HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-26; City Council; 9019; ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF ARTWORKS IN REDEVELOPMENT AREA/*- .< n a & Q a w z5 .. 2 0 i= 0 e 2 3 0 0 a 1' CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL ' AB# 9019 TITLE: DEPT. MTG. 5/26/87 ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN ClTYA CITY ]hi DEPT. LIB OF ARTWORKS IN REDEVELOPMENT AREA RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. By&, approving Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and James Hubbell and authorizing the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION On March 24, 1987, the Council approved expenditures not to exceed $15,000 for design of artworks in the Redevelopment area. The Selection Committee recommended artist, James Hubbell to design ironworks for the Redevelopment area as listed in the attached agreement. The design fee is $7,000 plus travel and an hourly fee for any site visits in excess of eight, not to exceed $500 necessary for supervision of installation. The Selection Committee carefully reviewed work of artists working with wrought iron and submitted their recommendation to the Arts Commission. The Selection Committee consisted of representatives from the Merchants Association, Redevelopment, Arts Commission, Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group and an individual artist. Total amount of construction costs is unknown at this time. A separate artist will be selected by the Merchants Design Task Force for an artwork to be located at Carlsbad Boulevard and Ocean Street. Staff will bring agenda bill to City Council with agreement for selected artist at a later date. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure from the Civic Arts Fund is $7,000 plus travel and $50 an hour for any approved site visit in excess of eight, not to exceed an additional $500 to supervise installation. Approximately $208,000 will remain in the Civic Arts Fund. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution ~~~~ 2. Agreement with James Hubbell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g, 10 11 12 13 * 141 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND JAMES HUBBELL FOR DESIGN OF ARTWORK IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Car and James Hubbell for the design of ironwork to be placed ir redevelopment area, a copy of which is attached hereto markt Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is her4 authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and 0 behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on t day of May , 1987 by the following vote, to wi Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux ai AYES: NOES: None ' ABSENT: None i ii 20 21 i 241 (SEAL) 25 26 ! I 0 0 SCHEDULE OF AGREEMENT: DESIGN Between CITY OF CARLSBAD (hereinafter called CITY) and JAP HUBBELL (hereinafter called ARTIST) for the design of works of art (hereinafter call Works) for placement in public places pursuant to the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.18, corniriencing with Section 2.18.110, relating to art in public places. ARTIST has been selected pursuant to procedures adopted bj CITY to design works of art for placement in public places. 1. ARTIST shall participate in the design team Austin-Hansen Fehlman Group for Redevelopment Design Phase 11. (see Exhibit "A" and "B" for further detail) a. ARTIST will design iron works for the following loca .. 1. Main gate - sign/logo 2. Secondary gate sign 3. Railing and gates for parking lot 4. Railing and gates for Rotary Park 5. Street signs 6. Banner connections 7. Median railings b. ARTIST shall submit design and drawings along with d plan of Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group, to be fabricate installed. c. ARTIST shall attend necessary meetings to develop pl cooperation with Redevelopment, Arts Program and Aus Hansen-Fehlman Group. d. ARTIST shall supervise construction and installatior -1- 0 0 2. Payment Schedule $7,500 total for design, meetings, travel, costs plans etc 50% Upon invoice-advance payment for services $3,750 35% Upon invoice after completion of design services $2,625 15% Upon invoice for services after completion of project $1 I 125 3. Tangible and Intangible Property Rights The designs and all accompanying materials, drawings, models, etc. shall become the property of the CITY upon submission. 4. ARTIST warrants by execution of this contract, that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by ARTIST for the purposes of securing business. For breach ( violation of this warranty, the CITY shall in addition to other remedies provided by law, have the right to annul th contract without liability, paying only for the value of work actually performed, or in its discretion to deduct frl the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage t contingent fee. .- -2- 0 0 5. The ARTIST warrants by execution of the Agreement that he/she is not related to an employee of the CITY nor employed himself/herself by the CITY. 6. ARTIST shall not make any public information release in connection with services performed under this Agreement without advance written permission of the CITY. 7. This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto in writing. CITY has and retains the right and privilege of cancelling, suspending or abandoning the execution of all or any work . connection with this Agreement for cause, upon written notice to the ARTIST. The ARTIST may obtain termination only if the CITY should substantially fail to perform its responsibilities as provided herein. 8. .- 9. In the event of termination, all finished or unfinished WOI relating to the preparation of the Works paid for by the State shall become the property of the CITY. 10. Neither the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due or to become due thereunder mal be assigned by ARTIST without the prior written consent anc approval of the CITY. 11. The death or incapacity of the ARTIST shall automatically terminate this contract. Neither the ARTIST nor his/her -3- m 0 estate shall have any further right to perform hereunder. CITY shall pay the ARTIST'S estate or the ARTIST the compensation payable for any services rendered prior to su( termination not heretofore paid reduced by the amount of additional costs which shall be incurred by CITY by reason of such termination. 12. Nothing contained in the terms of this contract shall creat or give to third parties, any claim or right of action against the CITY. 13. The terms of this contract constitute the entire understanding between the parties hereto and no statement, promise, condition, understanding, inducement to representation, oral or written, expressed or implied, whic is not contained herein shall be binding or valid. After the contract has been'accepted by the ARTIST, the terms of the contract shall not be changed, modified, or altered in any manner, except by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto, subject to the approvals of the Departments of Finance. 14. In any printed, visual or recorded matter or in any exhibition or display which describes or is prepared in connection with, or results in whole or in part from this contract, mention shall be made of the CITY OF CARLSBAD'S support and the ARTIST. -4- e e 15. The ARTIST shall be responsible for all federal and state income taxes on the amount of this contract, as well as an state sales tax which might be required. 16. Laws and Regulations: ARTIST and all of his agents and employees shall observe and comply with all prevailing federal and state laws, which in any way affect conduct or work of this contract. 17. The ARTIST may, as part of this contract, be required by t CITY, to discuss his/her work with the general public and/ press/ media representatives in special meetings scheduled for this purpose. Attachments: .. Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit 'IC" -5- e 0 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of - f 1987, in the City of Carlsbad, by and between City of Carlsbad, through its duly elected or appointed, qualified and acting Mayor hereafter calle the CITY, and, JAMES HUBBELL, hereinafter called the ARTIST. WITNESSETH: That the ARTIST for and in consideration of t covenants, conditions, agreements, and stipulations of the City hereinafter expressed, does hereby agree to furnish to the CITY services and materials, as descibed in this Contract and in Exhibit "B" . ARTIST shall adhere to the provisions and requirements of 1. the attached Schedule of Agreement of this project agreement as participant in the Art in Public Places Program. Payee is the ARTIST Total to be paid: $7,500 Kind of Art Work: design for ironworks Site of the Art Work: Redevelopment area, Village of Carlsbad Dates of Project Agreement: WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed by the parties hereto, upon the date first above written. ARTIST JAMES HUBBELL '+. 0 a EXHIBIT "A" The Artist will work with the City of Carlsbad, Arts Program, th Host Department where applicable and the Arts Commission. 1. Connie Beardsley, Manager Carlsbad Cultural Arts City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 2. Pat O'Connor Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group 9605 Scranton Road San Diego, CA 92021 Community Redevelopment Manager Redevelopment b Grants 2965 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 3. Chris Salomone .. W e .. EXHIBIT "B'l Scope of Work A. Design Phase The ARTIST shall provide all drawin1 which are necessary to describe the design of the Works. The Works consists of ironwork fabrication and its installation at the locations indicated on the Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group plan which is incorporated as Exhibit "C" and the design for each it of ironwork including materials, location of each item on the site. The drawings shall be sufficient to enable the CITY to purchase necessary materials, for the construction of the Works, assemble the Works, obtain structural drawings for mounting . and/or assembly of the Works and obtain bids from contractors. The ARTIST shall be responsible for the preparation oj structural engineering drawings. responsible for final grading drawings or final landscaping drawings for the construction and installation of the Works, which documents shall be provided by the Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group through engineers employed by it. The ARTIST shall be required to approve all such documents prepared by such engineel or others to ensure that the final construction documents confoi to the ARTIST'S design. The ARTIST shall not be 1. B. Construction Phase The ARTIST and Austin-Hansen- Fehlman Group shall be responsible for the selection of all materials to be included in the Works. The ARTIST shall assist the Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group as required in the procurement c all materials and shall approve such contracts as are issued by CITY to ensure that the materials conform to the ARTIST'S desigr 0 0 During the course of construction of the Works, the ARTIST or his representative shall be present to supervise and inspect the Works, their installation on the site, and the site grading to ensure that such work conforms to the ARTIST'S design. The ARTIST shall not be responsible for the letting of contracts for the works, which shall be the CITY'S responsibility, but, the ARTIST shall approve such contracts to ensure conformity with his design. The ARTIST agrees to be physically on site in Carlsbad a maximum of eight visits to ensure that the construction of the work proceeds in accordance with the ARTIST'S design. The ARTIST shall notify Austin-Hanser Fehlman Group concerning all aspects of the progress of the Work and any non-conformity with approved plans and design. Except 2 provided above, the ARTIST shall not have control or charge of and not be responsible for 'construction means, methods, techniques, sequences of procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the construction of the Works 01 for the acts or omissions of any contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the tasks required to construct the Works or for the failure of any of them to carry out the provisions of their contracts. *. C, Artist Talk The ARTIST shall be available at somt time mutually agreeable to give one public presentation regardir his Works. -2- . L. 0 e Schedule The Artist agrees to provide design drawings and structural engineering drawings within 90 days of the execution of this Agreement. The ARTIST shall not be responsible for the schedule associated with Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group and its designated representatives concerning the times his presence is required on the site for review and approval of the progress of the Work. The schedule will be mutually agreed by Austin-Hansen-Fehlman Group and the ARTIST. Approval by the CITY The design of the Work shall be reviewed and approved in writing by the CITY for conEormance with health, safety and building codes prior to beginning of any construction of the Work. Any major modifications to the Works shall also be subjec to prior written approval of the CITY. During the installation of the Works, it shall be inspected at periodic intervals by th4 CITY to assure compliance with health, safety and building code: as shown on the approved drawings. Any work done that is deemec by the CITY not to be in conformance with health, safety and building codes as shown on the approved drawings will be remove or replaced. .. -3- * 1. !m c * Budget The total cost of the Works, inclusive of the ARTIST'S fee and expenses shall not exceed a projected budget of $7,500 without prior approval of the CITY. The ARTIST shall work with the CITY'S representatives reviewing all contracts for material and labor to ensure compliance with an approved budget. Expensc incurred by the ARTIST for visits to the site during installatic in excess of eight visits shall be reimbursed by CITY as they occur, upon submittal of an appropriate accounting at 20 cents per mile and $50 per hour, not to exceed $500. Reproduction The ARTIST hereby reserves the right to copy or reproduce the Works. 4 .. -4-