HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-16; City Council; 7439-1; Agua Hedionda Lagoon (AHL) Board Sail requestCIT OF CARLSBAD — AGEND AR# 7#»2'7.-/|t/ MTG. 6-16-87 DPPT. P&Rec. TITLE: AGTIA HPDTONDA T.AGOON fAHT.l BOARD SAIL REQUEST DEPT. HD.tL2t5 CITY ATTYU^S CITY MQR^^P •Hcfl o U-l CO<u •U C•H CD 0) zo oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider a request on a trial basis, to allow board sailing on Agua Hedionda Lagoon weekends and holidays from May 24 to October 1, 1987. Direct staff to prepare appropriate ordinance documents. ITEM EXPLANATION Ordinance 11.24.032 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code states power boats and jet skis have exclusive use of the inner lagoon weekends and holidays from May 24 to October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It additionally states that no person shall operate a non power boat on the inner lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use. Council action on July 5, 1983 directed staff to prepare documents allowing sail boarding on week days only from May 24 to October 1 and any time from October 2 to May 23. This specific direction is not reflected in the Municipal Code (Exhibit 1). On April 20, 1987, requests to increase the opportunity for board sail activity on AHL were directed to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Staff was directed by the Commission to investigate and develop alternatives to accommodate this request. At the May 18 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, staff presented five (5) alternatives for review (Exhibit 2). After considerable discussion and community input, the Commission recommended alternative #2 by a vote of 3-2. Alternative #2 would require an amendment to the municipal code. Briefly summarized, alternative #2 would allow the following, on a trial basis, May 24 to October 1, 1987 on weekends and holidays only; 1. Designate the Eastern one-third of the lagoon as "all passive1 (non-motorized vessels). 2. Jet skis would have exclusive use of Snug Harbor Marina, excluding a vessel corridor for transit to the south shore beach where all water ski take-off/drop-off will occur. 3. The maximum number of jet skis in the marina would be limited to 10, with a maximum speed of 30 m.p.h. On May 28, 1987 after reviewing the board sail request, previous Council direction and staff alternatives, the Risk Manager has AB# Page 2 recommended that the current policy of prohibiting mixed use activities on weekends and holidays be continued (Exhibit 3). If the Councils intent is to continue to operate the Lagoon as safely as possible and to mitigate mixed vessel use, during peak use; then, based on the Risk Manager's review, staff recommends that no change in the existing operation be made. Such action would deny board sail use of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on weekends and holidays only from May 24 to October 1. FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal impact is estimated with the 1986 Annual Permit Sales, multiplied by the projected increase or decrease percentages. Alternative #2: Net loss of $2,290 annually, a 75% increase in permits for board sails may result, with a 50% decrease in jet ski and 25% decrease in power boat permits. EXHIBITS 1. Board Sail Use, Agenda Bill #7439, July 5, 1983 and Minutes, Municipal Code #11.24.032 2. AHL proposed Alternative Report - May 20, 1987 3. Risk Manager's statement - May 28, 1987 4. Lagoon Accident Log - May 15, 1983 through Sept. 11, 1986 OF CARLSBAD — AGEJ^A BILL .-— •* Is W JJ- AR# 7^39 MTG. DEPT. 7/5/83 P & R TITLE: USE OF SAIL BOARDS IN THE INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON DEPT. HP. rp CITYATTY O/1 CITY MGR.js2^ 11 -H CM(0en i-i ro 5 «n w (3 -0) " IT- a-. -. in w ra >, n-, 5 .5 g a 1.85,0 rnC3Im O O _J o Ou RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council directs staff to prepare the necessary documents to amend the .ordinance regarding Agua Hedionda Lagoon. ITEM EXPLANATION For the past several years board sail enthusiasts have requested to use the inner portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon for their fast-growing passive aciuatic sport. The Parks u Recreation Commission appointed a committee to review and explore the feasibility of incorporating this activity into the already existing uses of the lagoon. The Committee met with individuals that represent board sailers and found the following: 1. Doard sailing is one of the fastest growing sports in the <-'orld. 2. It is a relatively inexpensive and quiet activity. 3. They dc not cause pollutants. 4. They are more naneuverable than sail boats. 5. They have better visibility than sail boats. 6. Power boat usage is on a downward trend, as indicated below: '.•Jeekday Weekend, & Holiday 1981 1982 1983 9 avg. 4.1 avg. 3.7 avg. 23 avg. 14.7 avg. 13.9 avg. average 5.6 17.2 7. It provides additional funds for lagoon operation. 8. There are a number of public accesses available '.'or launching, i.e. Snug Harbor, Hoover Street extension, east and west sice of Bristol Cove and future Rombotis access. 9. They require no trailer. This would reduce parking requirements on the public streets. EXHIBIT I MINUTES 'July 5, 1933 Paae 9 MEMBERS (70) 22. AB S7439 - SAIL BOARDS IN INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDICNDA LAGOON. Dave Brads tree t, Parks and Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. He pointed out two alternatives that were listed on wall charts; Alternative one: May 24 to October 1, weekdays only; October 2 to May 23, anytime. Alternative two: October 2 to May 23, anytime; not allowed May 24 to October 1 anytime. Mr. Greg Rusing, 4215 Harrison Street, Manager of Snug Harbor, addressed the Council, stating he was in favor of the wind surfing and explained how this could be controlled. He recctnrended this not be initiated through this sumrer, but start in the fall. He further stated he felt there would be no safety problem with proper controls. The Council discussed the difficulty in monitoring the sail boarders as far as permits. The Council directed staff to prepare documents to implement Alternative #1, with the following provisions: May 24 - October 1 - Weekdays only October 2 - May 23 - Anytiire B. Establish a yearly fee of $10.00 for Carlsbad residents and $15.00 for non-residents. C. That participants have proof oC insurance of $100,000. D. They must have a window in their sail. The Council agreed this program could start now and be monitored to see how it is progressing and if there are any problems. Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick PT£3j '_vj L. L X X V X X 24.005 — 11.24.010 Sections: (Continued) 11.24.025 Maximum boat speed limit. 11.24.030 Operation of boats at night. 11.24.031 Special use area—Middle Lagoon. 11.24.032 Special use area—Inner Lagoon. 11.24.035 Skiers—Ski boats. 11.24.040 Boat races and ski meets. 11.24.041 Excessive engine noise prohibited. 11.24.045 Boats to stay outside of buoys—Exceptions. 11.24.046 Boats prohibited on shore side of buoys— Exceptions. 11.24.050 Throwing waste or refuse in water. 11.24.055 Aircraft. 11.24.060 Areas for swimming or wading. 11.24.065 City's liability—Use of areas at own risk. 11.24.070 Enforcement of article. 11.24.075 Swimming or boating when warning signals have been placed. 11.24.080 Compliance with orders of lifeguards or signs. 11.24.085 Rules of the road. 11.24.090 Constitutionality or invalidity. II. SURFBOARDS 11.24.105 Purpose of article—Restriction of areas for exclusive use of surfboards. 11.24.110 Hours surfboarding is prohibited. 11.24.115 Application of article to lifesaving devices. III. PARKS AND BEACHES 11.24.120 Parks—Scope. 11.24.125 Beaches—Scope. 11.24.130 Unlawful acts. 11.24.134 Glass containers on beach—Prohibited. 11.24.135 Public dances. 11.24.140 Violations—Seizure of property. I. BOATS AND AIRCRAFT 11.24.005 Definitions. For the purpose of this chap- ter the definitions outlined in the State Harbors and Navi- gation Code, Vehicle Code and California Administrative Code shall apply. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). 11.24.010 Application. The provisions of Sections 11.24.005 through 11.24.090 apply only to aquatic areas owned in fee or leased to the city. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). 209 (Carlsbad 3/83) 24.015 — 11.24.032 11.24.015 Mooring. No person shall moor a boat or any other object overnight except in mooring zones so declared and at posted landing and take-off areas. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). 11.24.020 Boat speed limits. No person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of five miles an hour in any of the following situations: (1) Within one hundred feet of any person who is en- gaged in the act of bathing; (2) Within two hundred feet of any swimming float, diving platform, life line, dock, pier or landing float. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). 11.24.025 Maximum boat speed limit. No person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of forty-five miles per hour except pursuant to a special operations permit issued by the chief of police upon authorization of the city coun- cil subject to such terms and conditions as the city council deems necessary. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). 11.24.030 Operation of boats at night. Between sunset, and eight a.m. the following day, no person shall operate a boat towing any kind of aquaplane; no person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of five miles an hour. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980). 11.24.031 Special use area—Middle Lagoon. The Middle Lagoon, including the water area between Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks, is declared to be a special area. No person shall operate a power boat or jet skis or similar device at any time on the Middle Lagoon. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980). 11.24.032 Special use area—Inner Lagoon. The Inner Lagoon, including all water areas east of Interstate 5 is declared to be a special use area which shall be subject to the following regulations: (1) Jet skis or similar devices shall be limited to use in Snug Harbor on weekends and holidays, at all other times use will be limited to the eastern section of the Inner Lagoon which is marked by buoys. Jet skis must follow the traffic pattern when traveling to and from this designated area. (2) Power boat use will be limited to five miles per hour in Snug Harbor on weekends and holidays only. A boat lane along the eastern shore of Snug Harbor shall be used for power boat entry and exit into the Inner Lagoon during the five-miles-per-hour restriction in Snug Harbor. Power 210 (Carlsbad 12/83) 11.24.035 boats and jet skis have exclusive use of the Inner Lagoon weekends and holidays from May 24th to October 1st between the hours of nine a.m. to three p.m. (3) No person shall operate a non-power boat, including but not limited to sail boats, row boats, board sails or canoes on the Inner Lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use. (4) The maximum number of boats allowed on the Inner Lagoon at any one time shall be eighty. (5) No person shall operate a parakayak or similar device at any time on the Inner Lagoon. (6) No person shall operate a power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski on the Inner Lagoon without a city permit and boat decal issued by the parks and recreation department or their designated representatives. The follow- ing requirements must be met to obtain a permit: (A) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski must have a state approved currently valid registration; (B) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski owner must sign a hold harmless agreement provided by the city; (C) The power boat must be properly muffled in accord- ance with the Harbors and Navigation Code; (D) A permit fee must be paid. Carlsbad Resident Nonresident Annual permit* $20 $30 Weekly permit 10 15 Daily permit 5 7 Board Sail: Annual permit* 10 15 Daily permit 2 3 *Annual permits are effective from January 1st to December 31st each year. (E) A board sail must be equipped with a windowed sail. (7) The city council may approve a special operations permit to temporarily vary the requirements of this section, subject to such terms and conditions as the city council deems necessary. (Ord. 3161 §§1, 2, 3 and 4, 1983; Ord. 3153 §3, 1982; Ord. 3127 §1, 1981; Ord. 3118 (part), 1980). 11.24.035 Skiers—Ski boats. (a) Traffic Pattern. Ski boats leaving and approaching the shore shall follow a counterclockwise pattern and continue in a counterclockwise pattern. No ski boat shall leave the shore entering the ski course at more than a forty-five-degree angle and must give right-of-way to any ski boats approaching from the left. (b) Procedure for Dropping Skiers. When returning skiers to the beach, the tow boat must continue in a straight 211 . (Carlsbad 12/83) June 5, 1987 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: KEITH BEVERLY, MANAGEMENT ANALYSE BOARD SAIL REQUEST ALTERNATIVES BACKGROUND Staff has investigated and prepared five (5) alternative uses to accommodate the board sail request made to the Parks and Recreation Commission on April 20, 1987. DISCUSSION Included in this report are: (1) The existing lagoon use ordinance, (2) A description of 5 staff use alternatives, (3) Fiscal impacts and, (4) Graphic descriptions to further define the overall operation of those alternatives. It is most important to realize that the current lagoon operation varies from the existing ordinance due to an administrative decision at the departmental level to ensure the safety of the participants. Equally important in terms of interpreting this report is to realize that each alternative use, as presented, applies only to the months when recreational use of the lagoon is at its peak. The specific application of these alternatives refer to the period from May 24 - October 1 on weekends and holidays only, on a trial basis. 0 EXISTING ORDINANCE Board Sail area - From May 24 - October 1 board sail may occur weekdays anywhere, anytime. On weekends and holidays from 8-9 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m. use can occur anywhere. Jet Ski area - Jet skiing occurs on the eastern one-third of the lagoon on weekdays only. On weekends and holidays jet ski use is restricted to Snug Harbor Marina. Ski Boats - No ski take-off/drop-off in marina on weekends and holidays. Skiing occurs in center of lagoon. During weekdays ski take-off/drop-off can occur in the marina. 0 EXISTING OPERATION/PROCEDURE (Alternative #5) Board Sail area - From May 24 - October 1 board sail may occur weekdays only at anytime, anyplace. No weekend or holiday use. From October 2 - May 23 board sail may occur anyplace, at anytime. Jet Ski area - Jet ski is restricted to the eastern one-third of the lagoon on weekdays and weekends year-round. EXHIBIT 2 David Bradstreet June 5, 1987 Page Two EXISTING OPERATION/PROCEDURE (Alt #5) (Cont.) Ski Boats - Take-off/drop-off from marina, activity is concentrated to the center of the lagoon on both weekends and weekdays. Fiscal Impact - Net revenue of $8,380 from 1986 permit sales. 0 PRC RECOMMENDATION (Alternative #2) Board Sail area - Designate the eastern one-third of lagoon as all passive on weekends and holidays only from May 24 - October 1. Jet Ski area - Restricted to Snug Harbor Marina on weekends and holidays only from May 24 - October 1. Limit of 10 jet skis, maximum 30 MPH. Weekday use would be at eastern one-third of lagoon. Ski Boats - On weekends and holidays only from May 24 - October 1 water ski take-off/drop-off from south beach with activity only in center of lagoon. Transit corridor provided. Fiscal Impact - Net loss of $2,290. 75% increase in board sail permits, 50% decrease in jet ski and 25% increase in power boat permits. 0 ALTERNATIVE #1 Board Sail area - Create a corridor for exclusive board sail activity on weekends and holidays only from May 24 - October 1 after 3:00 p.m. Jet Ski area - Restricted to the eastern one-third of lagoon. Ski Boat - Take-off/drop-off may occur in Snug Harbor Marina, activity is concentrated to center of lagoon. Fiscal Impact - Net increase of $265. A 50% increase in board sail permits may occur. 0 ALTERNATIVE #3 Board Sail area - Eastern one-third of lagoon would be designated for board sail use on weekends and holidays only from May 24 - October 1. Jet Ski area - Jet ski activity would be located in a large area inside the water ski traffic pattern with buoys separating the two groups. Traffic pattern would only exist weekends and holidays from May 24 - October 1. David Bradstreet June 5, 1987 Page Three ALTERNATIVE 13 (Cont.) Ski Boat area - Take-off/drop-off could occur at Snug Harbor Marina with activity concentrating in the center of lagoon outside and circulating around jet ski area. Fiscal Impact - Net loss of $840. 75% increase in board sail permits, 25% decrease in jet ski and 10% decrease in power boat permits. 0 ALTERNATIVE #4 Board Sail area - If lagoon is designated as all passive, activity could occur anywhere on lagoon. Jet Ski area - If area is designated as all power, jet ski would be restricted to eastern one-third of lagoon.(Refer to existing use). Ski Boat area - If area is designated as all power, ski boats would take-off/drop-off from Snug Harbor Marina. Activity would be concentrated at center of lagoon. (Refer to existing use). Fiscal Impact - Net loss of $7,500 if all passive use is designated, Increased savings of $8,000 from elimination of enforcement program if designated all passive from May 24 - October 1 on weekends and holidays only. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION On May 28, 1987 the Risk Manager submitted a recommendation to our department concerning the proposed alternative uses of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. After reviewing the board sail request, previous Council direction and staff alternatives, the Risk Manager has recommended to continue the present policy of prohibiting mixed use activities on weekends and holidays only from May 24 to October 1. If our department's intent is to continue to operate the Lagoon as safely as possible and to mitigate mixed vessel use, during peak use; then, based on the Risk Manager's review, staff recommends that no change in the existing operation be made. Such action would deny board sail use of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on weekends and holidays only from May 24 to October 1. KB: It U zccUJ QC O Q CC QC O O CO Q CC < O CD >- CO ffi >-m 2CO - lil O X 53*3 ^ ~ CO • 0« °w-sss DC < UJ|_ O O W U.u. CQ 5 < 00 0> ccIIIffi O Ko O If CM Q O cc UJ Q. _l< oc O O CO V) *s iu2 *v u OC cc 5*-rf1 Q. I CO 0) oc UJ CD O H O O CM ao ccuia. 1 UJU. CO UJ Ztc UJ 00o> DC LU CD OI- O O CM O cc UJ OL O OCO O"3 ffi co (A "• 0s I i UJ CO LU _UJ »> > WQ| P < NUJ" < £L CO Z u25 ££ -J 00- UJ < ?>•!: "<—I z 1 00 0> cc UJ COo Hoo "U- CM a o E UJa. UJ ID CC O CC Q_ -&UJ OCCL UJ O h-o_J z CO X UJ Q Az x \UJ jl§ SS3 >-CC _ <<j OUJ 5 *>•3 UJ UJ £ ^^< "*\< f * X 41 *.* * •••' * . • . LU CO <$ 0< UJ0. CO UJs O UJ I• tr • OUJ oSloS t \ r/\ A-. 111 »ow , ^w UJ>- LUO o: z OO00 9 "5 LU O O DC O Oz H LU O O 00I 0> SOO CO May 28, 1987 TO: Director of Parks & Recreation FROM: Risk Manager ACTIVITIES ON AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON Based on the meeting which was held on 5/27/87, it is my understanding that your current policy prohibits the mixed use of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, for board sailing, power boating and jet ski activities, on weekends and holidays between May 24th and October 1st of each year. It is also my understanding that the Parks and Recreation Commission has decided to recommend that the policy be changed and that the mixed use activities be permitted. After reviewing the facilities at the lagoon, the access areas and the lagoon itself, it is my recommendation that your current policy of prohibiting mixed use activities on weekends and holidays be continued. The lagoon is simply to small to permit the safe operation of mixed use activities during the time periods indicated. The liability exposure to the city would be substantially increased because of the safety problems which would arise if that policy were to be changed. We are already involved in litigation as the result of an incident involving the mixed use of the lagoon. To increase the possibility of additional incidents by changing your current policy would be to assume additional risks unnecessarily. If you require any additional information, please contact me. Thank YOU, J. GERMAN Risk Manager RJG:bml c: Ray Patchett EXHIBIT 3 ACCIDENT LOG DATE NAME(S)TYPE OF INJURY TYPE OF ACCIDENT 5/15/83 5/15/83 6/23/83 II 2/83 II 4/83 II 4/83 7/13/83 7/23/83 8/ 6/83 8/14/ 83 5/25/84 5/26/84 5/27/84 6/ 7/84 6/23/84 8/ 9/84 8/11/84 8/12/84 9/ 9/84 6/23/85 7/29/84 8/1/84 8/14/85 8/16/85 8/24/85 6/25/86 7/29/86 8/31/86 9/11/86 Greg Smith Doug Bodenwiser Leslie Knop Justin Patterson Richard Anderson Don Lewis Robert R. Saric Boat Capsize Ben & Chris Hunt Craig Houser Greg Nelson Tom McKeehan Allan Chan Greg Taylor Greg Recter Jet skis collision Thomas Trozera Don Swayze Richard Irwin Scott Wothe Mike Sandy Lance Matlock Justin Morino & Gondava Hilz Travis Spitzer Susie Campsie Laceration Laceration Laceration/ Abrasion Possible Concussion laceration Burns Laceration (Paramedics) None Dog Bites Neck injury - Paralysis Paramedics/Life Flight Possible leg fracture Possible finger fracture Laceration Blow to right foot Laceration None Possible torn arm muscle Laceration Laceration Dislocation of joint Direct trauma No injury (rescue) Cut knee 1" Cut lip Wil Bowen Pulled Hamstring Dennis Jurman None - Boat collision Scott Moehn Hit head (none on Fire Dept. report) Knee injury Patrol not on duty S (Hydroslide Board) S S L S B J B L S S S S S L J S J L S S (Tubin-it" Innerature) S (Knee Board Skiing) J S J S B S S Key to Accident Abbreviations: S - Skiing L = Land, harbor or beach B - Boating J = Jet Ski EXHIBIT 4 W .^ITEIT-DON'T SAY i.! Date June 16 19 87 To CITY CLERK DReply Wanted From Acting City Manager DNo Reply Necessary Please include these letters in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Board Sail issue file. On Council agenda 6/16/87. AIGNER FORM NO. 55-032 PRINTED IN USA RECEIVED JUN 81987 BRISTOL REGENCY MftNQGEMENT CORP. 4705 Marina Drive Carlsbad, Cft 9S008 June 6, 1987 City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Dept. 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CO 92008 flttentions Mr. David Bradstreet Dear Mr. Bradstreet, The Board of Directors of the Bristol Regency Management Corp. representing twenty-one owners of residence units on the Bristol Cove are strongly opposed to any curtailment or infringement of the rights of power boat owners in their use of the waters of the flgua Hedionda Lagoon. We consider the plan to exclude power boats from the soecial use area in the eastern end of the Lagoon as an infringement on our rights. Yours truly, ^ Eugene Brentzel President Board of Directors 06 •y RECEIVED JOM . ^/ TVAO 70 RECEIVED JON § i-jl ^ "- '"I ***- *\ U>U " T,* V < ^» "*" ^ RECEIVED JIM 8198? WILLIAM WALLACE DREWRY, HI 2kJ> So. San Rafael Pasadena, CA 91105 RECEIVED June 5, 198? David Bradstreet Lynn Chase Parks & Recreation Dept. 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Agua Hedionda Lagoon My three sons and I have been boating on the Lagoon for over ten years. We first used jet skis and currently have a water ski boat. We also own sail boards. All three water sports are loads of fun - but not next to each other! Each requires different conditions. Jet skis are great in an area by themselves - protected from ski boats. Ski boats need lots of room and a controlled traffic pattern. Sail boarding is a whole different thing. For most people it is more like swimming. It takes hours of practice with learners falling a lot, not moving very fast. In our opinion the ultimate place to sail board is in the ocean off the beach. We spend many happy hours zipping through the surf in Oceanside. We hope that we can continue to enjoy the Lagoon for our water skiing without swimmers, paddle boards or sail boards. On the other hand, we are looking for sail boarders to join us for fun off the beach in Oceanside. The ocean is much more challenging and safer than the Lagoon. Will iaro W. Drewry) I I I cc: Snug Harbor Marina RECEIVED JUN- 51987 Jim Lissner Box 264 r, . Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 •to (213) 376-2287 June 1, 1987 Lynn Chase and Dave Bradstreet Parks and Recreation Dept. 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Chase and Mr. Bradstreet, This letter is about Aqua Hedionda lagoon. After you have read it please pass it to the City Council for their June 9 meeting. I am a water skier, and held 1986 permit #9 on the lagoon. I intend to renew for 1987 also. Please don't mix ski boats and jet skis in the Snug Harbor Marina area. When a boat is pulling a skier it must maintain a steady speed and make only gradual turns. Jet skis, on the other hand, are no fun at all at a steady speed or going straight. What they are all about is sharp turning, accelerating, and jumping. Often jet ski operators do not notice that they are in the way of a ski boat. The ski boat driver cannot maneuver sharply or slow down to dodge the jet ski unless he wishes to "dump" his skier. The jet ski's maneuverability also means that they can move from a safe area into mortal danger at a moments notice, giving the ski boat no opportunity to avoid a collision. This can happen where a jet ski area adjoins a water ski area. An example of the potential consequence is an accident which happened in Long Beach on March 30, 1985. A young man on a jet ski jumped the wake of a passing boat, failing to notice that the boat was pulling a skier. The young man was beheaded by the ski rope. (Kingston vs. City of Long Beach, SOC 80414. ) I know that you are very concerned about your liability for potential accidents in the lagoon. I hope that you will see that allowing jet skis to congregate anywhere near water ski boats will create the potential for a terrible accident. Agua Hedionda lagoon has been a water ski haven for a long time, and I hope that you will accept the suggestions of your concessionaires at the Snug Harbor Marina and leave it as they wish. Finally, I would like to comment about your insurance requirement. In order to have a permit on the lagoon it was necessary for me to raise the limit on my liability insurance, which I did happily as it cost only an extra $20 a year. I assume you want it this way so that the City of Carlsbad won't be the "deep pockets" should an accident occur. I now understand that you are allowing uninsured craft on the lagoon - namely, sail boards. It seems to me that this nows puts ME in the position of being the "deep pockets." Anyone on a sail board will know, by virtue of my having a permit, that I have at least $300,000.00 of insurance and, I think, be encouraged to sue me should ANY incident occur, even if it is not my fault. They might also sue YOU. How about requiring personal or vessel liability insurance for sail boards too, to the same $300,000.00 limits? Thank you for listening to me. Sincerely, ." ' . 12753 Dilworth Street Norwalk, (Mif 90650 Parks & Recreation Department fi 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Attn: David Bradstreet Dear Sir: I am a power boat owner and water skier for approximately thiry yeats now and have been coming to Snug Harbor since the late fifties when Joh and Gina Fox first started the landing. I am one of the original members of the ski club out of Foxy's called the Foxy's Aquanuts. I have polar bear patches for seven or eight years from the late fifties and early sixties. Snug Harbor is the only good water ski area in southern California this side of the Colorado River. Despite the hi&h cost of launching (triple of other places) and insurance requirements for a permit I am willing to travel 75 miles one way and pay the extra cost to have a good ski area. There are some things that should be done such as moving the east end bouys in closer for skier landing, and dredging due to the constant increase of the sand bar. However despite these features if you allow the area to be opened for salil boards you will ruin the only decent ski area. Even Mission Bay is not a decent place to skie due to overcrowding with novice boaters. In fact I was broadsided there in 1983. It was my only accident in thirty years of boating in southern California and was not my fault. The caliber of boaters as Snug Harbor eliminates this possibility. Do not take away our ski haven. The jet skiiers do not bother us as they go to their area at the far end and stay out of our way. Rather than let sail boards in give us a break and let us continue enjoying the only good place left for family water skiing. ctfully yours, BrooTcs 'Phone Work:(714)994-6850 Home :(213) 802-3669 *£* DECEIVED JON 2 1987 May 30, 1987 Parks § Recreation Department Lynn Chase 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Chase, We have been informed that the Parks and Recreation Department is considering a new plan of use for the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Since water skiing is our family's main summertime recreation and for the past 5 years we have used the Lagoon, we would like very much to express our opirfion. Vie use the Lagoon for several reasons, (1) It is patroled and kept safe - have you ever tried to water ski at the Bay or Harbor, we fear for our lives. (2) We do not have to dodge sailboats, sailboards (although since thay have been permitted on the Lagoon, we find we must be very very cautious) and jet skiers. Sail boats, jet skis and sailboarders have special use areas at the Bay and on some of the lakes in San Diego County where they can engage in their sport safely. We have considered the Lagoon our area to water ski safely. Please consider that water skiia is just as valuable a sport as any other. Whereas one person sailooards, whole families water ski. Also, by confining jet skiers to the marina area you will be denying water skiers and their families access to picnic table^ restroom etc. We sincerely hope you reconsider you proposal and leave the use of the Lagoon as it has been. Sincerely, 12-00 MF? - 4-WwsL &£ June 1, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear City Council, It has come to our attention that a plan to permit board sailors exclusive use of the Eastern portion of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon has been passed by the Parks & Recreation Department. Prior to the planned City Council meeting on June 9 to vote on this proposed ordinance, we would like to express our concerns and disapproval of this plan. Safety is the most important factor to consider. Snug Harbor is the only North County coastal location for powerboating, consequently, it is quite popular and at times very congested. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon is entirely too small to accommodate three separate designated areas for individual use (i.e. powerboating, jet skiing, & board sailing). The board sailor's absence of liability insurance sufficient enough to cover the costly ski boats and their occupants, places the financial burden for injury or damages on the insured powerboatei regardless of fault. After five years of frequent use of the Snug Harbor Marina and adjacent lagoon for our family's powerboating needs, we urge you to reconsider your position and vote against this board-sailing proposal on June 9. Thank you for taking the time to review our opinion and disapproval. Sincerely Thomas ty Kristy Moehn 1727 Orange Blossom Way Encinitas, CA 92024 A \ O* ' ^i i!4^ ^ I? ^*,\i t * ^ Nr v 1^ V| J T^^ ^^ ^ Irl \\\\\\\ O r- JiD d f• *tn • 10L ^ 4-> CE c±> «308 i. CTJ <U• X) T^ •1- Q <—Z EC r^. t MODULAR ADDITIONS • PATIO ROOMS AWNINGS • SIDING • PORCH DECKS call: 661-7006 Capistrano Beach 758-3111 Vista "72)*. To IN, / o /A/ MODULAR ADDITIONS • PATIO ROOMS AWNINGS • SIDING • PORCH DECKS call: 661-7006 Capistrano Beach 758-3111 Vista MODULAR ADDITIONS • PATIO ROOMS AWNINGS • SIDING • PORCH DECKS call: 661-7006 Capistrano Beach 758-3111 Vista -TO RECEIVED JUK June 1, 1987 Lynn Chase Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Dept. 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Chase, It has came to our attention that a plan to permit board sailors exclusive use of the Eastern portion of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon has been passed by the Parks & Recreation Department. Prior to the planned City Council meeting on June 9 to vote on this proposed ordinance, we would like to express our concerns and disapproval of this plan. Safety is the most important factor to consider. Snug Harbor is the only North County coastal location for powerboating, consequently, it is quite papular and at times very congested. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon is entirely too small to accommodate three separate designated areas for individual use (i.e. powerboating, jet skiing, & board sailing) . The board sailor's absence of liability insurance sufficient enough to cover the costly ski boats and their occupants, places the financial burden for injury or damages on the insured powerboater—regardless of fault. After five years of frequent use of the Snug Harbor Marina and adjacent lagoon for our family's powerboating needs, we urge you to reconsider your position and vote against this board-sailing proposal on June 9. Thank you for taking the time to review our opinion and disapproval. Thomas\& Kristy Moehn 1727 Orange Blossom Way Encinitas, CA 92024 June 2, 1987 Bristol Cove Homeowner's Assoc. Patrick F. Tuomey, Pres. Carlsbad 1200 Elm Carlsbad, City Ave . Ca. Council 92008 Re: AB #7439 Boardsailors on Inner Lagoon Dear City Council Members: I am speaking on behalf of the Bristol Cove Homeowner's Association. B.C.H.A. has a large investment based on the lagoon's use as a power boating recreational resource, as it has been for many years. B.C.H.A. advocates strict safety programs and regu- lations to promote an accident-free water recreational area. B.C.H.A. supports public access and would like to see more citizens of Carlsbad enjoy the water sports it offers. We welcome Mecurio Park and the other public accesses. However, with new accesses we must provide legal access, parking and restrooms to insure comfort and safety to the people. B.C.H.A. supports alternative #5 No Change. This is staff's recommendation and we concur. B.C.H.A. offers the following sug- gestions to be added to the rules. We believe they will enhance safety. 1. Require the boardsailors to carry insurance same as powerboaters and jet skiers. 2. During days and hours of sailboarding, restrict them to the special use area at the east end of the lagoon. (This rule will separate the sailors from the powerboaters This can only enhance safety. The boardsailors favor the special use area anyway because of the nice sandy beach.) 3. While traversing from Snug Harbor to the special use area, limit the jet skiers to 5 m.p.h. staying 20 to 30 feet from shore. B.C.H.A. is ready and call me at 619-729-0455. able to cooperate with the City. Please Respectf-trily, Pat Tuomey Bristol Cove 4533 Cove Dr Carlsbad, Ca Homeowner's Assoc 92008 June 2' 1987 Bristol Cove Homeowner's Assoc. Patrick F. Tuomey, Pres. Carlsbad City Council • • , 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: AB #7439 Boardsailors on Inner Lagoon Dear City Council Members: I am speaking on behalf of the Bristol Cove Homeowner's Association. B.C.H.A. has a large investment based on the lagoon's use as a power boating recreational resource, as it has been for many years. B.C.H.A. advocates strict safety programs and regu- lations to promote an accident-free water recreational area. B.C.H.A. supports public access and would like to see more citizens of Carlsbad enjoy the water sports it offers. We welcome Mecurio Park and the other public accesses. However, with new accesses we must provide legal access, parking and restrooms to insure comfort and safety to the people. B.C.H.A. supports alternative #5 No Change. This is staff's recommendation and we concur. B.C.H.A. offers the following sug- gestions to be added to the rules. We believe they will enhance safety. 1. Require the boardsailors to carry insurance same as powerboaters and jet skiers. 2. During days and hours of sailboarding, restrict them to the special use area at the east end of the lagoon. (This rule will separate the sailors from the powerboaters This can only enhance safety. The boardsailors favor the special use area anyway because of the nice sandy beach.) 3. While traversing from Snug Harbor to the special use area, limit the jet skiers to 5 m.p.h. staying 20 to 30 feet from shore. B.C.H.A. is ready and able to cooperate with the City. Please call me at 619-729-0455. Respectf-tr^ly , Pat Tuomey Bristol Cove Homeowner's Assoc 4533 Cove Dr. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 MODULAR ADDITIONS • PATIO ROOMS AWNINGS • SIDING • PORCH DECKS call: 661-7006 Capistrano Beach 758-3111 Vista -72>'. .**ZZZIZ&-" tf ' £*tZ&TT To IT /A/ IN, ( MODULAR ADDITIONS • PATIO ROOMS AWNINGS • SIDING • PORCH DECKS call: 661-7006 Capistrano Beach 758-3111 Vista fir -TO -^frue: "iOU rz/p^r ( MODULAR ADDITIONS • PATIO ROOMS AWNINGS • SIDING • PORCH DECKS call: 661-7006 Capistrano Beach 758-3111 Vista -TO