HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-19; City Council; 9006; FINAL MAP CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-309 2 2.. 0 e * .. z 0 5 U g 0 s fk ', I - ClyDOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL -1 DEPT. t MTG. 5/19/87 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-30 CITY A1 CITY M DEPT. ENGR FINAL MAP AB#& TITLE: (CALAVERA HILLS, VILLAGE L-I) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. go72 accepting a Grant Deed fo public street easement purposes for a portion of Edgewar Way. Approve Final Map of Carlsbad Tract No. 85-30 (Calaver Hills, Village 1-7 ). Adopt Resolution No, 4~73 authorizing the City Cler to process a subordination agreement for recordation. ITEM EXPLANATION Engineering staff has completed checking the final map c Carlsbad Tract 85-30, a one (1) lot subdivision with an E unit apartment project located on Harwich Drive and EdgewaI Way, for conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and tt Carlsbad Municipal Code. The final map conforms substar tially with the conditions of approval and the tentative mE as approved by the Planning Commission on November 13, 1985 per Resolution No. 2514. As a condition of the approval, the owner was required obtain adequate right-of-way for the construction of Edgewa Way. In order that the developer be able to grant th easement "free and clear of all liens and encumbrances," subordination agreement has been required to be record4 concurrently with the grant deed. The tentative map fur this project was approved prior January 21, 1986. Therefore, pursuant to City Code Chapt 21.90, a final map may record but building permits will n be issued until a local facilities plan for Zone 7 approved by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT This project is estimated to generate sewer connection fe of approximately $80,000.00, Park-in-lieu fees of approx mately $41,920.00 (80 single family attached at $524.00 p unit) and Traffic Impact fees of approximately $28,800.0 The exact amount of Public Facilities Fees are unknown unt the applicant submits applications for building permits. T project should also generate Water Capital Fees estimated $108,800.00. Traffic Impact Fee Bridge & Thoroughfare District Phasing Program - Local Facilities Plan Growth Initiative Control Point Density Development Zone Density of this Project Required N/A 7 Required* 11.5 12.5 - e 0 LOCATION MAP ' \I PROJECT NAME: PROJ. &El NO. C.T. 85-30 CALAVERA HILLS - VILLAGE L-l ~ 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9072 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED. WHEREAS, Cedric E. Sanders has submitted a Gra conveying an easement to the City of Carlsbad for publi purposes over a portion of Edgeware Way; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carls determined it to be in the public interest to accept said 0 9 10 8l NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 11 12 l3 14 15 17 16' 2, That the Grant Deed from Cedric E, Sanders, datec 1986, conveying an easement for public street purpose portion of Edgeware Way to the City of Carlsbad which is with the City Clerk and is incorporated herein by refer accepted. 3. That the City Clerk is authorized to cause the Deed to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorde 20 21 22 23 24 25 i I I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin ICarlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of Iby the following vote, to wit: May AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and I NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 d RESOLUTION NO. 9073 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO PROCESS A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT. 1) WHEREAS, Cedric E. Sanders has submitted a Grant Deec ing an easement for public street purposes to the City of over a portion of Edgeware Way; and WHEREAS, said easements must be "free and clean of i and encumbrances'' and a subordination agreement is required WHEREAS, said subordination agreement, attached he incorporated herein, has been properly executed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Clerk is authorized to cause the Subordination Agreement to be recorded in the Office of th Recorder of San Diego County, State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin I ICarlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of May !by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and NOES: None ABSENT: None 26 27 28 (SEAL) i . . - - -. . - . - - . - - - - - . - - - . > City Clerk e CITY OF CARLSBAD I AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 1 Name CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Street Address City & State L _I MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO r 1 Name CITY OF CARLSBAD Street Address Clty & State L _I 8 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE d The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): O& CT 85-30 Documentary transfer tax is $ -0- Easement Only -I2 k ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or 0 e STREET DEDICATIONS Sheet 1 of 1 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL A That portion of Lot "J" of Rancho Agua Hediona, in the City ol Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according tc Map No. 823 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of saic County, said portion more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Carlsbad Tract No. 83-21 Unit No. 1 (The Trails of Calavera Hills), Map No. 11286, on filc in the Office of the Recorder of said County, said point alsc being on the centerline of Tamarack Avenue, and the Easterl! Hills) Map No. 10860, on file in the Office of the Recorder 0. said County, said point also being on a 300.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly, a radial line to said point bears Nortl 35O59'14" East; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve and boundary of said Map No. 10860 and centerline of Tamaracl Avenue through a central angle of 20°20'11" an arc distance o 106.48 feet to a point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of that certain parcel of land granted to Lake Calavera< Hills Associates by deed recorded July 27, 1981, as Document No 81-236324; thence along said line as shown on Record of Surve: No. 9336 on file in the Office of the Recorder of said Count: North 79O14'50" East 273.20 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING thence continuing along said line of said deed North 79O14'50 East 338.00 feet; thence South 87°15'1011 East 26.06 feet to q point on a nontangent 330.00 foot radius curve concavc Northwesterly, a radial line to said point bears South 32O42'01 East; thence leaving said line of said deed Southwesterly alon distance of 126.41 feet; thence tangent South 79O14'50" Wes 102.25 feet to the beginning of a tangent 90.00 foot radius curv concave Southeasterly; thence Southwesterly along the arc of sai curve through a central angle of 16°31'2011 a distance of 25.9 feet; thence tangent South 62O43'30" West 50.00 feet to th beginning of a tangent 50.00 foot radius curve concav Northeasterly; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along the arc o said curve through a central angle of 106°31'201' a distance o 92.96 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 11,143 square feet. boundary of Carlsbad Tract No. 82-16 (The Villas at Calaverc the arc of said curve through a central angle of 2lo56'5l1' - /I- 42-66 &SJL!.J%% Robert G. Schoettmer, L.S. 4324 Date XISTING EASEMENT FOR PUW Ex'sT1NG EASEME'T .FOR PUBLIC ROADW4Y (IAOADWAY PURPOSES DOC. NO. ' PURf'OSES DOC. UO. 86-420848 R EC. 9-23-86 EXISTING EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROADWAY PURPOSES DOC. NO. 85-25115s REC. 7-15-85 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. PARCEL 'A" I67 - 101- I6 PARCEL "A" I I, 143 SQ. FT. PORTION OF TAMARACK AVENUE DEDICATED PER DOC. NO. 84-053119 REC. 2-13-84 DEDICATED I MAP NO. 1081 MAP NO, 1128S RICK ENQINEERINO Ca CIVIL ENQINEERQ.BURVEYORB -, oaaa M~RI -.=AN UROO.CA aim-mi- DE D I CAT I ON - W Rco DR CIPUIM. CA 0 1 m-7leoU I .., @BY: (I) .'.* _. ' FECORDING FLEQUESTE *. . WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 1200 Elm Avenue I68-040- 2 5 Ref. Street Dedic3tions Space Above This Line For Recordel SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEME;N'I' WSUEi'S IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AN ESTATE IN THE INSTRUMENT ATTACHES AND HAS THE POTENT AL REAL PROPERTY TO WHICH YOUR SECURITY EFFECT OF REDUCING THE VALUE OF YOUR-' SECURITY INTEREST. ?! ! \. / THIS AGREEMENT, made this 30th day of June \ by Cedric E. Sanders, a married man owner of the land hereinafter described and hereinafter referrec . as "Owner," and VERNON SAmGS b LL>ApJ ASSOCIATION, a Texas - savings a-qd loan association present owner and hc of the deed of trust and note hereinafter described and hereina: ref erred to as "Beneficiary" ; WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, Cedric E. Sanders did execctte a deed of tru November I, 1984 I to Transamerica Title Insu Company , as trustee, covering SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED to secure a note in the sum of $ 1,200,OOO.OO I dated 1, 1984 , in favor of Vernon Savings and Loan Ass recorded January 22, 1985 , in book page 85-212 Official Records of said county; and , WHEREAS, Owner has executed, or is about to execute, grantor('), grant of easement mr- particularly described on EXHIBIT "B" attached hereto fw public street purposes dated June 4 I @ 0 '. .. '. " in favor of The City of Carlsbad, a municipal Corporation as grantee herein referred to as "Easement Grantee "; and WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to obtaining sai easementsthat said grantsof easement above mentioned shall unco ditionally be and remain at all times a charge upon the land he before described, prior and superior eo the lien or charge Of t deed of trust above mentioned: and WHEREAS, Easement Grantee is willing to accept said e mentsprovided the grant of easement is a charge upon the above described property prior and superior to the lien or charge of deed of trust above mentioned and provided that Beneficiary wil specifically and unconditionally subordinate the lien or charge of the deed of trust above mentioned to the lien or charge of t easementscreated in favor of Easement Grantee: and WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of the parties 1 that Easement Grantee accept said easements and Beneficiary is willing that the grantsof easement shall, when recorded, const: a charge upon said land which is unconditionally c prior and supt to the lien or charge of the deed of trust above mentioned. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benef: accruing to the parties hereto and other valuable consideratio1 receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknol and in order to induce Easement Grantee to accept said easemen referred to, it is hereby declared, understood and agreed as follows : (1) That said easementsin favor of Easement Grantee shall unconditionally be and remain at all times a charge on the property therein described, prior and superior to the lien or charge of the deed of trust above mentioned. I -2- .- I? 0 0 .* .. n (2) That Easement Grantee would not accept said easements above described without this subordination agreement. That this agreement shall be the whole and only agreement with regard to the subordination of the lien or charge of the deed of trust above mentioned to the easementsin favor of Easement Grantee above referred to and shall supersede and cancel, but only insofar as would affect the priority between the deed of trust and easements hereinbefore specifically described, any prior agreement as to such subordination including, but not limited, those provisions, if any, contained in the deed of trust above mentioned, which provide for the subordination of the lien or charge thereof to another interest in the real property therein described. (3) Beneficiary declares, agrees and acknowledges that (a) He consents to and approves the grants of easement in favor of the Easerne5t Grantee. He intentionally and unconditionally waives, relinquishes and subordinates the lien or charge of the deed of trust above mentioned to the easementsin favor of Easement Grantee above referred to and understands that in relianc upon, and in consideration of, this waiver, relinquishment and subordination the grants (b) of easement are being executed and delivered, the easements arebeing created, and that specific monetary and other obligations are being I -3- - - - - __ - - __ -\ 0 0 .. >. .,. I and will be entered into by the Easement Grantee, other lenders and title insurance companies which would not be made or entered into but for said reliance upon this waiver, relinquishment and subordina- - tion; and (c) An indorsement has been placed upon the note secured by the deed of trust above mentioned that said deed of trust has by this instrument been subordinated to the charge of the ease- rnentsin favor of Easement Grantee above referred to. Cedric E, Sanders Owner (ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED) __ I STATE OF CALIFOPNIA lss COUNTYOF L>Cvv\ &Q@ 1 - = On Q\ v-I , !+A a Notary Public in and for 5 said State, personally appeared and \ \ ' , personally known to me (or proved to me on the 0 Q $ LE + la L E 2% -0 c' 1 basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrument as UL President and \ \ \ Secretary, on behalf of &.AAh b c 52 3cw a >L&3~L-n , c ?' 2 OEi E3 o v) o_r IOfARY PUBLIC - wmm N ~MrnOWMY . 00 'D the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed thewithin instrurnentpursuanttoits by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal Signature GLJJL\ 0- L PRMClPAL dFncf IN - (This area for official notarial seal) ! IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT, PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF THIS SUBORDINAT AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES CONSULT WITH THEIR ATTOWEYS WITH RESPECT THERETO. -4- FA Form 1 (Existing Deed of Trust to New Easement) \ e 0 *. I. / and will be entered into by the Easement Grantee, other lenders and title insurance companies which would not be made or entered into but for said reliance upon this waiver, relinquishment and subardina- ' tion; and (c) An indorsement has been placed upon the note secured by the deed of trust above mentioned that said deed of trust has by this instrument been subordinated to the charge of the ease- ments in favor of Easement Grantee above referred to. . VERT" SAVINGS & LQAN ASSCf2IATIoN, a BB Cedric E. Sanders Texas savings and loan association Beneficiary Owner -- ___ _____ CAT. NO. "00627 TO 1944 CA (9-84) a TlCOR TITLE INSURANCE (Individual) ) ss* STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF &&L. &-w t On fbhv /+/ /ffb w said State, pergnally appeared L' eLL.22 e. L5izmm before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for i II: W I -1 < W , personally known to me or L proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be I- the personfwhose name 15 subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that le exe- cuted the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature KkX44.- %L. &&U (This area for official notarial seal) i IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT, PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF THIS SUBORDINAT: AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES CONSULT WITH THEIR ATTORNEYS WITH RESPECT THERETO. -4- FA Form 1 (Existing Deed of Trust to New Easement) '-IN= RL0Uzs-m~ .y fP5Jcr22 IR11:bS ue w4CN RCCORDCD MAIL m .-._- . DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT o(F RENTS Nk.(.(Tmt. ydc ethal.td- --J=rlcL- -.yrprm -XSAKERKA LlTLE WWJRA" WNP~Y. Wd- - Ls a- TU- d>m- rd --- -_____ -,L.laY-. ---@ d-,m.IGuL.rWs ---- --- -- -_-_ ___- -?.--&--i--- .-h-..l~~i''~~~ 1m m lh T- Umm% CIAHrS 'IlrwIEL( AND MYGM rmLnQ rn RLsTrmc -or 'uuc d - --WL-a----n-@----irn --* - ----_ "___ a mt "A" far Weta leal darripticnd abjae m. f rr n*rmnrmrtkrrassw.ord~rk.d~~~Ho~t.~~prl..lrq~III.Iy ~p?~~~~3zTa&*+&~-di z"c,,,,-LTz-? -- - ----- dRbm.aQ.00r mv-ii-bd imnl kmm dm-h-nuikmftw h lmud b Ik T-rb aarnr - b m d Ir- m .I d m hm~und Add4 b- kirr &ad rrm a +g C. Id bk-d 7'lr & a 4 - c T- -rJr k I. & -d d &I." pmrd - I. ."d -. * - r - - - *p.* ...e-- I.1 .* mL ZXECLTKW AND DEUVERY OF THIS DEW OF lXL3T.d h-4 bnb C p" k-r L.r.r.U -4 .rw h lr y ud dl pu- b dna - t+m~e .hr Y -m - n N h * - 4 II. A. - - 1 M 6 lhmd ud d Lam 8. =Id- pnp+ I M I4 IM d Irm - D..ldb-rC &rl ..o.rL I hr .Lm d 1h.W lrmnlm Y( th Idb- - d * -4 r.l- h IC w &-- b, - *e. - & mu ud uny.r. u bdn ud PPI dcuplr.l dn br I .( rd - u.r( w b, ndraml b S pmm~ UXCWIW th* ,I u 4 h b md re h..l~ $026 519 wm~ w s- - *I( y - (6. IW .X&- 6dl )us hlk .w 1- .a- WUI .- 'p, 510 u-rd 1695 1-3 *&-sir ns YI IF UI .-m nu ..*I I* HI I&Wl,YI. sa, YIU ~-______- ----_- ---- ____ ---- - ----- ---- a-fZ.nPC-rrr-uIr.m-bdtm pll.UM*UrlrClllrmb&r'rlr Sc-WJY-d- r- IL- - 'I-c-d- rnm-=z -*I -rcr La--- -- __- - --- e/ '< -I--- .- EXHIBIT Oh. (Parcel 1) acD1oh'Dh~ IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. COUNTX O? sW DIW, =A= OF fl =E OFFICE O? THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY Or ROYLMCR 16* 1896. TOGETHER WITH TAMARACK AVENUE AS DEDICATEE fD mUC USE, DESCRIBED As POLLO=: u WAT PORTION OF LOTS 'Dme 'E' AND OJ' of m~ - m~ ~1~~1~. ACCORDING TO THE PARTITION m TREREOP m. 823. r1-D BCC~aa~ffi AT TRE NORTH~ASTLY CORNER o? rn~ 493.70 ACRK PARUSL or m A8 8HOW ON RECORI) O? SURVEY HAP NO. 9336 PILED XI THE OIITC. OF SAID CWNTY RECORDER, BElNG THC NORTMERLY TERPIINUS W TEAT -MI) COORSX SHOWN THEREOR AS NORTB 01' 57' 5.8' EA-. 610.78 ram* rnmclf ALC+?G fRE BOUNDARY 01 SA10 RECORD Of SURVEY W. 9336 ma mU#WING CWRSESI 500111 01' 57' 58' WEST, 610.78 m! mw WRTfi 14' 20' 03. WEST, 173.76 Fttri THENCE Mrrm 55' 38 49' VCST 223.72 FEET, THENCE SOUm OS* 47' 57' WEST, 453.91 YUTt mm SOUIFl 23. 20' 39' WEST, 178.18 ?EB'Tt fBENCE SWTU 67. Ma 58. me 104'71 FEETI THENCE SOm 06' 54' 33' m, 21j.u ?mi TSUWCIE soore 350 119 39- WEST. isi.59 rcsrr - DIT^ 130.94 ?XKTJ TSBENCI NOR= LO. 25' 27- UCST, 66.69 -8 TarrrcI nomu 19. 42. 34' wsre 118.91 PEETJ TRCNCL NO- 43' ow 17- 72' 23' 13' WESTC 179.56 tGCTt THENCE WORm 59' 48' 28. WST, *gtr, lS3.79 FEET? THENCE NORTH 81. 24' 19' WEST. 96.S3 W! mElICl! Sovra 07' 40' 28. WEST, 190.85 FEETI 'IBW(CK - 08' a4 37- .ASt8 203.13 FEET# THENCE SOUTR 28' 2.8' 2.8- EAST;+327Al my TBlSWE 8orrm 13. 32' 31' WEST, 98.52 PEETJ faEwa 6arm 59. 25* 9' WEST* 133.58 FEET; TRENCE Sm 15. 38' 47' MEST8 311.73 mr TEEWE SOUTH 57. 48' 41' EAST8 56.66 ?El38 TI3B110 Sam OW 21' 43' wt81, 2179.75 FEET: TRENCL NORTB 89. 36' lom WEST, Z65.4I my TEENCE SOUTH 01' 15' 40' NEST. 150.31 FEET; '1"- m W* 46' 52- UCST, 112.81 PEETJ TIHENCZ SOUTR 20' 51 39' -* 126.01 ?CL?; THENCE SOUTH 14. 46 34. WE92. 57.01 m: m SOUXU 07' 13' 08' WEST, 135.35 37' 59' USST, 65.22 ?EETJ THENCE SOUTH 14- 43 11- WEST, 1!b).)s m8 - - 21. 37' 29' WEST, 190.15 FEET1 TEERCE m 13. 43' 44' m. 781.93 ?EET; THENCE NORTB 89. 25' 15- me 2080.3S - fo TEE SOOMEAST CORNER OF LM 140 O? CARIS- fxIcI RQ. mS mIcE 01 TRE COUNTY RECORDER O? SAID COUNTX Deem 16e 1910: TWmL CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNWY :? !XND lffoto Of IoMI )IAp !to. 9336 AS P0,LLOWS; NORTE Olo 43 19- m# 610.- -8 faMcI lOORTA 23. 12 02. WEST, 720-30 ?Em1 'L;"- m 335.00 ?SET; THENCE NORTB 48. 46' 21' EAST, 250.00 -8 - FEET; YENCg SOOT# 11. 71-12 CALA~RA HILLS, ACCORDING m IUP TEIREREOI NO. 9935 rxua III 7a- 12. 06' CAST, 319.76 FEET; THENCE soul71 48. 43 39' Lute m 81. 13' 39' EMT, 210.00 FEET; TBEHCI nOItre 01' 4b' 21' mI 980.00 FEET1 THENCE NORTU 24' 13' 39. WEST* 770.00 YlST m A TNG~ 1000 POOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE exmu ~~EUCS mmnun- 140#,]) mm fo A POINT ON THE ARC 01 A 1042 roclC ~~0s anrrn -I& LINL Or SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 05' 33' 46' W fo 8*1D &I AU#O me ARC or SAID CURVE 301,73 FEET "3 M WCUL 01 ~p 17' a,-, IRINCS LEAVING SAID CURVE swfa 69- 28' 42- -* Mvt ((OmWESTERLY ON THE EASTERLY LINE O? TWO. AvUWb A __ - ____ - - _____- --_- --/A- -k - ______- -- - -- - ___ - _----- t umacuams* 1 aumaw3x- rr-h -- L. '..rld&L e 0 ' I' /, -- -_ --_. F- -_ --* 2228 WINT: THENCE -T *La II .Y 01 LU) - 1)(.14 pE!ZT THROUGH AN AwcL& O? 1p lb* O('y - - yo w mE ARC OF SAID C~~ 249.81 mT - - - 01 w 11. 40': THENCE T-eltr TD SAID m m 37- -0 w w, -2-m *Em To A TANGENT 958 rooI W1m am are*.r L-Y~ TKENCE SOUTHWESTERLY Atac ntg ..C Q - - w.~ m THROUGH AN 5Gl.E O? If. 47' 34-8 I.DcI f~em m lsu0 om CURVe SOUTH 14' 42' 10' YtST, IU.62 tggy 1~ A ~YCER a2 w RADIUS CURVe CONCAVE -rr - LyDp -TR 21. 12 30' ULSZ. 455-W -8 7- lll~p F W* W mT* 944-30 FEETI THm - W- L). W' w. mas$ mv 06' WEST, 317.29 ?&ET8 m v W -* w .IO~. W.m ?Em1 THENCE NORTE 24- 22' 59- -e Sl1.n 1111: m b. - CORNER OF THE WD DFSCRIMD IS DCLO TO CEDUC t. - - CORDED DECEHBER 29. 1983 AS Doarolrr .D. Own9U 09 OmQY RECORDS8 TRENCE AKWG THE - LIU Q -8 Ly H -I Mwra 82. 57' 05' ULSZ, LE(DtD .(IIRI OF is* 47 -0 S%m ?Emr THENCE NORTB 24' 22' 59- IIL.r. LICO, ODlJn M' 1*. IF WEST, 95.00 FEET8 TEtRCt IlOm OS- 02. W -e -.DR. .C 59' 16' WEST, 28.72 FEET fo A Tm 19 W CuCoI - 0.i CAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; ZRERCE - .uIo TU ldl M YS. - 114.94 FEET THROUGB M Afw;w Of 43- 54. i4-a - - = meNcz SOUTH 00. 34' 54- mm. u0.11 ml - am w ne SAID CURVE NORTH 48. 56' 14' WC8T. n n 4P U' W -. 22.76 rent THENCE mm 41- 03. 39- ~tr. m .aa 41- ms. 30' EAST, 79.00 FEET TO SAID w UP Q .IDD.. 0 m HAP RO. 9336: THENCE ALOM: FAID LIlp m 24- W *'-. 66.33 FEET TO AN ANGLE WIUT OI Tat - m 0 'LI DECEMBER 29, 1983 AS DOCUM D. 03475914 0. mm - B&IX A POINT ON THE ARC 01 A 470 COOT UDfm - - LARD DESCRIBED IN DEED TO rcn1u.m DLI~LUICIW. see - ~~OR~BWESTERLY, A IUDIU LINE O? WD omvs ~tlrls m w no 16' WT. (DEED WCORD soUlg 48' $3' W' w), m w -# TAmE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE O? SAXD LIID IoLQltTt.ru - fBL ARC OF SAID CllRVE 78.16 ?Em - M - 0. * ai* u. fo A POINT OF COWPOUND CURVATWRS WITS A OJM Mflcp A ...tQ QI 25 FEETI THENCE NORTHERLY AND -1 uo0 m .L (1 SAID COWE 38.64 FEET TRROUCA AN &LK 01 80- 83. * TO w OF RGVERSED CURVATURE WIfR A CURn EAVIS A -1- 0. 7- m famC& NORTHWESTERLY ALOX ,THE ARC OF 8AID Cpm I7897I m THBROOCB AN ANGLE OF 13. 15 39. fo mY !.I- ff m 0. somy cup KO. 9336; THENCE ALONC SND BOOUMUV Lf.I RflsQ m H)Im mEREONI THEN,CE NORTB 24. 2s 15- -* loo'-w m fern& NOR~R 70. 04 42. EUT. 515.00 FEET? raol0 SCXItM 4p 46. 18- WT, 95.60 FEET: THENCE SOotB 43. 00. 00- tlSt lea.# Fc.T* fam~ m 03. 30' 00. EAST. 190.00 ntr8 y- 0Dtm 31. m* 00- WT, 360.00 FEET; THENCE SocTlB 15. 00 00' we 140-m nmt THENCE NORTH 70. 04' 46' EmT. 699.57 mt m .am 16- 49' 53' EMT, 218.38 FEET# 7"EwCE IiomR 26. 10. 28- tUfe 500.00 p~rpr THENCE SOUm 85. 29 37' WEST. 48O.m -8 nrocf ~o~~ows, THENCE NORTH 24. 22' 59' 7. 710.52 rzm FO Y - I)O~ 33. 00' 23' WEST, 372.00 FEET) THUSCE w01Tll 13. 46' s4- I :* :- ___ __-- --- --- / cu SFF ____-_- -- -- f2 or ~Ecmlt&A 1!I-.,,m*=*-*--- 6uqmdsua.pnraJllqpMd mu---- - 0. & Lu d Udrq al&ce- ). h F--= - - __ -1s - ___- - -b -*e 1% &w& Q,Wcks. --i --. -_--- + .I plntbl --r - d*- NavrrLpm I_..l-l- . - ---1 - e e -.-- 2229 WEST~ 176.97 ?ECTr mt.cI m W .d* U' -a 167.64 m'! THENCE Sm 28' 37' 41- m. 482-64 pELIy - m Ot. U 500 WEST, 350.00 CfR: TtocI 00rm 17- a* xc w 4w.m mj THENCE Sm 24- 25. 10' L*R. 4n.o rmr m Orma XV 43. O1' EUT, 257.35 mi - - 24- me 1V CUI. 4W.m FEET; THENCE soma 48. os* ir tut. 2n-w lc~h w mxm 24' 25' 10' EAST. 300.01 rar: I119 IQS. ,r 0). w - 587.00 PEEft mw IDoIT. 4Y ZI' 16' we 3H-m .Em 'L.D.EI SOUTH 79' 57' 54' cast. 71.22 rm m A IPTU a = Y or A 1000 Fm RADIUS CUWZ CQC... -e A I;.DcIL LEla U m CURVE BEARS - 75' 17' 4W w lS w me .cLp A m ON THE CElOTCRtIll o? tlulluc~ lxlll~ plp~t w m m ARC OF SAID CURVE 5a1.64 FUI f(pO0p Y IEU Qp IV lP w# THENCE TANGENT To SAID Corn am lV It* W lloTI W&U CW TO M ANGLE POIarr mma LLII~~ sum - o~rm w SF lr MSTt 378.89 FCm To A UllEQlt m - m w m a9TERLYt ZeEKK - - - Y Q - CPII B&tl .ZIT TBROUGH AN ANGLE 01 15. 02' 11. ')b .U. .IoRII1 m - m 01 SURVEY HAP WO. 9336: - m PIU - IDII. W LI* / SO' EAST, 611.45 mET 10 Y YCU = m B V U' 2V mT. 77.00 Pent re- L~..T.o w - - W a* W EAST, 507.85 PER TO A mxn m .u, - wasamt .I~.H SOUTH 80' 35' 00' CUT. 92.1s ILfl: 1111 PI ..Du - - THENCE ALONG SAID -MU A8 -8 ID11. Y 8%. * m- 92.15 ?EETt MZRCE mm 21' OS* W w. 4U-W m m w BEGINNING OF A TMCm 50.00 fOOT m - - - TRENCE CLOCKWISE ALac Ru 1l W SUO - - 6 - .WGLE O? 129' 05' 00' A 01- 01 1PL6S .Or - TO SAID CURVE - 72' 60' 00' CAST. U.S7 w 3U% 01 A TANGENT 50.00 roof -1- Corn cD.c.Ic. - w COUNTERCtOCKWISE ALoI(c YES AX W LUD Cplrn - a - ANGLE O? 79. 57' 49' A DIITA.CI Q b9.n - tD A POIlo W REVERSE CURVATURE WITS A lood tl)[lf .*Dm w - .o0a, EASTERLY, A RADIAL LISE To SAID lOfR m m a- sp w' WEST; TRENCZ NORZBUSTCRLX Au.Ic Rt Uc 01 pLto Qdan - * CENTRAL. ANGLE OF 15' 42' 39- A DISTm 0. -#-4a m m 6 m IN THE ARC O? SAID CURM 10 11111- A WIU m w m mo 15' 10. WESTt THENCE ALOI*; A racy- L;D .101121 W U. 8v EAST, 604.25 FEET; TFICMCt *om 13' 27' 33' UST. M-m m T9 TRE NORTE LINE 01 SAID Ilffo 01 50ml m- *ama w - 89. 19' 07' EAST, 1113.53 ?ZKTft m.L.Q m m' 89. fp -0 2580.31 FEET To TEE POINT Or ~1~~- EXCEPTING TREREIRCd fR(xI8 CKMAIM mEcIU 0t IASD - - DEEDS 'TQ COSTA REAL HUIICIPU Mffll DImIn .Lrnnc. - )0* 1983 AB WCUHENT Ho. 83-099113 ARD llXxlLDL0 UI Xn. fim *. DOCUMENT NO. 84-186998 BOTll M o~~Icr*L -- - __..--- p.rl-.rrCYdJIII.rCl----- - I- u w&um--..I- .-u I L= -*- fh&a- 5 flAnOIu.Uf-NfA -1- ---I '/CY 6- //< : p' 2230 EXHIBIT 'A' (Parcel 2) Au. Tf4AT PORTION OF LOT 'J- OF RAHCEO ACM REDIWM, IN mg - TO RAP faEREOI NO. 823 AS PILED IN TBE OrrIcc w w - s Q)I1DeR GP SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS POLKWSi 8ECI"Im AT AN ANGLE POINT IR fB6 eA6nRI.Y m Op M 1 Q1 wm IRA= NO. 76-12, ACCORDILK; %U MA? .O. 9935f m yL14 SAID BOUNDARY SOUTH 34. 33' 00' EAST, 47.40 - m Ilt fllDI ZEGIRMINC, BZING ALSO A WIN? II A I*C-TW 4d IUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL Lllo Io W rOUr BXM" lWRfe 26. 06' 5:. WEST; IEact - m Iyf. OJRVl! faRouCB A CENTRAL ANCLS Or 05. 06' 58' UI LIc - Q 38.40 FEET8 THENCE TANGENT TU SAID CUXVK (*KR 69. 80. OC EYT. 101.57 FEET fo TRE BEGINNING O? A 1- 570.- m LLocl QRM CONCAVE WESTERLY; TACNCI CASTEXLY, .oIITmtll .rD - KRLX ALORC SAID CURVE TRROUCB A cca~~~ wctt or ST* JV IC a lrbc OISTMCE OF 871.70 FEET; TEOnr Trr*;m I9 W OILPI w 18- 31' 12' WEST, 54.54 PER; TEUBCX m 69- 28' (lr 9#. 30.02 FZtX: THENCE SOUTH 18' 37' 12- W. 55.53 - = R w GIWIUC OI A TklGENT 600.00 MOT MDIUS QRII - -8 TEmt SOUTHWTERLY, SOUTIILRLY AYD - *Ip.c SU8 w MmY ZBtRCC TANGENT To SAID CWWC Sam 69. w' 0p -0 Aaw or -DAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATZ or CALICOWIA, m- nmucn A CLNTRAL ANGLE OF 17. 37. 19- A. 1s~ D- w 9a7-n rr~~ r~ TBL BEGINNING or A TAHC~ 400.01 POOI e a~a-a, UVL M~~~~usTERLY: WENCE, m? m W) m W & - MGU of' 04' 20 42- M M DX- OI SI-- - S A ~IUT ra SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY M IIU m. wN# tElcI - WD ~AFTEJUY BOUNDARY NORTE 34- 33. 00- ICI~. m.n ma * - 1-7124 __ - _____- ---- _____ __---- - as- iy-. 15 g+" war -. d9 -a- -bdhd --..-s.-.- -am&-*- \~-&--d-=---- -___- ---- p.* ,,, ,,,, e dr Lu d ~SI* d UL.* ---- ."--:- & - n-d*- m*LCIR &&LLa,- -- @------ . -----c-- I .. RECORDING REauESTa CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 1 Name CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Street Address City & State L _I r 1 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name CITY OF CARLSBAD Street Address City & State L J 0 EXHIBIT 0 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U J The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ -0- Easement Only -1.2 F ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or UQ ' Individual Grant Deed A.P.N. NO# 167-101-1 CAT. NO. "00582 TO 1923 CA (2-83) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TlCOR TITLE INSURERS ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: (XXq City of CARLSBAD , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONy receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Cedric E. Sanders, a married man, as his sole and separate property hereby GRANT(S) to The CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, an easement for public street purposes the following described real property in the Countyof San Diego , State of California: CITY OF CARLSBAD See Exhibit "A" Sheets 1 and 2 for legal descriptions,_attached and made a part hereof. All as shown for convenience sake on Exhibit "B", attached and made a part hereof. - CEDRIC E. SANDERS Dated: June 4, 1986 STATE OF CALIFORNIA On June 4, 1986 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared . mic E. Sanders personally known to me or proved to me on rhe basis of sat- COUN'TYOF SAN DIEGO }ss. .. isfactory evidence to be the person-whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowlcdged that he exccutcd thc same. IVITNESS my hand and official seal. 1s Signature , &!&@%A) -:- ..- .__ . .. 1 J.-z .+.:7<.:-:, _'*. . -. - . - . , ~TL:- --.." c.... ..rc:-:-i _...-_ :-I .... " v, , -AS. * e e Sheet 1 of STREET DEDICATIONS EXHIBIT "A" Parcel & That portion of Lot I'J" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according Map No. 823 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of s County, said portion more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Carlsbad Tract NO. 83- Unit No. 1 (The Trails of Calavera Hills), Map No. 11286, on f in the Office of the Recorder of said County; said point a being on the centerline of Tamarack Avenue, and the Easte boundary of Carlsbad Tract No. 82-16 (The Villas at Calav Hills) Map No. 10860, on file in the office the Recorder of s County; said point also being on a 300.00 foot radius cu concave Southwesterly; a radial line to said point bears No 35°59114'1 East, thence Southeasterly along the arc of said cu and boundary of said Map No. 10860 and centerline of Tamar Avenue through 'a central angle of 20°20 '11% an arc distance 106.48 feet to a point of intersection with a non-radial bounc line per Record of Survey 9336 on file in the office of Recorder of said County; thence leaving the centerline of Tz rack Avenue and said boundary of said Map No. 10860 along s boundary line of said Record of Survey No. 9336, North 79'14' East 273.20 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence cont: ing along said boundary North 79O14'50" East 338.00 feet; tht South 87°15110" East 26.06 feet to a point on a 330.00 f radius curve concave Northwesterly, a radial line to said pc bears South 32O42'01" East, said point hereinafter referred tc Point "A"; thence leaving said boundary Southwesterly along arc of said curve through a central angle of 21O56'51" a disti Of 126.41 feet; thence tangent South 79°14'50" West 102.25 f to the beginning of a tangent 90.00 foot radius curve conc Southeasterly, thence Southwesterly along the arc of said CI through a central angle of 16°31120" a distance of 25.95 fE thence tangent South 62O43'30" West 50.00 feet to the beginr of a tangent 50.00 foot radius curve concave Northeastex thence Westerly and Northwesterly along the arc of said cc through a central angle of 106°31t2011 a distance of 92.96 feel the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 11,143 square feet. c 1 .I .F* . 1) * ... Sheet 2 of EXHIBIT "A" Parcel B T Beginning at Point "A" as mentioned in Parcel "A" above; the along said boundary of Record of Survey 9336 South 87°15'10" E 50.94 feet; thence leaving said boundary North 04"01'32" E 38.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 04O01' East 51.02 feet to a point on a tangent 330.00 foot radius cu concave Northeasterly; a radial line to said point bears SO 46O1l1O2" West; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said cu through a central angle of 00°061591' a distance of 0.67 fe thence tangent South 43O55'57" East 56.96 feet to the point thence Northwesterly and Westerly along the arc of said cu through a central angle of 80°00'00" a distance of 27.93 fc thence tangent South 56O04 r03" eet to the TRUE PC CUSP with a tangent 20.00 fmt radius curve cancave Souther OF BEGINNING. Containing 829.7 square feet. d ._ .r STREET DE D I CAT I ON RICK ENOlNIERlNO CI CIVIL ENQINEC!RB*BURVEYORB wa3 mAR. -..AN mW,CA ~l~pOIc1 ma PM RM WC-M.CA mwm* - -- - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - -- -