HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-07; City Council; 8867-1; Recommendations For New Library In South CarlsbadCIT-I)F CARLSBAD - AGEND.-BILL 4B# BB1l-;r / I TITLE: LIBRARY SITE AND FUNDING RECOMMEN- MTG. 717187 DATION FOR A NEW LIBRARY IN SOUTH DEPT. LIB I CARLSBAD RECOMMENDED ACTION: “3 DEPT. HD! 1. Approve the recommended library site and direct the City Manager to negotiate a purchase agreement with the owner. 2. Direct the City Manager to include funds in the CIP for land acquisition and construction of a library. 3. Direct the City Manager to evaluate alternative methods of financing and constructing the library (developer build vs. City build). ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 27, 1987 the City Council directed staff to negotiate the acquisition of a library site and/or a developer proposal to build and lease back a library facility. Council action was based upon the library site selection committee report which listed five sites for consideration. All five sites met the selection criteria recommended in the Library Strategic Plan. Subsequent investigation and negotiations with Carlsbad Retail Associates has resulted in the selection of a preferred site. At its meeting of April 16, 1987 the site selection committee endorsed Site E as the best site for a new library. The library board also has endorsed the site. The asking price for the property appears to be consistent with other property in the area. Design funds of $650,000 are already budgeted in the CIP. Design of the building will occur upon purchase of the site. Purchase is anticipated during 1988. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has several alternatives available for funding the acquisition of a new library. All options depend on the City pledging public facilities fee funds, both existing and future, to this project. The ultimate decision on exactly how to finance the construction will determine the extent of public facilities fees committed to the project in future years and the effect the library will have on the timing of other improvements. The library project costs are summarized in the following table: Fiscal Description Year Land Acquisition 1988-89 Grading 88-89 Design 88-89 Construction 89-90 to 90-91 Total Project Cost Operations 90-91 and thereafter Approximate Amount Received $1.1 million 0.9 million 0.6 million 8.4 million $11.0 million $0.5 to 0.9 million Purchse of the library site and funding grading costs prior to 1989-90 may require dedication of all available public facilities fee revenues for 1987-88 and delay of certain existing PFF projects. The list of projects to be delayed includes Palomar Airport Road improvements, park improvements in the northeast and southwest quadrants, the Public Safety Center phase II and III and many smaller projects. Page 2 AB NO.-p/#y-& This delay in funding other improvements is brought on by reduced PFF revenue due to the slowing of development activity. Existing resources must be allocated to only top priority projects. Staff is recommending that Council reserve funds for the acquisition of land and grading costs from 1987-88 revenue (assuming 87-88 revenues are sufficient to cover these and other committed costs). Actual purchase of the property would not occur until 1988-89. The long term financing of the building construction costs could be done in one of three ways: 1. 2. 3. Building construction funded by site developer with lease back agreement - under this concept the City would enter into a lease back agreement with the site developer to build the library to City specifications. The City would then enter into a long term lease back agreement with the developer pledging up to $1 million per year of public facilities fee revenue to lease payments over a 20 year period. The actual lease payments will depend on construction costs and interest rates during this 20 year period. By allowing the site developer to build the build- ing , the City may be able to lower total construction costs by taking advantage of certain economies of scale. Certificates of Participation - The City may issue Certificates of Participation for the construction of the building. The public facilities fee fund would be pledged, along with City general fund revenues, to the repayment of the debt, as in the above approach the library debt would have first claim of PFF revenues. This alternative offers the City a lower interest rate due to our ability to issue tax exempt debt. Repayment would require up to $1 million per year for 20 years; however, due to lower interest rates, the actual cost to the City could be slightly less than alternative %l. Mello-Roos District Reimbursement - Under this alternative the City must put together a series of financing steps. First, the building could be constructed by the site developer or by the City through the use of Mello-Roos tax exempt debt. In either case the ultimate cost of the building would be supported by the Mello-Roos district. The developers supporting the district could have the annual assessment placed upon their district reduced by the amount of public facilities fees payed by that developer. The cost to the City is limited to the amount of public facilities fees paid by developers within the district. Any shortfall could be assessed against property with the district. Council is not required to select a funding alternative at this time. However, an understanding of the alternatives is necessary before the City moves forward with the project. Two important points found in all financing methods are 1) Public facilities fees are pledged to repay the Page 3 AB NO. )f&t7-#/ cost of the building and, 2) The City will be delaying many public facilities fee projects to make way for library funding. The CIP which will be presented to Council in the next few months will detail the fiscal impact of this project. The City will require development of 400 to 600 dwelling units per year to fund the library construction. The operating costs for the new library will run from $500,000 to $900,000 per year depending on the level of operations. The City presently is unable to support this additional cost. Preliminary projections of General Fund revenue show that an operating deficit of about $1.5 million will exist in 1990-91, the first year of operations for this facility. The City must consider revenue enhancements or zone fees assessed against development to cover operating costs for the first year or two of operations. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo from Library Director to Site Selection Committee dated April 16, 1987. 2. Site plan. 3. Letter from Johnson Wax Development Corporation to Frank Mannen date June 26, 1987. 4. Site map. APRIL 16, 1987 TO: SITE SELECTION COMMITTEE FROM: Library Director LIBRARY SITE SELECTION PROGRESS REPORT Library and city staff have had six meetings with the developers who plan to build a shopping center on El Camino Real between Alga Road and Dove Lane. The result of those meetings has been the development of a tentative site plan for a library building. The next step will be to develop a final site plan. . The addition of the new post office to this general site plan has caused some of the revisions we have developed. That has also required the developers to purchase an additional seven acres of land to accommodate both the library and the post office. The developers are in the process of purchasing the property at this time. We have also been working with some preliminary financial data to purchase the site and the building. The follow- ing options appear to be possible: 1. Purchase the land from the developer and lease back the build- ing. 2. Lease back the l&d and the building. 3. Purchase outright the land and the building from the developer after the building is built. . Any one or a combination of these options may be feasible. More work needs to be done on various financing alternatives. This proposed site appears to be the best possible site for the library in the southern half of the city. The combination of a shopping center, post office and library will make for an ideal mix and should provide a convenient source of services to the public. The site satisfies all the major criteria we have used to evaluate various potential library sites. PAB Distribution: Geoff Armour John Cahill Bebe Grosse Michael Holzmiller Ann Kulchin Sharon Schramm Seena Trigas r..- - I. ..- .- - - - II souyE-9 CPaRbSBAD LUBRARY SUYES -6 ALGA -. z -’ . .,- ‘I ,’ ,: .‘,.’ ,: ,’ ; i,: ,( PC’,’ E;Y: .xEEO:.:’ TELEl:OP I EF 7i3113 ; Et-;Q-87 f: : s32i=f..l ; J~II: ‘:III’:,TG I,lE :,,I,, ,:h _ . .Jl-l~~ I ::o "27 17:53 -TDI I.,l~STi‘l li,lE'Z~~l I:I(*I ?,I2 ;'I;12 CARLSBAD RETAIL ASSOCIATES 1601 Dove Street, Suite 242 NeWpOrt Beach, CA 92660 June 26, 1987 Mr. Frank Xannen Assistant City Managar City of Carlsbad 1250 Elm Str88t Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: South Carlabnd Library Site NWC Alga C El Camino Real Carlsbad, California Dear Frank: This letter is to set forth the term and conditions upon which Carlsbad Retail AssOCiat88 woulcl be prepared to proceed with negotiations for the City of Carlsbad to purchase a portion of the above site for a City of Carlsbad Library. 1. Building SiZ8 wIc----LIIII- The subject site shall accommodate a fifty eight thousand (58,000) square foot library facility with adequate parking and on-site amenities. The location of the Purchaser's building on the site will be basically as shown on the attached site plan. 2. PNCG81 aiU8 --WC-----l- The subject site shall contain approximately six acres. 3. Purchase Price ~~~-~~c---~ll~ The price to be paid by Purchaser to Seller for the land befOr8 grading and installation of site utilities will be One Million Thirty Two Thousand Dollars ($ 1,032,OOO) based upon a $ 3,95 per square foot purchase price. The purchase price shall be adjusted by $3.95 per square foot if the actual parcel is more or less than six acres. This purchase price shall be effective until September 30, 1987. Beyond September 30, 1987, th8 purchase price will increase by S8118rVs cost of carry, including but not limited to interest on the land, taxes and insurance, Purchaser shall pay for its share of escrow fees and closing costs. Seller shall pay for Purchaser's CLTA standard policy of title insurance (8XCepting any special 8ndOrSelnentS required by Purchaser), transfer taxes and documentary stamps. F’(I I. ,l Eh : ‘: EPl]‘.c: TELEIII~P I Ef? 7010 ; f,-30-;3? 6 : Lg;:p[,l ; ~~I,; tII3’JT;i ra,,=f,G 1 j;fi _ ’ . .TlJN z:ct ’ 12’: I;=; : 111-3 -Till, ~:Ci!:,Tli PI&Q, 13q 242 F’lYq’ _-’ -2- 4, Transaction Schedule & Conditions ----------"------I--------"------ City Council approval Of a mutually acceptable purchas~*agreement no later than September 30, 1987. b. Seller'5 purchase of approximat8ly 9 acres from Walter J, and Wanda L, Frandsen together with approximately 7.26 acres from Wastwood Savings and Loan Association (parcels B and C, Exhibit A). C. S8118r1s demonstration of its ability to provide Purchaser with a developable library site. This ability will be demonstrated by Seller's implementation of its development plan for the Master Plan area according to a mutually acceptable schedule. The present schedule anticipate5 completion of grading and installation of utilities and services far the Master Plan area by September 1, 1988. This date will become the close of escrow unless extended by mutual consent, d. Prior to doe8 of BSCrOW, the parties shall enter into an agreement for the dev8lOpment of the property. This agreement shall survive the Clo5e of'escrow and provide for, among other things, the timing and co& of all grading and site improvements for the property, and the timely construction of a library facility in accordance with plans and specifications approved by both Purchaser and Seller, e. The PllrchaS8r'8 interest in the praperty,sha13, be subject to covenants, conditions and restrictions providing for, among other things, a non-exclusive reciprocal easement for ingress, egress and parking as well as provisiOns for maintenance of common drives and parking areas. Purchaser shall approve said dOCIIm8nts, prior to close of escrow and within thirty (30) days of receipt of same, f. Purchaser is aware that sale of this property is physically and financially linked with the overall Master Plan to b8 developed by Seller. Subject Master Plan will be subnritted to the City of Carlsbad for review and approval. S8118r, with PUrChaS8r's a5SiStanC8, shall pursue all governmental approvals including approvals by the City of Carlsbad and the California Coastal Commission for the proposed Master Plan. RC’.? E;‘,‘: ‘*EPl~::( TELEI:,IIP I EF 7018 ; f,-~~-~? 6: Q::pt,! ; JrH: I:I:I’:>T& ;,lE’,,I,q s;fi _ 1 JlJl.1 38 ? 87 18 : IIQ ---TDc IIIII’:,T& ~lEl=~~, I$ 242 F’OJ -39 g- Seller shall supply soils tests to the reasonable satisfaction of Purchaser at the approximate time Purchaser BOmm8nC8s its plans and specifications for its building. The closing of escrow shall b8 contingent upon approval of the soils conditions, which shall be within fifteen (15) days of receipt of same. h. Seller shall provide Buyer with a cultural resource study indicating the status of known or potential archaeological or palrohtCd~giC~l reSourc8s on subject parcel. 5. Selection of Escrow and Title Company shall be at Seller's discretion. 6. Purchaser shall deposit Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($ 75,000) into escrow within fifteen (15) days of execution of the purchase docuaents described herein. Said $ 75,000 shall apply to the purchase price and shall b8 forfeitable to Seller if Purchaser terminates the agreement for any reason other than the non-satisfaction of the conditions and contingencies outlined herein. In the event Purchaser meats all conditions outlined herein and Seller is Unable to deliver subject property in the condition outlined in the agreement for development of the property,. Seller shall return the full $75,000 to Purchaser, 7. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by Purchaser to Seller upon the close of escrow. 8. Seller shall provide Purchaser with a preliminary title report covering the entire center and a topographic and boundary SUr'v8y. The title report shall be accompanied with copies of all items as eXceptionS ther8to and a plat map with th8 location of the easements sketched thereon. Purchaser shall approve title within thirty (30) days of receipt of the above report and exceptions. The closing of escrow shall be contingent upon title being in the same condition as approved by Purchaser, This letter is not intended to be contractual in nature, is not an offer, and is to be taken only as an expression of the general terms and conditions upon which we would be willing to enter into purchase negotiations. The proposed agreement shall be effective Only upon final approval by the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of Johnson Wax Development Corporation and final execution of documents. Please verify receipt of this letter and your acceptance of all terms and conditions contained herein by execution of the original where provided and returning to the undersigned, RC’...d B’I’ : ~:‘EfQ:.. TELECOF 1 EP 701~ ; 6-38-87 6: &$pf;, ; .T&I: III~I~T~ p.,E,f,fi 1 iI& _ JUN 30 ‘8’: 113: 01 -TLC I,O!~TQ PlESR r t,-‘h 242 P!J5 f-mm; $4 5 -4- We look forward to working with you with respect to this purchase and are hopeful we will be able to consummate a mutually acceptable transaction with the City of Carlsbad as a library would be a most welcome addition to the proposed La Costa Center. Sincerely, Carlsbad Retail Associates, a California General Partnership *‘s ,.Z~~,,~ ‘.’ (‘4 A., 4 ----c-----cc--------------- Frederick T. Von der Ahe The terms and conditione indicated herein are hereby acknowledged, agreed and accepted on this day of June, 1987. City of Caxlsbad By : Its: EXHIBIT A rry,hrc f 8 ed.tto 4 iii 0 W!rt, i .‘.I...‘ *AWL (7y .- **,:* 0-l ---&m;y p @ 1404 u -i;-.J - , g i . . 6. * i A. .: 4.08 cc; . 4 2. ~,,P#JO wHw U4IL8OAD . . ,*;;,, i& &JLf' .*,+.- " ..,, Parcel B k&g iiF yF![&!~ u I 2” I I t 03 Parcel A t s?G jlsw s-7 L 'c. b-l 1 4,; h I \y -7$--l CSlWLL4 1 \ @” c, A,“” ,--j-z-T Q 1 NJ J *J.. l &C4 - July 7, 1987 Honorable Mayor Lewis and City Council Members 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Honorable Mayor & Council Members: Re: Library/South Carlsbad We have reviewed the staff report on the proposed library for Carlsbad, Conceptually we agree on the future needs of a library for south Carlsbad, however, we are concerned about the size of library, the timing of construction,and the selection of the funding mechanism at this time, We would recommend that the size of the library be commensurate with .projected population through 1991 with the ability to expand the facility at a later date. (It is our understanding that people using the facility and checking out books come from outside City limits and represent approximately 40%). Since we view that a higher priority in preserving the "health, safety and welfare" of the citizens of Carlsbad is the widening of Palomar Airport Road, and the addition of a fire station at the Safety Center, we recommend that further consideration be given to alter- native financing vehicles rather than utilizing public facilities fees. We suggest that this issue be held open until the review of Capital Improvement Program. We the undersigned are in accord with the conceptual recommendations listed above. Thank you in advance for your consideration to our recommendations. CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER A Bill Miller President CENTRE DEVELOPMENT President BEDFORD PROPERTIES . rnL :,u& ,“ i$.$(/1;&~ /i / d Ann Shannon Project Manager T & G INVESTMENTS Ted Tchang Owner Representative LAUREL TREE INVESTMENTS er Representative t . - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE July 7, 1987 Mayor Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Buddy: The Chamber of Commerce is pleased that the City Council is moving forward on the funding of a site and design of a new South Carlsbad library facility for our community. This is a project which will be extremely beneficial for all citizens, and will maintain our excellent level of library service which we can all be proud of. We would like to take this opportunity to share a few com- ments with you which we hope you will consider while determining your funding and construction plans. The proposal before you calls for a 58,000 square foot facility, not including any ex- pansion of the existing library. In light of the fiscal posture of the City, specifically recent five-year budget deficit projections and belt tightening, it is of concern to the business community that the City plans to expend $11 million for this project. City figures indicate that the projected population in the year 1995 is 80,000. In or- der to meet the City library standard of 800 square feet per 1000 population, the total library square footage must be 64,000 in the year 1995. Taking into account the present 25,000 square foot facility, this would suggest that an additional 39,000 square foot facility is needed in order to meet the standard in 1995. A plan which includes the expansion of the existing facility and reduces the initial capital outlay for this project might be a prudent way to meet this demand. Good fiscal management and business practices may dictate that the City avoid building a facility which will not be fully utilized until approximately the year 2004, according to present City population projections. Another concern is the possible “dedication of all available public facilities fee revenues for 1987-88 and delay of certain existing PFF projects”, according to the agenda bill before you. Projects such as Palomar Airport Road improvements are essential to the enhanced safety and circulation efforts you already have underway. In addition, the “many smaller projects” have not yet been discussed publicly to our knowledge, and we would appreciate the opportunity to review those which may be withdrawn from the CIP. In the event the City were to build the entire 58,000 square foot facility and lease out the portion not in use, we would have several concerns. First, in our estimation the City should not get involved in leasing office space. 5411 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 l F?O. Box 1650 l Carlsbad, California 92008 l (619) 729-5924 1 c , Second, where would the revenues generated from the lease, should this option be exercised, be allocated to in the City? Would it be for payment of the City’s debt service or would it be plugged right back into the fund from which it was taken, the CIP? Finally, our recommendation is that the City consider a well planned, phased in project which would provide the needed library space, not unduly burden the City’s already strained budgetary situation, and maintain the projects in the capital improvement plan which the entire community has demanded and expects. This strategy might call for the land acquisition, grading, design and construction of a 40,000 square foot facility by 1991 at the proposed site, with the expansion of the existing facility and a simultaneous completion of another phase of the new facility in the mid to late 1990’s. These are just a few ideas and concerns which have surfaced in our discussions of the proposal to date. We appreciate your consideration of our input. Sincerely, 1987 PPesident