HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-11; City Council; 9130; Parks and Recreation Commission Appointments46# ?I30 MTG. 8-11-87 DEPT. cc ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE DEPT. HD. a. CITY MOR. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Adopt Resolution Nos. y/?y , 9/9S-, and 9/94 , appointing three members to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: The terms of Cathy Regan, Marjorie Morrison and Scott Wright expire in August, 1987. Marjorie Morrison has expressed the desire to be reappointed to the Commission. Cathy Regan and Scott Wright have indicated that they do not wish to be reappointed to the Commission. Other Commissioners are Shirley Dahlquist, Barbara Donovan, James Popovich and Anthony Lawson. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1987 are attached for Council review. EXHIBIT S 1. Resolution No. 9/9q , appointing a member to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission. 2. Resolution No. 9/95-, appointing a member to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission. 3. Resolution No. 9/96 , appointing a member to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission. 4. Copies of applications received during calendar year 1987. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT "0 BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Comisrion: --hN k . Name (Prfnt or Typo): 8 // Addre88 : / Pre8ent Occupation: Burina88 Name and Addrsrr: + +=- Bu8. Phone :gr - ? 7d0 Homo Phonegx - #377 Re8 ident of C8tlr bad I Regirtered Voter in Carlrbad: I M familiar with tho roaponaibilltier arrigned to the Board or Comnirrion on whidr I wirh to servo. If 8ppoint.d to Board or. Comntirrion whfch ia rubject to financial dirclorure lmr, I am willing to pwvido much stat.nwnt8 u may be roquired. willing tp 8pp.u for 8a intentiow reguding my qU8lffiC8tiOn8 for appointmaat boforo ruch oonmrftteo u rn8y bo derign8t.d by tho City Council or if roquertod by inbiv&dual Council mnberr. I am t DATE: 7/3/ 7 SIIGESATWRE: (See tOV8t80 aid.) 6/83 I -- CITY OF CARLS0AD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'- OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commisriont Bus. Phone: q34 - 14 3- Resident of Carlabadz J Home Phone: Y3q - 1 T\-O Registered Voter in Carlrbadr I am familiat with tho rerponsibilities arrigned to the Board or Comnimion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or Comisrion which ir rubject to financial di8closure laws, I am willing to provib ruch statwmntr as may be required. willing to 8ppmr for UI interview regarding my qullifiCatfOn8 for appointment boforo rudr conrmittee 88 m.y be designated by the City Council or if requerted by indivLdua1 Council M.mbOr8. I am 6/83 1 I . ADDITfONAL INFORMATION OR COMTSt Office of the Ciry CWh APPLICATION H)R APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or ComiS8iOn: Parks and Recreation Commission Name (Print or Typo): Kim Welshons Ad&eSs: 2121 Placido Court, Carlsbad, CA 92009 phone: 942-0112 Prerent Occupation: Account Executive Business Name and Addr.ass:s Suite 200, Carlsbad, cA 92008 Bus. Phone: 931-4600 Reridant of Carlsbadt Since November 19 77 Home Phone: 942-0112 Registered Votor in Carlsbad:~ N~VW ber 15 I am famfliar with tho rarpon8ibilitiar assigned to the Board or Comnirrion on which I wirh to rerw. If appointed to a Board or Commi88ion which ir rubjact to finmciu dfrclorure laws, I am willing to pmvide ruch rtato~nentr M may be required. willing to appu for aa intetvicn rmgarding my qurltficationr for appointRHnt beforo ruch oomnittao 88 m8y b8 derign8t.d by I am tho City COUncil OS if rOqU88t.d by indAv~du81 COWCil M.mb8rd. (See revera. dido) 6/83 rc EDUCATION: Please See Attached Resume Current Information Follows: Accredited by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and State of California as a licensed Account Executive (Series 7 and Series 63 licenses). Certified in Life and Variable Life Insurance EXPERIENCE: please See Attached Resume OUTSIDE ACTIVTTIES: Please See Attached Resume Current Information Follows: I swim 3 miles a week at the YMCA as part of ny regular physical exercise program i enjoy cycling During the summer I give swimming lesson s to adults and children On an individual basis I give stroke technique coaching I am a member of the recently formed HPI Development Company Swim Center Committee Recently elected President of the Monarch a 224 Homeowners Association in LaCosta. ADDITIONAL INmRWATION OR CO-SI Please See Homeowners Association - Attached Resume c 1 i KIM WELSHONS 2121 Placid0 Court Carlsbad, California 92008 ; (619) 942-0112 i c ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENTS World Swimming Champion, 3 years in a row Pan American Games Gold Medalist 13 U.S. National Championship Titles 14 International Championship Titles All American Team Member, 5 times Hall of Fame: Fit Interstate Bank Athletic Foundation Santa Clara International Swimming Hall of Fame International Swimming Hall of Fame, Florida President Lyndon B. Johnson President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico Governor Edmund Brown of California Command Performances: Pasadena Rose Parade, featured as the World Synchronized Swimming Champion EDUCATION Master of Arts Degree in Physical Education San Diego State University Area Of Specialization: Ergonomics with an emphasis in Biomechanics and Kinanthropometry 27 units completed towards (30) unit M.A. Degree 4.0 grade point average Recipient of the Miriam Paine Memorial Scholarship Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts and Sciences San Diego State University Major: Physical Education 3.75 grade point average Awarded the distinction of Magna Cum Laude at graduation Outstanding Graduate Award, recognizing academic achievement California Community Colleges Instructor Credential Subject Matter Area: Physical Education Valid for life PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT San Diego Replacement Service San Diego, California ,MARKETING Eastman Kodak (Spin Physics) San Diego, California Adidas/Arena Landersheim, France Marilyn K. of California Los Angeles, California Marketing Services Manager: supervise revenue accounting; forecast and control sales budgets. Oversee Operational procedures: inventory control, billing, advertising and promotion, product disbursement, and office administration. Forecast target market potentid and sales; develop, ad- minister, and collate survey data for a market analysis system. Market research; sports promotions; public relations; design and test new products; model swimwear. Manager, Competitive Swimwear Sales; sports promo- tions; model swimwear. A CONSULTANT Eastman Kodak (Spin Physics) San Diego, California United States Olympic Committee Sports Medicine Division Colorado Springs, Colorado Reebok, USA, Limited, Inc. c/o National Injury Prevention Foundation San Diego, California Edwin Moses (Athlete) ‘76 & ‘84 Olympic Champion, 400 meter hurdles Mission Viejo Company Mission Viejo, California TELEVISION ABC Sports New York, New York CBS Sports New York, New York Marvin H. Sugarman Productions New York, New York London Weekend T.V. London, England Tokyo Bradcasting Systems Tokyo, Japan TEACHING San Diego State University San Diego, California Palomar College San Marcos, California San Diego Mesa College San Diego, California California State University, Chico Chico, California COACHING Mexican Olympic Committee Mexico City, Mexico California Coralettes Santa Clara, California Colombian Olympic Committee Cali, Colombia United States Synchronized Swimming Indianapolis, Indiana Amateur Athletic Union Indianapolis, Indiana Coordinate biomechanical research on world class athletes; interpret the performance data via computer analysis. Innovative research studying selected synchronized. swimming skills, using high-speed cinematography, video, digitzing and computer analysis run by custom- written software. Innovative research studying aerobic dance related injuries, using a survey to gather primary data, high-speed cinematography, video, EMC, and com- puterized force-measuring devices. Take anthropometric measurements for a body composition profile; use the info for a descriptive analysis of his athletic performance. Develop a strategic plan for expansion of .their Aquatics Program, equipment, personnel, a cost analysis, and three year projection. Technical Director Color Commentator Color Commentator Color Commentator Color Commentator Professor-Physical Education Professor-Physical Education Professor-Adaptive Aquatics Professor-Physical Education National Coach Founder and Technical Advisor of this national caliber team. National Coach Goodwill Ambassador, touring Latin America, preparing swimmers for the Pan American Games. Goodwill Ambassador, touring 7 European Countries giving diNcs and demonstrations. APPLICATION IDR APPOINTMENT "0 BO'ARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commisrion: Ffit0k.l Home Phone: Reqirtered Voter in Caxlrbad: I M funiliar with tho responribilities assigned to th8 Board or Comnisaion oa whidr I wirh to 8.r~. If 8ppoint.d to 8 Bo8rd or Comir8fon whidr ia rubject to financial disclosure lms, I am willing to provide such statements u may bo raquired. willing to 8ppa.r for aa intomiow regarding my qualifications for appointmoat bafora rudr oonmittoa u m.y ba derign8t.d by tho City Council or if raquartd by iablvLdu81 Council M.mber8. I am DATE: II I i 6/83 Thomas Hageman B.A., 1973 - Caltfornia State University, Dominguez Hills, Geography and Urban Studfes Over 13 years of professional land use planning experience. - Preparation of Local Coastal Progrems - Preparation of Master Plans - Preparation of Environmental Impact Reports - Preparation of bneral Plan Elements - Preparation of local government Capital Improvement Programs - Development/prepsration of a citywide "master" school plan May 1985 to present President, Planning Systems 6994 El Camino Real, Su 205J; Carlsbad, CA 92009; (61 9) 931 -0780 Land use planning firm offering "team member" participation/coordlnation in planntng and policy formulation efforts to property owners, developers, special districts and local governments. Feb. 1980 to May 1985 Principal Planner, City of Carlsbad, CA Outies inclukd a range of management and planning essignments. Member, Board of Directors, American Planning Associatfon (APA), San Diego Cheptw - - Sailing, 25+ years - Surfing, 25+ yeers - - Swimming for exercise Qolf, 25 years, currently 10 HC Tennis, 25+ years, instructor w/City of Long Beach P&R while in schml DITONAL INFORIIATION OR COMHENTS : Carlsbad has 8 very unique combination of physical and cultural circumstances which contribute to the quality of life here. I have been professionally and personally involved in the city for Over IO ywrs. In my opinion there is no better place to live. As a citizen I would like to da what I can to help keep it that way, J -I ,' 12& ELM AVENUE ' LAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9- c -. TELEPHONE: -- (71 4) 438-5535 RECEIVE0 CITY CLERK'S OFFtCE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO WARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or CommiS8ion: ' PARKS a8 RECREATION Business Name and Address: N.A.. a Bus. Phone: Y or1 z Resident of Carlsbad: YES 175 YRS. Home Phone: 799 4669 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: YES I am familiar with tho re8ponsibilities assigned to the Board 3c Comi8rfon oa which I wirh to 80rve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which i8 rubjoct to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to providu such statmmentr as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointmont bofors such committea u may b8 designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. A I am I DATE: JAN. 17, T957 SIGNATURE: (See reverse sLd8) 6/83 i- David V. Castner 1/17/87, 4 i 4% .I- . 1. B.S, education, West Chester Penna. State University, West Chester, Pa, 2. D.D.S., Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 3. M.Sc. in OFal Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University .. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. EXPERIENCE : 1. U, S, Army I3 months, 2. U. S, Navy 26 yrs, 3. Faculty member of Temple University, Philadelphia,Pa. 4. Chairman of Recreation Committee, U,S, Naval Hospital, 44 yrs. Corpus Christi, Texas, OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : I. Active church member, 2. Board of Directors, Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association. 3. Active in civic affairs, 4. Recreation enthusiast. ( hunting, fishing, and sports in general) ADDITIONAL ~NPORMATION OR COMMENTS: I am especially interested in the development of Macario Canyon. I would like to see this accomplished mostly with private funds, with little cost to the City, and in a way that would provide a large and steady income to the City of Carlsbad. TELEPHONE (714) 438-5535 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION I am familiar with the rosponribilitiea aasigned to tho Board or Comiarion oa which Z wish to ocrvs. ff appohnted to a Board or Commission whfdr ir rrubjoct to finmcial dirrclorurc 1-8, I am willing to provide such statmnts aa may be required. willing to 8p-u for an intorview roguding my qualifications for appointment before sua oonmrfttoo u may bo derignated by tho City Council or if rsquostod by indivkdual Council M.mberl. I am I 6/83 !&- . APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION I am funili8r with the rorponribilftier a8rign.d to the Board or Comnirrion oa which I a8h to rervo. If appointod to a Board or willing to ptovib ruch statanent8 u may be required. willing to appear for aa intorview roguding my qurliflc8tions for appointmoat bofora rudr oolmrittoo u mry bo derim8tod by Commirrion which $8 Wbjoct to fIn~Ci8.l dlrclorure lW8, I Lun I am th8 City CO~ncil oz if tWU88t.d indAvLdu.1 COUnCi1 M.3nber8. 6/83 1200 ELM AVENUE GRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of fhe City Ckrk APPLICATION ?'OR APPOINTMENT TO BO'ARD OR COMMISSION TELEPHONE: (71 4) 436-5535 Bus. Phone &615 1 %Wc( w Resident of Carlsbad: \\e- Home Phone : '5- 1 - 31 Q\ Regfrrtered Voter in Carlsbad: L\, . I am famlliar with tho rerponribilities assigned to the Board or Comnisrion on which I wirh to satve. If appointed to a Board or willing to provide ruch statements as may be required. willing to 8ppa.r: for an interview regatding, for appointment bofore such oomlttee u ma b designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLd{qCf,cif YmberS. CoRlmi88fon which i8 subject to financial disclorure laws, I I am qualifications I 6/83 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOES OR COMMENTS: 7 c 1200 ELM AVENUE knALSBA0, CALIFORNIA 9- Office at tho City CWk . TELEPHONE: (714) 4365535 APPLICATION H)R APPOINTMENT TO BO*= OR COMMISSION __ ~ Name (Print or Typo): Knna Addre88 : 1860 Highridge Ave. Carl sbad 92008 ‘ Phone : 729-0737 present Ocapatia: hornemaker/colwnist Bu8ine.r Name and Addrarr: Blade Tribune Newspaper-0 ceanside Bum Phon.: 729 -07 37 Ro8id8nt of C8rlrrbadt yes Home Phone: 729-0737 R8girtered Voter in Carlsbadt VPR I am familiar with tho rO8paIribilitie8 -signed to the Board or Cofmi8,iOn on which I wirh to 8mtV.. If appointed to a Board or willing to pmvib 8uch rt8twntr 8s m8y be r-uired. willing to for appointmoat before rudr oomnritteo tho City Cowcil or if r.que8t.d by i DATE: August 6,1987 (Sea rmvmrao rid.) Commirrrion Which 18 8ubj.e to financia di8closure l.W8@ I MI I MI for aa interv1.w rag I 6/83 - I- EDUCATION: Oceanside High School Graduate 1969 Mira Costa Junior College 1969-1971 ElBERrENCE: Avon sales 1967-69 Asst. mgr. Contempo Casuals 1969-70 Manager La Costa Tennis Shop 1971-74 Asst. mgr. F'etries 1970-71 Columnist-Carlb sd Journal 1983-85 Columnist -B lade Tribune 1987 . for llyears I have seen a great many changes. always worked toward meeting the needs of all the residents and I The City Council has feel that if appointed,I too,will work toward this end. Carlsbad will grow and so must the type and number of recreation opportunities available,with this in mind I feel each member of the commission must study, research and most of all listen to the direction given not only from the staff but from the community at large. I feel that I could serve my City well. t Anna Knox 1860 Highridge Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 619 -729-07 37 Oceanside Junior Woman's Club- 3rd Vice President 2nd Vice President 1st Vice President President Parlimentarian Women's Resource Center-crisis counselor Auxiliary founder/president Project Concern International-Walk Director Field Director Friends of the Carlsbad Library-board member Children's Home Society-member Carlsbad for Drug Free Youth-board member Kelly School Parent Association-board member classroom volunteer SITE Council chairman American Field Service Adult Chapter-1st vice president Carlsbad Soccer Club-registrar 1976- 19 84 San Diego District Federation of Wornan's Club-3rd V.P. 1982-1984 Deprt.Chair. Carlsbad Uni$i,ed School District-budget review committee City of Carlsbad-Child Care Task Force Chairman Brownie Cookie Chairman 1978-1983 1978-1980 1978-1980 1983-1986 1981-198'7 1 2 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTIOPI NO. 9194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEVEER TO THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of C. Scott Wright expires in August, 1987; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsba California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission, for a term to expire ir August, 1991 : Kim Welshons PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 11th day of August , 1987, by the followina vot to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Pettine and Larson /’ !y . , ” ,* ,‘ CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMEP TO THE CARLSPAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMTSSION. WHEREAS, the term of Mary Catherine Reaan expires in Auqust, 1987; NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsha California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission, for a term to expire in August, 1991 : David Castner PASSED, APPROVED MID ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 11th day of August , 1987, by the followina vot to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Pettine and Larson ATTEST: TENKRANZ ,- R City Clerk ( SEAL ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A FEMRER TO THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of Marjorie Morrison expires in Auqust, 1987; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the followinq person is hereby appoj-nted to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission, for a term to expire in August, 1991 : Mariorie Morrison PASSED, APPROVED PND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 11th day of August , 1987, by the followinq vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Pettine and Larson ATTEST : ( SEAL ) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor August 13, 1987 David Castner 1550 Sunrise Circle C lsbad, CA 92008 -&+< It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of August 11, 1987, adopted Resolution No. 9195 appointing you as a member of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission for a term to expire in August, 1991. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to serve on the Commission. Mayor TELEPHONE (619) 438-5599 CAL:krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor Citp of 4CarIe'bab August L3, 1987 Kim Welshons 2121 Placid0 Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 &---- It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of August 11, 1987, adopted Resolution No. 9194 appointing you as a member of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission for a term to expire in August, 1991. On behalf of the City,Council, I wish to express our pleasure at $e on the Commission. ~LAUDE A. LEWIS Mayor TELEPHONE (61 9) 438-5599 CAL: krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor aitp of CarIs’bab August 13, 1987 Marjorie Morrison 3891 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of August 11, 1987, adopted Resolution No. 9196 reappointing you as a member of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission for a term to expire in August, 1991. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to continue your service on the Commission. /$f’ CLAUDE A. LEWIS Mayor TELEPHONE (619) 438-5599 CAL : krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa July 2, 1987 TO : FROM : PARKS AND LEE RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECT0 CITY OF CARtSBdD RECREATION COMMISSION TERM EXPIRATIONS This is to inform you that Marjorie Morrison has mailed a letter to Mayor Lewis informing him that she desires reappointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. We have contacted Scott Wright by phone and left a message on his answering machine. We would like to inform you that we are assuming he does not want to renew his term. DB : pa I June 26, 1987 TO: DAVE BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: City Clerk PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TERM EXPIRATIONS Dave, just a reminder that the terms of Cathy Regan, Marjorie Morrison and Scott Wright expire as members of the Parks and Recreation Commission in August, 1987. We have received a letter from Cathy Regan indicating her desire not to be reappointed. Before we prepare the agenda bill to go to Council in early August, we would like to receive some kind of an indication from Marjorie Morrison and Scott Wright as to their desires for reappointment. Thanks for your assistance. LEE RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk c /. *-i \* cr July 5,1987 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: SCOTT WRIGHT, PARKS COMMISSIONER RE: RESIGNATION As you are already aware, my term as a commissioner for Parks and Rec- reation expires in August 1987. I have decided not to opt for another term for several reasons: 1. My time schedule as basketball coach, teacher, and athletic director at Carlsbad High School has made it difficult to attend all the regularly scheduled meetings. I invariably have one or two basket- ball games during the winter which are scheduled on a Monday. Also, our Lancer Athletic Booster Club also meets on Monday evenings. 2. I am extremely concerned about the direction the Parks Commission is moving. In the past 8 years that I have served on the Commission, several tremendous accomplishments have come about. These could not have happened without the cooperative effort of the Parks Commission, staff, and City Council. However, I see the Commission becoming more and more a forum for political state- ( ments and stances which really have no direct bearing on Parks and Recreation in my view. 1 3. I am extremely concerned when the Vice-chairman of the Commission I I I is leading a group of citizens bent on secession from the city. I 4. I am concerned when the City Council no longer has a liason in regular attendance at the Commission meetings. 1 5. Over a year went by without Council response to the Commission’s monthly summary of action items. This report to Council was to improve communication between the two bodies and to inform the Council on the arguments presented on each side of an action item. Many times throughout the past 8 years we, as Commissioners, have questioned our function and value as perceived by Council. pointless. I Volunteering my time, energy, and, yes, expertise sometimes seemed For these reasons I respectfully decline re-appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission for another term. c: David Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Buddy Lewis, Mayor .. .* F' July 5,1987 TO: BUDDY LEWIS, MAYOR FROM: SCOTT WRIGHT, PARKS COMMISSIONER RE: RESIGNATION As you are already aware, my term as a commissioner for Parks and Rec- reation expires in August 1987. I have decided not to opt for another term for several reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My time schedule as basketball coach, teacher, and athletic director at Carlsbad High School has made it difficult to attend all the regularly scheduled meetings. I invariably have one or two basket- ball games during the winter which are scheduled on a Monday. Also, our Lancer Athletic Booster Club also meets on Monday evenings. I am extremely concerned about the direction the Parks Commission is moving. In the past 8 years that I have served on the Commission, several tremendous accomplishments have come about. These could not have happened without the cooperative effort of the Parks Commission, staff, and City Council. However, I see the Commission becoming more and more a forum for political state- ments and stances which really have no direct bearing on Parks and Recreation in my view, I am extremely concerned when the Vice-chairman of the Commission is leading a group of citizens bent on secession from the city. I am concerned when the City Council no longer has a liason in regular attendance at the Commission meetings. Over a year went by without Council response to the Commission's monthly summary of action items. This report to Council was to improve communication between the two bodies and to inform the Council on the arguments presented on each side of an action item. Many times throughout the past 8 years we, as Commissioners, have questioned our function and value as perceived by Council. Volunteering my time, energy, and, yes, expertise sometimes seemed pointless. For these reasons I respectfully decline re-appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission for another term. c: City Cler David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation 7728 Palacio Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 June 2, 1987 Mayor Bud Lewis and Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 P Dear Mayor Lewis and Councilmembers, For the past three years I have served the City of Carlsbad as a Pe&m-sn.d.+wmat- *- This experience has been very educational for me and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with David Bradstreet, the staff, and my fellow commissioners. The accomplishments we made as a group have been very satisfying. As you know I have been elected President of La Costa Heights PTA. Since this is a new school, the position requires a tremendous amount of my time and effort. Unfortunately, this means I will be unable to devote enough time to my commission. My term as Parks and Recreation Commissioner expires in August 1987 and I have decided that I will not apply for reappointment. Upon completion of my term, I would be most happy to assist my replacement in any way that I can. Further please note that in the future, I will be honored to again sit on the Parks and Recreation Commission or serve the City of Carlsbad i:: some other way. I thank you for this opportunity and will treasure the friendships I have made through this position. Sincerely, %+ Cathy Regan cc: David Bradstreet Ray Patchett