HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-12; City Council; 9004; City Manager recruitmentI 4 5 v a 2 [II (0 .A ! m al s bo 3 s -A u 3 u F: a, 5 a, N bo (d a, ,.c u bo FI .rl z M a (d a n 0 h 0 o\ 0 2 ffl 2 a a, u - a affl 0. @a, c, !j .: uu do 3% 2-4 . h a3 N I rl I m .. 0 z - 6 a e z 3 0 0 CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN@ BILL -. I * CITY DEPT. CM CITY CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT MTG. 5 I1 2 I87 D EP1 TITLE AB#-$!! RECOMMENDED ACTION: That Council select consultant, authorize Mayor to sign agreement and appropriate $15,000 for recruitment of City Manager (Resolution No. 2 EXPLANATION: On April 28, 1987 Council directed City Manager to solicit proposals fro1 executive search firms to assist the City in conducting its recruitment for City Manager. TWQ experienced firms have been contacted. Each has submitted a writ, proposal which has been given to each Council Member. Council Membel have individually interviewed the two consultants. Both firms have don management recruitment for Carlsbad in the past. The two firms are: Ralph Anderson & Associates - Sacramento Hughes-Heiss E Associates - San Mateo Both proposals cover recruiting, screening and assisting City Council in selecting a City Manager. The time to complete will be about 90 day! FISCAL IMPACT: The costs including consultant fees and expenses will be about $15,000. This amount is available in contingency. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. ?a 70 . 2. Agreement for Professional Services. 3. Ralph Anderson G Associates Proposal. 4. Hughes-Heiss Proposal. 'r 4 c $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I r l e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9070 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. WHEREAS, the City is desireous of obtaining the professiot services of a consultant for the purpose of recruiting for the positio City Manager; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitation is true and correct. 2. That the professional services agreement for this recn in an amount not to exceed $15,000 is hereby approved. 3. That the City Council authorizes the funding of the professional services agreement by a fund transfer from the General Fund unappropriated fund balance. 4. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the Agreement for Professional Services with Hughes-Heiss & Associates. dated , 1987. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting ( Carlsbad City Council held on the 12th day of &Y by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux ar NOES : None ABSENT : None ATTEST : ALwRAg'ENwqlerk (SEAL) \ 0 0 * i > !AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the of ,, 1987, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, i municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City, If anc Hughes, Heiss & Associates , hereinafter referred to i llConsultantlf. RECITALS City requires the services of Consultant to provide tf necessary professional services for the executive search and recruitment for the position of City Manager; and Consultant possesses the necessary skills and qualifi- cations to provide the services required by City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals anc the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Consultant a( as follows: (1) CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS The specific obligations of the consultant are detail€ in Attachment A (Consultantls proposal) which is attached and made a part of the agreement. (2) CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall be obligated to assist the consultant 2 specified in Attachment A. (3 1 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin within 10 days after receipt of notification to proceed by the City and be completed within the dates specified in Attachment A. \ e 0 , i % (4) FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT The lump sum fee payable for said services shall be $10,000. Reimbursable expenses such as travel, advertising telephone, not to exceed $5,000, shall be authorized subject approval of the Mayor. PAYMENT OF FEES Payment of fees shall be made in accordance with thos (5) specified in Attachment A. (6) FINAL SUBMISSIONS All submissions by the Consultant to the City shall b made in accordance with the time table shown in Attachment A (7) CHANGES IN WORK .. If, in the course of this contract changes seem merit by the Consultant or the City, the Consultant or the City ma request a change in contract. Such changes shall be process by the City in the following manner: A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the Mayor or Consulta to specify the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. After reachi: mutual agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement SI be prepared by the City and approved by the City Council. SI supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective nor invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. i (8) DISCLOSURE The Consultant warrants that its firm has not employec nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Consultant, to solicit or secure th: agreement, and that Consultant has not paid nor agreed to pa! any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any 1 \ a 0 + + commission,. percentage, brokerage fee, vift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award making this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this agreen without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, g or contingent fee. (9) NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Consultant shall comply with applicable State and Federal laws regarding non-discrimination. (10) TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Consultant's failure to prosecute deliver, or perform the work as provided for in this contrac the City may terminate this contract for nonperformance by notifying the Consultant by certified mail of the terminatio~ the contract. The Consultant, thereupon, has five working d; to deliver all work in progress to the Mayor. The Mayor sha: make a determination of fact based upon the documents delivel to City of the percentage of work which the Consultant has performed which is usable and of worth to the City in having agreement completed. Based upon that finding as reported to City Council, the Council shall determine the final payment c the contract. (11) DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreement, the following procedure shall be u to resolve any question of fact or interpretation not athemi *. \ e a % < settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if tl become identified as part of a dispute among persons operat: under the provisions of this contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the Consultant or the Mayor. A of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to both partic involved along with recommended methods of resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The Mayor or principa: receiving the letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to City Council for their.resolution. The City Council may t:h,e opt to consider the directed solution to the problem. In su cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at. 1 (12) SUSPENSION OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant is hired to render professional servicl for the purpose of conducting an executive recruitment for t: position of City Manager and any payments made to the Consul' are compensation solely for such services. (13) SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICES This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering 10 days written notice to the other party. In the event Of such suspension or termination, upon request of the City, the Consultant shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall be paid for work performed to the termination date, 5 0 0 \ * however, the total shall not exceed the guaranteed total maximum. The City Council shall make the final determinatio to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to b made. (14) STATUS OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant shall perform the services provided fo herein in Consultant's own way as a Management Consulting Fi and in pursuit of Consultantls independent calling, and not an employee of the City. Consultant shall be under control t the City only a to the result to be accomplished and the personnel assigned to the project, but shall consult with thc City as provided for in Attachment A. (15) OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS .. ._ All documents, applications, resumes, supplemental questions and interview material herein required are the property of the City unless otherwise specified in Attachment whether the work for which they are made be executed or not:. the event this contract is terminated, all documents shall bc delivered forthwith to the City. Consultant shall have the right to make one copy of the documents for their records. (16) HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whateve nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resulting fr or claimed to have caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission of Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify and save f: and harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers, anc employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, including \ e 0 i t liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any pl and specifications, unless the liability or claim is due, or arises out of solely to the City’s negligence. (17) ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Consultant shall not assign this contract or any thereof or any monies due thereunder without the prior writt consent of the City. (18) SUBCONTRACTING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work tc performed under this contract by the Consultant, Consultant shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Consultant’s subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, Consultant is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Consultant. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Consultant and City. The Consultant shall t every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractc by the terms of this contract applicable to Consultant’s work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract question approved in writing by the City. (19) VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during, or aft1 the execution of this contra.&, shall affect or modify any”of the terms or obligations herein contained nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract \ e 0 * * (2 0) EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day year first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals BY Title ATTEST : City tiA=kR% Clerk *. APPROVED AS TO FORM: \ e \ 5 Proposal To Conduct An Execu+ive Recruthent for a CI ty Manager CITY OF CARlsBAD, CAL IFOFWIA April 30, 1987 Prepared by : R ichard W. Perry Hughes, Helss 8 Assoc 675 Mariners Is1 and E Sulte 108 San Mateo, CA 94404 - - - <I bl " I e 0 HUGHES HEISS 8 ASSOClATES MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 675 Mariners Island Blvd. / Suite 108 San Mateo. California 94404 AprI I 30, 1987 41 5/570-6111 Carl sbad C1 ty Counci I CI ty of Carl sbad Carl sbad Ciiy Hal 1 1200 Elm Street Carl sbad, CA 92008 Dear Counci 1 members: We appreclate the oppartunlty to submit our proposal for recrult a CI iy Manager for the CIty of Carl sbad. 1 . OUR PERCEPT ION OF YOUR PROPOSED CITY UANPI;ER REW ITENT. .. The new Cliy Manager wll I be provldlng leadershlp and direction tc organization wlth operations involving a budget of $26 mill lon and a st of 422. Thls leadership wilt be critlcal because Carlsbad 1s not a sta community, .rather It 1.s a dynamic and growing Clty faclng complex issu (1) The Ner City Manager Will Be Facing Issues Which Are Critlcal Car! sbad. The new Clty Manager wii I be deal ing with a variety of Tss on the job. Among the more cr I tical are: Growth management has been and I ikel y w 1 I I continue to be the ' I sue, Much w i I I depend on the Cltyf s performance on gra management program - civw I de faci 1 iti es and Improvement pi Additional fy, the City 1s on the cutting edge in deal Ing wlth SI of the assocl ated lssues such as f lnancl ng growth management. Clrcul ation 1 s somewhat under the broader umbrei I a of gro management, however, it 1 s enough of a f oca I poi nt that 1 t w continue to merlt special attention. Carlsbadcs financial plcture wit I continue to requlre strc f inanci a1 management and pi ann1 ng. The City current1 y experiencing approxlrnately a $1 mil I ion shortfal 1 and lmpacted by lower revenues due to the st mer growth. Compound the probl em is the i ncreased M 8 0 costs associated w ith the new parks, the new pol Tce and communrty development facil ltll and the new fui ly manned f Ire station. As we become more fami I iar with the Ciiy Council f s 1 ssues i pr \ or! tfes, we w f 1 i be ab! e to expand on +he nature and scope of - responsi bi I i tles f aci ng Car I sbad' s new City Manager. \ e e \ (2) The Neu Clfy Manawr WIll Need To Have Vartous Characterls and Qual If icatlons. We will need to talk extensively with each member of the ( Council to develop the "ideal" characteristics of the new City Man: for Carlsbad, It appears that the characteristics could inci someone who: Has a strong background ln f lnancial pl anni ng and management, has the ab1 I 1ty to further refine and implement a viable pro! . Is a leader who wil I provlde cohesive dlrection to the st2 . Wi 1 I be a strong manager who can further mol d a group . Is comfortabl e with an open process and v iews ci ti . Possesses a good understanding of growth management concepts that wi I I meet the Clty's I ong term needs. and w TI I be accountable to assure that objectives are met. talented indivlduals into a team. participation as a viable part of the decision-making proces: Has a balanced view of the City and places a high priority Carlsbad as a residential communfty. Has the necessary vision to provide sound pol Icy recommendati for the 13 square m i I es of Car I sbad that has not yet begun devel op. The I ist of abi 1 itles and ski I Is woul d be more comprehensiv devel oped with the City Counci I shoul d we be selected to conduct recru i iment. (3) Carl sbad Has An 'Abundance Of Assets to "Sel IN To City Mana Candl dates. Since recruitments today take piace in a somewhat unique buy and sellers market, we wlll need to paint a positive, yet accur picture of Carlsbad in order to attract high qual iiy candidates. wil 1 work with you to identify these positive characteristics. blend of characteristics that make Cartsbad an attractive communfty I ive and work appear to be: . . Carlsbad is we1 I positioned as a coastal community In the v desirable North San Diego County area. A beachfront t, located 30 miles north of San Diego will be hlghly saleable the marketpl ace. . Despite Its falrly rapid growth, it has been able to retafn I el sure1 y I lf esty I e and f r fendl y mal I town aimosphere. The recreatlonal opportunities are plentiful, for aquatit tenn I s and go1 f. The uncrowded beaches and I agoon i particularly attractive for water enthusiasts. - 2- \ 0 0 i W t th a popul atlon of 55,000, Car I sbad I s v lewed b.: many 1 Managers as the Ideal size city to manage. The City is a dynamic place to work because of the conti1 growth of the community and the organization. In additfor the four facll !+les but!+ recently, the City wftl be bulidlr Senior Center and L i brary during the am fng y' . Housing prices In the $1 25,000 to $190,000 range are comp: tlvely reasonable when compared to Orange County and 0' metropol 1 tan areas. Th i s I I st of assets woul d be expanded shoul d we be sel ected assist you in recruiting the new City Manager. HUGHES, HElSS d, ASSOCIATES' FHILOSOPHY FOR CONDUCTING RECRUlTFfNTS FOR ( MANAGERS As our flrm has signlf fcantly expanded its involvement In execui .recruiting for pub1 IC cl ients in Cal lfornia and the Western United States, have identffled sane lmportant needs for re-dlrecting traditional approac to executive recruitment, These incl ude: . The tendency st1 I1 exists to rely on passive recruiting identify candidates .for speclf Ic positions. Executive recruiters sometlmes fai 1 to aggressive1 y market organization and its people while searching out and identify candl dates. . The lntegrated prlnt medla campaign usually consists of compl ementary components I ncl udi ng: - A creative advertisement, placed in professlonal journ whlch targets audiences where top level candldates I ikely to be found, Attachment A shows sample advert1 ments recent1 y developed and pl aced to support exeat recrultments amp1 eted by Hughes, Heiss and Assoclates, - An Informative, "corporate" type brochure which addres the job, the characterlstlcs of the cl lent organization, the Itideal" candldate. As an integral part of our market efforts, the brochure is employed to generate interest and prov i de I nformation to: .. Potential candldates ldentlf ied through our te phone sourci ng progrm. . . Potent i al candl dates who respond to pr i nt me advertising and other pub1 IC notices of the avai 1 ab1 I ity. Attachment B provides examples of typlcal brochu designed and produced In support of executlve recrulim efforts by the staff of Hughes, Heiss 8 Assocl ates. -3- \ 0 0 4 . 2, AN NiGRESS IVE SWKI NG pR@W IS UMRTmN TO GamhTf A nrf =I:IEn CANDIDATE pooc. Advertising and prlnt media campaigns provlde only a portion c successful executive recrultment program. The next critical step 1s aggressive sourcing progran. The overal I goal of a sourcing program i! develop as broad a candi date pool as possi bl e. To generate th Is candi ( pool , members of our proJect team: . Conduct a broad scai e tel ephone search to I dent 1 fy the top pr fitioners in the f le1 d, The team conducts personal telept I nterv iews w i th these top practi tl oners to exp I ai n the job, qual itles of the cl fen+ organization, and get their ideas potent i al candl dates. . Contad potential candl dates to dl scuss the job, the cl organlzation and the ideal candidate qual lties. An inl., assessment of the candi date's background, qual if ications, Interest in the position 1s made by the proJect team. Qual if candl dates are invited to submit their resumes to the candi ( pool . . This process 1s amp1 lmented by a marketing effort which cl udes sending a I etter of invitation to apply and the brocf to potential candidates. 3, VIDEO TECHNOLOGY IS USED TO INTEREST KEY CANDIDATES IN lHE JOB AND a IENT O~AN IZATION. Concurrent w fth the preparation of media advertlsing and brochur our project team prepares a video tape progran deslgned to helghten candl c i nterest and acqual nt them w 1 th the CI ty, the agency and key cnaracter I st of the positlon. Hughes, Heiss 8 Associates is the only firm in the cour employing video technology in pub1 lc sector recruitments. We have found i an lntroductory video tape prov ldes an 1 deal opportun lty to aquai nt a br number of potential candfdates with the cl lent organization and the C Councll views of the position and the issues faclng the City -- providir perspectlve which is v.irtuaI ly imposslble to dupl icate with prlnted mater; The I ntroductory v 1 deo tape w h Ich we prepare for dl spl ay to potent candl dates usual ly contai ns the fol 1 owlng components: A visual depiction of the Ctty lnciudlng such key e\ements housl ng stock, I lfesty I e amen1 tl es, and overal I env ironmen*. Speclf IC hlghl fghts of the organization tncl udtng fact1 I+! work I ng env I ronment, and other character i st I cs which I end tt selves to visual displ ay. In a taped interview, the Clty Council discusses its percept1 of the needs of the Job, strengths of the organlzatl chal I enges to be faced by the new City Manager, and persc characteristics which are consldered as high priority potenti a1 candi dates, -4- \ 0 0 $ Th I s v ideo tape presentation is used to inform candidates about Job, and %el I them" on the cl lent organization during the appl lcat screen1 ng, and- i nierv iew processes. Our exper fence cl early shows that approach helghtens candl date Interest by i I I ustrati ng the potential of Ciiy and the job and has resulted in appl lcatlons from lndlvidual s who 1 only marginal ly Interested at f lrst contact. b 4. APR I CANTS ARE SCREENED MRUJGH USE OF A KILTI-FACETED CANDI I EVALUATION PROGRAM WHICH MAXIMIZES PERSONAL CONTACT WITH CANDIDATE! Too often, executive recruitments are characterized by \\m personal lnvol vement with candidates untl I the very end of the process I a final interview list is developed. Using this approach results in "10s good candidates while, at the same tlme, providing I lttle opportunity to candidates on the job and organization. As a resut t, we ut1 I Ize an lntegrated personnel eval uatlon and se . Cr i ter 1 a for prel lm lnary screeni ng of the board candl date 1 tl on process which 1 ncl udes these key components: are devel oped from the 'ti deal candidate specif icationstt. Ti criterla are employed to screen resumes and appl lcations wI are received as a result of our mu1 ti-faceted advertis sourci ng, and recru i tment efforts. . A telephone lnterv iew guide is devel oped by the project tear expl ore strengths and weaknesses of lndlv idual candidates readi I y apparent f ran printed resumes. Attachment C to . I etter contains a sampl e interv Iew gul de devel oped dur i n' recent search. Based on this i ni tial scteeni ng process, members of our pro- team narrm the candidate pool to 20 to 30 individual s. 7 group of candidates w I1 I receive an lntense evaluation thrc the use of a variety of instruments and approaches. A lvsupplementaltv questlonna!re/personnel prof lle is &vel( and dl stributed to the top 20 to 30 candidates. The I plemental questionnaire is designed to el icit responses *. top candf dates 1 n a number of important areas 1 ncl ud i ng SE eval uation of strengths and weaknesses; detai 1 ed expl oration the major chal I enges faced ln the candidate's current job; personal vlews and opinions related to all the key crite identlf led by the c! lent. The supplemental questJonnaire r ponses are rev lewed f n detai I . Attachment D contal ns a sari supplemental questionnaire which was developed and used dur a recent recrui tment. . 1 n-depth 1 nterv iews are conducted w i th the top 20 to 30 ( dl dates. The purpose of these 1 nterv iews is to further expl key candidate characterlstlcs and responses to the supplemer questfonnaire. Durlng al I intervlews, our proJect team a{ employs vldeo technology to capture a portfan of our Inten -5- . a 0 !. % with each candi date. The I ast ten minutes of each 1 nterv iel taped to provide the cl lent an opportunity to observe candid; dur i ng the i nterv lew process. Th is process prov ides the ( Counci I the opportun ih/ to review candidate presence, react in a stress si tuation, and strengths and weaknesses 1 n I nterv iew si tuation. I Based on these Interviews, the 10-15 nare qual Ifled appl IC; e We encourage our cl ients to partic! pate in the final scree1 are selected as a semi-final 1st candidate pool. process of the 10 to 15 potential final ists. A variety approaches +o ensure objectlviiy in candidate evaluatlon screening can be incorporated. These i ncl ude: - The proJect team members and cl lent Joint1 y review in1 view results, incl uding video taped interviews, thorough1 y expl ore each of the candidates and our re( mendations for placement of candidates on the f interv iew I 1 st. This sesslon al so prov 1 des an opportur to review the *‘second I evel” candidates who have not t sei ected for f inal interviews. The v ideo tape lnterv are an lnval uabl e tool ln I nvol ving the C1 ty Councl I narrowing the I 1st to the five to elght candidates wil I ultimately be intervlewed as f inal-ists. .. .. .. - AI ternatively, we have establ ished a panel of top c fessional s who serve as **quai ity control ‘I for screening and f lnal inferv lew recammenda+tons. Agal n, video tape interviews provlde a valuable tool for with such a panel. In addition to providing the City Council with a I ist of ftnal car1 dates for i nterv iew i ng, we are prepared to prov ide add i ti onal serv ices assist in the successful concl usion of the selection process. These servic which are avai lable at the City’s option, incl ude: . Devel opment of lnterv lew gui des and a rat1 ng process for during f lnal lnterviews. Having a member of our project team serve as a f aci I itator dur the 1 nterv iew process. . Negotiating compensation and job condltlons with the candld ultimately selected as a result of the selection process. have found this a vat uable service for some organizations. hav lng a member of our project team serve f n a negoti atlng rc potent1 al an irnosf ty re1 ated to sal ary negoti ati on and ot employment condltlons is shifted away from the Cidy Council provides the optlmum situatlon for the new Cliy Manager start work. .. -6- \ 0 0 < Our serv lces a1 ways lncl ude detal I ed reference check1 ng of the appointment being made. Background investlgatlons often Impact the decl on the "r ightfl candidate among the top two or three sei ected f ran I nterv 1 ew s. b candldate(s1 upon completion of the Interview process, but prlor tj We are al so prepared to desi gn and conduct an Assessment Centel part of the f lnal selection process lf desired by the cl lent, An Assess Center provl des an opportun ity to view and eval uate candl dates as participate In exercises which simulate actual dimension of the job. Assessment Center prov 1 des the cl lent an opportun i ty to further 1 dent1 fy positive and negative aspects of the candldatels performance and qual if Tcat for the position. We are prepared to discuss these servlces In greater de w ith you. 5. CUR APPROAOI ALSO FOCUSES or( PROVIDING ALL CANDIDATES FEEIXAU WEIR PERFORMNCE CURING THE SELECTION pRo[ESS. While it has no lmmedlate impad on the candldate ul tlmately sele by the cl lent organization, we feel that candldate feedback Is a part of selectlon process. Too often, feedback is I imited to a "thanks for appl icationfl letter which provides I ittle vat uable lnformatlon to a ca date who has invested substantial portions of his or her time in lntervl compl etion of the suppl mental questionnaire and other selection rei activities. More personal post-set ection feedback to unsuccessful ca! dates generates substantlal ffgood wil I" for the cl lent organizatlon. I resul t, members of our project team are prepared to provide personal fl back to the top 30 candi dates incl udi ng 1 nformatlon on strengths weaknesses and suggestlons for improved performance In future recruiil and selectlon efforts. We firmly bel leve that such personal feedback Vides a professional conci usion to a recruIhen+ and sel ec+lon effort, indicates that the cl lent "caresv1. This can have a posl ti ve effect future recruitments of your agency. ._ * * * * * 6. THE FROPOSED RECRU 1 TENT WORK PLAN The paragraphs whlch follow provide summary and sequentlal descr tl ons of the work, steps requi red to conduct the executive recrui hen? the City Manager 1 n the City of Car I sbad. TimTng of each task, stated terms of weeks fol I ow lng the contract start date, is al so presented. E the task pl an and timing can be adjusted depending on your speclf ic w ish6 -7 - a a . < Tentatlve c Work Tasks Respons f b I I I +y Schedu I e 1. Develop a "candidate prof 1 I en Consul tant/ Week 1 for the position of City Clty Councl I Manager. . I nterv leu the CIly Counci I members fndividual ly to determ 1 ne the type of person needed and specific issues the Clty Manager w i I I address once selected and on the Job; resolve recr u 1 tments str ateg I es and tlmetabl es. . Review Cliy operations and identrfy community information relevant to the recruitment. . Formal lze these deci slons into a written "candidate prof I I el1 and cl rcul ate to the cl lent for further reaction and comment, If" appropr 1 ate. 2. Develop and pl ace "eye catch- Consul tant ing" advertisements in selected Dub1 Icatlons. ~ ~~ ~ ~- Week 2 ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ - . Prepare advert1 sements' for such pub1 lcations as Western Cl tl es; J obs Avai I ab1 e; Job Finder, and other profess i ona I journal s as appropr 1 ate. . PI ace these advertisements - as soon as possible in order to meet the varfous pub1 lcatlons earl lest pri nti ng dead1 lnes. 3. Prepare and send a brochure to Consul tant Weeks 2-3 candldate sources and prospec- tive candi dates. ~ ~~ ~" . Prepare brochure that llsei I SI? the posl tlon and describes the ?vi deal vt candidate, lssues the Clly Manager w 1 I I address, compensation, timing of the search pl us I nf ormat 1 on about the City of Carl sbad. -8- 0 0 < Tentat I ve 6 Work Tasks Responsl bl I 1% Schedu I e - . Prepare inltial Ilst of Consul tant organizations and candl- dates to whl ch brochure shout d be sent. . Print brochure and d I str i bute. 4. Prepare v Ideo tape progran Consul tant Weeks 2-3 to hef ghten candidates' Interest and aquai nt thm w 1I-h the Ciiy of Carl sbad. ~~~ ~ ~-~ . V i deo tape I nterv iews w ith the City Councf 1. 5. Conduct telephone sourcing Consul tant Weeks 3-6 pragran to further identlf and interest highly qual if candl dates. . Contact profess i ona I organizations. . Contact other comparabl e ut1 I itles. . Send addltional mailers, as req u i red. 6. Closing deadl Ine for receiving Consul tant Week 7 (depen resmes. on ad deadl fnl 7. Develop a "Supplemental Consul tant Weeks 7-0 Questionnaire" to be completed by the mare qual If Ied cand 1 dates. . Prepare Interv iew guide; conduct telephone interview to "flesh out" resumes; tentatlvel y ldentify strengths and weaknesses based on resume review and prel im lnary tel ephone I nterv i ew s. .. -9- 0 e a Tentatt'.'o e Work Tasks Responslbl I 1i-y Sch edu I e Prepare the format for a f Ive to seven-page supple- menta I quest I onna 1 re to obta I n more I nf ormat 1 on frcm the more qual if led candl dates on hi s/her "per- weaknesses, reasons for Tnterest In the City of Carl sbad, future career, pl ans, past accompl ishments and how he/she feel s job per- formance shoul d be eval uated. . Screen candldates pool to top ce ivedlt s k I I I s, strengths, 30 candidates. . Mal I "prof i 1 e" to most qual If fed Candidates. 8. CanpIeTe personal interviews Consul tant Weeks 8-9 with selected semi-f lnal lsts to assist in the screening process. Conduct hour-long inter- views (in person or by phone 1 w 1 th se I ected candl dates. . Put f lnal 10 minutes of each 1 nterv lew on v ideo tape where personal interview is possf bl e. 9. Closing dead1 in8 for receiving Consultant Week 9 suppl mental questionnaires. -1 0- .. 0 0 z ? Tentative Work Tasks Responsi bi I ity Schedu I e 10. Screen appl lcatfons to f If teen candi dates. identify the top ten to Consul tant Weeks 7-8 Analyze supplemental quest i onna 1 re corn- pi eted by top candi- dates. I dent1 f y key Issues to be resol - ved ln fol I ow-up persona I i nterv i ews. . Utll Ize lnforrnation ga i ned through tel ephone sourci ng/prel lrn i nary te I ephone I nterv i ews. 11. Rq~8 a progress report on Consul tant top candidates and their back- grounds and qual if icailons. Week 9 . List of candidates and summary of quat'if Ications. . Detai I ed resurne/b iogrz- ph ica I sketches. 12. kt with the cl lent Consul tant and Week 10 to screen candidates further Clty Council to develop f lnai ist 1 1st. . Uti I lze resumes, suppl mental question- naires and v ideo Inter- views to acquaint the ci lent w ith the candi- dates. Develop final i nterv t ew I I st. 13. Develop possible questions and approach for the ci lent to use in fn+erVl-fnn final ists. "- _-. "."... YI.,, Consul tant/ Clty Council Week 10 . Develop interview gulde and ratlng process if des I red. -1 1- e 'a t 4 Tentat f ve Work Tasks Responsl bt I fty Schedu I e 14. lntervlew flnal lsts and make City Councf I As Soon As a selectlon. with Consul - Poss i bl e tant Assistance 15. Conduct Ref wen- Checks of Consul tant TOO Candldate(s1. . " After C1 lent I nterv i ew s . Identify cOncerns/areas to probe based on cl lent 1 nterv iew resul ts. . Tal k w 1 th key execut ives, bus I ness I eaders, commun 1 ty representatives and sub- ordl nate staff members from the candi date' s cur- rent and past jobs. 16. Negotfate canpensatlon and City Council As Soon As appof nt new Cf ty Manager or Consul tant Possi bl e 17. Notify al I candfdates. Consul tant As Soon As Poss i bl e . Prov lde feedback on performance during recruitment and sel ec- t I on process. 7. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXKRIENCE OF OUR FIRM MD RECROITENT TEAM. Hughes, Hei ss and Associates was establ ished over 12 years ago by vice president and senior associate from a large, international consul tl f Irm, boz, AI len and Hamilton. The f lrms four goals continue to be: . To provide governmental cl ients, primarlly local and State To make certain that our work is practical and usable In the . To prov 1 de personal lzed attent ion to ass1 gnments by exper 1 en To prov lde these services at reasonabl e cost to pub1 IC secto agencies, with high qual ity and creative consulting assistan "real worl d" of governmental operations. consul ti ng staff. cl ients. Sfnce its establ ishment, the f inn has served over 190 cl lent organ tations on more than 330 consul ti ng ass 1 gnments. -1 2- 0 0 I ( 1 1 We Uoul d Conduct the Reau I bent U I th a Tearn of Two Sen Rotessi onal s Who Have I n-f)epth txpe rience in Executive Sea and Candl date Eva! uation. I ( 1 1 We Uoul d Conduct the Reau I bent U I th a Tearn of Two Sen Rotessi onal s Who Have I n-f)epth txpe rience in Executive Sea and Candl date Eva! uation. We approach executlve recruitments w lth a beperson team w each member be I ng i nvol ved 1 n each step of the recruitment proce We do not use Junlor, less experfenced staff to accompllsh such impl tant tasks as telephone sourcing and potentlal candl date ldentif 1 tion. For thls assignment, Rlchard Perry and Glnny Sllva Jaqui both senior members of our f Im, woul d comprise our recruiting te Mr. Perry woul d be taking the 1 ead role in th Is recruitment. RlcfIard Perry has near1 y f 5 years experience, both as a manal with and consul tan? to I oca1 government. A Pr I nci pal of Hugh1 Helss and Assoclates, Mr. Perry has taken the lead role In rnl than 50 executive recrulfments conducted by our f frm. Mr. Pel al so designs and conducts Assessment Centers as part of recrulfment and selection services. Prior to joining Hugh Hei ss and Associ ates, Mr. Perry had extensive exper i ence ar I lne manager serv i ng as Dl rector of Parks and Recreation Bel mont, Ass1 stant PI anning Dlrector for San Mateo County 2 the Manager of The Sea Ranch. Addltional ly, he served Interim Town Manager for Los Gatos whl le recruiting their I Town Manager. He has completed City Manager recruitments * the .Cities of Napa, "Davis, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Larkspur, Hi Moon Bay, Pacif lca, Seal Beach, Concord, San Carlos and St. Helel dur I ng the past el gh teen months. He is current I y compl et recrul tments for a Cl ty Manager for South San Franci sco, Personnel Dl rector for Santa Moni ca and a PI ann 1 ng 01 rector 7 San Mateo. Glnny Ulva Jaquith has nearly 20 years experlence as a rnana< and pol Icy maker i'n 1 oca1 government. She has extens I ve mar ger 1 ai and operati ona I exper I ence as Di rector of Parks, Bead and Recreation for the City of Pacif lca. Ms. Jaquith 1s CL rentiy a six-year member of the Paciflca City Council, hav served terms as Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. As a member of -I Hughes, Hei ss and Assocfates f irm, she has worked on recrui ments for a Ciiy Manager, Asslstant Clty Manager, Dep~ Director of Pub1 IC Works and a Community Development Directc Most recently, she has completed three recruttments for i Ai ameda Bureau of El ectr lclty for an Ass1 stant General Manage an Engineering Manager, and an Operatlons Manager. In additic she 1s on the faculiy at San Francisco State University. (2) Various References Can Be Contacted to Eva1 uate the Qual ity Our Recru f bent Efforts. The f lrm has served numerous cl ientS lnvol ving f ul I-sca executive recruitments, assistance with candldate screening a eval uation, and we have designed and implemented numerous Assessrne Centers. Attachment E shows a comprehensive I 1 st i ng of recrui tme and sel ect I on ass1 gnments compl eted by the f 1 rm over the I ast f i years. -1 3- 0 e i We bel ieve the most effective testimony to the qual Ity 0' executl-ve recruitment services comes from our previous cl lent: people who have participated in our executive recruitment and s tlon process. Fol lawlng are I lsted elected offlclals and appo managers who have been recent cf Ients on executive recruitmenl selectfon projects. Most of them have had exposure to mu1 executive recru I bent and se I ectl on f i rms, YOU are encourage contact them to get their reactlons to the qual ity of our work a how our approaches and techniques are differentiated f run many executive recrultment firms, e @ai g Shannon, Vice Mayor w Wrty Tarshes, Inter im Manager, Clty of San Carl os -- Recrultment of a CIty Manage (41 5) 593-801 I e Jane Reed, Counci I member (Search Coordl natorl', Town of AI tos -- Recruitment of a Town Manager (41 5) 948-1 491 . Sue Dee Shenk, V Ice Mayw (Search Coordl nator), Clty of Nap Recru Itment of a City Manager (707 1 255-691 4 . He1 en Bedesaa, or Brian Beers, Counci I members, CI ty of Cbon Bay -- Recru i tment of a Ci +v Manager (415) 726-4162 or (415) 726-71 11 . John Stump, Search Coordi nator, San Olego PI C/RETC -- Recru i* of an Executive Director (619) 238-1445 . David Janssen, Assistant County AdRinistratlve Officer, Dlego County 0- Recr u I tment of a Dl rector of Empl oyee Serv i ( (619) 293-6030 0 FI arena Rhodes, bund I member, Cl ty of San Matea -- Recru i - of a City Attorney (41 5) 377-3423 Virginia Fanel I I, Mayor, Clty of Saratoga -- Recruitment City Manager (408) 996-81 88 -1 4- \ c e e . . . . Joyce Reisner, Mayor, or JoAnn Yeo, Clty Clerk ( Coordinator), Cl+y af Seal Beach -- Recru 1 tment of -Manager (213) 431-2527 Ann Evans, Mayor, or Dave Rosenburg, Counci Imernber, City of -_ Recruitment of a City Manager (916) 756-3745 Terry Dal ey, Mayor, Town of Los Gatos -- Recru i tment of Manager and Town Attorney (408) 866-66 16 Vern Hazen, Clty Manager, Cily of Escondl do -- .Recru I tmen- Chief of Pol lce (619) 741-4631 Kenneth BI ackman, City Manager, Ci+y of Santa Rosa -- Nutl recruitments Including a Personnel Services Dlrector, twc Attorneys, two' Ass1 stant Ci ty Managers, and a Pol ice Ch lef I (707 1 576-536 t Anne Wool Iver, Counci lmen~ber (fwmer Mayor, Torn of Anselr Recruitment of a Town Manager (41 5) 453-0392 Joan Lubamersky, Mayor, Clty of Larkspur -- Recruitment of i Manager ( 41 5 1 558-485 1 Robert Holmes, Mayor, Town of Corte Wdera -- Assessment C for a CI ty Manager (415) 924-1700 Chnawal e Satterwhite, Counci 1 member, Clty of East Palo Al Recru 1 tment of a C1 iy Manager (415) 324-1308 Pam Nlcolal, Clty Manager, City of San Rafael -- Recruliment City Manager (41 5) 485-3070 -1 5- 0 0 I . . Char1 8s Meel y, C1 ly Manager, CIty of Seas1 de -- Recru I an Ass1 stant Cliy Manager and Assessment Center for Pol Ice ( 408 1 899-6 200 Margaret Tayior, Dlrector of Heal th Serv Ices, San Mate -- Recruitment of a Mental Hea1t.h Dfrecior and a of Env i tomenta 1 Hea 1 th (41 5) 573-2582 . hrty Vana-ur, CHy knager, Cily of Glenda1 8, Art b Recru I tment of a Human Resources Dl rector (602) 435-4256 Izetta Blrch, Personnel Director, City of Sunny- Recruliment of an Assistant CTty Manager and City Attorn (408) 738-5433 . Dick U 1 I son, City Uanager, City of Santa Cruz -- Recru I a Water D I rector ( 408 1 .429-3 540 If you desire addltlonal references, please contact us. * * * * Y 8. CONSULTING CHARGES The fee to the C1I-y of Carl sbad for recruiting a City Manager \ $10,000.00 for professional time as out1 lned in our work program. I sabl e expenses incl uding travel, adverti sTng, and tef ephone woul d bc to you at cost and w 11 I be in the $3,500 .OO to 64,500.00 range, depe the extent of advertising desired. These fees reflect the cost of co a ful I recruitment as out! ined in this proposal. * * * * * We view the assignment to recruit for a City Manager In Carl sbi important and chal I engi ng project and 1 ook forward to orklng w lth the recr u I tment. s&&!5-k!5-, 7 Rlchard W. Perry HUGHES, HE ISS AND A SO I ATES Partner i i -1 6- I 1: I 1 I K 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I .. 1 1 * e EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT SERVICES FOR CITY MANAGER CITY OF CABLSBAD Prepared By. RALPH ANDERSEN SI ASS=: 1446 Ethan Way Suite lol dacramenb, California 9: (916) 929-5575 3860 West Northwest High Sulte 230 Dallas, Texas 75220 (214) 956-7097 May 1,1987 I I I I I II 1 1 I I, 11 1 I I I I I 1 I 6 t e 0 Ralph Andersen 1446 Ethan Way & Associates 3860 West Northwest Highway Suite 101 Suite 230 Sacramento, CA 95825 Dallas, TX 75220 (91 6) 929-5575 (214) 956-7097 May 1 , 1987 Mayor Bud Lewis and City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Car lsbad, CA 93940 Members of the City Council Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: Thank you for inviting Ralph Andersen & Associates to submit a proposal to conduct the recruitment of the City Manager for the City of Carlsbad. Ralph Andersen & Associates is quite familiar with the position of City Manager, having assisted approximately 100 City recognize the important relationship which must exist between the policymakers and their city administrator. As such, we are confi- dent in finding experienced individuals with the background, quali- fications, and leadership skills to meet your City's needs. To assist the City Council in evaluating our firm, we will highlight our experience and approach, while more detailed information regard- ing the process is contained in the attached proposal. Also, for your information, we are currently assisting or recently completed the recruitment of a city manager for the following California cities: Agoura Hills, Benicia, San Luis Obispo, Redding, and Kings- ville, Texas. We have also conducted executive recruitments for the City of Carlsbad and are currently hand1 ing multiple recruitments for the newly incorporated City of Encinitas. Councils in the recruitment of their chief executive officer. We THE FIRM We are a management consulting and executive recruitment firm spe- cial izing in providing service to local government. The firm has been in business for over 15 years and we currently have offices in Dallas and Sacramento. Ralph Andersen & Associates is the nation's oldest established firm specializing in the recruitment of chief I 8:' I I I 1 1 I 1 1 R I 1 I I I I 1 I e e Mayor Bud Lew-a's May 1, 1987 Page Two and Members of the City Council executives, senior managers and technical staff for local government and other public sector organizations. As the leader in the field, we take executive recruitment very seriously. Our commitment is to provide the most thorough , professional , and re1 iable search ser- vices available. Our track record is evidenced by the fact that many of our clients have used our services repeatedly. THE RECRUITMENT TEAM Without question, the professional competence of the recruitment team is an important determinant of a successful search. The recruitment staff at Ralph Andersen & Associates is, quite simply, the best in the business: 0 We maintain a separate Executive Recruitment Division. staffed entirely with full-time, senior members who were seasoned local government professionals prior to joining the firm. -. @ Our network of contacts with leaders in the field gives us unparal l'eled access to outstanding potential candidates. 0 Due to our previous management experience in local government we have developed an ability to discern substance from facade when assessing a candidate's potential ability. 0 Every step in the process is personally handled by our profes- s ional recruitment team. A PERSONALIZED APPROACH TO RECRUIT OUTSTANDING CANDIDATES Each recruiting assignment undertaken by Ralph Andersen & Associates is customized. It takes the special needs of the client into account. We carefully assess what you are ldoking for and develop a detailed written profile of the ideal candidate. We begin every search with a fresh approach based upon our experience, our resources, and our record of ach ievement . 4 II I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 11 I I 1 1 e e Mayor Bud Lewis May 1 , 1987 Page Three and Members of the City Council We have substantial contacts and information about potential candi- dates, but we don't parade the same stable of applicants before our clients. We identify and aggressively pursue candidates, keeping in mind what you are looking for. When you contract with Ralph Andersen & Associates, we assume total responsibility for the entire process until the position is filled with the right candidate. The candidate selection procedure includes the following features: 0 A careful assessment of the client's specific needs and the development of a detailed written profile of the ideal candi- date. 0 Plans, organizes, and executes an advertising campaign specif- ically designed to reach the targeted audience as well as to ensure a fully open and competitive process. 0 Aggressively markets the c'lient organization and the job oppor- tunity in all candidate contacts. Only a comprehensive and aggressive candidate identification effort can guarantee an applicant pool of the requisite quality. -. 0 Personally contact acknowledged leaders in the profession, including successful practitioners, and professional associa- tion executives to identify outstanding potential candidates. 0 Solicit individuals we know to be qualified candidates through our extensive network of personal and professional contacts. The successful process we employ after the resume filing deadline includes: 0 Careful screening of all resumes received against the recruit- ment profile. 0 Personal interviews with each potential finalist to determine if the person is a serious candidate and whether there is a possible fit 0 Detailed work-related reference checks on a1 1 individuals pre- sented as suggested finalists while maintaining the confiden- tiality of the candidates 0 Application of other screening techniques, such as assessment centers and psychological evaluations, at the cl ient's option I e e I:' Mayor Bud Lewis It and Members of the City Council May 1, 1987 Page Four I I I 0 Attend the final interviews to assist the client. Also, if requested, we will assist the client in negotiation of a com- pensation package with the successful candidate. II i i ONGOING COMMUNICATION A high level of interest always surrounds the recruitment of key executives in the public sector. Consequently, timely and effective communication with a1 1 involved parties is an essential, though often overlooked, component of the search process. Ralph Andersen & Associates incorporates a superior communication program into every recruitment we conduct. That program consists of: P 1 I 1 1 0 Regular written status reports to the client throughout the recruitment 0 Production of an eye-catching personalized invitation packet designed to spark the interest of outstanding candidates 0 Prompt written acknowledgement of all applications received 0 A comprehensive recruitment report (written and oral presenta- tion) containing extensive information on each candidate rec- ommended as a finalist 0 Complete follow-up correspondence with a1 1 applicants, final- ists and the successful candidate. Also, when appropriate, provide feedback to the unsuccessful finalists. I II I 1 WHY SELECT RALPH ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES? We are aware of our competitors and as a result, remain ahead of them in terms of the quality of our work, and are more than compe- titive in our fees for service. The following factors distinguish our firm from others: 0 Public sector recruiting services of Ralph Andersen & Asso- ciates have been in existence longer than any other firm. E I a e I:' Mayor Bud Lewi s 1 1 I I 1 R e It 1 8 I I 1 I m a I and Members of the City Council May 1 , 1987 Page Five We have successfully conducted over 300 executive recruitments for local government agencies . e We are the largest, full service advisors to local government who also conduct publ ic sector executive recruitments. e Face-to-face interviews with potential finalists are more per- sonal and effective than other selection techniques. e No firm provides as much time and attention to as large a group of candidates as our firm. As such, we are less likely to overlook a potential top quality candidate. e We use only senior personnel on our recruitments who were pre- viously successful managers in the publ ic sector. Thank you again for the opportunity to submit the following proposal to assist you in the recruitment of the City Manager. We look forward to the Carlsbad City Council's favorable consideration and are eager to begin work on this important assignment. If you should have any questions regarding our approach to the recruitment, please call Gary Brown or Ralph Andersen in our Sacramento office. Sincerely, &#Abm%-h&& Ralph Andersen & Associates I I" & 8 I I I 1 I li 8 I 1 I E I I 8 I 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I - OUR APPROACH TO THE ASSIGNMENT Recruitment Objectives Proposed Work Plan Task 1 Analyze the position Task 2 Execute an advertising campaign Task 3 Identify and invite candidates to apply Task 4 Review all resumes Task 5 Conduct preliminary reference checks Task 6 Conduct preliminary interviews Task 7 Conduct detailed background checks Task 8 Develop list of recornended finalists Task 9 Arrange for client interviews Task 10 Assist in final interviews/negotiations Task 17 Prepare fol low-up correspondence Summary SECTION 11 - CORPORATE QUALIFICATIONS The Firm Executive Recruitment Services Project Staffing SECTION 111 - CLIENT REFERENCES SECTION IV - PROJECT COST/TIMING APPENDIX A--EXPMPLES OF OUR WORK PRODUCTS APPENDIX 6--EXMPLES OF DISPLAY ADS APPENDIX C--LIST OF PAST CLIENTS PAGE - 7 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 70 70 13 14 I I;’ B I 8 1 I 1 1 I 1 II ill I I I 1 1 1 0 0 SECTION :--OUR APPROACH TO THE ASSIGNMENT RECRUITMENT OBJECTIVES The recruitment program we create will meet the following broad objectives: 0 Definition of the important personal and professional charac- teristics required of the new City Manager 0 Identification and recruitment of outstanding candidates possessing the skills, abilities, and personal traits desired by the Client 0 Investigation of the professional background of top-candidates and the conduct of detailed reference checks on each suggested finalist 0 Presentation of the best possible group of candidates for consideration by the City Council. After review of the proposal, we are confident you will agree that retaining Ralph Andersen & Associates to assist you in the recruit- ment of the new City Manager will best serve the City of Carlsbad. Our demonstrated experience and competence in Executive Recruitment will ensure that the new City Manager will be both an effective manager and demonstrated leader. 1 8 * I< 1 I i I I 8 I 8 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I .\ 0 a PROPOSED WORK PLAN . " ..~ TO accomplish the stated objectives, a comprehensive recruitment program wi 11 be undertaken. The following tasks describe our pro- posed program for this recruitment: TASK 1--ANALYZE THE POSITION WITH THE CITY COUNCIL TO DETERMINE THE DESIRED EXPERIENCE AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Project staff will meet with the City Council and others as appropriate to identify interests and concerns relative to the recruitment and to review related goals and objectives of the organization. This is the most important task in the project as it serves to identify what is important to the City in terms of the experience and personal characteristics desired in the new C ity Manager. In addition, a variety of documents and materials, such as organization charts, current budget, annual and financial -. reports, will be collected and analyzed. Project staff will also review with the City Council our recom- mendations regarding: 0 The scope of the recruitment, i.e. national, regional, or statewide 0 Project schedule 0 Advertising procedures and sources 0 Compensation levels and other related conditions of emp 1 o ymen t . 2 I It 1 1 I I I I 8 B 1 i 8 I I I I i I .t e 0 A product of this task will be a written set of recruitment criteria serving as a profile of the "ideal" City Manager candidate. This profile will guide all subsequent recruitment activities. TASK 2--PLAN AND EXECUTE AN EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Based on direction received in Task 1, advertising will be developed specifically to reach the desired audience. Announce- ments are typically placed in a variety of professional publi- cations and newsletters, as well as other print media as appro- pr iate . An effective advertising program is important to ensure an open and competitive process and to obtain maximum exposure of the opportunity to qual if ied candidates, TASK 3"IDENTIFY AND INVITE OUTSTANDING POTENTIAL CANDIDATES TO APPLY Even though we will advertise for the position, the primary focus of our recruitment process is on this task. Our candidate identification activities which are quite comprehensive compared to other firms are characterized by: 0 Direct personal contact with recognized leaders in the field to develop a list of outstanding potential candi- dates o Aggressive marketing of the client organization to poten- tial candidates to secure their interest and application 0 Prompt and professional response to all inquiries regard- ing the job opportunity. 3 I I." 1 1 I I 1 I 1 t 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I * 0 As a part of this task, our staff will prepare a high quality, personalized invitation and mail it to each outstanding poten- tial candidate identified. This invitation packet is profes- sionally produced and provides a detailed description of the comnunity, the organization, and the position. This invitation packet consistently draws praise from clients and candidates alike and is highly effective in stimulating interest on the part of a candidate in the position. We will follow up the invitation through personal contact with invitees to fully review the position and discuss the career opportunity. TASK 4"ACKNOWLEDGE AND REVIEW ALL RESUMES FOR THE POSITION We will receive and promptly acknowledge a1 1 resumes. After the dead1 ine for fil ing resumes has passed , each resume wi 11 be carefully reviewed and analyzed on a comparative basis with others to determine the extent and nature of the background and experience of each applicant. Those candidates whose. experience and qualifications most clearly meet the recruitment criteria previously established will be subject to preliminary background checks. TASK 5--CONDUCT PRELIMINARY REFERENCE CHECKS Based upon our own knowledge and again using our network of con- tacts, we will conduct preliminary reference checks on those who appear most qualified on paper to identify a limited group for initial screening interviews with the recruitment team. TASK 6--CONDUCT PRELIMINARY INTERVIEWS WITH TOP CANDIDATES A group of applicants will be invited (with travel considera- tions in mind) for face-to-face interviews with our staff. This will assist in determining if there is a potential match between candidate and client as well as confirm the candidate's degree of interest in the position. 4 I I '. I 8 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I D I I .* e a TASK 7--CONDUCT DETAILED BACKGROUND CHECKS After the preliminary screening interviews are completed a list of possible final ists wi 11 be developed. These will then be subjected to thorough professional background checks We will personally contact references provided by the candidates, as well as others in a position to objectively evaluate the candi- date. We stress the confidentiality of these conversations so as to ensure candid appraisals from each reference contacted. TASK 8--DEVELOP A LIST OF RECOMMENDED FINALISTS AND PREPARE A RECRUITMENT REPORT Based upon the results of a1 1 preceding tasks including the review of resumes, work-related background checks, and our preliminary interviews, a recommended list of finalists and alternates wi 11 be compiled. We wi 11 also prepare as part of this report detailed information regarding each recommended final ist , including a confidential summary of the ..background checks and interview results. The comprehensive report will include the following information: e Candidate's present position e Base salary e Popul ation served e Educational background 0 Total years related experience 0 Previous positions held. The narrative will also provide comprehensive information regarding the: e Candidate's current agency e Personal characteristics 5 I KG I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 e 0 0 Notable achievements 0 Personal interests 0 Management style e Strengths e Areas for Improvement 0 Professional goals. These areas will be reviewed as part of a comprehensive briefing for the City Council on the results of the recruitment process. While we will recommend a specific group of finalists to be interviewed, the City will decide who and how many will be interviewed. We also provide a listing of all those who appl ied, whether or not they are recommended as final ists or alternates. TASK 9--ARRANGE FOR CLIENT INTERVIEWS WITH FINALIST CANDIDATES Once the list of finalist candidates has been confirmed, we will, in cooperation with appropriate staff, contact each finalist to arrange and schedule personal interviews. To assist in preparing for the interviews, an interview booklet wi 11 be prepared for each interview panel member prior to the inter- views. This booklet will include a summary of the background and experience of each candidate, resumes submitted by each can- didate, suggested interv iew quest ions, and candidate rating sheets. As an optional service, we will arrange for the psychological evaluation of candidates or facilitate an assessment center, or both. TASK lO--ASSIST IN THE FINAL INTERVIEWS/NEGOTIATIONS Because candidates appreciate being able to see a familiar face at an interview, we will be present for the interviews and, if 6 I I:' I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 0 e requested, assist in the deliberations in determining the top candidate(s). Our role in this process is that of a facilitator only, as we will not attempt to influence the decision. If requested, we will assist the City in negotiating a complete compensation package with the successful candidate. The nego- tiation process can be adversarial by its nature and a third party can often assist in minimizing potential strain. We want the relationship between the City of Carlsbad and the new City Manager to start on a positive note. TASK 11 --FOLLOW-UP ASSISTANCE AND CORRESPONDENCE At the conclusion of the recruitment, we will notify all appli- cants of their status. Personal ized letters will be prepared for each finalist candidate advising them of the selection deci- sion and thanking them for their interest and participating in the process. When appropriate, we will also provide feedback for the unsuccessful candidates. -. We are also prepared to assist the City Council in working with their new City Manager in establishing desired goals and objectives for the office of the City Manager. Our role would be to serve as a facilitator to help the Council and Manager think through what the council will want staff to accomplish over a certain timeframe. Throughout the recruitment, the City Council will be provided frequent written status reports at key project milestones. The recruitment team will be continuously available by telephone to answer questions and report on progress. 7 I I:' I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I e a SUMMARY ~ The work plan presented in this section is comprehensive and designed to result in the best possible City Manager for the City of Carlsbad. Ralph Andersen's commitment to all of our clients is to assume full responsibility for the recruitment process until it is successfully concluded. 8 I I:' I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I c a m SECTION 11--CORPORATE QUALIFICATIONS This section of the Proposal includes an overview of the firm's organization and services, with special emphasis on our Executive Recruitment Division. In addition, it presents the qualifications of the recruitment team that will be assigned to this project as we1 1 as the firm-wide resources available to assist that team. It is in this section that the competence of our firm and our staff is demon strated . THE FIRM Ralph Andersen and Associates was organized in 1972. Headquartered in Sacramento with a regional office in Dallas, Te-xas, Ralph Andersen and Associates provides broad management consulting services to state and local agencies. Services are provided through four separate divisions: Executive Recruitment, Personnel Manage- ment, Financial Management and Organization and Management. Full - time staff in all divisions are thoroughly familiar with the operation of public sector programs and services, and each has had significant administrative experience in government prior to joining the firm. Ralph Andersen and Associates has worked successfully with cities, counties, school districts, special districts, regional authorities, state governments, federal government, and professional asso- ciations. Our clients have also included financial institutions, land developers, legal firms, and retailers. 9 I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 e 0 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT DIYISION--We provide 1 arge, medium, and small cl ients with results-oriented assistance in a wide variety of personnel related assignments including position classifi- cation and compensation , executive compensation, pay for per- formance plans, and the development of complete personnel systems including policies, procedures, and ordinances. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION--This Division provides assistance on a broad range of complex and technical assignments related to public finance. These projects typically include development of recommendat ions for alternative financing approaches including v.arious forms of public debt, assessments of the fiscal impacts of new development and proposed annexations, development of mu1 ti -year revenue and expenditure forecasts, development of comprehensive budget systems, conduct of utility rate studies, and various financial policy analysis assignments. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT DIVISION--Staff in this Division are assigned to assist clients in identifying creative means to improve operations, achieve efficiency, resolve conflict and deliver services effectively. Projects undertaken in this area typically include the responsibility for the evaluation of the total operation of an agency or of a particular department or division of that agency. TRAINING DIVISION--Ral ph Andersen & Associates conducts a vari- ety of training courses annually for local government profes- sionals. Specific courses designed both for local elected and appointed 'officials are offered in the areas of organization, personnel , finance, and career planning/executive recruitment. 10 I I: e I I E I 111 1 I 1 I I I m 1 I I I e 0 EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT SERVICES Ralph Andersen and Associates has a national reputation for provid- ing high quality professional executive recruitment services to public agencies, non-profit organizations, and professional asso- ciations. Executive recruitment assignments span the entire range of executive, managerial , professional , and technical positions. Our search services are characterized by their competence, their creativity, and their comprehensiveness. In addition, we treat all of our search assignments as confidential 3 sensitive assignments and support them with a thorough program of ongoing client and candidate communication. The Executive Recruitment Division of Ralph Andersen and Associates is staffed with full-time, senior level members of the firm, each with extensive management backgrounds as top level executives in public organizations prior to joining the firm. This enables them to understand the role of the position they are recruiting for as well as the competency of candidates. Recruitments are typically assigned to a team of professional staff members with one senior member serving as the ongoing liaison with the client. We then support that team with the full resources Of the firm. This approach encures that the proper time and attention is devoted to each assignment. PROJECT STAFFING Because of the importance of this assignment only experienced, professional staff from our Sacramento office wi 11 be assigned to the project. The experienced staff mehers include: 11 I I: II 1 I I I I I 1, I 1 I! I I I 1 1 c I e 0 Mr. Gary Brown is Vice President and Manager of the Executive Recruitment Division for Ralph Andersen & Associates, based in their Sacramento office. Prior to joining the firm, he spent 25 years in the law enforcement field. He began his law enforcement career in 1960, with the Garden Grove Police Department, and has worked for the cities of Carpinteria, Chowchilla, South Pasadena, and, until a year ago, the City of San Clemente. Mr. Brown was police chief for 13 years in three 'cities and served as interim or acting City Manager on several occasions. He also worked for the federal and state government as well as for the firm of Public Systems, Inc. , (PSI) in the LEAA years. Since joining the firm, Mr. Brown has handled numerous recruitments for key management positions in the public sector. He is a noted author, having published several articles in professional journals, and regularly lectures on such key subjects as: Executive Development, Strategic Planning, and The Use of Assessment Centers. Mr. Bob Murray is a principal consultant in the Sacramento office of Ralph Andersen & Associates * Mr* Murray has management experience in several areas including personnel, labor relations, and finance. Prior to becoming a consultant , Mr. Murray he1 d a variety of pOSi- tions in local government such as Assistant to the City Manager, Assistant City Supervisor, and City Manager. Prior to joining the firm Mr. Murray was City Manager with the City of Olympia, Washing- ton. Mr. Murray has been active in the following professional groups: Washington Public Personnel Association and International City Management Association. He has spoken on several subjects including Risk Management and Executive Recruitment. His recent recruitments have been with La Quinta, Carlsbad County, Redding and San Jose. Mr. Murray received his Bachelor's Degree in Criminology from the University of California at Berkeley and did graduate work in Public Administration at California State University at Hayward, California 12 I 'I I :,' i I I z 1 I 1 I I; I II R 3 I I I 1 0 0 Mr. Jim Morrison is a principal consultant in the Sacramento office of Ralph Andersen & Associates and has conducted several recruit- ments since joining the firm. Among a list of various other accomplishments, his most recent recruitments have been for the California cities of Fairfield, La Palma, Menlo Park, Oxnard, and Show Low, Arizona. Mr. Morrison formerly served as City Administra- tor for Santa Paula and Assistant City Manager in Redondo Beach, Mr. Morrison has a Bachelor's degree from La Verne College. Mr. Ralph Anderson the Chairman of the Board will also take an active role in this particular recruitment. The competence of our recruitment professionals is unmatched in the search business. The collective depth and breadth of their experi- ence, combined with the comprehensive approach to recruitment detailed in the previous section of the proposal assures-.a success- ful conclusion of the search for the City of Carlsbad's next City Manager. 13 1 I ; I' I 8 8, 1 I I t I ill R I R I I n a 1 0 0 SECTION 111--CLIENT REFERENCES We at Ralph Andersen and Associates are justifiably proud of our record of success in executive recruitment. We have conducted literally hundreds of recruitments for public agencies. Interest- ingly, the majority of our successful candidates are still employed in the positions for which we recruited them. In our business, a firm's reputat ion is only as good as its last project. We encourage you to call previous clients to verify the quality of our work and our recruitment process. Check on our competitors as well to verify their claims. A few of the similar types of recruitments in addition to recent assignments completed include: Client: City of Clovis, CA Position: City Manager Contact: Garry Woodward, Mayor (209) 297-2460 Cl ient: City of Lake Havasu, PZ Position: City Manager Contact: Jams Spezzano, Mayor (602) 855-2 116 Client: City of Redding, CA Position: City Manager EiG5 Scott Carter, Council Member (916) 225-4055 C1 ient: City of San Luis Obispo, CA Position: City Administrative Officer Contact: Ron Dunin, Mayor (805) 549-7100 14 I . 1 :-. 'J .I R 1 1 1 I I B I I R 1 B I t I 1 e 0 SECTION IV--PROJECT COST/TIMING We are prepared to proceed imnediately on this important assignment, and anticipate that finalists can be confirmed within 60 to 90 days after our initial kickoff meeting with the City Council. We will give top priority to the project and expedite the process as much as possible without sacrificing the quality of the work. Project costs for professional services will be $9,500 plus reim- bursement for actual out-of-pocket expenses for items such as place- ment of advertisements, printing, postage, clerical services, long- distance telephone calls, and travel. Expenses usually range from 30% to 40% of the professional fee. If requested, we can list "not to exceed" for such costs. 15 I . e e I &ae I 43 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 w 2 H I4 i H h - H $8 mg 84 !LE 05.1 42 Eu u P Pt r 7 P a a -- B r- a -- m a .- 3 a d- -- m cv v- d d) s Fc PC a 0 rl a, ii c, 0 rl ad 3 3 I 8 h 5 *ri P 11 7 w m (-1 kl E I2 8 % P d A a PI d Ti 1 5 8 ii s * 5 E L) *d Pi Pi 4 0 ds z n ns 8 8 d U d m U rf CI E Q)s 0 =Ti cg 8 gri sc a: G E: d 4 Irs I B c, a -0 -ti d 2 % CI b FI -4 H 5 4 TI B k rl l-l 8 d 1 d 9 d d U ig al u h6 82 5ri EB bl $x 2Q) 43 D JJ g .z “8 5 w 6 I 5 -1 rl k 4 li (-1 m B 5 ii Ti B cn ts [D rl t a, u d H h k d 2 ri 4 a, 6 cd 1 B *rl m r( 0 .rl d (ic -4 Q) B B L) c) 0 c: a, -rl l-l U 5 -4 3 gi z 6 - I 1 I I c ~ r I ( I I 16