HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-01; City Council; 9151; Undergrounding of UtilitiesClw OF CARLSBAD - AGENU BILL . .. AB# ?/a-l DEPT. HC TITLE: CITY MGI DEPT. R/AC ~ CITY AT UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES MTG. 911 /87 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Endorse the established procedure for the undergrounding of utilities as described below. Direct Staff to convene the Underground Utility Advisory Committee to update the priority list for Council approval. ITEM EXPLANATION: I At the City Council meeting of May 19th, Council directed sta: to prepare a report on the undergrounding of overhead utilities. Funding for the undergrounding of utilities comes primarily from Title 20A Conversion Funds, which SDG&E allocates to the City. This money can only be used for the undergrounding of utilities. If not expended within three years from the time it , budgeted, this money may be reallocated to another community. (Carlsbad has never forfeited any of these funds.) Recommendations to the City Council on the formation of underground utility districts is the responsibility of the Underground Utility Advisory Committee (WAC). The Committee is to report annually with a list of projects prioritized for Council approval. The current list of priorities include: 1. Tyler Street north of Oak $300,000 2. Harding Street at Oak 35,000 3. Roosevelt Street north of Oak 50,000 4. State Street north of Beech 650,000 From the available records it is unclear when this list was approved by Council. a > W 0 L1z a. e a z 0 .. 6 e a z 3 0 0 Policy giving priority to one area of the City has never been officially adopted by Council. The Redevelopment Area, however, has been the focus because of the need to revitalize this area. In recent years, the UUAC has met irregularly. The prior- ity list needs to be reviewed and updated. Advanced planning and coordination are essential because SDG&E must conduct engineering studies, schedule construction crews, and place the project in its capital budget. If the WAC functions as originally designed, the City can maximize the benefit of these Title 20A Conversion Funds. It is Staff's intention to convene the Committee, review and update the list of priorities, and submit the list to Council for approval. 1 e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 9 1 c/ FISCAL IMPACT: 0 None EXHIBITS : 1. Title 20A of the Rules for the Sale of Electric Energy. 2. Resolution No. 4073, creating and establishing the Underground Utility Advisory Committee, January 4, 1977. 3. 20A Allocation Status, prepared by Doug Elliott, SDG&E, North Coast District Office, June 1987. EXHIBIT 1 r SAtl DIEGO GAS b ELECT. COMPANY San Di ego, California Revised .l.P.U.C.Sheet No. Ga Cancelling Revised Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 41 Sheet - RULE 26 REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD WITH UtlDERGitOUND ELECTRIC FACILITIES A. The utility uill, at its expense, replace its existing overhead elec- tric facilities uith underground electric facilities along public streets and roads, and on public lands and private property across nhich rights-of-nay satisfactory to the utiIity have been obtained by the utility, provided that: 1. The governing body of the city or county in which such electric facilities are and uill be located has: a. Determined, after consultation uith the utility and after holc ing public hearings on the subject, that s'uch undergroundi ncj i in the general public interest for one or more of the .followii reasons: (1) Such undergrounding uill avoid or eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead electric facilities; (2) The street or road or right-of-way is extensively used by the general public and carrres a heavy volume of pedes- trian or vehicular traffic: and (3) The street or road or right-of-way adjoins or passes through a civic area or public recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. b. Adopted an ordinance creating a.n underground district in the area in uhich both the existing and new facilities are and wi! be located, requiring among other thinss, (1) that all existir overhead communication and electric distribution facilities ii such district shal!. Sa removed, t 2) that each property served from such electric overhead facilities shall have installed, i accordance nith the uti lity's rules for undsrgraund servica, i electrical facility changes on the premises necessary to recei service from the underground faciIities of the utility as soor as it is availabla, and (3) authorizing the utility to discon- tinue its overhead service. I Advice Ltr. No. 597-3 fssued by Date Fi ledNove3ber i Decision No. RONALD K. FilLLE? Effect i ve Dece2ber 7 - Vice Presidant-7eSulatory Services Resolution Elo. SAN 3IEGO GAS & ELECTP'C COMPANY Revised -a 1. P . u . C. Sheet tlo. --e 48i San Di ego, Cali ai a . 41: Cancelling Revised Ca1.P.U.C.Sheet Ho. 41: I Sheet - RULE 20 (Continued) REPLACEMEHT Or' OVERHEAD WITH UNDEZC2OUND~ ELECTZIC FACILITIES A. (Continued) 2. The utility's total annual budgeted amount for under5rounding uit: any city or the unincorporated area of any county, shall be allo- cated in the same ratio that the number of overhead meters in suck city or unincorporated area oi any county bears to the total systc overhead meters. The amounts 50 allocated may be exceeded where ! utility establishes that additional participation on a project is uarranted. Such allocated amounts may be carried over as providec belou. In order to qualify as a community uith an active under- grounding program, the governing body must have ado?ted an ordinsr or ordinances creating underground district and/or districts as SE forth in Section A.1.b. of this rule. Where there is a carry-over the utility has the right to set, as determined by its capability, reasonable limits on the fate of performance of the crork to be fi- nanced by the funds carried over. Where amounts budgeted for any calendar year are not expended in that calendar year or the next t succeeding calendar years following the budgeting thereof because of forces beyond the control of the utility, then in that event ac that event only, the utility may reallocate tho unexpended amount: of money in its'discretion, to communities uith actrve undergrounc ing programs, or uith the approval of the Commission for any other lawful purpose. 3. Tne undergrounding extends for a minimum distance of one block or 600 feet, whichever is the lesser. Upon request of the governing body, the utility uiil pay for no more than 100 feet of the cu5toner's undersround service lateral. The governing body may esta5lish a smalier footage allouance, or may limit the amount of money to be expended on a slngle customer' service, or the total amount to be expended on consumer ssrvlces in a particular project. I I I ~~ ~~ ~~ Ad.Jica Ltr. No. 507-E: Issued by Date Filed VovPrZI_bPt 7 Decision ?io. RONALD K. FULL:? Ef+ective I)ora-,ier 7 Vice President-Reguia:>ry Services 2esoLution tio. /I !( I I i i 1 2 3 0 e EXHIBIT 2 FEZOLUTION NO. 4073 A RESOLUTIOP? OF TF!E CITY COUPICIL @F 'PHE CITY OF CARLSBAI',, Ci;LIFOP.!.TIA, CREATING AND ESTADLISiiIIIG TIiE Ux7i)l;i<Gflf.5T:> ['YILITY .~~D\J~SOI~~ COyLi.41T%Er "~" ~"- ". - :i V?HERK?S, Section 11.08.020 of t!:e Iqunicipal Code nrovidcs I' 6 for pS1.i.c hearings' to ascertain whether overhead utilhtj.es shall 7 be xcpl.aced with undzrground utilities in certain areas of the 8 City; and 9 WHEREAS, the Co.unci.1 requires specific infornation on the 10 boundaries of the area to be undergrourLded, the cost, coqlian8w with Public Utility Commission regulations, availability of funds and other information on community effects; and WHEREAS, this information can best he provided by a Committee faniliar with pilblic utility regulations, construction 15 costs, md comiunity needs; 16 XOY, THEl-IEFGRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 17 City of Carlsbad as fellows: I 18 Section. 1. A standing com.iftee, known as the Undergromd 19 Utility Advisory Conniktee, shall be autfiorized and appointed by 20 the authority of the City Council; 21 Section 2. This committee shall be an advisory committee z2 composed of members from the City staff , the utility contpmies, 23 the cable TV industry, and the corbi?unity at large; 24 -Section 3. The City sts.ff members on the comuttne shall 25 be the incumbent Public TVorks Administrator (who will act as : * ll ,26 Chairman) or his desi5pcted representative, and the incunSei1t 27 The local cable TV inelnber shall be designated by the Cable TV 31 ordinator design ted by the San Diego Gas an2 Electric Conpany. 30 designated by Pacific Telephone and the Electric Conversion Co- 29 Company members on the Committee shall be the Liaison Engineer 28 Director of Planzing or his designated representative. The Utility I . 32 Franchisee(s). The Planning Coxmission member skall be the Chairma , * Amended May 1981, to read "City Engineer" to reflectl staff , -r reorganization. r I/ j( e 0 jj I 1 of the-Planning Ccrrmission or his designated represenkative. I 2 Section 4. The Underrpou.1-d Utility Advisory Comrrdttoe 3 General Public Interest" which would qualify as underground utili1 9 1. Survey the corninunity to determine "areas affected by 8 following du'. cles ' : 7 ' City's underg:-our.d prograu. The Coririuittee shall also perr'orm the 6 districts and keep the Council infci-ncd as to the st.atxs of the 5 to the City Council on the formation of unde::--cjround utility 4' shall be charged with the responsibility for mzking recon:l,ier-dat.ior 10' districts; 11 2. Develop a priority list of projects as a tentative 12 master plan for City Council approval; 13 3. Prepare detailed information on proposed district 14 ground districts; 18 appropriate City Departments and Utilities in implementing under- 17 4. Develop procedures and recommendations for use by 16 nancing methods for approved districts; 15 boundaries, construction costs, construction schedule, and fi- . l9 1 i Section 5. The Corrmittee shall be composed of seven (7) 20 21 ' mernber.s of which two will be City Staff mel-?bei-s r one PlaEning Section 6. The appointed committee mehers shalI be 25 of the City Council: 24 nerber shall be appointed by the Mayor with consent and approval 23 Industry merber, in accordance with Section 3, and the remaining 22 Commission member, two Utility Company members, and one cable TV r 26 /I appointed for four (4) year terk ; 27 Section 7. The committee shall meet at least once during 28 Section 8. The committee is as established by the City 32 Chairman: 31 once each year and at other times as deemed appropriate by the . 30 Chairman. A report shall be made,to the City Council at least 29 each quarter of the'calendar year and may meet at the call of the f -2- I I I .. I 1 e 0 1 1 Council; 2 Council and shall continue at the plezsui-c and discretion of the 3 Section 3. I!crtbe.rs shall serve without cornnensation or 4 reimbursement for expenses. .. I 51 PASSED, APPXOVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of, the I ‘I 6 7 11 by the fol.lowing vote, to wit: Carlsbad City Council held on the 4t,h day of January ” r 1977 8 9 AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Pzc-kard, Skotnicki and NOES : None Councilwoman Cas1 er 10 I/ ABSENT : I.! o n e I‘ 11 12 13 14 15 16 bflC..f;?,l..i(& .F //*LA/ k%qGRTT E. ADA%-, .City Clerk 17 18 (SEAL) 19 20 .- 21 22 .. 23 24 25 26 ATTEST : F 27 28 29 30 31 32 -3 z - ROBERT F&C.A7&. C. FRAZEE r May 1: *. . t L I I a 0 EXHIBIT N 4-1 0 rl !& 88 a 8 Gn+ 0°8 ZS3 O0 ha I?% g m co "! 0, 9 "! *! h! *! r"l8 m * h- hN Na *! *! "! -*m Hqw a mmm cno4 2 e *! mm 2 p w2 4N 3% e a 23% 2- h a4 rl rl .9 i i? 4 *! 25 2 ;;a 3 4 P h! 00, *! 4 q9 88" 4 N h 4 h e N co Ei N 3 3 N u Em 03 03 N! 3 4 4 ! .d 8 ue, mn",4mn',? co~wnon anonan co)Nnm, 4 Egg2 $gs 2%~ &Gs SO Gi? ;;a28& 23 gi ZzGZ zgs( cnnz coma d 4 33- F??SS E% b! *! "! m! ~!~! P a! W W h\flw Ei zcn nlm !I B[ E G4 0 N u 'til 4J rl u I n n n h N m N i? a -?a n n h h 4 4 4 13 *- l-?? Q m w 3 4 b 2 L-l s" LX.4 3% 8- W 4 W W N W W W 8 3 "! 00-Q N! 0'- -! '0, N? *! 2 3 Es?S 85: s?s? sg e s h! 4 2 0 mcne me om m N urn aco 44nl Nrn 4 ha 1 G- 4 \* r; M; 4J 'r) 0 E 3. n h h 0 2- W a n b N O0! 2 4 W 13213 g O0! *! 00, *! ;;a32 444 2 c\1 L? w ! h' .- 2 I=- v, -*s n *i 4% ai 0 $4 &$ q 83 31 0 u 88 $d 5 23 4 gp Eo OD LI d g. w X& em -m u 0 ai 8 u 9 m 2 E! wz $2 L) I ad 34 82 82821 -4 a 0 %- % bd 'U '* us a, LIi 3M 3 6 M . u m rS ! 01 3 ai 4& &&%% iq Cp) .^s ~o~.-"~"mu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~~~E2~ a5 $6 m $2 W % %k366k5AGk3@21f 444m 44w 44w aIf cawuokcnm H4446"Ifgj -a, 1. m. Ga -8 $88 b k2 4 h m h 2 b h 0 2 2 2 ar 4 E? 8 4 2 m 03 2 CJ E2 N If % 4 hl 0 e w 0 N PI $8 do h 2s-T -. me tR, *. r;dO " "? 'D. "0.0, rn .ri 5 4 Kj* 2 m aolno3\D oe-0 --+a !3 m. %I" 2 *$ u qE 2 HQ** - \ h a3 \ a .I+ l3 s53 533s3 33 %L 2 ma 235?32? ua, h% "??? 4Nda m "1 i 1% n hl m m 00. 8 E% g ;=la* E: u rl a, W N dl 4 8 5 5L 22z2 8 oh-4 sf ma 4. '0, e, ONhm I+ 0 mmmh a; m $3 ji aju us j? >& :4 Z33pm3 3 4 $3 &$ zz! 2222 u m V Q) PI ko -8 PI -7 :I UJ m a m ma " s U g x n 0 8. rn 4 W N x 0. E 0 N W 5: % E: l.! P \ 02 ;$ a E $4 q rl 5u a0 $2 uw s E2 bR 8 2 a, 1-I !l u w" k % 3 8 PI * .# 4- e @$.Y &6z; cc. WL 5 GnRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPc ;I,;&?t’$ E.j (71 4) 431 1200 ELM AVENUE a / & Office of tho City Clork rrp fi pf:: e”-?{ :,,2 j pi rSu” qj\d uF. e+ Citp of &srI$ba?7 kgG \ 8 h~ m: 12 r,\f y OF c ,jRtSB b&Q APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO‘ARD OR COMMISSION Nae of Board Or Commission:Underground utility Advisory Committe - Name (print or TW) : Gordon J Baker 2035 Charleen Circle, Carlsbad Address: phone:729-1713 present Occupation: Clergy (retired) .. Business Name and Addftss: ”- - Bus. Phone: Home Phone : 729-1713 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: ”- Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Yes f am familiar with the re8pon8ibilitieS assigned to the Board Or Co~i~~ion on which 1 wirh to serve. ff appointed to a Board or omission whi& is aubject to financial disclosure laWse f am willing to provide such statements as may be required, f am willing to appu for an interview regarding mY qualifications for appointment bafote such conrmitt8. a8 may be designated bY the city ~~cil or if requested by indivLd-1 council Members- , DATE: August 17, 1987 SIGNATURE: (See reverse 8idd 6/83 - I EDUCATION: e e U,C.L,A., A.B., 1938 Chicago yheolo'gica1 Seminary, Master Divinity, 191~3 EmERIENCE: mostly as pastor of churches irr SO. Calif Pastor, Pilgrim Congregational Church, Carlsbad, 1964-1981 ouTs1DE ACT1VfTfES: Literacy-: tutor (vQlunteer) , 'Carlsbad Litera president, California Literacy, .-lS 1 of 9 members on Steering Coxmitt Laubach Literacy Action [nationa Conference Director Tor LLA Bienni ference, S:m Diego, June 1988 Center, 1982-present (and other positions) 1986-1989 7,erved City of Carlsbad in the initiation and organization of its inp: propram for low income and senior citizens. Served a few years on the original Housing Advisory Board, past president of Advancement Council, MirzCosta College ADDfT1oNAL mpoRMATIm OR C0-S: On June 16, 1981 I was appoir member of the Underground Utility Advisory Committee by )layor Ron The comxi-ttee meetings were very spasmodic and accomplished very 1 I was out of town for the first meeting July 1, 1981. The Nov. 19 ine; was not held. The next meeting was March 18, 1982. The June meetin? was not, held. The committee did not meet again until iLl'iay and I never heard any more about the committee. I itm willing to S if there is to be more consistency in future meetings. - 1984, The k-ugust 30, 1981, meeting was not held (though not cancel - b a 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor citp of Cser13sb TELEPHOb (714) 729-1 ' June 18, 1981 Rev. Gordon J. Bakhr 2035 CharLeen Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to infom you th.at the City Cowncil, at its meeting of June 16, 1982. adopted Resolution No. 6559, appointing you a member to the City of Carlsbad Underground Utility Advisory Committee e May 1 take this opportunity to express appreciation for your willingness to se-ne on this Committee. You will be contacted in the near future by the City Engineer, Les Evans, regarding the committee meetings. .&&g[&J RONALD C, PACKARD Mayor RCP : krs cc: Les Evans