popularity. and Spa, an impressive 1,000me U As proof, lhey point to a recent meeting to drum UP support for the cityhood effort sponsored by tbe Ir leiiili couru. a 3B-hole golf wume pro' anda [joo-rmm hotel. Popovich. a la Costa resident for mal In the decadea ana. a aa of con hot11~8 hmspreadoulwardf- rhr knew where downtown Carlabad unc spa. nnging rmm atucw condo- waq. the niiniums to single-alory tract "pmie i11.1,a Costa are oriented F homes ~6 Tudor ~~~~ed more toward the south. toward has hhilld wrought-iron gates. The for arcn was armcxed by Carirhd in no conncctlnn with downtown lhr I'houa 111 pulice yrukctioir to concerns that rampant high-densi- Members of La Costa Town Council, froin left, stand in fiorir of gi Dennis Price, 0.B. Adanrs arid Jim Popovicti, growth problems tl LA CO§rA: Cdsbarl 'hi by Irate 1h,~iiht~~ rHireat 'We tvatlt persoiial Ilere, tlot the tlll~trllqll IIf~IIIc ~*ule for the people bad atld carve R iwerso11al togrther for anything in La Costa. rncilt I)I~OIII. Bl city here." said have.' pild into the area. of fees being munity. st that's a major event of earth-shat- 'I'hough 1.a Cnsta has a rcputa- ich aiid Adailis rriainlain that that's an inaccurate portrait of the coin- 'rhr mniian price of homcs cnni- paws well to other areas along the ll~lvr a I,;,sis lor a llortli that we now 0.8. Adatus A lpadei uI llie secessoiibattle Not i-\vryciiiv, IIIIWVC~, IS pleased with tlie idw. 111 'I thiiik tlie ptwple polled. 67.1% dd they ww!d sup- issus wlluld support it if cityhood proves miiii rciiiaintlcr, 14.62 said they would proit Ilay[)ellfll to us that "l'in convinced icsgoing to hap- cotirmr.inity.' SI ... ---.---- According lo Popovich. most resi- dcnts "are just common, working- class folks. Hell. we can't afford to belong to thc country club. It's way out of our class." es of downtown Carisbad. the area remaiiis a virtual island of devclw- rated from the rest of the city. And maiiy La Costa residents like it that "I lived in my house for three iowii Calsbad for something." said six yeam. "Fur three years, I never coitiplex that features two dozen wars &fort- I ever wcnt to down- gro Cmta Town Council. the mwiy formed &roup (hot is spearheadin# the rampam. the gathering dnW morC than 200 residents. both young and dd "Any lime you get more than 25 or 30 people rtcucmtAcm~rws Endnitas and San Diego. We have - 0 LA COSTA: Irate Threaten to Secedc Continued (ram Page 3 c:., In uarxular rewenu of tr.e region t,mg Interstate 5 !n soli;nern Carisoad have never as- sociated memseives with La COSLa. ne said. sill Whitworth. homeowners as- sociation president at Lakeshore Garaens mobile home park. sad most residents of the 382-space community along Interstate 5 would orefer to stay a pa of Carlsbad -1 don't see where it wouid benefit us at all." Whitworth said. I think the City of Carlsbad 1s the cest city in the world If they spilt 1~ this southern area 1s going to 'sei i aid upscale homes in a neighbor hood rrlcroacliinent of less-desirable developmenis skf~f- I, i an ~?-ecessar.~ -3'.? >:~p\ -es ~2~:s I: La Cos:; ,me.: lee \ne c!r\nnood eficrr s nrema- Lure "I m reallv not in ~avor of At and don t know manv DeODie w no are.' said Anne Biodsett. a La costa resident for 13 years "I ius1 don't feel the tine is ngh: We need to start ralkingabout this." another rendent. Jeannie Mash. agreed "I'm still asking where's the M base'' she said "La Costa Iwt) irit~~iibers of the Carlsbad City Co~ii~ol. Country Club is not going to gve US ~IIII KiIIdliri and John Mamaux, cticLk oui ricw the w base for oolice and a fire deoartment and citv managers and t-iii 11.111 rrf Carlsbad, there are OK twfriir 11~. I I~( ldll go 011 thc befiXallYuiifeasible a-ies ti 2-0 -2 relj .c- tli0!11 12 IMJ existing dwellirig holl,bi "I could not support them if they LIIIII \ 1111 ail additional 12.ou) r111,111, 11 .\,111i'i E.Jtl[*forc boierq took the industrial t)clt." LCNiS aers 0: :x c I. icoc TOI - p1.111111 (I 1 111 IIIC drr.1 .ti11 ,IIII~ 81 10 tir $piit Orr bald. "And 1 can't see how thc\'d ment acknowledge :bo\ face SECT. owosition but mainum rhe vas! frc,ilt llir (-l~\ 11 JI ~rni 'hiihutit a s~rvlv~econOmlcallY without it " 11111 I l>r the attention. but the giltcil It clll~~(i Ilc llrl illc hailot by Councilman Mamaux also naionty of La Cos= residents feel 111 pii< t Iidt filially sparked the i9HII~ir I d,ll leaders sag stressed that residerits of several d,frerently t I 0 10ii iiiove was a sqiiabble (;t.ttIlI II tI, go forward outlying neighborhoods eyed by As Adam and Pooovich oicture u 8 I ti IN k traffic on Rancho Saiila Iruiii thr x. once thousands of resiaenrs have I~ cotlid ptovo a Fr. I:ii,id foriiiitkhlr id4 Aside hum ihe lY fancy bell% included In a tie*' signed a petition calling for seces- Ik .itlciiLs along the road. among fdct that the- C~IIIICI~ thinks the sion. the Carisbad City Council will Ihi iii i'upvich. have long com- scccwiii I\ be iorced to acquiesce to demands for a separate city 1'1 11111 11 .~~JOUt the iioue and danger scvrrdl iilr II (1 1 11 VI as garbage trucks and twiiid.iIiCs (-11~t lniae vehirles rumble up the iic~ (it) (If L "If this council is COO narrow tlti~ii~ivlifare. When the City A, leaclcrs elf the sccrsston minded to approve it." Adams ( OIIIII iI MI .lawary refused to bow inwt*niciit WI* 11. d iirw city would warned. "we'll find some omole LV iiuiiicowiiers' pleas lo ban trucks be carvcd out 111 Carlsbad with whoare more eniightened." .I fioiii tlic road. the secession move- Palomar Airport llwd acung as a tiiciit ~11s formally organized northcrii bountlnry line. Every- iiwilivl tu finance a feaslbllity sword throiigh ('arlsbatl's rnidsm- sl(iiI) Lit delcrmiiie whether La Lion. woiild rtwm 111 the present owr.ilc as a city. About (1.500 has south of thc row1 would be dag- bwii r.iucd so far. and the organiz- naled ilic ncw city of La Costa. 01 q illan several dances and auc- Critics say that divrsion is unfair. I iwis to come up wlh the rest largely brcau.. la Costa would (11 lddition. they must collect the reap the financial benefits of the similiires of more than 2.500 reg- dozens of industries in Palomar l5lw~I voters In La CQSU to quaiify Airport l3usint.s Park. a pr0)eCt llir wession ptspaal lor the bal- pulled together hy Carlsbad off)- lot cials over srveral painstaking Next. the group would hove to yeam. grt ~ii~imval for Lhesecesslon from Carlzhad lcatlers like Mayor 1111. 1 mxil Agency Formation Corn- Clau~lt. f Llurldy) lrwis say lhcy titi' IUII. which handles such JU~S- simply WJUI~ riot agr: tu give lip dirl iciital mailers. The matter the itidustrial park to a new city noiilll then go before the Carlsbad And uiihotit ihr park, Lewis sad. ('ii\ ('tiiiiicil, which miiqt give ils IA (*[iq.i sni1Ilt prolubly prove LO get more sources oi revenue esrab- hshed to finance a city before we 78 aue SldgeLoach Park near intersection of I <r Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Drive I1w riInb(h issues have received the sccesioitints do not particiilar- ?Leut see LA COSTA, Psre 8 111: fmt step for the group ha thing norih of thv road. an east- ~CCN k& .ittarnpl to raise the $10.@% wcst bghway that cuLq hkc a Cos1.i h.is the fiscal wherewithal Io city 'rhe 22-qiiare-mile Rglon * e e May 5, 1yS7 TU:: Carl z.bad Citry Caurici imembers FRCtM :: Ci ridy Ward SUBJECT': !-,-a C~sta :&ce.z.si ETi ----11----1--1------_--I--------------------------------~------------. At it% reg~tlar ITICI~Y",~~ i~~~~",ing, b?if?~"il B, +ha LISt~~i+h~~& C~~isbad Wameawners7 Associatian=. Csalitian" i;Ait-amirs 1, fl, It!, Carl,.sbs. Erest 3 Harbor Poi nte, Lak~t-sttare Eardens, Las Pi ayaE., Sea C:! 3: ++ It : %ape, Spinnaker Hi11 and Vista F'alzi+ica) held a disruzsian CC-I ti r",osta Secec.5i on n None a+ the reFresentat i VEE. present supported idea o$ seces,si an niir had they %ai ked to anyane withi n thei r par' devel apm~nts that suppart c-ecessi on ,, Everyone agreed tAat prabl elii~ rasul ti nr; from gr~wtf-~ have af$pr_te8 a+ Carlsbad and are ncjt lirrritecj tu .j~i.st La Casta and that :yupl ic government aperati rig expenses tzt -Farm artather ri t.58 dxie;a riot seem an econcrmicaf viable sctfu.+,ion. We f inlj it interesting that the La Casta Tstw Zat!nci 5. is ar1xioii.s t~.i.::e our c,otttt\west qttadran-i ihfi th them yet t!-iey drr nat have r;ns m an their ftm memirjeri 'imm com-ici i whu 1 iifes in thiz. quadrant- ! indicates a "Do unto athers 3s they have done timta us" type 04 attitctbe. 3t thic. paint, there duem't zeem t!z bsr any support f ~ecessi caTa i rr 5i-1~ =.uuthwest.