HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-07; City Council; 9080; GENERAL PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW EXISTING R-2 LOTS TO BE DEVELOPED WITH DUPLEXES - GPA/LU 86-12I N 4 I \z, co J D 1 2 L3 bo -rl C g k a a (d rn u g 5 c) a 0 al k (d a al k a u 0 k G M 0 u C h u .ri u Q) -6, a a, u u a .r( k a rl ad 2 3 u 0 h co h I b I CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL 7 /f I AB# %hFl MTG. 7-7-87 DEPT. PLN 1 GENERAL PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT DEF TITLE: TO ALLOW EXISTING R-2 LOTS TO BE DEVELOPED WITH DUPLEXES - GPA/LU 86-12 - CITY OF CARLSBAD CIT CIV A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Commission and staff are recommending tha City Council direct the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents APPROVING GPA/LU 86-12. ITEM EXPLANATION The proposed amendment would add the following wording to t Land Use Element of the General Plan: ,411 legally existing R-2 lots, as of December 1, 1986, be developed with a two-family residence regardless of density allowed by their General Plan designation if th can comply with all applicable development standards in effect at the time of their development and if the foil findings can be made: 1. That the project will provide sufficient addiitiona: public facilities for the density in excess of the control point to ensure that the adequacy of the C: public facilities plans will not be adversely impac z 0 I- .. 0 a 2 0 z 3 2. That there have been sufficient developments appro! in the quadrant at densities below the control- poir cover the units in the project above the control pc so the approval will not result in exceeding the quadrant limit. Last year staff became aware that many of the existing R-2 1 in Carlsbad would exceed the density allowed by their Genera Plan designation if they were developed .with a duplex. Thiz mainly due to a recent lowering of the RM General Plan designation from 4-10 du/ac to 4-8 du/ac. A number of exist vacant lots in La Costa would exceed 8 du/ac if developed wi duplex. In the older part of town due to their small size a number of R-2 lots would exceed their General Plan designati regardless of the density allowed by the RM General Plan designation. There are i500 R-2 lots in the City of Carlsbad, 390 (78%) ha been developed with duplexes, 77 (15%) have single family ho on them and 33 (7%) are vacant. The proposed amendment woul not guaran-tee an existing R-2 lot could be developed with a duplex. AIL1 proposed duplexes would have to comply with all applicable development standards. 0 0 - 0 0 < Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 9F,,y& The proposed amendment could possibly result in a maximum o additional 143 units split between the northeast and southe quadrants. This number is a maximum and in reality could b substantially lower since many R-2 lots in the older part o have recently been developed with a single family home or a: small for a duplex. This would not affect the quadrant numl established by the Growth Management Ordinance because when calculating the number of each existing R-2 lot, they were calculated as having a potential of two units. Staff has received numerous letters in support of this amen! and one in opposition. The Planning Commission approved th proposed amendment by a vote of 6-1. For more information the attached staff report of May 6, 1987. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will cause any significant environmental impacts and, there-Fore, issued a Negative Declaration, dated December 10, 1986, whic approved by the Planning Commission on May 6, 1987. A copy the environmental documents is on file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACT The increased need for City capital facilities resulting frc this request will be offset by the payment of the public facilities fee. Any capital facilities related directly to development will be constructed and paid for by the dewelopc when the lots are developed. Increased operating expenses related to this request will bf offset to some extent, from increased tax or fee revenue gene by future development. No detailed economic impact analysi: been conducted at this time so predictions of the portion 01 operating expenses covered by additional operating revenue created as a result of this request cannot be made. EXHIBITS 1) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2633 2) Staff Report, dated May 6, 1987 with attachments L II 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, 2633 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF 1 GENERAL PLAN BY THE ADDITION OF WORDING TO ALLOW E REGARDLESS OF THE DENSITY ALLOWED BY THEIR GENERAL DESIGNATION. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO.: GPA/LU 86-12 R-2 LOTS TO BE DEVELOPED WITH A TWO-FAMILY RESIDEN 7 WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment t text of the Land Use Element of the General Plan as shown b has been filed with the Planning Commission; and 8 9 10 I1 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a r 11 II for amendment as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Munic 12llCode; and 13 II WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 6th d 14 I/ May, 1987, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed 15 16 17 18 19 20 to consider said request; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all per desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factor relating to the General Plan Amendment. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plann 21 22 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 23 ll B) That the Land Use Element is amended to read as follow: 24 I1 1) The section titled Explanatory note on Residential on page 26 be amended by the following addition; 25 26 I/// 27 /I// I/// 28 ll m e " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All legally existing R-2 lots, as of December 1, be deve1ope.d with a two-family residence regard1 density allowed by their General Plan designatio can comply with all applicable development stand effect at the time of their development and if t following findings can be made: 1. That the project will provide sufficient add: control point to ensure that the adequacy of City's public facilities plans will not be ac impacted. public facilities for the density in excess 1 2. That there have been sufficient developments approved in the quadrant at densities below control point to cover the units in the projc the control point so the approval will not rt exceeding the quadrant limit. ~ lo 11 C) That based on the evidence presented at the public hc the Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPAILU 86-12, t I.3 Findings: l2 the following findings: 1) The proposed General Plan Amendment will allow existl 14 15 16 17 lots to be developed with a two-family residence. 2) The proposed General Plan Amendment will aid in provi variety of housing types in the City of Carlsbad by a R-2 lots to be developed with two-family residences. 3) The proposed General Plan Amendment will allow vacant under develoDed R-2 lots to be develoDed in a manner I8 II compatible with surrounding duplex development. 4) The following findings will have to be made for any 1: l9 I considered in the R-2 zone which does not meet the cc 20 21 22 point: a. That the project will provide sufficient addition facilities for the density in excess of the contr to ensure that the adequacy of the City's public facilities plans will not be adversely impacted, 23 24 25 I b. That there have been sufficient developments appr the quadrant at densities below the control point the units in the project above the control point approval will not result in exceeding the quadran 26 //I/// 27 (1 //// PC RES0 NO. 2633 -2- 28 e 0 1 5) This action will not cause any significant environmc impact and a Negative Declaration has been issued b: Planning Director on December IO, 1986, and recommel 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetir 3 approval by the Planning Commission on May 6, 1987. 4 6 the 6th day of May, 1987, by the following vote, to wit: 5 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, AYES: Chairman Marcus, Commissioners: Hall, Sct 7 8 9 McFadden, Holmes, Schramm. NOES: Commissioner McBane. ABSENT: None. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ABSTAIN: None. ATTEST: MARY MARCUS, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMI MICHAEL 3. HOLZMILLER PLANNING DIRECTOR 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 /I 25 26 27 PC RES0 NO. 2633 28 - 3- 0 '+ STAFF REPORT ~ ~~~~ DATE : MAY 6, 1987 T.0 : PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUB3ECT: GPA/LU 86-12 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - An amendment to 1 text of the Land Use Element of the General Plan tc allow existing R-2 .lots to be developed with two fi residences regardless of the density allowed by tht General Plan designation. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission -recommend APPROVAL of the Negat Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resoll No. 2633 recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-12 per staff's recommendation to the City Council based on the findings contained therein. 11. PR03ECT DESCRIPTION The proposed General Plan amendment would add the following wording to the Land Use Element of the Carlsbad General Plan All legally existing R-2 lots, as of December 1, 1986, m developed with a two-family residence regardless of the density allowed by their General Plan designation if the comply with all applicable development standards in effe the time of their development. The purpose of the R-2 zone is to allow lots to be developed duplexes. Staff recently reviewed the C.ity's Zoning, Genera Plan and Local Coastal Plan maps to bring them into conforma During this review staff became aware that most of the exist R-2 lots in Carlsbad would exceed the density allowed by the General Plan designation if they were developed with a duple The problem of inconsistency between the R-2 zoning and Gene Plan densities has not arisen before due 'to two reasons: 1) Very few duplexes have been developed during the pa few years on the small R-2 lots in the older part o town. I/ .. m 0 2) In the two areas of La Costa zoned R-2 all of the have a General Plan designation of RM, Residential Medium, Up until 1986 RM had a density range of 4 du's/ac. A recent lowering of the density ranges throughout the City has changed this to 4-8 du's/a Some of the existing, vacant R-2 lots in La Costa exceed 8 du's/ac if they were developed with a dup While preparing this report staff made an inventory of the I lots in the City of Carlsbad. There are 500 R-2 lots in thc of Carlsbad, 390 (78%) have been developed with duplexes, 7' (15%) have single family homes on them and 33 (7%) are vacar Property zoned R-2, Two Family Residential, exists in five sectiorrs of Carlsbad. See Exhibits "A" through 'lE1', In the northern portion of La Costa, see Exhibit IIA'I, there 231 Lots zoned R-2, All but 15, of these lots have been developed. with duplexes. In the southern portion of La Cos see Exhibit "B", there are 113 lots zoned R-2, All but 13 these lots have been developed with duplexes. As shown by Exhibits "A" and "8't the vast majority of development in th areas consists of recently constructed duplexes. It is sta' opinion that development of the remaining vacant lots with family homes would not be compatible with the surrounding dl development. In the Terramar area, along Carlsbad Boulevard, there are tc lots zoned R-2, see Exhibit "C". Five of these lots have bc developed with duplexes, two with single family residences three are vacant. These lots have an area of approximately square feet and would have a density of 15.3 du's/ac if devc with a duplex. This would exceed the density allowed by th areas General Plan designation of RLM, 0-4 du's/ac, During a recent review of the General Plan, Zoning and Local Coastal Plan to establish consistency, the Commission did nc support staff's recommendation to change this site's zoning 1 to correspond to its RLM, 0-4 du'slac General Plan design; The Commission directed staff to come up with. a procedure tc allow these lots to be developed with.duplexes. Staff belit that the proposed change to the text of the General Plan wil accomplish this. The fourth area zoned R-2 is bounded by 3efferson Street, Hi Street, Magnolia Avenue, Palm Avenue and Roosevelt Street a1 sometimes referred to as "the Barrio", see Exhibit "0". Thc are approximately 112 lots zoned R-2 in this area. Sixty-fc these lots have been developed with duplexes, 47 with singlc family residences and one is vacant. Many of the lots along Madison and Roose.velt Street have older single family homes may be. redeveloped with duplexes at some future date. Agair of these lots would exceed their General Plan designation 01 du's/ac if they were developed with a duplex. -2- m e The fifth area zoned R-2 fs'located along Garfield Street r: and south of Tamarack Avenue, see Exhibit I'E" There are 34 zoned R-2 in this area. Twenty-eight of these lots have be developed with single family residences, five with duplexes one is vacant. Most of th single family residences in thes are relatively old and will probably be replaced with duple some future date. Most of these lots are relatively small would have a density of 15-20 du'slac if developed with a d This density would be in conformance with the site's Genera d.esignation of RH, Residential High density 15-23 du's/ac. As mentioned earlier the intent of this General Plan amcndm to allow existing lots zoned R-2 to be developed with a dup regardless of the density allowed by their General Plan designation. This amendment does not guarantee that these can be developed with a duplex. Any proposed duplex must c( with all applicable development standards in effect at the of their development. The purpose of this General Plan amendment is fairness. As mentioned earlier over 3/4.of the lots zoned R-2 in Carlsbac already been developed with duplexes. Most of the existing vacant R-2 lots, especially in the La Costa area are surroub by duplexes. One of the goals of the Carlsbad General Plan provide a variety of housing types. The R-2 zone which all the development of two family residences helps to fulfill tt goal. Staff has received numerous phone calls from owners ( owners have asked staff how they can develop their property a duplex now that the recent revision of the General Plan dc ranges has lowered the allowable density on their property. Another option the Commission could consider would be to dor zone the properties to R-1, which would allow for the lots t developed with a single family residence only. Staff belie\ that this would not be an equitable solution especially in : of the areas where the vast majority of the R-2 lots have a1 been developed with duplexes. In addition, an across the bc down zoning to bring the zoning into conformance with the Ge Plan density ranges would eliminate almost all of the R-2 zc in Carlsbad. The proposed amendment to the General Plan could result in a additional 143 units in Carlsbad if every R-2 lot developed lot being developed with a duplex and every R-Z lot with a s family home on it being redeveloped with a duplex. Staff believes that 143 units spread throughout five sections of t City will not have an adverse impact on public facilities. addition, ,some R-2 lots have recently constructed single fam homes ,on them that will not be removed in the near future. may not be -possible to construct a duplex on some of the sma R-2 lots in the older part of Carlsbad and comply with curre development standards for such things as parking and setback vacant duplex lots in La Costa and Terramar. These propert! its full potential. .This number is based on every vacant R- -3- W * Staff felt that the appropriate way to address this issue v add wording to the text of the General Plan rather than chz the R-2 lots General Plan designation to a higher density I Similar wording has already been included in the text of tt- General Plan to address property zoned R-1-7500 with a Gene Plan designation of RLM, 0-4 du's/ac. The R-1-7500 zoning results in a density of 5 du's/ac which exceeds the 0-4 du' range. The proposed wording to address R-2 lots would be i to this section of the Land Use Element. In conclusion, staff recommends approval of the proposed Ge Plan amendment to enable owners of R-2 lots to develop thei property in conformance with surrounding development, IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will have a significant impact on the environment and, therefore issued a Negative Declaration on December IO, 1986. ATTACHMENTS 1) Planning Commission Resolution NO. 2633 2) Environmental Document 3) Exhibits "A" - IIF", dated December 5, 1986 MH:bn 12/4/86 .. W 0 2075 LAS PP 7. CARLSBAD, CALI1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (619) 4 Citp of CarIB'bab NEGATIVE DECLARATION .. PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: City of Carlsbad. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Amendment to the text of the Land Use Element of the General Plan to allow existing R-2 lots to be developed with a two-family residence regardless of the density allowed by their General Plan designation. The city of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is her'eby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 2075 La8 Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED! December 10, 1986 CASE NO: GPA/LU 86-12 MICHAEL J. HMMILLM Planning Director APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH DATE: December 10, 1986 ND4' , 11/85 .. rr- EXk I li z .. i c"-h GENERAL PLAN ZONING I RL RLU RM H RH RH RRI RRE Rs c 5 TS 1) CBD PI G RC 1 E H J P os ZRR RISIDINIIAL IOU DEISln IO. 14 I LOU.%IEDlL" DEMllT (0.41 MEDIL'H DESSITY 14.81 MEDII H HIGH DENSITY(8.15) HICnH DENCIlTI I3.1)) COMMERCIAL ISTENSILT kGiONAL RETAIL (e# EHTENSIVE REGIO\AL RETAIL (cg REGIOSAL SERLlCE (.O~ISlLF;IlT CO.UMERCL4L \EIC.HBORHOOD CO~IIERCIAI TU\\ EL SERVICES COMG~CLAC (.ESTR\L 81 SISESS DISTFXT PROFESLIO>AL REL4TED PL4SSED IXDCSTIU4L GOVERLVEZT FACILITIES Plaza Camino Real I Cu Country Carlsbad) Pl BLlC I TlLlTlES RECU.4TIOti COMMLRClAL ~. scwoeLs II'sIon HIGH ELE.UESTARY HIGH SCH&L PRI\AIS OPEN SPACE SOS RESIDENTIAL RESER\Z .. P.C R.A R. I R. E I- 2 R. 31 R. 3 RD.M RD. H RMHP R.P RW RT 0 c. I c. 2 C .T C-H .M c. M L.C F.P P. I! 05 RKSIDCNTIAL RLSIDE>TAL AGRICL Ln IUL ZONE PLC\3ED C0WJIL~llT ZONE Rl RU RESIDE?;TUL EsT.4l-E ZONE Oh+ FAMILY WIDESTIAL ZOh+ NO-FCWLY RESIDENTLU LONE HI Lnpu FCHILY RESIDENML ZOM LLUITED ML Ln FCWLY ~IDE~W ZOM WIDEhW DESSITI'MLLTIPLE ZONE RESIDESTUL DENSIlYHIGH ZO>E RESIDEKTUL .MOBILE HOME P.4M ZOhT RESIDESTIN TOURIST ZONE RESIDESTLAL PR€SES.5IONM ZOM RLSIDE3TIN UATERWAY ZOSE OFFICE Z0.W COMMIRCIAL h'ElGHBORHOOD COMMERCLU ZONE COMMERCUL,TOlRISTZOh'E CE..TRhL COMMERCLM ZOXE LNDLmnLu ZONE HEAW COU.MERCULUMITED PIDUSlRML Z( men PlANNED INDCSTIIW ZONE FLOODPULV OVERUY LOhZ OPEN SPACE LIMITED CONTROL RBUC LnLm ZONE >NE il City of C a AREA UNDER 1 a, VACANT I I CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA 86. . , .. a EX 1: GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOU oEwn 0-1 5 I RH HEOIL W OEMITY (4.8) RH HIGH DE>SIlT I 15-23 I COMMRRCIAL RRT ESTESSnT REGIO\AL RET.UL (q Car Countrr Carlsbad 1 RD-H WIDESIIM. DLYSITY MULTIPLE ZOhE RRI lXTE>SnT REGIOhAL R.€T.AIL (cg Plua Cunmo Rcll I R-3L LLHITED HLLlTF.LHILY RLSIDE3nU ZOM ICSIDINlIAL RISlDfNllAl RLH LOU.WEDILHDES~ITZ'IO-~) RWH WEDII H HIGH DEXSITY [&I51 P-C PLkI?XD COH.MLVITI ZOUE R.A RLSIDE\lML .\GGRICLLTI Rhl ZOI€ R.E RCRU RESIDEXlML F5T.ATE ZOXE R.1 Olf FAMILY RE5IDE\nU ZOhT R L lTO-F.LHILY RF5IDEXll.u ZOhT R ! HI LTIPLE FCHILY RESIDE.\lML ZOSf R) RLGIO\AL >EihlCE 4 C (.OH.HL>ln COYMERCLAL RWHP WID€\TLU MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhT RD.H U.SIDE\nU DE.VSITVHICH ZOIE \ KEIGHBORHOOD CO.H.WERCLAL R P RE5IDETW PROFESIOYM ZOW. 0 PICIFESSIO\.AL rCEL4TED RD' RLSIDE~~LU UATERW~Y ZO\E City 01 CBD CE\TR4L BLSIXESS DISTIUCT PI PL4SXED ISDLS~L G GOk€R.VMEST FACILITIES L PL BLlC LTIUTIES TS TR4LTL SERLKES COMMERCL~L RT RBSIDL.TLU TO[ RlST ZO\E COHMiIclAL 0 OFFICEZOXT C-l XUGHBORHOOD COM.WEKLU ZOSE c-2 GEhTRAl COMMERCW ZOXE C-T COKWERCM-TOLRl5T ZONE RC wcn.mnos COMMERCLU HAREA UNDER I SCHOOLS E ELEMEXTARY .I JVYIOR HIGH H HIGHSCHOOL P PRn4TE C-H HEAW COM.WERCLU.~UWITED LIDCSTRIU ZONE P.M "ED IhDL'sTRLu ZONE F-P FLOODPUL? mY ZOhX os OrnSPACE w m~mzohx B VACANT 01)(8R IRR >OX FZSIDESTL4L FZSER\+ US OPES SPACE L-C Lu(HUY COh-L P-C RBUC CTIIITy ZOhT CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA 8E * -.. " - _". - - - - __._-.- GENERAL PLAN ZONfNG 0s OPE3 5hCE F-P nmDm OWUY ZOhX L-c K" COhTIDL 05 OPmSPKE xu '0% REblDESTL+L KSER\+ p.c R3I.K Lm ZOhz f I CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA 81 I I - EX GENERAL PLAN ZONING RL LOU DE\CIT! I 0. I 5, RfSIDfNtlAL RISIDfNTlAL RLH LOU.-HEDICH DE>SIn(O.i) RHH HEDll H HIGH DENSIlY18-I3) P.C PLI\-TD CO5lJiLTIPI ZO\x R.E Rl RU RESIDESTLU EST.ATE ZOSE R.1 O'rT F.4WILY RESIDE>TIN ZO\Z R 2 NO.F.4HILf WIDESTIN ZVSE RH HEDlL H DENSITY L 4 8) R.A RESIDE>T.U U;mcLLnRu ZOST RH HIGH DESSITY( 13.231 COMM1RCIAL RRE ESn\5I3+ REGIO\.+L RETAIL (c(I Cu Counrn Carisbad) RD-H WU)E>TLU DEV~II-VHLLTIPLE ZOSE RRI I\TENSI\+ REGIONAL RETAIL (cg PI= Cmmo Real I R 5L UHITED HLLTI.FIcIILY RESID€\T.U Zv?c+ C COYYl Vlpi CO.WMERCL\L RHHP RESIDESTLU HOBlLE HOME Puu( ZOT RD-H RESIDE>?" DE9SITI:HIGH ZO\E \ \EICHBORHOOD COHHERCUL R-P RESIDE3TLU PRONSIONAL ZO>T o PRVFESSIOSAL REL+TED R 4 w Lnpu F.LWILY RESIDESTN zo\+ RS RECIO\AL SEIRlCE 4 T5 TR+\TL SERVICES COMHERCL+L RT RLSIDE3T.U TOLRIST ZONE RW RESIDE\TLu u +TERWY zo\ t P.M pU%XED WDLSTIIW .?Oh1 E~~SINQLE FAMIL CT COMH~UL~TOLWST ZOhE C I \XIGHM)RHOOD COMMEKLU ZOh+ AREA UNDER 0 OFFlCEZO\Z City of ' P-v RDUC Lnun zom L-C MITED COhlXX F.P ROOOW OMllLIY ,?Oh+ CBD CEVTRIL BL5I\ESS DISTRICT PI PLC\VED 1XDLS-L COMMIKIAL G GO\€R\SIEST FACILITIES C PC BLIC L TlLlTIES RC ucm.moR COHMERCW c 2 G€\m'u cos(Mmcw ZO\E SCHOOLS C.M HEAWCOMMERUAL.UHITED L\lJLrmW ZONE E ELEHE>T.MY J JlUIOR HIGH H HIGHSCHOOL P Pnn4l-E H mslmuzOM OWlR T23 DUPLEX 03 OPES SPACE \RR SO.\ RESIDESTL4L USER\€ a OPENSPACE I CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA 8e e I 1 - I \\\I\.' ',\\ €Inn2 I2 pAc'F'cocy \ \ \ \ 0 b n r 0 m > 0 m r < 0 HEMLOCK AVE" 11 REDWOOD AVE I ..... *...,.,.,.,. :.;. ...-........22 Q **:$$$$$ R H - 55..oo t;.:.;...:.:.~ . . . . . . . * . - n I- r m .*.5..t....22 i Y'Q '.55'.*.*.*.... 0 I pq 0 TAMARACK AVE , I I i, @r"-- GENERAL PLAN ZONING I - RESIDENTIAL RJ. LOU DE\.SITt 10 I 5 ' RfSIDfNTlAL RLH LOWHEDILH DESSIT~'(O-+I RHH HEDIL H HIGH DENSllY (8- 17) P.C PL<\?ZO CDM.HLYITy ZOhT - R-A RLSIDE3TIM U;RICLLlYRU ZO3T R.E RLRU RLSIDESJ~A~ LST.4TE ZONE R.1 03FFAWILY RESID€\lXU ZOhT R.2 lUO.F.4HILY FSSIDLITW ZOM R-3 HI LTU'LE F-LWLY RE5IDLbW ZONE nw HEDILH DESSITY I .VU I RH HIGH DESSITY ( 15.23 I COMMERCIAL MI nnssnx RLGIONAL RET.41L I cg. Plaza Cmmo ileal I MI€ ESTESSWE RTGlO\AL RET.4iL (.q Car Counrn Carlrbldl RD.W REslDE\llM DEYSIlYWLlTIPLE ZOSE R.3L LLHITED HLLTbFILWILY R€SIDL%TIM 20% RS REGIOV.AL SERVICE 4 C CO.HLyL3ITT CO.M(YERCIAL RWHP RESIDESTLU .MOBILE HOME PARK ZOhT RD-H RESIDL!nU DElriSITYHIGH ZO3E \ \EIGHBORHOOD CO.H.HERCUL R-P R.ESID€\llAL PRONSIONM ZO3' 0 PROFESSIONAL REUTED RW RLSIDL~TLU UAITRWAY LO\€ City of I CBD CESTRAL BLSISW DISTRICT PI PLCVVED IZDLSTIUL G GO\€R.MEST FACILITIES L PI BLlC CTIUTIES 1-3 TiWPL 3ERYlCE5 COM?(ERCL~L RT RLSIDLYfLU TOCIUST ZONE COMMIRCIAL 0 OFFlCEZO\I C-l ~TiGHBORH00D COM.HEKW ZOhT CT COM.UERCW.TOL7UST ZOh€ E ELEYESTARY H IM)CrnZOM a AREA UNDE P PRnATE OTHlR H HIGHSCHOOL a SINGLE FAM j JUVIOR HIGH P.M PLANNED IhMSTRMl ZONE RC nmtmnoti COMMERCIM c-2 GLI"u COMMERCW ZOhT sc~ooLs C-M HEAWCO.W.WE"~UMlTED L\DLSTRML ZOSE OS OPE3 SPACE F-P FLOODPIAN OYEluY ZOM L.C LIMITED COh-L PC RBUC LTIIJlY ZOM a DUPLEX :.:.:.* YRR SO5 WIDESTLtL USER\+ 05 OrPISPKE .'A*. L CITY OF CARLSBAD GPA 8€ w DECEMBER 5 L~\IILUL I r EXISTING R-2 LOTS IN CARLSBAD North La Costa (Exhibit A) South La Costa (Exhibit 8) Terramar (Exhibit C) Barrio (Exhibit D) Garf ield-Sequoia (Exhibit E) City Total Vacant - 33 7% SF - 77 15% Duplex - 390 78% Total 500 Vacant 15 Duplex 216 231 Vacant 13 Duplex 100 113 Vacant 3 SF 2 Duplex 5 10 Vacant 1 SF 47 Duplex 64 112 Vacant 1 SF 28 Duplex 5 34 500 w 0 4 ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES 1650 Linda Vista Drive #209 San Marcos, CA 92069 February 27, 1987 Michael Holtzmiller Planning Department City of Carlsbad 2075 Los Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Holtzmiller : This letter is to request your office to schedule a public hearing for G.P.A./LU 86-12 so that we can get an ammendment in effect for the duplexes existing on Levante Street and Luciernaga Street belonging to Mrs. Neldner and blrs. Threlkeld respectively. The address on Lavente Street is 2217 and 2219 and on Luciernaga Street 2821 and 2823. Both these buildings were designed and built to be condomini- umized, taking into consideration all of the particulars and the double party wall that exist in both these structures, Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Respectfully yours, r". 6j nair " !$ ih c %I; w 0 , Zanuary 26,1987 YE. Yichael Rolzmiller,planning commissioner City of carlsbad iie t 2821-23 Luciernaqa Street (duplex; Bar I;E, liolzmiller , L F bfi 19%1 ;: p-rn!iF '.? ,,,% .k - '%\ , +em€$* A year ago this pas+ kcember I caxe to the building department and took out E building permit to have built a duplex according to the regulations gcverning condominimizing of a d.u?lex at that tine. I !;.riled to live in half and sell ti. other half, thus acquiri% a prc;er resi$.exe within the city, an?. 'ceir,g a3le nake the gapents for the dqlex. About tle time ;ny building w?.s 7/3 corupleted ,;KNS Tlaraing departnent changed rules so that I an amble to condominimize the hilCing, there?;? forcing me i a 2,osition where I vi11 lose n;~ Fro2eriQ. &'hen I took out tie interim firancl the lank 02 La Costa ,it was with the idea that I could sell 4. It is both rn? archltect's a:;d ny qiniol: that any Suilcling sttmtec' before the ordimnce sholt1.d be conpleted accon7igs to the then-existing conditions. i;r. Armstrong, my architect, discmsed this with ?r, .'ohn i.Iamoux ?C *.he city c A cop;< of this letter will he sent to ?r. E'arnoiix. 2, Axstrong has called yo several times requestTng that ;ou return his call. I: wcula like to make an ap?ointmer?t to see 70s with I*.r, .kmstrox at your ozfi your earliest convenience, ?$- nmb~ Is 9bS-6169. Xondays, Xesdays and. Thursda ?w..mlly my free days, Yag I kear from you? Thank you for yarn collrtesy. Sincerely, 9 *&I& .To ?eth Pzelkeld 175 Countryhaver, 33. Encinitas, Ca, ?2OZb t w 3 /7- I?!! "%. * Pa w w6-u g.+ 1 6992 El Camino Real Westport Properties Suite 104-391 Rancho La Costa, CA 92008 - " '. e .' ' -, .- .. _. .SI <f i 4 JlAR 1987 .I -m- cAIILpI#) -. .~ ._ .* > .. - ,,- -<+ L@j!Y s\ - ."_ w 0 f: March 15, 1987 L Regarding Lot 120 La Costa South #1 Attention Mr. Michael Holzmiller; Ten years ago I purchased a R-2 lot on Levante as an investment. During the sewer moratorium I was required to purchase two sewer permits. I also paid for, and had installed, two water meters. Several months ago I decided to sell. The lot sold, but the sale fell through when it was discovered that the square footage of the lc no longer met the requirements for a duplex, even though it’s still 2 R-2. Hence I own a duplex lot, two sewer permits, and two water meters, but am unable to build a duplex on this lot. It came to my attention that Mr. House was working on an ammendment to allow duplexes to be built on smaller lots previously zoned R-2. I am requesting that you please schedule this ammendment before the Planning Commission. Thank-you, ”.” c:2 .I” /+” -. n / /’ CSI-C Douglas E. Thompson 2156 Darby St. Escondido, Calif. 92025 747-7099 or 749-8701 / 4 NAR 1987 . ?JiNJ6 - ~ cmoF Q&q&) v w 0 March 7,19Z William H. San Diego, 4009 - 50tl City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Bus.Ph# (71 'Attention: Mr. Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Subject: General Plan Amendment to change R-2 lot zone tc Single Dwelling lot zone La Costa South Unit. No. Reference: Lot 135 of La Costa South Unit No. 1 owned by William H. Gottwald and Carl H. Gottwald Dear Mr. Holzmiller: It is my understanding that the above referenced lot is incl in a General Plan Amendment to change the current R-2 zoninc this lot to a Single Dwelling lot zone. If so, my brother E are very concerned over such a change since we planned to bL on this property and occupy the two units ourselves. We purchased this lot specifically because it is zoned R-2 E was in an area already built-up with R-2 units. It seems VE unreasonable that the very few remaining R-2 unimproved lots this area are being considered for a change to Single Dwelli units . We ask, that if the referenced lot is part of a General Plar Public Hearing with the Planning Commission be scheduled re- garding the zone change. Amendment to change its R-2 zoning to Single Dwelling, that az4& William H. Gottwald cc: File <* 4 c ! 4;: M 19pI ?T -Waf +e€m . w e 12245 Sunset Park Way Los Angeles, CA 90064 March 6, 1987 Mr. Michael Holzmiller City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Re: Lot 179, La Costa Meadows Unit No. 1 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: It is my understanding that the recent enactment of the Gener Plan by the City of Carlsbad has changed the zoning of my Lot from R-2 (duplex) to R-1 (single residence). I originally pu chased this lot in 1971 zoned as R-2, and suitable for constr of a duplex. I have concerns such as : Pl,anning Director o My lot was down zoned without notice to me o Nearly all lots in this area have duplexes constructed them e Building of a single family residence on Lot 179 would inconsistent with the surrounding area e Am sure this was not the objective of the City of Carl in the enactment of the General Plan. It would appear to make "zoning sense" to return Lot 179 to a R-2 classification. I request that General Plan Amendment (GPA-LU86-12) be presented promptly to the Planning Commissio permitting Lot 179 to be developed as R-2 (duplex), regardles of the density. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Please keep advised of any proceedings in regard to my Lot 179. Sincerely, U~.L Kenneth M. Reim 4 ._ <: HAfi 1987 i. plANIumoEMRIyo(I ? - .- .:? Is&$ 6 8*~~9zn& .??! w a -4SHOK 31. DOSHI, M.D.,, S.C., LTD. 84s NORTH YICHIQAN AVENUE SUITE saow CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60611 MEO€JMAL4 DOSHI. M. D. UnllTEBSIOIAJQT 912/78?-0320 312/578-1129 ASHOK lK. I CARD10 / a -0PACI ?$arch 24, 1987 Mr. Michael Holzmiller 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Holzmiller, It has been brought to my attention, that there has been some discussion about R-2 lots. Please be aware that I own duplex lot $1236 and I wish to keep my lot as a two unit property. If you can provided me with any additonal infromation regardin this matter, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for you assistance. Sincerely, P iu; -5 (- ‘&Lu*, “3t- /r, -6 Ashok li. Doshi, M.D. ke 4 nAN 1981 pUtiHlNG DEPmm cE!& _. ..I ~, . ., , .. . . L Q: ~. r“ c,’., -. ,_ LL<k:-. ., .* .. 0 March 3, 1987 7245 Rue De Roark La Jolla, CA. 920 ,;*+ 8 9 WTf -""". ? jc,. 4 2' \IAR \+ Mr. Michael Holzmiller Planning Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92009-4859 e I plA+l?w@ m .% si% ,. \% ''& REF: R-2 Lot 142 La Costa South Unit #1 APN 216-190-36 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: I purchased the above referenced lot in 1969, 18 years ago. In September of 1986, I put this lot in escrow: I bought an R-2 Lot. Every lot on Sacada Circle has two units built on i (R-2 Lot). Sacada Circle is of considerable size and there are approximately two or three lots that have not been developed. In November of 1986, the party I was selling the lot to told me they could not build two units on my R-2 Lot. On February 26, 1987 we mutually agreed to end the escrow. I spent close to $2,500.00 on lawyer's fees. It is a damn shame, these people wanted a long escrow so they could obtain architectura plans before escrow closed and they also lost alot of money. I -already had the money anticipated from the sale spent. I have been back tracking ever since. I have written to Mike Howes several times regarding this matter. He now writes me stating khat the reversing of the density (that I may build two units on my property) is in you hands. You received a copy of his letter to me (dated February 17, 1987). Let's have fair play. I've owned Lot 14 for 18 years, I bought an R-2 lot. Please write to me and explain what is happening. In addition, when can I expect a reversal in density? Please give the same consideration to a hardworking person as you would give to a large corporation. Sincerely, :~t'rze&d f- - J rome Shaw cc: Mayor Claude Lewis City Council Mike Howes, Senior Planner Enclosure b w 0 / $@ bQ f &;ffv G." 4 CI \ti$ ,.p - 4 b m d 7245 Rue De Roark La Jolla, CA. 92037 March' 24, 1987 Mr. Mark Pettine Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Reference: a) R-2 Lot 142, La Costa South Unik #1 APN 216-190-36 b) Letter sent to Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director dated March 3, 1987 Dear Mr. Pettine: On March 3, 1987, I sent you a copy of the letter reference b). I have been hurt and damaged after owning my lot for 18 years because in escrow the density was changed. As a result, the lot was not sold which put me in a financial bind, When can I expect a reversal in density? Please write me and explain what is happening. Your courtesy will be appreciated. Very Truly Yours, +dJ s Jerome Shaw JS:pt Attachment T m a @e e&&.$ %@$ eo o+r- '404 /OF -Q? 4 %gp!s, opt S€@p 40 ' 01% May 4, 1987 1125 Hoover Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: I object to allowing at this time the development of R-2 lots, regardless of density as set by the City's Master Plan. As I understand it, this plan was approved by the City Council and density limits were set in order to insure that space was crowded conditions. Now this proposal under consideration would allow additional ' development even though the area has been developed to the density of the plan's capacity. This change would result in over crowded conditions, additional traffic problems, over loading our police and fire departments and other city services. A few who now have undevelqed R-2 lots would profit at the expense of the entire population of Carlsbad. I urge you to abide by the Master Plans density limits and goals. provided for development' without creating chaos and over Sincerely, \;L 1 111 & [[ Delores M. Clark " .'"L a% L.3 4 r '. /, ,g (.Q 4 , *3 &AZ \L q?22 Iz 02 J 4 .L \ -" h!r 1987 0 .? pLAr*.Si~G DEPART^^ .. c I 3 'r\ ?>U 6 WfllTE IT - DON'T SAY I'h , Date June 3rd _.__ To City Clerk's Office 0 Reply Wanted From Planning Department UNO Reply Necessary This needs to be noticed in 2 newspapers as an eighth page ad. j i'* &rL I.j / J 9 i'-' ," , . . ". AIGNER FORM NO. 55-032 uu ~,u,J grr wzw mau axIuvub UUUUI-. wuLuLvcIwa u LVL ~kn pvpc w - .ruugru YUUV -v-~-"--- -&p"-, --- As a r&ult, last year the accident more &M," Crossrnan said. . j: mid. F--. - . ~. . , - . - . : .. -. -* ~ . . -. - ~- . . .~ -j . 'i -~- . . - .. .. 0. <," - .. .. . . .. . -r- ~ .- _- -/ _-l. . ~ .... .I ~. "i .. . .. ENcIN-A~/Treatmevtt. lDlanF f - vetoed-r:. .. .. - ~ .. . , 4:. /:-*- -~ -. . . -.- " d- ' a * * ,I - .. . .. .~ " .&-. "-a" ~ ' =- -. " - mvr IA Ill. I * F * 8 \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GPA/LU 86-12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a F hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6; on Tuesday, July q, 1987, to consider an amendment to the text of the Land Use El€ of the General Plan to allow existing R-2 lots to be developed with two family res regardless of the density allowed by their General Plan designation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Departme 438-1161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raisin those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this no or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the hearing . APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: June 26, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL J- T t, w I /1291 3slp City of Carlsbad 3x5 Caren-V BT Fri. 004.1 IN 06/24 16 : 49 ..1 T .. -. 1 V (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PL;tNNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC,HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice - CPA/LU 86-12 City of Carlsbad R-2 Lots for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of . . , 'L.. ".._ ".. . .. . "" Thank you. J\\&L*, $- Assistant City Manag&< -" Dat 7:- " .* , V 1.LL.L VI I UWLLL IILI~I\IIVU , ..I ,. -m NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad w! California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 1987, to consider approval of 01 an mendment to the text of the Land Use Element of the General Plan to, allow existing R-2 lots to be developed with two family residenc.es regard,less "of. thc density allowed by their General Plan designation. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attel the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-1 161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City ( Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. hold a public hearing at the Councll Chambers, 1 ZOO Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, .. CASE FILE: GPA/LU 86-12 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: April 25, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION