HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-16; City Council; Off Agenda; INFORMATION ITEM - PROPOSED HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY ON SAN CLEMENTE ISLANDI z 0 * ClJ 0 ;L i= .. 2 0 F 0 a 5 z 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAQ) - AGEND~~~ILL AB# ip.jFa TITLE: INFORMATION ITEM - PROPOSED MTG. 6-16-87 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY ON SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND. i DEPT. PLN RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Council is opposed to the proposed hazardous waste disposal site on San Clemente Island they could direct st prepare a resolution in opposition to the proposed use. ITEM EXPLANATION American Waste Energy Management Corporation is proposing construct a toxic waste burning plant on a 10 acre site c Clemente Island. This plant would burn approximately 160 tons of toxic waste a year. Electricity generated by the would be offered to the Navy or used to power a desaliniz plant. No approvals have been given at this time. It is one of a dozen different ideas being considered by the Na help supplement electrical needs of military facilities c Clemente Island. Detailed environmental review and publi hearings would be required if the federal government deci allow the American Waste Energy Management Corporation ta this matter. The City recently received the attached letter and resolu from National City. The letter urged that Carlsbad join opposition to the proposed hazardous waste disposal facil San Clemente Island. While researching this matter staff contacted the City of Avalon on Catalina Island. City pe from Avalon sent several articles about the proposal and urging opposition to the facility. According to one of t articles sent to staff, the project is opposed by the Cit Del Mar and National City, while Oceanside and San Diego taken a stance on this matter. The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors has urged the Defense Department to consider approving the proposal. One of the major concerns appear the possibility of "shipping spills" from the transport c wastes across the channel. Further details about this proposal are contained in the articles. Based on this information the Council may want adopt a neutral stance, pass a resolution in opposition t proposal, or wait until more environmental information is available. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Unknown at this time. If the federal government allows t American Waste Energy Management Corporation to pursue th project detailed environmental review will be required. 0 e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. =//=?I FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Letter from National City 2. Resolution from National City 3. Letter from Avalon 4. Newspaper Articles -_ '. &:w K * CITY OPNATIONAL CITY, CA!!FORNIA , 1243 NATIONAL CITY BOULEVARD NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 92050 {SB) 33S-4225 IONE CAMPBELL, CMC 64-3 fi-fX CITY CLERK March 11, 1987 City Council of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen : Enclosed is a copy a€ the City of National City's Resolution No. 15,232, in opposition to the proposed hazardous waste disposal facility on San Clemente Island. The City Council of National City is deeply concerned about this proposed facility for the reasons stated in the Resolution and urges you to join in the opposition. Thank you for your consideration. Yours very truly, J / ,- l. . L--- Sone Campbell J dL.- /. L- / IC: js Enclosure e 0 RESOUPTION MI. 15,232 A RESOUPTION OF TEE CITY CoUrJcrL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY IN OPPOSITION To A PFOPOSED HICZARCOUS WASTE DISPOSAL FXILITY ON SAN CLEPIENTE ISLAND IJHEREAS, American Waste Energy Management Corporation has pr the concept of locating a hazardous waste-to-energy facility incineration and landfill operations; and WHEREX:, the city of Nakiondl City is greatly concern& aboL proposal. in light of potential air pollution, hazardous waste spil water pollution from landfill seepage. W, THEREXTX5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of tk; of National City does hereby express its opposition to the prc hazardous waste disposal. site on San Clemente Island and does encourage all San Diego County Cities to also express their oppositic PASSED and aDoPTED this 3rd day of March, 1987. George H.'Waters, Mayor I L- GL&--& Ione Campbell, City "..a lerk & APPFKYV3.m As ?o FORM: fl+#Lr. George%. Eiser, III-City Attorney 0 J) Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of National City, California, on ...... .?:.?:8:! ........................................ by the following vote, to-wit: Cooper, Dalla, Pruitt , VanDeventer, Waters None None None Ayes: Councilmen ........................................................................................ Nays: Councilmen ........................................................................................ Ahsent: Couwihen, ................................................................................... Abstain: Councilmen ........................................................................................ AUTHENTICATED BY: GEORGE H. WATERS Mayor of the City of National City, California IONE CAMPBELL ........................................................................................ City Clerk of the City of National City, California (Seal) By: ................................................................................ Deputy i WZEEW CIERT?T!’V that. the 8hnw wd foreEaing is a fiilll true and cor- rect copy of RESOLUTION NO. ...Xi,. 23.2 ..... of the City of National City, Calif., passed and adopted by the Council of said City on ...... 3.~.3~.87. .......... ............................................. /‘ cc. L7 ,. J-22 . cG. -: P < ‘\\ / ..... ....................................................................................... g-. City Clerk of the City of Natio; a1 City, California By: ................................................................................ Deputy MAYOR s Hugh- MAYOR PRO TEh COUNCILMAN - COUNCILMAN * COUNCI LWOMAP CITY MANAGER CITYCLERK o S On behalf of the City of Avalon, I am voicing our Communiti strong opposition to the toxic waste dump site proposed foi nearby San Clemente Island. We do not believe it is possible that the operation of sucli a facility cannot affect Cataliria Island's environment. Not only is Catalina the only inhabited island of the Chanr Islands of California's Coast, 3-t is also the closest to t' proposed dump site, and therefore highly vulnerable to the possible harmful affects associated with such a facility. Our greatest asset is our pristine environment-, our clean I and surrounding ocean waters. Not only is it home to apprl imately 2,800 year-round residents, but also many species 1 wildlife, including the American Bald Eagle and the Channe Islands Fox. Catalina Island's unique enviro.iment is a priceless resour1 not only to those that live here, but to hundreds of thous of visitors from all over the world who flock here each ye seeking relief from the pressures of urbanized areas. We realize the task of locating a site for toxic waste fac must be among the most difficult imaginable. But surely, must be a more appropriate location than our beautiful Cha Islands' environment. Your support in protecting Southern California's natural a e resources will be appreciated by today's and tomorrow's generations. We urge you to utilize your considerable influence by contacting the appropriate publici officials as soon as possible. Sincerely, IIUGL %J.$24!?.@@ T. "UUD" SMITH Mayor , -2- a,o~-'y s2z-:2* $~:z3P~c 0 zs-09- zFsezy <i=coo?;~l 0*E$% zgg5 g3z-3"g~3~~p1 5 c =;?v=o- _-LIS0 $l "?"-"24c._ oDcEIDP& o,-.,z.,z?:s 5?&"-ii 50$z$ go>g25.Fl?* *2& '3 3 2.c8$nKii 3, y ?5,2 $2CsGS+ 2 $~gt~o~ c -. :Es$&P s=,='- 0'0 cgrnSoPS~ BXs2;g (* ~ -Lo?, s%y vi.Eyzg-Y c3-00 E 55ID ~~wT'6 z r 0 "<E% ,T=,22s2z ?y5g:2z 23 Zg;uTY2 %E.:.s,- %2.,gs ,tj32p%x z-zggs 'c ;...:, ,V15-2r z~"&% Om5 y G 6 3 zm- e,~a 3;+=c,b; .?'",.-a? -.-eg-i=-.?@ vims-- F Vi * -. ",. 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