HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-01; City Council; 9147; Install & Lease Telephone Panels Dispatch Consoles----......---,. ---....--------- C LU ~ a:: a. ~ z 0 § c( ..I u z :::, 0 CJ AB# 9/1/'l 9-1-87 MTG, ___ _ DEPT,...;..P=-CH;,_,_..,;._ Cl,.OF CARLSBAD -AGEND9BILL III.LE; INSTALLATION AND LEASE OF TELEPHONE PANELS FOR DISPATCH CONSOLES 1 !=tl;COMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Reso 1 ut ion No. 9 ~ t f.: approving the i nsta 11 at ion and 1 ease of te 1 ephone panels for the dispatch consoles at the Safety Center and authorizing the Mayor to ~xecute same. ITEM EXPLANA'fION In September, 1985, when the Council awarded the contract for the communications equipment at the Safety Center to Motorola Communications and Electronics, it included the purchase of six telephone panels for the dispatch consoles. As the installation of the equipment progressed, the staff coordinator discovered that the City's telephone maintenance company (Pacific Bell) would not be able to maintain the Motoro 1 a telephone equipment. Therefor-e, with concurrence of Motorola, the purchase of the te 1 ephone equipment was cance 11 ed and arrangements were made with Pacific Be 11 Te 1 ephone to lease and maintain six telephone panels at the dispatch consoles. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the installation of the telephone panels is $16,870. Unencumbered funds in the amount of $9,000 are available in the Safety Center Account No. 320-1810- 3006 and $15,000-in unencumbered funds is available in the Police Technical Services Account No. 001-2140-2490 for the installation of the telephone equipment. The lease cost for the equipment is $8,976 a year and unencumbered funds are available in the Police Technical Services Communications Equipment Maintenance Account-No. 001-2140-2450 to cover the cost for the leasing of the equipment. EXHIBITS 1. Agreement with P~cific Bell Telephone Company for the installation and lease of telephone panels. -Exhibit A 2. Resolutfon No. 'JR ,Y , approving the installation and lease of telephone panels for the dispatch center and authorizing the Mayor to execute same. / - ( n }f j f I l J. 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 9218 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR THE INSTALLATION AND·LEASE OF TELEPHONE PANELS FOR THE DISPATCH CONSOLES. I. That the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Pacific Bell ·Telephone Company for the installation and lease of six telephone panels for the 7 Dispatch Consoles at the Safety Center {Exhibit A) is hereby approved. 8 9 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 10 ll PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the .J&.t. day of 12 September , 1987, by the following vote, to wit: 13 AYES: 14 NOES: Council Members Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson None 15 16 ABSENT: 17, 18 19 ATTEST: 20 Council Member Lewis :~~RA,N~ (SEAL) 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~(l//JJJc/4-:. ... CLAUDE A. LE~ ayor ANN J. KULCHIN, Mayor Pro-Tem l I f ! t ' i I ' I l I l !, f ---~ EXHIBIT A 4-23-84 ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT (SUBORDINATE} TO FURNISH ENHANCED 911 EMERGENCY REPORTING TELEPHONE 'SERVICE Th~s is an Addendum to that certain agreement (hereinaftar , referred as the "Agreement") dated June 1, 1982 between Pacific Bell (designated therein as the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company) hereinafter referred to as "Pacific" ind Jhe City of Carlsbad hereinafter referred to as "customer" on this thirteenth -----,.----------------- day of August , 198 7 in light of the ------------------------ following facts: A. Pacific is currently providing 911 or E911 service to customer: B., Pacific has e~ercised its right to increase rates for such service pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Agreement: and c. Customer and Pacific now desire to agree upon a mechanism to adjust the rates in accordance with the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") jurisdiction. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Pacific shall implement the rates set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto in accordance with _paragraph 3 of the Agreement effective 90 days from August 13, 1987 -. -1- ~✓--------, .3, ,..-:--:--~---..-------;-- EXHIBI'l' A 4-23-84 Initial delivery of this Addendum shall constitute notice of the increase as required by said paragrar,h 3. 2. Customer has -the right to seek CPUC review of the -rates set forth in Exhibit A within thirty days of the date of this Addendum. For the purposes of this rev~ew if the State -of Cali~ornia, Office of Telecommunications, seeks review, said raview shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the customer. 3~ Should the CPUC adjust:~aid rates either upward or , downward as a result of its review, the rates as adjusted by the CPUC shall thereafter be controlling. Furthermore, the rates actu~lly charged by Pacific ·in accordance with ,this Addendum ~hall be adjusted retroactively to the' date originai'ly implemented or one year whichever is shorter. Said adjustment to be credited or debited against customer's next bill without interest. (Signature Page Follows) -2- '-,, ' I t EXHIBIT A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY By: Title: Date Signed: City of~ Carlsbad (CUSTOMER) Date Signed: .3 I 91'-7 } -3- ',t I ~ I t l EXHIBIT A E-911 SERVICE -RATES AND CHARGES The E-911 Emergency Reporting system for Carlsbad Police Department will consist of the fol lowing: UNIT PRICE TOTAL CHARGES -36 MONTHS Description Mo. Rate ~ !l!Jantity Mo. Rate li * C.O. FEATURE AN I/ALI/SR $144 $ 900 0 0 0 (Per 1000 MS) * PSAP ANI EQUIPMENT 9NMAI Master Contr. $480 $4,000 1 $17,280 0 9NAAI Aux. Contr. $168 $ 530 1 $19~080 0 9NTAI Trunk Equip. $ 48 $ 80 0 $ 0 0 9NPAI Power Conversion Unit $ 96 $ 90 1 $ 3,240 0 '9NDAI Display Unit $ 36 $ 200 6 $ 7,776 0 * PSAP ALI EOU IP 9LMAI Master Contr. $488 $5,800 1 $21,168 0 9LAAI Aux. Contr. $ 60 $ 760 0 $ 0 0 9LDAI Display Unit $ 96 $ 70 2 $6,912 0 9LWAI Display Unit Wiring $ 1.80 $ 4 2 $ 129.60 0 **PSAP ANSWERING EQUIPMENT TOTAL CHARGES -1 MONTH Description Mo. Rate It. Quantity Mo. Rate K ComCentrex 911 line Equip. $18 $ 330 4 $ 72 $1,320 ComCentr~x All Other Type line Equip $13 $ 160 19 $ 247 $3,040 ComCentrex 60-line Flush-Mount Set w/ANI Bracket $71.50 $2,070 6 429 $12,510 Total Monthly lease Cost. . $ 748 Total Installation Cost , , $16,870 * Cost is paid by State of California **Cost is paid by City of Carlsbad