HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-26; City Council; 9015; HOSP GROVE ACQUISITION|APPOINTMENT OF BOND COUNSEL1 d 9 0 Lz= a Q a .. z 0 E a 1 0 Z 3 0 0 DEPT. AGENIlr B'LL Lr' Y UP LAHLSBAU - AB# ybc TaE: MTG, 5/26/87 HOSP GROVE ACQUISITION, CITY 1 APPOINTMENT OF BOND COUNSEL DEPT. F1N CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. %f4 appointing Jones Hall Hill & Whi as the City's Bond Counsel for the Hosp Grove bond issues. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council directed the staff to acquire Hosp Grove us a combination of financing tools including bank loans, Bond Anticipation Notes (BAN'S) and General Obligation Bonds or Certificates of Participation. In moving toward the goal of issuing short or long term debt one of the first steps is th selection of an underwriter and bond counsel. On May 19, 1987, Council appointed the firm of Raucher Pierc Refsnes to act as financial advisor. This action appoints t firm of Jones Hall Hill & White to be bond counsel for these debt issues. The City requested proposals from three very qualified firms Two firms responded. The City Attorney is satisfied that th firm of Jones Hall Hill & White will provide the services necessary. The Finance Director prefers the flat fee propos pmvided by Jones Hall Hill & White over the per hour fee proposal by the other firm. FISCAL IMPACT: The issue of Bond Anticipation Notes and G.O. Bonds or C.0.P will require the payment of fees to the underwriter and bond counsel as well as various associated costs. Bond counsel f will be approximately $13,000 for the short-term financing a $35,000 for the long-term financing. All fees will be paid from the proceeds of the issue. EXHIBITS : Proposal from Jones Hall Hill and White Resolution No. 9dJ6 appointing Jones Hall Hill & White as Bond Counsel for the Hosp Grove bond issues. rn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 9086 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING JONES HALL HILL & WHITE TO ACT AS BOND COUNSEL ON THE HOSP GROVE BOND ISSUES. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad intends to issue both SI and long term debt in the process of acquiring Hosp Grove, : WHEREAS, the City requires the services of bond counsC for the issue of Bond Anticipation Notes or other debt assoc 9 with the purchase of Hosp Grove, and 18 19 20 21 22 23 25, 24 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of I City of Carlsbad as follows: I as necessary, in the above transactions. 1. That Jones Hall Hill & White shall act as bond cou I i 2. That the fees and compensation for said services s be as described in the attached proposals which are incorpor herein by reference. I 3. That the City Council reserves the right to remove I Jones Hall Hill & White from this project subject only to I compensation for expenses through the date of removal. /// /// # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 0 I). 4. That the City Manager is authorized to execute a1 agreement necessary to confirm this appointment subject to above terms. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 26th day of May , 1987, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, bfamaux and Lar: NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) 4 ’ $1 11 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 1 1 e 0 0 Proposal for Bond Counsel Services presented to the CITY OF CARLSBAD relating to its proposed H OSP GROVE ACQUtSlTlON Dated: May 74, 7987 0 0 * JONES HALL HILL &WHITE, A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPO-ON ATPORNEXS AT LAW FOUR EMBARCADERO CE? SAN FRANCISCO 8411 CHARLES F. ADAMS STEPHEN R. CASALEOQIO EDSELL M. EADY, JR. ANDREW C. HALL, JR. KENNETH I. JONES PHILIP NELSON LEE AU"OMA!l'IC TELECOPIER WILLIAM H. MADISON (4lS) 301-5784 BRIAN I). OUINT (425) 066-6308 PAUL J. THIMMIQ SUITE 1950 (415) 301-5780 SHARON STANTQN WRITE May 14, 1987 Mr. James F. Elliott Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Dear Mr. Elliott: Proposal for Bond Counsel Services In response to your request for bond counsel services for your Hosp Gro\ Acquisition Program, Jones Hall Hiil & White ("Jones Hall") is pleased to be given tt opportunity to offer its services as bond counsel to the City of Carlsbad (the "City"). A. THE PROJECT The proposed acquisition of Hosp Grove would appear to be most expeditious accomplished, within the limitations of the law and your Project Description, by a thrc stage process, in which the City should: (1) either (a) advance from its General Fund (or other available moneys) the purchase price of $6,457,000, on June 1, 1987, accomplishing the acquisition of the Hosp Grove; or (b) extend the purchase date to July 1, 1987 or later; (2) issue notes on July 1, 1987 (or as soon thereafter as is practicable) under Sections 53850 et seq. of the Government Code to acquire Hosp Grove (if the purchase date has been extended), or reimburse the General Fund (or other fund from which moneys were advanced); and (3)(a) either issue general obligation bonds or certificates of participation on a long-term basis to create a source of funds to repay the Notes at maturity; or (b) if the general obligation bond election fails and if the a 0 Mr. James F. Elliott City of Carlsbad May 14, 1987 Page 2 City decides not to pursue a Certificate of Participation financing, segregate amounts necessary to repay the Notes at maturity. 6. FIRM EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF SPECIFIC PERSONNEL A. JONES HALL HILL AND WHITE 1. Brief Description and History Our firm was formed as a partnership on March 21, 1978, with the nam parties (Kenneth I. Jones, Andrew C. Hall, Jr., Robert J. Hill and Sharon Stant White) as the founding partners. attorneys (all of whom are principals) and 21 staff members from 1978 to t present. On November, 1980 the firm modified its organizational structure from partnership to a professional law corporation. The firm expanded to its present size of The firm's business is entirely devoted to municipal finance, with spec emphasis on bond counsel services and an expanding practice in the provision underwriter's counsel and special tax counsel services. Because the sole practi of the firm is related to municipal finance, the entire staff is dedicated to the sin( goal of service to local government without distraction to other areas. This h, resulted in a highly trained and skilled staff directly responsible to its municip clients. The firm has represented every type of public agency in California on a wic variety of financings, but the vast majority of its work as bond counsel has been tl representation of local agencies such as the City. Virtually all of our clients a located in California, and over 50% of those are located in Southern California. 2. Summarv of Experience Our firm ranked thirteenth in bond counsel rankings in the nation in over dollar volume of municipal issues in the calendar year 1986. Set forth in Appenc A is a summary of bond issue financings for which Jones Hall acted as Boi Counsel in 1986. Examples of innovative methods of financing in which Jones Hall has be€ involved include the following: a. Certificates of Participation. The firm has been the acknowledgc leader in the development of Certificate of Participation ("COP") financing the State, having acted as special counsel in approximately 207 financiq aggregating over $2,500,000,000 in principal amount since the techniqt was identified in 1979. 0 0 Mr. James F. Elliott City of Carlsbad May 14, 1987 Page 3 b. Mortaaae Revenue Bonds. Principals in the firm represented Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Pablo in the case Redevelopment Aaencv of the City of San Pablo v. Shepard, 75 Cal.App.. 453, establishing the validity of Senate Bill 99, which led to the grt burgeoning of mortgage revenue bond financing from 1979 through 191 Our firm provided the approving opinion on the first single family housi bonds in the State. c. Tax-Exempt Compliance Procedures. Because of her authors1 of The Handbook of Section 103 Rulinas and her continual communicati with Washington, D.C., legislative and administrative officials, as no1 below, Sharon White provides creative solutions on behalf of clients compliance with Tax Code provisions relating to tax-exemption of both n money and refunding obligations. These solutions frequently result innovative financings for projects not otherwise capable of being financed. C. RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUALS 1. Resumes The professionals from Jones Hall who will be assigned to the City a William H. Madison and Charles F. Adams. In addition, Sharon Stanton Wh would be responsible for all tax analysis on financings the City undertakes. T resumes of Mr. Madison, Mr. Adams, and Mrs. White are set forth below: William H. Madison Mr. Madison has more than 7 years of municipal bond experience, havii joined Jones Hall Hill & White in 1979. He has been particularly active in certifica of participation transactions, and has experience in virtually all other areas municipal bond law relating to public improvements. Mr. Madison attended St. Michael’s College in Vermont, where he receivt his A.B. degree in 1971, and Fordham University, where he received his J. degree in 1979. Mr. Madison was admitted to the New York and California Bars 1980 and is a member of the American Bar Association and National Associatic of Bond Lawyers. Charles F Adams Mr. Adams has approximately 10 years of municipal bond experience ar joined Jones Hall Hill & White in 1979. He has practiced municipal bond la continuously since 1976 with experience in all areas of municipal financing as bor counsel and underwriter’s counsel. 0 a Mr. James F. Elliott City of Carlsbad May 14, 1987 Page 4 Mr. Adams attended Yale University where he received his B.A. Degree 1973 and the University of Michigan where he received his J.D. degree in 197 Mr. Adams was admitted to the California Bar in 1976 and is a member of ti National Association of Bond Lawyers. Sharon Stanton White Mrs. White was a founding partner of Jones Hall, and has practice municipal bond law for approximately 14 years. She is a recognized nation expert in the area of federal tax law as it applies to municipal bonds and acts i special tax counsel on all forms of municipal financing. Mrs. White attended the University of California at Berkeley where st received her B.A. degree in 1962 and her LL.B. degree in 1965. She was admittt to the California Bar in 1966 and the District of Columbia Bar in 1968. Mrs. White has served continuously as a director or officer of the Nation Association of Bond Lawyers since 1981. She assumed the presidency of tt Associatiori in October, 1986. Mrs. White is the author of The Handbook of Sectic 103 Rulinas which she supplements semi-annually. Mrs. White is also a memb of the American Bar Association and the Bar Association of San Francisco. D. FEE STRUCTURE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Jones Hall prefers to be compensated for its services as bond counsel on eac financing on a contingent fee, based upon a declining percentage of the principal amoui of the financing, plus reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses. The normal percentage scale for a short-term financing is as follows: One twentieth of one percent of the amount of the financing (with a minimum fee of $5,000). The norma! percentage scale for a long-term financing is as follows: One percent of the first million dollars of financing (with a minimum fee of $10,000); plus one-half of one percent of the next four million dollars; plus one-quarter percent of any financing in excess of five million dollars. Typical expenses for which we are normally compensated are special delivery an messenger services, as well as travel outside of the State of California. a 0 Mr. James F. Elliott City of Carlsbad May 14,1987 Page 5 E. REFERENCES The following individuals may be contacted as references. Mr. Kenneth W. Landau City Manager, City of Gardena (21 3) 51 4-2254 Mr. Bob Leland Finance Director, City of Fairfield (707) 428-7496 Ms. Kris Machnick Director of Finance, City of Santa Clara (408) 984-3261 We look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal with you. Very truly yours, by. William H. Madison WHM:mim:M5537 cc: Charles F. Adams 0 0 APPENDIX A 1986 SUmARY OF BOND ISSUES JONES HALL HILL 8 WHITE, AS BOND COUNSEL Page A. Revenue Bonds Lease Revenue and other........................................ 2 B. Assessmsnt/Mello Roos Bonds..................................... 3 C. Tax Allocation Bonds and Notes.................................. 4 D. Lease F'inancing and Certificate of Participation Transactions...................................... 7 E. lax and Revenue Anticipation Motes/Grant Anticipation Notes..... ........ ......................... .... .... 10 f. General Obligation Bonds........................................ 13 G. Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds............................... 13 H. Single Family Housing Revenue Bonds............................. 14 I. Industrial Development bonds....................,.......^....... 14 J. Miscellaneous................ .... ............................... 14 0 0 Amount Issuer Underwriter/Purchaser A. REVENUE BONDS (1) Lease Revenue and other Revenue Bonds Sierra Valley Hospital Financing Farmers Home Administration b 1,966, Authority, 1986 Series A (2/14) J 22,550 City of Santa Clara Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1986 Series A (6/10) City of San Luis Obispo Capital J 13,970 Improvement Board Lease Revenue Bonds (Capital Improvements Projects) (7/15) Redwood City Pub1 i c Faci 1 i ties and Infrastructure Authority Lease Revenue Bonds (Capital Improvement Projects) (8/6) Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District Stone & Youngberg L 23,421 Sewer Revenue and Refunding Bonds Commuqity Development Commission of the City of Oceanside (Oceanside Civic Center Project) (8/14) City of Santa Clara Electric Revenue Crossover Refunding Bonds, 1986 Series B (8/14) City of Santa Clara Electric Revenue Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated b 7( Crossover Refunding Bonds, 1986 Series C (8/14) Pic0 Rivera Water Development Bateman Eichler, Hill Richards, b 6,O Corporation Leasehold Mortgage Bonds (W6) City of Galt Public financing Authority 1986 Revenue Bonds (8/29) City of San Buenaventura Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds (11/17) The First Boston Corporation Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. J 16,14 (8/13) J 27,71 Metrill Lynch Capital Markets Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated $ 53,24 Incorporated and Associates A.R. Altura & Company, Inc. and Matthews & Wright, Inc. Franklin lax Rate Fund and Casualty Insurance Company of 11 linois J 29,2 J 13,: Redevelopment Agency of the City Bankers Trust Company f 23,' and County of San Franc1 sco Vari ab1 e Rate Demand Refund i ng Bonds (South Beach Harbor Project) (12/17) Appendix A Page A-1 0 8 Issuer Underwriter/Purchaser Amount B. ASSESSMENT/HELLO ROOS BONDS City of Walnut Creek LID No. 41, MuniciCorp of California f 661 North Broadway Extension A.D. (2/24) City of Lincoln, Nicolaus Wulff, Hansen & Co. f 5,88 Rd. A.D. (3/27) City of Fairfield, Suisun Valley Rd. Stone & Youngberg b 4,QO -Kaiser ADD. (4/2) Park A.D. 84-4, Series B (4/16) City of South San Francisco, The Gateway Assessment District No. 82-2 Reassessment of Series 86-A Refunding (4/30) Heath Dr. Assessment District Refunding (5/2) No. 1 Assessment District Refunding (5/2) Assessment District Refunding (5/2) Beck Ave. Assessment District Refunding (5/2) City of Vallejo Glen Cove Community A.D. No. 61 (Reassessment and Refunding of 1986) Series 86-A (5/15) A.D. No. 61 (Reassessment and Refunding of 1986) Series 86-B (5/15) City of Alameda Marina Village A.DD Stone & Youngberg $6 84-3, Series 86-2 (7/15) City of Alameda Refunding Improvement Stone & Youngberg b 26 Bonds, Marina Village A.D. 84-3 (Reassessment and Refunding of 1986) Series 86-1 (7/22) Refunding Bonds (7/24) City of Alameda Harbor Bay Business Stone & Youngberg s 5,2; Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. f 15.2' City of Fairfield Alaska Ave.- Stone & Youngberg f 1,@ City of Fairfield Cordelia Village Stone & Youngberg s 291 City of Fairfield Gateway Landscape Stone & Youngberg b 2,' City of Fairfield Ckadbourne Rd.- Stone & Youngberg s 12, Wulff Hansen & Co. S 15, City of Vallejo Glen Cove Community Wulff Hansen & Co. b 1. City of Upland A.D. 81-1 Improvement Smith Barney, Harris Upham s & Co. Incorporated Appendix A Page A-2 0 0 Amount Issuer Underwri ter/Purchaser City of Healdsburg Foss Creek A.D. Seidler-Fitzgerald Public b 1,350 (8/1) F i nance City of Vallejo Northeast Quadrant Wulff; Hansen & Co. f 4,430 A.D. No. 58 (Reassessment and Refunding for 1986) (8/5) take County Sanitation District A.D. Wulff, Hansen & Co. b 442 No. 1-7, Series 86-1 (8/7) City of Chico Sierra Sunrise A.D. E. F. Hutton & Company, Inc. f 3,665 East Yo10 Community Services District Stone & Youngberg f 3,390 Refunding (8/20) Vallejo City Unified School District Wulff, Hansen ti Co. $ 6,OOC Community Facilities District No. 1 (Glen Cove School) (Me1 lo-Roos) (8/20) Russian River County Water District Farmers Home Administration f 1,93C A.D. N.o. 1 (8/21) City of Stockton Central Parking b 16,OOr District Bonds of 1986, Project Incorporated NO. 86-1 (8/29) City of Pomona Improvement Bonds Chilton & O'Connor, Inc. b 5,65( A.D. 1294 (Rio Rancho Road - Old Pomona Road), Series 1986 (9/30) City of Walnut Creek Local Improvement MuniciCorp of California b 61 District No. 42 (10/7) City of Emeryville Improvement Bonds Stone 81 Youngberg $ 2.98: West Emeryvi 1 le A.D. Smith Ranch A.D., Series 636 (Phase One) -( 12/23) (8/13) Bateman Eichler, Hill Richards (11/12) City of Fairfield Improvement Bonds Stone L Youngberg b 7,77 C. TAX ALLOCATION BONDS AND NOTES Chico Redevelopment Agency Southeast Merri 11 Lynch Capital Markets b 8,40 Chi co Redevelopment Pro Sect (5/7) Redevelopment Agency of the City b 38,65 of Chula Vista Bayfront/Town Centre 8 Co. Incorporated Project (5/29) Smith Barney, Harris Upham Appendix A Page A-3 e a Issuer Underwriter/Purchaser Amount Redevelopment Agency of the City of PaineWebber Incorporated S 3,250,l Pomona Holt Ave/Indian Hill Redevelopment Project (6/24) Redevelopment Agency of' the City of PaineWebber Incorporated J 4,250, Redevelopment Project (6/24) Community Development Commission Smith Barney, Harris Upham J 8,200, of the City of Oceanside Downtown & Co, Incorporated Redevelopment Project (6/26) Mountain View Shoreline Regional Stone & Youngberg f 26,300, Park Community Tax Allocation and Refunding Bonds (7/22) Redevelopment Agency of the City of Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga S 1,390 Seaside Gateway Project (Refunding) (7/23) Burnham Lambert Incorporated Upland Community Redevelopment Agency Sm'ith Barney, Harris Upham J 6,500 (Canyon Ridge) (7/24) & Co. Incorporated Upland Community Redevelopment Agency Smith Barney, Harris Upham $ 3,OOC (Arrow-Benson Redev. Project) (7/24) & Co, Incorporated Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Jose (Merged Area Redevelopment . Sachs & Co., Grigsby, Brandford & Co., Inc. Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Jose (Merged Area Redevelopment Sachs & Co., Grigsby, Project) Refunding, 1986 Series B (8/5) Brandford & Co., Inc. b 55,041 Mountain View Revitalization Authority Smith Barney, Harris Upham f 9,871 Downtown Revitalization Distrlct & Co. Incorporated Pomona Reservoir Street Industrial Incorporated and Drexel Stone & Youngberg, Goldman, 8 Project) Refunding, 1986 Series A (8/5) $201,29F Stone & Youngberg, Goldman, (8/W Redevelopment Agency of the City of M. L, Stern 8 Co., Inc. J 53 Redevelopment Agency of the City of Landmark Bank L 4c La Habra Beta 111 Project Area Redevelopment Project (8/15) La Habra Downtown Project Area Redevelopment Project 1986 Second Lien (8/15) Redevelopment Agency of the City of West Covina Central Business District Redevelopment Project,, 1986 Series A E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. $ 15,7' (8/15) Appendix A Page A-4 0 0 An Is suer Underwriter/Purchaser - Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sparks Redevelopment Agency (Nevada) Prudential-Bache Securities, $t Inglewood Redevelopment Agency Shearson Lehman Brothers SI Inglewood Redevelopment Agency Shearson Lehman Brothers $1 Inglewood Redevelopment Agency E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. b Ingl ewood Redevelopment Agency Shearson Lehman Brothers b 1: E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. $: West Covina Eastland Redevelopment Project, 1986 Series El (8/15) Sparks Town Center Project Y1 (8/19) North Inglewood Industrial Park Redevelopment Project, Series 8 (8/27) Manchester-Prairie Redevelopment Project, Series B (8/27) In-Town Redevelopment; Project, Series B (8/27) Century Redevelopment Project, Serjes ,B (8/27) Redevelopment Agency of the City of Azusa Central Business District & Co., Inc. Redevelopment Project, 1986 Series A Refunding (8/27) Azusa West End Redevelopment Project, 1986 Series A Refunding (8/27) Rancho Redevelopment Project, 1986 Series A (8/28) Livermore Redevelopment Fro ject, 6 Co. Incorporated Series A (8/28) Duarte Las Lomas Redevelopment Project Refunding (8/28) Hawai 1 an Gardens Redevelopment Project No. 1 Refunding (10/2) Inc. Burrows-Smith Division Smith Barney, Harris Upham $( Redevelopment Agency of the City of FISER Financial and 6: Investment Services Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency Shearson Lehman Brothers $ 31 Livermore Redevelopment Agency Smith Barney, Harris Upham SI Redevelopment Agency of the City of Chilton & O'Connor, Inc. $ Redevelopment Agency of the City of Chilton & O'Connor, Inc. L Appendix A Page A-5 e 0 Issuer Underwriter/Purchaser Amou 1 Industry Urban-Development Agency Smith Barney, Harris Upham & 6 10.9' Redevelopment Project No. 2 Second Co. Incorporated Subordinate lax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Issue of 1986 (11/18) Industry Urban-DeveYopment Agency Smith Barney, Harris Upham & b 10,3 Redevelopment Project No. 3 Co. Incorporated Subordinate Tax Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1986 (11/18) Anaheim Redevelopmeiit Agency lax Refunding Bonds Redevelopment Project Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Alpha (Subordinate ILien) Series 1986 A Incorporated, PaineWebber (11/25) Incorporated D. LEASE FINANCINGS AND CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION City of Union City Goldman, Sachs & Co., Merri 11 b 49,: Imperial Securities Equipment Acqu i sit i on Project (21 11) Corporat 1 on s 2, City of Livermore Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga f 8, City of San Buenaventura (Capital Crocker National Bank b 22, (Airport Project) (2/27) Incorporated and Sutro & CO. Incorporated Improvements Project) Refunding (4/17) County of San Bernardino (Sheriff's 6 18, Faci 1 ities Project) (4/30) City of Fairfield (Mater Utility Stone & Youngberg S 62, Improvement Project) Ref undi ng (5/22) San Francisco State Building Authority L.F. Rothschild, Unterberg, S 61 (State Building Project) Refunding (5/29) Altura & Company, Inc. (Education Faci 1 ities) (5/29) The first Boston Corporation Towbin, Inc. and A.R. Benicia Unified School District A.R. Altura & Company, Inc. $4 City of Mountain View (Slurry Wall) William Graham $1 W4) City of San Diego (Police Capital Improvements Project) Refunding (6/18) Metro Equities Projects) Refunding (6/19) Pa f ne Web ber Incorporated and City of Hercules (Capital Improvement Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. S 63 b 1c Appendix A Page A-6 0 0 Issuer UnderwriterlPurchaser Amoun. City of Anaheim (Refinancing Goldman, Sachs & Co. b 31,201 Project A) Partial Refunding (6/19) City of San Ramon (Community Center A. R. Altura & Company Inc. $ 6,75 Project) (6/25) Counties of Placer and Shasta Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. b 5,95 (CSAC Finance Corporation Pooled Financing A) (6/26) Counties of Amador, El Dorado, Prudential-Bache Securltes Inc. f 16,97 Stanislaus and Tuolumne (CSAC Finance Corporation Pooled Financing B) (6/26) Hal 1 Project ) (7/22) County of San Bernardino (County Center/Justice Center Refunding and Capital Improvements Projects) (8/7) City- of San Buenaventura (Capital f 20.9 Improvements Projects) (8/7) City of Cupertino (Capital Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. $ 9,8 Improvements Project) (8/7) Justice Facility and Public Building Improvements) Refunding City of Escondido (Escondido City Stone & Youngberg $ 30,0( Mi 7 ler & Schroeder Financial, Inc. $120,8f E.F, Hutton & Company, Inc. County of Solano (Solano County Bankers Trust Company and f 43,o Grigsby, Brandford & Co., Inc. (W7) City of Huntington Eleach (Civic Stone & Youngberg s 20,t Center Project) Refunding (8/13) City of Val le jo (Water Improvement Merri JJ Lynch Capital Markets $ 6,; Projects) (8/13) City of San Jose (Convention Center $174, Project) (8/14) City of Fresno (City Hall Seidler-FitzgeraJd Public Finance $ 43, Construction and Golf Course Development Pro jecto) (8/19) City of Fresno (Conference Center/ Seidler-Fitzgerald Public Finance f 30, Arena Fact 1 ities Refunding Project) Goldman, Sachs & Co., Stone I Youngberg and Grigsby, Brandford & Co., Inc. (8/20) Appendix A Page A-7 0 0 Issuer Underwri ter/Purchaser Amount City of Santa Clara (Convention E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. S 15,675, Center Project) Refunding (8/21) City of Gardena (Civic Center Security Pacific Merchant S 3,370, Improvement Projects) (8/21) Banking Group City of Upland Uater System Seidler-Fitzgerald Public b 10,535, Improvement Project Finance (8/21) City of Upland Police Building Seidler-Fitzgerald Public S 5,845, Construction Project Finance (8/21) City of San Buenaventura (Equipment Prudent i a1 -Bache Securi tes, Inc. . f 4,480 Financing Projects) (8/26) Charter Oak Unified School District Security Pacific Merchant S 3,110 (Equipment Acquisi tiorn Project) Clovis Unified School District and Seidler-Fitzgerald Public Finance, b 11,165 fresno Unified School District (Equipment and Capital Improvement Incorporated and Merri 11 Lynch Projects) (8/27) Capital Markets City of Danville (Land Acquisition Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. b 8,28C Project) (8/27) City of Concord, County of Napa, Kell ing, Northcross & Nobriga 6 2,70C American Canyon County Water District, Menlo Park Fire Protection District Kennedy & Gardner, Inc. (ABAG XIII) (8/28) Local Government Finance Joint Goldman, Sachs & Co. $451,40f Powers Authority (California Local Agency - Compostte Issue of 1986) Brea-Olinda Unified School District Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc. (kea High School Project) (8/29) School District, Vacaville Unified School District, Vallejo City Unified School District (8/29) Cities of Anderson, Atwater and Stone t Youngberg and S 1.84 farmersville (CCFC 19.86 Series A) Merri 11 Lynch Capital Markets (8/29) Banking Group (8/26) Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga Incorporated and Morgan, Olmstead, (8/28) S 22,581 County of Solano, Fairfield Unified Security Pacific Merchant b 9,57 Banking Group Appendix A Page A-8 0 0 I ssuer Underwri ter/Purchaser Amount City of Downey (Civic Center Project) Refunding (9/30) El Dorado Irrigation District (Water & Sewer System Improvement Project) Richards, Inc. S 8,155, (10/27) City of Commerce (Municipal Park Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. S 3,400, Improvement Project) (11/5) S 13,000 City of Vallejo (Marine World Foundation Project) (11/24) City of Santa Maria (Town Center & S 34,855 Westside Parking Facilities) Refunding Goldman, Sachs & Co. Bateman Eichler, Hill S 17,045, Wulff, Hansen & Co. Goldman, Sachs & Co. and E. F. Hutton & Company, Inc. Benham Cal i forni a lax-Free (12/9) County of San Bernard4 no (He1 i copter s 3,935 Acqui sit ion) (12/12) Trust, Intermediate Term City of Fairfield (Public Improve- Stone & Youngberg $ 15,73( ments Projects) Refunding (12/18) Cities of Fort Bragg, Manteca, Rialto Stone & Youngberg $ 4,46( and the Susanvi 1 le Consol idated Sanitary District (CCFC 1986 Series B) (12/18) Daly City Redevelopment Agency Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. S 7,50 (J.S. Properties) (12/24) (ABAG XV) (12/30) Incorporated and Morgan, Olmstead, Portfolio and Merrill Lynch Capital . Markets City of Pleasant Hi17 Refunding Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s 3,77 City of Los Altos (ABAG XVI) (12/30) Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s 1,2! City of Modesto (Capqtal Improvements First California Regional s 4,3 Kennedy & Gardner, Inc. Incorporated and Morgan, Olmstead, Kennedy 81 Gardner, Inc. Project) (12/31) Securities, Inc. E. TAX AND REVENUE AB(TICIPA1ION NOTES/GRANl ANTICIPATION NOTES Emeryvi 1 le Redevelopment Agency Stone & Youngberg SE City of Falrfield (7/1) Stone It Youngberg s 32 Revenue Anticipation Notes (1985-1986 Revenues) (3/18) Appendix A Page A-9 0 0 Issuer Underwr iter/Purchaser Amount City of Anaheim (7/1) Security Pacific National Bank b 23,600, County of Sacramento (Elk Grove Security Pacific Merchant $ 5,700, Unified School District) (7/1) Banking Group City of Riverside (7/2) Merrill Lynch Capital Markets $ 8,550, City of Albany (7/3) Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga J 1,100, City of Fremont (7/3) Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s 9,100, Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Banking Group City of Hayward (7/3) Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga J 7,200 City of Livermore (7/3) Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga $ 3,000 City of Union City (7i3) Kell ing, Northcross & Nobriga $ 3,000 City of La Mesa (7/8) Security Pacific Merchant f 3,200 City of Huntington Beach (7/8) Stone & Youngberg s 12,200 City of Woodland (7/9) Security Pacific Merchant $ 1,500 City of Gardena (7/10) Security Pacific Capital f 5,00( Banking Group Markets Group (Security Pacific National Bank) Markets Group (Security Pacific National Bank) and Grigsby, Brandford b Co., Inc. Markets Group (Security Pacific National Bank) City of Ontario (7/10) Security Pacific Capital J 6,00( City of Richmond (7/11) Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. 6 10,001 City of La Habra (7/15) Security Pacific Capital S 2,60 Appendix A Page A-10 0 a Issuer Underwriter/Purchaser I County of Yo10 Short Term Mandatory Tender Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (7/15) Unified School District) (7/16) Incorporated and The Bank of Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association s Contra Costa County (Pittsburg Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s Contra Costa County (Antioch Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga b California, N.A. Unified School District) (7/16) Incorporated and The Bank of County of Alameda in the name of: California, N.A. Amador Valley Joint Union High Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s Livermore Valley Joint Unified Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s School District (7/22) Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Incorporated and The Bank of California, N.A. Group (Security Pacific National Bank School District (7/22) Pl easanton Joint School District (7/22) Kell ing , Northcross & Nobriga s Newark Unified School Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga s San Leandro Unified School Kell ing, Northcross & Nobriga s San Lorenzo Unified School Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga J District (7/22) District (7/22) District (7/22) County of Stanislaus (7/28) Security Paclfic Capital Markets $ Santa Clara County Transit District Grant Anticipation Refunding Notes (Guadalupe Corridor LIght Rai 1 Project) (8/4) Ehrlich Bober & Co., Inc. 1986 Series B 6 1986 Series C s 1986 Series D s 1986 Series E s City of Alameda (8/7) A.R. Altura & Company, Inc. s Appendix A Page A-11 0 0 Is suer Underwriter/Purchaser Amount City of Benicia (8/7) A.R. Altura & Company, Inc. $ 1,620, Fresno Unified School District Merrill Lynch Capital Markets $ 20,500, (8/22) Redevelopment Agency of the City Miller & Schroeder Financial, Inc. f 4,330, of Pomona Southwest Pomona and Mountain Meadows Redevelopment Projects Refunding (8/25) City of Hawthorne (8/26) Bank of America National Trust b 3,500 Redevelopment Agency of the City and S 18,630 and County of San Francisco Bond Anticipation Refunding Note (10/16) City of Pasadena (11/25) Security Pacific Merchant J 6,50C Santee School District (12/16) Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. f 3,OOr Grossmont Union High School District Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. S 4,24 (WW and Savings Association Bankers Trust Company Banking Group F. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS School District) (6/27) A1 ameda County (Fremont Unified First Interstate Bank of b 67 School District) (7/1) of California City of Anaheim Series 1986 A s 10,0[ (10/30) Solano County (Fairf ield-Suisun Security Pacific National Bank f 55 Bank of Amerjca National Trust and Savings Association and Associates 6. UULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS City of Huntington Beach Bancroft, Garcia t Lavell, Inc. $ 7,7' Housing Authority of the City Santa Barbara Bank t Trust J 1.1 (Mercury S&L/Vi 1 lage Partnership Project) (11/7) of Santa Barbara (11/21) and Bankers Trust Company Appendix A Page A-12 0 0 Issuer Underwriter/Purchaser Amount Housing Authority of the City of Bancroft, Garcia & Lavell, Inc. $ 8,400,( Santa Ana (Vintage Apts.) (12/18) Anaheim Housing Authority Security Pacific Merchant Banking d 5,500,( (Sage Park Project) (12/18) Housing Authority of the County of Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. $ 10,100,l Riverside (Tyler Village Project) ( 12/19 ) (Los Fel iz Apartments Project) (12/23 1 County of San Benardino (Pooled Projects) (12/30) H. Rancho Cucarnonga-Pa7mdale-Portervil7e- Stone & Youngberg $ 17,505 Colton Housing Finance Agency (GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities) (12/22) Thousand Oaks Redevelopment Agency Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. S 9,270 Refunding (12/31) I. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOWENT BONDS City of Pomona (JNS Land Company BankAmerica Capital Markets S 3,000 Project) (12/19) Group City of Long Beach (Kress Rehabili- Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. S 9,70C tat i on Project) (12/23) J. UISCELLANEOUS Fai rf i el d Redevelopment Agency Cordel ia Area Redevelopment Project Notes (9/23) City of Torrance Hospital Revenue Bonds (Little Company of Mary Hospital) 1985 Series A (Fixed Rate Conversion) Thousand Oaks Redevelopment Agency Fiser Financial & Investment s 9,000, Services and Birr Wilson & Co., Inc. E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. $ 60,000, SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BOWS Security Pacific National Bank S 15,111 Zi egl er Secur i t i es S 32.80 W/1) Appendix A Page A-13 * 9 Issuer Underwri ter/Purchaser Amou n t $ 1,050,OC La Mi rada Redevelopment Agency 15515 Phoebe Avenue Project Loan Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco (Fillmore Center Project) Remarketing (12/30) The Mitsubishi Bank of California (W30) .. Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. $ 95,000,OE