HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-23; City Council; 9055; Purchase of Personal Computers and Printers0 UJ > 0 a:: a.. a.. er: .. z 0 i3 ,II( ..I 0 z :::, 0 u CIJI OF CARLSBAD -AGEN~ BILL ff) ___ ~ AB# ?tJs,C MTG. 6/23/87 DEPT. PCH I.II.LE; Purchase of Personal Computers and Printers DEPT. HD.@ CITYATIYJ!f4- CITYMG~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Council adopt Reso 1 uti on No. 9/.:?i'& , awarding the bid fo~ Personal Con~uters and Printers. ITEM EXPLANATION: In conformance with the City's Long Range Information Systems Plan, various departments have requested Personal Computers and Printers. These depart- ments include City Manager, City Attorney, Personnel, Risk Management, Fire, ttunicipal Projects, Planning and Utility Maintenance. In accordance with Section 3.28.i20 of the Municipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published and Request for Bids was made to fifteen vendors. Twelve responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on June 3, 1987. Bids were evaluated by the staff of the Information Systems and Purchasing Departments, and the following recommendations were made: Businessland, 3662 Holiday Ct., Suite 10-0, La Jolla, CA 92037, three items in the amount of $19,265, including tax; Micro Help, 6349 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite 105, San Diego, CA 92111, twelve items in the amount of $15,090.16, including tax; C Squared Computers, 3945 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108, two items in the amount of $6,318.66, including tax. FISCAL IMPACT: The transfer of $19,000 from Account No. 001-840-3230-1100 to Account No. 001-8403- 3230-3900 will be necessary to provide funding for this and is on file in the Finance Departm~nt. Upon the approval of the transfer, unencumbered funds in the amount of $19,098.38 will be available in Account No. 001-840-3230-3900 for the purchase of Personal Computers and Printers costing $17,184.47. Unencumbered funds are available in the following amounts: $5,658.66 in Account No. 001-820-1021-3900 for a Personal Computer and Printer costing $3,223.30. $4,360.04 in Account No. 001-820-6010-3900 for a Personal Computer and Printer costing $3,195.90. $6,523.95 in Account No. 001-820-2220-3900 for a Personal Computer and Printer costing $2,997.52, $4,413.28 in Account No. 001-820-1910-3900 for a Personal Computer and Printer costing $3,430.16, $5,388.28 in Account No . 001-820-1510-3900 for a Personal Computer and.Printer costing $3,399.42. $9,556.18 in Account No. 001-820-3130-3900 for a Personal Computer and Printer costing $4,016.41. .I t Page 2 of AB# f.?S:-..C $3,252.35 in A,:count No. 001-820-4110-3900 for a Personal Computer and Printer costing $3,226.64. EXHIBITS: 1. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit 11 A11 2. Memo from Systems Analyst -Exhibit 11 811 3. Resolution No. 9/,8/,, f \ I 1 -------~ _.-,.......,., 811S I NF-'iSI.ANll )662 Hol ld,1y Ct. Sult~ 10 "D" I.a Jolla. CA 92037 1. 2,283.45 2. I0,4JO.SS J. 4,274.40 4. 5,783.70 s. 3,203.35 6. NO BID 7. 1,os1.,o 8. 3,400.80 9. 3,221.28 10. 6,692.28 11. NO BID 12. NO Bl:> 13. 161.8 .. 14. NO BID IS. 253.32 16. 1,287.00 17. 2,574.00 18. 210.00 EXECUTIVE MICRO 7920 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 1. NO BID 2. NO BIU 3. NO BIO 4. 110 BIO s. NO BID 6. NO BID 7. NO IIID 8. NO BID 9. NO BID 10. 7,660.00 II. 110 BID 12. NO BID 13. 110 BllJ 14. NO BID IS. NO BID 16. l,;160.00 17. 2.040.00 18. !Ill BID w l ')' -, ...._,., ,'~ •/,/ ;"-~-' . ~·.,. '~'.,..'·-· .; -~~:::::~, -;:z-~,-"';~~t;. ~---~ .. -...-~---'-' ;.e. - ,) ElHIBIT "A" TABUtATION OF BIDS HICRO HELP c-SQ•II\RF.D COHrUTER COHPIITERLAIID DATACOtl FIN. PRODUCTS INC. EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOFTWEAR 8340 Clalr•monL Hesa Blvd. 3945 C<l•lno Del Rio So. 2502 El Ca ■lno Real 762 Wlndlng•lay 7200 Parkvay Drive Suite 105 Ste. 104 San Diego. CA 92111 San Otego. CA 92108 Car ls bad. CA 92008 Enclnltasz CA 92021, t!a Mesa,: CA 92041 1,195.00 2,495.00 [,795.00 1,66,1.00 NO BID 10,485.00 11,100.00 11,085.00 8,370.00 NO IIID '1,490.00 4,790.00 3.390.00 1,664.00 NO•IIID 5,350.CO 3,874.00 S,742.00 2,790.00 NO BID 2,995.00 2,087.00 2,995.00 3,109.00 NO B[O 1,925.00 1,795.00 l,'i9S.OO NO 111D NO IIID 1,138.00 1,338.00 1,100.00 NO IIID NO IIID 3,000.00 NO 1110 3,580.00 NO IIID NO 1110 3,720.00 3,420.00 3,180.00 890.00 NO BID 6,780.00 7,520.00 6,780.00 9,980.00 NO BID 72.00 NO IIID 45.00 NO BID NO IIID 25.00 NO BID 35.00 20.00 16.00 S5.00 75.00 135.00 99.00 196.00 495.00 645.00 49S.OO 69S.OO NO 8111 174.00 NO BID 210.00 120.00 108.00 1,180.00 NO BID 1,180.00 340.00 1,160.00 1,800.00 NO BID 1,648.00 1,992.00 1,672.00 225.00 NO BID 165.00 NO BID 180.00 HEWLETT PACKARD INACOHP MICRO ACE PAC TEL ODIN TECHNOLOGIES INC. 9606 Aero Drive 11958 Monarch St. 4180 La Jolla Village Dr. 401 "B" Street 7955 Dunbrook Rd. Suite H San Diego, CA 92123 Carden Grove, CA 92641 La Jolla, CA 92037 San Dle,:;8~0092101 San Dleso 1 CA 92126 hO BID 1,729.00 2,033.00 2,470.00 9,699.12 12,JOO.OO 10,857.00 ll,529.00 iJ,860.00 NO BID 3,358.00 3,898.00 3,436.00 4,800.00 •10 BID s.oeo.oo 5,104.00 4,904.00 6,150.00 NO BID 2,839.00 2,737.00 ? ,695.00 3,455.00 NO BID NO BID NO BID 1,475.00 1,760.00 NO BID 1,136.00 1,110.00 1,130.00 861.00 NO BID 3,716.00 3,716.00 3,784.00 4,200.00 NO BID 3,504.00 3,240.00 3,640.00 NO BID 7,988.00 7,200.00 6,936.00 7,300.00 7,760.00 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO 8[0 NO BID NO BID 24.00 24.90 19.00 22.00 NO BIO 196.00 65.00 79.00 52.00 NO BID NO BID 677.00 444.00 325.00 NO BID 168.00 84.00 174.00 IDS.OD NO BID 1,316.00 1,285.92 l,?72.00 I ,240.00 NO BIO 2,144.00 1,713.0'4 1,800.00' I, 784.00 NO BID 224.00 160.00 168.00 ISS.00 ------... -------------.f;~-~,"',/.....,.._~----·----(•~--·-~-~ -,--. J J ~7 1 I I I I I .J I I l l _fl Jj r. ,\' '.\ June 4, 1987 TO: FROM: PURa-tASING OFFICER Systems Analyst ACQUISITION Of MICRO COMPUTERS Exhibit B The acquisition of the below micro computers has been reviewed and approved by Information Systems. A brief explanation is given as to the use of each computer as well as the user department. All systems will in~lude WordPerfect for word processing needs and lotus for statistical and data management purposes. DEPARTMENT CITY ATTORNEY MUNICIPAL PROJECTS PLANNING CITY MANAGER FIRE PARKS AND RECREATION PERSONNEL RISK MANAGEMENT QUANTITY 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 USE This will conclude replacing the older Royal dedicated word processing stations with IBM AT' s. The Royals have been in Lise for 7 years. Due to the frequency of breakdown and difficulty of support, replacement is recommended. Word processing for correspondence, agenda bi! ls, etc. Lotus for statistical reports. A database for tracking purposes. A lap top computer for data gathering to be used in the Weed Abatement program. Word processing for inter-cl ty communication, announcements, etc. lotus for budget management. Word processing, form letters. Lotus for salary comparisons and the Management Salary Plan. lotus for tracking Workers' Compensation claims, general liability claims, special events requests, insurance renewals, etc. Also word processing. , ,--;. < t' <;:_,, ,1 ,· ~ l I I t f \' ) } ~ .....:::.. ~ UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE GORDON PETERSON Systems Analyst dp 1 Word processing. PFS-file for c001plaint storage. The PC now in use is staying with Water and Sanitation. ,; t'.' ,, •/ 1? ' :i ·•i i J } ', .~-. ', , ' " ., ,, ', .I ', ◊ ; t l j ! l ~ ' ! t I i I t i i f l I • J I I ~ t f l t l- RESOLUTiON NO. ___ 9a...rl.,._26,.___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 2 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS AND ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF PURCHASE ORDERS FOR 3 PERSONAL_COMPUTERS ANO PRINTERS. 4 WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for 5 personal computers and printers; and 6 WHEREAS, the bids received total $40,673.82 for the purchase 7 of personal computers and printers; and 8 WHEREAS, funds are available in the various departments Capital 9 Outlay Accounts for the purchase of personal computers and printers; and 10 WHEREAS, the transfer of funds in the amount of $19,000 from 11 Account No. 001-840-3230~1100 to Account No. 001-840-3230-3900 is necessary 12: to provide funding for personal computers and printers. 13: BE IT RESOLVED by th~ City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 14' California, as follows: '15 1. That the bid of Businessland for Items 2, 7, and 10 as 16 shown in Exhibit II A 11 , is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is 17 hereby authorizea to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of personal 18 computers and ~rinters in the amount of $19,265.00 19 2. That the bid of Micro Help Inc. for Items 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 20 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 as shown in Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted 21 and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order 22 for the purchase of personal computers and printers in the amount of $15,090.16. 23 3. That the bid of C-Square Computers for Items 4 and 5 as 24 shown in Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is 25 hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of personal 26 computers and printers in the amount of $6,318.66. 27 4. That the transfer of $19,000 from Account No. 001-840-3230-1100 28 to Account No. 001-840-3230-3900 is hereby approved. I I 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 2 City Council held on the 23rd 3 votet to wit: day of _J.;....u_ne __ , 1987 by the following 4 5 '6. 7 8 9 10 l·l 12 ATTEST: 13 (SEAL} 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None