HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-03; City Council; 9202; Acceptance of Seized and Forfeited Cash..,.,.._""!!"" __________________________ , ______________ ~:----~.,.-- 0 lJ,J ~ a: a. a.. <t: z 0 ti cc ..J 0 z ::, 0 (,) ~ CIT:,~F CARLSBAD -AGEND~BILL ift-. (~ DE~HD.x:~ AB# <Je202._ MTG. lo-.$-S-7 DEPT. POLICE TITLE: ACCEP'I'ANCE OF SEIZED AND FORFEITEu CASH PURSUANT TO FEDERAL COMPREHENSIVE CRIME CONTROL ACT OF 1984. CITYATTY~ CITYMG~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Coui,cil adopt Resolution No. Cjo??'£, thereby accepting for the Police Department approximately $15,443.55 cash which was seized and forfeited in accordance with the Federal Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 7, 1986, the Car.lsoad City Council passed Resolution No. 8321, authorizing the Chief of Police and City Attorney to apply for seized and forfeited assets pursuant to the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. The Police Department has since applied for and been awarded 90% of Seizure No. 26143, $15,540.50, and 90% of Seizure No. 26140, $1,619.00. These awards resulted from the Police Department's drug enforcement efforts with ~he Narcotits Task Force. The Police Department previously has acquired a vehicle and cash assets through this same process. FISCAL IMPACT: The Police Department should receive approximately $15,443.55 in cash as a result of the forfeitures. There are no anticipated expenses. Once acquired, the cash will be placed iu the designated account for future law enforcement purposes. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 8321 . 2. Resolution No. C/27 '/ 3. Forfeiture letters f,om Drug Enforcement Administration. I I .. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9274 --- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING $15,443.55 CASH WHICH WAS SEIZED AND FORFEITED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE CRIME CONTROL ACT OF 1984. WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 provides for the distributibn of federally seized and forfeited assets to the law enforcement agencies that participate in an investigation which resulted in an asset seizure; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Police Department participates, on a continuing basis, in investigations which can result in forfeited assets under said Act; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously authorized the Chief of Police and City Attorney to apply for the City's share of such assets; and WHEREAS, The City Council has determined that the public interest requires that the Council accept such assets received by the Police Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California: xx xx 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby accepts approximately $15,443:ss cash which was seized and forfeited pursuant to the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. 3. That the City Council hereby authorizes the cash to be placed into the designated account for future law enforcement purposes. xx xx xx x.x .2 ' l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3rd , day of November 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchln, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ~ IIC~-~~ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk\ -2- . I 0 UJ ~ a: a.. 0.. < z 0 f; C .J u z :::, 0 (.) Cl~ Or: CARLSBAD -AGJ;NOA All I ~ l.!_.>= --~ ----------------~-------·--------~----------__ , -----.,..------"""'~~' AB# Y'f.SJ MTG. 1/7 /86 DEPT. PC'tLICE TITLE; ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE FOR SEIZED AND FO~El7ED ASSETS RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITYA CITYMGR.~ City Council adopt Resolution No. /?3:} I authorizin~ the Chief of Police to apply on a continuous basis for the city s share of seized and forfeited assets and for the City Attorney to sign accompanying documents indicating the city's lega position for accepting such assets. ITEM EXPLANATION: On Oct. 12~ 1984, President Reagan signed into law the Comprehen- sive Crime Control Act of 1984. This law provides for the distribution of federally seized and forfeited assets to law enforcement agencies who participated in the investigation which resulted in the asset seizure. The assets consist of cash, real prooerty and conveyances that have been forfeited by those who acquired it for use, use it for the purposes of. or is the resultant ~rofit from illegal activity. The State of California has similar statutes as well. The Carlsbad Police Department particioates on a continuing basis in investigations resulting in forfeited assets. The Chief of Police intends to apoly for the city's share of seized and for- feited assets on a continu0us basis. Each application will be brought before the City Council for final ao?roval before acceot- ance is cornoleted. On 11-19-85 the City Council accepted our first forfeited item when resolution No. 8264 was passed. The Police uepartment acquired a 1985 GMC Suburban as a result of that resolution. A soecial account has been designated through the Finance Departn:ent for anticipated cash asset forfeitures. Should the council decline to pursue asset forfeitures the city's sh&re of such resources will be claimed ar.d utilized by other law enforcement agencies involved with the seizure. FISCAL IMPACT: There would be certain fiscal impacts for the operation, licensing, and maintenance of acquired conveyances. Anticipated sharing of forfeited cash assets should more then offset any ex?enditures. EXRlBITS: 1. Resolution No. f:3 ~ I 0 ,c ,m :c; I '">~ • IU C '~ IL ::l Z ' oz it: Ill~ 'i_t;~~ • 0 :f~-L.. -l. 'fi i §IU-~ ~~ ·Ill. ~~-; .. ~ ~ l) 1 2 ~ 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. ___ t.,._32=1 __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE Oil!P OF POLICE AND CITY ATTORNEY TO APPLY FOR FORFEITED . ASSETS PURSUA?~T TO THE COMPREHENSIVE CRIME CONTRO~ ACT OF 1984. WHEREAS, the Compr·ehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 provides for the distribution of federally seized and forfeited assets to law enforcement agencies which participate in the investigation which resulted in the asset seizure; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Police Department participates, o a continuing basis, in investigations which can result in forfeited assets under said Act1 and WHEREAS, because of the nature of the police work involved the opportunities to apply on behalf of the City arise on short notice basis which does not allow sufficient time to bring each item to.the City Council in advance: and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that _the publi interest requires that the Council authorize the Chief of Police and the Cit/ Attorney to take any steps necessary to apply on behalf of the City for these assets, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Chief of Police shall have authority to apply on behalf of the City of Carlsbad on a continuing basis for the City's share of seized and forfeited assets pursuant to the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 and the City Attorney is authorized to execute any documents necessary in that regard. ·-I 1 I ·s ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 '0 'C 13 ·:l I ·f. ·-~ ~ ~ 14 I~ Z gz I ~ : ~ C ~ 15 'C, g I•~ '► ... 16 ; ~~ i i .. ro '~ ; 17 C iS ~ u 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I . 3. If a distribution is approved ~y federal authoritie it 1hall be presented to the City Council for their approval before final acceptance ia completed on behalf of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of .... the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the _ _;..7~th _____ d~y of -~J_a~n_ua~r~y ____ , 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABS ENT: None ATTEST: t1 f,"fk L Rg;;;:t;-_ L ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ~t1:'t;) Clerk i t t I I ~ ' ,, I " '· ,, •' I' I Ii I, j I i, I: ' I l I i i l. \ Lt. Gregory Fried Carlsbad Police Department 2650 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Deac Lt. Fried: {-=~ U.S. Dcp:utmt 'of Justice Drug Enfor~cmcnl Administration SE lZ IJ P E :: : 2 61 ➔ 0 CA SE t: : ~ 2 .3 7 X 7 11 PROP: $1,619,G~ U.S. CURRENCY IN:: Vt.Ll1E: :i-1619,00 SEIZURE OATS: 13 JUN 87 SEIZUF~ PLAC:: CARLSEAD, CA OWNE~: SEIZED FRCM: RONALe ZIHLIC~ JUCICIAL CIST: CALIFCRNIA SOUTHEP~ OCT O 3' 1987 __ ::·:~_j__. Date: This is in response to youc c~quest filed with the Dcug Enfoccement Administcation (DEA) seeking ·equitable distcibution of the above- desccibed p~opecty to youc agency pursuant to Section 309 of Public Lav 98-473 (the Com?cehensive Crime Control Act of 1984). The pacagraphs checked below are to inform you of the disposition of youc cequest: Section 1 Recommendations and Decisions IJ[J The pro?ecty has been forfeited administratively by the DE~ pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 881 and the DEA is authorized to entec a final decision concerning equitable shar:ing. I ] The pro?ecty has been focfeited administcatively, ho~evec, its value ~ictates that the sharing decision be m~de by the United States Depactment of Ju$tice and your sharing r~quest, ~ith the DEA's recommendation, has been refereed to the De~actment foe consideration. D T~e pcoperty is oc was subject to litigation in the United States Courts and the shacing request, ~ith the DEA's recommendation, has been foc~acded to the appcopciate United States Attocney foe considecation. Section 2 Prope~ty Tcansfecs D The shacing cequest has been gcanted. Please contact the DEA Office to accange foe pr:opecty transfer. You must pay an outstanding lien in the amount of S ~-----before the pcopercy can be released. A copy of ouc lettec to thl? lienholdec is attached foe youc infocmation. 7 . cj ·The': s_har.ing ·.:t'~quest has· oo~n granted. Please contact the • • DEA Office to~arrange for property transfer . .. r7 Administrative costs in the amount of$ ______ associated with th~ seizure must be paid before the property can be released. Your ·check in the amount indicated should be made payable to "U.~. Marshals, Account il5XS042." The check should be delivered to the _______ DEA Office. Section 3 Money Tra~sfers D Your agency vill rec~ive % of proceeds realized from the sale of the forfeited property. D Your agency vill receive % of proceeds realized from the sale of the forfeited property not to exceed$ ------w Your agency w"ill receive 90 % of the forfeited currency, W Authority to distribute funds being shared has been delegated to the United States Marshals Service. Accordingly, this office is notifying the Headquarters Office of the United States"Marshals Service National Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Program to process this request for equitable sharing to your agency. Payment should be forthcoming shortly: Section 4 Equitable Sharing OP.nial D Your request cannot ~e honored because a petition has been received and a decision made to grarit the relief sought by the petitioner. The prope~ty, therefore, is not available for government use or shacing . . 0 Youc request cannot be honored because the nature of the property precludes its division between oc among two oc @ore federal o~ state/local agencies. D Your request cannot be honored since the property is being put into official use by the United States Government. D After careful reviev, a decision has been made not to honor your equitable shacing cequest. cc: DEA O(fices: 0/0 _San Diego, CA R/O ., U.S. ;:.::co::-ney: USMS N,\SAfP DI-:~. AO ,:c Ch::•:>ll ~-•.! t 7.1;::0 i:-' it,.: ':: 2.§!_4 __ 0 ___ _ .- IA (Page 2 of 2)C, Lt. Gregory Fried Carlsbad Police Dept. 2650 Orion Way Charlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Lt. Fried f.,-,~)i, U.S. Ocp2r1m .. .t o! Justice Drug Enfor~cmcnt Administration SEIZURE#: 261~3 CAS( a: R237X69B PRCP: $15,5~,.50 U,S. CURRENCY ID~:: VALUE: Sl55~J.50 _ SEIZtRE DATE: J5 JU~ 8T SEIZURE PLAC2: CARLSeAD, c~ O\~NE~: SEIZED FRCr: B~ANT1 SCOTT SOUTHERN J0CICIAL CIST: CAL1FCRNIA Date: 09/30/87 This is in response to youc request fiied vith the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) seeking·equitable distribution of the above- desccibe1 property to your agency pursuant to Section 309 of Public La~ 98-473 (the Comorehensive Crime Control Act of 1984}. The pacag~a9hs checked bel~~ are to inform you of the disposition of youe request: • Section l Recommendations and Decislons {iJ The pco~ecty has been forfeited administratively by the DEA pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 881 and the DEA is autho~ized to enter a final decision concerning equitable sn.a·c ing. 0 The ~Cc?ecty has been focfeited administcatively, ho~evec, its Value cictates that the shc:i~ing decision be r,1ade by the United States De?actment of Justice and you= sharing request, vith the DEA's cecoc~endation, has been referred to the Department foe considecation. Q.-T'1e pcopecty is oc uas subject to licigation in the United States Coc~ts and the shacing cequest, vith the DEA's recommenda~ion, has been focuacdec to the ap?Copciate United States Attocney foe consi~~catior.. Section 2 Pcooectv Tcansfecs D The sharing cequest has been granted. Please contact the DEA Office to arr:,pnge foe p~opeety transfer. ----------You raust pay an outstanding lien in the amount of S --,-----b ~ f o c e the pco~ecty can be released. A copy of oue letter to tha lienholdec is jttached foe youc infocrnation. ., I t• I ! 1 ! ... . . D The shacing }=~quest has been granted. Please contact the DEA Office to acrange for proper.ty transfer. ii Administrative costs in the amotint of$ ______ associated ~h the seizure must be paid befoce the pcoperty can be released. Your check in the amount indicated should be made payable to "U.S. Marshals, Account Jl5X5042." The check should be deliveced to the _______ DEA Office. Section 3 .. Money Transfecs D Your agency ~ill ceceive i of pcoceeds realized from the sale of the forfeited pcoperty. 0 Your agency vill ceceive % of pcoceeds cealized fcom the sale of the forfeited pcoperty not to.exceed S ------ ~ Your agency vill ceceive ~% of the focfeited cucrency. W Aut~ority to distribute funds being shaced has been delegated to the United States 11.acshals Secvice. Accocdingly, this off_ice is notifying the Headquarters Office of the United States "f-lae'shals Service National Asset Seizure and Focfeiture Pcogcam to pcocess this cequest foe equitable shacing to youc agency. Payment should be focthcoming shoctly: Section 4 Eauitable Shacing Denial D Youc request cannot be hor.orec because a petition has been received and a decision made to grant the celief sought by the petitionec: The pcoperty, thecefo~e, is not available foe government use or shacin<:;. D Youc cequest cannot be honored because the nature of the propecty precludes its division betYeen or among t~o or more fedecal oc state/local agencfes. D Youc cequest cannot be honored since the pcopecty ~s being put into official use by the United States Government. D Aftec careful reviev, a decision has been made not to honoc youc equitable shacing request. cc: DEA Offices: D/0 San Diego, CA R/0 U.S. ;:..:.:o::ney: USMS NAS.\i:'? DEA AO cc Cheon :,~ i 7.C!"C c--i l,.: ~: 26143 Focfeituce_Unit e of Chief Counsel K.B. ,· 'l . '-- (Paoe 2 of 2: