HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-04; City Council; 9118; ZONE 3 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION.t D w > 0 [y: a 2 .. z 0 F 0 a g 2 3 0 0 bl CP GAHLSUAD - AGENDgILL TITLE: ZONE 3 BOUNDARY AD3USTMENT DEPT. AB# y/Af MTG, 8 1 4 1 87 CITY E FOR CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION DEPT. PLN CITY n RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. y/fc adjusting the boundary of LOC Facilities Management Zone 3 to incorporate an area for the expansion of Car Country, ITEM EXPLANATION' The expansion of Car Country to the east on the Carltas (Ecke) property has been discussed at length for some time. Two majo requirements have kept the expansion from proceeding forward: The area planned for expansion was in a Williamson Act Agricultural Preserve; and 2) In order to develop the Carltas property, the Local Coastal Program (LCP) required a Master P1 which would place an agricultural restriction on all the prope not subject to development. Last year the State Assembly pass a bill which would allow the Car Country expansion in exchange for placing an equal amount of alternative land in a Williams0 Act Preserve. In addition, the Ecke's have prepared a Master Plan which places an agricultural restriction over all of thei property, after expansion of Car Country, except for approximately 90 acres per the requirements of the Carlsbad LC1 Now that these two requirements have been addressed, the Carlt( Company Country. In order to expedite the process, it is necessary fo the City to amend the boundaries of Local Facilities Managemen Zone 3. The Car Country expansion area is currently located ii Zone 13 which is just in the preliminary stages of preparing a Local Facilities Management Plan. The boundary of Zone 3 was approved by the City Council on September 23, 1986. Had there been more active interest and progress on the Car Country expansion at that time, staff woulc have proposed that the expansion area be included in Zone 3 foi the following reasons: is anxious'to move forward on the expansion of Car 1) Development of the expansion area would use the same facilities as existing Car Country particularly with respect to access and circulation; 2) Existing Car Country is covered by a Specific Plan (SF 19) which provides the development standards for the automotive park. Any expansion of Car Country would require incorporation into the existing Specific Plan, For these reasons, staff would support an adjustment of the boundaries of Zone 3 to include the Car Country expansion area shown on the attached Zone Boundary Adjustment Map, Exhibit "A" e e Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 71 18 It should be pointed out that if the City Council approves the boundary change for Zone 3, the Carltas Co. would be responsib for processing an amendment to the Local Facilities Management Council on May 19, 1987. The amendment to the Local Facilitie Management Plan could be processed concurrently with the other applications which would have to be approved in order to permi the Car Country expansion. These other applications include 2 General Plan amendment, a zone change, a specific plan amendme a tract map, LCP implementation action, and approval of the Williamson Act Preserve Exchange. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None required at this time. FISCAL IMPACT None. The Carltas Co. will be responsible for all expenses associated with the processing of any applications necessary 1 permit the Car Country expansion. EXHIBITS Plan for Zone 3 which has already been approved by the City 1) City Council Resolution No. 9//f 2) Zone Boundary Adjustment Map - Exhibit "A" 3) Zone 3 Location Map - Exhibit llB" 4) Preliminary Concept Plan for Car Country Expansion - Exhit 11 c 11 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 9185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN ADJUSTMENT TO THI BOUNDARY OF LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the boundary of Local Facilities Management Zone 2 originally approved on September 23, 1986. 2. That in order to allow and expedite the processing of c to expand Car Country, it is necessary to approve an adjustment to the boundary of Zone 3 to include within boundaries of the zone the Car Country expansion area. 3. That from a facilities planning and development standpo Local Facilities Management Zone as existing Car Countr 4. That the City Council hereby approves an amendment to t boundary of Zone 3 to incorporate the Car Country expan area. Said amendment is shown on the attached Zone Bou Adjustment Map labeled Exhibit "A". is logical to have the expansion area included in the : PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting o day City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 4 th August , 1987 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and L; / /- / 1, I ! /,I/ ,/ i' ,j,f ,/' ! //$.;, < 4 i (1 /* *. CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALE!R~T~k%~~~rk (SEAL) 4. Area to be added to ZONE (Approx 27 acn I BOUNDARY ADJ Area to be :;,fr;E<-rdL Gfi+,i2 !:- FUr;+JL;.,.1,3L ji- lL.-f)q I L: G~ ~r\*li{I G . .Ck. c 3* Area to be added to ZONE (Approx 27 acr( I w m City of Cerlsbad Growth Management Pro LOCATION MAP ZONE 3 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 EXHIBII RA NCH CAR LS BAD A/ SKIDMORE, OWlNC /__c__ ---. ------- THE CARLTAS COMPANY 7 \,USTIN HANSEN FEWMAN GRoUP PREL~MAIARY CONCEPT, EXHIBI~ I1 ACRE .- -. ____ --- -, __ ...- -- -____-_. -- Ofl? ____----- SK 4 2 ' 12 DECEMBER I%36 ...- ___-- .-. - __ -.- ___ .- .-- - A r r \I T F R' E x P A N s I 0 N 6 LLL L e - -- -1 t: 7151 t J r-" I ti-L.."t E 1, J ' tprr8- a e.?** 'I HISION ESTANCIA PARTNERSHIP, L%$.',~~.'-.\II~ c!rF/(ik a California Limited Partners 6994 El Camino Real, Suite 20& PqQL 20 pli 3: i. I: Car1sbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2241 C/'/-'[ OF Cjpb$E>bxQ ALL RECE~VF July 16, 1987 Mr. Raymond R. Patchett HAND DELIVERED TO BONNIE SAD Acting City Manager ON JULY 30, 1987 FOR DISTRIB City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Opposition Letter; TO CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Zone #3 Boundary Adjustment City Council Hearing Date--August 4, 1987 for Car Country Expansion, Dear Ray : At the outset, let it be clear than I am not in opposition specifical to a zone boundary adjustment for Car Country expansion; but am direct opposition to zone boundary adjustments or modifications on piecemeal basis . Before one boundary adjustment is allowed to 1 approved, Staff should be directed to re-evaluate all boundary lint for possible refinements or adjustments. During this re-evaluatic period by Staff, property owners should then be allowed to make specif: requests, accompanied with support data, for certain potential boundai changes. To allow one boundary adjustment and one isolated propert owner the opportunity to adjust his boundary to enable his propert to achieve "in-fill" status without affording a similar opportunit to other property owners is simply unfair and not consistent with sour planning principles. When Staff originally established the zone boundary lines, I was to1 that these zone boundary lines were "cast-in-concrete" and not subjec to negotiation or change. I was particularly upset with the unwilling ness of Staff to consider argument for possible boundary line modifica tions, since I own property (7 acres tenative map approved for 3 single-family detached homes) adjacent to Stagecoach Park which arel I felt Should have been in the in-fill Zone #6, not Zone #II- At an rate, the purpose of this letter is not to debate whether my propert should be in Zone #6 or Zone #11; but to question the apparent piecemea approach in considering boundary adjustments. Consequently, in the interest of cohesive planning and fairness to othei property owners that may desire similar boundary adjustments, I woulc suggest that the City Council: f-W * Mr. Raymond R. Patchett July 16, 1987 Page 2 1, Continue the above referenced public hearing for 30 days, and 2. Allow other property owners the opportunity to make Shill requests to the City for boundary adjustments, and 3. Direct Staff to evaluate the merits of such requests and ma, recommendations for approval or denial (with support ream for either) to City Council, and 4. That the City Council review - all such requests and Staff' In closing, if one request for a boundary adjustment is going to t considered, then others should be given the same opportunity to be heaz and present their case with all such requests being considered at or time by the City Council, not in a piecemeal, isolated planning fashior For I am sure that for all the reasons why this applicant should i: other property owners -- or -- at least such arguments should be ab1 to be heard by the City Council concurrent with this applicant' arguments. I am interested in meeting with you to further discuss this issue befor it goes to public hearing. Look forward to hearing from you soon. recommendations at one time at one public hearing. allowed to adjust his boundary, similar arguments could be raised t - MKR:js /I ..2 1 HOMES CHRlSTOPHE e t 17 CORPORATE PLAZA DR./SUITE 101 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (714) 720-1666 July 28, 1987 Mr. Raymond R. Patchett Acting City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Opposition Letter; Zone #3 Boundary Adjustment for Car Country Expansion City Council Hearing Date - August 4, 1987 Dear Mr. Patchett: We are not in opposition to the zone boundary adjustment for Car Country expansion per se; but are in opposition to any zone boundary adjustments or modifications made on a piecemeal basis. Before any adjustments are allowed to be approved, all boundary lines should be re-evaluated for possible adjustments. During the re-evaluation, property owners should be allowed to make requests, accompanied with proper documentation, for potential boundary adjustments. To allow one property owner a boundary adjustment and to achieve "in-fill" status without affording a similar opportunity to other property owners seems to be unfair. When the zone boundary lines were originally established, we were led to believe that the boundary lines were not subject to negotiation or change. We are unhappy with the lack of unwillingness of the Staff to consider possible boundary line which should probably have been in the in-fill Zone #6, not Zone 611. However, the purpose of this letter is to raise a question about the apparent piecemeal approach in considering boundary adjustments. modifications, because we own property (SE-16) adjacent to Stagecoach Park - continued - -. rn m July 28, 1987 Mr. Raymond R. Patchett Page 2 Consequently, we would like to suggest that the City Council: 1, 2. Continue the above referenced public hearing for 30 days, and Allow the other property owners an opportunity to make requests for boundary adjustments, and Evaluate each of the requests on its own merit with recommendations for approval or denial to City Council, and 3. 4. All such requests and Staff's recommendations be reviewed at one time at a public hearing. If a request for boundary adjustment is going to be heard, then other requests should be given the opportunity to be heard at one time by the City Council, not in a piecemeal fashion. At least the arguments should be heard by the City Council, from the property owners, concurrent with this applicant's arguments. Sincerely, CHRISTOPHER HOMES MLCrk - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LOCAL FACILITY MANGEMENT PLAN ZONE 3 m -’ t’. - .< NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a pub: hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO on Tuesday, August 4, 1987, to consider an adjustment to the boundary of the Local Fz Management Plan Zone 3 to allow Car Country Expansion. Zone 3 is generally located s from Agua Hedionda Lagoon to just south of the Encina Treatment Plant and from the P: Ocean to points slightly east of Paseo del Norte (see Ex. B ). approximately 27 acres from the adjoining Zone 13 which would be added to Zone 3. The area is generally on the easternmost boundary of Zone 3 beginning south of Cannor and more specifically as shown on the map below (see Ex. A ). If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Department The adjustment would 438-1161. If you challenge the Boundary Adjustment for Zone 3 in court, you may be limited to I only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the put APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: July 24, 1987 CAFUSBAD CITY COUNCIL DARY ADJUSTMENT ’, w - w I .- Clly 01 Carlsbad LOCATION MAP ZONE 3 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 EXHIBIT B ~OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING w , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 1987, to consider a# of an adjustment to the boundary of the Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 3 to allow Car Country expansion. Zone 3 is generally located south from Agua Hedionda Lagoon and from the Pacific Ocean to points slightly east of Paseo del Nortefflhe *& ustment would remove approximately 27 to just south of the Encina Treatment acres from the adjoining Zone 13 which would be added to Zone 3. The area is generally on the easternmost boundary of Zone 3 beginning south of Cannon Road and more specifically as shown on the map below, Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Boundary Adjustment for Zone 3 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the city of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing, <& +* .p) If you have any questions please call the Planning CASE FILE: APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD Local Facility Mangement Plan Zone 3 //'/T / I I // //)/ f' I:/ 3 / /I\ \\ 1 / \ \ y-__c '\ QJ/ Vhf - . . - - _- . Storm Drain - SitL he Housing and the Redevelopment Commiba,.on, the council Car t to South Coast AapWalt Producb Ce. 1986-8.; street overlay program he. Zone 26 Ran - The council approved a CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Local Faclities Management Plan Zone 3 CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a :hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at D.M., on Tuesday, August 4, 1987, to consider an adjustment to the boundary of cal Facilities Management Plan Zone 3 to allow Car Country Expansion. Zone 3 is lally located south from Agua Hedionda Lagoon to just south of the Encina ment Plant and from the Pacific Ocean to points slightly east of Paseo del Norte Ex. B) The adjustment would remove approximately 27 acres from the adjoining 13 which would be added to Zone 3 The area is generally on the easternmost daw of Zone 3 beginning south of Cannon Road and more specifically as shown on lap below (see Ex. A) have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Department at 1161 ig only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in iotice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to ublic hearing Imported Italian Pasta from Napoli ..... Imported Italian Pear Tomato, 23 02. ... Mild Table Provotone. ................. Pistacchio Mortadella ................. Homemade Marinara Sauce.. .......... Homemade Pesto Sauce.. ............. Aniseed Sponges Biscuit. ............. We also ha Ravioli, Tort1 ii~~ UUGU ail upwi-uiuuiiis aut, cium unir. LLAU UA W~JYLL cci~yuvii~ uabuiua UK. L. vcuiuc IIIJ~~L- ‘to sell used’ vehicles, according .- mber is 460-4716. tion will . x allowed from 8 a.m. to Larry Mascari Sr., SDG&E’s Among the vehicles to be put to 10 a.m. the day of the auction. supervisor of resource recovery. on the auction block are many A refundable $100 deposit is The utility has commissioned four-wheel-drive trucks, small required of all bidders and may Ken McCormack, of McCormack trucks and wagons, sedans, sta- be either cash or credit card. No Auction Co., to serve as auc- tion wagons, pickups, dump checks will be accepted. Final tioneer. McCormack has handled trucks, heavy-duty specialty payment must be no later than 6 similar auctions for the county trucks, tractors, a trailer and p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. Land company to form citizens’ panel CARLSBAD - South The La Costa Ranch Co. Citi- plaints and other matters, Avis Carlsbad’s largest owner of zens Advisory Committee could said. Beseker will begin work at undeveloped land wants to be a be in action in about three mon- the La Costa office Aug. 1. “good neighbor” to La Costa res- ths, according to Avis. Once development plans begin idents. Avis said vacant land, if not for the various sites, Avis said, The La Costa Ranch Co., which properly maintained, can become the advisory committee would owns 2,800 acresof vacantland in a fire hazard, a haven for provide input on how the pro- the community, plan to form a criminal activity or illegal im- jects could fit in with existing seven- to nine-member citizens’ migrants or become unsightly neighborhoods. committee to allow residents to because of trash or excessive Avis said he hopes to build the voice concerns about the proper- brush. committee out of a group, formed ty - both in its vacant state and To help handle problems on its by the Carlsbad City Council, while being developed, accor- property, the company has hired that is trying to work out a solu- ding to Doug Avis, president of Ruth Beseker, an attorney who tion to the Rancho Santa Fe the company. will follow up on resident com- Road alignment issue. If you challenge the Boundary Adjustment for Zone 3 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written cor- respondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: July 24, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL EXHIBIT B LOCATION MAP ZONE 3 LOCAL FACILITIES