HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-18; City Council; 9141; REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 81 .- t a .? n w > 0 E a- e a z 0 .. 6 a 6 z 3 0 0 wmur bAHLSBAU - AUtNwBILL , 7 / i, AB# 7/41 TITLE. REQUEST TO PREPARE LOCAL FACILITIES DEPT. MTG. 8-18-87 CITY i MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 8 DEPT. PLN CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Kaufman and Broad of San Diego, Inc, to prepare the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8. ITEM EXPLANATION This petition is being presented to the City Council requestin authorization under Section 21.90.120(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a group of owners to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan. The Council has previously receiv and approved similar requests. Council considers the followin criteria in the evaluation of these requests: 1. What percentage of owners are willing to proceed and prepa the plan? proceed until a local plan is prepared? 2. Has the City approved projects within the zone which canno 3. Is the development of this area of the City premature? Analysis of Request 1. There are three property owners in Zone 8: KelCal (of whi Kaufman and Broad is a partner) owns the 430 acre Kelly Ranch; the City of Carlsbad owns the 276.5 acre Macario Canyon; and Howard Kirgis, who owns a 22 acre parcel. Kel Ranch and the Kirgis property (authorization letter attach comprise 62 percent of the land area, and the City is the remaining 38 percent. So, if the City agrees to have the plan prepared, 100 percent of the property owners will hav consented. 2. There are no approved projects located within the zone 0th than the Kelly Ranch Master Plan. There are two pending tentative maps within this master plan (see Exhibit x preparation and adoption of a Local Facilities Management Plan. Of note is that portions of Cannon Road and a rnajo sewer line would be constructed as these future projects developed. locations). These projects are on hold, pending the 3. Staff finds that development in this area of the City is nl premature. The Kelly Ranch Master Plan was adopted in 1982 Since that time, the grading of Cannon Road through the Ke property has been completed, infrastructure such as sewer been planned for, and several projects are pending within the zone. Property to the north is developed and there is pending project in adjacent Zone 24 to the south. <. e a Page Two of Agenda Bill No. ?/ q I Based upon these considerations, especially the City's abilitb continue planning efforts for Macario Canyon Park and to accomplish building Cannon Road, staff is recommending that ti- City Council authorize Kaufman and Broad to proceed with the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8 FISCAL IMPACT None, conditionally. The petitioners have agreed to pay all costs for the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan. They have not requested any reimbursement from the othe property owner in the zone. However, because their letter of July 2, 1987 indicates they are not requesting reimbursement 'I this time", staff recommends that it clearly be indicated to Kaufman and Broad that their right to reimbursement is waived they are allowed to prepare the plan. Staff considers such waiver appropriate because Kaufman and Broad authorized their consultant to prepare a draft plan before the City agreed to a financial participation or reimbursement. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map of Zone 8 2. Location Map showing pending projects 3. Letter request from Kaufman and Broad, dated July 2, 1987 4. Kirgis authorization letter 0 Gfowth ZONE 8 JANU F LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS ,. 0 m ZOF .. Pending Proj EXHIBIT X B Pending Projects W w .Kaufman, and Broad of San Dlego, Inc. 12520 High Bluff Drive Suite 120 San Diego. California 92130 (619) 259-6000 Kaufman & Broad July 2, 1987 Ms. Nancy Rollman Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Subject: Zone 8 Local Facilities Management Plan Dear Ms. Rollman: Based upon our conversations, Kaufman and Broad wishes to proceed with the processing of the Zone 8 Local Facilities Management Plan. Therefore, please schedule our request to prepare the Zone 8 Plan for City Council authorization, as an informational item, at the next available Council hearing. As you know, on April 24, 1987, we submitted a draft plan for Zone 8 for your department's review. Based on meetings with you and other city staff, we have made additional changes to that document which, we believe, respond to your comments. Zone 8 consists of three land holdings: the 430 acre Kelly Ranch (owned by KelCal, of which Kaufman and Broad is a partner), the 22 acre Kirgis Parcel (see attached letter of authorization from Howard G. Kirgis dated January 29, 19871, and the 276.5 acre Macario Canyon Park (owned by the City of Carlsbad). Attached is a listing of the consultants involved in the plan preparation. We had previously requested that the city share in the cost of pli preparation and processing in accordance with Section 21.90.120 of Ordinance No. 9808 (see attached letter from B. Galloway to F. Aleshire, March 5, 1987). However, we understand from discussions with the city staff, that the city does not currently have funds available for such plan preparation and processing. Therefore, we are not requesting reimbursement at this time and are advancing all funds necessary to prepare and process the Zone 8 plan. .. e 0 .. Ms. Nancy Rollman July 2, 1987 Page 2 We appreciate your assistance in preparing the plan to date, and look forward to continuing to work with the city on processing to approval the Zone 8 Local Facilities Management Plan. Please call me if you have any questions. Sinc ely, /u Brian J. Milich Director, Forward Planning BJM/jmj CC/Bill Cardon Kevin Kirk Bob Galloway Turrini and Brink e e .. Prepared far: KAUFMAN & BROAD OF SAN DIEGO, INC. 12520 High Bluff Drive Suite 120 San Diego, CA 92130 (619) 259-6000 Plan Preparation & Processing: TURRINI & BRINK, PLANNING CONSULTANTS 1920 E. 17th Street, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 835-1691 Water Facilities: WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 2585 Pia Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 729-1194 Sewer & Drainage Facilities: VTN SOUTHWEST, INC. 5451 Avenida Encinas, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 931-1022 Circulation: 4540 Kearny Villa Rd., Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92123 URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. (619) 560-4911 e . . Kautmfrn and Broad honlC Lorportlrton .I . ~ 11601 Wtlshlre Doulcvnrd Los Angclcs Caiilorriicl 90025-1748 ' *. (213)312-5000 ,4 Kaufman A Broad March 5, 1987 7 1 1 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Frank Aleshire, City Manager , .J Re: Preparation of Local Facilities Management Plan f Management Zone 8 1 ? Dear Mr. Aleshire: I Management Zone 8 is comprised of three property ownershi as follows: 4 Q Property/Ownership Gross Area (Acres) .I Kelly Ranch/Kel-Cal 432.8 .I 22.0 Kirgis t * I Macario Park/City of Carlsbad 276.5 ("Excluding leased land.) 1 1 2 Under the terms of Chapter 21.90 of the City's Growth Manageme Ordinance (No. 98081, the Local Facilities Management P1 i for any specific zone can be prepared by a group of owne < or an owner with the approval of the others, and the cost shar j on a pro-rata basis. 1 We have already received written approval from Mr. Kirgis prepare the plan on his behalf. We now respectfully reque approval of the City of Carlsbad to: 1. Allow Kaufman and Broad (on behalf of Kel-Car) to prepa the Local Facilities Management Plan for Management Zo 8 using the services of the consultant team attach as Exhibit A. I 4 i 1 I 1' .. 1 3' March 5, 198' Page 2 W : , City of Carlsbad ' My. Frank AleshiremCity Manager / 2. Share in the cost of the Plan preparation and approval in accordance with Section 21.90.120 of Ordinance No. 9808 We would appreciate your early review and consideration in this matter, and if necessary, having this request presented to City Council for their approval. Respectfully submitted, [QdFdy Robert M. Gal oway Senior Vice President RMG/mel encls. cc: Micheal Holzmiller, Planning Director Bruce Karatz Clyde Lane , Kevin Kirk 6 \ V # Exhibit I t Us 1 1 1 4 I g 1 I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 212-010-03 AS owner(3) of the above parcel located within Zone 8 of the C Local Facility Management Zone hereby agree to the prepara the Zone 8 Plan by Kaufman and Broad of Southern Californi on behalf of Kel-Cal, owners of the Kelly Ranch. It is understood that the consultants to be used will be: 1. Turrini and Brink - Planning Consultants 2. 3. Woodside & Kubota - Consultants on Water Distr 0 VTN San Diego - Consulting Civil Engineer System 4. William N. Hofman - Consultant It is also understood that all fees in connection wi Management Plan for Zone 8 will be paid for by others, an( will be no financial obligation against the subject property now or in the future in connection with said submission and app preparation, submission and approval of the subject Local F m I khi62.a- Howard Ki gis Date I N U 1 4 @ ;5)isfi 6 2 u,e/ i Ho-.c,r! G K;rgis f?+ /ha". ~1-4 pL&kwI& s &-ici_ad.Fr Gcqs,-i1 I'Sb4C Ret. 8732 P,notage caourk sa, Jose, Californk 9513% I- - U/qh d-4" w @wr-/P8sL 9 /2&@ d% wr e?* .. 0 Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6543 .Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitlec I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general cii published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, ar newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general chara which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list c subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular in1 the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one! preceding the date of publication of tt hereinafter referred to; and that the which the annexed is a printed copy, t published in each regular and entire issL newspaper and not in any supplement tt the following dates, to-wit: If You challenge the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues YOU Or Someone else raised at the public hearing described in this bad at or prior to the public hearing. Case File: Zone 8 Applicant CITY OF CARLSBAD notice, or in written correspon- August 7 dence delivered to the City ofcarls- ................................. CITY OF CARLSBAD ................................. CITY COUNCIL NoT1CE OF PUBL1C CJ 4795: August 7,1987 - HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that theCityCounciloftheCityofCarls- ................................. bad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm ................................. Comprising Kelly Ranch Proper- tY and Macario Canyon, located east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and south of El Camino Real. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially in- vited to attend the public hearing. If You have any questions please 438-1161. ................................. call the Planning Department at I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of S$n Dieg California on - The 7th A day of -=jJ -. 11 ,&LL l{ Clerk of 1 ai202-2M-7 86 *. 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, 1987 , to consider a request to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8, more particularly described as: Comprising Kelly Ranch Property and Macario Canyon, located east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and south of El Camino Real. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Department at 438-1161. If you have any questions please call the Planning If you challenge the preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8 in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: ZONE 8 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH: August 7, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL W (Form A) m .. 3 TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice Request to prepare Local Facilities Manaqment Plan for Zone 8 for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of . Thank you. - July 30, 198i - Assistant City Man-- Date A. w m Attn: Bob Galloway c/o Kaufman & Broad of '\ KELCAL Southern California, Inc. 11 601 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025 Howard Kirgis 8332 Pinotage Court San Jose, CA 95135 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008