HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-26; City Council; 9017; SCHOOL LOCATION STUDY.* a u o> P= Ig 2 .. z 0 6 s a z 3 0 0 /' clg OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL c . DEPT. AB# 90/7 TITLE: MTG. 5/26/87 CITY 1 SCHOOL LOCATION STUDY DEPT. PLN CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. %&' , authorizing the transfer of $10,625 from the contingency account to the Planning Departm budget to assist the Carlsbad Unified School District by pay half of the costs to update the School Location Plan. ITEM EXPLANATION In July 1982, the City and the Carlsbad Unified School Distr worked together to prepare a School Location Plan. This pla to serve as the tool for providing school facilities to the buildout of Carlsbad. Since this plan was prepared a number of significant things changed in Carlsbad. School Location Plan. The School District has selected a consultant to prepare an updated plan. The plan would be computerized to allow the district to modify it if needed in the future and would be consistent with the City's Growth Management Program. The City previously expressed an interest in assisting the S District in this effort and is now being requested to pay ha the costs for a consultant to do the plan. Staff would recommend that the Council approve the transfer contingency funds in the amount of $10,625 to the Planning Department budget for this purpose. FISCAL IMPACT Approval of this item would require the transfer of $10,625 contingencies account 001-840-1990-2999 to the Planning Department budget account 001-840-3230-2479. This transfer reduces the contingency account balance to about $130,008. EXHIBITS 1. These changes necessitate updating the Letter dated February 19, 1987 to the City Manager from Carlsbad Unified School District 2. Resolution No. %// a 0 d. P-g .. rlsbad Unified §ch<srol District p February 19, 1987 BOARD OF TRUSTEES JULIANNE L. NYCAARD President j. EDWARD SWITZER, jR. Vice President DONALD M. JOHNSON Clerk JOE ANGEL Member Mr. Frank Afeshire .-. JAMES McCORMlCK Carlsbad, CA 92008 DISTRICT Dear Mr. Aleshire: Member ADMINISTRATION THOMAS K. BRIERLEY, Ed.D. Superintendent The District is in the process of obtaining a system whi will provide US with an updated School Location Plan. described in the attached, the plan is to be fully integral SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY with the City of Carlsbad's Citywide Facilities z Assistant Superintendent Improvements Plan and capable of being revised in the futi 'Instructional Services as the City's Plan is adjusted. Business Manager In view of the relationship of the School Location Plan the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, it GERALD C. TARMAN requested that the City provide half the cost. Currently 1 Director System is estimated at a cost not to exceed $21,250. - Planning Department has indicated they may be able to red\ ROBERT LAWRENCE this cost, but that has not as yet been verified. JOHN H. BLAIR Personnel Services Facilities/Maintenance/ Operations Distinguished School Board Award 1984. United States Denartrtwnt nf Fdtlntinn .PLANNING SYSTEMS 1 NCORPORATED LAND USE PLANNING / COMPUTERAIDED PLANNING SYm COASTAL PLANNING / SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES PIANNlh J. ,. 0 0 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSAL FOR PLANNING SERVICES SCHOOL LOCATION PLAN PLANNING SYSTEMS FEBRUARY 5, 1987 GENERAL DESCR I PT ION In July 1982, the Cartsbad Unified School District and City of Carlsbad collaborated in preparing a plan which identified "buildout" locations and types of schools. This effort was, technicaliy,"a "snap-shot" analysis, in that it only answered an immediate question regarding school needs. The plan used relatively simple assumptions regarding school siting constraints, holding capacity and the like. A major shortcoming in the planning effort was, for the sake of expediency, a lack of built-in flexibility. It was recognized at the time that as circumstances changed, these changes could effect the validity of the plan. adopted by both the School District and the City. The City incorporated the plan into the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Previous school locations had been included on the Land Use Element Map through a somewhat ad hoc method eight years prior to the 1982 effort. Although the 1982 plan was a distinct leap forward in a true planning sense, it was recognized to have limitations. In 1987 there are many examples of recent land use planning policy changes in the City of Carlsbad. Establishment of "quadrant density caps", and the comprehensive "Growth Managment Plan" for the City are prominent recent requirements which have a distinct bearing on school siting. Today, the Carlsbad planning process emphasizes accumulating and manipulating information. The City, for example, through the Growth Management Plan, has set very specific requirements for preparation of extensive public facilities p\ans for 24 sub-areas of the City. Schools are an included "facility" in this required analysis. The ability to understand the effects of \and use planning efforts at such a detailed level are essential to the integrity of any land use siting plan. In this light, an updated school location plan must include the flexibililty to adapt to changes at various levels. One aspect must be that The types and locations of schools recommended by the plan were EXHIBIT A (2 of 4) '. 0 0 of adaptation to shifting development (demand) patterns and intensity. One of the major "unknowns" in the complex planning strategy of the City is "rate of growth". As a result, plans for related facilities must be capable of "floating" with growth rates. The key to creating a flexible school location ~lan is for it to be interactive with the Carlsbad Growth Mangement Plan. The Growth Management Plan is destined to produce a substantiai and continuing amount of development-related information. And it is this development-related data which, in part, represents 'the DEMAND for ~ school facilities. Once this data is accessible and can be manipulated, based on School District assumptions, it can be of great use to both the School District and the City. There is a need for two major components of a new school location plan. They are : I. The creation of an automated framework for accumulation, storage and retrieval of various types of information - Data Base. 2. The ability to manipulate information from *I to provide updated conclusions regarding school locations and types - School Siting. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS . Data Base 1. ldentify various data categories. A. School District-related. 1. School holding capacity. 2. ideal site sizes. 3. Unit cost examples. 4. Student yield per household. 5. Constraints. 6. Other standards or assumptions as per District direction. B. City of Carlsbad-related. 1. Land use types (acres). 2. Growth Management Zone data - as available. 3. Development approvals. 4. Permit approvals. 5. Density yields. 6. Constraints. 7, Other data deemed important by City-District. 2. Create updateketrieval capabililty (IBM compatible). EXHIBIT A (3 of 4) 2 =,. e e . School Siting & 3. Manipulate data and interpret to provide revised school locations. 4. Provide draft maps to show: A. Constraints. 8. School typeshi tes. C. Development patterns, information. 5. Provide table/graph/chart capability to report data base Documentation 6. Provide documentation and software to support methods. 7. Provide introduction and training in use of system. '' DELI VERABLES/SCHEOULE Phase One Data Base - This effort requires substantial interaction with District staff and City staff. In addition to gathering existing data, this section mandates "assumption" decisions by the District. It is expected that this phase of the project wilt take three months to complete. At the end of this period, the District staff will be asked to review the products and authorize continuation to the next phase. Phase Two School Sit ing/Oocumentat ion It is expected that this phase will require three months to complete, including documentation and training (not to exceed eight hours total). A final report suitable for presentation to the Board will be included. COST ESTIMATE Total cost : not to exceed, $2 1,250 (250 Principal billable hours) An undertaking such as the one outlined here can escalate to a point well beyond the scope of the project envisioned. It is the intent of this proposal to offer an initial and basic framework to provide a working planning data base and resulting land use p\an. Billing will be invoiced by Planning Systems at two week intervals. The estimated cost wit1 not be exceeded without approval. Any work beyond the scope of those tasks outlined above shall be performed on a time and materials basis, or as part of a separate agreement. EXHIBIT A (4 of 4) 3 ,- *- . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (I) e RESOLUTION NO. 9088 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING FUNDS TO ASSIST THE CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO UPDATE THEIR SCHOOL LOCATION PLAN. WHEREAS, the City-Council has determined that it j desirable to assist the Carlsbad Unified School District ir updating their School Location Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carfsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correc 2. That the City Council authorize the transfer c $10,625 from contingency account 001-840-1990-2999 to the Planning Department budget account 001-840-3230-2479. 3. That a fund transfer in the amount of $10,625 file in the Finance Department and incorporated herein by reference is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 26th day of May , 1987 by the following vote, to I iyEs : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : ij !: 27 28 ' (SEAL)