HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-17; City Council; 8589-2; Tamarack AV improvements construction NOCClf' I OF CARLSBAD - AGEND'""6ILL Y AB# rxgy- -? MTG. 11/ 17/ 8 7 .. z 0 E a d 0 z 3 0 0 TITLE: DEPT. HD. (p NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO DEPT. MP TAMARACK AVENUE FROM ADAMS TO HIGHLAND lClTY MGeJ I RECOMMENDED ACTION: 3) +-& Adopt Resolution No. 9Z? accepting the construction of improvements to Tamarack Avenue from Adams to Highland, Project No. 3144, as complete, directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, authorizing the Purchasing Officer to increase the project purchase order, and considering options with respect to one (1) private property Future Improvement Agreement. ITEM EXPLANATION: Construction of improvements to Tamarack Avenue from Adams to Highland, Project No. 3144, are considered complete. Staff recommends the City Council formally accept the improvements and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. Construction began on this project late last year and concluded in early 1987. Toward the end of the construction of the project, staff discovered the existence of four (4) Future Improvement Agreements along Tamarack Avenue. Future Improvement Agreements condition individual private projects to install, at property owner's expense, half-street improvements the length of the individual frontages . A Future Improvement Agreement, normally executed at the time of a lot split and issuance of a building permit, is a commonly used method to allow the installation of private development projects while deferring required street improvements to a later date. The four (4) Future Improvement Agreements along Tamarack Avenue were properly executed by previous property owners and recorded into the respective titles. The Future Improvement Agreements specifically require sixty (60) days prior notice to the respective property owners in advance of the City performing the work and enabling the individual property owners to install the previously obligated improvements themselves at their own expense. Because the existence of these Future Improvement Agreements was unknown to staff at the time of beginning construction, formal notice, and therefore, request to the property owners to install the improvements themselves was not made. Immediately upon discovering the existence of the Future Improvement Agreements, staff notified the affected property owners by telephone. Following the completion of the Tamarack Avenue improvements and an accounting, identified below, of the entire project costs, letters were mailed to the respective property owners on June 4, 1987. Page Two of Agenda Bill No. gq8’? - 2 CURRENT OWNER IMPROVEMENT FIA NO. RECORDING DATE AND ADDRESS COSTS 80-356651 7/23/80 Devaney/Nelson $ 6,920.52 1199 Tamarack Ave. 80-356651 10/27/80 Haubert 4,116.00 1241 Tamarack Ave. 86-129562 4/03/86 Hannah 14,241.09 1301, 1303, 1305 Tamarack Ave. 81-081016 3/09/81 Walker 5,016.33 1271 Tamarack Ave. Over the last several months, staff has discussed with the affected property owners the methodology of assembling the costs, provided copies of all documentation, and generally explained the Future Improvement Agreement process. During this period of time, settlements have been received by the City from three (3) of the four (4) property owners paying for the respective costs of the frontage improvements. After considerable discussions both in telephone conference and meetings, the property owners obligated by the fourth Future Improvement Agreement, Merle L. and Norma L. Walker of 1271 Tamarack Avenue, FIA 81-081016, have indicated their objections to the obligations set forth in the Future Improvement Agreement. Staff offers three (3) potential options to the City Council for consideration with respect to this situation: 1. Citing the lack of required notice to the property owners by the City in advance of the City beginning the improvements to Tamarack Avenue, relieve the obligation set forth in this Future Improvement Agreement. 2. Require immediate payment to the City of the obligation in accordance with the terms of the Future Improvement Agreement. 3. Require payment to the City of the obligation within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from tonights Council action in accordance with the terms of the Future Improvement Agreement. Staff recommends Option No. 3. Staff has discussed with the City Attorney’s office the issue of whether failure to notify the property owners and give them the opportunity to install the street improvements at their own Page Three of Agenda Bill No. B3-m - a expense and in a timely manner prior to the City proceeding with the work is a sufficient defect the extinguish the property owners' obligations. The City Attorney's office has indicated that proper notice was in fact required, however, has advised that the defect is technical in nature and does not extinguish the obligation. Staff requests Council direction on this matter. FISCAL IMPACT: A summary of the total projects costs is as follows: Project Design $ 7,525.00 Construction 152,766.78 Soils Testing, Project Administration and Inspection 33,968.22 (est.) Total Project Costs Project Appropriations To Date $194,260.00 173,260.00 Project Balance ($ 21,000.00) Value of Four (4) FIA Reimbursements 30,293.94 Project Balance $ 9,293.94 Staff recommends the Purchasing Officer be authorized to increase Purchase Order No. 2102 an additional $12,200 representing final project quantities which will enable final payment to the project contractor for construction retention. Additionally, staff recommends the Council formally appropriate and make available within the project account the value of the four (4) FIA reimbursements to provide adequate cash flow for the project. EXHIBITS : 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 929.9 accepting the construction of the Tamarack Avenue widening from Adams to Highland, Project No. 3144, as complete. 3. Notice of Completion. 3 1 -- ,I- . in LOCATION MAP 1 G 3 a a 1y: Q - . ,. .. . _. , I \ d VARIES -- c VARIES .1 24' - - 24' - 1 VARIES I VARIES -1 TYPICAL SECTION 3 RO JEC T NRM E PROJ- NO- EXHIBIT TAMARACK AVE.- AOAMS ST. TO HIGHLAND OR. I3144 I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9299 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TAMARACK AVENUE WIDENING FROM ADAMS TO HIGHLAND. PROJECT NO. 3144 WHEREAS, a bid for the improvements to Tamarack Avenue from Adams to Highland, Project No. 3144, was previously awarded by the Carlsbad City Council; and WHEREAS, construction of the aforementioned improvements have been satisfactorily completed; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $173,260 were previously appropriated for this project; and WHEREAS, four (4) Future Improvement Agreements exist within the construction zone of this project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the improvements to Tamarack Avenue from Adams to Highland, Project No. 3144, are hereby complete and accepted by the City of Carlsbad. 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record the Notice of Completion. 4. That the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized and directed to increase Purchase Order No. 2102 in the amount of $12,200 representing final project quantities. 5. That the contractor for this project formally completed these improvements January 8, 1987, and citing special circumstances and time delays beyond the control of the contractor, the Carlsbad City Council does hereby waive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the customary thirty-five (35) day retention period following the recordation of the Notice of Completion. The Carlsbad City Council does hereby authorize and direct the payment of the project retention to the contractor immediately following the Purchasing Officer s increase of the project purchase order. 6. That the Carlsbad City Council hereby formally appropriates the value of the four (4) Future Improvement Agreement reimbursements in the amount of $30,293.94 to the project account No. 320-820-1840-3144 which otherwise makes these funds available for project related costs. 7. That Carlsbad City staff is hereby authorized and directed to notify the property owners, Merle L. and Norma L. Walker of 1271 Tamarack Avenue, of the City Council's decision of November 17, 1987, regarding the obligations set forth in Future Improvement Agreement No. 81-081016. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 17th day of November 1987, by the following vote, to wit: 1 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City klerk (SEAL) 6 NOTICE OF COMPLETION MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT To All Laborers and Material Men and to Every Other Person Interested: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Januarv 8, 1987 the engineering project consisting of the widenins of Tamarack Avenue from Adams Street to Hishland Drive on which Southland Pavins. IncorDorated was the contractor, and Amwest Insurance ComDany was the surety, was completed. CITY OACARLSBH VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I the undersigned, say: I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; the City Council of said City on November 17, 1987 accepted the above described work as completed and ordered that a Notice of Completion be filed. true and correct. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is Executed on November 18, 1987 at Carlsbad, California. CITY OF CARLSBAD City Clerk 7 1271 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 November 16, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Re: Street Improvement on Tamarack Avenue Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council: As you know from previous correspondence, copies of which are attached for your convenience, we reside on Tamarack Avenue between Adams and Highland. Our property was one of six parcels purportedly subject to Future Improvement Agreements which were executed by the developer at the time the minor subdivision permits were issued, more than six and one-half years ago. These Agreements have effectively allowed the developer to pass on his obligations to subsequent owners years later. Why are these developers not required to post a bond for the future improvements? Why are small developers allowed to pass on their responsibilities when the large developers must "pay throug the nose" for every fee imaginable? However, notwithstanding the above, the Future Improvement Agreement existing on our property was breached by the City of Carlsbad. contract were performed by the City. The subject Agreement specifically provides: 1. - None of the conditions agreed to in the The City make written demand upon the property owner, giving the owner sixty (60) days to make arrangements to have the improvements made; There was no demand, written or oral, ever made by the City prior to tG commencement of construction. And, in fact, the City Engineers made numerous oral representations to us and our neighbors during the construction that the improvements had been paid for out of the general tax fund and with public facilities fees and that the project would be completed with no assessment to any individual property owner within Page Two the project. We relied on those representations. The Agreement further provides: 2. The improvements may be required to be made: (a) When the owners of 40% or more of the frontage have agreed with the City to install the improvements, or (b) When the owners of 50% or more of the frontage petition the City to form an improvement district. NEITHER OF THESE CONDITIONS EVER OCCURRED. A contract is an executed agreement to do or not to do a certain thing. California Civil Code, Section.1549. Before any party to an obligation can require another party to perform any act under it, he must fulfill all conditions precedent thereto imposed upon himself; and must be able and offer to fulfill all conditions concurrent so imposed upon him... California Civil Code, Section 1439 (Emphasis Added.) Unless a party performs the conditions precedent imposed by contract, he cannot enforce the other party's obligation under the contract. Dam v. Superior Court (1964), 228 C.A.2d 283, 39 Cal. Rptr. 443. A court will not compel one party to perform a contract and excuse performance by the other party, and this rule must be applied to the entire relation of the parties. Kittle Mfg. Co v. Davis (19351, 8 Cal. App. 2d 504. In the present situation, the City did not perform any conditions stated in the Agreement and therefore cannot require performance. The City never did anything which Page Three was provided for in the Agreement and yet, expects that we should simply hand over in excess of $5,000.00. under the contract were violated and the City is estopped from seeking reimbursement. Our rights The facts are: The City Council made the decision to make the improvements and funds were appropriated for the payment of said project from the general tax fund. No improvement district was ever formed and no assessment district was ever created. This project was intended by the Council to be paid for out of public tax dollars. We, as residents, pay taxes as do our neighbors. Can the City of Carlsbad, in good faith, demand that we pay twice for a street improvement? IMPLIED IN EVER CONTRACT IS THE COVENANT OF GOOD FAITH AND FAIR DEALING. The Agreement and its conditions has been breached by the City. We did not have the opportunity to set aside monies to pay this "obligation" inasmuch as there was no notice given of the intended project. We, along with the other residents within the project paid for our share in our tax dollars. It is an extreme financial hardship on us to simply hand over $5000.00. The City has refused to compromise this matter. Is this good faith and fair dealing? It is hereby demanded that the City Council formally release us from obligation under the purported agreement for the reasons set forth above. Very truly yours, Lorna L. Walker LLW/ smw Enclosures \ 333 tax: $f.lo fec ------ determining tcix- f i riii rime City of Carlsbad CONTRACT FOtl FU'rUi?E PUBLIC lt~IPROVEl~1Ei~lTS -- THIS AGREEi4ENT is made by thc City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporacion, hereinafter referred to as "Cittp'' I , and Jack R. Estes, an unmarried man, - cons t' I-uc t i on; f 0 1 1 c)';!:i : Section 1. That City agrees to record any irrcvocsble offers of dedication niaclc by Propcr,ty Ownet- for Minor Subd'ivision NO. 498 .- Section 2. That. Property Owner, in lieu of making the herein- after described improvements before approval of said Minor Subdivision is granted, agrees to instal'l and construct, or cause to be installed or constructed, said improvements in accordance with plans and specifi- cations approved by the City Engineer within 60 days after written deinand so to do by City. Property 01,qner shall not be required to make sa id improvements -before January 1, 1981 or within such further period of tim as is granted by City, provided, hoxever, that upon the happcciR:j OF either of the following occurrences said improvements may, at the sole election of City, be required to be made sooner than said dzte or such cxtcnrled period of time which may have been grantcct by City: :: (a) When t.he City Counci 1 finds that thc Owncrs 0.F 1:O.X or filorc OF the frontage, including the frontscje of Property Oviner, bctwecii inter- secting streets on both sides of the street upon which thc property herein desci'ibed has frontage, have sgrzsd with City to install streat improve- merits to City specifications. .t' (b) When owncrs of more than SOX of the frontag;:, bctwxn intersccting streets on both sides of the street upon which the propcr!:y I. \ ' , .$ I .. . , 335 fied herein, he: agrees that City way do any or al I of the following; (a) Have the necessary cnginezring for said jmprovencnts done, and install and construct said improvements by contract or othsr- wise. City or its contractor and his ei;.;,loyczs lR3y cnt-c.r upon any portion or portions of the property reasonably necessary for said engineering and construction, arid the entire cost and expense shall be charged against said property and payab?? by said Prop5rty C:;ntr-, his - successors, heirs , assigns , or transferess iimwdiatcly upon conplction of said irnprovernints. In the event samz is not paid within 30 days from completion, City may foreclose said lien as provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages. (b) Direct the City Engineer to estimate the cost of necessary cr-igir;eerincJ, and the war!; required to instal 1 and construct szid improvc- nients, anri Foraclose said lier; in said axunt. (c) Pursue any remedy, legal or equitable (including those specifically referred to herein), for the foreclosure of LJ lien, and tire Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, shall be liable for reasonable attorneyls fees as a cost in said proceedings. Section 4. That it is agreed that anything hzrein contained tu the coritrary notwithstanding, the pro.mises and covensin?-~s wade herein sh31 not 1)c Lindirq upon the holders, cnrtc~;-\c_i~es, or leric:fic ;;ti-ics of any p~irc,lm*~r: nioney mortgage or piircllasc noric.2' deed OF trust for valiic wliich ! I ; I ;I amount. of bond to be tlic est irn-Jted cost of cngirizering and irnpI-ovcis?rtrits at thc time OF such dcposit or posting as ascertained by the City EnJ' c I nccl and that upon deposit of said cash or posting of said bond the City agrees to release the property, or any portion of it as to which said deposit or posting applies, frm the provisions of this agreement, and to execute any necessary rcleasc to enable the record title of the pro- perty to be released From the lien herein imposed. - Section 6. Said City shall not, nor shall any officer or eniployec thereof, be liable or responsible for aiiy accident, 105s or damage happening or occurring to the work or improvcmnts specified in ' this agreement prior to the co:i?p?ction and acceptance ol' tha ssl!;e, 17or shall said City, nor any officer or employee thereof, bc lisblc For . any persons or property injured by reason of said work or iniprovemsnts, but all of said liabilities shall be assuined by said Property Dwncr-, and his scicccssors, heirs, assigns, and transfcrccs, and thcy shzll savi? ;Re City ttar-nilcss from, and incleriiiirfy the City against, any and all clsiirns, b suits and 1i.sbilities of or to any person or propert). injured or claim- ing to be injured as a result CF said work or in?prove.;?entc,. Said ?ro- perty Osmer, and his successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, further agrces to protect said City and the officers and en;>?o*/ecs thei-cof: fb-oill al? 1 iat'il i ty 01- claim bccause of, or arising out oC, thz use G? any patetit or patcntcd article in tile coristructicm of said inprovG1i::tits. Parcel 1 !IS 498 per Parcel Map 11074 . Improvements .:* Curb LF Gutter SF Sidewalk SF *. Street1 ights LF 109.62 Base Course SF 1,520.06 A.C. Pavement Street Trees .. . I. .. . SF EA 1,239.44 50.00 SF 561.25 .. . Subgrade Preparat ion d. 736 36 3 5,645.44 TOTAL COST .... r- # ' .. '. .. .. '. .. I_. ' .. . , , .. CITY OF CRRLSBAD, r3unicipsl Corporation of the State o€ California .. .. , .. .. t . b the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared * * * * Jack R. Estes * * * * * * * * known to me to be the personh) whose namew is to the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same for the purposes therein contained. subscribed he mu hand -4 official seal. ._. .. - ~ SS WHEREOF. I hereunto - - -_L--. . ! 2075 US PALMAS DRIVE . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920084859 office of rho Municipal twocrs Citp of Carlsbab TELEPHONE (619) 4381 161 June 4, 1987 Merle L. and Norma L. Walker 1271 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 FIA 81-081016; 1271 TAMARACK AVENUE A review of City records indicates a Future Improvement Agreement obligation on your property. A copy of the agreement is attached herein for your review. In accordance with these terms, the costs for construction engineering and contingencies is due upon installation and completion of same. The total cost as estimated on June 31, 1981, was $5,645.44 for the individual lot. The assessed costs are $5,016.35. This represents actual costs to- date for 73.21 feet of frontage on Tamarack Avegue. A breakdown follows: 1. Design, Contract Administration, and 2. Total Construction Cost Project Management $ 19,796.16 158;966;37 3. Total Construction Cost $172,525.71 4. Total Footage 2,518 feet 5. Unit Cost (3 divided by 5) $68.52 Property Address: 1199 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Front footage 73.21 feet Assessment $5,016.35 If you have any questions, plese contact me at 438-1161, ANV:mja .- 4- em w- -a 0 an .O ea 1e e', nm en re 0 ow a wa om o- ,"E ne e .) . e 0 - a a P w 1 0 L m n e 1: a w a m m a e Y t--- N 0 A I N N I N m m t--- N 0 A I N A N I Y A v N \ 3 e m --- I: Y D N 0 -. m 0 D --- ow m -w 0 I -* N --- ma mc I1 NN Y-4 uu 44 mo, NU --- DO \\ 00 m. u \\ am ma --- t < 0 a w . r w .) n a N 0 A I N N I N a m N 0 A I N N U * a --- -I -.I( UW 3% -* w. .I 1. rw f wa na --- a 4 u Y e --- Y A a U N \ T e --- Y * N - -. m 0 D --- U \ 0 Y \ m + N 0 A I N A I 0 -. A N 0 A I N a I 0 -. -. Y u 0 0 -. m Y v r w 0 a 0 L w c x w 0 c - c c U D c D r - . c U a - C .I a r C '1 C 3 2 a 1271 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 August 8, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Re: Street Improvement on Tamarack Avenue Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council: We have been informed that the street improvement project on Tamarack Avenue is to come before the Council on Tuesday, August 11, 1987. Due to a death in our family we will be unable to appear to present our position at that time. This letter is to apprise you of our contentions regarding this matter and to request that we be given the opportunity to be heard before the Council in the future or that the Council take this matter into consideration and render a decision based upon the facts outlined below. We purchased the property at 1271 Tamarack Avenue on November 18, 1985. The property was previously owned by Jack Estes, Brooks Worthing and Wayne Ogletree. Subsequent to our purchase, the City of Carlsbad began the subject street improvement. There was no notice to us of the intended project and representations to us and our neighbors that the project funds were already appropriated and the project would be completed with no cost to us. # during the course of the work, the City Engineering Department made numerous After completion of the project, we received the enclosed letter and a copy of the Future Improvement Agreement from A1 Virgilio, Project Manager. As you can see from the attached material, only - four property owners (six parcels) are being asked to pay for the improvement which ranges from Adams to Highland. There are a total of twenty-seven residences in the subject area. Those six parcels comprise a total of approximately 17.5 percent of the frontage. The Future Improvement Agreement provides that the property owner be ' given sixty (60) days written notice of the intended project. It further provides that the City may elect to undertake the project when forty percent (40%) of the property owners have agreed to install the improvements or when fifty percent (50%) have petitioned the City for the improvement. None of these provisions have ever been complied with by the City of Carlsbad. The City is therefore in violation of said Future Improvement Agreement; said Agreement has been breached and should therefore be declared null and void by this Council. Notwithstanding the breach of the aforesaid Agreement, we take exception to the fact that the City has allowed the subdivision to be approved and permits issued without the payment of the appropriate fees. This has allowed .. -1- the developer to pocket his monies and walk away, leaving the present owners (four owners down the line) to pay for what should have been his responsibility. Certainly the City dows not allow the major developers to pass on these improvements to future owners. Now we are faced with a demand by the City of Carlsbad to immediately pay the sum of $5,016.35. The City has refused to make any arrangement for us to pay this over a period of time. It is hardly an equitable or reasonable request that we should be required to borrow the funds to pay forthwith when most of our neighbors are not being required to pay a dime. The frontage of the entire project was 2,518 feet. The aix parcels being required to pay totals 431.8 feet, only 17.5 percent of the total frontage. The only rights extended to us in an agreement we knew nothing of were violated. The City has breached the Agreement signed by Jack Estes in 1981, however unfair that Agreement was to begin with, on at least two points. We were never given the opportunity provided for to Investigate the street improvement and certainly there was never agreement by forty percent of the owners. We strongly feel that the actions of the City are discriminatory as to the four property owners. Everyone on the street sharing in the benefit but only four in the liability. What happened to the appropriated funds we were told of? We request that the Council declare the Future Improvement Agreement null and void, that the Assessment be removed and that the City provide us with a Satisfaction of any lien which may exist on our property. We will be happy to meet with the Council at any time to discuss this matter. Thank you for your consideration. We await your communication. Very truly yours, Lorna L. Walker Enclosures cc: Alphonse Virgilio, Project Manager Office of the Mayor Law Offices of DiCaro & D'Antony -2-