HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-07; City Council; 9081; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM RMH TO RM FOR A 41.09 ACRE PROPERTY SOUTH OF CORTE DE LA VISTA AND EAST OF ALICANTE ROAD.r:43 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM RMH a AB# 9d'cf/' TITLE: TO RM FOR A 41.09 ACRE PROPERTY MTG. 7/7/87 SOUTH OF CORTE DE LA VISTA AND PLN EAST OF ALICANTE ROAD. rc DEPT. GPA/LU 86-6 - CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPT. CITY i CITY I i uw 0 h 0 aJc GO Qd ou u5 ha) au s: 5- aJ a? u a0 !-la * OfLI aJ ax Mal G-2 .rl g + uI E23 a 7lD ti ,.p sa a, -4 PM M c 4: ud -4 VaJ C -a0 u 04 0 %2 ?g u ZMaJ ad ACdN a, a0 u mal 5us ?aJ E5: auw a0 a* FI 7l a, -rl 0 -4 s4 u uad c aaJ ?aJU OUG V fLH b co w I b I aJdU .. 2 0 4 =! 0 z 3 0 0 5 CIWF CARLSBAD - AGEN-ILL i ., 5.1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Commission and staff are recommending that City Council adopt the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and direct the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents APPROVING GPA/LU 86-6, and also APPROVE a Resolution of Intention for a zone change from RD-M to RD-M-t ITEM EXPLANATION In 1986, the City Council directed staff to examine propertie throughout the City that have inappropriate land use designations. This study resulted in a number of General P1 amendments and zone changes throughout the City. In 3uly 198 staff recommended to the Planning Commission that the above- mentioned property's General Plan designation be changed from 8-15 du/ac to RM 4-8 du/ac. At that meeting the owner of the property requested a continu to allow for the completion of the review of the La Costa Mas Plan and to propose to the City an acceptable development pla the 8-15 du/ac range. The owner of the property, the La Cost Ranch Company, has since informed staff that they could suppo the Residential Medium 4-8 du/ac designation and asked that t item be scheduled for a public hearing. At the May 6th hearing the Planning Commission voted unanimou to change this site's General Plan designation to RM. They indicated that the zoning on this property should limit the density to six dwelling units per acre. They felt this limitation would help to ensure that any development that doe occur on the site will be compatible in density and appearanc. with existing development in the neighborhood. At the hearin! was also brought to staff's attention that the actual size of property was 41.09 acres rather than 32.9 as stated in the st, report. If the City Council supports this limitation they should also approve the attached Resolution of Intention directing staff prepare a resolution changing the site's zoning from RD-M to I M-6. The Council has placed a zoning limitation similar to 1 for certain other multifamily properties in La Costa when the) were concerned with compatibility problems. For further information see the attached staff report of May 6, 1987. I * m z r t’ Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 76// r ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will n cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, h issued a Negative Declaration, dated 3uly 12, 1986, which was approved by the Planning Commission on May 6, 1987. A copy 01 the environmental documents is on file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACT Because of the reduction in potential units there could be a minor loss in tax revenues. The applicant, when developing tl property will still have to provide Public Facilities Fees an( any other applicable fees to mitigate potential impacts on Cil service. EXHIBITS 1) Location Map 2) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2583 3) Staff Report to Planning Commission, dated May 6, 1987 wi 4) Resolution of Intention attachments RMH to RM -a '' 11 86-6 - 1 +b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f3 9 lo 11 l2 l3 14 I.5 l6 17 l8 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .e a PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2583 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C1T.Y OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM RMH, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH, 8-15 DU/AC TO RM, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM, 4-8 DU/AC ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF ALFIL WAY (CORTE DE LA VISTA), EAST OF ALICANTE ROAD IN LA COSTA APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO.: GPA/LU 86-6 WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment to General Plan designation for certain property located, as sh( Exhibit "A1', dated 3uly 8, 1986, attached and incorporated hc has been filed with the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a req for amendment as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municip Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 30th da 3uly, 1986, and on the 6th day of May, 1987, hold a duly notl public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all perso desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment. * NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plannin Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 9) That based on the evidence presented at the public heari the Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-6, as sh on Exhibit "A", dated 3uly 8, 1986 attached hereto dnd m a part hereof, based on the following findings: ill/ //// 1 i' I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .e e Findings: 1) The site is physically suited for the type and density ( development allowed by the RM, Residential Medium, 4-8 c General Plan designation, since the site has no physical constraints that would prohibit or significantly constri development of this site at the above-mentioned density Medium, 4-8 du/ac General Plan designation will be compatible with existing land uses on adjacent propertic since the property to the north of the site is being developed at a density of 2.2 du/ac and the property to west of the site is being developed at a density of 6.2 du/ac while the land to the south and east of this site designated OS, Open Space. That to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area t corresponding zoning should be implemented as RDM-6. This project will not cause any significant environmenta impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by th Planning Director on 3uly 12, 1986 and approved by the Planning Commission on May 6, 1987. 2) The uses and densities allowed by the RM, Residential 3) 4, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 6th day of May, 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Marcus, Commissioners McBane, McFadd Schlehuber, Hall, Holmes, €4 Schramm. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. - MARY MA S, Chairperson 3 CARLSB PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: t MICHAEL 3. HmZMILyER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RESO. NO. 2583 -2- 1 1 a . .? * '. _i STAFF REPORT /< 4 i. DATE: MAY 6, 1987 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA/LU 86-6 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - Proposed General Plal Amendment from RMH, Residential Medium High 8 - 15 du/ac to RM, Residential Medium 4 - 8 du/ac for a 32.9 acre parcel south of Corte de la Vista and east of Alicante Road. I. RECOMMEND AT I ON That the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolutic No. 2583, recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-6 to the City Council based on the findings contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PAST HISTORY In 1986, the City Council directed staff to examine properties throughout the city that have an inappropriate land use designation. This direction was based on input from the Citizen's Committee that reviewed the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Members of the committee as well as Council members believed that certain properties within the City were inappropriately designated. At the July 30, 1986 Planning Commission meeting, staff recommended that this site's general plan designation be change from RMH, 8 - 15 du/ac to RM, 4 - 8 du/ac. See the attached staff report of July 30, 1986, for additional background information on this site. When this item was presented to the Commission on July 30, 1986 a representative of the La Costa Ranch Company requested that the Planning Commission delay making a decision on staff's recommendat ion to: 1. Allow for the completion of the City's review and revision of the La Costa Master Plan. 2. Allow the La Costa Ranch Company to work with staff to come up with an acceptable development plan based on the site's existing density range of 8 - 15 du/ac. 7 1 * * A representative of the La Costa Ranch Company recently informec staff that they could support staff's recommendation that this site's General Plan designation be changed to RM. He also presented preliminary plans for development of the site with detached single family units on lots averaging 4500 square feet in size. The proposed project had a density of slightly over 4 du/ac which would be in conformance with the site's proposed RM 4 - 8 du/ac designation. This density and product type would appear to be compatible with adjacent existing development. The La Costa Ranch Company has requested that this item be hearc during the June General Plan Amendment hearings because the review of the La Costa Master Plan will not be completed until sometime this fall. They have indicated that they would like tc formally submit an application for a tentative tract on this site soon after the City Council approves the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 6. This zone plan is tentatively scheduled for Planning Commission review in June. Based on the density control points of the City's Growth Management Program, the recommended change from RMH, 8 - 15 du/a to RM, 4 - 8 du/ac wi.11 reduce the allowable number of units on this site from 378 to 195. In conclusion, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve GPA/LU 86-6 for a 32.9 acre parcel located south of Corte de la Vista and east of Alicante Road. Attachments 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2583 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Environmental Document 5. Staff Report, dated July 30, 1986 MH :dm 4/15/87 JULY 8, r .. .e -0 .. .. .. I, .. ,. < . .. .. .. , ., 0.3 DU/ACRE GOLF COURSE Project Setting ALICANTE HILLS r * a BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA/LU 86-6 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST AND LOCATION: General Plan Amendment from RMfi, 8-15 du/ac to RM, 4-8 dubac, on a 32.9 acre pd.rCel S/of Alfil Way(Corte de la Vista)E/of Alicante RI LEGAT, DESCRIPTION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 11722 according to Document No. -- 81-322184, filed October 9, 1981 APN : Acres 32.9 Proposed No. of Lotsnnits GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation F?MEi Density Allowed 8-15 du/ac Density Proposed 4-8 du/ac Existing Zone RD-M Proposed Zone RD-PI Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: zoninq Land Use site RD-M Vacant North RD-M SF South OS Duplex East PC Vacant West PC Vacant -- PUBLIC FACILITIES School District San Marcos Water Carlsbad Sewer Leucadia EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X Negative Declaration, issued July 12, 1986 - E.J.R. Certified, dated Other, - Q 0 , OEVELOPM ENTAL 1200 ELM SERVICES CAALSBAD, C (619) 4 LAND USE PLANNINQ OFFICE Citp of Csrls’fiab NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/MCATIOEI: South of Alfil Way, east of Alicante Road in La Costa. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: General Plan Amendment from RMH, Residential Medium High, 8-15 du/ac to RM, Residential Medium, 4-8 du/ac for a vacant 32.9 acre parcel located as described above. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the ,environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA., 92008. Ccmments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance. i ,- a DATED: July 12, 1996 ! +J.Af-- 1 ~ ~ICHAEL J. HOLZ~~GLER CASE NO: GPA/LU 86-6 Planning Directbr APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH DATE: July 12,1986 ND4 11/85 e e (-a \2 ’ STAFF REPORT \” i DATE: JULY 30, 1986 ‘---/ TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA/LU 86-5/2C-346 AND GPA/LU 86-6 - CITY OF CARLSBAD Two General Plan Amendments and a Zone Change to revis the General Plan designation and zoning on two properties which have inappropriate designations. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the Negativt Declarations issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolution Nos. 2581, 2582 and 2583, recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-5, ZC-346 and GPA/LU 86-6 to the City Council based I the findings contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Earlier this year the City Council directed staff to examine properties throughout the City that have an inappropriate land use designation. This direction was based on input from the Citizen‘s Comxittee that reviewed the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Members of the committee as well as Council members believed that certa-in properties within the City were inappropriately designated. This report will address two site that are inappropriately designated on the General Plan and zoning maps. At the present time, a number of special studies, master plan revisions and new master plans are in process. Altogether, th studies and plans that are in process cover approximately 5,71 acres, which is over 20 percent of Carlsbad. These studies an master plans will result in a nuinber of requests for General P Amendments and Zone Changes at some future date. This report will not discuss these properties since decisions on land uses within these areas will be made when the studies are completed At this time, staff recommends General Plan Amendments and a i change on only two properties: GPA/LU 86-5/zC-346 - A 4.15 acre vacant parcel at thc southwest corner of El Camino Real and Chestnut Avent The General Plan designates this site as RM, Resident Medium density 4-8 du/ac and it has a zoning of RD-M- Residential Density Multiple with a Qualified Overla! Staff recommends that this site be designated as RLM, Residential Low Medium 0-4 du/ac and have a zoning oi 1-10, Single Family Residential with a 10,000 square foot minimum lot size. Q a GPA/LU 86-6 - A 32.9 acre vacant parcel located south of Alfil Way (Corte de la Vista), east of Alicante Roa in La Costa. The General Plan designates this propert as RMH, Residential Medium High 8-15 du/ac. Staff recommends that this site be redesignated to Re, Residential Medium, 4-8 du/ac. Both of the above-mentioned sites have a number of thinqs in common. Both of these sites had either a rezoning or General Plan Amendment to increase the allowable density on the site in the early 1980's. Both sites had tentative tract maps for rnult family projects approved concurrently with the rezoning or revision to the General Plan. Both of the approved projects probably would not be approved at this time. There was opposition to both of the projects from adjacent residents. 01 of the projects has expired. The City Council denied a reques for extension of the other tentative tract map. 111. ANALY S I S Planning Issues 1) Are the proposed land use changes appropriate for the sit 2 1 Would the proposed General Plan Amendments adversely impa the surrounding properties? 3) Is the proposed R-1-10000 zone consistent with the RLM General Plan designation? 4) Is the proposed R-1-10000 zone and the uses allowed withi this zone consistent with surrounding zoning and land use DISCUSSION GPA/LTJ 86-5/2C-346 - Southwest Corner of El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue AS mentioned previously, this site consists of six parcels tha have a General Plan designation of RM, Residential Medium 4-8 du/ac and a zoning of RD-M-Q, Residential Density Multiple wit a Qualified Overlay. These parcels have a combined area of approximately 4.15 acres and are under one ownership. Under their existing General Plan designation they could have a maximum of 33 dwelling units on this site. Staff is recommending that this site's General Plan designat: be changed to RLM, Residential Low Medium 0-4 du/ac and its zoning changed to 3-1-10, Single Family Residential with a 10 square foot minimum lot size. Under the proposed General Pla~ designation and zoning a maximum of 16 dwelling units could bc located on this site. -2- * 0 This site has a number of constraints which staff believes justifies a redesignation and rezoning to a lower density. The site is long and linear with the most buildable portion adjacer to El Camino Real. ' The site is covered with mature eucalyptus trees and most of the westerly portion of the site consists of steep slopes. The properties to the west and south of the site are zoned R-1-10 and developed with detached single family residences. This site also has access constraints. As mentioned previouslJ a zone change, tentative tract map and condominium permit was approved on this project in 1983. This project which probably would not meet the City's current development requirements was approved by a split Planning Commission and a split City Counc vote. The Commission and Council both had concerns about the proposed access to this site. The project proposed two access points. One was a right turn in and out only on El Camino Rea from an existing driveway which it would have shared with six existing single family homes to the south. The other access point was via a steep curving driveway from Chestnut Avenue. Although these accesses were approved, staff was not really comfortable with them, but could not find a better method of accessing the 30 units proposed on this site. Concerns were a raised at the Commission and Council meetings about compatibil with existing single family residences in the area, the projec appearance from El Camino Real and buffering of the project fr El Camino Real. The tentative tract map and planned unit development approved on this site expired earlier this year. Due to the above-mentioned concerns staff believes that this site's General Plan designation should be chanbed from RM, Residential Medium 4-9 du/ac to RLM, Residential Low Medium 0- du/ac. Its zoning should be changed from RD-M-Q to R-1-10. Although the proposed zoning, which is in conformance with the RLM designation, requires 10,000 square foot lots, this site v probably be developed with a clustered planned unit developmer due to the site's constraints. The proposed General Plan designation of RLM and zoning of R-1 will allow for development that is more in keeping with the site's constraints. In addition, it will help to ensure that the intensity of development is compatible with existing development in the area. GPA/LU 86-6 - South of Corte de la Vista, east of Alicante RO~ in La Costa As mentioned in the project description, this site has a Gene Plan designation of RMH, Residential Medium High, 8-15 du/ac a zoning of RD-M. The site has an area of approximately 32.9 acres. Under its existing General Plan designation, 263 - 49. dwelling units could be approved on this site. -3- m a Staff is recommending that this site's General Plan designatic be changed to RM, Residential Medium 4-8 du/ac. The recommenc General Plan designation of RM, Residential Medium would all01 131-263 dwelling units on this site. Staff is not recommendil that the site's present zoning of RD-M, Residential Density Multiple be changed since this zone could implement the RM General Plan designation. Although this site is not as constrainted as the previously discussed site, staff believes that the density allowed by thc existing General Plan designation would be incompatible with surrounding developments. The property immediately to the we: of this site is being developed with duplexes at a density of du/ac. The property to the north of this site is designated 1 Residential Low Medium. It is presently being developed with zero lot line single family homes at a density of 2.2 du/ac. property to the south and east of the site consists of the La Costa Golf course and steep slopes. This site originally had a General Plan designation of RLM, Residential Low Medium 0-4 du/ac and a zoning of R-1-10000. 1981, a General Plan Amendment was approved to change its designation to RMH, Residential Medium High. In 1982, a zone change from R-1-10 to RD-M was approved concurrently with a tentative tract map and condominium permit for a 493 unit project. The approved project had a number of massive buildi and required an excessive amount of grading, most of which consisted of export. This project probably would not be appr at this time. There was some opposition to this project from adjacent residents. They expressed concerns about the amount traffic generated by this project and the large amount of hig density multiple-family projects in this part of La Costa. T City Council recently denied a request for an extension of th tentative tract map for this project. The recommended redesignation to RM, Residential Medium would reduce the amount of traffic on Alicante Road and Alga Road, Although both of these roads could handle the traffic generat by development on this site under its existing designation, m residents of La Costa are already complaining about the amoun traffic on these roads. The redesignation of this property t RW, would also ensure that this site was not developed with a high density multi-family project. Many of the residents of Costa and the City Council have expressed concern about the number of high density multiple-family projects in this area. The Commission may even want to consider returning this site its original designation and zoning of RLM, 0-4 du/ac and R-1 A case could be made that this density range would be compati with adjacent development. However, staff believes that the Residential Medium Density 4-8 du/ac is most appropriate for site. The revised Planned Development Ordinance, new IIillsid -4- % m Q . Ordinance and Architectural Guidelines being prepared for the City will ensure that any project developed on this site undei the RM General Plan designation will be compatible with adjacc development. The recommended General Plan Amendment will not reduce the opportunities for low-moderate income housing in Carlsbad by reducing the allowable density on this site. NO matter what density this site is developed at, the units will not he affordable due to the site's location adjacent to the La Costl Golf Course. In conclusion, staff recommends that the 4.15 acre parcel at southwest corner of El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue be redesignated on the General Plan to RLM, Residential Low Medil 0-4 du/ac. This site should also be rezoned to R-1-10 which would be the implementing zone for the RLM General Plan designation. Staff also recommends that the 32.9 acre parcel located south of Corte de le Vista and east of Alicante Road redesignated to RM, Residential Medium 4-8 du/ac on the Gener Plan. Please see the attached memo dated July 14, 1986, discussing other areas where staff has concerns about the existing Gener Plan and Zoning designations. Although staff has concerns ab these areas they do not have a definite recommendation for an these other areas at this time. If the Commission believes i appropriate they can recommend that staff study these areas a return with a recommendation at a later date. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that these projects will have a significant impact on the environment and, therefore, issued Negative Declarations on July 12, 1986. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 5681, 5682, and 5683 2. Location Maps/Exhibits "A" - "E", dated July 8, 1986 3. Background Data Sheets 4. Environmental Documents MH: ad 7/9/86 -5- I t m 0 a . Mr. C1 arerice Schl ehuber Chai rrnsr~, PI aririi ncj Corntni rjsi on City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: A1 icante Hi 11 5, GPA/LU %6-E,, May E, 1387 Uear Si I-: The purpose of my letter is to express concern over the dwelling unit density of the subject residential parcel. From the early days of Rancho La Costa devel oprr;e:-it i ti 1956-67 unti 1 1972, when the area was anrtexecl by the City, arid from 1972 unti 1 1982 the si~bject property was designate-d RLM, R-1 19,000 square foot lots In 3382 DAON Corporation, ~wi thcut. the know?edqe of the area residents wa5 succes5fuI in rai zinq the det-15i t.y to RMii 9-15 Dl?/AC. .. Development of the 32.9 acre parcel poses several probleims for L Costa resi det-itz, for exa~pl e: 1. RM (4-8 DU/AC) as we17 a:~ RMH (8-15 DlJ/AC) permits devel opmentc, densi ti es to3 high i ii an area a1 ready over1 oaded with high densi ty condominium devel opments. 2. Density up to 8 DU/AC would not be compatible with the Jockey Club, immediately to the west, and Alicante Hills and Estates North [RL) to the north. 3. Unmitigated traffic circulation pi-obleins on Alqa Road and El Carnino Real wil 1 be exa~et-bat.-- .., Li . 4. Development of the site i.,.ill require not only removal c; soil from the site but substantia? fill. I believe 16 or 18,OCIG dirt truck trips was previously cited when a developer in 1985 wanted to build 494 condomi~hiums on this :si t.e. Tht haul route a that time vias across Alga Hills (southwest corner of Alicante/Alga Road) t.=: A1ga Road. !t is my t~nderstanditi~~ that grading on Alga Hills wil 1 zommerice in the fall of 1387 which ma preclude using that haul roi~te. The anly other haul routes woul De ei ther A1 i cante/Al ga/El Carni no Real or El Fuel-te/Al ga/Mel rose Rancho Santa Fe. The residents of this area were forced to eridure tandem dirt trucks on Alga/Al icante/El Fuert.e for almost. t.!iree mont.hc, durit-12 1386 f roii: 7:00 3.x. to scmet.irnes 5:OO p.m. for 5 i :< a I-i d s o me t i IYI e c: seven days a week for the haul out and fill of the other Alicant. Hi 11 s developrrient cn Corte de la V;.= , ,ta. We have s~tffei-ec! enough In surnn~ary, it i 9 recommended t!-iat. the Pl aniii rig Corrimi ssiori and .\ 0 0 * City Council return the development density to that which exist any development is approved, to examine carefully the haul out and fill requirements. for approximately 16 years, i.e., R-1, 10,OQO sq. ft. and befw Sincerely, 67- * 0. B. Adams cc: Mayor Claude Lewis C (3 u n c i 1 rnem b e r s and tarson Planning Director Mike Hclzrniller The La Costan K u 1 c h i n , P et t i n e, Mama u x-, .- /------ I! e (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice CPA/LU 86-6 - City of Carlsbad - Albte Hills for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of . Thank you. ~ ,-\ June 17; 1% Date *& Assist ant City Man-r w W 113,516, 7 LA COSTA HOTEL & SPA 216-130-36,53,59, COSTA DEL MAR ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 64 , 67 2,4,12,67,75,81, DAON CORPORATION 216-130-51,58 123 P.O. BOX 7080 215-480-22 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 215-492-16 215-493-21 215-494-29 2 2 3-19 0-0 1 8,139 HILL TOP DEVELOPERS INC. 216-130-68 C/O WAYNE REEDER 216-290-26 P.O. BOX 667 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302 9,lO ALTIVA PLACE LTD. NO ONE 215-480-17,18 c/c! J>"nE,c E. SETT 866 .S SIERRA AVENUE SOLANA BEACH, CA. 92075 11 NORTH BONITA PARTNERS 215-480-21 11300 SORRENTO VALLEY RD. SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 13 LISA OGDEN 215-240-05-02 7306 ALICLVTE ROAD #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 14 DAVID & LENORA LEVINE 215-492-03 1457 HIGHLAND DRIVE SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 15 DONALD & JANET BEATTY 215-240-17-03 2400-C ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 16 WILLIAM h NANCY FAUCETT 215-240-17-04 2400-D ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 17 J. SPAMPINATO & S. TADE 215-240-17-05 2400-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 18 JOHN W. ROSS 215-240-17-06 1006 ARDEN DRIVE ENCINITAS, CA 92024 19 ESTATE OF MARSHA HUSSAR 215-240-17-07 2400-G ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 w W 20 RENATO & JOAN VALERIO 215-240-17-08 2721 SOCCORRO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 21 CHARLES CONNER 215-240-17-09 168 W 231ST STREET CARSON, CA 90745 22 DANIEL H. GRUBE, JR. 215-240-17-10 2402-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 23 PETER & GLADYS FEDUNAK 215-240-17-11 2402-C ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 24 2402-D ALTISMA WAY 215-240-17-12 715 SILVER SPUR ROAD #210 ROLLNG HILLS EST, CA 90274 25 CHARLES DEMAREE 215-240-17-13 405 PASEO DE LAS ESTRELLAS REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277 26 HENRY & ESTELLE EBERT 215-240-17-14 94 VENUS DRIVE CLOSTER, NJ 07624 27 KURT MOSEL 215-240-17-15 2402-G ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 28 HAIG PASHAIAN 215-240-17-16 2402-H ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 29 ELIE & CAMELIA EL NASSI 215-240-17-17 2814 CHICAGO STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 30 JOHN & TORA THOMAS 215-240-17-18 921 E CONCORD STREET ORANGE, CA 92667 31 MUNIR 6 ELHAM SHAMIEH 215-240-17-19 21703 SANTOQUIN DRIVE DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 32 RENATO & JOAN VALERIO 215-240-17-20 2721 SOCCORRO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 w 0 33 CHERIE L. DEDERA 215-240-17-21 2404-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 34 MARY 3. BARTLETT 215-240-17-22 2406-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-240-17-23 35 CONSTANCE R. WEBSTER 2406-B ALTISMA WAY CARLSEAD, CA 92008 2 15-2 4 0-17 - 24 36 CARLO PINTO 2406-C ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 37 NORMAN & MARY DAVIS 215-240-17-25 21"-1" P.LTISMb WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 38 JAMES & GENEVIEVE MACKEY 215-240-17-26 2406-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 39 DENNIS LEVINSON 215-240-17-27 2406-F ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 40 EDWARD & MARILYN RAVIN 215-240-17-28 5 ALMOND TREE LANE IRVINE, CA 92714 215-240-17-29 41 JOHN MATZINGER I11 2408-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 42 DOROTHY PUSL 215-240-17-30 1333 SANTA LUISA DRIVE SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 43 MARILYN & EDWARD RAVIN 215-240-17-31 5 ALMOND TREE LANE IRVINE, CA 92714 44 GEORGE & ELEANORE POLLONAIS 215-240-17-32 6931 PURPLE RIDGE DRIVE RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90274 45 JOSEPH & LYDIA HAYDEN 215-240-17-33 2412-F ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 w 0 59 THOMAS LYMAN 215-240-05-01 7306 ALICANTE ROAD #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-492-04 60 JOHN ti BEVERLY WILCOXEN 7352 ALTIVA PLACE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-492-05 61 TERRY HOLLINGWORTH 7356 ALTIVA PLACE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 62 PATRICK ti BRENDA MC GUIRE 215-492-06 7355 EL FUERTE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-492-07 63 CHRIS 6 DONNA BUSHARD ------ M4RPTTS -- & BETTY eTJSUARD 7351 EL FUERTE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-492-08 64 PERRY 6 SHELLY WILLMORE NORVEL 6 JO ANN MARTENS 7347 EL FUERTE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 65 DANIEL & DOROTHY BODJANAC 215-492-09 7548 VIEJO CASTILA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-492-11 66 PING THO 6 LING THO HUNG 2928 GAVIOTA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-493-07 68 JACK ti JOANNE TOLLENAAR P.O. BOX 9000 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-493-08 69 ANDRES 6 EVELIN VEGA 7352 EL FUERTE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 70 GLENN HARE 215-493-09 a 7356 EL FUERTE ST #233 P.O. BOX 9000 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-493-10 71 HIALEAH WEST COAST INC. 105 E 21ST HIALEAH, FL 33013 215-493-11 72 GEORGE t DOROTEJA JENKINS 7347 BOLERO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 v w 46 SECURITY PACIFIC NAT'L BANK 215-240-17-34 P.O. BOX 2097 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 47 JOHN & ROSE NEMETH 215-240-17-35 6986 EL CAMINO REAL, #H RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92009 48 IDA REYES 215-240-17-36 2582 LUCIERNAGA STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 49 CEDAR VILLA INVESTORS 215-240-17-37 C/O STEPHAN DAN2 10100 SANTA MONICA BLVD #705 LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 .-.=TIT TAUY n U. LAC a.0 PT LYYLIYILII PT T Ami 315-24n-17-38 -I 3v 2412-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 51 DEBORAH A. MATT 215-240-17-39 40 ROGER WILLIAMS STREET HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035 52 DOROTHY J. PUSL 215-240-17-40 1333 SANTA LUISA DRIVE SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 53 EUGENE SCHLALINE 215-240-17-41 2410-F ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-240-17-42 54 MICHELLE BONFILI 2410-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 55 ROMO J. ROBERTO 215-240-17-43 2410-D ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 56 ALFRED ti JANICE MIKALOW 215-240-17-44 320 29TH AVENUE OAKLAND, CA 94601 REA FRANCES 215-240-17-45 2410-B ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DONALD PALMIER1 215-240-17-46 2410-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 57 58 w 0 1 73 RAMBOLDT SONG 215-493-12 7343 BOLERO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 74 THOMAS A. MASS 215-493-13 333 W WACKER DRIVE #a10 CHICAGO, IL 60606 76 SARKIS & ADRINE ARTINIAN 215-494-17 2809 JACARANDA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 77 EDWARD & VAHIK SARKISSIAN 215-494-18 16551 PARK LANE CIRCLE LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 78 E.W. & E.W., JR. KINTZELE 215-494-19 368 HI HILL WAY EL CAJON, CA 92020 79 MURIEL JARDINE 215-494-20 2917 MANAGUA PLACE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 80 KIPP RYDER 215-494-28 7340 BOLERO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DAVIDSON CO. 216-401-01 THRU 2 9555 GENESEE AVENUE 216-402-01 THRU 1 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 82 - 120 121,122 CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-050-43 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE 223-180-08 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 124 SHERMAN S SARA FEINSTEIN 223-295-17 332 HEDGERUN HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035 125 WALTER d VIOLET DOLINSKI 223-295-18 2034 NUTMEG ESCONDIDO, CA 92008 126 ROWLAM) b SUZANNE WILSON 223-295-19 7501 SOLAN0 STREET CARISBAD, CA 92008 127 BEVERLY TUNISON 6 223-295-20 BLOSSOM PETERSON 7445 SOLAN0 STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 w 0 128 KEITH 6 ELIZABETH DAVIS 223-295-21 7443 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 129 HARRY & MARY SPRING 223-295-22 7441 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 130 JOHN C ALICE POWERS 223-295-23 4608 N 65TH STREET SCOTTSDALE, A2 85251 131 WILLIAM & JEAN WEAVER 223-295-24 7437 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 132 FRANK & ADRIENNE ROCKER 223-295-25 7435 _cGL?>?C! STSPPT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 133 JACK 6 DARLENE WILLIAMS 223-295-26 7433 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 134 CHESTER 6 JANIS KONO 223-295-27 7431 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 135 LAWRENCE b ANN KRELL 223-295-28 7429 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 136 JAMES b CARLA GUGINO 223-295-29 7427 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 137 JEFFREY b CATHERINE REDDAN 223-295-30 7425 SOLANO STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 138 STEPHEN 6 CHERYLA" DEERING 223-295-31 7423 SOLANO STREET CAlUSBAD, CA 92008 13 9 HILLTOP DEVELOPERS INC. 216-290-21 82-166 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE #9 INDIO, CA 92201 140 GLORIA 6 ROBERT HARDING 216-290-26 W.R. FOWLER 5301 APPIAN WAY LONG BEACH, CA 90803 w 0 * 141 RICHARD 6 LOU ANN WALLEN 216-290-37-01 7520-A JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HARRY C ROSE ROTT 216-290-37-02 5660 COLLINS AVE #7E MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33140 14 2 143 REDEN-JOHNSTON ENTERPRISES INC. 216-290-37-03 1100 FLOWER STREET GLENDALE, CA 91201 144 LESTER h THELMA STOAKES 216-290-37-04 7520-D JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 14 5 FRANK 6 HARRIET BLESSING 216-290-37-05 2.115 SACABA CIECLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 14 6 EUGENE h ELIZABETH GEERY 216-290-37-06 7520-F JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 147 HOMER 6 ELLENORE BASH 216-290-37-07 7514-A JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 14 a HENRY & DOROTHY SEYMOUR 216-290-37-08 7514-B JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 14 9 MICHAEL & STEPHANIE SACHS 216-290-37-09 7514-C JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 150 TED 6 MARGARET CATHEY 216- 2 9 0- 37-10 7514-D JEREZ COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 151 LEE & ROSALIND OSBORNE 216-290-39-01 7539 GIBRALTAR STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 152 SOL 6 ANNETTE GOLD 216-290-39-02 7537 GIBRALTAR STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 153 PARMA CO INC. 216-290-39-03 2696 SIERRA MADRE YFlf PALM SPRINGS, CA 92264 154 SEYMOUR b RUTH SIEGEL 216-290-39-04 7533 GIBRALTAR STREET CARISBAD, CA 92008 0 w 1 155 JOSE PADILLA 216-290-39-05 C/O BANK OF AMERICA ATTN: R H POULSEN P.O. BOX 711268 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 156 N T A ASSOCIATES 216-290-39-06 7529 GIBRALTAR STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 157 CASINO FOODS CORP. 216-290-39-07 1710 WESTERN AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 158 MAXINE C. STEVENS 216-290-39-08 7826 VIA AMORITA DOWNEY, CA 90241 159 SAMUEL LANGERMAN 216-290-39-09 7521 GIBRALTAR STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 160 LEWIS b JOANNAH FALK 216-290-39-10 24003 FRAMPTON AVENUE HARBOR CITY, CA 90710 216-290-39-11 161 SIDNEY GRAZI ANN GRAZI TRUST 7517 GIBRALTAR STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 162 WAYNE & SAMMY REEDER 216-290-39-12 1222 TAM 0 SHANTER BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 163 EMILY PEAGLER 216-290-39-13 7513 GIBRALTAR STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 164 MALIN BUILDING CO. 216-290-39-14 24916 DUFFIELD ROAD BEACHWOOD, OH 44122 165 SYLVIA SIEGEL 216-290-39-15 1040 N LAKE SHORE DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60611 166 WALTER EDWARDS 216-290-3 9-16 28441 HIGRRIDGE ROAD t203 ROLLING HILLS, CA 90274 167 367 JEREZ CO. 216-290-44 P.O. BOX 4252 WHITTIER, CA 90207 w 0 168 TNT GIBRALTER 216-290-45 1919 GRAND AVE, SUITE A SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 169 GREG SCHOFFS 216-200-31-01 345 GILBERT AVE EAU CLAIRE, WI 54701 216-200-23-02 170 CHRIS SCHAGAR 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #lo2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 17 1 THOMAS MISSETT 216-200-23-03 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #lo3 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 17 2 RAY 6 PHYLLIS RAMAGE 216-200-23-04 FWCES RAMAGE 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #lo4 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 173 JOHN 6 GERALDINE ST MARIE 216-200-23-05 1358 HYMETTUS AVENUE LEUCADIA, CA 92008 17 4 FRANK BERLAGE 216-200-23-06 P.O. BOX 9127 SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 17 5 HAN DONG SO0 6 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 2 16-2 0 0-2 3- 07 176 JEAN 6 FRANCES ROUARD 216-200-23-08 C/O POLONAISE RESTAURANT 225 S BEVERLY DRIVE REDONDO BEACH, CA 90212 177 MARGARET 6 RICHARD WILSON 216-200-23-09 7603 THIRD STREET DOWNEY, CA 90241 17 8 HANS 6 TERRY BECK 216-200-23-10 9 QUEBRADA IRVINE, CA 92714 17 9 KENNETH 6 JOA" FISHER 216-200-23-11 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #lll CARLSBAD, CA 92008 180 TOM NOWELL 6 EDNA DUKE 216-200-23-12 627 GLENCREST PLACE SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 v 0 181 JESSE & MEG GROOMER 216-200-23-13 3223 FOSCA STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 182 PATRICK b BARBARA CUNNINGHAM 216-200-23-14 1700 CANYON DRIVE FULLERTON, CA 92633 216-200-23-15 183 THOMAS S SHARON SULLIVAN DAVID SITTNER 4375 30TH STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92104 184 NEIL & EVA PALSGROVE 920 WENTWORTH CIRCLE VISTA, CA 92083 216-200-23-16 OT." IT 7 r%nl77-,-* 185 G I nru uwLnnu.1 21E 2G3 -23- 17 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #117 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 216-200-23-18 186 ROBERT S DIANE PRICE 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE X201 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 187 WILLIAM FRIZELL 216-200-23-19 867 MORNINGSIDE LAKE FORREST, IL 60045 188 FRANK BERLAGE 216-200-23-20 P.O. BOX 9127 SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 189 WILLIAM h PHYLLIS SKALAK 216-200-23-21 6016 FAWN AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NV 89107 216-200-23-22 190 OLLIE b DOROTHY TALLERDAY 3284 DONLEY STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 191 RONALD, NEVADEAN & SUE CLAY 216-200-23-23 2564 NEVARRA DRIVE #206 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 192 HARRY SCHUPPNER , JR . 216-200-23-24 738 BLACKTHORNE AVENUE EL CAJON, CA 92020 193 ALEX 6 MAXINE CONSTANTINE 216-200-23-25 3000 AZAHAR STREEZ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2 w 0 " 194 HANNELORE LONZELLO 216-200-23-26 HELGI HEINZMA" 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #209 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 195 DOUGLAS 6 BARBARA CRAIG 216-200-23-27 RODERICK 6 DONELDA CRAIG 726 VAL SERENO DRIVE OLIVENHAIN, CA 92024 KENNETH 6 KATHLEEW BUCKLEY 216-200-23-28 196 1010 PASEO DEL PAS0 CHULA VISTA, CA 92010 197 JESSE & MEG GROOMER 216-200-23-29 3223 FOSCA STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 198 TILLY DAUBER 216-200-23-30 835 W PICADILLY DRIVE PHOENIX, A2 85013 199 JOHN SMITH 6 MARY FRANCES 216-200-23-31 2545 LUCIERNAGA STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 200 CRYSTENA CHASE 216-200-23-32 P.O. BOX 1519 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 201 NEIL 6 EVA PALSGROVE 216-200-23-33 920 WENTWORTH CIRCLE VISTA, CA 92003 202 JOHN & DORA BAUD 216-200-23-34 3323 MARDON AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 203 JOSEPH MROZOWSKI 216-200-26-01 DBA LA COSTA GREENS ASSOC. C/O CAI, AMERICAN REALTY CO. 10455 SORRENTO VALLEY ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 204 HARW LEASON 216-200-26-02 2556 NAVARRA DRIVE 88 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 205,207,209 THRU AMERICAN SAVINGS 6 LOAN 216-200-26-03,05, 216,220,221,223, 343 E MAIN STREET, P401 07 THRU 14, 18,19 224 STOCKTON, CA 95201 21/22 P e V w 206 FRANCIS & MARGARET RYAN 216-200-26-04 * 72 HUNTER LANE RIDGEFIELD, CT 06877 208 SYLVAN & HELENE RAY 216-200-26-06 JOEL RAY & HARRY RAY 7276 LUPTON CIRCLE - DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 21.7 WAmE NAKAJI 216-200-26-15 2552 NAVARRA DRIVE #F CARLSBAD, CA 92008 218 BERNICE KAYE 216-200-26-16 2552 NAVARRA DRIVE #E CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2i9 ASLX!?& ?',I?!E?-?LS ( ?!s ! INC . 216-200-26-17 P.O. BOX 118 DENVER, CO 80201 222 HERBERT & JEANNE ANDERSON 216-200-26-20 2558 NAVARRA DRIVE $A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 225 SCOTT SCHUBOT 216-370-01-01 7480 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 226 GEORGE ti CYNTHIA SHULMAN 216-370-01-02 7478 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 227,235,240,242, JOCKEY CLUB LIMITED 216-370-01-03,11, 247,250,251,252, C/O THEODORE ARONEY 18,23,26,27,28,30 254,255,256 7690 EL CAMINO REAL, #105 31,32 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 228 JOSEPH KLUDJIAN 216-370-01-04 5440 TOPAZ LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 229 SANDRA TENEBAUM 216-3 7 0- 01-0 5 P.O. BOX 1441 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80150 230 WILLIAM OWEN 216-370-01-06 WILLIAM 6 BARBARA PORTER 7458 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 231 MAURICE & RUTR ETTLESON 216-370-01-07 15 W 600 ROOSEVELT ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 + er e r v 232 SHIRLEY FRUCHTMAN 216-370-01-08 w 5445 N CITATION ROAD TOLEDO, OH 43615 216-370-01-09 233 RICHARD b BARBARA BRONSON 33 MOUNTAIN FARMS ROAD W HARTFORD, CT 06117 234 LEE 6 CLAUDIA TREVINO 216-370-01-10 6992 EL CAMINO REAL #lo4 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 236 ROBERT C LAURA ELLIOT 216-370-01-12 7418 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 216-370-01-13 237 RAYMOND & MARIANNE ALDER 7410 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 216-370-01-14 238 CYNTHIA & DANIEL VAN MIEGHEM KAREN RABE 3201 RETREAT COURT MALIBU, CA 90265 GENE 6 BERNADINE SCHANBAUM 216-370-01-15 5601 PREAKNESS PLANO, CA 93257 23 9 241 ALFRED & BEXERLY ROSENFIELD 216-370-01-17 5327 WESTERN HILLS AUSTIN, TEXAS 78731 JULIUS 6 FRANCES COLE" 216-370-01-19 2030 EMPIRE CENTRAL P.O. BOX 36485 DALLAS, TEXAS 75235 243 244 HAROLD 6 ETTA LAMPEL 216-370-01-20 7409 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 245 JJW CAPITAL COW 2 16-37 0-0 1- 21 C/O JEFFREY WEINBERG 1144 RED ROSE LANE VILLANOVA, PA 19085 246 PETER & ELA FONBERG 216-370-01-22 5452 GLEN LAKES DRIVE 8203 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 248 LARRY FLEMING 216-370-01-24 6 HAMETON ROAD WITCXITA, KS 67206 . J + .t 0 c * NED & MARGARET GOOD 216-370-01-25 249 35 S RAYMOND Am, #ZOO PASADENA, CA 91105 253 JERRY 6 MILDRED MANDEL 216-370-01-29 7467 VIA DE FORTUNA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 257,258 THEODORE ARONEX 216-370-02,03 7690 EL CAMINO REAL #lo5 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 #,a//,W X), cloFMr4~ eo. 6794 451 hrHd de4 &;.Le, dOS'L* CLkAdDd, eo4 qdw r a a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' I) GPA/LU 86-6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a 1 hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, July 7, 1987, to consider a proposed General Plan Amendmeni RMH, Residential Medium High (8-15 du/ac) to RM, Residential Medium (4-8 du/ac) fc 32.9 acre parcel on property generally located south of Corte de la Vista and easi Alicante Road. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Departmc at 438-1161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raisir only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in 1 notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prioi the public hearing. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: June 26, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL I c '-, w e mlg ; . Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circ published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, an newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligenceof a general charac which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list o subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intl the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one y preceding the date of publication of th hereinafter referred to; and that the n which the annexed is a printed copy, hl published in each regular and entire issuc newspaper and not in any supplement thl the following dates, to-wit: - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GPAILU 86-6 NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that Planning Department at 438-1161. the city council Chambers, 1200 limited to raising only those issues Carte de la Vista and east of Ali- cante Road. ing this matter, please call the Ifyou challenge the General Plan Amendment in c0urt, You may be y0u Or Someone e1se raised at the Public hearing described in this notice. or in written correspon- dencedelivered to theCityofCarls- bad at Or prior Xo the public hearing. APP'i~~~~~~~~,~~~~c~~ Ifyoid have any questions regard- the City Council ofthe CityofCarls- bad will hold' a public hearing at Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California: at 6.~0 P.M., on ~~~~d~~. J~~~ ,, 1987, to considera proposed ~~n6~- al plan Amehdment from RMH, Residential Medium High (&15 du) ad to RM, Residential Medium (4-8 du/ac) for a 32.9 acre parcel on Property generally located south of June .?e. . ....................... ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California on day of " Thp 26t-h Ti2-i~ lag? -.-9 , '. >Y hf- i. i .dMl 0' i Clerk of th NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING \ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 1987, to consider approval of proposed General Plan Amendment from RMH, Residential Medium High 8 - 15 du/ to RM, Residential Medium 4 - 8 du/ac for a 32,9 acre parcel on property generally located of Corte de la Vista and east of Alicante Road. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attc the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the General Plan Amendment in court, yo11 may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: GPA/LU 86-6 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: April 25, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION , , >*- deg - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a a CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 173 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ( DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONSIDER AN AMENOMENT 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Pursuant to Section 21.52.020 of the Carlsbad Mur Code the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby declz intention to consider an amendment of Title 21 of the Carl Municipal Code to; Amend the zoning map to change the zone designati 41.09 acres of property generally located south o de la Vista and east of Alicante Road from RD-M t 6. The Director of Building and Planning is directed said amendment and after appropriate study set the matter 1 public hearing before the Planning Commission. Ill/ I/// I I/// ///I //I/ /I// /I// //I/ ///I //I/ /I// I/// . 9% sr . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 I.2 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a Sa PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7thday of July , 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Petti ATTEST: A LfTE. {A UggKxA*\C 1 1 e r k (SEAL) -2-