HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-12; City Council; 8427-5; FINAL MAP CARLSBAD UNIT CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTERr- 9 > 2 a a 4 .. 2 0 F 0 6 z 3 a 8 \ CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDJILL c DEPT. AB#&~ZZ- TITLE: MTG. 5/12/87 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24, UNIT 3 CITY 1 DEPT, ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve final map of Carlsbad Tract No. 85-24, Unit 3, Carlsbad Research Center. FINAL MAP CITY 1 (CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER) ITEM EXPLANATION t; Engineering staff has completed checking the final map of Carlsbad Tract No. 85-24, Unit 3, a 6-lot subdivision located on Faraday Avenue, east of College Boulevard for conformance with the map conforms substantially with the Conditions of Approval and the tentative map as approved by the City Council on June 3, 1986, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 8587. In making the finding of substantial conformance, the City Engineer has interpreted condition No. 541al which reads Subdivision Map Act and the Carisbad Municipal Code. The final "In order for Koll to be in compliance with the Master Sewer Plan, they must ultimately make connection with the South Agua Hedionda Trunk Line. Prior to final map, developer must either post a completion bond or actually construct the work required ," to apply to Unit 5. Unit 5 being the "final map" or phase of the project. Council should also be aware that permission has been granted for these units to tmporarily sewer out of basin to the San Marcos Trui Sewer until the South Agua Hedionda Trunk is complete and operatia This project is exempt from the provisions of the Growth Managemen Ordinance pursuant to Section 21.90.030(c) (6) which exempts indus- trial projects which had complete application for a development permi on file with the City prior to June 11, 1986. FISCAL IMPACT The project is expected to generate sewer connection fees of approxi mately $286,000.00. unknown until the applicant submits applications for building permits The project should also generate Water Capital Fees estimated at $454,740.00 (1,59O/EDU). No detailed economic impact analysis of this development has been conducted. development are expected to be offset from increased tax or fee revenue, no exact percentage of offset can be predicted. The exact amount of Public Facilities Fees is While increased operating expenses related to this Traffic Bridge & Impact Thoroughfare Fee District Development Zone Phasing Program Density of this Project Growth Initiative Control Point Density ri Not Req u i red /A N/A L r w e LOCATION MAP I ---- I I Iy s IT I PROJ. I€ KOL L RESEARCH &E!& PROJECT NAME: CENTER UNIT3 - . i * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ' a 13 38 55 8 "UJ~ 14'1 8LZi n 5% ,kak 15 +$U - 16 528s 5$ $ 17 6 18 19 LVJZ gg2g >o W m RESOLUTION NO. 8587 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A 67 LOT INDUSTRI TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 85-24) ON 365 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT. APPLICANT: CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER CASE NO: CT 85-24 WHEREAS, on November 13, 1985 the Carlsbad Planni Commission adopted Resolution No. 2508 recommending to the Council that Tentative Tract Map (CT 85-24) be approved; 2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbac May 13, 1986 held a public hearing to consider the recommendations and heard all persons interested in or opr Tentative Tract Map (CT 85-24); and WHEREAS, the environmental review for said Tentat Tract Map was completed in conjunction with a previous prc Notice of Prior Compliance was filed by the Land Use Planr Manager on October 5, 1985 in compliance with the requiren the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance oi and the California Environmental Quality Act; 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councj I /I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B. That the findings of the Planning Commission Resolution No. 2508 constitute the findinqs of the City Cc in this matter with the exception of the following additic finding: "7. The subdivider is reauired as a condition ol approval of this subdivision to construct of f-site public improvements the cost of which exceeds $100,000. Therefoi I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ' 9 lo I' 0 l2 !!3 13 Fs % OL3Z OWU 14 gO=E >YO gbt.LL 15 16 I-;w - 528s oa2m z2 cn c U uv3; '5 4 i 11 u u l8 '''I W m operation of Government Code Section 66452.6(a) upon the 1 of each final map authorized by the tentative map and this approval the tentative map will be extended for an additic 36 months." C. That tentative tract map CT 85-24 together wj provisions for its design and improvement and subject to t conditions of this resolution, are consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carl$ D. That subdivision CT 85-24 is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Mur Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions contained Planning Commission Resolution No. 2508 dated November 13, marked Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof w: following exceptions: 1. Delete condition No. 54. 2. Add condition No. 33(e) to read as follows: I "33(e) The redesign of Street "Q" northerly serve the adjacent property. n 3. Add condition No. 54(a) to read as follows: r "54(a) In order for Koll to be in complianct I the Masterl Sewer Plan, they must ultimately make connectic the South Agua-He_d_ionda Trunk LiE. Prior to final map, developer must either post a completion bond or actually 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 1 4. Add condition No. 4(a) to read as follows: "4(a) Prior to approval of the final map, developer must sign an agreement to pay future bridge and thoroughfare distrist fees." following language: 5. Condition No. 37 is amended by the addition I "The subdivider shall not be reuuired to bonc the final map providing that building permits will not be for lots 92 through 109 until Faraday Avenue is actually constructed or the construction is otherwise guaranteed." the off-site portion of this street. A note shall be plac I 1 - 2. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 n a a m 13 98 <% 2 dous 14 15 ig;$ 16 oaYm 052: gs=-o mk<lL LLc.)J3 zw zo > >o 5 4 5 17 I- 0 - I.8 19 ,I w 0 6. Add condition No. 37(a) to read as follows: "37(a) Developer will be required prior to f map to sign an agreement to pay possible future traffic im fees that will be generated as a result of mitigating traf problems including, but not limited to Faraday and El Cami Real and Palomar Airport Road and College." PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on th 3rd day Of June , 1986 by the following vote, to wi Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None 71€+ 8- &L-. MARY H. PSLER, Mayor ATTEST: AL~HidiiLg-jk I I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I ' 3. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 w 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2508 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF "HE LOT INDUSTRIAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP ON 365 ACRES CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT, CASE NO: CT 85-24 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A 67 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST OF EL APPLICANT; CARLSBAO RESEARCH CENTER 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain propt A portion of Lots F ti G of Rancho Agua Hedionda, the City of Carlsbad and part in the unincorporal of the County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Partition Map thereof No. 323, the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego Cc November 16, 1896,. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to Planning Commission; and wit: WHEREAS , said verified application constitutes a 17 Dctober, 1985 and on the 13th day of November, 1985, hold I 22 23 24 /desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factc relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Devel 'rd ! i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plan following findings and subject to the following condi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 w 0 Findings! 1) The site is physically suitable for the type and den: the development since the site is adequate in size ai to accommodate residential development at the density 2) The project is consistent with all City public facil posed . icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of dn appropriate condition to this project, ensured t2 final map will not be approved unless the City cc finds that sewer service is available to serve tl project. In addition, the Planning Commission hi condition that a note shall be placed on the fin; that building permits may not be issued for the 1 unless the City Engineer determines that sewer st available, and building cannat occur within the ! unless sewer service remains available, and the I Commission is satisfied that the requirements of Public Facilities Element of the General Plan ha! met insofar as they apply to sewer service for tl project. b) All necessary public improvements have been prov will be required as conditions of approval. c) The applicant has agreed and is required by the . of an appropriate condition to pay a public faci: fee. Performance of that contract and payment ol will enable this body to find that public facilil 17 18 19 be available concurrent with need as required by General Plan. 3) The proposed project is compatible with the surround. I uses for the reasons stated in the staff report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 w 0 Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for CT 85-24, as shown on Exhibit -dated October 3, 1985, incorporated by reference and c in the Land Use Planning Office. Development shall oc substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. This project is approved upon the express condition th final map shall not be approved unless the City Counci as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. This project is approved upon the express condition tt building permits will not be issued for development oi subject property unless the City Engineer determines I sewer facilities are available at the time of applicat such sewer permits and will continue to be available I] time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the f map, ) This project is approved upon the express condition tk 2) 3) 21 22 23 24 :: 27 corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions o maintenance district if approved by the City Council. association or maintenance district shall be responsib maintenance of all private common areas. Said CC&R's submitted to and approved by the Planning Director pri final map apprwal of Phase 111. A 500' scale map of the subdivision shall be submitted Land Use Planning Manager prior to the recordation of final map. Said map shall show all lots and streets w and adjacent to the project, 1 R) ) A11 landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy I thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 113) The project shall provide bus stop facilities at loca subject to the satisfaction of the North County Trans trict. -free from advertising, and a pole for the bus stop si bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to detract from the basic architectural theme of the pro . said design shall be subject to the approval of the L Planning Manager and North County Transit District an specifically at the corner of College Boulevard and F Avenue Building identification and/or addresses shall be pla new buildings so as to be plainly visible from the st access road: color of identification and/or addresses contrast to their background color. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a 10) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 facilities, or the payment of any fees in lieu thereo by this approval or imposed by law on this project ar challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provi Government Code Section 65913.5. If any such conditi determined to be invalid this approval shall be inval the City Council determines that the project without condition complies with all requirements of law. Each mini-park shall be developed in accordance with and shall be installed at the time the lot on which i located is developed. said mini-parks shall be desig promote a degree of privacy through the use of bermin landscaping and planters. A detailed design of the m shall be submitted for approval by the Land Use Plann Manager at the same time development plans are submit 1 '12) 17 I the entire lot. 24 I is required. In addition to the requirements for a s requirements of Chapter 13.16 of the Carlsbad MuniciP I 22 23 24 I 23) Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to ai construction site within this project the developer submit to and receive approval from the City Enginee proposed haul route. The developer shall comply wit1 conditions and requirements the City Engineer may im] regards to the hauling operation. I I 28 i PC RES0 NO. 2508 -5- I 2 3 4 5 construction phase of this project to prevent any of siltation. The developer shall provide erosion cont I -measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/d basins of type, size and location as approved by the Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures s shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer the start of any other grading operations. Prior to removal of any basins or facilities so constructed t 6, 8i 7l served shall be protected by additional drainage fac slope erosion control measures and other methods req approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall the temporary basins and erosion control measures fo of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall LO 11 12 13 Engineer . Additional drainage easements and drainage structure provided or installed as may be required by the Coun. . Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Cia neer 26) The developer shall provide for offsite drainage eas 25) 1 I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Boulevard shall be waived on %e final mp specifical Direct access rights for all lot& abuttinlg College right-turn-in only for Lot 65 <S no& agplroved. Furtf -of College Avenue at time of phnned industrial permi allow right-turn-in only from College Avenue subject approval of the Planning Commission. 32) Access driveways (which shall be considered intersect shall be no greater than as shown on tentative map. cases, as lots are developed some access points may t restricted, or shared with adjacent lots. No specifi points are guaranteed by approval of this subdivision 31) to this effect shall be placed on the final map. 10 11 12 13 shall install, or agree to install and secure with ag security as provided by law, improvements shown on tt tentative map and the following improvements to City to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: a) All streets and utilities for each phase, as show b) Fully actuated traffic signals for El Camino Real 1 tentative map for this project, College Boulevard, College Boulevard and Faraday 14 I 151 161 I 17 I and College Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road (if on not already exist). Road full width as a major arterial, including me1 El Camino Real including necessary transitions no south along the frontage of this project. c> College Boulevard from El Camino Real to Palomar d) 2 3 4 5 6 7 *I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I? w 0 1.37) Prior to issuance of building permits for Lots 92 th 109, Faraday Avenue shall be connected westerly to a improved, publicly maintained road (Cannon Road). F '- improvement plan approval of this Phase, a feasible of Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road shall be provided. options for an additional access for Faraday to go t 4 could be submitted for approval by the City Engineer Planning Director . 4 38) The developer shall install street lights along all private street frontages in conformance with City of Standards . ,39) The developer shall install street trees at the equi 40-foot intervals along all public street frontages conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards. The tr be of a variety selected from the approved Street Tr 40) The developer shall install sidewalks along all pub1 frontages in conformance with City of Carlsbad Stand to occupancy of any buildings. 41) The develoDer shall install a wheelchair ramp at the street corner abuttiny the subdivision in conformanc 42) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regul design requirements of the respective sewer and wate regarding services to the project. 43) Should the developer decide to final map and develop of numerical sequence with the approved phasing as s tentative map all conditions required of the precedi of Carlsbad Standards prior to occupancy of any buil 11 24 shall be designed consistent with Title 17 of the Ca: State Administrative Code. Offsite future reclaimed i I I I i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 I w 47) Some improvements shown on the tentative map and/or I by these conditions are located offsite on.property 1 neither the City nor the subdivider has sufficient t: -interest to permit the improvements to be made withor acquistion of title or interest. The subdivider shal conform to Section 20.16.095 of the Carlsbad Municip: 48) All plans, specifications, and supporting documents 1 improvements of this project shall be signed and seal the Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Eacl shall be signed and sealed, except that bound documei be signed and sealed on their first page. Additional first sheet of each set of plans shall have the folh certificate: "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for i project, that I have exercised responsible charge ovc design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of Business and Professions Code, and that the design i! consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and 13 14 15 16 specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined tc review only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of ' my responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: I I 1 17 Address: copy of the tentative map as approved by the Plannin Commission. The tentative map shall reflect the con 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 m e I. 50) Prior to recordation of any final map for this devel approval of any grading or building permits for this the owner shall give written consent to the annexati -area shown within the boundaries of the tentative ma existing City of Carlsbad. Street Lighting and Landsc District NO. 1. Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire tw months from the date of City Council approval unless map is recorded. An extension may be requested by t discretion of the City Council. In approving an ext City Council may impose new conditions and may revis conditions. ",li52) The developer will offer for dedication the thirty a reservoir/site shown as Lot 110. The 12.1 acre wate reclamation plant site shown as Lots 102 and 110 sha reserved. Until complete release of bond for dedica improvements adjacent to Lots 102, 103 and 110, but event no longer than July 1, 1991, City will have OE purchase said sites for reclamation purposes only at developer's cost, plus twenty percent. Developer's be determined as follows: A. -Base land cost is set at $20,082.00 acre. B. 51) applicant, Said extension shall be approved or deni Carrying cost equal to developer's actual intere land shall be prorated from July 1, 1980. C. Actual improvement costs shall be added to the k D. Developer's profit of twenty percent shall be ad cost . 22 23 airport noise impact area for Palomar Airport as def the SANDAG Land Use Plan or updates thereto. The CC strongly recommend sound attenuation measures be inc 24 in the construction of buildings to be located withi CNEL range. The City is not responsible for airport 1 i 14 7) The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of a site 1 showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydrl 24 sprinklered or have four-hour fire walls with no ope therein which shall split the building into 10,000 SI 1 less) areas. . ,’ I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 w e Parks Department Conditions: 63) - The median islands along El Camin0 Real running alo length of this property shall be landscaped per Cit standards. The median islands may be waived if the Council modifies their policy relating to street im Street trees shall be installed throughout the proj pursuant to City standards. The types and location street trees shall be subject to approval of the Pa, Recreation Department. All graded slopes shall be planted or hydroseeded w mix approved by the Parks and Recreation Department immediately after grading. 64) 65) PASSW APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetii Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, 13th day of November, 1985, by the following vote, to wi* AYES : Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners: M( NOES : None . ABSENT : None. ABSTAIN: Commissioner L’ Heureux. McFadden, Smith, Holmes & Hall. ‘ II 26 i -12-