HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-14; City Council; 9095; SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. a C a d ; m 0 E* ac *rl TI kO mm m 2 2 -rl 6 uo CU -rl aa, oc GN cd *rl k -4 a)u U n mM mo rl .rl mc am a, c cda, d 03- m 40 mu '0 m .ti ZM OM a m *x aJa Pim a, -3CtF-i 4J.c ala, aB am 0 ac .rl rlu -rl d L) *rl GO sa ua oa h CO I -s rl fi I z 0 F 0 a d 0 z 3 0 0 .. r ,, ,- CISOF CARLSBAD - AGENaBILL I AB# .90.9J- DEPT.c- SENIOR CITIZEN MTG. 7-14-87 TITLE: COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS DEP' CITY CITY I I ~ ~~- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution Nos. T/sf and y/sy appointing two members to Senior Citizen Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION Mr. Norris Cochran has resigned as a member of the Senior Citizen's Commi effective 3une 26, 1987. Since Mr. Cochran's term expires in September, the attached resolution provides for Council to appoint an individual to complete the unexpired term and to serve an additional full term. The term of Hiram Hoskin also expires in September, 1987. Mr. Hoskin has expressed his desire to be reappointed the Senior Citizen's Commission. Other members of the Commission are: Linwood Van, Marion Gast, and Doris Ritchie. Copies of all applications recieved to date are attached for Council revit EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. -y/S/ , appointing a member to the Senior Citizen 2. Resolution No. 8/6s9 , appointing a member to the Senior Citizen Commission. Commission. 3. Memo from Senior Citizen Coordinator dated June 29, 1987. 4. Letter of resignation from Norris Cochran date June 26, 1987. 5. Copies of applications recieved. 1 2 3 1 m a RESOLUTION NO. 9158 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION WHEREAS, Norris Cochran has resigned as a member of the Senior C 4 11 Commission; and 5 6 7 8 9 10; 11 WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint a member to fill the unexpirt a nd WHEREAS, the City Council desires the member to serve an additior tern. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 12' 13 2. That the following person j-s hereby appointed to serve as a the Senior Citizen Commission for a term to expire on September 30, 1 14 15 16 17 18 39 20 21 22 23 24 I. Theresa Maggio PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of C4 California, at a regular meeting held on the 14th day of July 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None /A,/;; ;/ ,..,-/..; -4- /'>/ -,/ i ,'> u- '. CLAUDE A. LEWI , Mayor ATTEST : 25 11 26 27 20 (SEAL 1 ll II a e I1 RESOLUTION NO. 9159 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION 3 I/ WHEREAS, the term of Hiram Hoskin expires in September, 1987; * // NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 5 11 California, as follows: 6 7 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2, That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a 8 9 10: the Senior Citizen Commission for a term to expire on September 30, 1 Hiram Hoskin PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of C4 ’’11 California, at a regular meetinq held on the 14th day of July I.2 I/ 1987, by the following vote, to wit: 13 11 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larsor 14 15 NOES: None ABSENT: None 16 3.7 18 ,a.l / /[..” /?z<:, j,,//f ’ <e .- LAUDE A. LEWI , Mayor 19 /I ATTEST: 20 4’ 2L I 1 *~~~~Y~~~it~~ ?/. ._ 22 j/ (SEAL) 23 24 25 26 27 28 m a June 29, 1987 TO : LEE RAUTENKRANZ, INFORMATION. SYSTEMS DIRECTOR FROM: Sue Schultz Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator@ SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Attached is a letter from Norris Cochran resigning from the Senior Citizen Commission effective June 26, 1987. Norris' term would have expired on September 30, 1987. Hiram Hoskin's term on the Senior Commission will also expire as of September 30, 1987. Hiram has expressed his desire to be reappointed to the Senior Citizen Commission. kw Attachment e e ai-57Y (2 & c, June 26, 1987 Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: It is with regret that I write to inform you of my resignation from the Carlsbad Senior Citizen Commission. I have recently moved to the city of Oceanside which I understand no longer makes me eligible to serve as a Senior Commissioner. I wish the Senior Program and the City of Carlsbad continued success. Sincerely, fw&2/ Norr$s Cochran kw c: Linwood Van, Chairman Senior Citizen Commission Ray Patchett, Acting City Manager David Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director Sue Schultz Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator a A? 9,. J- &&d,Le 9200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIfGflNIA 92006 1 (: Oftic8 of rhe City ClM &itp of 4f~t:F*;:fi QY~; u ‘4.3 GK. . APPLICATION IWR .APPOINTMENT TO WARD OR COMMISSION N- of B0-d Or Comission: Advisory Commission on Problems ( ~ ~~~~-~ Name (Print Or Type) : Theodore R. Frye Address: 7121 Linden Terrace, Carlsbad CA 92008 ph3n.t -438-3765 pregent Occupation: Retired. Formerly Treasl ~~~i~~~~ Nme md A&~~ss: of The Rockefeller Foundation, 113: New York, N.Y. 10036 Bus Phon8 : Resident of Carlsbadt Yes Horn Phone : 438-3765 Regirtercd Veteg in Ca~fsbad: Yes 1 am furidliar with the respen8ibilitie8 assigned to th8 Board COlWlli88iOn on Whidt I wt8h to 88rVO. If appointed to a Board Comnti88ion whidr ir rubject to financial disclorur8 1-8, I an willing to pmvid. 8Uch- 8t8t.mnt8 aS m8y b8 raquired. 1 am willing to 80-u for 8u interviw ragudiag my qurlific8tiona for appointment hfora 8UCh “tt8@ 88 m.lt b8 d88i-8t.d by th8 City Cowcil or if r.qu88t.d by in&v%du8l Counci1 M.mb8rd DATE^ Ld 34 ,,erj” SIaATm*.m* (Sa@ rW@<,O 8idd - /- 6/ e a EDUCATION: A.B., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1947. Economics and Political Science. Phi Beta Kappa. M.B.A., New York University, 1967. Investments. EXPERIENCE: Fifteen years, 1947-1963 in U.S. State Department and' Foreign Serl Egypt, and two years as Public Affairs for the Near East. 0 seas assignments included three years in the Embassy in New 1 India, and four years in Tel Aviv, Israel, primarily in poli, reporting and analysis. Assignments in Washington on political desks for Afghanistan Twenty years, 1963-1983 as Treasurer of The Rockefeller Foundatiol New York City. Concerned primarily with management of the il vestment portfolio of approximately $ 1 billion. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES t Current: Member of Citibank (New Yorkl's Supervisory Committee fol Commingled Trust for IRA'S (Individual Retirement Accounts). Tutor in Carlsbad Adult Learning Program. Former: Chairman of Board of the American International School, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1960-42 Coordinator of Westchester (N.Y.') Workshop for Business 0pp.ortunities (training minority businesspeople who I were p,lanning to start their own businesses). I, i ;e. ' .., I i x .. ADDITIObSAL Il#&&$aO OB CO-r / ...a - .1 . -1 Board- Member, 1975-83, and Chairman for 2 years, of Inst tutional Responsibility Research Center, Washington, D.C (non-partisan research on social concerns reaised by stc holders before U.S. corporations). ~~ ~~~ ~~ My wife and I moved to Carlsbad early this year after my retiremer the Foundation in New York, and want to become involved in this cc - e lZ00 ELM AVENUE 9 >- &e CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Offico of tho City Chrk Citp of Garlsbab APPLICATION H)R APPOINTMENT TO 80'- OR COMMISSION n Name of Board or Commisulon: . - Name (Print or Type) : I,eN 6 e t fl, 4 I* b r\/ % Address : / 1 R6-A bR. 0 Po l'io?&4 - -present Occupation: <%+ t t RC A - Busine88 Name and Addrew " Bus. Phone : Resident of Carlsbads Home Phone : Regirtercd Voter In Carlsbad: .. + F e: ._ i I am familiar with thm r88ponribiliti88 assigned to the Board Comnirrlon on which I wirh to rerve. If appointed to a Board Comisrion whldr la rubject to financial dfrclorure laws, I a willing to provid. such statem8ntr as may be required. I am willing to 8-u for an interview regudlag my.qurliflcation the city cowact1 os if r.que8t.d by taQivtQur1 CouncAl EUmb8r fot' rppolntnmt bofo?8 8uch ~~tt8$ 88 may bo drrignrt8d by DATE: 8/1;7/ps SIGNATURE: fi (See reverse sida) . ,.> . in VA 64 - - a e EDUCATION: 7&JU*ak.”&??a ,&&p&h-2,9&- > EXPERIENCE : , a!!-3W d 4 ) u-4) 1 ’&.-*-& U.S.NR$- ,”,- J 0 #? SI E ACTIVITIES: t ’ EhL” su t < 344” .* Jlar ”9p-4 &, 2694d B& BOD o.+lu c Ud z/iLL;vM- P 8 $ b * (0 b t!wf”8~&(awl~& maoedt;- a&e+eh w* #e AH^-* ADDITIONU ZNFO~TIOLQ on comtwm &+ e ’ &/‘ +“W~&d”& ebma-$JP*ecLL >ak.w/.’ . - .. - a Li@ / l3- /&&.J <e ?ZOO ELM AVENUE CARLSBAQ, CALIFORNIA 9- ( oftic. of tho Ciry Clerk citp of Batfsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'- OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Conrmis~ion: /7/2&*&5 ~~~- Name (Print or ~yp.1: 2'b d H NM &dL tie5 Addr888 : 3 s 7 r/tt &ST& u/- &et$ Phone: 729-93& present occupation: PST~ R~-B Burlnesr Name and Address: - Bur, Phone : - Rerident of Carlsbadt Home Phoner729 - 9384 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: ysA + I f ant f8lUili8r with tho re8yonuibi~ltie8 usigncd to the Board cOfItlli88iOIl On Whim t wi8h to 88-e If rppOlnt8d to 8 Board Willilng to pmvid. ruch rt8tamntr a8 may be requited. I am willing to 8-u for aa interview ragudiag my qualificatiorrr for 8ppaintmrrrt baforo ruch comnittao 88 my bo do8ignat.d by "88%0n *&dl 28 8Ubj.Ct fQ ftnWlCt8l d&8Cl08UZ8 lm8, I a tho city aWC$1 OS if rOqU8rt.d bo in&Vfidu81 cOUnC%l -8tr DATE: dJ ,&&fir /9$3' SIGN~UR~: (Soa rovat80 rid.) - 61 a 0 4 h.\AN/tJS - Bd!/& u-ss C5LLd=,-Lg EDUCATION: /#~T,J SAAWL G/eRoYR rr-" 6 ~?QA r b.rs ~LLL me &LLJbL-= L/R/I13qs A/)6147 s /-4&.dL G~S~~ 'EXPERIENCE: D". dp k-*pLpyBFF-ILJ mzmr -O?F&~ /hnAMALuJk SR#- - 3L-z/9Pn%2. ydB& -ScJ?T-de ZkJ &rnBeh a/=* &h m-3. &-Y C&,\,*JL - Qc-A z-&".L &-LVLt&(& &72..@cFLJ& SCS/3,~)LJ - A fi-/*/s=L4YiJz &A15r/Ihg& 9i~.SSa23;)799 fi @?Rt-f ASS/StAA/7 3- GuR uzhz#ur d7f I /#&ePh,, &k?Lsa"dBlC 5 -s*RLT&a. -h 1 SB L c>S 7 -CeVGG- 4& 9 64 b!iemiS hcre~&&& G-p4M/cx OmSfDE ACTI~TIES: E&/? LSBf9b LA.@ H7Am-L CLLJA - Wqs .+ hS4h.s ck9, em &N ~eyc/psd<=-e- /m=~l~~+ c~&/~mAw m**Tr~= "TIolQ OR C0-r -J7S~4&&,7" d& t-s G"m"l~&f 6LcsL=-xIl~e c j 71 2w-&3 AFFA~~~.-, p rJdAPd Dr?a +3&7 3 h4JH- BHr// &FF/L/Rf&=" m,rH sc.tDe Crrlr-% s/uy' /97J-& 3 hh&G= U5JeJW-b fhz 9254 - BC%l.S7 L= & /%- BLND ??&6 UfiLY, -D ~~COJ-" -fp)T&?-s FdyL & 3' =-&" - "36 r LJ 4 ?A - mouThLr/ IL.-.-TTL/-~ @$P &PC e 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSEAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 0th Of fh8 c/v chnt Citp of CatIsbab APPLICATION F6R APPOINTMENT To BO'ARD OR COMMISSION Nume of Boatd or CommiS8iOn: &h@< G7,22ds a . n - r 9Jt'l J$t/ JabdCYL Name (Print or Type) : w5%?&G 3. #E2# Address : zz7q 4329 s- (&O(*i Phone: q3qy7m, Present Occupationt RATfH! Busin888 Name and Address: Bus. Phone : ~ome Phone: +3$- 7JgJ Registered Voter in Carlsbadr y!k - Re8ident of Carlsbudr .r Y%%)d I am familiar with the r88pon8ibilitie8 assigned to the Board Conmiraion oa whidr I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board Commi88ion whidr i. 8ubj.e to financial di8ClO8Ure lW8, I U Willing to prOVid8 Such 8t8tmnt8 U m8y b8 required. ]: 8m willing to 8-u for aa interview regarding my qadific8tionr for appointmout kfor:. rudr ooamitt:.. a8 my b8 d88ignat.d by th8 City Council or if r.qu8st.d by iadivid a1 Council Mamb8rr 7 DATE: 8/2L-/& SIGCSAT~: (See rave188 aide) 6/ - - e 1) EDUCATION: &4w, 0F fihAv/d&- '2 Y&s i Jkd!&/d%d+d bh- z 3w. ddflk40t/5 yo29 @@NBTK coqY4 4 8 ~WW~di5- 1 729/@9 Od &@ fl&i&&Y7" EXPERIENCE : /93&/77J - c?s "A cdLLs5sffic.q &@a" pg-&$tP uf V&IW /r/ qBrJB@MMT. 5fdW &nqmMTL-&@ Na#J?@P #. /%~w3w gEYkLaY&? #d, //Jqdcfl< /q/T& YdM w 3;;u. &F &A!! &#?d &?a UhV, OUTSIDE ACTIVTTIES : fi< rK yJ9-ed )!&4?g? L &&fix Pw-2 &me v%R33' fr/ %r PRowflq &evvM@/*A: 53s is@de sfOLq&f dw3 49.3 .t%w-/dv MXM8fiq OF JW/?m G!!c &&wEBUd - >2&D 4s COO@?~d~U4 &@ fdH4dOq fd 787 VuLwzEq, ,%<ow. AODlTIOHAL INmRMATIOtJ OR C0-r - - . . Officr of fh8 city Cferk 9 - APPLICATION FQR APPOINTMENT TO BO-ARD OR COMMISSION ~amc of Board or Commission: ' Senior Citizen Commission Name (Print or Type): Theresa Maggio Address: 2610 Unicornio, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: 438-9419 Ptcsent Occupation:' Retired Business Name and Addrc8s: Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: yes, 4 years Home Phone: 438-9419 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities Msigned to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board or chXKtmi88ion whidr i8 8ubfect to financial disclosure laWS, I am willing to provide 8uch statement8 as may be required. I am willing to l pp&r for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such comitteo as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivkdual Council Membera. , DATE: ,t ,i/_ 4, /9x7 i7 / (Sce"raver8s ride) 6/83 w m EDUCATION: High School . ” c c EXPERIENCE : I I was marriedto the late Vincent Maggio for more than 41 years. We successfully raised three daughters of which we are quite proud. In addition, I was a clerk/cashier for Thrifty Mart for more than 30 years. As such, I had considerable responsibility and handled large sums of money. Shortly after I retired, I was induced to return to- work for my former employer for another four years. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : 1. Active church member. 2. Volunteer, Carlsbad Senior Center. 3. Secretary-Treasurer, Carlsbad Senior Citizen Association. 4. Interested and active in politics. ADDITIONAL INFORMTIM OR COMMENTS: I have been a volunteer worker for the Carlsbad Senior Citizens for over four years. My late husband and I each contributed more than 4( hours per week for 19 months during which time we were in charge of Saturday bingo. We were in charge of the group that raised $45,000 during this period. I support the political philosophy and actions of the present City Council. -