HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-07; City Council; 9082; REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 15AB# yaFA TITLEREQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MTG, 7-7-87 DEPT.-~UL-- MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 15 DEPl CITY ClVY ds W > 0 G a n 4 .. z 0 - 5 a g 2 3 0 0 CITmF CARLSBAD - AGENDVILL / RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the Alex Land Corporation, BieriIAvis and the Mandan Cal Company to prepare the Local Facilities Management Plan fa Zone 15. ITEM EXPLANATION This petition is being presented to the City Council requestir authorization under section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. The Council has previously receik and approved similar requests, although this one may be more complicated. Staff believes the following considerations shot be made prior to rendering a decision. I. What percentage of owners are willing to proceed and prep: the plan? proceed until a local plan is prepared? 2. Has the City approved projects within the zone which cannc 3. Have the petitioners made a reasonable effort to contact q discuss their desires to prepare a local plan with the ott property owners in the zone? 4. Is the development of this area of the City premature? Analysis of Request 1. Sixty six percent of the property owners in the zone have agreed to have the petitioners prepare the plan. There ai 148 acres of publicly-owned land in the zone (Costa Real Municipal Water District - 51.87 acres and the University California - 96.21 acres) and 86.39 acres of land that ar~ already developed (Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park). If developed land and the publicly-owned land was deducted f the total acreage of the zone, 78.4% of the undeveloped, remaining land ownership supports the preparation of the plan. Overall, staff would feel more comfortable about t request if a greater percentage of the owners were supportive. Especially concerning is the fact that two o the property owners who have not agreed to the petitioner preparing the plan (Cantarini and Western Land) own key parcels in terms of planning the required circulation to serve the zone. I e 0 . Page Two of Agenda Bill No, 2. There are two approved projects located within the zone anc one pending project (refer to Exhibit 3 for locations). These projects are on hold, pending the preparation and adoption of a Local Facilities Management Plan. This is probably the key consideration regarding this request. Staff believes that procedurally, there must be a way for i local plan to be prepared when approved projects have been put on hold pending adoption of a plan. It appears the on1 alternative is for the City to prepare the plan. 3. The petitioners sent letters to all owners inviting them t attend a meeting to discuss preparation of the plan. Following the meeting, a registered letter requesting owne concurrence was sent as well as several phone calls. A summary of these efforts is accompanying the letter attach as Exhibit No. 3. 4. It if were not for the fact that the City has already approved projects in this zone, staff would probably find that development in this zone is premature. There is very little development existing within the zone and very littl facility planning has been done in the area. Several property owners in the zone have indicated to staff in the past that they are not ready to develop their property. However, based upon all of these considerations, particularly fact that there are approved and pending projects within the 2 that are on hold until a local plan is approved, staff is recommending that the City Council authorize the Alex Land Corporation, BeirijAvis and the Mandana Cal Company to proceed with the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan f Zone 15. FISCAL IMPACT None. The petitioners will pay all costs for preparation of t Local Facilities Management Plan. They are not requesting an} reimbursement from the City or from any other property owners the zone, thereby eliminating the need for City involvement ir cost apportionment. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map of Zone 15 2. Location Map showing approved and pending projects 3. Letter request from Development Consultants Corporation dated April 21, 1987 w OWGA I IWN EXHIBIT 1 G c - - c L L L / - ZONE 15 JA LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS rlr 0 APPROVED & PENDING PRC EXHIBIT 2 SBAD HIGHLAN RANCHO DEL CERRO EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK SYCAMORE CREEK APPROVED 0 PENDING ZONI EXHIBIT 3 e W DEVELOF CONSOR April 21, lY87 CONSUL HonoraDle Mayor & City Counci 1 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES Under the provisions of the City's Growth Management Program, a Facilities Management Plan must be approved for each of the 25 Local Facl'lities Management zones. There are three ways that this can be accomplished. First, the City can prepare the plan with the costs accessed to the owners within the zone. Second, - ALL property owners may jointly submit a plan. Third, where a "joint" submission is not possible any group of Owners may petition the Counci'l for authorization to proceed With preparation and submittal. Development Consultants Consortium (D.C.C.) has been retained by three property owners to formulate a Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 15. (see attachment 1 - client list Zone 15) An effort to obtain the support of 100% of Zone 15's 25 property owners was begun in mid December 1986. Notices were sent to all owners of record inviting attendance at a meeting held on December 17, 1986, for the purpose of explaining the program and soliciting support. (see attachment 2) Eleven owners attended the meeting representing 824 + of the zone's 1477 + acres. At the conslusion of the meeting the owners verbaTly agreed to support preparation of the plan. authorization forms. The owners shown on the D.C.C. client list have agreed to pay the cost of preparing the facilities plan. They are not seeking reimbursement of these costs thereby eliminating the need for City involvement in cost apportionment. MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 15 TO date, 8 of the 11 ownerships have returned signed 2892 JEFFERSON P. 0. BOX 21 43 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (61 9) 434-31 35 0 w April 21, 1987 Page Two Ltr: Mayor & City Council A follow-up letter was sent to all property owners who had not attended or returned authorization forms. (attachment 3) This letter was sent via registered mail for record keeping purposes. Registered receipts have been received from all owners. (copies are provided as attachment 4) After contacting all 25 property owners, we have received a total of 15 signed authorizations representing 974.5 acres or 65.98% of the Zone's total 1477 acre land area. (see attachment 5 - authorization forms) However, it should be noted that of the Zone's 1477+ acres, only 1242.53+ acres are undeveloped and held in private ownership. The diFferentia1 a is either already developed or held in restricted public owner have been received from over 75.43% of the privately held, undeveloped land in Zone 15. Attachment 7 is a summary of the results of the efforts made to contact Zone 15 property owners. Although efforts will continue to establish direct contact wit the remaining ownerships we are now seeking Council authoriza- tion to proceed with the Zone 15 Facilities Plan. Approval of this request to proceed at your earliest convenienc would be appreciated. If you have any questions or need additional information, plea! contact DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS CONSORTIUM at (619) 434-3135. Very truly yours, ship, (see attachment 6) This means that positive responses fik Jack Henthorn JH: cr cc: City Manager Phil Carter 0 w ATTACHMENT 1 W 0 CLIENT LIST ALEX LAND CORPORATION c/o Alex Tucker 5785 Oberlin Drive Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92121 BIERI/AVIS c/o Doug Avis 11300 Sarrente Valley Road Suite 107 San Diego, CA 92121 MANDANA CAL CO c/o Hlex Ghahremani 18552 MacArthur B1 vd. Suite 341 Irvine, CA 92715 W a ATTACHMENT 2 -?:: +-.- ?*a'!\ *' - - ? W -.-ELL W,-GR.OSSE D_EVELOPM NT CO; INC, -. r - 1 .-' _. .<%-.-A -.;- ,'':;>i--. . ._.., ,_,__ ;-. -4. -:;+-...+&., 8- .... -. . . -., 1.. ', - 1.. .*- --. . .1T, - 8 .;*-,. ki+ ,"I j- . 5 .I . .- ; Lpv: " IT, 1i;y; . .,-x H S-\\:.*r .. ... . j'm ii &&,J ifl .. I . ..-" 2 8880 Avenida Encinas, Suite A .- Carlsbad, California 92008 .. December 12, 1986 TO : OWNERS OF PROPERTY WITHIN CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 15 SUBJECT: INVITATION TO INFORMATIONAL MEETING On November 4, 1986 the voters of the City of Carlsbad passed Propositi2 the City sponsored growth limitation measure. As a result, 311 grogerty the City must comply with the provisions of the recently adopted Srowt? Ordinance. The ordinance has divided the City into 25 Growt'rl E.tan;lgwent Your property is located within Zone 15 (map attached). The ordinance requires that each zone conduct an analysis of f1~t:i-e pub- needs and develop a method of insuring that they will be built $when lee? document is called a Local Facilities Plan. Until this is done t'7e Cjty use changes, parcel maps, building permits, etc.). As property owners with a desire to proceed, we are starting th? 2nalysj to prepare the Zone 15 plan. Our intent is to take an approach that dcu for needed facilities while allowing property owners with no plar?s to de postpone facility expenses until their property is developed. Nj:h th;s mind, we want to involve property owners who have no imvediafe p:3ns for as well as those with more immediate goals. Therefore, we would like to invite you to proceed with us as a ''~0oper3: owner", as we prepare the Zone 15 Local Facilities Plan. This nieans tha will - not be required to contribute to the costs of preparation an3 DroLe the plan. (These costs are estimated to be in the vicinity of S3@,0CO t Also, your cooperation will - not obligate you to support the fins: plan i don't agree with it when it comes forward to the Council for adoptiorl. manner a plan can be prepared by those property owners wit$ a desire to at no expense to those who dn not. Alternatives to this approach are outlined on the attached pages fro7 f+ "Guide1 ines for preparation of Local Facility Management n la is" are~areil City and dated August 19, 1986. A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Decelnber 17, 1986, 3: tie Lexingtor. located at 751 Macadamia, Carlsbad. (Poinsettia and 1-5) 'his meetin. i purpose of explaining in more detail how the proposed plvi will be ff.3r-r Please contact our local representative, Jack Henthorn, at (619) a33-313 are unable to attend or need additional information. sle look. forward t3 with you. Sincerely, not accept applications for any type of development approval (this MG 4 ~~~~~~~~~~7 ise 1 Posse Contractors License No. 378383 a W ATTACHMENT 3 w m SUBJECT: CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 15 On December 17, 1986, an invitation was extended to you to attend a meeting to discuss the City's new Growth Management Plan requirements. This meeting was hosted by RUSSELL GROSSE DEVELOPMENT, local property owner. The meeting was held with 15 property owners representing over half of the 1400 acres designated as Zone 15. A presentation was made by our firm on behalf of RUSSELL GROSSE DEVELOPMENT. Following a qiiestion and answer period all of those property owners in attendance agreed to support the preparation of the plan, reserving the right to oppose it when it came forward for adoption by the City Council. In addition, those in attendance were advised that the costs of preparing the plan would be borne by 3 of the niajor property owners in the zone. However, in order to proceed we must have a statement supporting preparation of the plan from each property owner, or we must seek permission to proceed from the City Council. !de are enclosing a support form and self-addressed, stamped envelope for yotir use in returning it. Your- signature does not obligate you to share in the cost of the plan CT s~pport it if you do not agree with it !when it <s cciiiglet?. Yoi~r signature hoes authorize us to start tile Frocess of restoring your development right. Your response is needed by Friday, February 13, 1987. If you have any questions or need additional information, p!?as~ contact me at your convenience. 'iery trul yjiours, ,Y 6&// p)& 4 ' I* i jack Fenthorn b JH:cr e W ATTACHMENT 4 r service(r) requested. 1 .; _. -0 Rwtricted Delivery. p.0. Box 1055 - Carlsbad, CA 92008 . I - -. 3 I_cc_ --_ -.____. -- - I L available. Consult postmaster for fees and chuk bo i 3 -‘-~or’serviceb) requested. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: Dorothy Sandlin 1103 Bel Air Place Los Ange’les, CA 90077 Registered Insured P 254 604 1 l Certified [TJ COD Always obtain signature of addresseeaagent and DATE DELIVERED. a W 3 d .L 5 d w I rnir caro irom P t 0 5- reverse r~ae. t-all do thts will prevent thiscard fr being returned t . The return rnmi t fee will Pro! you the name of w t, *son delivmrd t:and the date delivny. For additional fees the following s8rviceJ are available. Consult postmaster tor feesand check box(< for rervice(s) requested. 1 Show to whom. date and addres of de eep' b, . 2. 0 Restricted Deliverv. 3. Article Addressed to: Mi ke 0' Hara Sycamore Creek 6361 Yarrow Drive Ste A Carlsbad, CA 92008 4. Typk of Service: Article Number 0 Registered .Ll hied P 254 604 131 0 Certified 0 COD,. 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseeqLagent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addresee Ox z -I C s n m c) E s 2-.6 a7 7. Date of Doliver v 8. Addressee's Addrm (ONLY ffMqJatadrmdfe 1 3 W 2 -L L f. ' I 8 A reversesade. Fail o do this w~ll prevent this card trc being returned t . The return ruei t fee will Prov you the name of @ person delivered t:and the date c delivery. For additional fees the following services are available. Consult postmmer for fees and chack boxf0 for rervic~(r) requested. '3 Show to whom, date and address of delivery. 4: n 2 3 w 5 -4 2 z -. SENDER: Complete items 1,2,3 and 4. PuI your address in the "RETURN TO" space on the reverse side. Failure IO do this will prevent This card from being returned to you. The return receipr fes will provlde YOU the name Of the Person delivered to and the date of delivery. For additional fees the following services are available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box(es) for rervice(s) requested. --. __ - __ _. p(" a Show to whom, dare and address of delivery. w "-L. 0 Restricted Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to.: . Western Land & Dev. Co. 5200 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 4. Type of Service: Registered 0 Insured P 254 604 192 Certified 0 COD 0 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseeaagent and DATE DELIVERED. Article Number 5. SbtatUre - Addresue I B sx. In Signature - Agent % 7. Date of Delivery 2 1 E s 8- Addr-M'r Addres (ONLY ifrequmedand fee pnid) # *4 c + are and address of dollvery 0 James Hagaman C-: 5320 Sunny Creek Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 - being returned to YOU. The return rrcaipt fee wlil rovide Yw the name Of the PerSon delivered to and the d:fe of de'ivsry. For additional fern the followtng WrviceJ are available. Consult Portmerter for fees and check box(-) for -mice(s) requested. o Show to whom. dare and address of delivery. - * Show ,~ whom ,jaTe and address 0' de''ver' 2. Q Restricted Delivery t - ._-_ __ __ ? 'v v, n !! 3 b2 2 ." 2 T 4 SENDER. Complete items 1, 2.3 and4. Put Your address In [he 'RETURN TO ' space or reverse side Failure to do 1h!s will prevent This cI bemg returned 10 YOU The return reel t feed You the name of rhe person delivered 1:and the dellverv For sdditlonal fees the followmg servIc< avsllabfe. COnrUlt Postmasrer for fem and chsk for servrce(s1 requested. m @ 6 ATTACHMENT 5 0 @ December 77, 1986 2 7g0 City of Carlsbad / 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES vARAGE'I;E'!IT PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of prope ty known as Sail Diego CoiJriy Asses5G' Parcel (s) number(s) (4-c L;~~X~.~&&~,~~~ ) I support preparation of the Zon 20 Local Facilities Managenent P1.n By signing this statement it is understood that I DO i!gT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it comes c~r-~,*)Zr I Q% for adoption by the City, , 1933- -- Signed this ilfi day of 7~ 'I. Pw-L 5 6-i' I$, L-A 1 ~-h J~c' L 'I Please Print NFe /~/c.g,.+~~~i- Ll-1 . 7 L /AfL PRIUT NAME HERE &L/ )- S I G id A T LI 3 E Please Sign Here ,J- m 9 December 17, 1986 35% City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES i44X4GEYi PLAN ZONE 15 A5 the owner of property ~PCIWP as 5an nieoo County ,4ssess Parcel (s) number(s) J(7 7 060 5-7 60 I support preparation of the Zon Local Facilities i4anaSement >1 , BY Signing this iiaternyt . 5 is understood that I DO ;JOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including theright to oppose the plan when it comes forw for adoption 'by the City. Signed this 31 day of AORLQFdW, 7 , 12:: G, r 7- Please Print Name gc c- 3 c- -> > f3Afl[3 13 17 PRINT NARE PERE Please Sign Here a,, Q &?p,& X S&NAT?$E //j o e- December 17, 1986 j.d City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES :.1A:;AGE’.1EN PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assesso Parcel (s) nurnber(s) I support preparation of the Zon cal Facilities Yanagenent P;? By signing this statement it is understood that I DO ?:3T waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including theright to oppose the plan when it conies fowa for adoption ‘by the City. Signed this a! day of -Q-J- , 12& Please Print Name p717 y #/?I;)LOd Please Sign Here L/& )/ v PRINT NAME HERE SIGNATU2E .. . .. W e December 17, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive ,. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: Pw.rP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES M1NAGEME' PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego Courty Assessc Parcel (s) number(s) I suppurt preparation of the Zone Local Facil3ties Xatiaser-ent PI? By signing this statement it is understood that i P? 'i3T waive any rights that I might otherwise be entit'ed -2 including the right to oppose the plan when it coiios fori*/? for adoption by the City. -- T5 Signed this 4 day of mEf , 19~f rV W6Uf M. dJb -___ Please Print Name PRINT IUME HE3E I l@ Please Sign Here / +L7/ 47 &&& SIGNATlJ2E / -_ ~ ..------ - - - L December 17, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMEN7 PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessor I support preparation of the Zone * Local Facilities Management Plar By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the.right to oppose the plan when it comes forwar for adoption by the City. Signed this L" day of 7eRL.Lumky , 198 _- 7 Farce7 is} numueris j ab Ob /'I 7 ao, 03 da v / I 15" 5? Please Print Name /4L(aAAO~ &&Y PRINT NAME HERE] Please Sign Here I SIGNATURE W 0 .(- P $3.9 i December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMEN' PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assesso Parcel(s) number(s) 209-090-01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 09, 10 & 11, I support Development Consultants Consortium preparation of the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Pla By signing this statement it is understood that I DO NOT -- waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to, including the right to oppose the plan when it comes forwa for adoption by the City. - I r 19 B'i Signed this z day of {,L..J~'~ i LLd~ -. Please Print Name H. D. "Mike" O'Hara for Sycai PRINT GWE HERE i -\,.- - -._ \--- - \- -. -=?- 1 .., , --.. - ?+-cLL4 Please Sign Here \-------., . -y-- SIGNATURE v v / 0 0 December 17, 1986 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive .. Carls.bad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER . SUBJECT:. PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES E.~ANAGEMEN PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of prope 9)9,0.-.CLU~J A s s e s s 0 .preparation df the Zone 2-Q Coca1 Facilities I,ianaQeme$t PI2 By signing this statement it is understood that i EO iiOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it c~~es forw? for adoption by the City. {&,&;k)T: .dY \' ',x Parcel'b) number(s)- r-7 I support ;I IS Signed this '7 ( day of, $/:I ,,I ziLb , 19g 7. , 7'1 , i, 4f .:,f ;,>,/' , i :;;,4 /i Please Print Name /../',, ','\ J PRIIiT NAFjE !;:E?,; I ,/- Please Sign Here c-,/iK/i, hi. ;' !'yi/d,jA /I.} ,, . I. L -', .. S iGNATU?E / ._ .. _.__ -_ - . . . . . - . - . a 0 December 17, 1986 9' City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES VAN4SE'*lEP PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assessc Parcel (s) number(s) preparation of the ZOFI=IO Local Facilities Manager-ent Dl? By signing this statement it is understood that 1 DO ;IO' waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled TO including theoright to oppose the plan when it comes for!,!; for adoption by the City. Signed this 52% day of I support ZcA.,x. 44' Uk. * ,19& - Please Print Nam Please Sign Here December 17, le6 8 qy City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES !*14'1;\GE:IE'4 PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San .Diego County 4SSeSSG preparation of the Zone'&/Locaf Facilities Yanagerent Plz By signing this statement it is understood that I DO iiOT waive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it comes forr!a for adoption by the City. QI /1,/'~ -qy) - Parcel (s) number(s) c* - 1 support I ' . ~ ,, fv4 .-1 1 Signed this .J day of d,:b~l/dl~/ , 19e7 In /,'/ Please Print Name. ",'/",id i, I -3, .' 5 7- I - 1- // ;/. , I ' I PRINT NAPiE ktE?E F ;iL,i 4, ,I /I/- //, I! d,J ' ..;.;-' ,- I'? Please Sign Here dkk$,/-k , S I GNATiJ SE f ------ '___ .. *. a e December 17, 1986 3 3."g City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION Ti3 PREPARE LOCA!- FAC!LIiItS L. - ' . I, - - r,i r ,I PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property knowr: as Sall Die93 Cotjpt., .Assess2 Parcel (s) niiiriber(sj ..> .I ',,! .i.. ,I i;:-. '1, -i, _._ .A '- J i fj7 i- i! f, - preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities i,lan?;?r?nt : ,? By signing this statement it is understood t;:?: : b.~ !\- waive any rights that I might otherwise be er,titsec x including thrright to oppose the plan when it c3i;i@s =~r:a): ,m I < --, . -. . -1 . , . ..+ -- -.- I support -_ . - >.? .'A- __-__- ,- . for adoption by the City. / . hr . 1351 Signed this day of ,,?XL%& ._ __ Please print fijanl? -I d:~. /", /(/+ - -. -__. ___p-f!lii: ----- FF,INT EiA>iE !:E?! $&- I" Lfif; __ - ... - Please Sign Here T\ L, LA- S T G Pi 2. T L December 15, 7986 e 6) 32;-2 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dri'~c Carlsbad, CA 92093 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER -.~~, - _..._ SUSJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE iOSi:.i r-:i\..i - 1 ' , ... PLAN ZONE '15 --r-- AS the owner of property kno:.!n as Sal.! 3icg:; I-. preparation of t.11~ zgse 15 ip.:?; ~?.:jj;tjps :.':.-.-.--.-.--: .. .. . .. - . - .. .. ..-.. --. .~ __.. _____.._._ .. _-.___. _._- ---- - ____ Pal-cel (s) number(s) I support BY signing this Stateme!lt it is unders::cc,: :.,-,?: . mive any righ.ts that 1 might cti1pt.:.;isp ij? .q.-'-. -. .,. -..-.. . L- including the right to oppose t}le pli.:;? ~,~,i;slx, 7.: r:--.-: ___...__..___..__ ---. .. ~-.-. -. ax. c, ____-__ . _- - -. - . . . -_.- . . ;I .c IO^ adoption by tilt3 Ci7:y. . -- : -> 7 Signed this [f' da:i of Q&LK,~,J+. .. . .- . - . . .. - - -- Please Print i<aFe X/C-/~~O KC~ . . .--. -. 2 2 I ;$; T ;; ,L ;.: c .> . ..._._.__ ...~ ._-..._ Please Sign Here W 0 December 17, 1986 HtC. City of Carlsbad 2075 las Palmas Drive ._ Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES t,'LYfiLT;E!4Eh PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego Csunty Assessc I support preparation of the Zone Local Faci 1 i ti es Mana;enent Pi 2 By signing this statement it is understood that I --___ D? I!?- waive any rights that I might otherwise be enti:!ec LE including the right to oppose the plan when it cc~iies fori.)? for adopti-on by the City. Signed this 4- day of ,FA .I : 1SL.Z - Parcel(s) number(s) j-r_/3Lj,30.-mov "3,. 7 Llci ow - I. Please Print Name PIA /\/DRMA L#-i - eo'. PRIU RAME tit& Please Sign Here by : v/ SIGNAT!IRE //. G-/+fi--M-eE- HA A4 / LlY / .. .. - - . - . . . . . - . QIECB w 0 December 17, 1986 3.li3 ci 'cy of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES NANASE!4E PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as Sail Diego County Assess preparation of the Zone ?a3 Local Facilities Management P: By signing this statement it is understood that I DO ROT waive any rights that I might othervlise be entitled to including theright to oppose the plan when it conies forw for adoption-by the City. Signed this j day of 5.1- ._ I,. ! , Parcel (s) nurnber(s) 1,': c' r.1 j 'i 'j ,: c' {', I x' I ,/- i' r: I s u p p o r t i..;'; ,&. vL 6'- r ,./ +-- li , -. 198 'I - '! I( , I , , ; ,_ lj i.<., ,.,, .c // "1- Please Print Name ,,k, ,, ,j:,f,L,J PRINT NANE HERE I/ i ~ ~, ' p- P1 ease Sign Here 1; / ,.:.< (-><,. ., ... I.!:.. I ,.<,.,, i /. . e. SIGNATGRE c t .. .. W 0 REC'i) December 17, 1986 2 2.2 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carls-bad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LOCAI- FACILITIES M;IVFGE'AEf PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as San Diego County Assesso Parcel (s) number(s) z~~-~~o-.-PwTJ- preparation of the Zone 20 Local Facilities blanagement 'Jj? By signing this statement it is understood that waive any rights that I might otherwise be entizled to d ,h i n c 1 u d i nu he right to oppose the u when it comes form I - ..pw 15- * I support I DO ;IO' foGdoptian by the City. Signed this 1,' day of , 1997 Y - Please Print Name aeRzy sbNd1(W I PRiNT NAPE -E?E --- &we&& __ i; 7-p- *@& fi? aeau A A ALA- ~-Gi.tf/QCIIU / 4 Please Sign Here S IGNPTJEE 7d N-'p=7 &*& .. 1 -_-- - ,-., December 15, .I I~UO 0 City of Carlsbad l+ 2075.Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: PHILIP CARTER ,,. . . --<I- .. - , ._ . . ._ - SUSJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPAgI-: Li3C(,L F;,C!L!--'-- . .. PLAN ZONE '15 .__, ----- ... _-. . As the owner of property known as Sc?n Cingc I:, .. . . Parcel (5) number(s) I suvport preparation of the Zone 15 Local FGcilities " . '.I '-. By signing this statement it is understosd :?.e: : .____-- L : ,. waive any righ.,ts that I might other~rise be ?'--::::-?: .. ?:, including the right to oppose the plan K/:E.'? i: -?--: _. ... ::- : for adoption by the City. Signed this ioj-li day oir ffficijfiRii' __I_.-_I-- __._____--..-.. _._-.--. - .--.. .~. -- -_...-- ---- --.-~--. __ _____________..-_-_._-_.-_ -~.-- .. . - r ... 2 ,- - - --- ~ -.- ~ -- .. ,, --- : LZ. p1 ease P)-j n+, b;ane CF~A~. i> 6 I~,FL/;A-;~I -____ .._-_____._ ___----.- ----.-- -~-, ,-?- .-_ ._ .. - j7 &,U/ &/& _r .. ~~$&;.L2?f' - ________.___--.-.-._- ---- ..- - ---- .-. ~ Please Sign Here s i G ;/ ,-\, 7 " 7 :: r... .. 0 w ATTACHMENT 6 w 0 ATTACHMENT 6 PRIVATELY OWNED UNDEVELOPED LAND CALCULATIONS ZONE 15 GROSS ACRES 14772 G 0 V E RNM ENTAL AG EN CY OWN ED Costa Real Municipal Water District - 51.87 Regents, Calif. State - 96.21 1328.92 YON-GOVERNMENT OWNED Privately Owned - Developed - 86.39 Privately Owned - Undeveloped 1242.53 TOTAL RESPONSE ACREAGE - - 974.55 78.43% - % RESPONSE - w 0 ATTACHMENT 7 w a ZONE 15 OWNER CONTACT LOG RETURNED ATTENDANCE REG I STERED * * * AKA Bieri/Avis W 0 EVEbOF QMSUL QfL'SOfi June 23, 1987# Phil Carter City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 SUBJECT: Zone 15 request for authorization to proceed with Facilities Manaaement Plan .4ccording to your agenda bill re:a.i;jng kcr thfs '+a I ..-x> c?e :",,ju area of concern was the lack of executed permission forms fro1 Western Land & Developmevt Co., and Banning Cantarini. Enclosed please find executed permission forms for these two ownershi9s. If you have any questions or need additional information plea call me at your convenience. Thank you, B" Jack Henthorn JH:cr cc: D, Avis A. Ghahremani W. McClosky M. Holzmiller 2892 JEFFERSON @ P. 0. BOX 2143 Q CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 0 (€579) 434-31: W e .June 11, 1987 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 A"" I 11.1. T- PHILIP CF-RTER SUB J E Ci : p E"nP.11 S S I ON 'i' 2 p Rs:FI!lF..E L Q CAL ?;IC LL, IT 1 F, S YAN ;A-G E,p;yx T PLAN ZONE 15 As the owner of property known as Sax Diego County Assessor Parcel(s) Number(s) 209-070-01 & C2 preparation of the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management P1zn at no cost to us. By signing this statement it is understood that I ___ DO NOT wa:ive any rights that I might otherwise be entitled to including the right to oppose the plan when it com,es forrsard for ~doption 'cy the City. I support 'S S i gne d this /B Y day of ? , 19sy iH4@. - Please Print NaIce Cant arini Ranch /g - Please Sign Here 7) ,$//&f , - KninYT.1' W 0 June 11, 1987 Cit.y of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92098 ATTV: PHILIP CARTER SUBJECT: PERMISSION TO PREPARE LUCAL FACILITIES YANAG'E~E8I PLAN Z.ONE 15 AS the owner of property known as San Djego County ASS~SSGI* Parcel(s) Nurnber(s) 209-050-06 gi 10 !i 14 and 168-050-23 ti 21- I support By signing this statement it is understood that I ._ DO _-. NOT v4aiv.f any rights that I !night otherwise be entitled to includir.? the right to oppose the plan when it conies forward for ador?tion !I:, the City. preparatio ill( .i s ;: Tag -1 Signed this /d 'fh day of JUA,~~ , 19s ~- 7 Please Print Name \!?stern Land & Development Co. PRIYT PiAVE HERE /Y 1 Q // -,/ / ,J ///') . /';' e-. . ___I__- Please Siqn Here ,,, ,- A+ I , ///- SIGNATURE d u('*I. ------ d Lee .. 0 e/% / W .- -r 3130 Sunny - 438-3%4 Carlsbad. Ca Harold E. Gribble July 5, 1987 city council City of Carlsbad 1200 Xh Avenue Carlsbad, Ca, Dear Sirs: With reference to iiotice of Public Hearing for Zone l5 on July 7, 198 I would like to have more infor-mtion, in writing, on the follo-dag items and I w-dd like to have time to evaluate the infornation. The availability of sewer, water and gas. The alinement of sewer, gas and water lhes. -How the roads and sewer are to be paid for? What provisions have been made to safeguard the trees in and around Agua Hedionda Creek and Sunnycreek Rd, if the sewer or roads are constructed in this area? If the sewer goes down Sumycreek Rd. or Hedionda Creek, when Will the environmental report be available? mental report did not consider the impact of a sewer &e in this area. Sincerely The originaL environ- 4firGd/,@ ,=/-- &dL KOTICE OF PCBLIC HEARING e .. W c -. ZOKE 15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M for Zone 15, more particularly described as: Tuesday, July 7, 1987, to consider a request to prepare a Local Facilities Manag East of El Camino Real, generally bounded by future Cannon Road on the north, the City limits on the east, and Sunnycreek on the south. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Depart] 438-1161. I If you challenge the preparation of Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 15 you may be limited to raising only thcse issues you or someone else raised at th f 1 hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered io the 1 Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. I APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: June 26, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL + fi m c..-*. :x.. "-o.-" c..S.a ._.* +C -L ZONE 15 JANUARY 1087 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS - c- .- - - CL(e41C p'e - e/-+ rn[ w 132 &- TED HANSEN DESiEN ASCCiAT€§ le July 2, 1987 The Honorable Mayorof Carlsbad Honorable Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad! CA92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: It is extremely rare that I personally feel compelled to write my political representatives. when I am convinced my imput and opinion might make a difference. I have to say in this correspondence. I and my family have been waiting several months to make a new home purchase at The Summit. which plan we want, what features we want, and even the lot we want. want to continue to live. we affectionately refer to as "God's Country". This coming meeting on July 7 is of utmost importance to my wife and It and her seven year old daughter Shannon. We hope you'll approve the continuation of construction of The Summit. Our future home is one of those waiting to be built in the next phase. can buy the home we want! in the community we wantr and even more important! within view of Shannon's new school! Hope Elementary. I want to assure you that we are both slow growth advocates. And that is exactly how we have voted. But we feel very strongly that The Summit offers Carlsbad a well-plannedr aesthetically pleasing community in the spirit of conscien- I only do so I sincerely hope you'll consider what We know exactly Carlsbad is where we live and where we It's a beautiful community Your approval means we tioust forward-thinking growth. e------ __ \ P.S. the first time I will have visited City Hall. I will have the pleasure of meeting all of you personally. I and Trayce will be in attendance at the meeting-- I hope 1 - * ‘I Carlibad Johmal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STAT€ OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitle I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general c published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, ( newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general chai which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription lis. subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular i the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding onc preceding the date of publication of hereinafter referred to; and that the which the annexed is a printed copy published in each regular and entire is newspaper and not in any supplemeni the following dates, to-wit: NOT~,-,E OF PUBLIC the north, the City limits on the east, and Sunnycreek on the south. If you have any questions regard- ing this matter, please call the HEARING ZONE 15 .- Planning Department at 4381161. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that If you challenge the preparation bad will hold a public hearing at Plan for Zone 15 in court, you may thecity Council oftheCityofCarls- the City Council Chambers. 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 8:OO P.M., on Tuesday. JUlY 7, 1987. to consider a request to Pre- ment Plan for more Parti- cularly described as: hearing. of Local Facilities Management be limited to raising only those issues YOU or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice. or in written correspon- bad at or prior to the public pare a Local es Manage- dence delivered to the CityofCarls- .................... June. .? 4;. .. - East ofEl Camino Real, generally Applicant: city of Carlsbad bounded by future Cannon Road on CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... I certify under penalty of perjury that the forego correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San I California on The 26th dayof- June, 1987 6,J 1% /i ;,IT, 4 * .JA [i r: / Clerk J’ 1 # y’ U 47rw: June 28,1987 . - <<,..,. ’ r @ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING @ ZONE 15 J d NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pu at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., Tuesday, July 7, 1987, to consider a request to prepare a Local Facilities Manageme for Zone 15, more particularly described as: East of El Camino Real, generally bounded by future Cannon Road on the north, the City limits on the east, and Sunnycreek on the south. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Departmer 438-1161. If you challenge the preparation of Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 15 ir hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Cil Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the I APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: June 26, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL $if ZONE 15 JANUARY 1987 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS (Form A) 0 e TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice THE REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 15 for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of ,/ / 7 '( 'C ?// 1 . \ . \-- - Thank you. 6- 9- L Datc s e 0 . $J c/ ,ON C*l.O.l ZONE 15 JANUARY 1907 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS @NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ? e NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, , to consider a request described as: to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 15, more particularly East of El Camino Real, generally bounded by future Cannon Road on the north, the City limits on the east, and Sunnycreek on the south. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Department at 438- 1161 . If you challenge the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 15 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someonl else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Planning CASE FILE: ZONE 15 APPLICANT c CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH : CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 0 0 r. b I ZONE 15 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS H.E. Gribble West-ern Land & Dev, CO ,240 -E1 Camino Real 53W El Camino Reql 3130 Sunny C Carls-bad, CA 92008 CRrlSbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA m Ross Sqrber w r I =. 209-060-06 & 10 & 14 209-060-56 81 57 209-040-02 168-050-23 & 24 Hl'roshi Kat0 Ra 1 ph Wr i s 1 e Robert Kelly 3250 Sunny Creek Road 690 Elm Apt# P.O. Box 175 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA Carlsbad, CA.92008 209-070-04 & 05 & 08 209-040-23 209-060-48 Robert Delorm Russell Gros Dorothy Sand1 in 2421 Dunstan Street 5850 Sunny C 1103 Bel Air Place Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA Los Angeles, CA 90077 209-060-55 209-040-24 209-040-29 & Mandana Corp. James Hagaman Hugh & Annie 1855 Mac Arthur Blvd #341 5320 Sunny Creek Road 3021 Lakevir Irvine, CA 92715 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fullerton, ( 209-070-03 &07 209-040-28 168-050-02 I 209-040-27 Alan Kelly Sycamore Crc Ida Dawson TR of TRUST #VI11 P.0. Box 1065 6361 Yarrow 1185 Dawson Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, C! Vista, CA 92083 169-230-28 & 29 05, 06, 07, 168-050-01 5 03, 06, 07 & 25 209-090-01, 11 Timothy & Betty Barlow Dorothy Ebright 3004 Sunny Creek Road 5855 Las Monas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Martha Pi 111 Carlsbad, CA 92008 4429 Ohio S 203-060-23 San Diego, 1 Gerald We1 and 209-040-1 5 209-090-12 Kenneth Lawson 4990 El Camino R.eal 2816 Sunny Creek Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Regents of Carlsbad, CA 92008 sity of Cal 209-060-54 209-060-11 169-230-12, 169-230-2, Lillian Cantarini e7 Richard Kelly P.O. PJox 587 13645 Mira Montana Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Del Mar, CA 92014 Costa Real 209-070-01 & 02 Water Distr 209-060-53 &58 Carlsbad, C 168-050-08 r ‘t W 7 ,Vwi;i,a Venture Ltd, *c/o%ul H, Lqnde$ Esq: 5713 Nt Ptrshing Ave, Stockton, CA 95207 William Kelly P.O. Box 463 Carlsbad, CA 92008 168-.050-08. Development Consultants Consortium 2892 Jefferson Carlsbad, CA 92008