HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-17; City Council; 9223; AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL3 2 7 a a 4 .. 2 2 a !5 s z 3 0 0 CIWF CARLSBAD - AGENWILL AB#= TITLE: AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE DEPT. k CITY A1 MTG. DEPT. 1s CITY MI RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the out-of-state travel request for the Information Systems Dire attend training. ITEM EXPLANATION "Investment in Excellence'' is a training seminar held in Seattle, Washingtc training is sponsored by the Pacific Institute, Inc. The Information Systems Director desires to attend the training seminar be January 7 - 10, 1988. Council approval is needed since out-of-state ti required for participation in this training. FISCAL IMPACT Cost of the training is $925. Cost of transportation, lodging and n estimated at $618. Funds are available in the Information Systems Departmen to cover the costs. EXHIBITS 1. * 11 - 17 -87 TRAVEL "Investment in Excellence" training seminar program summary. I d 0. ? Investment in Excellence" Program Sum tively. to reinforce an existing image or to 16. Philosophy of Goal Setting modify opinions and attitudes you wish to Goals. by themselves. are of 1 change. unless they bring you a depth and r you work to achieve them. Setting 8. Self Esteem and Performance: Elevating Self Esteem enrich the quality of life for you. yc How you regard yourself has a strong community and business. will ena bearing on your performance. Learn how to attack life with new confidence ani produce more. contribute more and to accept 17. Guides to Goal Setting (I): the rewards you know you deserve by con- Activating System; Natural Creal trollinS negative self talk. Become a powerful, Choosing goals in all areas of you significant. positive force to yourself and to moving straight toward them throt those people around you. of positive visualization and selectil 1; edge will bring about that sense of creative conflict and challenges can be used fulfillment and attainment that yo1 positively to unleash energy, imagination and 18. Guides to Goal Setting (11) Here you will learn relined tect drive to Create the motivation that cauSeS you to achieve your goals. You will learn how to designing goals and picturing then visua!ize yourself into stimulating new areas of were already accomplished. By living through an innovative goal-setting pro- your creativity into selective goal s cess, using practical techniques that will enable will make extraordinary performanc you to achieve the quantity and quality of part of your every day life. excellence you desire in all areas of your life. 19. Pygmalion 10. Constructive 2nd Restrictive Motiva- By building confidence in your tion: Captain of the World people around you. you will eleva Motivating people by threats and fear results achievement in all areas of your lif in personal resentment, inflexibility and routine learn to take risks, gain from new e work performance. You will learn how to. and take giant strides toward a mol encourage people constructively. so that they more profitable and more rewardin! will attack challenges on a "want-to" basis, *,,. The Challenge is Yours; Que creating an atmosphere where individuals, Answers: Spirit Behind the War, Yourself and Others: Applicatior 11, I2 and 13. Affirmations and Visuali- lar Activating System: Comfor zation: Writing Affirmations: Steps to . Sales; Half-Step Method: Hand Imprinting; Afirmations and Intent: Affir- Effectively: Channeling You mations and Comfort Zones; Flick-Back Relaxation-Fascination-Visualiz: Technique: Resiliency vant Leadership: Integrity and E From these units. you will learn how tO use In this final unit, you will le the tools of first-person. present-tense visualiza- applications of The Pacific Institi tion. imagination. and emotion to set and ples. These practical suggestions w achieve goals. These easily learned skills will your own knowledge of the co enable you to determine your future, thus enhance your use of them in all asp giving you new and forceful control of your personal and business life. Thu life. You will discover new strength in your become the kindofhigh-performanc flexibility to change. your quick recovery from that you will learn to picture yot temporary setbacks and your new found ability attaining new levels of excellence to convey to yourself and to others the true and people around you. meaning of your beliefs. 14. Teleological Nature of Man Goals are an essential part of your existence. Because your system is oriented toward goals. you move toward whatever ideas are upper- most in your mind. Without goals. people -and their companies, their organizations and governments - slow down, become stagnant and die. 15. Environmental Cornfort Zones; Modi- fying Your Environmenta~ comfort zones: Present Thoughts Determine Your F~~~~~ People tend to resist change: they prefer to stay in their present surroundings at home. on the job. in the social world. Once you learn why people fight the process of change. you will be able to help them embrace change as an advantage in growth. The Learning Units: 1. Possibility Thinking: The Wizard In this first unit. you will learn a basic principle of this course - that you have an unlimited potential for development but you may limit yourself by the way y0u think. Words Used carefully in StatementS Of belief can creatc' qualities of excellence in yourself and in those people who listen to you. 2. Process of Thought: Perception and the In this unit. you will study the "how" and "why" of thought process and learn how past experiences determine future behavior be- cause of conditioning. Here too you will learn about blind spots that inhibit growth and activity by imposing limits in the form Of preconceii'ed ideas. And y0u will find ways to dea1 with conflict and StreSS arising from new' unfamiliar situatiGns' Thus you will begin to regard change as a chal'enge. not as a threat. 3. 'Our Self Image: Se1f Image and Be1ief Material in this unit demonstrates how your 'pinion Of yourself controk your every action. When you learn to change your picture Of yourself* You will become the kind Of person you wish to be* unlocking your creativity to a new7 higher threshold Of accomplishment On the job and in your personal life. 4. Habits and Attitudes: Adjusting Atti- families and businesses can flourish. tudes to Reach Goals How to evaluate and effort1ess1y change your habits and attitudes is a ke!' lesson presented in this unit. This knowledge wil1 enable you to program new habits and attitudes into your life, opening the way to continuing growth and effectiveness. 5. How Self Image is Formed: How Self Talk Builds the Self Image The quality and tone of your conversations with yourself are powerful influences that build or diminish your feeling of self-worth. Building belief in yourself through positive thought. backed by genuine spirit. will bring about desired changes and project you into new levels of high performance in all areas of your life. 6. Comfort Zones: Change without Stress Comfort comes from being surrounded by behavior. values. ideas and opinions that match your own personal picture of accept- ability. You will discover methods to expand your feelings of comfort - at your job. within your family. on financial and social levels - by visualizing yourself into new situations. thus stimulating growth within all areas of your life. 7. Self Talk Cycle: Directing Self Talk The importance of how you talk to yourself is defined. along with the necessity to control and direct your conversations with yourself. You nil1 learn how to utilize self-talk posi- Truth 9 Successful Motivation: Getting Used to tion gathering and your Own intuit For further informatic please contack 950 E. Katella .4~e., Suite 9 Orange, CA 92