HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-10; City Council; 9216; ADOPTION OF THE 1985 UNIFORM BUILDING CODEu rl -4 P 1 a U 0 U a, m e a, h a, U U 2 a, 5 U rd 5 a, a a, U u a, k *d a a c rd. h rlm -a3 drl 4 co- a3 zs Ok P *E aa, Nu oa, Q a arc 00 1 ab0 k .d oc Uk -4 a, crd rl .c -d u Ll -rl crl 5P ua 05 h 03 0 I 4 4 I .. z 4 e 5 5 4 z 3 0 0 CIS OF CARLSBAD - AGENP BILL 5 a; r/ -J 1 AB# ?e?Ib MTG. TITLE: ADOPTION OF THE 1985 UNIFQRM DEPT. BLDG 11 110187 BUILDING CODE DEPT. HD CITY All! CITY MGF RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. f") 1 j - ADOPTING the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, and set 'a-Public Hearing for - December 8, 1987 I I ITEM EXPLANATION Staff is proposing adoption of the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, to replace the similar 1982 Edition now in effect. This will bring the City regulation into conformity with the State. The 1985 Code contains significant changes concerning exiting, stairway design and masonry construction. Certain sections of the 1985 Code are amended by this ordinance just as they were for the 1982 Code. The amendments require fire retardant roofs, an increase in the requirements for sprinklers in commercial and industrial buildings, and fire provisions that are more restrictive for buildings over certain heights. The 1985 Code increases building permit and plan check fees for the first time in six years to compensate for the increased number of building inspections and plan check time required by State mandated handicap and energy regulations. It also conforms with fees charged by other jurisdictions in San Diego County who are adopting, or have adopted the 1985 Code. FISCAL IMPACT Building permit and plan check fees are increased. A comparative example is given below for a dwelling unit at $100,000. 1985 1982 - - Building Permit Plan Check I I $639 $433 416 281 I EXHlBITS 1) Ordinance No. fJ] I adopting the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition 1) Ordinance No. fJ] I adopting the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition I 4 - ' /I 0 0 1 2 3 4 ORDINANCE NO. 8111 AN ORDI-NA-NCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.04, AND AMENDING TITLE 18 BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.04 TO -ADOPT BY REFER- ENCE THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1985 EDITION) AND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS (1985 EDITION). 5 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain 7 8 as fotlows: Code is repealed. 9 SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal 10 SECTION 2: That a new Title 18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 11 12 is amended by the addition of Chapter 18.04 to read as follows: 13 I/ Chapter 18:04 14 11 BUILDING CODE 15 I/ Sections: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 18.04.010 18.04.020 18.04.030 18.04.040 18.04.160 18.04.170 18.04.180 18.04.190 18.04.200 18.04.210 18.04.220 18.04.230 18.04.260 /I/ 1985 Edition of the Uniform Building Code Adopted as Modi Section 303 (a) amended -" Building Permit Issuance Section 303 (d) amended "_ Expiration. Section 304 (9) added -" Factory Built Housing. Section 1807(a) amended - - - Special Provisions. Section 1808 added "_ Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 1908 added "_ Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 2006 added "- Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 2107 added -" Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 2205 added "- Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 23-1 amended "_ Seismic Zone. Section 3202(b) amended - - - Fire Retardancy. Section 3802(b) 5 and 6 "- Automatic Fire added Extinguishing Systems. // -1- 8 * '11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 18.04.27-0 - Section 3802(c) amended - - - Exhibition and Display Roo1 18.04.280 Section 3802(d) amended - - - Group B, Division 2 18.04.300 Section 3803 amended "- Sprinkler System Alarms. 18.04.310 Violations. 18.04.320 Building Numbering. 18.04.330 Street Name Signs. 18.04.340 Findings. Occupancies. 18.04.010 Adopted. The Uniform Building Code, excluding Chapters 53 and 70 of the Appendix, 1985 Edition, and the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1985 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, two copies of which are on file in the Office of the City Clerk for public record and inspection, are hereby adopted by reference as the City Building Code for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion,. occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and maintenance of all buildings or structures in the City of Carlsbad, except for changes, additions, deletions, and amendments in this chapter, which shall supersede the provisions of said code. l2 /I. 18.04.020 Section 303(a) amended - Building Permit Issuance. Section 303(a) of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read: 17 Ad The application, plans, and specifications filed by an applicant for 14 a permit shall be checked by the Building Official. Such plans may be other pertinent laws and ordinances and that the fee specified in this 17 the plans filed therewith conform to the requirements of this code and of this code, that the work described in an application for permit and 16 is satisfied that the issuance of the permit is authorized by Chapter 18.05 laws and ordinances under their jurisdiction. If the Building Official 15 reviewed by other departments of the City to check compliance with the water systems and to sewer systems provided by entities other than the In the case of new building, all fees required for connection to public 18 chapter has been paid, he shall issue a permit therefor to the applicant. 19 City must be paid or a bond posted before a permit is issued. I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 When the Building Official issues a permit, he shall endorse in writing or stamp on both sets of plans and specifications, "Approvedt1. Such approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization from the Building Official, and all work shall be .done in accordance with the approved plans. The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole building or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire building or structure will be granted. 18.04.030 Section 303(d) amended - Expiration. Sect ion 3 0 3 ( d ) 27 // of the Uniform Building Code is amended by the addition of the following: ~ 28 /I Ill ll -2- ' I\ e 0. 1 The provisions of any sewer allocation system adopted pursuant to Chapter 18.05 of this code shall supersede Section 303(d) of the Uniform 2 Building Code if the permit is issued pursuant to such system. 3 18.04.040 Section 304(g) added - Factory Built Housing. Section 304(g) is added to the Uniform Building Code to read: 4 (9) Notwithstanding Section 304(a) and 304(b), the building permit 5 fee for factory built housing shall be twenty-five percent of the fee shown in Table 3-A, and the plan check fee shall be sixty-five percent of the 6 building permit fee. 7 18.04.160 Section 1807(a) amended - Special Provisions. Section 1807(a) of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read: 8 9 10 11 Scope. This buildings and Group for human occupancy section shall apply to all Group B, Division 2 office R, Division 1 Occupancies, each having floors used located more than 55 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Such buildings shall be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 1807 IC). 18.04.170 Section 1808 added - Special Provisions for Buildings l2l1 between 35 and 55 feet in heiaht. Section -1808 is added to the Uniform 13 Building Code to read: ll 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Section 1808 Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. (a) Scope. This section shall apply to all buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than 35 feet, but less than 55 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Such buildings shall comply with the requirements of Section 1807. EXCEPTIONS: The following subsections of 1807 are not requirements for buildings included within the scope of this section: 1. 1807(c)2. 2. 1807(e) 1. 3. 1807(f)4. 4. 1807(f)8. 5. 1807(h) 6. 1807(i) 7. 1807(j) 9. 1807(1) . 8. 1807(k) 18.04.180 Section 1908 added - Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 1908 is added to the Uniform Building Code to read: Section 1908. Type I-F. R. buildings shall comply with the special I/ ,provisions of Section 1808. 27 !I 18.04.190 Section 2006 added - Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in heiaht. Section 2006 is added to the Uniform ~~. ~~ " 28 /I d Building Code to read: ~~ . /I - 3- ' I1 0 0 Section 2006. Type II I buildings shall comply. with the special 1 provisions of Section 1808. 2 18.04.200 Section 2107 added - Special Provisions for Buildinqs between 35 and 55 feet in heiqht. ,Section 2107 is added to the Uniform 3 Building Code to read: 4l 5 6 7 Section 2107. Type IV buildings shall comply with the special provisions of Section 1808. 18.04.210 Section 2205 added - Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. Section 2205 is added to the Uniform Building Code to read: Section 2205. Type V buildings shall comply with the special 8 18.04.220 Section 23-1 amended - Seismic Zone. Section 2301 of the 9 provisions of Section 1808. Uniform Building Code is amended by the addition of the following 10 All buildings in the City of Carlshad are in Seismic Zone 4. 11 sentence : 12 13 14 15 16 17 I I 18.04.230 Section 3202(b) amended - Fire Retardancy. Section 3202(b) of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read: Fire Retardancy. Roof coverings shall. be fire retardant. Skylights shall be constructed as required in Chapter 34. Penthouses shall be constructed as required in Chapter 36. For use of plastics in roofs, see Chapter 52. For attics, access, and area, see Section 3205. For roof drainage, see Section 3207. For solar energy collectors located above or upon a roof, see Section 1714. ' 18.04.260 Section 3802(b)5 and 6 added - Automatic Fire l8 19 1 Extinguishing Systems. Section 3802(b) of the Uniform Building Code is 1 amended by the addition of Subparagraphs 5 and 6 to read: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. In all buildings, which are two or more stories in height and where the floor level of one or more stories or a basement lies below the lowest point of vehicular access for fire department apparatus, as determined by the Fire Chief. . 6. In all buildings, where the aggregate floor area of all floors exceeds 10,000 square feet. EXCEPTIONS: (i) Where a four-hour rated area separation wall with no openings or penetrations therein has been constructed such that no aggregate floor area between such walls exceeds 10,000 square feet. (ii) Where a sprinkler system has been approved and installed according to the Carlsbad Fire Department Standards for Residential Sprinkler Systems. This shall apply only to residential occupancies of Type V construction and the sprinkler system does not qualify the buildings for the area increase or substitutions cited in Chapter 5 of this building code. , ll - 4- * \I a 0 ll 1 2 3 4 5 6 - .-: (iii) In residential occupancies of Type V construction, two adjacent two-hour rated fire walls, with no openings, except one approved penetration for utilities, will be permitted. 'The walls must conform to all provisions of the most recently adopted Uniform Building Code and be approved by the Building Official and the Fire Chief. 18.04.270 Section 3802(c) amended - Exhibition and Display Rooms. Section 3802(c) of the Uniform Building Code is amended by the amendment of Paragraph 3 to read as follows: 3. EXHIBITION AND DISPLAY ROOMS. An automatic 7 more than 10,000 square feet of floor area which can be used for sprinkler system shall be installed in Group A Occupancies which have 8 exhibition or display purposes. 9 18.04.280 Section 3802(d) amended - Group B, Division 2 10 11 as follows: Occupancies. Section 3802(d) of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read 12 13 14 15 16 ~ (d) GROUP B, DIVISION 2 OCCUPANCIES. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in retail sales rooms classed as Group B, Division 2 Occupancies where the floor area exceeds 10,000 square feet on a.ny floor or 10,000 square feet on all floors or in Group B, Division 2 retail sales occupancies more than three stories in height. In buildings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection ~ shall be in accordance with the Fire Code. 17 18 18.04.300 Section 3803 amended - Sprinkler System Alarms. Section 3803 of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 3803. When serving more than 20 sprinklers, automatic 19 proprietary, or remote station service, or a local alarm which will give an sprinkler systems shall be supervised by an approved central, 20 audible signal at a constantly attended location. 21 . Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this 22 18.04.31 0 - Violations. chapter or Chapter 18.08 is guilty of an infraction, except for the fourth 23 or each additional violation of a provision within one year, which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as 24 designated in Section 1.08.010 of this code. 25 18.04.320 - Building Numbering. 26 Each occupancy, principal building, structure, dwelling unit, and mobile home space within the City shall be identified by a number or 27 combination of number and letter. Such 'numbers shall be in harmony with other established postal addresses in the area. The numbers for 28 commercial and industrial buildings shall be a minimum of six inches high ' /I -5- c - ll 0 e 1 2 3 4 and for Pesiaential buildings, three inches high, and shall be of contrasting colors so as to be readable from the adjoining streets. Numbers shall be designated and assigned by the Development Processing Section. 18.04.330 - Street Name Siqns. All private and public streets within the City shall have designated 5 street names which shall be identified by signs, The size and type of the City Planning Department and the Police and Fire Departments. 6 street signs and the names of streets shall be subject to the approval of 7 Location and number of signs shall be as required by the City. 8 18.04.340 - Findinqs. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The City of Carlsbad is supplied with water and sewer in certain areas by other entities. It has been necessary in the past to allocate sewer use. (Sections 303(a) and 303(d)). The Seismic Zone Map, Figure No. 1, does not clearly show which seismic zone contains the City of Carlsbad. (Section 2301). All other amendments are in reference to fire protection. The City of Carlsbad has many large brush-covered hillsides. The City is subject to a frequent Santa Ana condition of dry, gusty winds, which creates extreme fire danger. The City Council specifically finds that these geographic and topographic. conditions necessitate greater control of seismic location, of fees, clarity, and greater fire protection than that provided by the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition. Therefore, this chapter has altered the Uniform Building Code to require prepaid sewer and water fees, to determine a specific seismic zone, and to require all fire retardant roofs and more sprinklered buildings. 16 Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. 19 ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad 18 after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this 17 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days 2o ! INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the 21 Carlsbad City Council held on the day of I /I . ' 22 19 . , and thereafter 23 Ill 2411 111 2511 111 26 27 Ill 111 2811 I// /I -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED -AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 8 19 , by the following vote to wit: AYES : NOES: ABSENT : APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney I CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor i ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I 1 (SEAL) 1 ! t r I , i -7-